Код ошибки 0x80508014

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  • MSSecurity Essentials detected a false positive during it’s scheduled scan and it automatically quarantined the item and every time I try to restore the item from quarantined I get the following error; 0x80508014 Unable to restore from Quarantined!!! how
    do I fix this error???


  • Hi
    Considering this issue is about Microsoft Security Essentials, it is recommended that you contact the corresponding support:

    Support for Microsoft Security Essentials

    http://support.microsoft.com/ph/15931Hope the issue will be resolved soon.

    Terence Yu

    TechNet Community Support

    • Помечено в качестве ответа

      23 июля 2012 г. 6:40

  • Remove From My Forums
  • Question

  • MSSecurity Essentials detected a false positive during it’s scheduled scan and it automatically quarantined the item and every time I try to restore the item from quarantined I get the following error; 0x80508014 Unable to restore from Quarantined!!! how
    do I fix this error???


  • Hi
    Considering this issue is about Microsoft Security Essentials, it is recommended that you contact the corresponding support:

    Support for Microsoft Security Essentials

    http://support.microsoft.com/ph/15931Hope the issue will be resolved soon.

    Terence Yu

    TechNet Community Support

    • Marked as answer by

      Monday, July 23, 2012 6:40 AM


  • Способ 1: Диагностика подключения к сети
  • Способ 2: Оценка дискового пространства
  • Способ 3: Проверка служб
  • Способ 4: Включение магазина
  • Другие решения
  • Вопросы и ответы

Ошибка скачивания 0x80248014 в windows 11

Способ 1: Диагностика подключения к сети

Ошибка 0x80248014 обычно возникает в «Центре обновления Windows», когда там не удается загрузить какой-то апдейт. Конкретную причину сбоя, как правило, не указывают, а значит, нужно учитывать разные варианты, например проблемы с интернетом. Проверьте, подключен ли компьютер к глобальной сети, и если да, то насколько стабильно это соединение.

Проверка стабильности интернет-соединения
Решение проблемы с неработающим интернетом на ПК

Ошибка скачивания 0x80248014 в Windows 11_001

Если доступ к интернету есть, но скорость передачи данных значительно ниже той, что предусматривает ваш тариф, ознакомьтесь со специальной статьей на нашем сайте, которая может помочь поднять пропускную способность до исходных значений.

Подробнее: Способы увеличения скорости интернета на ПК с Windows 11

Ошибка скачивания 0x80248014 в Windows 11_002

Способ 2: Оценка дискового пространства

Сколько конкретно требует тот или иной апдейт выяснить сложно, но если в системном разделе накопителя меньше 8-10 ГБ свободного пространства, сначала освободите больше места, а затем снова попробуйте обновиться.

Существует сразу несколько способов освобождения памяти. Можно почистить компьютер от лишнего мусора и временных файлов, удалить ненужный сторонний софт или, в крайнем случае, некоторые стандартные приложения операционной системы Виндовс.

Подробнее: Освобождение места на диске C в Windows 11

Ошибка скачивания 0x80248014 в Windows 11_003

Способ 3: Проверка служб

Следует убедиться, что включены все необходимые службы.

  1. В поиске Виндовс 11 вводим Службы и запускаем их.
    Ошибка скачивания 0x80248014 в Windows 11_004

    Читайте также: Как открыть «Службы» в Windows 11

  2. В первую очередь ищем «Центр обновления Windows» и открываем ее двойным кликом.
    Ошибка скачивания 0x80248014 в Windows 11_005

    Как правило, она запускается во время поиска обновлений. Возможно, в вашем случае этого не произошло, поэтому скачивание и завершается ошибкой. Если служба остановлена, кликаем «Запустить»,

    Ошибка скачивания 0x80248014 в Windows 11_006

    проверяем, что выбран автоматический тип запуска, применяем изменения и закрываем окно.

  3. Ошибка скачивания 0x80248014 в Windows 11_007

  4. Теперь запускаем, если они отключены, «Фоновую интеллектуальную службу BITS»,
    Ошибка скачивания 0x80248014 в Windows 11_008

    «Службы криптографии»,

    Ошибка скачивания 0x80248014 в Windows 11_009

    и «WaaSMedic».

  5. Ошибка скачивания 0x80248014 в Windows 11_010

Способ 4: Включение магазина

Проверьте, не включен ли в «Редакторе локальной групповой политики» параметр, ограничивающий работу Microsoft Store. Просто уже бывали случаи, когда именно по этой причине не загружались обновления для операционной системы. Правда, этот способ выполним только на компьютерах с Windows 11 «Pro» и выше, так как домашняя версия такой редактор не поддерживает.

  1. Сочетанием клавиш «Windows+R» вызываем окно «Выполнить», вводим команду gpedit.msc и нажимаем «OK».
    Ошибка скачивания 0x80248014 в Windows 11_011

    Читайте также: Запуск «Редактора локальной групповой политики» в Windows 11

  2. Переходим в каталог с компонентами Windows так, как показано на скриншоте ниже:

    Конфигурация компьютера/Административные шаблоны/Компоненты Windows

    Ошибка скачивания 0x80248014 в Windows 11_012

    жмем на папку «Магазин» и двойным кликом открываем параметр, отключающий приложение Store.

  3. Ошибка скачивания 0x80248014 в Windows 11_013

  4. Если он включен, значит, выбираем значение «Отключено» или «Не задано», применяем изменения, закрываем «Редактор» и перезагружаем компьютер.
  5. Ошибка скачивания 0x80248014 в Windows 11_014

Другие решения

Если ошибку выдает какой-то один апдейт, а все остальные скачиваются без проблем, можно попробовать загрузить его отдельно из каталога Microsoft и установить вручную.

Ошибка скачивания 0x80248014 в Windows 11_015

Для устранения неполадок в работе «Центра обновления» операционная система поддерживает специальное средство, которое, если повезет, сделает все за вас.

Ошибка скачивания 0x80248014 в Windows 11_016

Не исключено, что сначала нужно восстановить поврежденные системные файлы или обновить/установить отсутствующие драйверы устройств. В общем, если выше описанные действия не помогли, то есть и другие способы устранения ошибки, о которых подробно написано в отдельной статье на нашем сайте.

Подробнее: Восстановление работы Центра обновления в Windows 11

Ошибка скачивания 0x80248014 в Windows 11_017

Еще статьи по данной теме:

Помогла ли Вам статья?

Ошибка с кодом 0x80248014 является очень распространенной среди пользователей операционных систем Windows 8.1 и Windows 10. В большинстве случаев, она проявляет себя во время попытки установить обновление в Центре обновления Windows. Однако, она также может показываться и в Защитнике Windows.

Столкновение с подобными ошибками зачастую может означать, что у вас возникли проблемы с файловой системой, компонентами обновления Windows и т.д.. Когда вы загружаете обновление, оно может быть уже повреждено, что и приводит к появлению 0x80248014 в Центре обновления Windows. К таким же последствиям также могут приводить некорректные дата и время.


  • Методы решения ошибки 0x80248014
    • Метод №1 Запуск Диагностики и предотвращения неполадок Windows
    • Метод №2 Отключение защитного ПО
    • Метод №3 Корректировка временных и региональных настроек
    • Метод №4 Переименование папки «Software Distribution»
    • Метод №5 Чистый запуск

Методы решения ошибки 0x80248014


Метод №1 Запуск Диагностики и предотвращения неполадок Windows

Первым делом, что можно попробовать во время возникновения проблем с обновлением Windows, это запуск встроенной в систему диагностики неполадок. Она может справить с большинства самыми распространенными проблемами в автоматическом режиме. Для запуска диагностики, вам нужно выполнить следующее:

  • Нажмите клавиши Win+I и выберите «Панель управления».
  • Найдите пункт «Система и безопасность»(не забудьте выставить «Просмотр: Категория») и выберите подпункт «Поиск и исправление проблем».
  • Снова найдите пункт «Система и безопасность» и нажмите на «Устранение неполадок с помощью Центра обновления Windows».
  • Затем нажмите на кнопку «Далее» в появившемся окне и следуйте инструкциям на вашем экране.

В теории, этот системный инструмент должен исправить проблему с ошибкой 0x80248014.

Метод №2 Отключение защитного ПО

Некоторые антивирусы имеют не самую лучшую репутацию по защите операционной системы. Напротив, многие из них, такое чувство, нарочно пытаются саботировать ее.

Итак, попробуйте просто отключить антивирусное программное обеспечение на вашем компьютере. Затем снова попытайтесь установить обновление через Центр обновления Windows. Возможно, что проблема заключалась именно в антивирусе.

Метод №3 Корректировка временных и региональных настроек

Некорректная дата и время – это еще одна причина, которая может стоять за появлением ошибки 0x80248014. Так что если вы столкнулись с этой ошибкой, попробуйте выполнить коррекцию этих параметров. Сделать это очень просто:

  • Нажмите на часы и выберите «Изменение настроек даты и времени…»
  • Затем воспользуйтесь кнопками «Изменить дату и время…» и «Изменить часовой пояс…» для коррекции настроек.

Как только вы удостоверитесь, что эти настройки выставлены правильно, снова попробуйте установить нужное вам обновление.

Метод №4 Переименование папки «Software Distribution»

Вот этот способ является одним из самых лучших, так как именно в большинстве случаев помогает исправлять такие ошибки, как 0x80248014. Для переименования «Software Distribution», вам понадобится сделать следующее:

  • Откройте Проводник Windows.
  • Перейдите в директорию C:WindowsSoftwareDistribution
  • Переименуйте папку SoftwareDistribution в SoftwareDistribution.old

Также вы можете попробовать удалить папку «Software Distribution». После выполненных действий, снова попробуйте обновить Windows. Во время этого должна будет создаться новая папка «Software Distribution», что исправит проблему.

Метод №5 Чистый запуск

Если ничего из вышеуказанного не помогло исправить проблему, что довольно тревожно, то можно прибегнуть к такому методу решения, как Чистый запуск. В этой статье описывать выполнение Чистого запуска мы не станем, так как это довольно обширная тема, но вы легко сможете найти в сети нужные сведения на нее.

Чистый запуск позволит вашей системе произвести запуск с минимальным набором программного обеспечение, что позволит свести к минимуму возникновение различных конфликтов, а в нашем случае это ошибка 0x80248014.


  • #1

Hello Everyone, Installed Windows Defender for xp, [v.1.1593.0
def.1.65.477.0] ran update, then scan, and it found 6 old files on my
computer (took a long time to finish scan — 1.5+ hr.). Quarantined all 6
files. After looking at history, found that one file contained a lot of music
and other programs. Tried to restore it but it failed. Error code 0x80508014.
This file was on my desktop. Tried numerous times — failed. Tried to system
restore to earlier date — ok, but file would not open? Set system restore
back to original. Still, Windows Defender quarantine restore will not work.
Really would like to have file back.
Searched the net, could not find any help; Hope someone here can.



  • #2

Blue said:

Hello Everyone, Installed Windows Defender for xp, [v.1.1593.0
def.1.65.477.0] ran update, then scan, and it found 6 old files on my
computer (took a long time to finish scan — 1.5+ hr.). Quarantined all 6
files. After looking at history, found that one file contained a lot of music
and other programs. Tried to restore it but it failed. Error code 0x80508014.
This file was on my desktop. Tried numerous times — failed. Tried to system
restore to earlier date — ok, but file would not open? Set system restore
back to original. Still, Windows Defender quarantine restore will not work.
Really would like to have file back.
Searched the net, could not find any help; Hope someone here can.

Hello Blue:

Try bringing up your system in «Safe Mode» and see if you can deal
with it then.

Please post a reply to this thread with your progress.


  • #3

Blue 2009

1PW said:

Blue said:

Hello Everyone, Installed Windows Defender for xp, [v.1.1593.0
def.1.65.477.0] ran update, then scan, and it found 6 old files on my
computer (took a long time to finish scan — 1.5+ hr.). Quarantined all 6
files. After looking at history, found that one file contained a lot of music
and other programs. Tried to restore it but it failed. Error code 0x80508014.
This file was on my desktop. Tried numerous times — failed. Tried to system
restore to earlier date — ok, but file would not open? Set system restore
back to original. Still, Windows Defender quarantine restore will not work.
Really would like to have file back.
Searched the net, could not find any help; Hope someone here can.

Hello Blue:

Try bringing up your system in «Safe Mode» and see if you can deal
with it then.

Please post a reply to this thread with your progress.

Thanks for trying to help. No this did not help, I still get an error
message 0x80508014 when I try to restore the quarantined files even in safe

Bill Sanderson

  • #4

This is reminiscent of some issues with Defender early on where it ate vast
libraries of MP3 files which were stored in subdirectories of some app which
was removed as spyware, along with music at lower levels in the tree.

The quarantine is not too hard to find, as I recall, and files in it were
basically renamed as numbers.

So, if you can guess what kind of extension belongs on that file—from your
description, perhaps ZIP? you may be able to rescue it by finding the
quarantine and renaming the file and copying/moving it back to the desktop.

I should say that a not infrequent occurrence was that someone would see
that their music was being sucked down a black hole, yell «***** *****» and
hit the reset button, or something similar. This had the result of the
quarantine process being stopped dead in midstream, and the various indexes
and files not updated which would have allowed for proper restore function.

(and for more parenthetical info, MP3 files contain their titles in the file
itself, so with persistence, it was possible to not just recover the files,
but even rename them back to their original names if you were really

So—where is the quarantine? Let me see if I can check that for you.

OK — (used XP Mode on Windows 7, uninstalled Microsoft Security Essentials,
installed WD, and here:

C:documents and settingsall usersapplication datamicrosoftwindows

is where I believe the quarantined files will be found. I retyped that by
hand, and I didn’t know which of those folders is hidden, so just go to a
command prompt and type in CD documents and settings (enter) and work your
way down the chain til you get there.

I also don’t recall if there are permissions issues—but I think not.

So—find files in that folder, and experiment with renaming them to see if
you can get back something usable..

Let us know whether this helps—thanks!


  • #5

Actually wd has one folder called quarantine<then three folders(named
entries,resourses,resourse data)<resourse and resourse data have approx. 300
folders in each and those are numbered and lettered <and have 3 to 6 files in
each one. The file ext. seems to be just FILE or nothing? As you can see this
could be an ardous task. I tried a few first copying and then changing the
ext. and then trying out with windows media player but nothing worked. Why
won’t the quarentine restore work?

Blue 2009

Bill Sanderson said:

This is reminiscent of some issues with Defender early on where it ate vast
libraries of MP3 files which were stored in subdirectories of some app which
was removed as spyware, along with music at lower levels in the tree.

The quarantine is not too hard to find, as I recall, and files in it were
basically renamed as numbers.

So, if you can guess what kind of extension belongs on that file—from your
description, perhaps ZIP? you may be able to rescue it by finding the
quarantine and renaming the file and copying/moving it back to the desktop.

I should say that a not infrequent occurrence was that someone would see
that their music was being sucked down a black hole, yell «***** *****» and
hit the reset button, or something similar. This had the result of the
quarantine process being stopped dead in midstream, and the various indexes
and files not updated which would have allowed for proper restore function.

(and for more parenthetical info, MP3 files contain their titles in the file
itself, so with persistence, it was possible to not just recover the files,
but even rename them back to their original names if you were really

So—where is the quarantine? Let me see if I can check that for you.

OK — (used XP Mode on Windows 7, uninstalled Microsoft Security Essentials,
installed WD, and here:

C:documents and settingsall usersapplication datamicrosoftwindows

is where I believe the quarantined files will be found. I retyped that by
hand, and I didn’t know which of those folders is hidden, so just go to a
command prompt and type in CD documents and settings (enter) and work your
way down the chain til you get there.

I also don’t recall if there are permissions issues—but I think not.

So—find files in that folder, and experiment with renaming them to see if
you can get back something usable..

Let us know whether this helps—thanks!

Blue said:

Hello Everyone, Installed Windows Defender for xp, [v.1.1593.0
def.1.65.477.0] ran update, then scan, and it found 6 old files on my
computer (took a long time to finish scan — 1.5+ hr.). Quarantined all 6
files. After looking at history, found that one file contained a lot of
and other programs. Tried to restore it but it failed. Error code
This file was on my desktop. Tried numerous times — failed. Tried to
restore to earlier date — ok, but file would not open? Set system restore
back to original. Still, Windows Defender quarantine restore will not
Really would like to have file back.
Searched the net, could not find any help; Hope someone here can.


  • #6

Hi Blue,

Just out of curiosity
are you running freeware programs, and P2P programs like Alnet, Grokster,
Imesh, LimeWire, Bearshare, Grokster, KaZaA, and WinMX, Emule, eDonkey, etc.

Blue said:

Actually wd has one folder called quarantine<then three folders(named
entries,resourses,resourse data)<resourse and resourse data have approx. 300
folders in each and those are numbered and lettered <and have 3 to 6 files in
each one. The file ext. seems to be just FILE or nothing? As you can see this
could be an ardous task. I tried a few first copying and then changing the
ext. and then trying out with windows media player but nothing worked. Why
won’t the quarentine restore work?

Blue 2009

Bill Sanderson said:

This is reminiscent of some issues with Defender early on where it ate vast
libraries of MP3 files which were stored in subdirectories of some app which
was removed as spyware, along with music at lower levels in the tree.

The quarantine is not too hard to find, as I recall, and files in it were
basically renamed as numbers.

So, if you can guess what kind of extension belongs on that file—from your
description, perhaps ZIP? you may be able to rescue it by finding the
quarantine and renaming the file and copying/moving it back to the desktop.

I should say that a not infrequent occurrence was that someone would see
that their music was being sucked down a black hole, yell «***** *****» and
hit the reset button, or something similar. This had the result of the
quarantine process being stopped dead in midstream, and the various indexes
and files not updated which would have allowed for proper restore function.

(and for more parenthetical info, MP3 files contain their titles in the file
itself, so with persistence, it was possible to not just recover the files,
but even rename them back to their original names if you were really

So—where is the quarantine? Let me see if I can check that for you.

OK — (used XP Mode on Windows 7, uninstalled Microsoft Security Essentials,
installed WD, and here:

C:documents and settingsall usersapplication datamicrosoftwindows

is where I believe the quarantined files will be found. I retyped that by
hand, and I didn’t know which of those folders is hidden, so just go to a
command prompt and type in CD documents and settings (enter) and work your
way down the chain til you get there.

I also don’t recall if there are permissions issues—but I think not.

So—find files in that folder, and experiment with renaming them to see if
you can get back something usable..

Let us know whether this helps—thanks!

Blue said:

Hello Everyone, Installed Windows Defender for xp, [v.1.1593.0
def.1.65.477.0] ran update, then scan, and it found 6 old files on my
computer (took a long time to finish scan — 1.5+ hr.). Quarantined all 6
files. After looking at history, found that one file contained a lot of
and other programs. Tried to restore it but it failed. Error code
This file was on my desktop. Tried numerous times — failed. Tried to
restore to earlier date — ok, but file would not open? Set system restore
back to original. Still, Windows Defender quarantine restore will not
Really would like to have file back.
Searched the net, could not find any help; Hope someone here can.



  • #7

Hi Ǝиçεl,
No freeware or p2p are running. Back in 2000 when I had dial-up, I had a
p2p called Kazaa but its been removed since then. Why do you ask, it must be
more than curiosity, is there a link to this mess? Well whatever, I would
just like it fixed.
Thanks for any help you can give.
Bill was there a fix for defender back when it ate those files?

Blue 2009

Ǝиçεl said:

Hi Blue,

Just out of curiosity
are you running freeware programs, and P2P programs like Alnet, Grokster,
Imesh, LimeWire, Bearshare, Grokster, KaZaA, and WinMX, Emule, eDonkey, etc.

Blue said:

Actually wd has one folder called quarantine<then three folders(named
entries,resourses,resourse data)<resourse and resourse data have approx. 300
folders in each and those are numbered and lettered <and have 3 to 6 files in
each one. The file ext. seems to be just FILE or nothing? As you can see this
could be an ardous task. I tried a few first copying and then changing the
ext. and then trying out with windows media player but nothing worked. Why
won’t the quarentine restore work?

Blue 2009

Bill Sanderson said:

This is reminiscent of some issues with Defender early on where it ate vast
libraries of MP3 files which were stored in subdirectories of some app which
was removed as spyware, along with music at lower levels in the tree.

The quarantine is not too hard to find, as I recall, and files in it were
basically renamed as numbers.

So, if you can guess what kind of extension belongs on that file—from your
description, perhaps ZIP? you may be able to rescue it by finding the
quarantine and renaming the file and copying/moving it back to the desktop.

I should say that a not infrequent occurrence was that someone would see
that their music was being sucked down a black hole, yell «***** *****» and
hit the reset button, or something similar. This had the result of the
quarantine process being stopped dead in midstream, and the various indexes
and files not updated which would have allowed for proper restore function.

(and for more parenthetical info, MP3 files contain their titles in the file
itself, so with persistence, it was possible to not just recover the files,
but even rename them back to their original names if you were really

So—where is the quarantine? Let me see if I can check that for you.

OK — (used XP Mode on Windows 7, uninstalled Microsoft Security Essentials,
installed WD, and here:

C:documents and settingsall usersapplication datamicrosoftwindows

is where I believe the quarantined files will be found. I retyped that by
hand, and I didn’t know which of those folders is hidden, so just go to a
command prompt and type in CD documents and settings (enter) and work your
way down the chain til you get there.

I also don’t recall if there are permissions issues—but I think not.

So—find files in that folder, and experiment with renaming them to see if
you can get back something usable..

Let us know whether this helps—thanks!

Hello Everyone, Installed Windows Defender for xp, [v.1.1593.0
def.1.65.477.0] ran update, then scan, and it found 6 old files on my
computer (took a long time to finish scan — 1.5+ hr.). Quarantined all 6
files. After looking at history, found that one file contained a lot of
and other programs. Tried to restore it but it failed. Error code
This file was on my desktop. Tried numerous times — failed. Tried to
restore to earlier date — ok, but file would not open? Set system restore
back to original. Still, Windows Defender quarantine restore will not
Really would like to have file back.
Searched the net, could not find any help; Hope someone here can.


  • #8

Sorry Blue, I don’t have good news for you.

All the links from 2005 and 06 are broke.

I copy & paste (my specialty) ;-) this one from 2007

Subject: Can not acces any of my music in Kazza 3/11/2007 12:06 PM PST
By: alostsoul In: microsoft.private.security.spyware.general



Well her goes I will try to explain. I was allowing the Windows Defender to
remove threats when I realized it was removeing my Kazza Lite app. which my
kids have allot of music on. When I veiw the History I see
SoftwareBundle:Win32/KaZaA and the action taken was removed but the status
says error encounted. When I look in the lower window of the history I see
all the files with the songs, but can not restore.
Help before my kids go ballistic, is there a way to restore what Windows
defender has removed.
I did a couple of restores of my PC but nothinf has worked my Kazzaa Lite is
totally gone along with the files with it.

Engel 3/11/2007 1:00 PM PST

Hello alostsoul

Stop what you are doing now. And D/L this 2 free applications, and try to
undelete any files, before is late.



I don’t use Kazaa, but I remember to be hard to undelete any files deleted
by WD.

Known issues

Windows Defender might prompt you to remove some peer-to-peer (P2P)
file-sharing programs. If you choose to remove such a program, Windows
Defender deletes all the contents of the Program Files folder associated with
the P2P program. Because some P2P programs store downloaded files in a
default folder under Program Files, this might remove all files you have
downloaded through the file-sharing program. For example, KaZaA stores .exe
and .dll files at C:Program FilesKazaa. Downloaded files are stored at
C:Program FilesKazaaMy Shared Folder. If you use Windows Defender to
remove KaZaA, all files and folders under C:Program FilesKazaa are removed.
If you have installed any P2P file-sharing programs, it is a good idea to
back up your downloaded files before you run Windows Defender.

Please let me know if you was lucky with the 2 programs, so I can recommend
the same solution to the next unlucky person.

I hope this post is helpful, but we would highly appreciate it if you could
rate the pºst, so we can keep the community informed.

Good luck


Good luck

Bill Sanderson MVP 3/11/2007 2:08 PM PST

In addition to Engel’s excellent recommendation, please check Windows
Defender’s quarantine area to see whether the songs have been quarantined.
If they have, you can restore them from the quarantine. Tools, quarantined


Maybe Bill knows how to open the restore points, and from there you have the
chance to get the files. Read this link


Sorry, I’m out of ideas.

Good luck

Blue said:

Hi Ǝиçεl,
No freeware or p2p are running. Back in 2000 when I had dial-up, I had a
p2p called Kazaa but its been removed since then. Why do you ask, it must be
more than curiosity, is there a link to this mess? Well whatever, I would
just like it fixed.
Thanks for any help you can give.
Bill was there a fix for defender back when it ate those files?

Blue 2009

Ǝиçεl said:

Hi Blue,

Just out of curiosity
are you running freeware programs, and P2P programs like Alnet, Grokster,
Imesh, LimeWire, Bearshare, Grokster, KaZaA, and WinMX, Emule, eDonkey, etc.

Blue said:

Actually wd has one folder called quarantine<then three folders(named
entries,resourses,resourse data)<resourse and resourse data have approx. 300
folders in each and those are numbered and lettered <and have 3 to 6 files in
each one. The file ext. seems to be just FILE or nothing? As you can see this
could be an ardous task. I tried a few first copying and then changing the
ext. and then trying out with windows media player but nothing worked. Why
won’t the quarentine restore work?

Blue 2009


This is reminiscent of some issues with Defender early on where it ate vast
libraries of MP3 files which were stored in subdirectories of some app which
was removed as spyware, along with music at lower levels in the tree.

The quarantine is not too hard to find, as I recall, and files in it were
basically renamed as numbers.

So, if you can guess what kind of extension belongs on that file—from your
description, perhaps ZIP? you may be able to rescue it by finding the
quarantine and renaming the file and copying/moving it back to the desktop.

I should say that a not infrequent occurrence was that someone would see
that their music was being sucked down a black hole, yell «***** *****» and
hit the reset button, or something similar. This had the result of the
quarantine process being stopped dead in midstream, and the various indexes
and files not updated which would have allowed for proper restore function.

(and for more parenthetical info, MP3 files contain their titles in the file
itself, so with persistence, it was possible to not just recover the files,
but even rename them back to their original names if you were really

So—where is the quarantine? Let me see if I can check that for you.

OK — (used XP Mode on Windows 7, uninstalled Microsoft Security Essentials,
installed WD, and here:

C:documents and settingsall usersapplication datamicrosoftwindows

is where I believe the quarantined files will be found. I retyped that by
hand, and I didn’t know which of those folders is hidden, so just go to a
command prompt and type in CD documents and settings (enter) and work your
way down the chain til you get there.

I also don’t recall if there are permissions issues—but I think not.

So—find files in that folder, and experiment with renaming them to see if
you can get back something usable..

Let us know whether this helps—thanks!

Hello Everyone, Installed Windows Defender for xp, [v.1.1593.0
def.1.65.477.0] ran update, then scan, and it found 6 old files on my
computer (took a long time to finish scan — 1.5+ hr.). Quarantined all 6
files. After looking at history, found that one file contained a lot of
and other programs. Tried to restore it but it failed. Error code
This file was on my desktop. Tried numerous times — failed. Tried to
restore to earlier date — ok, but file would not open? Set system restore
back to original. Still, Windows Defender quarantine restore will not
Really would like to have file back.
Searched the net, could not find any help; Hope someone here can.


  • #9

Hello Bill and Ǝиçεl,
First of all thank you so much for your help. I was able to restore my
files. (yea!) I’m sorry it took me so long to post this final reply. I take a
lot of time reasearching things before I try them because I want to do it
right the first time. (What that really means is that I don’t want to screw
up; Which happens.) I wish I had done that with WD. I was going to do what
you sugested previously (downloading some utilities ), but I kept thinking
why can’t I just restore them in WD? Why??? To make a long story short the
reason WD wouldn’t restore the files was because the path was gone. (It
removed the folder the files were in also.) So I figured all I had to do was
make the computer believe that the file was still there. I created a file
with the exact same path and violia, WD restored my files to it. You both
were right about the p2p link. I guess some remenants of the old kazaa file
was still around and I guess WD doesn’t like Kazaa. I’m really appreciative
of your help though.
I just noticed I spelled Windows wrong in the subject line. Can that be
fixed? (to help someone find this post?)
Best of luck,

Blue 2009

Ǝиçεl said:

Sorry Blue, I don’t have good news for you.

All the links from 2005 and 06 are broke.

I copy & paste (my specialty) ;-) this one from 2007

Subject: Can not acces any of my music in Kazza 3/11/2007 12:06 PM PST
By: alostsoul In: microsoft.private.security.spyware.general



Well her goes I will try to explain. I was allowing the Windows Defender to
remove threats when I realized it was removeing my Kazza Lite app. which my
kids have allot of music on. When I veiw the History I see
SoftwareBundle:Win32/KaZaA and the action taken was removed but the status
says error encounted. When I look in the lower window of the history I see
all the files with the songs, but can not restore.
Help before my kids go ballistic, is there a way to restore what Windows
defender has removed.
I did a couple of restores of my PC but nothinf has worked my Kazzaa Lite is
totally gone along with the files with it.

Engel 3/11/2007 1:00 PM PST

Hello alostsoul

Stop what you are doing now. And D/L this 2 free applications, and try to
undelete any files, before is late.



I don’t use Kazaa, but I remember to be hard to undelete any files deleted
by WD.

Known issues

Windows Defender might prompt you to remove some peer-to-peer (P2P)
file-sharing programs. If you choose to remove such a program, Windows
Defender deletes all the contents of the Program Files folder associated with
the P2P program. Because some P2P programs store downloaded files in a
default folder under Program Files, this might remove all files you have
downloaded through the file-sharing program. For example, KaZaA stores .exe
and .dll files at C:Program FilesKazaa. Downloaded files are stored at
C:Program FilesKazaaMy Shared Folder. If you use Windows Defender to
remove KaZaA, all files and folders under C:Program FilesKazaa are removed.
If you have installed any P2P file-sharing programs, it is a good idea to
back up your downloaded files before you run Windows Defender.

Please let me know if you was lucky with the 2 programs, so I can recommend
the same solution to the next unlucky person.

I hope this post is helpful, but we would highly appreciate it if you could
rate the pºst, so we can keep the community informed.

Good luck


Good luck

Bill Sanderson MVP 3/11/2007 2:08 PM PST

In addition to Engel’s excellent recommendation, please check Windows
Defender’s quarantine area to see whether the songs have been quarantined.
If they have, you can restore them from the quarantine. Tools, quarantined


Maybe Bill knows how to open the restore points, and from there you have the
chance to get the files. Read this link


Sorry, I’m out of ideas.

Good luck

Blue said:

Hi Ǝиçεl,
No freeware or p2p are running. Back in 2000 when I had dial-up, I had a
p2p called Kazaa but its been removed since then. Why do you ask, it must be
more than curiosity, is there a link to this mess? Well whatever, I would
just like it fixed.
Thanks for any help you can give.
Bill was there a fix for defender back when it ate those files?

Blue 2009

Ǝиçεl said:

Hi Blue,

Just out of curiosity
are you running freeware programs, and P2P programs like Alnet, Grokster,
Imesh, LimeWire, Bearshare, Grokster, KaZaA, and WinMX, Emule, eDonkey, etc.


Actually wd has one folder called quarantine<then three folders(named
entries,resourses,resourse data)<resourse and resourse data have approx. 300
folders in each and those are numbered and lettered <and have 3 to 6 files in
each one. The file ext. seems to be just FILE or nothing? As you can see this
could be an ardous task. I tried a few first copying and then changing the
ext. and then trying out with windows media player but nothing worked. Why
won’t the quarentine restore work?

Blue 2009


This is reminiscent of some issues with Defender early on where it ate vast
libraries of MP3 files which were stored in subdirectories of some app which
was removed as spyware, along with music at lower levels in the tree.

The quarantine is not too hard to find, as I recall, and files in it were
basically renamed as numbers.

So, if you can guess what kind of extension belongs on that file—from your
description, perhaps ZIP? you may be able to rescue it by finding the
quarantine and renaming the file and copying/moving it back to the desktop.

I should say that a not infrequent occurrence was that someone would see
that their music was being sucked down a black hole, yell «***** *****» and
hit the reset button, or something similar. This had the result of the
quarantine process being stopped dead in midstream, and the various indexes
and files not updated which would have allowed for proper restore function.

(and for more parenthetical info, MP3 files contain their titles in the file
itself, so with persistence, it was possible to not just recover the files,
but even rename them back to their original names if you were really

So—where is the quarantine? Let me see if I can check that for you.

OK — (used XP Mode on Windows 7, uninstalled Microsoft Security Essentials,
installed WD, and here:

C:documents and settingsall usersapplication datamicrosoftwindows

is where I believe the quarantined files will be found. I retyped that by
hand, and I didn’t know which of those folders is hidden, so just go to a
command prompt and type in CD documents and settings (enter) and work your
way down the chain til you get there.

I also don’t recall if there are permissions issues—but I think not.

So—find files in that folder, and experiment with renaming them to see if
you can get back something usable..

Let us know whether this helps—thanks!

Hello Everyone, Installed Windows Defender for xp, [v.1.1593.0
def.1.65.477.0] ran update, then scan, and it found 6 old files on my
computer (took a long time to finish scan — 1.5+ hr.). Quarantined all 6
files. After looking at history, found that one file contained a lot of
and other programs. Tried to restore it but it failed. Error code
This file was on my desktop. Tried numerous times — failed. Tried to
restore to earlier date — ok, but file would not open? Set system restore
back to original. Still, Windows Defender quarantine restore will not
Really would like to have file back.
Searched the net, could not find any help; Hope someone here can.



  • #10

Hi Blue,

Terrific—glad to hear it. It helps if you mark your initial question as
answered—that will enable otheÑs searching for an answer to find a correct
one more quickly.

Have a great weekend (enjoy the music :)


Blue said:

Hello Bill and Ǝиçεl,
First of all thank you so much for your help. I was able to restore my
files. (yea!) I’m sorry it took me so long to post this final reply. I take a
lot of time reasearching things before I try them because I want to do it
right the first time. (What that really means is that I don’t want to screw
up; Which happens.) I wish I had done that with WD. I was going to do what
you sugested previously (downloading some utilities ), but I kept thinking
why can’t I just restore them in WD? Why??? To make a long story short the
reason WD wouldn’t restore the files was because the path was gone. (It
removed the folder the files were in also.) So I figured all I had to do was
make the computer believe that the file was still there. I created a file
with the exact same path and violia, WD restored my files to it. You both
were right about the p2p link. I guess some remenants of the old kazaa file
was still around and I guess WD doesn’t like Kazaa. I’m really appreciative
of your help though.
I just noticed I spelled Windows wrong in the subject line. Can that be
fixed? (to help someone find this post?)
Best of luck,

Blue 2009

Ǝиçεl said:

Sorry Blue, I don’t have good news for you.

All the links from 2005 and 06 are broke.

I copy & paste (my specialty) ;-) this one from 2007

Subject: Can not acces any of my music in Kazza 3/11/2007 12:06 PM PST
By: alostsoul In: microsoft.private.security.spyware.general



Well her goes I will try to explain. I was allowing the Windows Defender to
remove threats when I realized it was removeing my Kazza Lite app. which my
kids have allot of music on. When I veiw the History I see
SoftwareBundle:Win32/KaZaA and the action taken was removed but the status
says error encounted. When I look in the lower window of the history I see
all the files with the songs, but can not restore.
Help before my kids go ballistic, is there a way to restore what Windows
defender has removed.
I did a couple of restores of my PC but nothinf has worked my Kazzaa Lite is
totally gone along with the files with it.

Engel 3/11/2007 1:00 PM PST

Hello alostsoul

Stop what you are doing now. And D/L this 2 free applications, and try to
undelete any files, before is late.



I don’t use Kazaa, but I remember to be hard to undelete any files deleted
by WD.

Known issues

Windows Defender might prompt you to remove some peer-to-peer (P2P)
file-sharing programs. If you choose to remove such a program, Windows
Defender deletes all the contents of the Program Files folder associated with
the P2P program. Because some P2P programs store downloaded files in a
default folder under Program Files, this might remove all files you have
downloaded through the file-sharing program. For example, KaZaA stores .exe
and .dll files at C:Program FilesKazaa. Downloaded files are stored at
C:Program FilesKazaaMy Shared Folder. If you use Windows Defender to
remove KaZaA, all files and folders under C:Program FilesKazaa are removed.
If you have installed any P2P file-sharing programs, it is a good idea to
back up your downloaded files before you run Windows Defender.

Please let me know if you was lucky with the 2 programs, so I can recommend
the same solution to the next unlucky person.

I hope this post is helpful, but we would highly appreciate it if you could
rate the pºst, so we can keep the community informed.

Good luck


Good luck

Bill Sanderson MVP 3/11/2007 2:08 PM PST

In addition to Engel’s excellent recommendation, please check Windows
Defender’s quarantine area to see whether the songs have been quarantined.
If they have, you can restore them from the quarantine. Tools, quarantined


Maybe Bill knows how to open the restore points, and from there you have the
chance to get the files. Read this link


Sorry, I’m out of ideas.

Good luck

Blue said:

Hi Ǝиçεl,
No freeware or p2p are running. Back in 2000 when I had dial-up, I had a
p2p called Kazaa but its been removed since then. Why do you ask, it must be
more than curiosity, is there a link to this mess? Well whatever, I would
just like it fixed.
Thanks for any help you can give.
Bill was there a fix for defender back when it ate those files?

Blue 2009


Hi Blue,

Just out of curiosity
are you running freeware programs, and P2P programs like Alnet, Grokster,
Imesh, LimeWire, Bearshare, Grokster, KaZaA, and WinMX, Emule, eDonkey, etc.


Actually wd has one folder called quarantine<then three folders(named
entries,resourses,resourse data)<resourse and resourse data have approx. 300
folders in each and those are numbered and lettered <and have 3 to 6 files in
each one. The file ext. seems to be just FILE or nothing? As you can see this
could be an ardous task. I tried a few first copying and then changing the
ext. and then trying out with windows media player but nothing worked. Why
won’t the quarentine restore work?

Blue 2009


This is reminiscent of some issues with Defender early on where it ate vast
libraries of MP3 files which were stored in subdirectories of some app which
was removed as spyware, along with music at lower levels in the tree.

The quarantine is not too hard to find, as I recall, and files in it were
basically renamed as numbers.

So, if you can guess what kind of extension belongs on that file—from your
description, perhaps ZIP? you may be able to rescue it by finding the
quarantine and renaming the file and copying/moving it back to the desktop.

I should say that a not infrequent occurrence was that someone would see
that their music was being sucked down a black hole, yell «***** *****» and
hit the reset button, or something similar. This had the result of the
quarantine process being stopped dead in midstream, and the various indexes
and files not updated which would have allowed for proper restore function.

(and for more parenthetical info, MP3 files contain their titles in the file
itself, so with persistence, it was possible to not just recover the files,
but even rename them back to their original names if you were really

So—where is the quarantine? Let me see if I can check that for you.

OK — (used XP Mode on Windows 7, uninstalled Microsoft Security Essentials,
installed WD, and here:

C:documents and settingsall usersapplication datamicrosoftwindows

is where I believe the quarantined files will be found. I retyped that by
hand, and I didn’t know which of those folders is hidden, so just go to a
command prompt and type in CD documents and settings (enter) and work your
way down the chain til you get there.

I also don’t recall if there are permissions issues—but I think not.

So—find files in that folder, and experiment with renaming them to see if
you can get back something usable..

Let us know whether this helps—thanks!

Hello Everyone, Installed Windows Defender for xp, [v.1.1593.0
def.1.65.477.0] ran update, then scan, and it found 6 old files on my
computer (took a long time to finish scan — 1.5+ hr.). Quarantined all 6
files. After looking at history, found that one file contained a lot of
and other programs. Tried to restore it but it failed. Error code
This file was on my desktop. Tried numerous times — failed. Tried to
restore to earlier date — ok, but file would not open? Set system restore
back to original. Still, Windows Defender quarantine restore will not
Really would like to have file back.
Searched the net, could not find any help; Hope someone here can.

У меня есть файл, который Security Essentials помещает в карантин «на месте», и я хочу восстановить его для дальнейшего анализа.

Тем не менее, файл был сохранен на моем сервере NAS. Это означает, что я получил доступ к серверу, введя \ в поле «Выполнить», введя учетные данные и перейдя к папке. Security Essentials удалил элемент и сохранил его в карантине. Я не могу восстановить элемент из карантина с кодом ошибки 0x80508014 .

Мои исследования показывают, что эта ошибка указывает, что SE не может получить доступ к пути, в котором находился исходный файл, и предлагает воссоздать путь. Проблема в том, что я не удалил никаких папок, поэтому путь уже существует. Дальнейшее копание указывает на то, что проблема в том, что SE не может получить доступ к общему сетевому ресурсу, потому что общий ресурс подключен к сеансу моей учетной записи пользователя, а не к SYSTEM или администратору. SE перечисляет путь к исходному файлу в деталях в виде file:\ , поэтому кажется, что SE пытается напрямую восстановить файл в этом месте и не может этого сделать, потому что Процесс SE не имеет доступа к общему ресурсу.

Я попытался открыть командную строку администратора и вручную подключить сетевой ресурс к сеансу администратора, используя net use но это не помогло.

Есть ли способ направить SE для восстановления файла на карантине в другое место, чем он был изначально найден? Я не вижу способа предоставить процессу SE доступ к общему сетевому ресурсу, чтобы он мог восстановить файл.

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