Код ошибки 0xc1900205

Upgrading or Updating Windows in Enterprise is completely different. IT admins have to make sure that the computers don’t get into much trouble before approving the updates. If the compatibility is an issue, what they get is popularly termed as Modern setup errors or setup error codes. In this post, we are looking at those codes and possible resolutions.

windows 11

What is /compat command line option

Windows Setup.exe or simply SETUP file comes with a set of command-line options. One of them is the compatibility check which can be run as

Setup.exe /Compat ScanOnly

ScanOnly is only an example. An IT admin who excels in Windows installation would know all the commands. These commands can be used to check for computer upgrade options, and they can even build a comprehensive report using SCCM. This report can be used to detect and fix migration errors before the actual Windows 10 deployment.

Read: How to run Pre-Upgrade Validation Check using SETUP.EXE in Windows 11/10.

Here is the list of error codes with compatibility issue:



If you encounter any compatibility issue, but you fail to resolve it within the required time, you will get this error. The upgrade advisor lists all the incompatible issues, and if you keep the screen on for a long time, it will quit with this error message.


Similar to 0XC1900124, if you fail to resolve the issue for download within the required time limit, you will receive this error message.  For both the error codes above, you should make a list, and first resolve the issue, and then try to update or upgrade.


The upgrade process halts when the system does not pass the minimum requirements to install the update. You should check with Microsoft website for any compatibility issues, especially with the driver that might be blocking your update.

Following the above error, if the user chooses to cancel the upgrade process when the computer does not pass the minimum requirements (usually hardware), then 0XC1900201 MOSETUP E COMPAT SYSREQ CANCEL message shows up. If you have a very old PC or any hardware which seems to be not compatible, you may want to change it.


During Windows 10 Deployment in the enterprise, the installation files need to download to Windows computers. If there is a problem like inadequate space, then the system does not pass the minimum requirements to download the update.

Following this, if the user chooses to cancel, then you get the 0XC1900203 MOSETUP E COMPAT DOWNLOADREQ CANCEL error code.

System Admin has to make sure that there is enough space, network speed so the end computer can download the updates, and the system can then install it.


When migrating computers, a checklist is created which makes sure that post-migration there is no issue. If the system or the Windows computer does pass the requirements for the desired migration choice, this error is received.

And if the user chooses to cancel, you get an error code XC1900205 MOSETUP E COMPAT MIGCHOICE CANCEL.


Specifically related to hardware configuration, when IT admin scans any connected computer with the Scan option of Windows Setup, and it does not pass through the device scan, you get the error.


Right in the start, we talked about ScanOnly option Its an excellent command-line option that can be used on any Windows version before migration. This helps IT admins to know if those devices are Windows 10 compatible. It also generates a report which can be used to detect and fix migration errors before the actual Windows 10 deployment.

You get this error code because the system does not pass the compat scan to install the update. You will need to check the issue and resolve it which can include hardware or software issues.


This error is received when the user has chosen to cancel because the system does not pass the /compat scan to install the update.


ScanOnly option is only to generate reports, and hence this message is received.

Hope you find this list useful. It has been sourced from Microsoft.

Read next: Modern Setup Host has stopped working.

Обновление или обновление Windows на предприятии совершенно другое. ИТ-администраторы должны убедиться, что на компьютерах не возникнет много проблем, прежде чем утверждать обновления. Если возникает проблема с совместимостью, то, что они получают, обычно называется Современные ошибки установки или коды ошибок установки. В этом посте мы рассмотрим эти коды и возможные решения.


  1. Что такое опция/compat в командной строке
  2. Windows 10 Upgrade Modern Setup ошибки

Что такое опция/compat в командной строке

Windows 10 Setup.exe или просто файл SETUP поставляется с набором параметров командной строки. Одним из них является проверка совместимости, которая может быть запущена как

 Setup.exe/Compat ScanOnly 

ScanOnly является лишь примером. ИТ-администратор, превосходящий в установке Windows, знал бы все команды. Эти команды могут использоваться для проверки параметров обновления компьютера, и они могут даже создавать полный отчет с использованием SCCM. Этот отчет можно использовать для обнаружения и исправления ошибок миграции перед фактическим развертыванием Windows 10.

Windows 10 Upgrade Modern Setup ошибки

Вот список кодов ошибок с проблемой совместимости:



Если вы столкнулись с какой-либо проблемой совместимости, но не смогли решить ее в течение требуемого времени, вы получите эту ошибку. Советник по обновлению перечисляет все несовместимые проблемы, и если вы продолжите держать экран в течение долгого времени, он выйдет с этим сообщением об ошибке.


Аналогично 0XC1900124, если вам не удастся решить проблему для загрузки в течение требуемого периода времени, вы получите это сообщение об ошибке. Для обоих приведенных выше кодов ошибок вы должны составить список и сначала решить проблему, а затем попытаться обновить или обновить.


Процесс обновления останавливается, когда система не соответствует минимальным требованиям для установки обновления. Вы должны проверить на веб-сайте Microsoft для любых проблем совместимости, особенно с драйвером, который может блокировать ваше обновление.

После вышеуказанной ошибки, если пользователь решает отменить процесс обновления, когда компьютер не соответствует минимальным требованиям (обычно аппаратным), появляется сообщение 0XC1900201 MOSETUP E COMPAT SYSREQ CANCEL . Если у вас очень старый ПК или какое-либо оборудование, которое кажется несовместимым, вы можете заменить его.


Во время развертывания Windows 10 на предприятии установочные файлы необходимо загружать на компьютеры Windows. Если есть проблема, такая как нехватка места, то система не соответствует минимальным требованиям для загрузки обновления.

После этого, если пользователь решит отменить, вы получите код ошибки 0XC1900203 MOSETUP E COMPAT DOWNLOADREQ CANCEL .

Системный администратор должен убедиться, что на компьютере достаточно места и скорости сети, чтобы конечный компьютер мог загрузить обновления, а затем система могла их установить.


При переносе компьютеров создается контрольный список, который гарантирует, что после миграции проблем не возникнет. Если система или компьютер с ОС Windows соответствуют требованиям для выбора желаемой миграции, эта ошибка получена.

И если пользователь решит отменить, вы получите код ошибки XC1900205 MOSETUP E COMPAT MIGCHOICE CANCEL.


В частности, связанные с конфигурацией оборудования, когда ИТ-администратор сканирует любой подключенный компьютер с параметром «Сканирование» программы установки Windows и не проходит сканирование устройства, вы получаете сообщение об ошибке.


В самом начале мы говорили о опции ScanOnly. Это отличный вариант командной строки, который можно использовать в любой версии Windows перед миграцией. Это помогает ИТ-администраторам узнать, совместимы ли эти устройства с Windows 10. Он также создает отчет, который можно использовать для обнаружения и исправления ошибок миграции перед фактическим развертыванием Windows 10.

Вы получаете этот код ошибки, потому что система не передает сканирование для установки обновления.Вам нужно будет проверить проблему и решить ее, которая может включать аппаратные или программные проблемы.

0XC1900209 MOSETUP E COMPAT INSTALLREQ CANCEL ошибка появляется, когда пользователь выбрал отмену, поскольку система не проходит проверку/compat для установки обновления.


Опция ScanOnly предназначена только для генерации отчетов, и, следовательно, это сообщение получено.

Надеюсь, вы найдете этот список полезным. Это было получено от Microsoft.

Читать дальше . Хост Modern Setup перестает работать.

Dear Experts,

Would like to get an Advice from you on this Please.

1. Requirement : Windows 7 Operating System with ENG OS (Default OS : ENG, Display Language : ENG. Additional Language : Region Specific)

2. Requirement : Windows 7 Operating System with FRANCE OS Language (Default OS : France, Display Language : France)

We are using OEM Based License, it comes up with Windows 10 Professional, and Downgraded to Windows 7 SP1 Enterprise. Now Plan to upgrade to Windows 10 V 1803 64 Bit ENG, Windows 10 V1803 64 FRA.

We are using seperate ISO File’s for Windows 10 V1803 ENG, V1803 FRA.

Task Sequence Created:

1. We are Using Task Sequence for ENG — Windows 10 V1803 ENG 64 Bit to Upgrade from Windows 7 SP1 ENT 

During the Upgrade Scan, We notified that Product Key Validation is not getting success. Hence we refered this article and able to fix the In Place upgrade 


The Highlighted Key is in use on Task Sequence

2. For the 2nd Requirement, We have Created the Task Sequence using the ISO File (Install.WIM) from Windows 10 V1803 FRA

Tried to Run the scan on one of the FRANCE Based Language Pack installed Machine. The Scan get failed with same error and referring to the Product Key.

Do we have any seperate Key for the FRA Language 

In the Mean time. I tried with the following approach

1. Windows 7 SP1 ENT 64 with FRA

2. Upgraded to Windows 10 V1803 64 Bit ENG

3. Install OS Language Pack for Windows 10 V1803

4. Making the FRA as Default Language (Display)

However, I Would feel to get some inputs from you to have the following Work flow

1. Windows 7 SP1 FRA (OS Language Pack) with 64 Bit

2. Windows 10 Upgrade V1803 64 Bit FRA 

Please suggest, me the appropiate approach, and Work flow

We do not have any region specific LP issues, Except the FR LP.




title description ms.date manager ms.author ms.prod author ms.topic ms.collection ms.technology ms.custom ms.reviewer audience localization_priority

Windows 10 upgrade resolution procedures

Discover general troubleshooting procedures for dealing with 0xC1900101, the generic rollback code thrown when something goes wrong during a Windows 10 upgrade.









sap:setup, csstroubleshoot




Applies to:   Windows 10

This is a 200 level topic (moderate).

For IT professionals, check more information in Resolve Windows 10 upgrade errors.

This article provides some common causes and solutions that are associated with specific upgrade error codes. If a Windows 10 upgrade fails, you can write down the error code that is displayed, or find the error code in the Windows Event Log or in the Windows Setup log files (ex: setuperr.log) and review the cause and solutions provided here. You should also try running the free SetupDiag tool provided by Microsoft, which can automatically find the reason for an upgrade failure.


A frequently observed result code is 0xC1900101. This result code can be thrown at any stage of the upgrade process, with the exception of the downlevel phase. 0xC1900101 is a generic rollback code, and usually indicates that an incompatible driver is present. The incompatible driver can cause blue screens, system hangs, and unexpected reboots. Analysis of supplemental log files is often helpful, such as:

  • The minidump file: $Windows.~btSourcesRollbacksetupmem.dmp
  • Event logs: $Windows.~btSourcesRollback*.evtx
  • The device install log: $Windows.~btSourcesRollbacksetupapisetupapi.dev.log

The device install log is helpful if rollback occurs during the sysprep operation (extend code 0x30018).

To resolve a rollback that was caused by driver conflicts, try running setup using a minimal set of drivers and startup programs by performing a clean boot before initiating the upgrade process.

See the following general troubleshooting procedures associated with a result code of 0xC1900101:

Code Mitigation Cause
0xC1900101 — 0x20004 Uninstall antivirus applications.
Remove all unused SATA devices.
Remove all unused devices and drivers.
Update drivers and BIOS.
Windows Setup encountered an error during the SAFE_OS with the INSTALL_RECOVERY_ENVIRONMENT operation.
This error is caused by out-of-date drivers.
0xC1900101 — 0x2000c Disconnect all peripheral devices that are connected to the system, except for the mouse, keyboard and display.
Contact your hardware vendor to obtain updated device drivers.
Ensure that «Download and install updates (recommended)» is accepted at the start of the upgrade process.
Windows Setup encountered an unspecified error during Wim apply in the WinPE phase.
This error is caused by out-of-date drivers
0xC1900101 — 0x20017 Ensure that all that drivers are updated.
Open the Setuperr.log and Setupact.log files in the %windir%Panther directory, and then locate the problem drivers.
For more information, see Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows 8.1, and Windows 10 setup log file locations.
Update or uninstall the problem drivers.
A driver has caused an illegal operation.
Windows wasn’t able to migrate the driver, resulting in a rollback of the operating system.
This is a SafeOS boot failure, typically caused by drivers or non-Microsoft disk encryption software.
This can also be caused by a hardware failure.
0xC1900101 — 0x30018 Disconnect all peripheral devices that are connected to the system, except for the mouse, keyboard and display.
Contact your hardware vendor to obtain updated device drivers.
Ensure that «Download and install updates (recommended)» is accepted at the start of the upgrade process.
A device driver has stopped responding to setup.exe during the upgrade process.
0xC1900101 — 0x3000D Disconnect all peripheral devices that are connected to the system, except for the mouse, keyboard and display.
Update or uninstall the display driver.
Installation failed during the FIRST_BOOT phase while attempting the MIGRATE_DATA operation.
This can occur due to a problem with a display driver.
0xC1900101 — 0x4000D Check supplemental rollback logs for a setupmem.dmp file, or event logs for any unexpected reboots or errors.
Review the rollback log and determine the stop code.
The rollback log is located in the $Windows.~BTSourcesRollback folder. An example analysis is shown below. This example isn’t representative of all cases:

 Info SP Crash 0x0000007E detected
Info SP Module name :
Info SP Bugcheck parameter 1: 0xFFFFFFFFC0000005
Info SP Bugcheck parameter 2: 0xFFFFF8015BC0036A
Info SP Bugcheck parameter 3: 0xFFFFD000E5D23728
Info SP Bugcheck parameter 4: 0xFFFFD000E5D22F40
Info SP Can’t recover the system.
Info SP Rollback: Showing splash window with restoring text: Restoring your previous version of Windows.

 Typically, there’s a dump file for the crash to analyze. If you aren’t equipped to debug the dump, then attempt the following basic troubleshooting procedures:

 1. Make sure you have enough disk space.
2. If a driver is identified in the bug check message, disable the driver or check with the manufacturer for driver updates.
3. Try changing video adapters.
4. Check with your hardware vendor for any BIOS updates.
5. Disable BIOS memory options such as caching or shadowing.

A rollback occurred due to a driver configuration issue.
Installation failed during the second boot phase while attempting the MIGRATE_DATA operation.
This can occur because of incompatible drivers.
0xC1900101 — 0x40017 Clean boot into Windows, and then attempt the upgrade to Windows 10. For more information, see How to perform a clean boot in Windows.
Ensure that you select the option to «Download and install updates (recommended).»

 Computers that run Citrix VDA
You may see this message after you upgrade a computer from Windows 10, version 1511 to Windows 10, version 1607. After the second system restart, the system generates this error and then rolls back to the previous version. This problem has also been observed in upgrades to Windows 8.1 and Windows 8.

 This problem occurs because the computer has Citrix Virtual Delivery Agent (VDA) installed. Citrix VDA installs device drivers and a file system filter driver (CtxMcsWbc). This Citrix filter driver prevents the upgrade from writing changes to the disk, so the upgrade can’t complete and the system rolls back.


 To resolve this problem, install Cumulative update for Windows 10 Version 1607 and Windows Server 2016: November 8, 2016.

 You can work around this problem in two ways:

 Workaround 1

 1. Use the VDA setup application (VDAWorkstationSetup_7.11) to uninstall Citrix VDA.
2. Run the Windows upgrade again.
3. Reinstall Citrix VDA.

 Workaround 2

 If you can’t uninstall Citrix VDA, follow these steps to work around this problem:

 1. In Registry Editor, go to the following subkey:
2. Change the value of the Start entry from 0 to 4. This change disables the Citrix MCS cache service.
3. Go to the following subkey:
4. Delete the CtxMcsWbc entry.
5. Restart the computer, and then try the upgrade again.

 Non-Microsoft information disclaimer
The non-Microsoft products that this article discusses are manufactured by companies that are independent of Microsoft. Microsoft makes no warranty, implied or otherwise, about the performance or reliability of these products.

Windows 10 upgrade failed after the second reboot.
This is caused by a faulty driver. For example: antivirus filter drivers or encryption drivers.


Result codes that start with the digits 0x800 are also important to understand. These error codes indicate general operating system errors, and aren’t unique to the Windows upgrade process. Examples include timeouts, devices not functioning, and a process stopping unexpectedly.

See the following general troubleshooting procedures associated with a result code of 0x800xxxxx:

Code Mitigation Cause
80040005 — 0x20007 This error has more than one possible cause. Attempt quick fixes, and if not successful, analyze log files in order to determine the problem and solution. An unspecified error occurred with a driver during the SafeOS phase.
0x80073BC3 — 0x20009
0x80070002 — 0x20009
0x80073B92 — 0x20009
These errors occur during partition analysis and validation, and can be caused by the presence of multiple system partitions. For example, if you installed a new system drive but left the previous system drive connected, this can cause a conflict. To resolve the errors, disconnect or temporarily disable drives that contain the unused system partition. You can reconnect the drive after the upgrade has completed. Alternatively, you can delete the unused system partition. The requested system device can’t be found, there’s a sharing violation, or there are multiple devices matching the identification criteria.
800704B8 — 0x3001A Disable or uninstall non-Microsoft antivirus applications, disconnect all unnecessary devices, and perform a clean boot. An extended error has occurred during the first boot phase.
8007042B — 0x4000D Analyze log files in order to determine the file, application, or driver that isn’t able to be migrated. Disconnect, update, remove, or replace the device or object. The installation failed during the second boot phase while attempting the MIGRATE_DATA operation.
This issue can occur due to file system, application, or driver issues.
8007001F — 0x3000D Analyze log files in order to determine the files or registry entries that are blocking data migration.

 This error can be due to a problem with user profiles. It can occur due to corrupt registry entries under HKLMSOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionProfileList or invalid files in the Users directory.

 Note: If a previous upgrade didn’t complete, invalid profiles might exist in the Windows.oldUsers directory.

 To repair this error, ensure that deleted accounts aren’t still present in the Windows registry and that files under the Users directory are valid. Delete the invalid files or user profiles that are causing this error. The specific files and profiles that are causing the error will be recorded in the Windows setup log files.

The installation failed in the FIRST_BOOT phase with an error during MIGRATE_DATA operation.
8007001F — 0x4000D Analyze log files in order to determine the device that isn’t functioning properly. Disconnect, update, or replace the device. General failure, a device attached to the system isn’t functioning.
8007042B — 0x4001E This error has more than one possible cause. Attempt quick fixes, and if not successful, analyze log files in order to determine the problem and solution. The installation failed during the second boot phase while attempting the PRE_OOBE operation.

Other result codes

Error code Cause Mitigation
0xC1800118 WSUS has downloaded content that it can’t use due to a missing decryption key. See Steps to resolve error 0xC1800118 for information.
0xC1900200 Setup.exe has detected that the machine doesn’t meet the minimum system requirements. Ensure the system you’re trying to upgrade meets the minimum system requirements. See Windows 10 specifications for information.
0x80090011 A device driver error occurred during user data migration. Contact your hardware vendor and get all the device drivers updated. It’s recommended to have an active internet connection during upgrade process.

Ensure that «Download and install updates (recommended)» is accepted at the start of the upgrade process.

0xC7700112 Failure to complete writing data to the system drive, possibly due to write access failure on the hard disk. This issue is resolved in the latest version of Upgrade Assistant.

Ensure that «Download and install updates (recommended)» is accepted at the start of the upgrade process.

0x80190001 An unexpected error was encountered while attempting to download files required for upgrade. To resolve this issue, download and run the media creation tool. See Download windows 10.
0x80246007 The update wasn’t downloaded successfully. Attempt other methods of upgrading the operating system.

Download and run the media creation tool. See Download windows 10.

Attempt to upgrade using .ISO or USB.

Note: Windows 10 Enterprise isn’t available in the media creation tool. For more information, go to the Volume Licensing Service Center.

0x80244018 Your machine is connected through a proxy server. Make sure Automatically Detect Settings is selected in internet options. (Control Panel > Internet Options > Connections > LAN Settings).
0xC1900201 The system didn’t pass the minimum requirements to install the update. Contact the hardware vendor to get the latest updates.
0x80240017 The upgrade is unavailable for this edition of Windows. Administrative policies enforced by your organization might be preventing the upgrade. Contact your IT administrator.
0x80070020 The existing process can’t access the file because it’s being used by another process. Use the MSCONFIG tool to perform a clean boot on the machine and then try to perform the update again. For more information, see How to perform a clean boot in Windows.
0x80070522 The user doesn’t have required privilege or credentials to upgrade. Ensure that you’ve signed in as a local administrator or have local administrator privileges.
0xC1900107 A cleanup operation from a previous installation attempt is still pending and a system reboot is required in order to continue the upgrade. Restart the device and run setup again. If restarting the device doesn’t resolve the issue, then use the Disk Cleanup utility to clean up the temporary files and the System files. For more information, see Disk cleanup in Windows 10.
0xC1900209 The user has chosen to cancel because the system doesn’t pass the compatibility scan to install the update. Setup.exe will report this error when it can upgrade the machine with user data but cannot migrate installed applications. Incompatible software is blocking the upgrade process. Uninstall the application and try the upgrade again. For more information, see Windows 10 Pre-Upgrade Validation using SETUP.EXE.

You can also download the Windows Assessment and Deployment Kit (ADK) for Windows 10 and install Application Compatibility Tools.

0x8007002 This error is specific to upgrades using Configuration Manager R2 SP1 CU3 (5.00.8238.1403) Analyze the SMSTS.log and verify that the upgrade is failing on «Apply Operating system» Phase: Error 80072efe DownloadFileWithRanges() failed. 80072efe. ApplyOperatingSystem (0x0760)

The error 80072efe means that the connection with the server was terminated abnormally.

To resolve this issue, try the OS Deployment test on a client in same VLAN as the Configuration Manager server. Check the network configuration for random client-server connection issues happening on the remote VLAN.

0x80240FFF Occurs when update synchronization fails. It can occur when you’re using Windows Server Update Services on its own or when it’s integrated with Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager. If you enable update synchronization before you install hotfix 3095113, WSUS doesn’t recognize the Upgrades classification, and instead treats the upgrade like a regular update. You can prevent this by installing hotfix 3095113 before you enable update synchronization. However, if you have already run into this problem, do the following steps:

  1. Disable the Upgrades classification.
  2. Install hotfix 3095113.
  3. Delete previously synched updates.
  4. Enable the Upgrades classification.
  5. Perform a full synch.

For detailed information on how to run these steps check out How to delete upgrades in WSUS.

0x8007007E Occurs when update synchronization fails because you don’t have hotfix 3095113 installed before you enable update synchronization. Specifically, the CopyToCache operation fails on clients that have already downloaded the upgrade because Windows Server Update Services has bad metadata related to the upgrade. It can occur when you’re using standalone Windows Server Update Services or when WSUS is integrated with Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager. Use the following steps to repair Windows Server Update Services. You must run these steps on each WSUS server that synched metadata before you installed the hotfix.

Stop the Windows Update service.

  • Sign in as a user with administrative privileges, and then do the following steps:
  • Open Administrative Tools from the Control Panel.
  • Double-click Services.
  • Find the Windows Update service, right-click it, and then select Stop. If prompted, enter your credentials.

    Delete all files and folders under c:WindowsSoftwareDistributionDataStore.

    Restart the Windows Update service.

  • Other error codes

    Error Codes Cause Mitigation
    0x80070003- 0x20007 This is a failure during SafeOS phase driver installation. Verify device drivers on the computer, and analyze log files to determine the problem driver.
    0x8007025D — 0x2000C This error occurs if the ISO file’s metadata is corrupt or if there’s an issue with the storage medium, such as a RAM module containing bad blocks during the installation of Windows. Redownload the ISO/Media and reattempt the upgrade

    Alternatively, re-create installation media the Media Creation Tool.

    0x80070490 — 0x20007 An incompatible device driver is present. Verify device drivers on the computer, and analyze log files to determine the problem driver.
    0xC1900101 — 0x2000c An unspecified error occurred in the SafeOS phase during WIM apply. This can be caused by an outdated driver or disk corruption. Run checkdisk to repair the file system. For more information, see the quick fixes section in this guide.
    Update drivers on the computer, and select «Download and install updates (recommended)» during the upgrade process. Disconnect devices other than the mouse, keyboard and display.
    0xC1900200 — 0x20008 The computer doesn’t meet the minimum requirements to download or upgrade to Windows 10. See Windows 10 Specifications and verify the computer meets minimum requirements.

    Review logs for compatibility information.

    0xC1900200 — 0x20008 The computer doesn’t meet the minimum requirements to download or upgrade to Windows 10.

    See Windows 10 Specifications and verify the computer meets minimum requirements.

    Review logs for Windows 10 Specifications.

    0x80070004 — 0x3000D This is a problem with data migration during the first boot phase. There are multiple possible causes. Analyze log files to determine the issue.
    0xC1900101 — 0x4001E Installation failed in the SECOND_BOOT phase with an error during PRE_OOBE operation. This is a generic error that occurs during the OOBE phase of setup. See the 0xC1900101 section of this guide and review general troubleshooting procedures described in that section.
    0x80070005 — 0x4000D The installation failed in the SECOND_BOOT phase with an error in during MIGRATE_DATA operation. This error indicates that access was denied while attempting to migrate data. Analyze log files to determine the data point that is reporting access denied.
    0x80070004 — 0x50012 Windows Setup failed to open a file. Analyze log files to determine the data point that is reporting access problems.
    0x80070070 — 0x50011
    0x80070070 — 0x50012
    0x80070070 — 0x60000
    These errors indicate the computer doesn’t have enough free space available to install the upgrade. To upgrade a computer to Windows 10, it requires 16 GB of free hard drive space for a 32-bit OS, and 20 GB for a 64-bit OS. If there isn’t enough space, attempt to free up drive space before proceeding with the upgrade.

    Note: If your device allows it, you can use an external USB drive for the upgrade process. Windows setup will back up the previous version of Windows to a USB external drive. The external drive must be at least 8 GB (16 GB is recommended). The external drive should be formatted using NTFS. Drives that are formatted in FAT32 may run into errors due to FAT32 file size limitations. USB drives are preferred over SD cards because drivers for SD cards aren’t migrated if the device doesn’t support Connected Standby.

    Modern setup errors

    Also see the following sequential list of modern setup (mosetup) error codes with a brief description of the cause.

    Result code Message Description
    0XC1900100 MOSETUP_E_VERSION_MISMATCH An unexpected version of Setup Platform binaries was encountered. Verify the package contents.
    0XC1900101 MOSETUP_E_SETUP_PLATFORM The Setup Platform has encountered an unspecified error.
    0XC1900102 MOSETUP_E_SHUTDOWN_BLOCK Unable to create or destroy the shutdown block message.
    0XC1900103 MOSETUP_E_COMPAT_TIMEOUT The compatibility issues weren’t resolved within the required time limit.
    0XC1900104 MOSETUP_E_PROCESS_TIMEOUT The installation process did not complete within the required time limit.
    0XC1900105 MOSETUP_E_TEST_MODE The installation process is being used in a test environment.
    0XC1900106 MOSETUP_E_TERMINATE_PROCESS The installation process was terminated.
    0XC1900107 MOSETUP_E_CLEANUP_PENDING A cleanup operation from a previous installation attempt is still pending. A system reboot is required.
    0XC1900108 MOSETUP_E_REPORTING An error has occurred and the result value must be consolidated for telemetry purposes.
    0XC1900109 MOSETUP_E_COMPAT_TERMINATE The installation process was terminated during the actionable compatibility phase.
    0XC190010a MOSETUP_E_UNKNOWN_CMD_LINE The installation process was launched with an unknown command-line argument.
    0XC190010b MOSETUP_E_INSTALL_IMAGE_NOT_FOUND The installation image was not found.
    0XC190010c MOSETUP_E_AUTOMATION_INVALID The provided automation information was invalid.
    0XC190010d MOSETUP_E_INVALID_CMD_LINE The installation process was launched with an invalid command-line argument.
    0XC190010e MOSETUP_E_EULA_ACCEPT_REQUIRED The installation process requires that the user accept the license agreement.
    0XC1900110 MOSETUP_E_EULA_CANCEL The user has chosen to cancel for license agreement.
    0XC1900111 MOSETUP_E_ADVERTISE_CANCEL The user has chosen to cancel for advertisement.
    0XC1900112 MOSETUP_E_TARGET_DRIVE_NOT_FOUND Could not find a target drive letter.
    0XC1900113 MOSETUP_E_EULA_DECLINED The user has declined the license terms.
    0XC190011e MOSETUP_E_FLIGHTING_BVT The installation process has been halted for testing purposes.
    0XC190011f MOSETUP_E_PROCESS_CRASHED The installation process crashed.
    0XC1900120 MOSETUP_E_EULA_TIMEOUT The user has not accepted the EULA within the required time limit.
    0XC1900121 MOSETUP_E_ADVERTISE_TIMEOUT The user has not accepted Advertisement within the required time limit.
    0XC1900122 MOSETUP_E_DOWNLOADDISKSPACE_TIMEOUT The download disk space issues were not resolved within the required time limit.
    0XC1900123 MOSETUP_E_INSTALLDISKSPACE_TIMEOUT The install disk space issues were not resolved within the required time limit.
    0XC1900124 MOSETUP_E_COMPAT_SYSREQ_TIMEOUT The minimum requirements compatibility issues were not resolved within the required time limit.
    0XC1900125 MOSETUP_E_COMPAT_DOWNLOADREQ_TIMEOUT The compatibility issues for download were not resolved within the required time limit.
    0XC1900126 MOSETUP_E_GATHER_OS_STATE_SIGNATURE The GatherOsState executable has invalid signature.
    0XC1900127 MOSETUP_E_UNINSTALL_ALLOWED_ABORT The user has chosen to abort Setup to keep Uninstall option active.
    0XC1900128 MOSETUP_E_MISSING_TASK The install cannot continue because a required task is missing.
    0XC1900129 MOSETUP_E_UPDATEMEDIA_REQUESTED A more up-to-date version of setup will be launched to continue installation
    0XC190012f MOSETUP_E_FINALIZE_ALREADY_REQUESTED The install cannot continue because a finalize operation was already requested.
    0XC1900130 MOSETUP_E_INSTALL_HASH_MISSING The install cannot continue because the instance hash was not found.
    0XC1900131 MOSETUP_E_INSTALL_HASH_MISMATCH The install cannot continue because the instance hash does not match.
    0XC19001df MOSETUP_E_DISK_FULL The install cannot continue because the system is out of disk space.
    0XC19001e0 MOSETUP_E_GATHER_OS_STATE_FAILED The GatherOsState executable has failed to execute.
    0XC19001e1 MOSETUP_E_PROCESS_SUSPENDED The installation process was suspended.
    0XC19001e2 MOSETUP_E_PREINSTALL_SCRIPT_FAILED A preinstall script failed to execute or returned an error.
    0XC19001e3 MOSETUP_E_PRECOMMIT_SCRIPT_FAILED A precommit script failed to execute or returned an error.
    0XC19001e4 MOSETUP_E_FAILURE_SCRIPT_FAILED A failure script failed to execute or returned an error.
    0XC19001e5 MOSETUP_E_SCRIPT_TIMEOUT A script exceeded the timeout limit.
    0XC1900200 MOSETUP_E_COMPAT_SYSREQ_BLOCK The system does not pass the minimum requirements to install the update.
    0XC1900201 MOSETUP_E_COMPAT_SYSREQ_CANCEL The user has chosen to cancel because the system does not pass the minimum requirements to install the update.
    0XC1900202 MOSETUP_E_COMPAT_DOWNLOADREQ_BLOCK The system does not pass the minimum requirements to download the update.
    0XC1900203 MOSETUP_E_COMPAT_DOWNLOADREQ_CANCEL The user has chosen to cancel because the system does not pass the minimum requirements to download the update.
    0XC1900204 MOSETUP_E_COMPAT_MIGCHOICE_BLOCK The system does not pass the requirements for desired migration choice.
    0XC1900205 MOSETUP_E_COMPAT_MIGCHOICE_CANCEL The user has chosen to cancel because the system does not pass the requirements for desired migration choice.
    0XC1900206 MOSETUP_E_COMPAT_DEVICEREQ_BLOCK The system does not pass the device scan to install the update.
    0XC1900207 MOSETUP_E_COMPAT_DEVICEREQ_CANCEL The user has chosen to cancel because the system does not pass the device scan to install the update.
    0XC1900208 MOSETUP_E_COMPAT_INSTALLREQ_BLOCK The system does not pass the compat scan to install the update.
    0XC1900209 MOSETUP_E_COMPAT_INSTALLREQ_CANCEL The user has chosen to cancel because the system does not pass the compat scan to install the update.
    0XC190020a MOSETUP_E_COMPAT_RECOVERYREQ_BLOCK The system does not pass the minimum requirements to recover Windows.
    0XC190020b MOSETUP_E_COMPAT_RECOVERYREQ_CANCEL The user has chosen to cancel because the system does not pass the minimum requirements to recover Windows.
    0XC190020c MOSETUP_E_DOWNLOADDISKSPACE_BLOCK The system does not pass the disk space requirements to download the payload.
    0XC190020d MOSETUP_E_DOWNLOADDISKSPACE_CANCEL The user has chosen to cancel as the device does not have enough disk space to download.
    0XC190020e MOSETUP_E_INSTALLDISKSPACE_BLOCK The system does not pass the disk space requirements to install the payload.
    0XC190020f MOSETUP_E_INSTALLDISKSPACE_CANCEL The user has chosen to cancel as the device does not have enough disk space to install.
    0XC1900210 MOSETUP_E_COMPAT_SCANONLY The user has used the setup.exe command line to do scanonly, not to install the OS.
    0XC1900211 MOSETUP_E_DOWNLOAD_UNPACK_DISKSPACE_BLOCK The system does not pass the disk space requirements to download and unpack media.
    0XC1900212 MOSETUP_E_DOWNLOAD_UNPACK_DISKSPACE_MULTIARCH_BLOCK The system does not pass the disk space requirements to download and unpack multi-architecture media.
    0XC1900213 MOSETUP_E_NO_OFFER_FOUND There was no offer found that matches the required criteria.
    0XC1900214 MOSETUP_E_UNSUPPORTED_VERSION This version of the tool is not supported.
    0XC1900215 MOSETUP_E_NO_MATCHING_INSTALL_IMAGE Could not find an install image for this system.
    0XC1900216 MOSETUP_E_ROLLBACK_PENDING Found pending OS rollback operation.
    0XC1900220 MOSETUP_E_COMPAT_REPORT_NOT_DISPLAYED The compatibility report cannot be displayed due to a missing system component.
    0XC1900400 MOSETUP_E_UA_VERSION_MISMATCH An unexpected version of Update Agent client was encountered.
    0XC1900401 MOSETUP_E_UA_NO_PACKAGES_TO_DOWNLOAD No packages to be downloaded.
    0XC1900402 MOSETUP_E_UA_UPDATE_CANNOT_BE_MERGED No packages to be downloaded.
    0XC1900403 MOSETUP_E_UA_CORRUPT_PAYLOAD_FILES Payload files were corrupt.
    0XC1900404 MOSETUP_E_UA_BOX_NOT_FOUND The installation executable was not found.
    0XC1900405 MOSETUP_E_UA_BOX_CRASHED The installation process terminated unexpectedly.

    Data collection

    If you need assistance from Microsoft support, we recommend you collect the information by following the steps mentioned in Gather information by using TSSv2 for deployment-related issues.

    More information

    • Windows 10 FAQ for IT professionals
    • Windows 10 Enterprise system requirements
    • Windows 10 Specifications
    • Windows 10 IT pro forums
    • Fix Windows Update errors by using the DISM or System Update Readiness tool
    • Windows 7 to Windows 10 upgrade error (0x800707E7 — 0x3000D))
    • Windows 10 upgrade error: User profile suffix mismatch, 0x800707E7 — 0x3000D

    Windows 10: UPGRADING FROM V.1803 to V.1903 ERROR CODE: 0xc1900205

    Discus and support UPGRADING FROM V.1803 to V.1903 ERROR CODE: 0xc1900205 in Windows 10 Installation and Upgrade to solve the problem; Additional info: SETUP (FAIL) window attached. I have made an image of my laptop using Macrium. It is on an external HD. Even then, as a non-techie, I…
    Discussion in ‘Windows 10 Installation and Upgrade’ started by VirtualRecluse, Sep 6, 2019.

    1. UPGRADING FROM V.1803 to V.1903 ERROR CODE: 0xc1900205

      Additional info: SETUP (FAIL) window attached. I have made an image of my laptop using Macrium. It is on an external HD. Even then, as a non-techie, I would be unsure how to reinstall it. Is this upgrade issue fixable or should I opt to pay for official MS support to do it remotely? Kinda disappointed having only bought it less than 6 months ago…

      My system: HP Pavilion Laptop 15 cs1xxx
      Processor: Intel Core i5-8265u
      RAM: 8GB
      64 bit


    2. Win10 v.1903

      I tried to update from v.1809 to v.1903. The installation would get to about 50% and the computer would shut down. When I started it manually after several minutes, I got the message, «Undoing changes made to your computer.»

      I made an effort to start the computer with all services and apps not running, using msconfig settings — to no effect.

      Any suggestions??? TIA

    3. Failed Forced v.1903 Update…

      The automatic forced update to v.1903 on my system failed during the night a couple of days ago. The v.1903 update took 11.5 hours to download/install and another hour to do the update. Then another hour to download and install two additional updates. No errors listed in update history, but the desktop, Firefox, and Windows Live Mail were completely trashed ( there were other apps possibly affected). All mail folders and all bookmarks were lost as well as the setups for each app. Restoring v.1809 from the windows.old folder. The restore to V.1809 went well and restored Firefox, Windows Live Mail, and the desktop to what they were before the v.1903 update. Update and Security panel now shows that there were two installs of v.1903 with the first failing with error code 0x802400d and the second automatically restarting and completing successfully. That hadn’t been displayed before for some reason. The Update History panel shows three feature updates: the second 1903, the first failed 1903 and the old 1809 with the correct date (May 15, 2019). The About System panel shows v.1809 bld 17163.678 being installed. WU has done two autoupdate checks since the v.1903 debacle and states the system is up to date. Of course, the «Download and Install» link is now gone from the WU panel.

      My questions concern WU doing an unrequested 1903 update someday, or will it think 1903 is installed and I will eventually have to download an ISO to update to v.1903? Or worse, will WU download and try to install CUs for 1903 on an 1809 system?

    4. UPGRADING FROM V.1803 to V.1903 ERROR CODE: 0xc1900205

      Win10 update v 1903

      Just received the Win10 update v 1903. Already has issues (not surprised). This is the error I now get: «There was a problem starting C:windowssystem32LogiLDA.dII

      The specified module could not be found»

      Any ideas what this means or how to fix it?

      Thank you.


    UPGRADING FROM V.1803 to V.1903 ERROR CODE: 0xc1900205

    1. UPGRADING FROM V.1803 to V.1903 ERROR CODE: 0xc1900205 — Similar Threads — UPGRADING 1803 1903

    2. WIN 10 upgrade from V 1903 to V 2004

      in Windows 10 Installation and Upgrade

      WIN 10 upgrade from V 1903 to V 2004: I recently purchased an HP Envy Laptop and it came installed with V. 1903 Build 18362.778, install date 03/17/20.

      EDGE version is 84.0.522.44.

      I have Windows Updates paused thru 02/08/21.

      My Laptop & Windows & Applications are working just fine.

      I create manual…

    3. Update W10 Pro From V.1809 to V.1903…

      in Windows 10 Updates and Activation

      Update W10 Pro From V.1809 to V.1903…: I have a relative that has a PC running W10 Pro v.1809 and he doesn’t want to update to v.1909, but wants to update to v.1903 until v.1903 reaches EOL. V.1809 support ends on 05/12/2020 and v.1903 ends on 12/08/2020. I don’t have his system specs. available, but I’m pretty…
    4. Software works on v.1903 but not v.1909?

      in Windows 10 Installation and Upgrade

      Software works on v.1903 but not v.1909?: I recently purchased software called Publisher Rocket/KDPRocket that uses the Amazon API to scrape book ranking data from Amazon.com based on keyword searches.

      The software runs fine on an older 6-7yo laptop running Windows 10 v. 1903, build 18362.592. But it fails in…

    5. BSOD upon reboot following upgrade from WIN 10 V 1903 to V 1909

      in Windows 10 Installation and Upgrade

      BSOD upon reboot following upgrade from WIN 10 V 1903 to V 1909: In a previous post I was having installation failures with WIN 10 V 1903 for Cumulative Updates 2019-07, 2019-09 and 2019-10. Each failed with error code 0x800f0845. Time Lady had be try numerous things, all failed. In addition, I was getting repeated BSOD after reboot….
    6. w10,v 1903 not installing has error code 0x80240034

      in Windows 10 Installation and Upgrade

      w10,v 1903 not installing has error code 0x80240034: My auto udpater has tried 2 times to install v. 1903, but has failed with error code 0x80240034. Should I leave it alone to sort itself out with time, or should i attempt to load it manually using Windows Update Assistant. Thank you….
    7. Win10 update to v.1903 from 1809

      in Windows 10 Installation and Upgrade

      Win10 update to v.1903 from 1809: After the 1903 update download… How long should it take to restart (reboot) the computer?

      1 ,2,3 Hrs or even days??


    8. Win10 v.1903

      in Windows 10 Installation and Upgrade

      Win10 v.1903: I tried to update from v.1809 to v.1903. The installation would get to about 50% and the computer would shut down. When I started it manually after several minutes, I got the message, «Undoing changes made to your computer.»
      I made an effort to start the computer with all…
    9. Cannot update from 10586, v 1511, to 16299, v 1803

      in Windows 10 Updates and Activation

      Cannot update from 10586, v 1511, to 16299, v 1803: My laptop runs Win10, 10586 and when I boot up I have been getting the message to update.
      No matter what I do like follow the instructions, use an iso file to update the update fails.

      Loading, verification and installation seem o.k., but everytime it fails.

      The error code…

    10. V.1803 & File History..

      in Windows 10 Backup and Restore

      V.1803 & File History..: I was under the impression that the File History function would be deleted when v.1803 was implemented. File History hadn’t been working for many months under v.1709. After installation, I saw that File History was still in Settings under Backup. It was turned off, but was…

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