Код ошибки 30034 4 office

This describes the Microsoft Office error code 30034-4 solutions in this article. It was found that many users having trouble to repair or install office programs on their Windows and Mac computers. The majority of issues are due to the Office licensing, Windows updates, insufficient system resources like disk space, internet connectivity, etc. So this article provides the solution for different kind of office issues related to error code 30034-4 .

Office error code 30034-4 Returns following error messages:-

  • Something went wrong Error code 30034-4 Go online for additional help.
  • Office is Busy, There is a problem starting the Office Installation.
  • We are sorry, but we are unable to start your program.
  • Sorry installation can’t continue because no compatible office products are detected.
  • We are sorry, but we can’t verify the signature of files required to install your office product.
  • Internet connection needed. Office error code 30034-4 .
  • Background installation ran into a problem.

Something went wrong Error code 30034-4 Go online for additional help.

When operating system unable to add and/or remove the products that you are requesting, It requests you to verify file’s signature that required to install the office product. Usually, returns error code series 300XX, 1xxx series depends on the cause of the issue.

office error code 30034-4

pic showing office error code 30034-4

Office is Busy, There is a problem starting the Office Installation

It appears when you try to open any office program like word ,excel etc, and the office already in progress .it gives a message “we are either updating or helping you add/ or remove some programs.

Office busy error in office 2010

Office busy error while repairing

We are sorry, but we are unable to start your program.

Unable to start a program is a common error in a windows operating system that causes due to failed services of a program. If there are Windows Installer services found to be not working, then you cannot install an Office product.

Sorry, we ran into a problem Error code 30034-4 -Sorry installation can’t continue because no compatible office products are detected.

A Microsoft Windows Operating system is released in two different bit versions depending on the hardware architecture such like 32 and 64. It is required to install relevant versions of office suitable for the Windows Operating systems. In case of any mismatch in the versions selected, you can see this error message that says no compatible office products are detected.

No compatible office products detected

No compatible office products detected

We are sorry, but we can’t verify the signature of files required to install your office product.

An Office product package is available in different forms like a disc or a click to run. In the case of a disc failure, you might see this error message which says signatures of files required to install the office product.

Unalbe to verify signature of files

Unable to verify signature of files

Internet connection needed. Office error code 30034-4 .

While you performing the online repair for your office product this error message may occur due to internet problems. You can do a quick offline repair.

Also, Installation of Microsoft Office requires an internet connection depending on the version. The latest Office 365 suite comes with a click to run version which is a small setup file when you click on it, that would start the installation by downloading all the required files for the program. In the case of an intermittent connection or some connectivity failures, you might end up seeing this error 30034-4 .

internet connection needed error message

Internet connection needed error message

Background Installation ran into a problem

This causes when your Office program related files are corrupted. It is required to repair your Office program. In addition, we need to check for malware or virus related issues on your computer.

Office background installation ran into a problem

Pic : Office background installation ran into a-problem

Unable to start Office program

This message explains that the program has been stopped by your Windows. The computer must be scanned using Windows system file scan process. This also shows that Office related files are missing from Program folders. If this happened recently with any of your cleanup programs, a system restore could help you to fix the same.

Diagnose your computer to fix error code 30034-4 :-

There are few ironically shown Office error codes which require an immediate action. There will be a log for every action on your computer which records all the events. It is termed as an Event viewer. This is a Windows Inbuilt program under system tools, it provides all the information for the problem causing keys.

This could cause due to the failure with your Windows related services and the executable file is unable to read the required files when you try installing Office. There may be issues with the start up programs which can be checked under System Configuration.

Perform system file scan:-

System file scan in short SFC scan is windows inbuilt program to fix altered/modified and damaged files of the operating system. It can fix several updates failures, other violations done by several mismatched files.

To Run system file scan in your windows operating system, first Open command prompt (CMD) in admin mode and Run the command SFC/SCANNOW

Office error codes also can be fixed with this scan if they are not damaged much. If you see any file violations still exists after the scan then move to Event viewer to check what has caused the office error code 30034-4 . Watch video to know how to perform SFC SCAN to fix office error code 30034-4 .

How to use Event viewer to check office error logs:-

  1. Click on a start button.
  2. Type “RUN” and open the Run command prompt.
  3. Type “EVENTVWR” and press enter key to open Eventvwr logs.
  4. Double click on “windows logs” from the left-side panel and select “application “.
  5. Now you can see many logs in the center panel.
  6. Filter the logs to find office related issues and warnings by selecting Filter current log option from the Right side panel.
  7. 7. Find any critical, error logs the caused error code 30034-4 .

If you can’t find any reasons for the issues then just take a chance to do a clean installation to save your time.

Steps to Fix the error code 30034-4 :-

Sometimes office won’t install due to several reasons like internet connectivity, dependencies for the product or any virus that affected your computer files etc. Then all you have to do a clean installation by removing traces of office program files existed from previous versions or by multiple office installation trails by you due to several errors.

Remove Temporary Files:-

In the process of installing office or any product on your windows machines, there are so many files gets created which are meant for temporary purpose for memory management,within application purposes like MDI etc.

Under normal conditions, these files are closed and deleted by Windows when you quit a Windows session. However, if you quit Windows in an irregular way (for example, restarting the computer or turning it off during an active Windows session) the files are not closed or deleted.

To remove temporary files, Follow these steps,

  1. Click on windows start button + “R” to open the run command window.
  2. Type “%temp%” and click on the enter button, this leads to a window with temp files and folders.
  3. Select all (CTRL+A) “Shift + Delete” to remove permanently,

There may be some files requires admin permission to remove, Just click on ok. Only a few files cant be deleted because of there are some application might be using them internally. Skip those files.

temp files deletion

Error code 30034-4 Fix- by removing Office traces from Program files :-

In some cases, Office installation may stop because of several reasons like slow internet, server issues etc. Then your machine creates some of files required to office 365/2010/2016 product.

When you try to re-install this time, You may see issues like these type of error code 30034-4 and different series based on the reason of failure.

office traces removing window

You have to delete these Office traces from the computer before trying re-installation process.

Repair/Uninstall office program: –

Applies To: Office 2016, Office for business, Office 365 Admin, Office 365 Small Business Admin, Office 2013

The following steps describe how to uninstall Office 2016 or 2013 products on a PC (laptop, desktop, or 2-in-1). For other versions of Office, including Office 2016 for Mac, or older versions of Office, see the section, Uninstall Office for Mac, Office 2010, or Office 2007 below.Try uninstalling Office using the Control Panel first. If that doesn’t work use the easy fix tool or try uninstalling Office manually.

For Windows 8 / Windows 8.1/10:-

  1. Go to control panel from start button,
  2. Select Programs and features there to reach a list of installed programs on your computer. (In windows 10 you can just type “programs and features in the Cortana search bar beside windows start logo)
  3. From the list, search for Microsoft Office product and click on Change
  4. A window will open like here showing Add, Repair, Remove options
  5. Then proceed to with repair and wait for sometimes.Once the repair is successful you are ready to use Microsoft office product again.

To uninstall follow the first 4 steps from repair process, and choose to Remove instead of repair.

IMPORTANT:. It’s impossible to uninstall office applications (word, excel, publisher etc) individually from total office product.The only way to uninstall an individual app is if you purchased it as a stand-alone version.

Installing Office Product:-

Once you have done the uninstallation part, now do a clean installation.

  1. Login to your Microsoft office account www.office.com/signin
  2. Go to your dashboard to see the product you purchased.
  3. Select “Install Office “ option and then let it download, (you may see click Save, Run, Setup, or Save File depends on browser type, select “save” for future purpose)
  4. Go to downloads in your computer and Double click on office setup file to install.

If the error code 30034-4 still persists then try an advanced registry fix if you are familiar with it.

Windows Registry Fix:-

The registry in Windows is a console that shows the structure of your Windows Operating system and it’s internal programs. The Hexa codes inside the registry may change due to some unwanted conflicting programs which use the same resources.

To fix the error code 30034-4 in office 365/2010/2016 you need to delete the altered Office Registry keys or remove and re-create the keys with previous values. (HEXA CODE or H-KEYS).

Note: Don’t do Registry changes if you are not aware of the structure, as it damages applications with one single change. Sometimes damages your computer operating system too.

Take a support from Online experts regarding any unresolved issues on your computer.

Chat with our technician to fix your computer issues Now!


Related issues to error code 30034-4 in Office 365, 2010/2013:

Error code 30089-4,Error code 3-4,Error code 30033-4,Error code 30088-15,Error code 30145-27,Error code 30094-1,Error code 30145-13,Error code 30175-12,Error code 30126-1011,Error code 30102-13,Error code 30013-39,Error code 30043-11,Error code 30102-11,Error code 30045-13,Error code 30050-13,Error code 30058-26,Error code 30045-14,Error code 30088-8,Error code 30145-16,Error code 3033-27,Error code 30033-27,Error code 30125-9 (500),Error code 30182-1015(4),Error code 30015-1025(1392),Error code 30033-27,Error code 30088-13 ,  Error code 30068-4 (3),Error code 30183-4,Office error code 30103-13, Error code 30126-4,Error code 30183-4,Error code 30183-1011(1),Error code 30180-4,Error code 30175-4,Error code 30175-13,Error code 30174-4,Error code 30169-22,Error code 30145-4,Error code 30145-16,Error code 30145-13,Error code 30143-37,Error code 30125-4,Error code 30125-1011,Error code 30103-11,Error code 30102-13,Error code 30102-11 ,Error code 30094-4,Error code 30015-11 (-2147023834),Error code 30094-1011,Error code 30088-4,Error code 30088-28,Error code 30088-27,Error code 30088-26,Error code 30088-22,Error code 30068-4,Error code 30053-4,Error code 30045-4,Error code 30045-11,Error code 30038-4,Error code 30038-26,Error code 30034-4,Error code 30029-4,Error code 30027-4 ,Error code 30016-4,Error code 30016-2,Error code 30015-6,Error code 30015-4 (3),Error code 30015-11 (-1073741790),Error code 30013-39,Error code 30183-4 ,Error code 1704,Error code 1605,Error code 1058-4,Error code 30029-24,Error code 12152-4,Error code 12007-4,Error code 12002-4,Error code 30088-1015

Post Views: 706


  • 1 Office error code 30034-4 Returns following error messages:-
    • 1.1 Something went wrong Error code 30034-4 Go online for additional help.
    • 1.2 Office is Busy, There is a problem starting the Office Installation
    • 1.3 We are sorry, but we are unable to start your program.
    • 1.4 Sorry, we ran into a problem Error code 30034-4 -Sorry installation can’t continue because no compatible office products are detected.
    • 1.5 We are sorry, but we can’t verify the signature of files required to install your office product.
    • 1.6 Internet connection needed. Office error code 30034-4 .
    • 1.7 Background Installation ran into a problem
    • 1.8 Unable to start Office program
  • 2 Diagnose your computer to fix error code 30034-4 :-
  • 3 Perform system file scan:-
  • 4 How to use Event viewer to check office error logs:-
  • 5 Steps to Fix the error code 30034-4 :-
    • 5.1 Remove Temporary Files:-
    • 5.2 Error code 30034-4 Fix- by removing Office traces from Program files :-
  • 6 Repair/Uninstall office program: –
    • 6.1 For Windows 8 / Windows 8.1/10:-
  • 7 Installing Office Product:-
  • 8 Windows Registry Fix:-

Error code 30034-4   :  Microsoft office application is now an important element of our day to day life as it deals about our studies, work, business etc. And as it is a development era Microsoft has launched the well developed and secured products such as Office 365 and Office 2016 and also Office 2013 which was precede of Office 365 and Office 2016. You could buy the Office product from Microsoft product list or store .And in some cases the installation or update of Office may end up with Error code 30034-4

Step 1. Temporarily disable Firewall and Antivirus

Error code 30034-4  while installing or updating the Microsoft Office may occur in case of Network or firewall restriction. The network rules or firewall rules in the network/computer may block the installation of Office program or its updating as a part of their security measurements. These firewall rules and Antivirus are implemented on the computer by the network provider or the computer user on its core system or registry.

You could fix the Error code 30034-4 by disabling the firewall or antivirus temporarily or you could fix the Error code 30034-4 by making creating an exceptional rule for Microsoft Office installation or update.

Follow the steps to disable Firewall:

Error code 30034-4

Step 1. Open “control panel”

Step 2. Navigate to “system and security” and then to “Windows Firewall”

Step 3. Click on “turn windows firewall On or Off”

Step 4. Select Turn Off firewall for both private and public network.

Step 5. Try installing or updating Microsoft Office and check whether the Error code 30034-4    is fixed.

For more information: click here to view Microsoft Reference article to disable windows firewall.

Follow the steps to disable Antivirus:

Error code 30034-4

Step 1. Open Antivirus application installed on the computer.

Step 2. Click on settings and navigate to real time protection.

Step 3. Turn Off real time protection.

Step 4. Navigate to Antivirus firewall.

Step 5. Turn off Antivirus firewall.

Step 6. Click on YES or OK confirmation prompt if prompted.

Step 7. Try installing or updating Microsoft Office and check whether the Error code 30034-4    is fixed.

Step 2. SFC Scan to fix Error code 30034-4   

Error code 30034-4 also occurs in case of system file errors or corruption. If the Error code 30034-4 is occurred due to the system file corruption, it could be fixed easily by the SFC scan. The SFC scan or system file checking scan is the process of replacing or repairing the corrupted copy of system files using the cached copy of the file from the directory.

Error code 30034-4

Follow the steps to initiate SFC scan:

Step 1. Open command prompt in administrative privileges.

Step 2. Type “ sfc /scannow “ and click enter.

Step 3. The scan will begin automatically .

Step 4. Do not close the command prompt until the scan get completed.

Step 5. Try installing or updating Microsoft Office and check whether the Error code 30034-4    is fixed.

For more information: Click here to view Microsoft reference kb article 929833 for sfc scan

Step 3. Registry repair to fix Error code 30034-4

Error code 30034-4  also occurs due to registry corruption or key value errors. A single key value corruption or change may lead to malfunctioning of the entire Microsoft Office program.

Error code 30034-4

In order to fix Error code 30034-4 it is required to repair the registry keys and rebuilt the string values. And we request you to back up the registry before initiating the registry repair as registry is a highly sensitive element of a computer system and it is recommended to be done in the presence of Online or offline technician.

For more information on back up of registry follow the Microsoft kb article 322756

Follow the steps to repair registry:

Step 1. Open registry editor

Step 2. Delete the preinstalled or older registry key which block the installation of latest version or update.

Step 3. Navigate the below keys and delete it.









Step 5. Also change the DWORD values in below keys from 0 to 1 in Office common registry folder.





Solution 4. Remove and reinstallation.

If Error code 30034-4 is not fixed in registry repair, SFC scan and firewall/antivirus exception, it is required to remove the Office suite completely from the programs and features, and then to reinstall the product for a proper use.

Error code 30034-4

Follow the steps given below to fix Error code 30034-4 completely.

Step 1. Open control panel

Step 2. Click on uninstall programs and features

Step 3. Search for Microsoft Office in the list.

Step 4. Select Microsoft Office and click on uninstall.

Step 5. Once uninstall is finished, try running Office setup to install Microsoft Office.

For more information: Click here to view Microsoft reference kb article to uninstall a program.

How to install Microsoft Office

Step 1. Open Office My Account

Error code 30034-4

Step 2. Login to Office account using your registered email ID and password.

Step 3. Click on install Option under the Office product in your account.

Error code 30034-4

Step 4. Save the installer setup if prompted and run it once download is completed.

Error code 30034-4

Step 5. Do not go offline or reboot the computer once installation is initiated.

Error code 30034-4

Step 6. Click on finish button once the program is installed completely.

Please note: If you are trying to install School or college or company version of Office suite click here to login to your office account and then follow from step 2.

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  • Question

  • Hi I Have Visio 2016 installed on my PC.

    My company have just installed office 365 and noe when attempting to run Visio I get an error message.

    Error Code: 3034-4

    Please can you let me know what I need to do to resolve this issue.

    I have tryed to run both options of repair (Local and on-line) and get the same error each time.

    «Something went wrong

    Sorry, we ran into a problem

    Go online for additional Help

    Error Code: 30034-4″

All replies

  • Hi Burnhard999,

    Does this issue affect other users in your environment?
    Have you tried running repair for both Office 365 and Visio 2016 to see if there will be any improvement?

    Based on my research, error code 30034-4 generally occurs when there is an serious issue with system files. The issue results in compablity issue between office core files and system files. Please try the following steps and see the result: 

    1. Press Win + R, type “inetcpl.cpl” and click OK to open the Internet Properties dialogue box.
    2. Click on the “Security” tab
    3. Click “Reset all zones to default level” button at the bottom of the window:

    If the above method doesn’t work, please try to completely uninstall Visio and Office 365 using the easy fix tool mentioned in the article below and then try reinstalling Visio and Office 365 to check the result:


    Hope this can be helpful.

    Best regards,
    Yuki Sun

    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they helped.

    If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact

    • Proposed as answer by

      Tuesday, September 12, 2017 9:04 AM

  • You might see Office error code 30034-4 if your antivirus software, firewall, or proxy settings prevent you from installing Office. To resolve the problem,
    temporarily turn off your antivirus software, firewall, or proxy settings, install Office, and then turn the settings back on.And also do a restart after every install or uninstall of the software into the PC/LAPTOP.

Microsoft Office is one of the most used software might sometime faces technical issues. To Fix Microsoft Office Error code 30034-4, which has occurred while installing, upgrading, opening or uninstalling the Office 365, office 2016 and office 2013 hence indicating some critical issues associated with the Microsoft Office program. Chances of other reasons which are responsible for the occurrence of MS Office error code 30034-4 also includes firewall rules, Antivirus shield, system file error, windows installer errors, network conflicts or may be due to p reinstalled copies of Office.You might also see the error code 30034-4 while opening Microsoft Word, Excel, Power Point, Outlook, Visio, Access or Project as a result of upgrading your Microsoft Office or after upgrading the OS to windows 10.

Causes for Microsoft office error code 30034-4:

  • Might be the safety software or your firewall might be blocking the Office installation.
  • Look for proxy settings as might be enabled on your computer or laptop
  • Pre-existing version of an MS Office Suite.
  • Incompletepartialfailed repairinstallationchangeremoval of the Office Suite.

Below mentioned are the steps to fix MS Office Error Code 30034-4 which is faced by your installed windows software and it is also recommended to follow the steps in the particular given order and check whether the issue is resolved after each troubleshooting step or not.

Steps to Troubleshoot Microsoft Office Error 30034-4:

Step 1: Repair the installed MS Office Suite

  • Press Windows Key + R search box appear type control in box and press enter
  • Type program in the control panel window and click on program and features
  • Select your Office installation
  • Click on change button
  • Select for repair and click on next

Step 2: Disable your Windows Firefox

  • Click on start button and then tap control panel
  • In the control panel Window open Windows Firewall
  • Now need to Turn on or off Windows Firewall via pressing
  • Click on turn off Windows Firewall under each network location and then click OK

Related Blog : Office error code 0xc0000142

Step 3: Re-install again

  • Visit the official website and look for the search box
  • Type the version of MS office you require to download
  • After the installation is finish
  • Open the file in the folder
  • Click on the setup file and run as administrator
  • Installation process will begin
  • Read the content thoroughly and keep on clicking NEXT
  • Reach the final step and click on finish
  • Installation is complete now successfully use the Office Suite without any interruption

Efficacious Solutions to Troubleshoot Microsoft Office Error Code 30175-4 :

Whatever the cause is, we have jotted down best possible solutions designed by our MS Office Tech Support Team that will help you to resolve this error in meantime possible. It is also advisable to have some sound knowledge about computer to avoid further damage to your system.

Solution 1: Turn off Installed Antivirus and Firewall 

Step 1: The first thing you need to do is Turn off system firewall by opening Control Panel followed by selecting “System and Security”. Now click on “Windows Firewall” and then on “Turn Windows Firewall On or off”.

Step2: After doing so turn the installed Antivirus “Real Time Protection” off by navigating the Antivirus firewall.

Solution 2: Run a SFC Scan

Step1: Open Command Prompt and type SFC or Scan now to start the scanning process automatically.

Step2: Close the command prompt as the scan is done.

Solution 3: Repair your Office Application

If the issue still persists, repair your office application to replace the damaged and corrupted files. Uninstall the old MS Office files and then try to run office setup to install MS office files.

Related Blog : Microsoft office error code 30034-4

Solution 4: Manual Uninstall and Installation of Office Program         

Delete all the Office Services and Office Files and then install a new updated Office Program and installed it properly.

Error code 30034-4, 30043-1015, 30088-26 or 30015-39 while installing office

Error code 30034-4, 30043-1015, 30088-26 or 30015-39 while installing office

Error code 30034-4, 30043-1015, 30088-26 or 30015-39

You may see error code 30034-4, 30043-1015, 30088-26 or 30015-39 while installing office if a previous installation of Office is failed. The residual files of the previous version will remain dormant causing issues during a fresh copy installation. Here are some things you can try to resolve error code 30034-4, 30043-1015, 30088-26 or 30015-39 while installing Microsoft Office. We are providing you some basic steps which you can try to fix the above errors while trying to install the software in your computer.

Step-1 Solution for Error code 30034-4

Repairing office application

We can try performing an online repair process which might resolve the errors present in the installation files . Below given are the steps to perform an online repair.

  1. Access control panel using the command “control’ in the run command window.

    Error code 30034-4, 30043-1015, 30088-26 or 30015-39 while installing office

    Control Panel command

  2. Under “programs and features” option, find out the installed Microsoft Office software.

    Error code 30034-4, 30043-1015, 30088-26 or 30015-39 while installing office

    Programs and features

  3. Select Microsoft Office from the list and click on “change” option.
  4. You can find the “repair” option in the newly opened window.

    Error code 30034-4, 30043-1015, 30088-26 or 30015-39 while installing office

    Office repair

  5. Click on repair and wait for the repairing process to be completed.


End click to run tasks and reinstall Office

Multiple number of installation process running in the background may result in failure of installation of office in the computer. Close all the background setup process of Microsoft office running and try reinstalling to resolve the issues. here are the steps to end the back ground process and to reinstall Office in the computer.

  1. Access “task manager” by right clicking “start”.

    Error code 30034-4, 30043-1015, 30088-26 or 30015-39 while installing office

    End click to run

  2. Under “process” tab look for “.exe” and “.exe setup” and right click on them.
  3. Click on end task for each process.
  4. Re-install Office using MS Office installation disc or Microsoft Office account.

If the issue with Error code 30034-4, 30043-1015, 30088-26 or 30015-39 while installing office is not resolved by performing the above steps, the issue might be due to some corruptions in the registry level of Microsoft Office.

It is strongly recommended to go for the fix from an expert technician in order to get the issue fixed.

Please click on the link to get connected to an expert technician to get the issues resolved.

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