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Atmos Albert E 95 коды ошибок.

атмос альберт е95
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Добрый день, коллеги, форумчане.

имеем компрессор атмос альберт е95, на панели высветилось Ed E02, территориально находится в другом городе, 200 км от меня, заранее хотелось бы собрать инфу, в интернете не нашел расшифровки ошибок.

альберт е95
IMG_20200213_164743.jpg (68.84 KiB) Просмотров: 1199
IMG_20200212_173041.jpg (62.87 KiB) Просмотров: 1199

верным путем идем товарищи

Сообщений: 27
Зарегистрирован: 20 дек 2019, 23:05
Откуда (город): Мурманская область, Кировск

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Re: Atmos Albert E 95 коды ошибок.

Сообщение Burovik_Dnepr » 18 фев 2020, 16:51

это ошибка? или просто информационное сообщение на дисплее.
Сообщение о ошибке выглядит Er XXXX, где ХХХХ-код ошибки

Ведущий специалист
Сообщений: 28
Зарегистрирован: 09 фев 2019, 00:07
Откуда (город): Dnepr

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Re: Atmos Albert E 95 коды ошибок.

Сообщение ws2000 » 18 фев 2020, 19:36

… не уверен, что пригодиться, но пусть будет:

(732.4 KiB) Скачиваний: 1877
(423.49 KiB) Скачиваний: 795

моб-вайбер-ватсап: +375292788788 /
.. чтоб дело мастера боялось, он знает много страшных слов.. ;)

Аватар пользователя

Авторитетный компрессорщик
Сообщений: 1782
Зарегистрирован: 22 янв 2014, 19:23
Откуда: Минск / Беларусь
Откуда (город): Минск

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Re: Atmos Albert E 95 коды ошибок.

Сообщение Сервисник » 19 фев 2020, 02:31

спасибо огромное многоуважаемым!!!

верным путем идем товарищи

Сообщений: 27
Зарегистрирован: 20 дек 2019, 23:05
Откуда (город): Мурманская область, Кировск

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Обратный смысл вращения компрессора

Агрегат поставляет низкое кличество воздуха

Компрессор недаст давление

Машина начинает работать тяжело

Машина остановится недостигнув требуемого давления

Предохранительный клапан отпускает

Масло в сжатом воздухе

Список указанных неисправностей служит для основной ориентации заказчика при наличии дефекта в компрессоре и его составных частях.

Неисправности ведущие к отставлению машины сигнализируются на панели управления.

При обнаружении неисправности установите немедленно контакт с авторизованным сервисом завода-изготовителя.



Перепутана последовательность фаз

Фильтр всасывания загрязнен

Неплотность компрессора

Потеря заряда масла

Низкая температура окружающей среды

Густое масло

Компрессор под давлением

Дефектный напорный выключатель, неправильное настроение

рабочего давления

Дефектная сверхтоковая охрана элмотора

Перегрузка элмотора

Дефектный клапан

Дефектный напорный выключатель, неправильное настроение

рабочего давления

Засоренное отсасывание масла

Дефектный вкладыш отделителя


На вводном кабели заменить след фаз

Вычистить, заменить

Сервис изготовителя


Сервис изготовителя

Машину нагреть, другой сорт масла

Правильный сорт масла

Контроль регуляции, Сервис изготовителя

Контроль, сервис изготовителя

Контроль, сервис изготовителя

Контроль нагрузки компрессора

Контроль, сервис изготовителя

Контроль, сервис изготовителя

Вычистить присоединение отсасывания масла

Контроль или замена

At 1046 / N1


  • Contents

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Operation and maintenance handbook


Portable screw compressor


ATMOS Chrást s.r.o.; Plze ˇ nská 149; 330 03 Chrást; Czech Republic


+420 / 377 860 — 181

+420 / 377 860 — 111

+420 / 377 745 247


+420 / 377 945 379


At 2020/N



Related Manuals for Atmos PDK 33 Series

Summary of Contents for Atmos PDK 33 Series

  • Page 1
    Operation and maintenance handbook ATMOS Portable screw compressor ATMOS PDK 33 ATMOS Chrást s.r.o.; Plze ˇ nská 149; 330 03 Chrást; Czech Republic Tel.: +420 / 377 860 — 181 +420 / 377 860 — 111 +420 / 377 745 247 Fax.:…
  • Page 3: Table Of Contents

    CONTENTS General description ……….. . . Guarantee conditions .

  • Page 4
    Decommissioning ……….. 27 Operating method to be followed in the event of accident or breakdown .
  • Page 5
    Brakes …………37 Wheel brake adjustment .
  • Page 6: General Description

    Chrást company. The use of other than original spare parts, fluids and lubricants given in ATMOS Spare Parts Catalogue could lead to the situation, for which ATMOS Chrást company cannot bear any responsibility. In such a case ATMOS Chrást company does not take any responsibility for potential damage.

  • Page 7
    air end damage caused by corrosion or oil degradation influenced by omission of required inspections. Guarantee is void if filter inserts, separator inserts and other materials have not been replaced in intervals prescribed in the Handbook, if the machine has been used for other purposes than those defined in the Handbook, if damage has been caused by improper location of the machine in relation to cooling air supply and drain, if other than prescribed fuels and oils have been used, if other than original spare parts have been used,…
  • Page 8: Drawings, Diagrams, Descriptions And Explanations

    DRAWINGS, DIAGRAMS, DESCRIPTIONS AND EXPLANATIONS DIMENSIONS Dimension [mm] PDK 33 Dimension [mm] PDK 33 1565 2395 2530 1485 3350 1085 1280 1295 2485 1265 3235 At 2020/N X.11.2016…

  • Page 9: Safety Regulations

    SAFETY REGULATIONS THIS TYPE OF MACHINE IS INTENDED FOR OUTSIDE OF EU EXPORT ONLY. Do not start! Attention! Read operation and Hot surface! maintenance manual before start! Attention! Attention! Read operation and Do not stand on cocks and maintenance manual before other parts of the pressure starting service work! system!

  • Page 10: Technical Parameters

    TECHNICAL PARAMETERS Compressor PDK 33-7 PDK 33-10 PDK 33-12 Air end B 100 –1 Nominal capacity Nominal overpressure [bar] 10,0 12,0 Safety valve setting [bar] 10,0 12,5 14,5 Ambient temperature [ C] –10 Max. outlet temperature [ C] Cooling system oil injection Compressor oil filling volume Transmission oil filling vol.

  • Page 11: Safety System

    * Recommended transport velocity PDK 33 Max. design velocity [km/h] Common roads [km/h] Gravel roads [km/h] Dirty tracks, etc. [km/h] Ground [km/h] Wheels and tyres PDK 33 Wheel discs 4.5J x 13 — 100×4 Tyres 155 R13 (155/80 R13) Tyre pressure [kPa/bar] 250 / 2.5 SAFETY SYSTEM…

  • Page 12
    Alternator / drive belt failure circuit Test the circuit before each machine start as follows: 1. Turn the key to ON position and check that the recharge indicator is on. 2. Complete the machine starting sequence. 3. The recharge indicator should switch off. At 2020/N X.11.2016…
  • Page 13: Functional Diagram

    FUNCTIONAL DIAGRAM Explanatory notes air outlet air end nozzle / min. pres. valve engine manometer oil cooler separator tank oil filter safety valve thermostat At 2020/N X.11.2016…

  • Page 14: Description Of The Workstation(S)

    DESCRIPTION OF THE WORKSTATION(S) Does not apply. At 2020/N X.11.2016…

  • Page 15: Description Of The Intended Use

    DESCRIPTION OF THE INTENDED USE Compressed air can be dangerous when used improperly! Before any operation, maintenance or machine repairs — the pressure system should be completely empty (free from over-pressure). Besides this, the machine shall be secured against accidental starting. Guarantee the machine will be operated on nominal pressure only and the compressor operating personnel are acquainted with this instruction.

  • Page 16: Warnings Concerning Ways In Which The Machinery Must Not Be Used

    ATMOS Chrást company, for operation with not functional safety or control elements of without these elements.

  • Page 17: Assembly, Installation And Connection Instructions

    ASSEMBLY, INSTALLATION AND CONNECTION INSTRUCTIONS If more than one compressor are connected to the pneumatic equipment at the same time, every machine should be equipped with a non-return flap valve to avoid back air streaming through the output cocks into the machine. At 2020/N X.11.2016…

  • Page 18: Instructions Relating To Installation And Assembly For Reducing Noise Or Vibration

    INSTRUCTIONS RELATING TO INSTALLATION AND ASSEMBLY FOR REDUC- ING NOISE OR VIBRATION The compressor body is equipped with noise absorption panels used for noise control. The machine cannot be operated without these noise absorption panels. The machine was designed to reduce all risks caused by vibrations to the lowest level. At 2020/N X.11.2016…

  • Page 19: Instructions For The Putting Into Service And Usage Of The Machinery

    INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE PUTTING INTO SERVICE AND USAGE OF THE MA- CHINERY COMMISSIONING After obtaining of the machine and before putting it in into service, it is important to adhere strictly to the instructions given below in Before starting. Make sure that the operating personnel read and understand the rules and follow the instructions given in this handbook before the machine operation or maintenance.

  • Page 20
    Before putting the machine into operation after a longer shut-down (more than 6 months long), please contact the ATMOS Service centre. When starting or operating the machine in temperatures below 0 C, make sure that the operation of the control system, the unloader valves, the safety valve, and the engine are not damaged by ice or snow and that inlet and outlet pipes and drains are clear of ice and snow.
  • Page 21: Starting The Machine

    STARTING THE MACHINE Warning Never use volatile substances (e. g. ether) as a starting aid! All compressor functions are controlled by the embedded controller. 1. Fully close all outlet cocks. 2. Turn the key to switch on the controller. 3. Check, if the controller does not indicate any error or warning (K) on LCD, make sure that ALARM light (6) is not on. 4.

  • Page 22: Stopping The Machine

    STOP button MENU button START button UP button DOWN button alarm compressor running compressor loaded speed indicator running hours indicator engine status and timer engine oil pressure oil temperature fuel level indicator battery voltage outlet pressure inner pressure alarm STOPPING THE MACHINE 1.

  • Page 23: Emergency Shut-Down

    Warning Never leave the machine idle with overpressure in the system. Note Once the engine stops, the unloader valve relieves the pressure automatically. If the unloader valve fails, the pres- sure must be released through outlet cocks and the failure must be fixed. EMERGENCY SHUT-DOWN In case of emergency, turn the switch to 0 (OFF) position.

  • Page 24: Operation In Hard Climatic Conditions

    OPERATION IN HARD CLIMATIC CONDITIONS Operation during the winter season: 1. Check the electrolyte level and the battery capacity. 2. Use the engine oil designed for use in winter. 3. Use the diesel oil designed for use in winter. 4. For low temperatures under –5 C consult the manufacturer due to the suitable compressor and engine oil use. Operation at permanently increased temperatures: 1.

  • Page 25: Information About The Residual Risks

    INFORMATION ABOUT THE RESIDUAL RISKS Following materials which, if used improperly, can be harmful to health have been used to build and operate the machine: compressor oil, engine oil, preservation grease, anti corrosive coatings, diesel oil, battery electrolyte. Prevent contact of these materials with skin and do not inhale the vapours! After contact with eyes, immediately flush them with running water for at least 5 minutes.

  • Page 26: Instructions On The Protective Measures

    INSTRUCTIONS ON THE PROTECTIVE MEASURES BATTERY Batteries contain caustic liquids and produce corrosive and explosive gases. When working with a battery, personal protective equipment should always be used. If electrolyte is splashed on skin or clothing, wash it immediately with plenty of water. If electrolyte is splashed in eyes, flush them with large amounts of water and seek medical help immediately.

  • Page 27: Essential Characteristics Of Tools

    Handbook for installation and safe operation. You will be provided with details regarding suitability of individual parts by ATMOS sell and service centres. At 2020/N X.11.2016…

  • Page 28: The Conditions In Which The Machinery Meets The Requirement Of Stability

    THE CONDITIONS IN WHICH THE MACHINERY MEETS THE REQUIREMENT OF STABILITY Principles set forth in the following text and stated in enclosed Operation instructions are very important for safety of operation personnel working on disassembly, adjustment and maintenance of the undercarriage braking system. Parts of the text referring to manipulation with a brake are not valid for an undercarriage with no brake installed.

  • Page 29: Instructions With A View To Ensuring That Transport, Handling And Storage Operations Can Be Made Safely

    INSTRUCTIONS WITH A VIEW TO ENSURING THAT TRANSPORT, HANDLING AND STORAGE OPERATIONS CAN BE MADE SAFELY MACHINE TRANSPORT Make sure only proper lifting and fastening points are used when loading or transporting the machine. When loading or transporting the machine, make sure only prescribed lifting and towing devices with minimal allowed force and speed suitable for the machine mass and transport speed are used.

  • Page 30: Uncoupling The Tow Bar With Iso 50 Suspension

    9. Check if the safety bolt of the hand brake is not installed (during the transport the bolt must be disassembled unconditionally). Secure the suspension wheel (bar) in its upper position or disassemble it. Right coupling conditions (Fig. 3): The admissible angle deviation during coupling or towing the machine may not exceed the max.

  • Page 31: Decommissioning

    DECOMMISSIONING Parts of the machine classified as dangerous waste should be disposed according to waste legislation: engine oil and compressor oil filling, battery including electrolyte, oil, air and fuel filters, other oil contaminated parts. Parts classified as special waste which should be recycled or given to certified authority for disposal: cables, wires and other electrical equipment, tyres and other rubber and plastic parts, heat isolating materials made of mineral fibres.

  • Page 32: Operating Method To Be Followed In The Event Of Accident Or Breakdown

    OPERATING METHOD TO BE FOLLOWED IN THE EVENT OF ACCIDENT OR BREAKDOWN TROUBLESHOOTING Problem Cause Solution compressor produces Regulation system soiling. Clean the regulation system, contact the amount of air. manufacturer’s service partner. The compressor cannot reach the ap- An intake valve does not work prop- Check the intake valve.

  • Page 33: Emergency Shut-Down

    EMERGENCY SHUT-DOWN In case of emergency, turn the switch to 0 (OFF) position. Re-starting after an emergency shut-down After an emergency shut-down, find and solve the problem before an attempted re-start. If the machine has been switched off for safety reasons, make sure the machine can be operated safely before an attempted re-start.

  • Page 34: Description Of The Adjustment And Maintenance Operations

    DESCRIPTION OF THE ADJUSTMENT AND MAINTENANCE OPERATIONS WASTE PRODUCTS During the machine operation following waste products result: brake shoe dust, exhaust fumes condensate Warning Do not breathe these substances! Condensate should be stored and disposed according to applicable laws. Pay attention to sufficient ventilation of exhaust fumes and access of air for the cooling system. Following materials which, if used improperly, can be harmful to health have been used to build the machine: compressor oil, engine oil,…

  • Page 35: Oil Scavenge Line

    OIL SCAVENGE LINE The oil scavenge line goes from a jet in the separator tank to a screwed fitting in the air end. During maintenance, check the jet, valve, piping and potential oil presence in the outlet air. During maintenance, check that the scavenge line is clean and nothing blocks the oil flow. The oil scavenge line clogging results in increased content of compressor oil in the outlet air.

  • Page 36: Oil And Water Cooler

    Check the oil separator insert. Check all hoses and tubes, replace them if necessary. Assembly Clean the jet/draw off tube and the insert gasket surface. Attach the new separator insert. Warning Do not remove a clamp from the antistatic gasket. It serves to ground any possible static electric charge. Do not use sealing materials which could influence electric conductivity.

  • Page 37: Air Filter

    After finishing the work it is necessary to reinstall all protective covers. Before putting into operation, make sure all covers work properly. AIR FILTER Air filter should be checked periodically (see Maintenance schedule on page 41 ) and the insert should be replaced, when the soiling indicator is red, or after every 6 months (500 hours), whichever occurs sooner.

  • Page 38: Fuel Filter

    FUEL FILTER The fuel filter should be replaced at intervals recommended by the engine manufacturer. (see Operation and Maintenance Handbook of the engine). FUEL FILTER WATER SEPARATOR (IF INSTALLED) The fuel filter water separator contains a filter insert which should be replaced at regular intervals (see Maintenance schedule on page 41 ).

  • Page 39: Battery

    If the oil is being drained immediately after the machine operation, most of the sediments will be dispersed in the oil therefore drain more easily. Warning Some of the oil mixtures are incompatible and their usage results in varnish, shellac or coating damage. COMPRESSOR OIL SPECIFICATION ATMOS VDL 4 ATMOS VDL 6 ATMOS Syn 4 mineral oil mineral oil…

  • Page 40: Speed And Pressure Control Adjustment

    Warning Always consult the manufacturer for possible use of the other type of compressor oil! Note For operation in highly demanding environment, the manufacturer recommends high-performance or bio-degradable oils which do not contaminate the environment. Warning The manufacturer is not responsible for damage caused by using the incorrect oil or by not following the recom- mended intervals for oil refilling! SPEED AND PRESSURE CONTROL ADJUSTMENT In common operation, no regulation adjustment is necessary.

  • Page 41: Engine Oil Specification

    ENGINE OIL SPECIFICATION Viscosity: see Operation and Maintenance Handbook of the engine Class: API CH-4 / ACEA E5 ENGINE OIL FILTER The oil filter should be replaced at intervals recommended by the engine manufacturer (see Operation and Maintenance Handbook of the engine). INSPECTION OF THE ALTERNATOR BELT TENSION Adjust the tension by gradually loosening the alternator fastening bolt.

  • Page 42
    Disengage the handbrake lever [1]. Fully extend the draw bar [2] on the overrun braking system. Requirements: During the adjustment procedure always start with the wheel brakes. Always rotate the wheel in the direction of forward movement. Make sure that an M10 safety screw is fitted to the handbrake pivot. The brake actuators must not be pre-tensioned –…
  • Page 43
    3. Compensator assembly adjustment Variable Height Models Fit an M10 safety screw to the handbrake pivot. Disconnect the handbrake cable [5] at one end. Pre-adjust brake linkage [7] lengthways (a little play is permissible) and re-insert the cable [5], adjusting it to give a small amount of play. Remove the M10 safety screw from the handbrake pivot.
  • Page 44: Tightening Torques

    Final test Check the fastenings on the transmission system (cables, brake equalisation system and linkage). Apply the handbrake while rolling the machine forward, travel of the handbrake lever up to 2/3 of maximum is allowed. Check the handbrake cable [5] for a small amount of play and adjust if necessary (Variable height only) Check the compression spring [9] for slight pre-tensioning.

  • Page 45: Instructions Designed To Enable Adjustment And Maintenance

    INSTRUCTIONS DESIGNED TO ENABLE ADJUSTMENT AND MAINTENANCE MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE Maintenance intervals first daily monthly 3 months 1 year 1 year 2 years 3 years check * running hours 1000 2000 3000 Compressor oil Compressor oil filter Transmission oil Oil/fuel/coolant leakage Indicators Lubricator Wheels (nuts, fixation)

  • Page 46: Notice For Maintenance

    Service booklet as well. NOTICE FOR MAINTENANCE Only appropriate tools and original spare parts supplied by ATMOS Service centre may be used for repairs. During the maintenance shut-down the machine should be secured against unintended starting and disconnected from the compressed air supply.

  • Page 47: Maintenance

    It is not allowed to carry out any modifications to the compressor unit and notably to the air end without knowledge of the manufacturer or the service organization. When cleaning the parts, detergents must not get into the machine inner circuit. Keep the machine clean and prevent contamination of the inner pressure circuit.

  • Page 48: Before Removing Of Covers

    BEFORE REMOVING OF COVERS Before opening or removing of covers to work inside the machine, make sure that: When working inside the machine, be aware of reduced protection level and other risks, including hot surfaces and intermittently moving components. The machine should be secured against accidental starting. Label the machine with a warning sign or use suitable equipment to prevent the machine from starting.

  • Page 49: Specifications Of The Spare Parts

    SPECIFICATIONS OF THE SPARE PARTS Description 800601004409 Fuel filter 427800152131 Separator insert 627962016401 Air filter 627960950000 Compressor oil filter 800601004406 Engine oil filter 272711531280 Air end belt P307316=1 Suction valve (service kit) KIT 1 P307184=1 Suction valve (service kit) KIT 2 N307504=1 Suction valve 111128100000…

  • Page 50: Airborne Noise Emissions

    AIRBORNE NOISE EMISSIONS Acoustic pressure level A in the operation station is max. 98 dB(A). At 2020/N X.11.2016…

  • Page 51: Non-Ionising Radiation

    NON-IONISING RADIATION The machine does not emit non-ionizing radiation. At 2020/N X.11.2016…

Компрессоры «Atmos»– компрессорное снабжение, необходимое для совершения большого количества работ как на дорогах, в строительных и ремонтных и остальных разновидностях работ. Оно применяется для подсоединения разнообразного пневматического оборудования, такого, как, к примеру, отбойный молоток. В представленной статье мы рассмотрим возможные поломки компрессоров Atmos.


1. при выключению компрессоров совершается утечка воздуха сквозь реле напора. Возможная причина: смотрите есть ли течь через обратные клапана

2. течь воздуха сквозь реле напора совершается на протяжении продолжительного времени в момент работы компрессорной установки. Возможная причина: неисправность незагруженного завершающего клапана.

3. Компрессорная установка выключается и вторично не подключается. Возможные причины: сработала конструкция проверки уровня масла: уровень чересчур малый (исключительно для ряда модели «pulsa») или могла сгореть обмотка

4. компрессоры выключаются при достижении наибольшего давления, при этом предохранитель клапана функционирует. Возможная причина: неисправность в работе или неполадка реле напора.

5. Компрессорная установка не может нагнести воздуха и перенагревается. Возможная причина: повреждения прокладок или клапанов.

6. Компрессорная установка периодами издаёт пронзительные оглушительные металлические звуки. Возможная причина: клин подшипника.

7. срабатывание прерывателя цепочки защиты от перезагрузки. Возможные причины: маленькое напряжение сети или перенагрев движка компрессорной установке.

8. термостат выключает компрессорную установку в последствии перенагрева. Возможные причины: чересчур большая температура в здании, засор охладительной системы масла или маленький уровень масла.

9. чрезвычайный расход масла. Возможные причины: неполадка в сливочной системе. Чересчур большой уровень масла. Неполадка в фильтре масляных сепараторов. Не герметичность уплотнения или ниппеля фильтров масляных сепараторов.

10. Течь масла из впитывающего фильтра. Возможная причина: не прикрыт регулятор поглощения

При остановке компрессора происходит утечка воздуха через реле давления. Утечка через обратный клапан. Утечка воздуха через реле давления происходит в течение длительного времени в процессе работы компрессора. Поломка ненагруженного пускового клапана. Компрессор останавливается и повторно не включается.

1) Сработало устройство контроля уровня масла: уровень слишком низок(только для моделей Pulsar).

2) Сгорела обмотка.

Компрессор отключается при достижении максимального давления, хотя предохранительный клапан работает. Неисправная работа или поломка реле давления. Компрессор не нагнетает воздух и перегревается. Повреждение прокладки или клапана. Компрессор периодически издает резкие громкие металлические звуки. Заклинивание подшипников. Срабатывает прерыватель цепи защиты от перегрузки.

Перегрев двигателя.

Термостат отключает компрессор в результате перегрева.

1) Слишком высокая температура в помещении.

2) Засорение охладителя масла.

3) Недостаточный уровень масла.

4) Неисправность терморасширительного клапана.

Чрезмерный расход масла.

1) Неисправность системы слива.

2) Слишком высокий уровень масла.

3) Неисправность фильтра масляного сепаратора.

4) Негерметичность уплотнений и/или ниппелей фильтра масляного сепаратора.

Утечки масла из всасывающего фильтра. Не закрыт регулятор всасывания. Открывается предохранительный клапан.

1) Слишком высокое давление.

2) Регулятор всасывания не закрывается в конце рабочего цикла.

3) Засорение фильтра масляного сепаратора.

Пониженная производительность компрессора. Загрязнение воздушного фильтра. Компрессор не выдает сжатого воздуха.

1) Закрыт регулятор, не открывается по причине загрязнения.

2) Закрыт регулятор, не открывается по причине отсутствия команды на открывание.

Давление вырабатываемого воздуха значительно превышает установленное максимальное.

1) Открыт регулятор, не закрывается по причине загрязнения.

2) Открыт регулятор, не закрывается по причине отсутствия команды на закрывание.

3) Неисправность манометра.

Компрессор не перезапускается. Ненадлежащее закрывание контрольного клапана. Компрессор трудно включается.

Слишком низкая температура воздуха.

Попадание масла в пульт управления.

1) Утечка масла из трубопроводов.

2) Утечка масла через передний фланец компрессора.

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