Hi I would like to migrate to SQL Server 2014. When I start installation I have seen there is two instaces of sql Server and the by trying to repair then I have got error ( Error code: 0x84B40002). In services I can see two instances with two different
names SQL and MSSQL. there is text file like log to get a details and I will copy it.
Overall summary:
Final result: Failed: see details below
Exit code (Decimal): -2068578302
Start time: 2019-03-07 09:59:16
End time: 2019-03-07 10:03:11
Requested action: Repair
Setup completed with required actions for features.
Troubleshooting information for those features:
Next step for SQLEngine: Use the following information to resolve the error, and then try the setup process again.
Next step for Replication: Use the following information to resolve the error, and then try the setup process again.
Machine Properties:
Machine name: LOAPA2
Machine processor count: 3
OS version: Windows 8
OS service pack:
OS region: United States
OS language: English (United States)
OS architecture: x64
Process architecture: 32 Bit
OS clustered: No
Product features discovered:
Product Instance Instance ID
Feature Language
Edition Version Clustered Configured
SQL Server 2014 SQLEXPRESS MSSQL12.SQLEXPRESS Database Engine Services
1033 Express Edition 12.0.2000.8 No Yes
SQL Server 2014 SQLEXPRESS MSSQL12.SQLEXPRESS SQL Server Replication
1033 Express Edition 12.0.2000.8 No Yes
SQL Server 2014 MSSQLSERVER MSSQL12.MSSQLSERVER Database Engine Services
1033 Express Edition 12.0.2000.8 No Yes
1033 Express Edition 12.0.2000.8 No Yes
Package properties:
Description: Microsoft SQL Server 2014
ProductName: SQL Server 2014
Type: RTM
Version: 12
SPLevel: 0
Installation location: C:UsersU46030DownloadsSQLEXPR_x86_ENUx86setup
Installation edition:
User Input Settings:
ACTION: Repair
ENU: true
HELP: false
QUIET: false
UIMODE: AutoAdvance
X86: true
Configuration file: C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft SQL Server120Setup BootstrapLog20190307_095915ConfigurationFile.ini
Detailed results:
Feature: Database Engine Services
Status: Failed: see logs for details
Reason for failure: An error occurred during the setup process of the feature.
Next Step: Use the following information to resolve the error, and then try the setup process again.
Component name: SQL Server Database Engine Services Instance Features
Component error code: 0x84B40002
Error description: The SQL Server feature ‘SQL_Engine_Core_Inst’ is not in a supported state for repair, as it was never successfully configured. Only features from successful installations
can be repaired. To continue, remove the specified SQL Server feature.
Feature: SQL Server Replication
Status: Failed: see logs for details
Reason for failure: An error occurred for a dependency of the feature causing the setup process for the feature to fail.
Next Step: Use the following information to resolve the error, and then try the setup process again.
Component name: SQL Server Database Engine Services Instance Features
Component error code: 0x84B40002
Error description: The SQL Server feature ‘SQL_Engine_Core_Inst’ is not in a supported state for repair, as it was never successfully configured. Only features from successful installations
can be repaired. To continue, remove the specified SQL Server feature.
Feature: SQL Browser
Status: Passed
Feature: SQL Writer
Status: Passed
Feature: SQL Client Connectivity
Status: Passed
Feature: SQL Client Connectivity SDK
Status: Passed
Feature: Setup Support Files
Status: Passed
Rules with failures:
Global rules:
There are no scenario-specific rules.
Rules report file: C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft SQL Server120Setup BootstrapLog20190307_095915SystemConfigurationCheck_Report.htm
The following warnings were encountered while configuring settings on your SQL Server. These resources / settings were missing or invalid so default values were used in recreating the missing resources. Please review to make sure they don’t require
further customization for your applications:
The SQL Server Browser service was not found on the system. Setup will configure the service to log on as ‘NT AUTHORITYLOCAL SERVICE’.
The SQL Server Browser service was not found on the system. Setup will configure its startup type to ‘Disabled’.
The SQL Server Browser service was not found on the system. Setup will configure the service to log on as ‘NT AUTHORITYLOCAL SERVICE’.
The SQL Server Browser service was not found on the system. Setup will configure its startup type to ‘Disabled’.
Hi I would like to migrate to SQL Server 2014. When I start installation I have seen there is two instaces of sql Server and the by trying to repair then I have got error ( Error code: 0x84B40002). In services I can see two instances with two different
names SQL and MSSQL. there is text file like log to get a details and I will copy it.
Overall summary:
Final result: Failed: see details below
Exit code (Decimal): -2068578302
Start time: 2019-03-07 09:59:16
End time: 2019-03-07 10:03:11
Requested action: Repair
Setup completed with required actions for features.
Troubleshooting information for those features:
Next step for SQLEngine: Use the following information to resolve the error, and then try the setup process again.
Next step for Replication: Use the following information to resolve the error, and then try the setup process again.
Machine Properties:
Machine name: LOAPA2
Machine processor count: 3
OS version: Windows 8
OS service pack:
OS region: United States
OS language: English (United States)
OS architecture: x64
Process architecture: 32 Bit
OS clustered: No
Product features discovered:
Product Instance Instance ID
Feature Language
Edition Version Clustered Configured
SQL Server 2014 SQLEXPRESS MSSQL12.SQLEXPRESS Database Engine Services
1033 Express Edition 12.0.2000.8 No Yes
SQL Server 2014 SQLEXPRESS MSSQL12.SQLEXPRESS SQL Server Replication
1033 Express Edition 12.0.2000.8 No Yes
SQL Server 2014 MSSQLSERVER MSSQL12.MSSQLSERVER Database Engine Services
1033 Express Edition 12.0.2000.8 No Yes
1033 Express Edition 12.0.2000.8 No Yes
Package properties:
Description: Microsoft SQL Server 2014
ProductName: SQL Server 2014
Type: RTM
Version: 12
SPLevel: 0
Installation location: C:UsersU46030DownloadsSQLEXPR_x86_ENUx86setup
Installation edition:
User Input Settings:
ACTION: Repair
ENU: true
HELP: false
QUIET: false
UIMODE: AutoAdvance
X86: true
Configuration file: C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft SQL Server120Setup BootstrapLog20190307_095915ConfigurationFile.ini
Detailed results:
Feature: Database Engine Services
Status: Failed: see logs for details
Reason for failure: An error occurred during the setup process of the feature.
Next Step: Use the following information to resolve the error, and then try the setup process again.
Component name: SQL Server Database Engine Services Instance Features
Component error code: 0x84B40002
Error description: The SQL Server feature ‘SQL_Engine_Core_Inst’ is not in a supported state for repair, as it was never successfully configured. Only features from successful installations
can be repaired. To continue, remove the specified SQL Server feature.
Feature: SQL Server Replication
Status: Failed: see logs for details
Reason for failure: An error occurred for a dependency of the feature causing the setup process for the feature to fail.
Next Step: Use the following information to resolve the error, and then try the setup process again.
Component name: SQL Server Database Engine Services Instance Features
Component error code: 0x84B40002
Error description: The SQL Server feature ‘SQL_Engine_Core_Inst’ is not in a supported state for repair, as it was never successfully configured. Only features from successful installations
can be repaired. To continue, remove the specified SQL Server feature.
Feature: SQL Browser
Status: Passed
Feature: SQL Writer
Status: Passed
Feature: SQL Client Connectivity
Status: Passed
Feature: SQL Client Connectivity SDK
Status: Passed
Feature: Setup Support Files
Status: Passed
Rules with failures:
Global rules:
There are no scenario-specific rules.
Rules report file: C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft SQL Server120Setup BootstrapLog20190307_095915SystemConfigurationCheck_Report.htm
The following warnings were encountered while configuring settings on your SQL Server. These resources / settings were missing or invalid so default values were used in recreating the missing resources. Please review to make sure they don’t require
further customization for your applications:
The SQL Server Browser service was not found on the system. Setup will configure the service to log on as ‘NT AUTHORITYLOCAL SERVICE’.
The SQL Server Browser service was not found on the system. Setup will configure its startup type to ‘Disabled’.
The SQL Server Browser service was not found on the system. Setup will configure the service to log on as ‘NT AUTHORITYLOCAL SERVICE’.
The SQL Server Browser service was not found on the system. Setup will configure its startup type to ‘Disabled’.
Hi I would like to migrate to SQL Server 2014. When I start installation I have seen there is two instaces of sql Server and the by trying to repair then I have got error ( Error code: 0x84B40002). In services I can see two instances with two different
names SQL and MSSQL. there is text file like log to get a details and I will copy it.
Overall summary:
Final result: Failed: see details below
Exit code (Decimal): -2068578302
Start time: 2019-03-07 09:59:16
End time: 2019-03-07 10:03:11
Requested action: Repair
Setup completed with required actions for features.
Troubleshooting information for those features:
Next step for SQLEngine: Use the following information to resolve the error, and then try the setup process again.
Next step for Replication: Use the following information to resolve the error, and then try the setup process again.
Machine Properties:
Machine name: LOAPA2
Machine processor count: 3
OS version: Windows 8
OS service pack:
OS region: United States
OS language: English (United States)
OS architecture: x64
Process architecture: 32 Bit
OS clustered: No
Product features discovered:
Product Instance Instance ID
Feature Language
Edition Version Clustered Configured
SQL Server 2014 SQLEXPRESS MSSQL12.SQLEXPRESS Database Engine Services
1033 Express Edition 12.0.2000.8 No Yes
SQL Server 2014 SQLEXPRESS MSSQL12.SQLEXPRESS SQL Server Replication
1033 Express Edition 12.0.2000.8 No Yes
SQL Server 2014 MSSQLSERVER MSSQL12.MSSQLSERVER Database Engine Services
1033 Express Edition 12.0.2000.8 No Yes
1033 Express Edition 12.0.2000.8 No Yes
Package properties:
Description: Microsoft SQL Server 2014
ProductName: SQL Server 2014
Type: RTM
Version: 12
SPLevel: 0
Installation location: C:UsersU46030DownloadsSQLEXPR_x86_ENUx86setup
Installation edition:
User Input Settings:
ACTION: Repair
ENU: true
HELP: false
QUIET: false
UIMODE: AutoAdvance
X86: true
Configuration file: C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft SQL Server120Setup BootstrapLog20190307_095915ConfigurationFile.ini
Detailed results:
Feature: Database Engine Services
Status: Failed: see logs for details
Reason for failure: An error occurred during the setup process of the feature.
Next Step: Use the following information to resolve the error, and then try the setup process again.
Component name: SQL Server Database Engine Services Instance Features
Component error code: 0x84B40002
Error description: The SQL Server feature ‘SQL_Engine_Core_Inst’ is not in a supported state for repair, as it was never successfully configured. Only features from successful installations
can be repaired. To continue, remove the specified SQL Server feature.
Feature: SQL Server Replication
Status: Failed: see logs for details
Reason for failure: An error occurred for a dependency of the feature causing the setup process for the feature to fail.
Next Step: Use the following information to resolve the error, and then try the setup process again.
Component name: SQL Server Database Engine Services Instance Features
Component error code: 0x84B40002
Error description: The SQL Server feature ‘SQL_Engine_Core_Inst’ is not in a supported state for repair, as it was never successfully configured. Only features from successful installations
can be repaired. To continue, remove the specified SQL Server feature.
Feature: SQL Browser
Status: Passed
Feature: SQL Writer
Status: Passed
Feature: SQL Client Connectivity
Status: Passed
Feature: SQL Client Connectivity SDK
Status: Passed
Feature: Setup Support Files
Status: Passed
Rules with failures:
Global rules:
There are no scenario-specific rules.
Rules report file: C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft SQL Server120Setup BootstrapLog20190307_095915SystemConfigurationCheck_Report.htm
The following warnings were encountered while configuring settings on your SQL Server. These resources / settings were missing or invalid so default values were used in recreating the missing resources. Please review to make sure they don’t require
further customization for your applications:
The SQL Server Browser service was not found on the system. Setup will configure the service to log on as ‘NT AUTHORITYLOCAL SERVICE’.
The SQL Server Browser service was not found on the system. Setup will configure its startup type to ‘Disabled’.
The SQL Server Browser service was not found on the system. Setup will configure the service to log on as ‘NT AUTHORITYLOCAL SERVICE’.
The SQL Server Browser service was not found on the system. Setup will configure its startup type to ‘Disabled’.
If you try doing the out of the box install for SQL Express 2014, SQL Express 2012 (or for that matter SQL Server 2012 or SQL Server 2014) and just want to set up a simple development PC then you will probably get the same error I did:
… “Wait on the Database Engine recovery handle failed. Check the SQL Server error log for potential causes.”
(for the impatient, skip down a page or two for the fix)
SQL Express 2012, SQL Express 2012 SP1, SQL Enterprise 2012, SQL Express 2014 or SQL Enterprise 2014 will all generate this same message:
Once you click OK, installation proceeds to the end and shows (in my case) what actually did not install correctly, along with links to the error log:
the error logs aren’t a lot of help, typically you get something like this:
Configuration file: C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server110Setup BootstrapLog20140402_153752ConfigurationFile.ini
Detailed results: Feature: Database Engine Services Status: Failed: see logs for details Reason for failure: An error occurred during the setup process of the feature. Next Step: Use the following information to resolve the error, uninstall this feature, and then run the setup process again. Component name: SQL Server Database Engine Services Instance Features Component error code: 0x851A0019 Error description: Wait on the Database Engine recovery handle failed. Check the SQL Server error log for potential causes. Error help link: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink?LinkId=20476&ProdName=Microsoft+SQL+Server&EvtSrc=setup.rll&EvtID=50000&ProdVer=11.0.2100.60&EvtType=0xD15B4EB2%400x4BDAF9BA%401306%4025&EvtType=0xD15B4EB2%400x4BDAF9BA%401306%4025
Feature: SQL Server Replication Status: Failed: see logs for details Reason for failure: An error occurred for a dependency of the feature causing the setup process for the feature to fail. Next Step: Use the following information to resolve the error, uninstall this feature, and then run the setup process again. Component name: SQL Server Database Engine Services Instance Features Component error code: 0x851A0019 Error description: Wait on the Database Engine recovery handle failed. Check the SQL Server error log for potential causes. Error help link: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink?LinkId=20476&ProdName=Microsoft+SQL+Server&EvtSrc=setup.rll&EvtID=50000&ProdVer=11.0.2100.60&EvtType=0xD15B4EB2%400x4BDAF9BA%401306%4025&EvtType=0xD15B4EB2%400x4BDAF9BA%401306%4025
Feature: SQL Client Connectivity Status: Passed
Feature: SQL Client Connectivity SDK Status: Passed
Rules with failures:
attempt at repair didn’t entirely work, though at least a few more features appeared ok afterwards, seems the features that failed weren’t really installed to begin with.
Configuration file: C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server110Setup BootstrapLog20140402_164618ConfigurationFile.ini
Detailed results: Feature: Database Engine Services Status: Failed: see logs for details Reason for failure: An error occurred during the setup process of the feature. Next Step: Use the following information to resolve the error, and then try the setup process again. Component name: SQL Server Database Engine Services Instance Features Component error code: 0x84B40002 Error description: The SQL Server feature 'SQL_Engine_Core_Inst' is not in a supported state for repair, as it was never successfully configured. Only features from successful installations can be repaired. To continue, remove the specified SQL Server feature. Error help link: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink?LinkId=20476&ProdName=Microsoft+SQL+Server&EvtSrc=setup.rll&EvtID=50000&ProdVer=11.0.2100.60&EvtType=0x2841E06E%401204%402&EvtType=0x2841E06E%401204%402
Feature: SQL Server Replication Status: Failed: see logs for details Reason for failure: An error occurred for a dependency of the feature causing the setup process for the feature to fail. Next Step: Use the following information to resolve the error, and then try the setup process again. Component name: SQL Server Database Engine Services Instance Features Component error code: 0x84B40002 Error description: The SQL Server feature 'SQL_Engine_Core_Inst' is not in a supported state for repair, as it was never successfully configured. Only features from successful installations can be repaired. To continue, remove the specified SQL Server feature. Error help link: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink?LinkId=20476&ProdName=Microsoft+SQL+Server&EvtSrc=setup.rll&EvtID=50000&ProdVer=11.0.2100.60&EvtType=0x2841E06E%401204%402&EvtType=0x2841E06E%401204%402
Feature: SQL Browser Status: Passed
Feature: SQL Writer Status: Passed
Feature: SQL Client Connectivity Status: Passed
Feature: SQL Client Connectivity SDK Status: Passed
Feature: Setup Support Files Status: Passed
Rules with failures:
Some people suggesting changing security on %userprofile%AppDataMicrosoftRoamingMicrosoftProtect folder, but the user accounts are generated during install, so the logical thing (well it worked for me) was to simply re-use LOCAL SERVICE and NETWORK SERVICE accounts instead.
Caveat: this is a development machine, not production, I’m a developer not a DBA – this is convenient and expedient for me.
Short version: the fix for SQL 2012 or SQL 2014 installs is the same, just manually set the security for “SQL Server Agent” and “SQL Server Database Engine” to “NETWORK SERVICE”,
and for “SQL Server Analysis Services”, “SQL Server Reporting Services”, and if used for “SQL Server Distributed Replay Client” and “SQL Server Distributed Replay Controller” all to “LOCAL SERVICE”
Long version, below:
Here’s the complete install procedure end to end for the demo of SQL Server 2012 Enterprise, however the procedure is much the same for 2014 or SQL Express as well.
SQL 2012 or SQL 2014 installation step 1
Launch the installation by running setup.exe, click on “Installation”
SQL 2012 or SQL 2014 installation step 2
Once you click on Installation, click on “New SQL Server stand-alone installation or add features to an existing installation”
SQL 2012 or SQL 2014 installation step 3
After the checks are completed, click OK
SQL 2012 or SQL 2014 installation step 4
choose your version, click Next
SQL 2012 or SQL 2014 installation step 5
Click at least “I accept the license terms” (once you do), and optionally click “Send feature usage..” then click Next
SQL 2012 or SQL 2014 installation step 6
Doesn’t hurt to leave the checkbox on, allow installer to add the updates now. BTW This will vary depending on your install of SQL 2012 or 2014. Click Next.
SQL 2012 or SQL 2014 installation step 7
If all is well, you should see something similar to this. If there are issues, correct them, as advised, and come back here.
(For me Firewall was not a problem as this was a standalone dev. machine and not for other’s consumption.) Click Next
SQL 2012 or SQL 2014 installation step 8
Leave the choice here on “SQL Server Feature Installation” to allow you to change the settings. Click Next
SQL 2012 or SQL 2014 installation step 9.1
Choose your options. Note that you may see different features in SQL 2012 vs SQL 2014. Click Next when your options have been selected.
SQL 2012 or SQL 2014 installation step 9.2
not too long to wait …
SQL 2012 or SQL 2014 installation step 10
After further checks, click Next
SQL 2012 or SQL 2014 installation step 11
Create a unique name. If you have just one SQL instance you could call it say SQLSERVER or SQLEXPRESS. IMO good to plan ahead, as you might find it useful to install a different version of SQL server to allow you to do development of server to server / ETL queries etc. Click NEXT when completed.
SQL 2012 or SQL 2014 installation step 12
another intermediate check, this time for space, just click Next.
SQL 2012 or SQL 2014 installation step 13.1
This is where you need to change from the default user accounts (most of which do not exist yet).
SQL 2012 or SQL 2014 installation step 13.2
Choose one of the account names, scroll down and select “<<Browse…>>”
SQL 2012 or SQL 2014 installation step 13.3
When you click browse, the account selection window pops up, click Advanced.
SQL 2012 or SQL 2014 installation step 13.4
Click Find Now, then choose NETWORK SERVICE (or LOCAL SERVICE) depending on the service you are configuring. Click OK
SQL 2012 or SQL 2014 installation step 13.5
You will be returned to the original popup, check the account selected, then click OK
SQL 2012 or SQL 2014 installation step 13.6
Repeat until you change these accounts to either NETWORK SERVICE or LOCAL SERVICE, as shown, then click Next.
SQL 2012 or SQL 2014 installation step 14.1
I usually select Mixed Mode, as it (a) gives me a back door in case something goes wrong, and (b) to be able to develop apps using name/password as opposed to using window authentication.
SQL 2012 or SQL 2014 installation step 14.2
If using Mixed Mode, enter a password (twice)
Either way, make sure you click “Add Current User”, and you will find your local user account is added as a SQL Server Administrator.
SQL 2012 or SQL 2014 installation step 14.3
If you want to experiment with Filestream development, make sure you select the “FILESTREAM” tab, and select these options.
Make sure while there you add a sharename, as shown. This can be set to correspond with your SQL instance name.
Once completed, click Next
SQL 2012 or SQL 2014 installation step 15
Click “Add Current User”, then click Next
SQL 2012 or SQL 2014 installation step 16
Click Next
SQL 2012 or SQL 2014 installation step 17
Click “Add Current User”, then click Next
SQL 2012 or SQL 2014 installation step 18
Add your local machine name, then click Next.
SQL 2012 or SQL 2014 installation step 19
Optional checkbox, click Next
SQL 2012 or SQL 2014 installation step 20
Another pre-install check, wait a bit, click Next
SQL 2012 or SQL 2014 installation step 21
A summary of what will be installed, click Next
SQL 2012 or SQL 2014 installation step 22
Time for coffee .. waiting ..
SQL 2012 or SQL 2014 installation step 23
The end of install, almost .. if you are lucky you might need to reboot (don’t worry though, the reboot is not forced).
Click OK
SQL 2012 or SQL 2014 installation step 24
there’s a brief message, just wait.
SQL 2012 or SQL 2014 installation step 25
Finally you can click Close.
You are not forced to reboot, but now is the time (if you were prompted that you needed to), to reboot.
#four, #one, #three, #two
I’ve been trying to install SQL Server Express 2017 for the past two days, but the installation completes with an error where the Database Engine Services and the SQL Server Replication fails to be installed. I also get this error pop-up message:
The following error has occurred:
Object reference not set to an instance of object.
I’ve also tried the following steps in hopes of fixing this:
i)Checking and Fixing my PC’s .NET v4.6 using a .NET Repair Toolkit.
ii)Changing the SQL Server Database Engine Configuration to NT AUTHORITYNETWORK SERVICE and also NT AUTHORITYSYSTEM.
iii)Trying to repair the system after the installation using the repair tool.
The error log from the installation:
Feature: Database Engine Services
Status: Failed
Reason for failure: An error occurred during the setup process of the feature.
Next Step: Use the following information to resolve the error, uninstall this feature, and then run the setup process again.
Component name: SQL Server Database Engine Services Instance Features
Component error code: -2147467261
Error description: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
Error help link: https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink?LinkId=20476&ProdName=Microsoft+SQL+Server&EvtSrc=setup.rll&EvtID=50000&ProdVer=14.0.1000.169&EvtType=0x9C8C9C81%400x44A889F9&EvtType=0x9C8C9C81%400x44A889F9
Feature: SQL Server Replication
Status: Failed
Reason for failure: An error occurred for a dependency of the feature causing the setup process for the feature to fail.
Next Step: Use the following information to resolve the error, uninstall this feature, and then run the setup process again.
Component name: SQL Server Database Engine Services Instance Features
Component error code: -2147467261
Error description: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
Error help link: https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink?LinkId=20476&ProdName=Microsoft+SQL+Server&EvtSrc=setup.rll&EvtID=50000&ProdVer=14.0.1000.169&EvtType=0x9C8C9C81%400x44A889F9&EvtType=0x9C8C9C81%400x44A889F9
and the error log after repairing the instance:
Feature: Database Engine Services
Status: Failed
Reason for failure: An error occurred during the setup process of the feature.
Next Step: Use the following information to resolve the error, and then try the setup process again.
Component name: SQL Server Database Engine Services Instance Features
Component error code: 0x84B40002
Error description: The SQL Server feature 'SQL_Engine_Core_Inst' is not in a supported state for repair, as it was never successfully configured. Only features from successful installations can be repaired. To continue, remove the specified SQL Server feature.
Error help link: https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink?LinkId=20476&ProdName=Microsoft+SQL+Server&EvtSrc=setup.rll&EvtID=50000&ProdVer=14.0.1000.169&EvtType=0x2841E06E%401204%402&EvtType=0x2841E06E%401204%402
Feature: SQL Server Replication
Status: Failed
Reason for failure: An error occurred for a dependency of the feature causing the setup process for the feature to fail.
Next Step: Use the following information to resolve the error, and then try the setup process again.
Component name: SQL Server Database Engine Services Instance Features
Component error code: 0x84B40002
Error description: The SQL Server feature 'SQL_Engine_Core_Inst' is not in a supported state for repair, as it was never successfully configured. Only features from successful installations can be repaired. To continue, remove the specified SQL Server feature.
Error help link: https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink?LinkId=20476&ProdName=Microsoft+SQL+Server&EvtSrc=setup.rll&EvtID=50000&ProdVer=14.0.1000.169&EvtType=0x2841E06E%401204%402&EvtType=0x2841E06E%401204%402
It would be great if someone can suggest me new solutions to troubleshoot this problem as soon as problem. (Totally new to MS SQL Server,though)