Laurel j 700 ошибки

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Thank you very much for purchasing the «LAUREL J-700 series» friction currency counter.

This Instruction Manual contains its operating and necessary trouble shooting procedures.

Please read carefully and understand the Manual before operating the Machine.

Keep this Manual handy for ready reference.

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© LAUREL BANK MACHINES CO., LTD. All rights reserved.

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Summary of Contents for LAUREL J-700 Series

Error Code

Cause of Error

Feeding Failure

Flashing of

When preset, the


number of counted


notes does not reach

the preset number.

Notes are fed with a


excessive angle.

100, 200 or 500 Euro

note was counted in


value mode.

(Only for J-720)

Cd 1

Color of note is

different than the Euro

Cd 2


Excessively long

(shorter side) note or


overlapped notes are


Left Line Sensor is



Right Line Sensor is



The left / right line


sensor is dirty.

When an error occurs during counting, the Count

Display will flash the error code. Clear the error in

accordance with the following procedure.

Remedial Measures

Take out the note causing feeding failure from the Hopper

and reset it on the Hopper properly.

Put additional notes on the Hopper.


Take away the last note from the Stacker and make sure

that it is the same note as the others.


Depress «START/C» Key.


Recount all the notes taken away from the Stacker.


Check the last note on the Stacker.


If the last note on the Stacker is not accumulated to the

total amount, remove the note from the Stacker and

depress «START/C» key


When the last note on the Stacker is accumulated to the

total amount, depress Ten-key «8», «9» or «0»

corresponding to the denomination.


Display indicates «LASt-XX».


Remove the number of notes indicated by ‘XX’ from the

top of the notes in the Stacker. Make sure the notes are

OK or not.


Press the START/C key to continue the counting.


Take away the last note from the Stacker and make sure

that it is the same note as the others.


Depress «START/C» Key.


Recount all the notes taken away from the Stacker.

When this error happens very often,

Readjust thickness level with Thickness Adjustment Dial.


Clean the Line Sensor specified by Error Code.

If the Error is not cleared, take following measure.

Turn off the Length Size Check Function.

Open the Note Guide to the maximum position.

Count the notes several times for cleaning with placing notes

either side of Hopper according to the Error Code.



stalin2007 · Опубликовано 1 час назад

Усилитель на STK402-100S, который я выложил двумя страницами ранее, наконец-то получил корпус и был полностью собран и обмерян. Корпус китайский алюминиевый, по цене обошёлся раза в три дороже всей остальной комплектухи. Платы, и трансформатор остались без изменений, ну разве что как на плате БП, так и на плате усилителя электролиты по питанию были зашунтированы плёнкой, напаянной со стороны дорожек. Также собрана отдельно плата защиты на микросхеме 1237ha, обеспечивающая как защиту АС по постоянке, так и задержку подключения последних к усилителю. Радиатор для усилителя такой мощности достаточный. Если на синусе не гонять на 4 ома — то его хватает. Да и на синусе тоже хватает посути. Питание УН — напряжением +-48В (ёмкость 10тыс. мкф в плече), питание выходных каскадов напряжением +-33В (ёмкость 40тыс. мкф в плече), выпрямители на диодах Шоттки.
Измерения проводились на нагрузке 4,7 Ом (резисторы ПЭВ-7,5, опущенные в кружки с водой, дабы не погорели), ибо других под рукой не было. Да и так даже нагляднее — на 8 омах искажения должны быть ещё ниже (в теории), но ниже и мощность. На этой нагрузке получил максимальную неискажённую мощность на синусе порядка 55вт (синус неискажён при этом вообще). Параметры снимал на мощностях от 0,8 до 53 Вт. АЧХ прикладываю для всех мощностей — она не отличается. А спектр — на минимальной и на максимальной мощности. Ну и шумы, снятые на максимальной мощности (на минимальной они такие же, просто полка выше). Вроде бы всё. Ах да, усилитель назван «Bagheera-II», теперь официально)


1413/1413455-j700_series.pdf file (02 Jan 2023)

Accompanying Data:

LAUREL J-700 Series Cash Counter PDF Operation & User’s Manual (Updated: Monday 2nd of January 2023 12:30:13 PM)

Rating: 4.1 (rated by 58 users)

Compatible devices: EnergyCam Open Wire, 9901, 3910, RBC-650PRO, ST-150, LC Series, D.V.1/2″O, MoniMax 5100T.

Recommended Documentation:

Text of Operation & User’s Manual

(Ocr-Read Version Summary of Contents, UPD: 02 January 2023)

  • 22, 20 Error Code Cause of Error Remedial Measures CF-X Suspected note is fed. Other than J730A and J795 1. Remove the last note to be counted from the Stacker. 2. Depress “START/C” Key to continue the count. Only for J730A 1. Take away the last note from the Stacker and make sure that it is the same note as the others. 2. Depress “START/C” Key. 3. …

  • 5, LAUREL J-700 Series 3 2. BEFORE OPERATING THE MACHINE 2-1. Descriptions of other Marks illustrated in this Manual Supplementary instructions to give useful hints on operating the Machine. ? Supplementary explanations for operating the Machine. Refer to this mark if you have any problem while operating the Machine. Your problem may be solved. This mark shows reference p…

  • 23, 21 Error Code Cause of Error Remedial Measures LP UV lamp is working abnormally 1. Turn off and on the Power Switch. 2. If the error can not be cleared, please contact to your service partner. SH Excessively short (shorter side) note is fed. 1. Take away the last note from the Stacker and make sure that it is the same note as the others. 2. …

  • 13, 11 ■Count Speed Function ● The count speed can be set with this function. Depending on key specification, operation is different as follow: Remove the notes from the Hopper and Stacker and press Start-Clear Key. The Display shows present counting speed. (Ex. SP1000) The speed can be changed with pressing 1 to 3 Ten Keys while the Display showing pre…

  • 15, 13 ■UV Detection Function (Only available, if according key is labeled) The count stops when a note with different UV reflection is counted. The dot above UV mark lights on when the function is activated. The detection level can be selected with pressing UV Key (6 Ten Key) after pressing Function Key. The Key functions to change four different levels in the fo…

  • 12, 10 4-2. Functions The function described in this manual may not be available depending on the Model. ■ADD Function Add function is available in both Count Mode and Preset Mode. Every time the machine has completed counting, the Count Display will show present counted number and the Preset Display shows accumulated count. Press Add Key to turn on or off the functi…

  • 17, 15 5-2. Basic Operation Step 1. Turn on the Power Switch. Step 2. Set Counting Mode and Doubles Detection Level. 1. Select Count Mode . Set any preset number on Preset Mode if necessary. 2. Set the Doubles Detection Level with Level Key. The normal notes can be counted with Auto Level, however, the level should be selected depending…

  • 21, 19 9. ERRORS AND REMEDIAL MEASURES When an error occurs during counting, the Count Display will flash the error code. Clear the error in accordance with the following procedure. Error Code Cause of Error Remedial Measures Flashing of displayed number Feeding Failure When preset, the number of counted notes does not reach the preset number. Take out the note causing f…

  • 9, LAUREL J-700 Series 7 3-2. Names and Functions of Keys The Machine detects the Doubles Feeding and the detection level can be selected with Level Key depending on the density of notes. (Only J700 and J710) Auto Start and Manual Start can be selected with Auto Key. Preset Mode and preset number can be set with Preset Key. (Other than J700) Any Prese…

LAUREL J-700 Series Recommended Instructions:

GRP4, 3347-02, KDL-40VL130, HJP003

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