L 401 ошибка майнкрафт

Как исправить код ошибки L-401 в Minecraft: возможные исправления, проблемы и многое другое

Несмотря на то, что Mojang работает круглосуточно, чтобы обеспечить отполированность Minecraft, он не идеален. игра. Несмотря на постоянные обновления и доработки, в игре немало проблем.

Одной из проблем, с которой регулярно сталкиваются многие игроки, является код ошибки L-401. Это может быть очень неприятным препятствием для преодоления. К счастью, есть способы обойти проблему или попытаться исправить ее.

Вот в чем на самом деле заключается ошибка и что вы можете сделать, чтобы устранить любые потенциальные проблемы.

Код ошибки L-401 в Minecraft : полное руководство по устранению неполадок

. Код ошибки L-401 обычно относится к проблемам с Minecraft Marketplace. Эта ошибка фактически лишает игроков возможности доступа к Marketplace. Поскольку именно здесь можно найти скины, карты и многое другое, это может быть досадной ошибкой.

Код ошибки почти всегда отображает следующее сообщение:

«Сейчас у нас проблемы с подключением к рынку. Повторите попытку позже».

Единственный реальный способ решить эту проблему — проверить, не случилось ли что-то не так с сервером Minecraft. В игру можно играть в автономном режиме, но большая часть ее функций онлайн. Это включает в себя Marketplace.

В результате сервер играет большую роль в том, смогут ли игроки получить доступ к определенным аспектам и насколько быстро. В данном случае это интернет-магазин.

Лучший способ узнать, влияют ли на игровой процесс перебои в работе сервера, — проверить Down Detector. Этот веб-сайт идеально подходит для сообщения о проблемах и показывает график проблем, о которых сообщалось, с течением времени.

Чаще всего на сайте будет отображаться всплеск сообщений о сбоях, если вы сталкиваетесь с чем-то подобным.

В качестве альтернативы и, возможно, более простого варианта вы можете проверить учетные записи Mojang или Minecraft в Twitter. Они будут часто информировать игроков, когда возникнут проблемы или если они внедрили какие-либо исправления.

Это их самая непосредственная форма общения с сообществом, поэтому стоит следить за ними.

Если вы Если вы все еще регулярно сталкиваетесь с проблемами, вот несколько основных методов устранения неполадок:

  • Перезапуск консоли или устройства, на котором вы играете, является хорошим вариантом, когда какая-либо проблема возникает постоянно. Это довольно популярный органический способ устранения неполадок. Если нет проблем с игровым кодом, дайте вашей консоли, телефону, компьютеру или другим устройствам некоторое время передохнуть.
  • Если проблема не устранена даже после устранения неполадок, ваша версия игра может нуждаться в обновлении. Проверьте расположение обновлений на устройстве, чтобы узнать, доступно ли исправление. Это может быть журнал обновлений, магазин или программа запуска (ПК).

Перезагрузка без выхода из системы также может работать. В конечном счете, если эти проблемы сохраняются до такой степени, что невозможно попасть в Marketplace, вам, возможно, придется сдаться и повторить попытку позже.

While Mojang works round the clock to ensure Minecraft is polished, it’s not a perfect game. Despite consistent updates and refinements, the game suffers from its fair share of problems.

One issue that many players routinely run into is the error code L-401. This can be a very frustrating obstacle to get through. Fortunately, there are ways to circumvent the problem or try and fix it.

Here’s what the error actually is and what you can do to alleviate any potential issues.


Error code L-401 in Minecraft: A complete troubleshooting guide

Error code L-401 usually refers to Minecraft Marketplace issues. This error effectively removes the ability for players to access the Marketplace. Since this is where skins, maps, and more can be found, it can be a frustrating error to deal with.

The error code almost always displays this message:

“We are having trouble connecting to the marketplace right now please try again later.”

The only real way to alleviate this issue in specific is to check if there’s something wrong with the Minecraft server. The game can be played offline, but much of it functions online. This includes the Marketplace.

As a result, the server plays a big role in whether or not and how fast players can access certain aspects. In this case, it’s the online Marketplace.

The best way to find out if there are server outages affecting the gameplay is to check Down Detector. This website is perfect for reporting issues and will show you a graph of issues reported over time.

Down Detector shows what's going on currently (Image via Down Detector website)

Down Detector shows what’s going on currently (Image via Down Detector website)

More often than not, the site will display a spike in reported outages if you’re experiencing something like this.

Alternatively, and perhaps a more straightforward option, you can check out Mojang or Minecraft Twitter accounts. They will often update players when there’s an issue or if they’ve implemented any fixes.

This is their most direct form of communication with the community, so it’s worth keeping an eye on them.

If you’re still experiencing issues routinely, here are some basic troubleshooting methods:

  • Restarting the console or device you are playing on is a good option when any issue consistently arises. This is a pretty popular organic troubleshoot. Unless there is a problem with the game’s code, giving your console, phone, computer, or other devices some time to breathe can make a big difference.
  • If the issue remains persistent even after troubleshooting, your version of the game may be in need of an update. Check the location for updates on the device to see if there’s a patch available. This could be the update log, the store, or the Launcher (PC).

Restarting without logging out can work too. Ultimately, if these issues persist to the point where it is impossible to get into the Marketplace, you may need to give up and try again later.

Edited by Sijo Samuel Paul

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What is Error Code L-401 in Minecraft?

If you are attempting to connect to the Marketplace on Minecraft and encounter error code L-401, you may receive a message that states, «We are having trouble connecting to the marketplace right now, please try again later.» This error typically occurs when there is an issue with the Mojang server or when there is a network error. If you encounter this error code, there are several steps you can take to resolve it, regardless of whether you are experiencing it on PS5, Xbox, or other gaming platforms.

Encountering the «Minecraft Error Code L 401» can be an inconvenience when attempting to connect to a Minecraft server. This error message suggests that your client lacks the necessary authorization to connect to the server, which can be frustrating during gameplay. However, there are various solutions available to resolve this issue. In this article, we will explore some of the most effective methods to fix the «Minecraft Error Code L 401.» If the issue persists, try signing out and signing back in to your Xbox Live or PlayStation Network account. You can also try clearing your cache and cookies or reinstalling the game if all other solutions have failed. Remember, if you are still experiencing the error code L-401 Minecraft after trying all of the above solutions, you may need to contact technical support for further assistance.

How to Fix Minecraft Error Code L-401? 

To play Minecraft on a server, your client must first authenticate with the server using your Minecraft account credentials. If your client fails to authenticate with the server, you may encounter the «Minecraft Error Code L 401» message. Now that we understand the issue at hand, it’s time to explore some possible solutions to fix this error.


1. Check the server status of the game

Generally, encountering an error while trying to access an online game may occur due to server-related problems. Therefore, if you experience such an issue, it’s advisable to check whether the error is caused by the game’s server before trying other solutions. The first step is to visit the game’s official website or its social media handle, such as Twitter, to determine if there’s any news of an ongoing server issue or maintenance activity. Click here for the game’s server status.

This is a crucial step as server-related problems may affect the game’s functionality and render all other troubleshooting solutions useless until the server issue is resolved. It’s always best to check for any server-related updates before attempting any other fixes to ensure that the error isn’t caused by an external factor.

2. Reboot your console

After verifying that the game server is functional, the next step to troubleshoot an error while playing a game is to reboot your console. Rebooting your console can help fix any temporary glitches or software issues that may be causing the error. Restarting the console can be done by either powering off and on again or performing a soft reset. 

Xbox users:

To fix an issue where you are unable to access the Minecraft Marketplace on your Xbox console, you can try restarting the console. 

  • To do this, first, press and hold the Xbox button on your controller to open the power center. Then, select «Restart console» and press the A button. 
  • On the next screen, select «Restart» and press the A button again to confirm the reboot. After the console restarts, launch Minecraft and try opening the Marketplace to see if the issue is resolved. 
  • This solution is helpful when the error is caused by a temporary glitch or software issue on the console. 
  • By restarting the console, it clears any lingering issues and allows the system to start afresh, which can fix the problem and restore functionality to the Marketplace.

PS 4 & 5 users:

To fix an issue where you are unable to access a game on your PlayStation console, you can try restarting the console. 

  • To do this, first, press the PS button on your controller to bring up the home screen. Then, select the «Turn-off» option and wait for the console to power off. 
  • After the console is turned off, wait for about 30 seconds and then turn it back on. Once the console is back on, restart the game and try accessing it again to see if the issue has been resolved. 
  • This solution is helpful when the error is caused by a temporary glitch or software issue on the console. By restarting the console, it clears any lingering issues and allows the system to start afresh, which can fix the problem and restore functionality to the game.

3. Clear the game cache

To access the side menu, press the Xbox button on your controller. After that, go to My Games & Apps and choose the See all option to view all your games and apps. Locate Minecraft and press A on your controller to select the Manage game and add-on option. From there, highlight Saved data and choose Delete all to erase all the game cache files.

Xbox users:

  • To bring up the side menu, press the Xbox button on your controller, then navigate to My Games & Apps and click See all to view your complete list of games and apps. 
  • Locate Minecraft and choose the Manage game and add-on option by highlighting it and pressing A on your controller. 
  • After that, select Saved data and then Delete all to remove all the game cache files.

PS4 users:

  • After turning off your PS4, wait until the green light stops blinking, then unplug the power cable without delay.
  •  Leave it unplugged for 30 seconds before reconnecting the power cord and turning on your console. 
  • Launch Minecraft and press and hold L1+R1 on your controller while the game is loading to clear the game cache.

4. Reinstall Minecraft

In the event that you have attempted all of the previously suggested solutions and are still encountering the L-401 Minecraft error code on your PS5, PS4, or Xbox, it may be necessary to delete and reinstall the game as a final troubleshooting step. This issue may be caused by a corrupt game file within your Minecraft application, which can be rectified by following this method. While this solution can be effective, it should only be considered as a last resort, as reinstalling the game can be a time-consuming process. However, it is a practical course of action when all other possible fixes have been exhausted.

What are the Causes of Minecraft Error Code L-401?

Minecraft Error Code L-401 can occur due to several reasons. It is a common error that typically appears when trying to connect to the Minecraft Marketplace. It could be caused by a temporary issue with the Mojang server or a network connection problem. An outdated version of Minecraft or a corrupted game file may also be the culprit. Additionally, issues with Xbox Live or PlayStation Network account authentication can cause this error. Sometimes, clearing cache and cookies or reinstalling the game can fix the problem. Identifying the root cause of the error is crucial to determine the appropriate solution. In addition to checking the server status, players can also try updating their game or reinstalling it. Clearing the game’s cache and cookies can also help resolve the issue. Furthermore, players can check their network connection and ensure that their Xbox Live or PlayStation Network account is authenticated correctly. By identifying the root cause of the error, players can take the necessary steps to resolve it and continue enjoying the game.

Minecraft Wiki 

Minecraft is a popular sandbox game that was developed by Mojang Studios. Markus «Notch» Persson created the game using the Java programming language. Minecraft was initially released to the public in May 2009 after undergoing several private testing versions, with the full release happening in November 2011. After the full release, Jens «Jeb» Bergensten took over the development of the game when Notch stepped down. Minecraft has sold over 238 million copies, making it the best-selling video game in history. As of 2021, there are nearly 140 million monthly active players, and the game has been ported to various platforms. Depending on their chosen game mode, players can fight hostile mobs, cooperate with or compete against other players in the same world. Game modes include a survival mode, where players must acquire resources to build in the world and maintain health, and a creative mode, where players have unlimited resources and access to flight. Additionally, there is a wide variety of user-generated content available, such as modifications, servers, skins, texture packs, and custom maps, which add new game mechanics and possibilities.

Minecraft Gameplay

Minecraft is a sandbox game that offers players a vast amount of freedom in how they choose to play, with no mandatory objectives to achieve. The game features an achievement system known as «advancements» in the Java Edition and «trophies» on PlayStation versions. Gameplay is primarily in first-person perspective but can be switched to third-person. The game world consists of 3D blocks representing various materials such as dirt, stone, ores, and water. Players can freely move around and manipulate these blocks to construct structures. The game’s physics system has been criticized as unrealistic by some. It also includes a material called redstone, which enables the creation of mechanical devices, electrical circuits, and logic gates for building complex systems.

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How to Fix Minecraft Error Code L-401 — FAQs

1. What is Minecraft?

Minecraft is a popular sandbox game that allows players to build and explore virtual worlds made up of blocks. It was created by Mojang Studios and first released in 2011.

2. What platforms can I play Minecraft on?

Minecraft is available on a wide range of platforms, including PC, Mac, Xbox, PlayStation, Nintendo Switch, iOS, and Android. It can also be played on virtual reality headsets such as the Oculus Rift and the HTC Vive.

3. Can I play Minecraft with friends?

Yes, Minecraft has multiplayer functionality that allows players to connect and play together on the same server. This can be done through local networks, online servers, or using the Minecraft Realms service.

4. What are mods in Minecraft?

Mods are modifications to the game that add new features, change existing ones, or alter the game’s mechanics in some way. These mods can be downloaded and installed by players, and there are thousands of them available on websites such as CurseForge and Planet Minecraft.

5. Is Minecraft suitable for kids?

Minecraft is a popular game for children and is often recommended for its educational value, as it can teach skills such as creativity, problem-solving, and teamwork. However, parents should be aware that there is some violence in the game, and online multiplayer can expose children to inappropriate language and behavior from other players.

Error code L-401 usually refers to Minecraft Marketplace issues. This error effectively removes the ability for players to access the Marketplace. Since this is where skins, maps, and more can be found, it can be a frustrating error to deal with.

How do I fix error code L 401?

How to Fix the 401 Unauthorized Error

  1. Confirm the URL Is Correct. This might sound obvious, but the 401 error code might appear if the user entered the wrong URL in the browser’s address bar. …
  2. Clear User End Issues. …
  3. Check Authentication Credentials. …
  4. Disable Password Protection. …
  5. Troubleshoot the Code.

What is error code L 401 in Minecraft PE?

What is error code L 401 in Minecraft PE? Mojang issues related Minecraft Error 401 can be attributed in most cases to corrupt, missing, or infected Minecraft files. If your Mojang file is suffering from one of those troubles, replacing it with a fresh file should resolve the issue.

What is error code S 401?

The HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) 401 Unauthorized response status code indicates that the client request has not been completed because it lacks valid authentication credentials for the requested resource.

What is error code L 404 in Minecraft?

Minecraft Error 404 Memory Leak — When Minecraft encounters a memory leak, the operating system gradually runs slowly as it depletes system resources. Possible causes due to failure of Mojang to de-allocate memory in the program, or when bad code executes a «infinite loop».

This Update Took EIGHT YEARS & The FIRST Minecraft 1.20 Preview!

Is Entity 303 good or bad?

There are some people pretending to be Entity 303. If you see someone on Minecraft with the username «Entity 303» then just ignore the person. Be careful and stay safe.

Is it Herobrine or Herobrine?

Herobrine is a rumored Hostile Mob found in Minecraft. He is the center of endless speculation and Creepypasta, producing explanations of his origins such as a ghost, Notch’s dead brother, revenge carried out by a fired Mojang employee, and a slew of others.

How to throw 401 unauthorized error in Java?

For error status codes like 401, use the more specific sendError(): httpResponse. sendError(HttpServletResponse. SC_UNAUTHORIZED, «your message goes here»);

What does error code Ghast?

Ghast: Conflicting credentials cache. On Windows and Xbox, try signing out of Xbox Live, and back in again. On Switch, try the «Clear Account Credentials» button in Settings->Profile.

Are Minecraft servers down right now?

Our service is currently operating as expected at the location you provided. If that changes, we will tell you about it here.

What is error code 1 in Minecraft 1.19 1?

The reason behind the error code 1 or the «Game Ended with Bad State: Exit Code 1» error could be one of three issues: a problem with Java, an issue with players’ Minecraft settings or configuration, or a problem with players’ PC.

What is a ghast ghost?

The Ghast, then. A ghost that can breathe fireballs — and as scary scenarios go, that’s pretty strong. These tentacled terrors haunt the Nether/our nightmares. At least they keep their eerie red eyes shut. Until the Ghast learns you’re around, of course.

Where is the awful ghast?

The Awful Ghast is the second boss of the Expert mode. It can be found in the Awful dungeon that spawns in the soul sand valley and the warped forest biome. To summon it you’ll need to right click with a nether star on the altar block (in the center of the dungeon).

How do you make a ghast cry?

Once you find a ghast, you need to attack it. When you attack the ghast, it will turn pink as it takes damage. Continue to chase and attack the ghast. Once you have killed the ghast, it may drop a ghast tear.

What is 401 error umbrella?

Overview. Users will receive a «401 Authorization Required» error when the source / egress IP is not registered on the Umbrella Dashboard as part of a Secure Web Gateway web policy. This typically happens when a device is taken off-network but the web traffic is still being forwarded to Umbrella using PAC file.

What is the status code 401 and 403?

401 Unauthorized is the status code to return when the client provides no credentials or invalid credentials. 403 Forbidden is the status code to return when a client has valid credentials but not enough privileges to perform an action on a resource.

What is error 401.1 unauthorized access is denied due to invalid credentials?

This error typically occurs when authentication is not configured correctly between the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Web Server components (Microsoft Dynamics NAV Web client site on IIS) and Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server.

Which God is Herobrine?

Herobrine. Herobrine Persson is a vengeful spirit of the brother of the developer of the famous game Minecraft, Markus Persson. He is trapped inside his brother’s game, haunting players.

Why is Herobrine a bad guy?

Notch has also described Herobrine as a «morally dubious ghost with a god complex», further cementing his arrogant and egotistical nature and implying that, depending on one’s interpretation of Notch’s words, he has moral agency issues and doesn’t understand morality in general, or isn’t completely evil and has a few …

How did Steve turn into Herobrine?

Steve Briggs, is a 17 year old boy, who after learning he has telekinetic powers destroys his high school during revenge on his lifelong bully Thomas White. The attack caused Steve to lose control of his powers and became Herobrine.

What is Entity 303 scared of?

Entity 303 is afraid of fish after Derp slapped him with one in Mystery Warfare. He runs away from anyone eating fish.

What is entity 666 in Minecraft?

It is a creepypasta hoax, because of how normal, clickbait-based creepypasta works. If you still think you are scared or not guarantee, First, Mojang had already made the scariest mobs, they were Enderman and Wither. Second, there is no mob that is exclusive to some seeds.

Is entity 404 real in Minecraft?

Entity 404 was a villain from Dave the Villager 22. He used to be a professor named Professor Hector, but he used the life forces of the villagers who went to the Aether to try and turn himself into a god, like Entity 303.

Is a ghast tear rare?

Ghast Tears are items that have a chance to be dropped by Ghasts when they are killed. It can be very difficult to obtain ghast tears, due to the difficulty of killing ghasts and because ghasts tend to hover over lava.

4 способа исправить неверный идентификатор сеанса Minecraft Realms 401 (06.04.23)

minecraft realms 401 недопустимый идентификатор сеанса

Существует распространенная и очень неприятная проблема, с которой многие игроки Minecraft уже довольно давно сталкиваются. Эта ошибка характерна только для игровых миров Minecraft и может возникнуть в любой момент, испортив любое удовольствие, которое вы, возможно, получали с друзьями или случайными онлайн-игроками.

Проблема возникает из-за нескольких разных причины и, как правило, легко исправить, а это означает, что вам не нужно слишком сильно беспокоиться. Просто внимательно посмотрите и попробуйте решения, приведенные ниже, и вы вернетесь к игре Minecraft в кратчайшие сроки.

Популярные уроки Minecraft

  • Minecraft Руководство для начинающих — Как играть в Minecraft (Udemy)
  • Minecraft 101: научиться играть, создавать, строить и т. Д. Save the Day (Udemy)
  • Создание мода Minecraft: модификация Minecraft для начинающих (Udemy)
  • Разработка подключаемых модулей Minecraft (Java) (Udemy)
  • Minecraft Realms 401 Неверный идентификатор сеанса 1. Попробуйте повторно войти в свою учетную запись

    Поскольку эта проблема представляет собой недопустимый сеанс, многие игроки, естественно, полагают, что перезапуска игры должно быть достаточно для работы. Эти игроки в чем-то правы, но вам действительно нужно выйти из своей учетной записи, чтобы исправление сработало. Это основное решение этой проблемы и, вероятно, самое простое.

    Все, что вам нужно сделать, это выключить игру, а затем выйти из своей учетной записи через программу запуска. После этого вам просто нужно снова войти в свою учетную запись и попробовать снова запустить игру и войти в игровое царство. Проблема больше не должна возникать. Важно отметить, что это решение работает лучше, если во время процесса у вас нет активных модов или пакетов reimg.

    2. Прекратить использование снимков

    Использование снимков во время игры в игровые миры — это почти гарантия того, что вы столкнетесь с некоторыми проблемами, незначительными или серьезными. Эта проблема часто возникает, если вы используете версию игры со снимками, поскольку это просто программа, используемая для тестирования любых новых или ошибочных функций в игре. Переключитесь на исходную версию, и проблема с областями 401 больше не возникнет. Также рекомендуется избавиться от модов, так как они могут вызвать проблемы при игре с другими игроками. Их не нужно полностью удалять со своего устройства. Вместо этого вы можете просто отключить их, чтобы они не работали с игрой и вызывали такие ошибки, как эта.

    3. Переустановите игру

    Другой вероятный сценарий: некоторые игровые файлы Minecraft повреждены и нуждаются в ремонте, чтобы вы снова могли играть в игровые миры. Чтобы выяснить, так ли это на самом деле, вам нужно будет удалить и переустановить игру на своем устройстве, а также проверить, будут ли игровые миры снова работать безупречно. Если были какие-либо поврежденные файлы, их нужно исправить сейчас, и вы сможете наслаждаться игрой без каких-либо неприятностей.

    4. Проблема с сервером

    Было более пары различных случаев, когда множество игроков со всего мира сталкивались с этой проблемой с игровыми мирами. Вам следует проверить в Интернете, чтобы убедиться, что это не так. Если это так, то все, что вы можете сделать, это подождать, пока Mojang избавится от проблемы, чтобы вы могли позвонить своим друзьям и снова насладиться игрой в миры Minecraft.

    06, 2023

    How to fix Minecraft error code L 401? This article provides a solution to the error code L 401 that is commonly associated with Minecraft.

    Minecraft is a popular open-world game that offers its players a vast amount of content and activities. The game is constantly being updated with new features and content, and as such, it’s not uncommon for players to experience technical issues from time to time. One of these issues is the ‘L 401 error’, which can prevent the game from launching.In this article, we’ll be looking at how to fix Minecraft error code L 401. We’ll be discussing the common causes of the error and the methods you can try to fix it. Let’s get started.

    Overview of the Error

    The Minecraft ‘L 401 error’ is an error code that indicates a technical issue with the game. It generally prevents the game from launching, although it can also cause other problems as well. The error message will appear when you try to launch the game, and it will usually look something like this:

    • “An error has occurred. The game could not be launched. Error code: L 401.”

    It’s important to note that the exact cause of the error can vary from case to case, so the methods we’ll be discussing in this article may not work for everyone. However, they’re worth trying if you’re experiencing the error.

    Causes of the Error

    The exact cause of the Minecraft ‘L 401 error’ can vary from case to case. Some of the most common causes include:

    • Server issues: The issue may be caused by a server issue. This could be due to server maintenance, or a technical issue with the server itself.

    • Corrupted installation: The game may have been corrupted during the installation process, preventing the game from launching correctly.

    • Corrupted game files: If the game files have been corrupted, the game may not launch correctly.

    • Outdated version: If you’re trying to launch an outdated version of the game, it may not launch correctly.

    Check the Server Status of the Game

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    The first step in resolving the error is to check the server status of the game. If the issue is due to a server issue, then checking the server status will help you determine whether the issue is with the server or something else.

    Steps to Check the Server Status

    • Open your web browser and go to the official Minecraft website.

    • Scroll down to the ‘Server Status’ section.

    • Here you’ll be able to see a list of servers and their current status.

    • If any of the servers are listed as ‘down’, then this could be the cause of the error.

    Resolving Technical Issues with the Server: If the server status check reveals that one or more of the servers are down, then you may need to contact the game’s support team. They should be able to help you resolve any technical issues with the server.

    Reboot your Console

    If the server status check doesn’t reveal any issues, then it’s possible that the issue is due to a corrupted installation or game files. In this case, it may be necessary to reboot your console.

    Steps to Reboot the Console

    • Press and hold the power button on your console for a few seconds.

    • Once the console has powered down, wait a few seconds before turning it back on.

    • Once the console has powered back on, try launching the game again.

    Troubleshooting the Console: If the issue persists after rebooting your console, then it may be necessary to try troubleshooting the console. This can involve resetting the system, updating the system software, or restoring the system to factory settings.

    If the issue is due to a corrupted installation or game files, then it may be necessary to clear the game cache. This can help to resolve any corrupt data that’s causing the error.

    Steps to Clear the Cache

    • Open the game’s settings menu.

    • Select the ‘Cache’ option.

    • Select the ‘Clear Cache’ button.

    Troubleshooting the Cache: If the issue persists after clearing the game’s cache, then it may be necessary to try troubleshooting the cache. This can involve resetting the cache, or restoring the cache to its default settings.

    Reinstall Minecraft

    If none of the above methods work, then it may be necessary to reinstall Minecraft. This should resolve any issues with the game’s installation or game files.

    Steps to Reinstall Minecraft

    • Open the game’s settings menu.

    • Select the ‘Uninstall’ option.

    • Follow the on-screen instructions to uninstall the game.

    • Download and install the game again from the official website.

    Troubleshooting the Reinstallation: If the error code is still appearing after the game has been reinstalled, then players should contact the game’s customer support team for additional assistance.

    Minecraft error code L 401 can be a frustrating issue for players, but it is usually easy to fix. The first step is to check the server status page for any technical issues. If no issues are found, then players should restart their console or device, clear the game’s cache, and reinstall the game. If the error code is still appearing after these steps, then players should contact the game’s customer support team for additional assistance.


    minecraft classic , education edition, download, pocket edition, update, minecaft, mminecraft, mincecraft, mincrat, free


    PC, macOS, Linux, PS4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch


    Sandbox, survival


    Mojang, Xbox, Sony, Nintendo eShop


    Mojang, Microsoft Studios, Sony Computer Entertainment

    Release date:

    18 November 2011


    Single-player, multiplayer

    Other Tags
    video game, gameplay, price, 60fps, steam

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    Do you need sure methods to fix error L-401 on Minecraft? Here you can apply them quickly 🎯

    Last updated Mar 16, 2023


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    Minecraft is a popular sandbox video game where players can build, explore and create in a virtual world made of blocks. However, players may sometimes experience error code 401 while playing Minecraft.

    The error typically occurs when the game is unable to connect to a server. This error can prevent players from accessing the Minecraft marketplace, which is a key part of the Minecraft experience for many players.

    What is error code L 401 in Minecraft?

    Error code L-401 Minecraft is an error that usually pops up when you are trying to connect to Marketplace on Minecraft. When you try to connect to Marketplace, it displays a message saying “We are having trouble connecting to the marketplace right now please try again later.”

    You could experience this error if the Mojang server is down at the time you’re trying to play the game. It could also be a network error in some cases.

    Whether you’re experiencing error code L-401 Minecraft, L-401 Minecraft on PS5, Xbox, or others; this post is going to show you how to fix it.

    How do I fix error code L 401?

    1. Check the server status of the game
    2. Reboot your console
    3. Clear the game cache
    4. Reinstall Minecraft

    1. Check the server status of the game

    In most cases, this error could be caused by a server-related problem. If the problem is server related, before trying other solutions, check the game’s official website or Twitter handle to be sure it’s not a server issue.

    2. Reboot your console

    Once you confirm that the game server is up, the next thing you should do is reboot your console to see if the problem gets fixed.

    Xbox users:

    1. Press and hold the Xbox button on your controller to display the power center.
    2. Select Restart console and press A.
    3. Select Restart and press A to confirm the reboot.
    4. Restart the game, launch Minecraft, and try opening Marketplace.

    PS 4 & 5 users:

    1. Press the PS button on your controller to bring up your home screen.
    2. Select the Turn-off option.
    3. Restart the game after 3o seconds and try again.

    3. Clear the game cache

    A corrupted game cache could result in errors such as error code L-401 Minecraft on Xbox Series S, Xbox Series X, or error code on PS4 or 5. So, it is important that you clear your cache when you experience this problem.

    Xbox users:

    1. Press the Xbox button on your controller to pull up the side menu.
    2. Click on My Games & Apps.
    3. Select See all to see all your games and apps.
    4. Select Minecraft.
    5. Highlight the Manage game and add-on and select A on your controller.
      click on Manage games
    6. Select Saved data > Delete all to delete all the game cache files.

    PS4 users:

    1. Turn off your PS4 and immediately unplug the power cable right after the green light stops blinking.
    2. Wait for 30 seconds, then reconnect the power cord and turn on your console.
    3. Load Minecraft and while the game is loading press and hold L1+R1 on your controller.
    4. This will clear the game cache.

    4. Reinstall Minecraft

    If you’re still getting error code L-401 Minecraft on PS5, PS4, or Xbox after trying all the solutions above, you should delete and reinstall the game as a last resort.

    The problem could be caused because your Minecraft game file is corrupted, therefore this method might fix it. 

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    Despite the errors, Minecraft is a very interesting game and you shouldn’t allow fixable errors to rub you off the fun of enjoying the game.

    If you are experiencing Minecraft store error code L-401 and other related errors mentioned in this article, we apply our solutions to fix them fast. Also, for other concerns about this Minecraft error, reach out in the comments below. 

    If you encounter any issues or errors while playing your favorite games and require support, feel free to contact us here. Our team is always ready to assist you and ensure your gaming experience is seamless and enjoyable.

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