Контроллер carel pcoxs коды ошибок

Подробнее устранение неисправностей описано в руководстве по эксплуатации каждой модели.

На нашем сайте представлены запасные части для оборудования Carel.

Для подбора запасных частей Carel сообщите нам полную маркировку блока и наименование запчасти любым удобным способом.

Коды ошибок управляющих блоков для систем вентиляции и кондиционирования Carel (PCOxs электро)

Код Описание ошибки
E01 Поступил сигнал от пожарной сигнализации
E02 Неисправен датчик наружной температуры 
E03 Неисправен датчик температуры в помещении
E04 Неисправен датчик температуры приточного воздуха 
E05 Неисправен датчик температуры возвращаемого теплоносителя
E08 Неисправен датчик температуры возвращаемого теплоносителя после нагревателя второго нагрева
E09 Неисправен датчик влажности приточного воздуха 
E10 Неисправен датчик влажности воздуха в помещении 
E12 Неисправен датчик температуры насыщения
E13 Один или несколько аналоговых входов под ручным управлением
E14 Один или несколько аналоговых выходов под ручным управлением
E15 Один или несколько дискретных входов под ручным управлением 
E16 Один или несколько дискретных выходов под ручным управлением
E17 Нет сигнала статуса от приточного вентилятора
E18 Нет сигнала статуса от вытяжного вентилятора
E19 Нет сигнала статуса от вытяжного и (или) приточного вентилятора 
E20 Низкая наружная температура для использования режима «лето»
E21 Запуск заблокирован. Низкая температура возвращаемого теплоносителя или клапан в контуре нагревателя открыт менее чем на 80% (или иное значения согласно St13)
E22 Защита от замерзания водяного нагревателя. Предварительная тревога
E23 Защита от замерзания водяного нагревателя. Основная тревога 
E24 Неисправен насос в контуре водяного нагревателя
E25 Защита от замерзания водяного нагревателя второго нагрева. Предварительная тревога
E26 Защита от замерзания водяного нагревателя второго нагрева. Основная тревога
E27 Неисправен насос в контуре водяного нагревателя 2
E28 Перегрев электронагревателя
E29 Активировано оттаивание рекуператора
E30 Неисправен привод ротора рекуператора
E31 Неисправен компрессорно-конденсаторный агрегат (ККА)
E32 Фильтр на притоке загрязнен
E33 Фильтр на вытяжке загрязнен
E34 Фильтр загрязнен
E37 Отсутствует связь с платой расширения
E39 Получен внешний сигнал тревоги
E40 Перезапуск после подачи питания
E41 Термозащита приточного вентилятора 
E42 Термозащита вытяжного вентилятора
E43 Термозащита вентиляторов
  • Page 1
    controlador electrónico programable programmable electronic controller Manual deI Usuario User manual…
  • Page 3
    ¡Queremos ahorrarle tiempo y dinero! We wish to save you time and money! Le aseguramos que la lectura completa de este We can assure you that a thorough reading of this manual le garantizará una instalación correcta y manual will guarantee correct installation and safe use of un uso seguro del producto descrito.
  • Page 5: Table Of Contents

    Indice: Index: INTRODUCIÓN INTRODUCTION CARACTERÍSTICAS GENERALES GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS 1.1 pCO Programabilidad 1.2 Programmability ARQUITECTURA DEL HARDWARE HARDWARE STRUCTURE Códigos de los instrumentos y accesorios 2.1 Instruments and accessory codes Significado de las entradas/salidas 2.2 Meaning of the inputs/outputs EL TERMINAL DEL USUARIO THE USER TERMINAL 3.1 Adjusting the contrast on the LCD display Ajuste del contraste del display LCD…

  • Page 6
    12.2 Montaje en pared 12.2 Wall-mounting 13. DIMENSIONS DIMENSIONES 13.1 pCO 13.1 pCO 13.2 Terminal del usuario 13.2 User terminal TROUBLESHOOTING RESOLUCIÓN DE PROBLEMAS manual — cod. +030220347 — rel. 1.0 — 18.03.03…
  • Page 7: Características Generales

    EasyTools, con las siguientes ventajas: system, with the following advantages: • transfer of the software to differ ent types of CAREL hardware. • transferencia del software a distintos tipos de hardware de CAREL. Las aplicaciones desarrolladas para el pCO, pCO…

  • Page 8: Arquitectura Del Hardware

    RS485 standard, is made using the optional serial linea serie de supervisión / telegestión basada en el estándar RS485, cards (pCOXS004850) and the CAREL or ModBus communication se realiza utilizando las tarjetas serie opcionales (PCO1004850) y el protocol.

  • Page 9
    Fig. 2.1 The power of the application software means that the user terminal Gracias a la potencia del programa de aplicación, el terminal del usuario permite: allows: • la programación inicial de la máquina con acceso protegido por • the initial programming of the unit, with password-protected access to contraseña para garantizar la seguridad;…
  • Page 10: Códigos De Los Instrumentos Y Accesorios

    Un posible arquitectura de hardware es la siguiente: One possible set of hardware is as follows: 1. terminal del usuario con teclado, display y LEDs de señalización; 1. user terminal with keypad, display and signal LEDs; 2. pCO 2. pCO 3.

  • Page 11
    A continuación se muestra una descripción del pCO refiriéndose al The following is a description of the pCO with reference to the layout: esquema: Fig. 2.1.1 1 Power supply connector [G (+), G0 (-)] 24 Vac or 20/60 Vdc; 1 Conector para la alimentación [G (+), G0 (-)] 24 VCA o 20/60 VCC; 2 Entrada (24 VCA) en corte de fase y entradas analógicas 2 Phase cutting and analogue inputs (24 Vac): NTC, 0/1 V, 0/5 V, 0/20 mA, NTC, 0/1 V, 0/5 V, 0/20 mA, 4/20 mA, +5Vref para alimentación de…
  • Page 12: Significado De Las Entradas/Salidas

    2.2 Significado de las entradas/salidas 2.2 Meaning of the inputs/outputs Esta tabla resume las entradas y las salidas y una breve descripción This table summarises the inputs and the outputs and provides a brief de cada una. description of each. conector señal descripción…

  • Page 13: El Terminal Del Usuario

    3. THE USER TERMINAL 3. EL TERMINAL DEL USUARIO 3.1 Regulación del contraste del display LCD 3.1 Adjusting the contrast on the LCD display Los modelos con display LCD 4×20 están dotados de un potenciómetro The models with 4×20 LCD display have a trimmer for adjusting the para la regulación del contraste del display.

  • Page 14: Display Lcd Gráfico Montaje En Pared O Panel

    3.4 Display LCD gráfico montaje en pared o panel 3.4 Graphic LCD display for wall or panel mounting Characteristics Características código PCOT00PGH0 code PCOT00PGH0 128 x 64 px, gráfico, 128 x 64 pixels, retroiluminado graphic, backlit 128 x 64 px, gráfico, 128 x 64 pixels, retroiluminado graphic, backlit…

  • Page 15: Teclado De Terminal Pco

    3.7 Display de 3 dígitos LED 32 x 72 3.7 3 digit LED display, 32×72 Características Characteristics código PCOT32RN00 code PCOT32RN00 número de dígitos LED number of LED digits número de botones number of buttons Fig. 3.7.1 3.8 Teclado de terminal pCO 3.8 pCO terminal keypad nº…

  • Page 16: Funcionalidad Y Características Del Terminal Con Display Gráfico

    3.8.1 Funciones típicas de los botones en las aplicaciones 3.8.1 Typical functions of the buttons in standard CAREL estándar de CAREL applications muestra los valores medidos por las sondas; displays the values measured by the probes; displays the values correspond. to the maintenance of the…

  • Page 17
    3.9.1 Tarjeta de display gráfico 3.9.1 Graphic display board La tarjeta soporta el microprocesador, la memoria y la EPROM, que The board supports the microprocessor, the memory and the EPROM almacena el programa de aplicación para la gestión del display y del that stores the application program for managing the display and the teclado.
  • Page 18: Instalación

    3.9.3 Escudo protector (tarjeta de impresora opcional) 3.9.3 Protective shield (optional printer card) Para todos los modelos del terminal gráfico For all pCO graphic terminal models an pCO existe la posibilidad de insertar una optional card can be inserted in the pin tarjeta opcional para la gestión de una connector marked by number 2 in impresora serie, en el conector de pines…

  • Page 19: Installation Warnings — Destination And Connection Environments

    4.3 Advertencia para la instalación — ambientes de destino y 4.3 Installation warnings — destination and connection de conexión environments Evitar el montaje de las tarjetas en ambientes de las siguientes Avoid installing the boards in environments with the following características: characteristics: •…

  • Page 20: Connecting The Analogue Inputs

    0-1 V y por lo tanto no siempre es compatible con 0-1 V, and therefore is not always compatible with the standard 10 la señal estándar de 10 mV/°C de las sondas CAREL (para temperatu- mV/°C signal from the CAREL probes (for negative temperatures or ras negativas y superiores a 100 °C puede generar una alarma de la…

  • Page 21
    The pCO can be connected to all the CAREL SPK* series active la serie SPK* de CAREL o cualquier otra sonda de presión disponible pressure probes or any other pressure sensor available on the market en el mercado con señal de 0/20 mA ó 4/20 mA. Las entradas que with a 0/20 mA or 4/20 mA signal.
  • Page 22
    The pCO can be connected to all the CAREL SPKT series active la serie SPKT de CAREL o cualquier sonda de presión presente en el probes pressure or any other pressure sensor available on the market mercado con señal de 0/5 V proporcional. Las entradas que pueden with an 0/5V ratiometric signal.
  • Page 23: Connecting The Digital Inputs

    4.5 Conexión de las entradas digitales 4.5 Connecting the digital inputs El pCO proporciona hasta 6 entradas digitales, con contactos libres de The pCO features up to 6 digital inputs, with voltage-free contacts, for tensión, para conectar dispositivos de seguridad, alarmas, indicadores connecting safety devices, alarms, device status indicators, remote del estado de dispositivos, interruptores remotos, etc.

  • Page 24: Connecting The 0/10 Vdc Analogue Outputs

    4.6 Conexión de las salidas analógicas de 0/10 VCC 4.6 Connecting the 0/10Vdc analogue outputs El pCO dispone de dos salidas analógicas a 0/10 V. La Fig. 4.6.1 The pCO provides two 0/10 V. Fig. 4.6.1 shows the electrical representa el esquema eléctrico de conexión. connection diagram.

  • Page 25: Connecting The Digital Outputs

    4.8 Conexión de las salidas digitales 4.8 Connecting the digital outputs El pCO dispone de hasta 5 salidas digitales con relés electromecánicos. The pCO features up to 5 digital outputs with electromechanical Para facilitar la instalación los terminales comunes de los tres primeros relays.

  • Page 26: Instalación Del Terminal Del Usuario

    The connection between the user terminal and the pCO is made mediante un cable telefónico de 6 vías, suministrado por CAREL. Para using a 6-way telephone cable supplied by CAREL. To make the efectuar la conexión basta insertar el conector telefónico en el terminal…

  • Page 27: Instalación De La Eprom De Programa Del Terminal Con Display Gráfico

    4.9.2 Instalación de los terminales para panel (pCOI) y conexiones 4.9.2 Installing the panel-mounted terminals (pCOI) and eléctricas correspondientes corresponding electrical connections Estos terminales han sido diseñado para el montaje en panel, la These terminals have been designed for panel mounting; the drilling plantilla de taladros debe tener unas dimensiones de 173 x 154 mm.

  • Page 28: Red Plan

    Cada pCO puede ser conectado a la red de supervisión Each pCO can be connected to a CAREL supervisory network, using the optional PCO1004850 cards. The pCO terminals can monitor the CAREL, por medio de la tarjeta opcional PCO1004850.

  • Page 29: Direccionamiento Del Pco1

    • Desconecte el pCO de la alimentación; • Disconnect the pCO from the power supply; • Prepare un terminal LCD 4×20 estándar CAREL con la dirección • Organise a standard CAREL 4×20 LCD terminal with the address ajustada a 0; set to 0;…

  • Page 30: Terminales Privados Y Compartidos

    5.3 Terminales privados y compartidos 5.3 Private and shared terminals Cada tarjeta pCO conectada a la red pLAN, puede gestionar más de Each pCO board, connected to the network, can manage more than un terminal (máx. 3) al mismo tiempo. La visualización de los valores one terminal (max 3) at the same time.

  • Page 31: Plan Electrical Connections

    5.4 Conexiones eléctricas de la pLAN 5.4 pLAN electrical connections La conexión entre las tarjetas en una red pLAN se realiza utilizando Connection between boards in a pLAN network is carried out using an exclusivamente un cable apantallado AWG20/22 de par trenzado y AWG20/22 shielded cable, twisted pair plus shield.

  • Page 32: Remote Installation Of The Terminal In A Plan Network

    5.5 Instalación remota del terminal en una red pLAN 5.5 Remote installation of the terminal in a pLAN network Cuando las tarjetas pCO son conectadas en una red pLAN el When pCO boards are connected in a pLAN network, the terminal terminal puede ser instalado remotamente a una distancia de hasta 50 can be remotely-installed at a distance of up to 50 metres, using a metros, utilizando un cable telefónico, o a una distancia de hasta 200…

  • Page 33
    5.5.2 Instalación remota del terminal a hasta 200 m en una red pLAN 5.5.2 Remote installation of the terminal at up to 200m in a pLAN con cable AWG24 apantallado con 3 pares trenzados + pantalla network using an AWG24 shielded cable with 3 twisted pairs + screen Este tipo de instalación remota se muestra en la Fig.
  • Page 34: Características Técnicas De La Red Plan

    RS485 baudios (kbits/s) 65,2 baudrate (kbit/s) 65.2 protocolo Multimaster (protocolo de CAREL) protocol Multimaster (CAREL proprietary protocol) longitud máx. de la red (m) max. length of the network (m) Tabla 5.6.1 Table 5.6.1 manual — cod. +030220347 — rel. 1.0 — 18.03.03…

  • Page 35: Red Mp-Bus

    The pCO controller allows direct connection over two lines to the new nueva red de CAREL “tLAN” o a todos los actuadores para compuertas CAREL “tLAN” network or to all Belimo actuators for dampers and y válvulas de agua de Belimo: red MP-BUS (en este caso los actuadores water valves: Mp Bus network (in this case the actuators have to be tienen que ser alimentados por separado).

  • Page 36
    En cada actuador Belimo es posible conectar también una sonda de Each Belimo actuator can also be connected to an active or passive temperatura activa o pasiva, o un contacto digital. Dichas sondas deben temperature sensor, or a digital contact. These sensors must be ser conectadas al terminal 3 del actuador y las conexiones varían en connected to terminal 3 on the actuator, and the connections vary función del tipo de sonda utilizada;…
  • Page 37: Tarjetas Opcionales

    7. Optional cards 7. Tarjetas opcionales 7.1 Tarjeta serie para supervisión y telegestión RS485 7.1 RS485 serial card for supervisor and telemaintenance La tarjeta PCO1004850 es una opción que permite la conexión con The PCO1004850 card is an option for interfacing with an RS485 una red RS485, garantizando el optoaislamiento del controlador network.

  • Page 38: Serial Printer Card For Graphic Terminal, Pcoserprn0

    7.5 Tarjeta de impresora serie para el terminal gráfico 7.5 Serial printer card for graphic terminal, PCOSERPRN0 PCOSERPRN0 The printer card is an optional card only for the pCO graphic terminal models (code PCOI00PGL0 and PCOT00PGH0). It is used to interface La tarjeta de impresora es una tarjeta opcional solo para el modelo de with an external printer: the choice of data to print and the print terminal gráfico pCO (cod.

  • Page 39
    OEM humidificadores OEM producidos por humidifiers manufactured by CAREL CAREL (nivel y conductividad del agua (level and conductivity of the water in the cylinder, TAM sensor for current input) en el cilindro, sensor TAM para entrada…
  • Page 40
    Tras 20 seg. el protocolo original se resetea en el pCO WinLoad no adecuado o Contraseña de Protección de Software incorrecta. en comunicación con WinLoad. usado como Expansión de E/S Protocolo Supervisor CAREL (esclavo) activo en serie 0. RED LED YELLOW LED GREEN LED NOT in pLAN (address= 0) correct operation with or without local terminal.
  • Page 41
    *: casos en los que el pCO vuelve al estado de Bajo Nivel: *: cases in which pCO reverts to Low Level status: — En la fase de encendido el pCO detecta que el WinLoad — When starting the pCO detects that WinLoad is connected.
  • Page 42: Esquema General De Conexiones Eléctricas

    9. General diagram of the electrical connections 9. Esquema general de conexiones eléctricas A continuación se muestra un ejemplo (Fig. 9.1) de las conexiones Below are one example (Figs. 9.1) of the electrical connections of the eléctricas del pCO a varios dispositivos. to the various devices.

  • Page 43: Características Generales

    10. Technical specification of the pCO 10. Caracteristicas tecnicas del pCO 10.1 Características generales 10.1 General characteristics condiciones de almacenaje -20T70, 90% HR sin condensación (versión estándar) -30T80, 90% HR sin condensación (vers. rango extendido con display integrado) -55T85, 90% HR sin condensación (vers. rango de temperatura extendido. sin display integrado) condiciones de funcionamiento -10T60, 90% HR sin condensación (versión estándar)

  • Page 44
    10 bit A/D converter, with integrated CPU type B1, B2: CAREL NTC temperature sensor (-50T90 °C; R/T 10 kW at 25 °C), voltage: 0-1 Vdc or 0-5 Vdc ratiometric, current: 0-20 mA or 4-20mA, selectable via software. Resistance of input for 4-20 mA= 100 Ω ;…
  • Page 45
    number of digital inputs type of digital inputs voltage-free contact (powered by the pCO contact current 6mA guaranteed minimum normally-open digital input detection time (open-closed-open) in AC and DC (ms) minimum normally-closed digital input detection time (closed-open-closed) in AC and DC (ms) Table Separe lo más posible, los cables de la señal de la sonda y de la Separate the probe signal and digital input cables as much as possible…
  • Page 46: Características Generales

    10.3 Caja de plástico del pCO 10.3 pCO plastic case Can be mounted on DIN rail according to DIN 43880 and EN 50022 Se puede montar en carril DIN degún las normas DIN 43880 y EN 50022 standards Material: tecnopolímero Material: technopolymer Autoextinguible V0 (según UL94) y 960 °C (según IEC 695) Self-extinguishing V0 (according to UL94) and 960 °C (according to IEC 695)

  • Page 47: Características Eléctricas Del Terminal

    • Teclado de policarbonato (CAREL estándar) para PCOT*CB* y PCOI* • Polycarbonate keypad (CAREL standard) for PCOT*CB* and PCOI* grosor (mm) 0,175 thickness (mm) 0.175 processing 4-colour silk screening tratamiento serigrafía a 4 colores Tabla Table Note: The standard case (PCOT*BC*) features a features a door that Nota: La caja estándar (PCOT*BC*) contiene una puerta que se abre…

  • Page 48: Montaje En Panel

    12. USER TERMINAL INSTALLATION 12. INSTALACIÓN DEL TERMINAL DEL USUARIO 12.1 Montaje en panel 12.1 Panel installation 12.1.1 PCOT* 12.1.1 PCOT* Key to Fig., (dimensions in mm). Ver Fig., (dimensiones en mm). nº descripción description cubierta trasera rear cover panel panel cubierta delantera…

  • Page 49: Dimensiones

    13. DIMENSIONS 13. DIMENSIONES ADVERTENCIA: todas las distancias mostradas en la figura siguiente WARNING: all the distances shown in the figure below are expressed in mm. están en mm. 13.1 pCO 13.1 pCO Fig. 13.1.1 13.2 Terminal del usuario 13.2 User terminal 13.2.1 PCOT* 13.2.1 PCOT* Fig.

  • Page 50: Resolución De Problemas

    . If this is still near zero, contact the CAREL service department; otherwise, the removed connection póngase en contacto con el departamento de servicio CAREL; de lo contrario, la conexión quitada cortocircuitará la fuente de alimentación. short-circuits the power supply.

  • Page 51
    Ejemplo: lectura 200 mVCC (0,2 VCC) la sonda envía una señal que Example: reading 200 mVdc (0.2 Vdc), the probe sends a signal corresponde a 20 °C/20%H.R.; aplicando la misma lógica, 0 mVCC which corresponds to 20 °C/20%r.H.; using the same logic, 0 mVdc corresponde a 0 °C/0% H.R.;…
  • Page 52
    1. que los cables de tensión no pasan cerca de los microprocesadores main board; de la tarjeta principal; 2. that the ratings of the power transformer (not supplied by CAREL) 2. que los rangos del transformador (no suministrado por CAREL) son are correct (see paragraph on POWER) 3.
  • Page 56
    Agencia / Agency: Technology & Evolution CAREL S.p.A. Via dell’Industria, 11 — 35020 Brugine — Padova (Italy) Tel. (+39) 049.9716611 — Fax (+39) 049.9716600…

Подробнее устранение неисправностей описано в руководстве по эксплуатации каждой модели.

На нашем сайте представлены запасные части для оборудования Carel.

Для подбора запасных частей Carel сообщите нам полную маркировку блока и наименование запчасти любым удобным способом.

Коды ошибок управляющих блоков для систем вентиляции и кондиционирования Carel (PCOxs электро)

Код Описание ошибки
E01 Поступил сигнал от пожарной сигнализации
E02 Неисправен датчик наружной температуры 
E03 Неисправен датчик температуры в помещении
E04 Неисправен датчик температуры приточного воздуха 
E05 Неисправен датчик температуры возвращаемого теплоносителя
E08 Неисправен датчик температуры возвращаемого теплоносителя после нагревателя второго нагрева
E09 Неисправен датчик влажности приточного воздуха 
E10 Неисправен датчик влажности воздуха в помещении 
E12 Неисправен датчик температуры насыщения
E13 Один или несколько аналоговых входов под ручным управлением
E14 Один или несколько аналоговых выходов под ручным управлением
E15 Один или несколько дискретных входов под ручным управлением 
E16 Один или несколько дискретных выходов под ручным управлением
E17 Нет сигнала статуса от приточного вентилятора
E18 Нет сигнала статуса от вытяжного вентилятора
E19 Нет сигнала статуса от вытяжного и (или) приточного вентилятора 
E20 Низкая наружная температура для использования режима «лето»
E21 Запуск заблокирован. Низкая температура возвращаемого теплоносителя или клапан в контуре нагревателя открыт менее чем на 80% (или иное значения согласно St13)
E22 Защита от замерзания водяного нагревателя. Предварительная тревога
E23 Защита от замерзания водяного нагревателя. Основная тревога 
E24 Неисправен насос в контуре водяного нагревателя
E25 Защита от замерзания водяного нагревателя второго нагрева. Предварительная тревога
E26 Защита от замерзания водяного нагревателя второго нагрева. Основная тревога
E27 Неисправен насос в контуре водяного нагревателя 2
E28 Перегрев электронагревателя
E29 Активировано оттаивание рекуператора
E30 Неисправен привод ротора рекуператора
E31 Неисправен компрессорно-конденсаторный агрегат (ККА)
E32 Фильтр на притоке загрязнен
E33 Фильтр на вытяжке загрязнен
E34 Фильтр загрязнен
E37 Отсутствует связь с платой расширения
E39 Получен внешний сигнал тревоги
E40 Перезапуск после подачи питания
E41 Термозащита приточного вентилятора 
E42 Термозащита вытяжного вентилятора
E43 Термозащита вентиляторов
  • Page 1: User Manual

    / easy compact / easy split electronic digital thermostats with defrost control User manual NO POWER & SIGNAL CABLES TOGETHER READ CAREFULLY IN THE TEXT! I n t e g r a t e d C o n t r o l S o l u t i o n s & E n e r g y S a v i n g s…

  • Page 3
    The technical specifi cations shown in the manual may be changed without prior warning. The liability of CAREL in relation to its products is specifi ed in the CAREL general contract conditions, available on the website www.carel.com and/or by specifi c agreements with customers; specifi cally, to the extent where allowed…
  • Page 5: Table Of Contents

    Content 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Main characteristics ………………..7 1.2 Models ……………………7 1.3 Main diff erences between easy, easy compact and easy split ..9 1.4 NTC and PTC probes ………………9 1.5 Accessories ………………….9 1.6 Defi nitions …………………..9 2. ASSEMBLY AND INSTALLATION 2.1 Assembly …………………..10 2.2 Electrical connections ………………11…

  • Page 7: Introduction

    1.1 Main characteristics The following table lists the main features of the easy, easy compact and easy split controllers. Features…

  • Page 8
     fan management with comp. off 4.10   night-time operation with light 4.11 management Table 1.b * available but cannot be set from the keypad nor the programming key. easy/easy compact/easy split +030220791 — rel. 3.2 — 13.07.2010…
  • Page 9: Main Diff Erences Between Easy, Easy Compact And Easy Split

    PTC, and 10 kΩ for the NTC. The type of probe installable depends on the model (order code). The easy split models, on the other hand, only use NTC and high temperature NTC probes (50 KΩ at 25°C), selected by parameter.

  • Page 10: Assembly And Installation

    (formation of corrosive patina with possible oxidation (*) do not over-tighten the screws. and reduction of insulation. To install easy, easy compact and easy split: make an opening in the panel based on the drilling template, 71×29 mm. Dismantling using the screws from the front •…

  • Page 11: Electrical Connections

    • the probes can be installed up to a maximum distance of 30 m from the controller (10 m for easy split). To extend the distance of the probes, 230Vac or use cables with a minimum cross-section of 1 mm2, shielded where…

  • Page 12
    (*) For codes PJEZ*8**5* the temperature range is -10T50 °C and the maximum current is 16 A. See the table of technical specifi cations. ———— = recommended internal power supply connections. easy/easy compact/easy split +030220791 — rel. 3.2 — 13.07.2010…
  • Page 13: Wiring Diagram For Multiple Units

    120 ohm Fig. 2.h easy split: The serial connection for the easy split models with 4 relays depends on the setting of parameter H7, as the management of the fourth relay (RL4) and serial communication are mutually exclusive. The factory setting is H7=1, which means the fourth relay is enabled. To enable connection to the supervisor network: power down the controller;…

  • Page 14: User Interface And Start Up

    EZY together (2 — more than 3 s: accesses and 3) activate Keypad functions for easy and easy compact M models the parameter setting menu parameter (models with keypad only) (enter password 22) reset — mutes the audible alarm…

  • Page 15: Easy Split

    Display the controller to make it operative. CAREL then recommends to check that the display does not show any alarm signals (see par. “5.1 Table of alarms and signals” on page 31), then set the time and date (in the models fi tted with RTC, see par. “4.11 Clock and time band parameters”…

  • Page 16
    Press DOWN for more than 3 s (activated only if the temperature conditions are right, for easy split only if the light output is not set, H1≠4). Alternatively, on easy split models, if the light output is set (H1=4), the defrost can be activated by pressing UP and DOWN together, when H6=1).
  • Page 17: Functions And Parameters

    This chapter describes all the functions of the easy, easy compact and Example: In the case of bottle coolers, typically used in supermarkets, easy split. See Table 1.b for the compatibility of the functions with the when the doors are opened frequently, due to the greater thermal inertia model used.

  • Page 18: Temperature Control

    Used to enable or disable the temperature display with the resolution to Value that automatically increases the set point temperature during the the tenths of a degree between -20 and + 20 (easy and easy split) or -10 night-time operation time bands.

  • Page 19: Continuous Cycle

    (H1=7). 4.6 Compressor protection The easy, easy compact and easy split controllers are fi tted with an automatic compressor protection system to avoid continual starts or stops of the unit. The protection is based on the times in minutes set for parameters c0;…

  • Page 20: Defrost

    • from the keypad pressing the DOWN button for 3 s (manual defrost) (for easy split H1 must be ≠4. If H1=4 the UP and DOWN buttons can be pressed together, when H6=1); dt: end defrost temperature set point/defrost temperature threshold •…

  • Page 21
    (only manual defrosts from the keypad or multifunction contact) or to set dI to a value which is greater than the maximum set interval. easy/easy compact/easy split +030220791 — rel. 3.2 — 13.07.2010…
  • Page 22: Alarm Parameters

    A4: 3rd input confi guration (easy compact) The multifunction input is only available on the easy models with three inputs; is not available on the easy compact models. A0: alarm and fan temperature diff erential This parameter is used to set the functions of the input.

  • Page 23
    (1) contact open= alarm detected unit 1 contact closed= normal operation. When A4=1 easy can be connected to an external contact for immediately dP (2) d5 (2) signalling alarms. The alarm signal can be delayed by setting parameter unit 2…
  • Page 24
    14 Product probe again). Table 4.o AC-AE/2 A4=0, 1, 2, 3: see A4=0, 1, 2, 3 for easy, easy compact in previous paragraph. AC-AE A4=4 Curtain switch and night-time operation See the previous paragraph. In easy split models if the light output is Fig.
  • Page 25: Door Open/Closed Management

    Door switch with evaporator fan off and light not managed A4=13 for easy split). See A4=7 for easy, easy compact in previous paragraph. In easy split models with light output confi gured (H1=4), the status of the light output remains unchanged.

  • Page 26
    Easy split Closing the door the fi rst time: the controller maintains the previous status: In easy split models the algorithm for managing the door depends on • the fans and/or compressor (see parameter ‘A4’) remain off ; the type of unit selected, according to parameter Ado, and the setting •…
  • Page 27: Evaporator Fan Management Parameters

    The evaporator fan control temperature is measured by probe 2, (connector 10). To know which output is associated with the fan, see the wiring diagram for the “easy” model used (see par. “2.2 Electrical connections” page 11). Important: these parameters are not available in the compact models.

  • Page 28: Clock And Time Band Parameters

    Parameters for setting up to 4 defrost time bands 4.11 Clock and time band parameters d1d…d4d Defrost event day setting The RTC (Real Time Clock), not available on the easy compact models, is d1d…d4d=0 no defrost event used to manage the defrost function, curtain switch/night-time operation d1d…d4d=1…7 Monday to Sunday…

  • Page 29: Rapid Parameter Set Selection (Ezy)

    Examples of operation: the digital input. On easy split models there are also the light and second compressor outputs, with or without rotation. example 1…

  • Page 30
    When set to a positive value (values from 0 to 31 are used REQ2 by CAREL for the basic models), if a parameter, including the set point, is modifi ed from the keypad, the value becomes negative. This allows any modifi cations made the parameters compared to the initial settings to be monitored.
  • Page 31: Tables Of Alarms And Parameters

    5. TABLES OF ALARMS AND PARAMETERS 5.1 Table of alarms and signals Note: in easy split controllers, when starting control (powering up When an alarm is activated, the display shows the corresponding message the controller and/or switching from OFF status), the high that fl ashes alternating with the temperature;…

  • Page 32: Data Error

    • press the SET button for more than 3 s to permanently save the parameters and exit the parameter setting procedure. easy/easy compact/easy split +030220791 — rel. 3.2 — 13.07.2010…

  • Page 33: Table Of Easy Parameters

    X, Y, C (*) AUX time band ON day days X, Y, C (*) AUX time band ON hours X, Y, C (*) AUX time band ON minutes X, Y, C (*) easy/easy compact/easy split +030220791 — rel. 3.2 — 13.07.2010…

  • Page 34: Table Of Easy Compact Parameters

    S (with 1 & 2 probes) Table 5.d Warning Warning the easy compact models only display two digits. If the range is below -99 and above 99, the terminal will display “- — “. easy/easy compact/easy split +030220791 — rel. 3.2 — 13.07.2010…

  • Page 35: Table Of Easy Split Parameters

    S,C (*) night time band ON day S,C (*) night time band ON hours S,C (*) nOM night time band ON minutes S,C (*) night time band OFF day S,C (*) easy/easy compact/easy split +030220791 — rel. 3.2 — 13.07.2010…

  • Page 36: Table Of Ezy Parameter Sets

    (reverse) digital input alarm management defrost with temp. control (d0= 4) defrost by temperature (d0=4) easy/easy compact/easy split +030220791 — rel. 3.2 — 13.07.2010…

  • Page 37
    (reverse) digital input alarm management defrost with temp. control (d0= 4) defrost by temperature (d0=4) easy/easy compact/easy split +030220791 — rel. 3.2 — 13.07.2010…
  • Page 38: Troubleshooting

    • F1 (evaporator fan control set point) too low. • post-dripping delay set 3. if F0=0 • F2=1 and the compressor is off • dripping in progress • post-dripping in progress Table 5.i easy/easy compact/easy split +030220791 — rel. 3.2 — 13.07.2010…

  • Page 39: Technical Specifications

    Warning : do not run the power cable less than 3 cm from the bottom of the device or the probes; for the connections, only use Fig. 6.b copper wires. 65,29 71×29 Fig. 6.a easy/easy compact/easy split +030220791 — rel. 3.2 — 13.07.2010…

  • Page 40: Easy Split Technical Specifi Cations

    (**) Minimum T OFF between two starts must be greater than 1 min. (***) Conformity to UL873 only corresponds to models without plastic case. Terminal Power board 103.5 Ø 4 38,29 71×29 Fig. 6.c Fig. 6.d easy/easy compact/easy split +030220791 — rel. 3.2 — 13.07.2010…

  • Page 41: Electromagnetic Compatibility

    6.4 Electromagnetic compatibility The easy and easy compact series is compliant with the EU standards on electromagnetic compatibility: • for household appliances EN 55014-2 and EN 55014-1; • for residential, commercial and light industrial environments EN 50082-1 and EN 50081-1;…

  • Page 42
  • Page 44
    Agenzia / Agency: CAREL INDUSTRIES — HQs Via dell’Industria, 11 — 35020 Brugine — Padova (Italy) Tel. (+39) 049.9716611 — Fax (+39) 049.9716600 e-mail: carel@carel.com — www.carel.com…

Standard Chiller/HP modulare per compressore a vite con driver CAREL


AL:001 Unit No. 1 Offline

AL:002 Unit No. 2 Offline

AL:003 Unit No.3 Offline

AL:004 Unit No.4 Offline

AL:011 Serious alarm from digital input

AL:012 Phase monitor alarm

AL:013 Evaporator flow-switch alarm

AL:014 Condenser flow-switch alarm

AL:015 Oil level alarm

AL:016 High pressure alarm (pressure switch)

AL:017 Low pressure alarm (pressure switch)

AL:018 Evaporator Pump thermal Cutout

AL:019 Condenser Pump thermal cutout

AL:020 Compressor thermal cutout

AL:021 Condenser 1 Thermal cutout

AL:022 Condenser 2 Thermal cutout

AL:031 Antifreeze alarm

AL:032 Low pressure differential alarm

AL:033 High pressure alarm (transducer)

AL:034 Low pressure alarm (transducer)

AL:035 High delivery temperature alarm

AL:036 High voltage alarm

AL:037 High current alarm

AL:041 Alarm: clock card failed or disconnected

AL:051 Evaporator pump maintenance

AL:052 Condenser pump maintenance

AL:053 Compressor Maintenance

AL:060 Probe B1 failed or not connected

AL:061 Probe B2 failed or not connected

AL:062 Probe B3 failed or not connected

AL:063 Probe B4 failed or not connected

AL:064 Probe B5 failed or not connected

AL:065 Probe B6 failed or not connected

AL:066 Probe B7 failed or not connected

AL:067 Probe B8 failed or not connected

AL:101 Diver 1 probe status

AL:102 Diver 1 EEPROM error

AL:103 Diver 1 stepped motor error

AL:104 Diver 1 battery error

AL:105 High pressure (MOP) driver 1

AL:106 Low pressure (LOP) driver 1

AL:107 Low super-heat alarm, driver 1

AL:108 Valve not shut while driver 1 being disabled

AL:109 Driver 1 high intake temperature

AL:110 Standby due to EEPROM /battery recharge / or open valve error, driver 1

AL:111 LAN disconnected, driver 1

AL:201 Diver 2 probe error

AL:202 Diver 2 EEPROM error

AL:203 Diver 2 stepped motor error

AL:204 Diver 2 battery error

AL:205 High pressure (MOP) driver 2

AL:206 Low pressure (LOP) driver 2

AL:207 Low super-heat alarm, driver 2

AL:208 Valve not shut while driver 2 being disabled

AL:209 Driver 2 high intake temperature

AL:210 Standby due to EEPROM /battery recharge / or open valve error, driver 2

AL:211 LAN disconnected, driver 2

Cod.: +030221241 Rel. 1.0 dated 25 September 03


  • Page 1: User Manual

    / easy compact / easy split electronic digital thermostats with defrost control User manual NO POWER & SIGNAL CABLES TOGETHER READ CAREFULLY IN THE TEXT! I n t e g r a t e d C o n t r o l S o l u t i o n s & E n e r g y S a v i n g s…

  • Page 3
    The technical specifi cations shown in the manual may be changed without prior warning. The liability of CAREL in relation to its products is specifi ed in the CAREL general contract conditions, available on the website www.carel.com and/or by specifi c agreements with customers; specifi cally, to the extent where allowed…
  • Page 5: Table Of Contents

    Content 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Main characteristics ………………..7 1.2 Models ……………………7 1.3 Main diff erences between easy, easy compact and easy split ..9 1.4 NTC and PTC probes ………………9 1.5 Accessories ………………….9 1.6 Defi nitions …………………..9 2. ASSEMBLY AND INSTALLATION 2.1 Assembly …………………..10 2.2 Electrical connections ………………11…

  • Page 7: Introduction

    1.1 Main characteristics The following table lists the main features of the easy, easy compact and easy split controllers. Features…

  • Page 8
     fan management with comp. off 4.10   night-time operation with light 4.11 management Table 1.b * available but cannot be set from the keypad nor the programming key. easy/easy compact/easy split +030220791 — rel. 3.2 — 13.07.2010…
  • Page 9: Main Diff Erences Between Easy, Easy Compact And Easy Split

    PTC, and 10 kΩ for the NTC. The type of probe installable depends on the model (order code). The easy split models, on the other hand, only use NTC and high temperature NTC probes (50 KΩ at 25°C), selected by parameter.

  • Page 10: Assembly And Installation

    (formation of corrosive patina with possible oxidation (*) do not over-tighten the screws. and reduction of insulation. To install easy, easy compact and easy split: make an opening in the panel based on the drilling template, 71×29 mm. Dismantling using the screws from the front •…

  • Page 11: Electrical Connections

    • the probes can be installed up to a maximum distance of 30 m from the controller (10 m for easy split). To extend the distance of the probes, 230Vac or use cables with a minimum cross-section of 1 mm2, shielded where…

  • Page 12
    (*) For codes PJEZ*8**5* the temperature range is -10T50 °C and the maximum current is 16 A. See the table of technical specifi cations. ———— = recommended internal power supply connections. easy/easy compact/easy split +030220791 — rel. 3.2 — 13.07.2010…
  • Page 13: Wiring Diagram For Multiple Units

    120 ohm Fig. 2.h easy split: The serial connection for the easy split models with 4 relays depends on the setting of parameter H7, as the management of the fourth relay (RL4) and serial communication are mutually exclusive. The factory setting is H7=1, which means the fourth relay is enabled. To enable connection to the supervisor network: power down the controller;…

  • Page 14: User Interface And Start Up

    EZY together (2 — more than 3 s: accesses and 3) activate Keypad functions for easy and easy compact M models the parameter setting menu parameter (models with keypad only) (enter password 22) reset — mutes the audible alarm…

  • Page 15: Easy Split

    Display the controller to make it operative. CAREL then recommends to check that the display does not show any alarm signals (see par. “5.1 Table of alarms and signals” on page 31), then set the time and date (in the models fi tted with RTC, see par. “4.11 Clock and time band parameters”…

  • Page 16
    Press DOWN for more than 3 s (activated only if the temperature conditions are right, for easy split only if the light output is not set, H1≠4). Alternatively, on easy split models, if the light output is set (H1=4), the defrost can be activated by pressing UP and DOWN together, when H6=1).
  • Page 17: Functions And Parameters

    This chapter describes all the functions of the easy, easy compact and Example: In the case of bottle coolers, typically used in supermarkets, easy split. See Table 1.b for the compatibility of the functions with the when the doors are opened frequently, due to the greater thermal inertia model used.

  • Page 18: Temperature Control

    Used to enable or disable the temperature display with the resolution to Value that automatically increases the set point temperature during the the tenths of a degree between -20 and + 20 (easy and easy split) or -10 night-time operation time bands.

  • Page 19: Continuous Cycle

    (H1=7). 4.6 Compressor protection The easy, easy compact and easy split controllers are fi tted with an automatic compressor protection system to avoid continual starts or stops of the unit. The protection is based on the times in minutes set for parameters c0;…

  • Page 20: Defrost

    • from the keypad pressing the DOWN button for 3 s (manual defrost) (for easy split H1 must be ≠4. If H1=4 the UP and DOWN buttons can be pressed together, when H6=1); dt: end defrost temperature set point/defrost temperature threshold •…

  • Page 21
    (only manual defrosts from the keypad or multifunction contact) or to set dI to a value which is greater than the maximum set interval. easy/easy compact/easy split +030220791 — rel. 3.2 — 13.07.2010…
  • Page 22: Alarm Parameters

    A4: 3rd input confi guration (easy compact) The multifunction input is only available on the easy models with three inputs; is not available on the easy compact models. A0: alarm and fan temperature diff erential This parameter is used to set the functions of the input.

  • Page 23
    (1) contact open= alarm detected unit 1 contact closed= normal operation. When A4=1 easy can be connected to an external contact for immediately dP (2) d5 (2) signalling alarms. The alarm signal can be delayed by setting parameter unit 2…
  • Page 24
    14 Product probe again). Table 4.o AC-AE/2 A4=0, 1, 2, 3: see A4=0, 1, 2, 3 for easy, easy compact in previous paragraph. AC-AE A4=4 Curtain switch and night-time operation See the previous paragraph. In easy split models if the light output is Fig.
  • Page 25: Door Open/Closed Management

    Door switch with evaporator fan off and light not managed A4=13 for easy split). See A4=7 for easy, easy compact in previous paragraph. In easy split models with light output confi gured (H1=4), the status of the light output remains unchanged.

  • Page 26
    Easy split Closing the door the fi rst time: the controller maintains the previous status: In easy split models the algorithm for managing the door depends on • the fans and/or compressor (see parameter ‘A4’) remain off ; the type of unit selected, according to parameter Ado, and the setting •…
  • Page 27: Evaporator Fan Management Parameters

    The evaporator fan control temperature is measured by probe 2, (connector 10). To know which output is associated with the fan, see the wiring diagram for the “easy” model used (see par. “2.2 Electrical connections” page 11). Important: these parameters are not available in the compact models.

  • Page 28: Clock And Time Band Parameters

    Parameters for setting up to 4 defrost time bands 4.11 Clock and time band parameters d1d…d4d Defrost event day setting The RTC (Real Time Clock), not available on the easy compact models, is d1d…d4d=0 no defrost event used to manage the defrost function, curtain switch/night-time operation d1d…d4d=1…7 Monday to Sunday…

  • Page 29: Rapid Parameter Set Selection (Ezy)

    Examples of operation: the digital input. On easy split models there are also the light and second compressor outputs, with or without rotation. example 1…

  • Page 30
    When set to a positive value (values from 0 to 31 are used REQ2 by CAREL for the basic models), if a parameter, including the set point, is modifi ed from the keypad, the value becomes negative. This allows any modifi cations made the parameters compared to the initial settings to be monitored.
  • Page 31: Tables Of Alarms And Parameters

    5. TABLES OF ALARMS AND PARAMETERS 5.1 Table of alarms and signals Note: in easy split controllers, when starting control (powering up When an alarm is activated, the display shows the corresponding message the controller and/or switching from OFF status), the high that fl ashes alternating with the temperature;…

  • Page 32: Data Error

    • press the SET button for more than 3 s to permanently save the parameters and exit the parameter setting procedure. easy/easy compact/easy split +030220791 — rel. 3.2 — 13.07.2010…

  • Page 33: Table Of Easy Parameters

    X, Y, C (*) AUX time band ON day days X, Y, C (*) AUX time band ON hours X, Y, C (*) AUX time band ON minutes X, Y, C (*) easy/easy compact/easy split +030220791 — rel. 3.2 — 13.07.2010…

  • Page 34: Table Of Easy Compact Parameters

    S (with 1 & 2 probes) Table 5.d Warning Warning the easy compact models only display two digits. If the range is below -99 and above 99, the terminal will display “- — “. easy/easy compact/easy split +030220791 — rel. 3.2 — 13.07.2010…

  • Page 35: Table Of Easy Split Parameters

    S,C (*) night time band ON day S,C (*) night time band ON hours S,C (*) nOM night time band ON minutes S,C (*) night time band OFF day S,C (*) easy/easy compact/easy split +030220791 — rel. 3.2 — 13.07.2010…

  • Page 36: Table Of Ezy Parameter Sets

    (reverse) digital input alarm management defrost with temp. control (d0= 4) defrost by temperature (d0=4) easy/easy compact/easy split +030220791 — rel. 3.2 — 13.07.2010…

  • Page 37
    (reverse) digital input alarm management defrost with temp. control (d0= 4) defrost by temperature (d0=4) easy/easy compact/easy split +030220791 — rel. 3.2 — 13.07.2010…
  • Page 38: Troubleshooting

    • F1 (evaporator fan control set point) too low. • post-dripping delay set 3. if F0=0 • F2=1 and the compressor is off • dripping in progress • post-dripping in progress Table 5.i easy/easy compact/easy split +030220791 — rel. 3.2 — 13.07.2010…

  • Page 39: Technical Specifications

    Warning : do not run the power cable less than 3 cm from the bottom of the device or the probes; for the connections, only use Fig. 6.b copper wires. 65,29 71×29 Fig. 6.a easy/easy compact/easy split +030220791 — rel. 3.2 — 13.07.2010…

  • Page 40: Easy Split Technical Specifi Cations

    (**) Minimum T OFF between two starts must be greater than 1 min. (***) Conformity to UL873 only corresponds to models without plastic case. Terminal Power board 103.5 Ø 4 38,29 71×29 Fig. 6.c Fig. 6.d easy/easy compact/easy split +030220791 — rel. 3.2 — 13.07.2010…

  • Page 41: Electromagnetic Compatibility

    6.4 Electromagnetic compatibility The easy and easy compact series is compliant with the EU standards on electromagnetic compatibility: • for household appliances EN 55014-2 and EN 55014-1; • for residential, commercial and light industrial environments EN 50082-1 and EN 50081-1;…

  • Page 42
  • Page 44
    Agenzia / Agency: CAREL INDUSTRIES — HQs Via dell’Industria, 11 — 35020 Brugine — Padova (Italy) Tel. (+39) 049.9716611 — Fax (+39) 049.9716600 e-mail: carel@carel.com — www.carel.com…
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Summary of Contents for Carel pCOXS

  • Page 1
    controllore elettronico programmabile programmable electronic controller Manuale d’installazione User manual LEGGI E CONSERVA QUESTE ISTRUZIONI READ AND SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS…
  • Page 3
    Vogliamo farvi risparmiare tempo We wish to save you time and e denaro! money! LEGGI E CONSERVA Vi assicuriamo che la completa lettura We can assure you that a thorough QUESTE ISTRUZIONI di questo manuale vi garantirà una reading of this manual will guarantee READ AND SAVE corretta installazione ed un sicuro correct installation and safe use of the…
  • Page 5
    Indice: Index: INTRODUZIONE INTRODUCTION CARATTERISTICHE GENERALI GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS Programmabilità Programmability ARCHITETTURA HARDWARE HARDWARE STRUCTURE Codici degli strumenti ed accessori Instruments and accessory codes Significato degli ingressi/uscite Meaning of the inputs/outputs THE USER TERMINAL IL TERMINALE UTENTE Regolazione del contrasto dei display a LCD Adjusting the contrast on the LCD display Display LCD 4×20 montaggio a parete o pannello 4×20 LCD display for wall or panel mounting…
  • Page 6
    CARATTERISTICHE TECNICHE DEL TERMINALE TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS OF THE PCOI* AND UTENTE PCOI* E PCOT* PCOT* USER TERMINAL 11.1 Caratteristiche generali 11.1 General characteristics 11.2 Caratteristiche elettriche terminale 11.2 Terminal electrical specifications MONTAGGIO TERMINALE UTENTE USER TERMINAL INSTALLATION 12.1 Montaggio a pannello 12.1 Panel installation 12.2 Montaggio a parete 12.2 Wall-mounting…
  • Page 7
    EasyTools, con i seguenti vantaggi: system, with the following advantages: • trasferimento del software su diversi hardware Carel. • transfer of the software to differ ent types of Carel hardware. Le applicazioni sviluppate per il pCO, pCO o Macroplus possono…
  • Page 8
    Possono essere collegate fino a 32 unità in modo da condividere le based on the RS485 standard, is made using the optional serial informazioni in tempi molto brevi. Il collegamento verso la linea cards (pCOXS004850) and the Carel or ModBus communication seriale di supervisione/tele assistenza secondo lo standard RS485, protocol.
  • Page 9
    • la visualizzazione tramite display degli allarmi rilevati e la loro • the display and audible signalling (by buzzer) of any alarms; segnalazione acustica per mezzo di un cicalino; • the display of the active functions, using the LEDs; • la visualizzazione tramite LED delle funzioni attive; •…
  • Page 10
    2.1 Codici degli strumenti ed accessori 2.1 Instruments and accessory codes codice code scheda base PCO1000AX0 main card PCO1000AX0 scheda base con display built-in PCO1000BX0 main card with built-in display PCO1000BX0 scheda base con 2 SSR PCO1002AX0 main card with 2 SSR PCO1002AX0 scheda base con 2 SSR con display built-in PCO1002BX0…
  • Page 11
    Di seguito viene fornita una descrizione del pCO con riferimento alla The following is a description of the pCO with reference to the layout: planimetria: CLOCK CARD built-in terminal SERIAL CARD Fig. 2.1.1 Power supply connector [G (+), G0 (-)] 24Vac or 20/60Vdc; Connettore per l’alimentazione [G (+), G0 (-)] 24Vac o 20/60 Vdc;…
  • Page 12
    2.2 Significato degli ingressi/uscite 2.2 Meaning of the inputs/outputs Questa tabella riassume la corrispondenza ingressi — uscite ed una loro This table summarises the inputs and the outputs and provides a brief breve descrizione. description of each. connettore segnale descrizione connector signal description…
  • Page 13
    3. IL TERMINALE UTENTE 3. THE USER TERMINAL 3.1 Regolazione del contrasto dei display a LCD 3.1 Adjusting the contrast on the LCD display I modelli con display LCD 4×20 sono dotati di potenziometro per la The models with 4×20 LCD display have a trimmer for adjusting the regolazione del contrasto del display.
  • Page 14
    3.4 Display LCD grafico montaggio a parete o pannello 3.4 Graphic LCD display for wall or panel mounting Caratteristiche Characteristics codice PCOT00PGH0 code PCOT00PGH0 128×64 pixel, grafico, 128×64 pixels, retroilluminato graphic, backlit Room 1 Graphic Temp 128×64 pixel, grafico, 128×64 pixels, retroilluminato graphic, backlit numero righe…
  • Page 15
    3.7 Display a 3 cifre LED 32×72 3.7 3 digit LED display, 32×72 Caratteristiche Characteristics codice PCOT32RN00 code PCOT32RN00 numero cifre LED number of LED digits numero tasti number of buttons mute Fig. 3.7.1 3.8 pCO terminal keypad 3.8 Tastiera terminali pCO description descrizione mechanical buttons covered by polycarbonate…
  • Page 16
    3.8.1 Utilizzo tipico dei tasti nelle applicazioni standard Carel 3.8.1 Typical functions of the buttons in standard Carel applications menu visualizza i valori rilevati dalle sonde; menu displays the values measured by the probes; visualizza i valori relativi alla manutenzione dei dispositivi (ore displays the values correspond.
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    3.9.1 Scheda display grafico 3.9.1 Graphic display board La scheda supporta il microprocessore, le memorie e la EPROM, The board supports the microprocessor, the memory and the EPROM contenente il programma applicativo di gestione del display e della that stores the application program for managing the display and the tastiera.
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    3.9.3 Scheda schermo (opzione per stampante) 3.9.3 Protective shield (optional printer card) Per tutti i modelli del terminale grafico pCO For all pCO graphic terminal models an esiste la possibilità di inserire una scheda optional card can be inserted in the pin opzionale per la gestione di una stampante connector marked by number 2 in seriale, nel connettore a pettine…
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    AVVERTENZA: il pCO (come il pCO e pCO ) non può alimentare i WARNING: the pCO (like the pCO and pCO ) cannot be used to terminali grafici PCOT00PGH0 e PCOI00PGL0, che devono quindi power the graphic terminals PCOT00PGH0 and PCOI00PGL0, which essere alimentati con altre sorgenti.
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    The pCO can be connected to all the Carel AS* series active temperatura ed umidità della serie AS* Carel, configurate come 0/1 V temperature and humidity probes configured as 0/1V (only for humidity (solo per segnale umidità e non per temperatura) oppure come 4/20 mA.
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    The pCO can be connected to all the Carel SPK* series active della serie SPK* Carel o qualsiasi sensore di pressione presente sul pressure probes or any other pressure sensor available on the market mercato con segnale 0/20 mA o 4/20 mA. Gli ingressi che possono with a 0/20mA or 4/20mA signal.
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    The pCO can be connected to all the Carel SPKT series active pro- della serie SPKT Carel o qualsiasi sensore di pressione presente sul bes pressure or any other pressure sensor available on the market with mercato con segnale 0/5 V raziometrico.
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    4.5 Collegamento degli ingressi digitali 4.5 Connecting the digital inputs Il pCO prevede fino a 6 ingressi digitali, contatto pulito, per il The pCO features up to 6 digital inputs, with voltage-free contacts, for collegamento a sicurezze, allarmi, stati di dispositivi, consensi remoti, connecting safety devices, alarms, device status indicators, remote etc.
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    4.6 Collegamento delle uscite analogiche 0/10 Vdc 4.6 Connecting the 0/10Vdc analogue outputs Il pCO fornisce due uscite analogiche a 0/10 V. La Fig. 4.6.1 The pCO provides two 0/10V. Fig. 4.6.1 shows the electrical rappresenta lo schema elettrico di collegamento. connection diagram.
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    4.8 Collegamento delle uscite digitali 4.8 Connecting the digital outputs Il pCO prevede fino a 5 uscite digitali con relè elettromeccanici. The pCO features up to 5 digital outputs with electromechanical relays. Per facilità d’assemblaggio i morsetti comuni dei primi 3 relè sono stati For ease of installation, the common terminals of the first 3 relays have raggruppati.
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    The connection between the user terminal and the pCO is made cavo telefonico a 6 vie, fornito da Carel. Per effettuare il collegamento using a 6-way telephone cable supplied by Carel. To make the basta inserire il connettore telefonico nel morsetto J10 del pCO…
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    4.9.2 Installazione dei terminali da pannello (pCOI) e relativi 4.9.2 Installing the panel-mounted terminals (pCOI) and collegamenti elettrici corresponding electrical connections These terminals have been designed for panel mounting; the drilling Questi terminali sono stati studiati per il montaggio a pannello, con template must measure 173×154 mm.
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    (nodo) ad un’altra. information from one location (node) to another. Ogni pCO può inoltre essere collegato alla rete di supervisione Carel, Each pCO can be connected to a Carel supervisory network, using mediante le schede opzionali PCO1004850.
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    4×20 standard. Tramite le seguenti operazioni: • Disconnect the pCO from the power supply; • Disalimentare il pCO • Organise a standard Carel 4×20 LCD terminal with the address set • Predisporre un terminale LCD 4×20 standard Carel con indirizzo to 0; selezionato su 0;…
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    5.3 Terminali privati e condivisi 5.3 Private and shared terminals Each pCO board, connected to the network, can manage more than Ogni scheda pCO connessa alla rete pLAN, può gestire più terminali one terminal (max 3) at the same time. The display of the values on contemporaneamente (max 3).
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    Note: the earth connection can be made to terminal G; this Attenzione: il collegamento a terra può essere eseguito sul morsetto configuration is possible as the pCOXS has an insulated power supply. G, questa configurazione è possibile perchè il pCO ha un alimentatore isolato.
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    5.5 Remotazione terminale con rete pLAN 5.5 Remote installation of the terminal in a pLAN network Quando le schede pCO sono connesse in rete pLAN il terminale può When pCO boards are connected in a pLAN network, the terminal essere remotato fino a 50 metri usando cavo di tipo telefonico, mentre can be remotely-installed at a distance of up to 50 metres, using a può…
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    5.5.2 Remotazione terminale fino a 200 m con rete pLAN con cavo 5.5.2 Remote installation of the terminal at up to 200m in a pLAN schermato AWG24 con 3 coppie ritorte + schermo network using an AWG24 shielded cable with 3 twisted pairs + screen Questo tipo di remotazione è…
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    RS485 baud-rate (kbit/s) 65,2 baudrate (kbit/s) 65.2 protocollo Multimaster (protoc. di proprietà Carel) protocol Multimaster (Carel proprietary protocol) lunghezza max. della rete (m) max. length of the network (m) 500 Tab. 5.6.1 Table 5.6.1 manual — cod. +030220345 — rel. 1.0 — 18.03.03…
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    The pCO controller allows direct connection over two lines to the new nuova rete Carel “tLAN” o verso tutti i attuatori per serrande e valvole Carel “tLAN” network or to all Belimo actuators for dampers and water acqua della Belimo: rete MP Bus (in quanto gli attuatori devono essere valves: Mp Bus network (in this case the actuators have to be supplied alimentati separatamente).
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    In ogni attuatore Belimo è possibile collegare anche un sensore di Each Belimo actuator can also be connected to an active or passive temperatura, attivo o passivo, o un contatto digitale. Tali sensori devono temperature sensor, or a digital contact. These sensors must be con- essere collegati al morsetto 3 dell’attuatore e i collegamenti variano in nected to terminal 3 on the actuator, and the connections vary accor- funzione del tipo di sensore utilizzato, sono acquisiti dall’attuatore e…
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    9 poli maschio connecting the printer using a serial printer (connettore A) dove collegare la cable, 9-pin (pCOXS end) — 25 pin (printer stampante tramite cavo seriale per end). stampante 9 poli (lato pCOXS) — 25 poli (lato stampante).
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    7.5 Scheda per stampante seriale per terminale grafico 7.5 Serial printer card for graphic terminal, PCOSERPRN0 PCOSERPRN0 The printer card is an optional card only for the pCO graphic terminal La scheda stampante è un una scheda opzionale solo per i modelli del models (code PCOI00PGL0 and PCOT00PGH0).
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    Questa interfaccia permette di fundamental parameters of the OEM controllare i parametri fondamentali humidifiers manufactured by Carel (level degli umidificatori OEM prodotti da Carel and conductivity of the water in the (livello e conducibilità acqua nel cilindro, cylinder, TAM sensor for current input)
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    Dopo 20 sec. viene ripristinato nel pCO il protocollo originario. WinLoad non adatto o Password di Protezione Software errata. in comunicazione con WinLoad. usato come Espansione I/O Protocollo Supervisore Carel (slave) attivo sulla seriale 0. RED LED YELLOW LED GREEN LED NOT in pLAN (address= 0) correct operation with or without local terminal.
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    *: casi in cui pCO regredisce allo stato Basso Livello: *: cases in which pCO reverts to Low Level status: — In fase di avvio il pCO rileva la presenza del WinLoad collegato. — When starting the pCO detects that WinLoad is connected. — In fase di avvio il pCO rileva “Application corrupted…”.
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    9. Schema generale dei collegamenti elettrici 9. General diagram of the electrical connections Di seguito viene indicato un esempio (Figg. 9.1) di collegamenti elettrici Below are one example (Figs. 9.1) of the electrical connections of the del pCO ai vari dispositivi. to the various devices.
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    10. CARATTERISTICHE TECNICHE DEL pCO 10. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS OF THE pCOXS 10.1 Caratteristiche generali 10.1 General characteristics condizioni di immagazzinamento -20T70, 90% UR non condensante (versione standard) -30T80, 90% UR non condensante (vers. range esteso con display built-in) -55T85, 90% UR non condensante (vers. range esteso di temp. no display built-in)
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    A/D converter a 10 bit CPU built-in; tipo B1, B2: sens. di temp. NTC Carel (-50T90 °C; R/T 10 kΩ a 25 °C), tensione: 0/1 Vdc o 0/5 Vdc raziometrici, corrente: 0/20 mA o 4/20 mA, selezionabili via software. Resistenza di ingresso in 4/20mA= 100Ω;…
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    10.2.2 Digital inputs number of digital inputs type of digital inputs voltage-free contact (powered by the pCO contact current 6mA guaranteed minimum normally-open digital input detection time (open-closed-open) in AC and DC (ms) minimum normally-closed digital input detection time (closed-open-closed) in AC and DC (ms) Table Separate the probe signal and digital input cables as much as possible Separare quanto più…
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    10.3 Contenitore plastico pCO 10.3 pCO plastic case Agganciabile su guida DIN secondo Norme DIN 43880 e secondo Can be mounted on DIN rail according to DIN 43880 and EN 50022 Norme EN 50022 standards Materiale: tecnopolimero Material: technopolymer Autoestinguenza V0 (secondo UL94) e 960 °C (secondo IEC 695) Self-extinguishing V0 (according to UL94) and 960°C (according to IEC 695) Prova biglia: 125 °C Marble test: 125°C…
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    • Policarbonato tastiera (standard Carel) per PCOT*CB* e PCOI* • Polycarbonate keypad (Carel standard) for PCOT*CB* and PCOI* spessore (mm) 0,175 thickness (mm) 0.175 trattamento serigrafia a 4 colori processing 4-colour silk screening Tab. Table Nota: Il contenitore standard (PCOT*BC*) prevede uno sportellino che Note: The standard case (PCOT*BC*) features a features a door that si apre sul frontale con un’inclinazione massima di 150˚.
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    12. MONTAGGIO TERMINALE UTENTE 12. USER TERMINAL INSTALLATION 12.1 Montaggio a pannello 12.1 Panel installation 12.1.1 PCOT* 12.1.1 PCOT* Riferimenti Fig., (dimensioni in mm). Key to Fig., (dimensions in mm). n. descrizione description coperchio posteriore rear cover pannello panel coperchio anteriore front cover…
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    13. DIMENSIONI 13. DIMENSIONS AVVERTENZA: tutte le quote riportate sulle figure che seguono sono WARNING: all the distances shown in the figure below are expressed espresse in mm. in mm. 13.1 pCO 13.1 pCO Fig. 13.1.1 13.2 Terminale utente 12.2 User terminal 13.2.1 PCOT* 13.2.1 PCOT* 170 mm…
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    6. se si è in presenza di errore di sonda oppure se si tratta di un conductive paste or oil into the caps to ensure good temperature errore di conversione del pCOXS, le verifiche si diversificano a transfer; seconda del tipo di sonda: 6.
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    Sonde attive di temperatura/umidità con segnale 0/1 V: Active temperature/humidity probes with 0/1V signal: misurando con un voltmetro tra i morsetti Bn e GND si ha il segnale di measure, using a voltmeter between terminals Bn and AVSS, the sonda e si puó verificare la corrispondenza tra tensione e grandezza: 1 probe signal and check that the voltage corresponds to the mVdc corrisponde a 0,1°C temperature/humidity value: 1mVdc corresponds to 0.1°C…
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    1. che i cavi di potenza non passino nelle vicinanze dei the main board; microprocessori della scheda base; 2. that the ratings of the power transformer (not supplied by CAREL) 2. che il dimensionamento del trasformatore di alimentazione (non are correct (see paragraph on POWER) fornito da CAREL) sia corretto (vedi paragrafo ALIMENTAZIONE);…
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    Agenzia / Agency: CAREL S.p.A. Via dell’Industria, 11 — 35020 Brugine — Padova (Italy) Tel. (+39) 049.9716611 — Fax (+39) 049.9716600 e-mail: carel@carel.com — www.carel.com…

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