Lh trai indic failure ошибка ман

всё, видос посмотрел…

за кино ставлю 5 с плюсом :ay:

да, пропавшая масса нашлась. Беру свои слова обратно перед Романом36 и Виктор 55, то есть рог у меня был упёртый. Ну ладно, этот дефект мы устраним.

Честно говоря, я еще вчера все понял, когда Виктору предложил всё обосновать. Я все цепи на одном листе скомпоновал. Но надо было идти до конца и я пошел в ва-банк. Роман молодец, не соскочил. Респектую. Хоть какая-то движуха на форуме. Заодно и лампочки перегоревшие поменял (может поэтому и пошел до конца :bw: ).

Не оправдываюсь, но сбило меня то, что на схемах только одна какая-то цепь, либо габариты, либо стопаки, либо… а как нарисовал весь фонарь как в отечественных схемах, все сразу встало на свои места. Все правильно, сигнал с одной цепи идет в обратку по другим цепям через другие нагрузки и выходит на другой массе. Школа, Физика, 7 класс, закон Ома для участка цепи и все что с ним связано.

Просто Роман практик, ему проще пол машины разобрать, а мне сподручней дома в тепле и на бумажечке.

НО !!!

теперь вернемся к самому началу, а именно к первому сообщению товарища MАН8180 и к тем вводным данным, что он изложил. Включили габариты — а задний левый фонарь не горит, а в кино (2 серия) — горит.  Вот отсюда и начинается концерт.

Теперь демогогия перешла в дискуссию. Продолжаем, если есть желающие.

81.99596-4772 SD 812a en

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SD 812a en

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For notes on setting or repairing the individual systems

please see the repair manuals or the relevant Service Infor-

mation sheets.

After completing repairs delete the fault memory.

The last page folds out; on the inside you will find the FMI

code and its meaning.

The SPN for the door module – driver’s and co-driver’s side

– can be read out only with MAN-cats II; the SPN is not

shown in the display.

If one SPN refers to the same fault/component in several

control units/systems, only the generic term of the system is


Example: «03512 EBS OBD, request, red warning lamp for

diagnosis»: this SPN applies to all EBS variants although

they are not all expressly named (EBS2, EBS5 etc.)

Ifo ne SPN refers to different fauls/components in several

control units/systems each relevant variant is named.

Example: 03099 EDC (Common Rail) fuel pressure sensor –

rail pressure

03099 EDC (no Common Rail) fuel pressure sensor

This SD supersedes SD 812-


© 2006 MAN Nutzfahrzeuge Aktiengesellschaft

VAST, mr 02.2006

SD 812a en

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Main instrument

Message in display Message via check lamp panels

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Text in display


lamp panel





ABS in trailer




Line to trailer ABS to earth, fault in

trailer ABS or trailer ABS speed sen-

sor test

ABS in trailer, failure




Power supply to trailer ABS is not

between 100mA and 2A

ABS in tractor, failure



yes ABS function is restricted

CAN network failure



yes Reaction stored in instrument

ASR failure




Connection to engine control unit


EBS failure

red yes EBS not on CAN

Reservoir pressure too low

red yes

Pressure is below warning pressure

ECAM substitute function in ZBR

Reservoir pressure K1

red yes

Reservoir pressure K2

red yes

Reservoir pressure K3

red yes

Reservoir pressure K4

red yes

Reservoir pressure implausible,

shown only with ECAM

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Text in display


lamp panel





Reservoir pressure K1 too low

red yes

Reservoir pressure K2 too low

red yes

Reservoir pressure K3 too low

red yes

Reservoir pressure K4 too low

red yes

Pressure below warning pressure or

ECAM substitute function in ZBR or

short-circuit/interruption in sen-

sor/sensor cable or pressure

constantly below reservoir pressure

ECAM failure

red yes ECAM not on CAN

Fault in trailer brake

red yes CAN brake, tractor to trailer

CAN network failure

red yes Reaction saved in instruments

Brake pads/linings warn

red yes

INFO Not driving level



yes No valid ride level set

ECAS failure

red yes ECAS not on CAN

Lock cab!

red yes

t least one of switching contacts for

cab lock is open

Tipper operation

red yes

Cable from tipper switch contact to


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Text in display


lamp panel





Lock liftgate

red yes

Cable from liftgate switch to High


Gas filter contaminated

red yes

Comfort Shift defective

red yes Comfort Shift cannot be used

Reservoir pressure – do not shift

red yes No reservoir pressure on gearbox

Gearbox temp. too high

red yes Gearbox temp. much too high

Change air filter



yes Partial vacuum has exceeded limit

Oil pressure too low

red yes

Oil pressure too high

red yes

Coolant level too low

red yes

Cooling system

red yes

Gradient for coolant > 102° C too


Cooling system – switch off en-


red yes To EDC anti-boiling feature

Coolant temp. too high

red yes

Engine speed too high

red yes EDC speed monitoring

Engine brake failure

red yes EGR valve above/below position

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Text in display


lamp panel





Engine oil temp. too high

red yes

ESP failure




ESP no onCAN or CAN message

with ESP contents is missing

ESP failure




FDR function is restricted or not pre-


— No text




ABS switch-off or


— No text




Reaction in instrument saved on

CAN in event of failure

— No text




Reaction in instrument saved on

CAN in event of failure

— No text



no No ABS on trailer

No text

red no

Comes on when ignition is switched

on, remains on after bulb test ,

No text

red no Cable for belt check is on earth

— No text




ASR intervention (LED comes on) or


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Text in display


lamp panel





No text

grün no Flasher check for trailer

No text



no ESP (FDR) interventions

— No text

blau no High beam function check

No text

red no Parking brake function check

— No text



no Flame start function check

— No text




Overload on rear axle or

overload on front axle

— — yes

Level not reached yes

Ride level implausible or cannot be

set by ECAS

TCO failure yes EU tachograph not on CAN

Check TCO yes EU tachograph not in order.

Brake lights without function yes Brake light signal failure on CAN

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Text in display


lamp panel





Tractor brake lights failure yes

Lamp defective short-circuit, cable


Trailer brake lights failure yes

Lamp defective short-circuit, cable


Trailer flashers rh failure or

Trailer flashers lh failure

— — yes

Failure of flasher lamp, or lamp load

out of tolerance

Tractor flashers rh failure or

Tractor flashers lh failure

— — yes

Clear lighting monitoring no

Block lighting monitoring no

Flasher test no

Light test no

Light test aborted no

Light test again no

End of light test no

SD 812a en

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Text in display


lamp panel





New trailer, learn light test no

High beam rh failure or

high beam lh failure

— — yes

Add. headlight failure yes Relay for add. high beam (roof)

Add. headlight lh failure or

Add. headlight rh failure

— — yes

Foglamp lh failure or

Foglamp rh failure

— — yes

Rear foglamp failure on tractor

rear foglamp failure on trailer

— — yes

Fault in lh side marker lights or

fault in rh side marker lights

— — yes

Failure of at least one side marker

light on tractor

Parking lights failure yes Relay for parking lights (ZBR output)

Trailer parking lights lh failure or

trailer parking lights rh failure

— — yes

Tractor parking lights lh failure or

tractor parking lights rh failure

— — yes

Winter service lighting failure yes

Relay for winter service cannot be


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Text in display


lamp panel





Switch defective — foglamps yes

Switch defective – low beam yes

Switch defective – high beam yes

Switch defective – headlight flash yes

Switch defective – parking lights yes

Brake pad/lining wear




Limit of wear reached in at least one

brake lining/pad

Parking brake display defective yes

Parking brake display not possible,

as CAN signal not available

Apply parking brake yes

Pre-glow yes Refers to pre-glow period

Pre-glow again yes

Shows that readiness for starting

has expired, pre-glow must be re-


Start engine yes Refers to readiness for starting

SD 812a en

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Text in display


lamp panel





Flammstart Ausfall yes

Danger black ice yes Refers to black ice

Clutch lining worn yes Limit of wear for clutch lining

Clutch overloaded – shift down yes Load too high during moving off

Actuate clutch yes Clutch did not open during shifting

Clutch oil level too low yes Clutch fluid level too low

Alternator display defective yes

When ignition is on cable from ter-

minal L is not on earth

Alternator failure yes

Terminal L is on earth and engine


Charge voltage too low yes Charge voltage constantly too low

Tension V-belts yes

Charge voltage too high yes

At rated speed (engine) charge

voltage is too high

Battery undervoltage yes

Battery undervoltage after standing

too long

Switch defective – warning


— — yes

SD 812a en

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Text in display


lamp panel





Service due yes

TBM failure yes TBM not on CAN

Apply parking brake yes Tells you to apply parking brake

Engage neutral yes Tells you to shift gearbox to neutral

SET xxkm/h no

MEMO xxkm/h no

LIMIT — no

Info ! Fault or

grease fault in central lube

— — yes

EDC failure yes EDC not on CAN

Boost pressure sensor defective yes

Boost pressure cannot be measured


No text no

Engine brake (in vehicles without re-


FFR failure yes FFR not on CAN

LGS failure yes LGS not on CAN

SD 812a en

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Text in display


lamp panel





KSM failure yes KSM not on CAN

No text no

Engine brake (in vehicles with re-


RET P failure yes

Primary retarder (water pump) not

on CAN

RET S failure yes Secondary retarder not on CAN

Retarder temp. too high yes

Oil temperature at retarder outlet too

high (advance warning)

Retarder temp. too high yes Retarder temp. much too high

No text no

CAN Verbund Ausfall yes

T-CAN BusOff,

Reaction saved in instruments

Low beam lh failure or

low beam rh failure

yes Low beam lh on tractor

Headlight height lh failure autom. yes

Automatic beam regulator

implausible on lh side

Headlight height rh failure autom. yes

Automatic beam regulator

implausible on rh side

Steering oil level fault yes Oil level too low

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Text in display


lamp panel





Steering oil pressure too low yes

Switch for flow meter in emerg.

steering pump is closed

TCU failure yes Automatic gearbox not on CAN

Comfort Shift defective yes

Comfort Shift button is not being


Engage higher gear yes

Speed difference between engine

and gearbox too high

No idle gas yes Tells you to take foot off accelerator

Gearbox temp. too high yes

Temperature in gearbox oil sump

(advance warning)

Fill tank yes Tank on reserve

Tank pickup failure yes Monitoring of tank pickup 1 in ZBR

Tank pickup 2 failure yes Monitoring of tank pickup 2 in ZBR

Coolant level too low yes Coolant level below min.

No text no

No text no Function feedback from rear foglamp

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Text in display


lamp panel





No text no

No text no

No text no

Display message for moving-off aid

ECAS Nordland or

ECAS EFR Nordland

SPN…..Control unit/System………………………………………. Fault message

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00001…..all except MTS…………………………… Date, time, mileage in km

00001…..MTS ………………………………………….Expansion module door 2

00002…..MTS ………………………………………….Expansion module door 3

00002…..ZBRO……………………………………………………….. Engine Speed

00003…..MTS ………………………………………….Expansion module door 4

00003…..ZBRO……………………………………………………………Oil pressure

00004…..MTS ………………………………………….Expansion module door 5

00004…..ZBRO…………………………….Reservoir pressure brake circuit 1

00005…..MTS ………………………………….. Motor/door valve door 1 (front)

00005…..ZBRO…………………………….Reservoir pressure brake circuit 2

00006…..MTS ……………………………………Motor/door valve door 1 (rear)

00006…..ZBRO………………………………….Brake pressure brake circuit 1

00007…..MTS ………………………………….. Motor/door valve door 2 (front)

00007…..ZBRO………………………………….Brake pressure brake circuit 2

00008…..MTS ……………………………………Motor/door valve door 1 (rear)

00008…..ZBRO………………………………………..Accelerator pedal position

00009…..MTS ………………………………….. Motor/door valve door 3 (front)

00009…..ZBRO…………………………………………………….Preselected gear

00010…..MTS ……………………………………Motor/door valve door 3 (rear)

00010…..ZBRO……………………………………………………….. Engaged gear

00011…..MTS ………………………………….. Motor/door valve door 4 (front)

00011…..ZBRO……………………………………….Cooling water temperature

00012…..MTS ……………………………………Motor/door valve door 4 (rear)

00012…..ZBRO………………………………………………………….Tank fill level

00013…..MTS ………………………………….. Motor/door valve door 5 (front)

00013…..ZBRO…………………………….Reservoir pressure brake circuit 1

00014…..MTS ……………………………………Motor/door valve door 5 (rear)

00014…..ZBRO…………………………….Reservoir pressure brake circuit 2

00015…..MTS ………………………………………………….Entry lighting door 1

00015…..ZBRO……………………………………………………On-board voltage

00016…..MTS ………………………………………………….Entry lighting door 2

00017…..MTS ………………………………………………….Entry lighting door 3

00018…..MTS ………………………………………………….Entry lighting door 4

00019…..MTS ………………………………………………….Entry lighting door 5

00020…..MTS …………………………….Door closing warning device door 1

00021…..MTS …………………………….Door closing warning device door 2

SPN…..Control unit/System………………………………………. Fault message

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00022…..MTS …………………………….Door closing warning device door 3

00023…..MTS …………………………….Door closing warning device door 4

00024…..MTS …………………………….Door closing warning device door 5

00025…..MTS ……………………………………………..Ramp activation door 1

00026…..MTS ……………………………………………..Ramp activation door 2

00027…..MTS ……………………………………………..Ramp activation door 3

00028…..MTS ……………………………………………..Ramp activation door 4

00029…..MTS ……………………………………………..Ramp activation door 5

00030…..MTS ……………………………………….Stop request display door 1

00031…..MTS ……………………………………….Stop request display door 2

00032…..all except MTS………………………………………………Split position

00032…..MTS ……………………………………….Stop request display door 3

00033…..all except MTS……………………………………Clutch travel sensor

00033…..MTS ……………………………………….Stop request display door 4

00034…..MTS ……………………………………….Stop request display door 5

00035…..MTS ………………………………………..Door enable display door 1

00036…..MTS ………………………………………..Door enable display door 2

00037…..MTS ………………………………………..Door enable display door 3

00038…..all except MTS……………………………………………Fuel fill level 2

00038…..MTS ………………………………………..Door enable display door 4

00039…..MTS ………………………………………..Door enable display door 5

00040…..MTS …………………………………………….Workshop switch door 1

00041…..MTS …………………………………………….Workshop switch door 2

00042…..MTS …………………………………………….Workshop switch door 3

00043…..MTS …………………………………………….Workshop switch door 4

00044…..MTS …………………………………………….Workshop switch door 5

00045…..MTS ………………………………………………..Pressure shaft door 1

00046…..EMOS …………………………………. Cruise control nominal speed

00046…..MTS ………………………………………………..Pressure shaft door 2

00047…..MTS ………………………………………………..Pressure shaft door 3

00048…..MTS ………………………………………………..Pressure shaft door 4

00049…..MTS ………………………………………………..Pressure shaft door 5

00050…..MTS ……………………………………….. Stop request button door 1

00051…..CNG……………………………………………………….Throttle butterfly

00051…..MTS ……………………………………….. Stop request button door 2

00052…..MTS ……………………………………….. Stop request button door 3

00053…..MTS ……………………………………….. Stop request button door 4

SPN…..Control unit/System………………………………………. Fault message

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00054…..MTS ……………………………………….. Stop request button door 5

00055…..MTS ……………………………………….Baby carriage button door 1

00056…..MTS ……………………………………….Baby carriage button door 2

00057…..MTS ……………………………………….Baby carriage button door 3

00058…..MTS ……………………………………….Baby carriage button door 4

00059…..MTS ……………………………………….Baby carriage button door 5

00060…..MTS …………………………….Limit switch CLOSED door 1 (front)

00061…..MTS ……………………………..Limit switch CLOSED door 1 (rear)

00062…..MTS …………………………….Limit switch CLOSED door 2 (front)

00063…..MTS ……………………………..Limit switch CLOSED door 2 (rear)

00064…..MTS …………………………….Limit switch CLOSED door 3 (front)

00065…..MTS ……………………………..Limit switch CLOSED door 3 (rear)

00066…..MTS …………………………….Limit switch CLOSED door 4 (front)

00067…..MTS ……………………………..Limit switch CLOSED door 4 (rear)

00068…..MTS …………………………….Limit switch CLOSED door 5 (front)

00069…..MTS ……………………………..Limit switch CLOSED door 5 (rear)

00070…..MTS ………………………………………..Pressure monitoring door 1

00070…..OBDU……………………………………………..Parking brake applied

00070…..ZBR2…………………………………………..No ‘parking brake’ signal

00071…..MTS ………………………………………..Pressure monitoring door 2

00072…..MTS ………………………………………..Pressure monitoring door 3

00073…..MTS ………………………………………..Pressure monitoring door 4

00074…..all except MTS……………………………Lamp, road speed limiting

00074…..MTS ………………………………………..Pressure monitoring door 5

00075…..all except MTS……………………………Steering axle temperature

00075…..MTS ……………………….Reference voltage door sensors door 1

00076…..MTS ……………………….Reference voltage door sensors door 2

00077…..MTS ……………………….Reference voltage door sensors door 3

00078…..MTS ……………………….Reference voltage door sensors door 4

00079…..MTS ……………………….Reference voltage door sensors door 5

00080…..MTS ……………………………………………Door sensor door 1 front

00081…..EDC …………………………………….. Exhaust differential pressure

00081…..MTS …………………………………………….Door sensor door 1 rear

00082…..MTS ……………………………………………Door sensor door 2 front

00083…..MTS …………………………………………….Door sensor door 2 rear

00084…..all except MTS………………………….wheel-based vehicle speed

00084…..MTS ……………………………………………Door sensor door 3 front

SPN…..Control unit/System………………………………………. Fault message

SD 812a en

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00085…..MTS …………………………………………….Door sensor door 3 rear

00086…..all except MTS………………………….Road speed, cruise control

00086…..MTS ……………………………………………Door sensor door 4 front

00087…..MTS …………………………………………….Door sensor door 4 rear

00088…..MTS ……………………………………………Door sensor door 5 front

00089…..MTS …………………………………………….Door sensor door 5 rear

00090…..MTS …………………………………………………………………C3 signal

00091…..all except MTS……………………………Accelerator pedal position

00091…..MTS ……………………………………Checklamp driver’s workplace

00092…..all except MTS……………….Current torque to maximum torque

00092…..MTS ……………………………………………………….. Pneumatic seal

00094…..EDC …………………………………………………Fuel supply pressure

00094…..MTS …………………………………………………….Red/green display

00095…..MTS ……………………………………………….Depressurised buzzer

00096…..all except MTS……………………………………………Fuel fill level 1

00096…..MTS …………………………………………………………Bus-stop brake

00097…..MTS ……………………………………….. Stop request display driver

00098…..all except MTS…………………………………………..Engine oil level

00098…..MTS ……………………………………….Baby carriage display driver

00100…..all …………………………………………………………………Oil pressure

00102…..all …………………………………………………………….Boost pressure

00105…..all …………………………………………………Charge air temperature

00107…..all ………………………………………………………….Air filter pressure

00108…..all …………………………………………………….Barometric Pressure

00109…..all …………………………………………………Cooling water pressure

00110…..all …………………………………………………….Coolant temperature

00111…..all ………………………………………………………………Coolant Level

00119…..RET………………………………………………………Housing pressure

00120…..DIW5…………………………..Temperature acquisition retarder oil

00132…..CNG………………………………………………………………….Air mass

00157…..EDC, Common Rail…………………………….. Fuel pressure in rail

00157…..EDC6, not Common Rail……………………………….Fuel pressure

00158…..all …………………………….. Battery Potential (Voltage), Switched

00159…..all ……………………………………………………Gas Supply Pressure

00161…..all …………………………………………………….Gearbox input speed

00168…..all …………………………………………………………….Battery voltage

00171…..all …………………………………………………….Outside temperature

SPN…..Control unit/System………………………………………. Fault message

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00173…..CNG………………………………………Exhaust temperature sensor

00173…..EDC ………………..Exhaust temperature before particulate filter

00174…..all ………………………………………………………….Fuel temperature

00175…..all ………………………………………………….Engine oil temperature

00177…..all ………………………………………Transmission fluid temperature

00190…..all ………………………………………………………………Engine speed

00191…..all …………………………………………………. Gearbox output speed

00228…..RAS………………………………….Speed speedometer and sensor

00245…..all ……………………………………………………………Vehicle mileage

00359…..all …………………………………………………Kickdown switch signal

00512…..EMOS ……………………………………………..Driver request torque

00513…..all ………………………………………………………………Engine torque

00514…..CRT…………………………………………………………..Friction torque

00514…..EMOS ………………………….‘Engine friction loss moment’ signal

00518…..all ……………………………………………………….Requested Torque

00520…..all …………………………………………………Current retarder torque

00521…..all ………………………………………………………Brake pedal setting

00523…..all ………………………………………………………………..Current gear

00525…..EMOS ……………………………………………….Nominal gear signal

00544…..CRT…………………………………………Faulty engine speed signal

00556…..all …………………………………….Reference torque of the retarder

00558…..all …………………………………………Unladen driving switch signal

00560…..CRT…………………………………………………CAN message ETC 1

00561…..all …………………………………………….. ASR engine check switch

00562…..all ……………………………………………….ASR brake check switch

00563…..all …………………………………………………………ABS active signal

00572…..all ……………………………………….Retarder switch shift assistant

00578…..all ………………………………………………….Rear axle temperature

00582…..all …………………………………………………………………….Axle load

00595…..all ……………………………………………Cruise control active signal

00597…..all ………………………………………………………Brake switch signal

00598…..KSM…………………………………………………. Clutch switch signal

00601…..all …………………………….. Road speed governor resume switch

00603…..EBS………………………………………Pedal brake module switch 2

00609…..EBS…………………………………Central control unit — B-controller

00609…..EDC …………………………………………………………….Engine CAN

00617…..all …………………………………………………….Parking brake output

SPN…..Control unit/System………………………………………. Fault message

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00620…..RAS………….Electrical power supply to steering angle sensors

00627…..EBS………..Monitoring of voltage supply on PIN X1/16 — X1/17

00627…..RAS………………………………………….Voltage supply terminal 30

00629…..all ……………………………………… No text! Specific to control unit

00637…..all ……………………………………………………………..Timing Sensor

00638…..all …………………………………………………………….. Rack Actuator

00639…..all …………………………………………………….Sae J1939 Data Link

00645…..EBS..External sequential fault: Time overrun or fault condition

in communication with tachograph on CAN (SA=0xEE)

00645…..RAS…………………………………………………..Speedometer signal

00647…..all ………………………………………………………………….. Fan clutch

00651…..CNG………………………………………..Injection valve of cylinder 1

00651…..EDC …………………………………………………………Solenoid valve:

4-cylinder engine: Cyl. 1;

6-cylinder engine: Cyl. 1;

8-cylinder engine: Master cyl. 1, slave cyl. 5;

10-cylinder engine: Master cyl. 1, slave cyl. 6;

12-cylinder engine: Master cyl. 1, slave cyl. 12

00652…..CNG………………………………………..Injection valve of cylinder 2

00652…..EDC …………………………………………………………Solenoid valve:

4-cylinder engine: Cyl. 3;

6-cylinder engine: Cyl. 5;

8-cylinder engine: Master cyl. 2, slave cyl. 7;

10-cylinder engine: Master cyl. 5, slave cyl. 10;

12-cylinder engine: Master cyl. 5, slave cyl. 8

00653…..CNG………………………………………..Injection valve of cylinder 3

00653…..EDC …………………………………………………………Solenoid valve:

4-cylinder engine: Cyl. 4;

6-cylinder engine: Cyl. 3;

8-cylinder engine: Master cyl. 3, slave cyl. 6;

10-cylinder engine: Master cyl. 2, slave cyl. 7;

12-cylinder engine: Master cyl. 3, slave cyl. 10

00654…..CNG………………………………………..Injection valve of cylinder 4

SPN…..Control unit/System………………………………………. Fault message

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00654…..EDC …………………………………………………………Solenoid valve:

4-cylinder engine: Cyl. 2;

6-cylinder engine: Cyl. 6;

8-cylinder engine: Master cyl. 4, slave cyl. 8;

10-cylinder engine: Master cyl. 3, slave cyl. 8;

12-cylinder engine: Master cyl. 6, slave cyl. 7

00655…..CNG………………………………………..Injection valve of cylinder 5

00655…..EDC …………………………………………………………Solenoid valve:

6-cylinder engine: Cyl. 2;

10-cylinder engine: Master cyl. 4, slave cyl. 9;

12-cylinder engine: Master cyl. 2, slave cyl. 11

00656…..CNG………………………………………..Injection valve of cylinder 6

00656…..EDC …………………………………………………………Solenoid valve:

6-cylinder engine: Cyl. 4;

12-cylinder engine: Master cyl. 4, slave cyl. 9

00697…..all ……………………………………..Accelerator pedal PWM1 signal

00698…..all ……………………………………..Accelerator pedal PWM2 signal

00699…..all …………………….Accelerator pedal PWM1 and PWM2 signal

00702…..KSM………………….Earth switch output, adjustable parameters

00703…..KSM…………Switch terminal 30 output, adjustable parameters

00704…..KSM………Switch 2 terminal 30 output, adjustable parameters

00705…..KSM………Switch 3 terminal 30 output, adjustable parameters

00706…..KSM………Switch 4 terminal 30 output, adjustable parameters

00707…..KSM………Switch 5 terminal 30 output, adjustable parameters

00708…..KSM……………….Earth switch 2 output, adjustable parameters

00709…..KSM……………….Earth switch 3 output, adjustable parameters

00711…..EDC …………………………………………. Duration of main injection

00723…..all ……………………………………….Auxiliary engine speed sensor

00731…..CNG………………………………………………………..Knock sensor 1

00734…..all …………………………………………………Solenoid valve circuit 1

00735…..all …………………………………………………Solenoid valve circuit 2

00736…..all …………………………………………………Solenoid valve circuit 3

00737…..all …………………………………………………Solenoid valve circuit 4

00738…..all …………………………………. Solenoid valve pressure regulator

00739…..all …………………………………………. Solenoid valve regeneration

00743…..RET………………………………………………………………On/off valve

00744…..RET……………………………………………………..Proportional valve

SPN…..Control unit/System………………………………………. Fault message

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00746…..EBS……………….Differential lock valve (differential lock switch)

00748…..all ………………………………………………………..Retarder actuated

00764…..RET………………………………Pressure sensor housing pressure

00767…..all …………………………. Transmission Reverse Direction Switch

00770…..all ……………………………………………………………………….. Split H

00771…..all …………………………………………………………………………Split L

00773…..all …………………………………………………………………DNR switch

00780…..all ………………………………………………Gearbox neutral indicator

00789…..EBS………………………………………………..Wheel sensor wheel 1

00790…..EBS………………………………………………..Wheel sensor wheel 2

00791…..EBS………………………………………………..Wheel sensor wheel 3

00792…..EBS………………………………………………..Wheel sensor wheel 4

00793…..EBS………………………………………………..Wheel sensor wheel 5

00794…..EBS………………………………………………..Wheel sensor wheel 6

00833…..all …………………………………………….Fuel Rack Position Sensor

00835…..RAS…………………………………………………………..Oil level signal

00876…..GKR………………………………………………..Compressor coupling

00877…..GKR………………………………….Evaporator temperature sensor

00898…..all ……………………………………….Maximum speed limiter switch

00904…..all ………………………………………………………….Front axle speed

00929…..TPM …………………………………………………………………Tyre data

00932…..EBS…………………….Pressure regulating valve left intake valve

00933…..EBS…………………. Pressure regulating valve right intake valve

00938…..EBS………………….Pressure regulating valve left exhaust valve

00939…..EBS………………. Pressure regulating valve right exhaust valve

00944…..AB…………………………………………………Driver’s airbag (loop 1)

00944…..all except airbag………………….. No text! Specific to control unit

00946…..AB…………………………………………………………… left BT (loop 2)

00946…..all except airbag………………….. No text! Specific to control unit

00948…..AB…………………………………………………………………..SRS lamp

00948…..all except airbag………………….. No text! Specific to control unit

00959…..all ……………………………………………………………………..Seconds

00960…..all ……………………………………………………………………… Minutes

00961…..all ………………………………………………………………………… Hours

00962…..all …………………………………………………………………………….Day

00963…..all …………………………………………………………………………Month

00964…..all ………………………………………………………………………….. Year

SPN…..Control unit/System………………………………………. Fault message

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00974…..KSM………………………………………………….. Pedal value sensor

00976…..KSM……………………………………………………………Ready output

01007…..ZBR2…………………………… Trip Drive Fuel Used (Natural Gas)

01031…..ZBR2………………………..Trip Average Fuel Rate (Natural Gas)

01042…..EBS……………. ISO 11992 (trailer CAN): Data bus switched off

01043…..ECAS…………………………………. Supply voltage for peripherals

01045…..all ………………………………………………………………Gate interlock

(auxiliary engines also brake lamp output stage)

01056…..EBS………………………. Trailer control module pressure control,

maximum pressure

01057…..EBS………………………………..Central control unit — B-controller:

Implausible pressure from trailer control module pressure sensor,

when brakes not applied

01058…..EBS……………..Trailer control module — pressure sensor signal

01060…..EBS…………………………Brake pad wear sensor signal wheel 1

01061…..EBS…………………………Brake pad wear sensor signal wheel 2

01062…..EBS…………………………Brake pad wear sensor signal wheel 3

01063…..EBS…………………………Brake pad wear sensor signal wheel 4

01064…..EBS…………………………Brake pad wear sensor signal wheel 5

01065…..EBS…………………………Brake pad wear sensor signal wheel 6

01066…..EBS………………………………………………..Service brake module

01067…..EBS…………………..Service brake module signal 1 (increasing)

01068…..EBS………………….Service brake module signal 2 (decreasing)

01072…..all ……………………………………………………..Engine brake switch

01079…..CNG…………………………………………..Supply voltage sensors 1

01079…..EDC …………………………………… Supply to rail pressure sensor

01079…..HDS …………………………………………….Supply voltage sensor 1

01079…..RET………………………..Supply voltage pressure sensor 5 volts

01080…..CNG…………………………………………..Supply voltage sensors 2

01080…..EDC ………………………………………Supply fuel supply pressure,

charge air pressure and oil pressure sensor

01080…..HDS …………………………………………….Supply voltage sensor 2

01086…..all ………………………………Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 3

01087…..all ………………………………Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 1

01088…..all ………………………………Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 2

01089…..all ………………………………Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 4

01090…..all ………………………………Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 5

SPN…..Control unit/System………………………………………. Fault message

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01131…..EDC ……………………..Charge air temperature ahead of engine

01210…..all ……………………………………… No text! Specific to control unit

01213…..KSM…………………………………………………….Checklamp output

01231…..CRT……………………………………………………………..Engine CAN

01231…..EDC …………………………………………………………….Engine CAN

01235…..all ……………………………………………………….J 1939 Network #3

01352…..CNG…………………………………………….Knock control cylinder 1

01353…..CNG…………………………………………….Knock control cylinder 2

01354…..CNG…………………………………………….Knock control cylinder 3

01355…..CNG…………………………………………….Knock control cylinder 4

01356…..CNG…………………………………………….Knock control cylinder 5

01357…..CNG…………………………………………….Knock control cylinder 6

01376…..all ……………………………………………………….Tl. 30-1 connected

01485…..HDS …………………………………………….. Main relay switched off

01542…..HDS ……………………………………Voltage supply metering valve

01624…..all …………………………………………………………………Road speed

01669…..KSM…………………………………………………………..A-CAN busoff

01673…..ZBRO………………………………………………… Status body 3 CAN

01675…..EMOS ………………………………………………..‘Engine start’ signal

01676…..ZBR2…….No ‘Break light request’ signal in ERC_RX (timeout)

01761…..HDS ……………………………………………………..Urea fill level tank

02000…..OBDU………………………………… No text! Specific to control unit

02001…..OBDU…………………………………………… EDC slave not on CAN

02003…..OBDU……………………………………………….Gearbox not on CAN

02009…..OBDU………………….MAN Hydro Drive control unit not on CAN

02011…..OBDU………….EBS not on CAN (pneumatic backup operation)

02015…..OBDU…………………………………….Retarder engine not on CAN

02016…..OBDU…………………………………..Driveline retarder not on CAN

02023…..OBDU……………………………………..Instrumentation not on CAN

02037…..OBDU……………………………………….Radio module not on CAN

02039…..OBDU……………………………………………………. FFR not on CAN

02042…..OBDU…………………………………………………….ACC not on CAN

02047…..OBDU…………………………………………………..ECAS not on CAN

02048…..OBDU………………………………………………….ECAM not on CAN

02051…..OBDU………..Tyre pressure control system (TPM) not on CAN

02056…..OBDU Control unit of the steering rear axle (RAS) not on CAN

02061…..OBDU..Control unit of the exhaust post-treatment not on CAN

SPN…..Control unit/System………………………………………. Fault message

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02062…..OBDU…………………………………………………….ESP not on CAN

02064…..OBDU………………………………………………..ECAS 2 not on CAN

02067…..OBDUTorque converter and clutch system (WSK) not on CAN

02114…..OBDU…………………………………………………….VSM not on CAN

02120…..OBDU……………………………………………………. ZFR not on CAN

02232…..OBDU………………………………..Lane guard system not on CAN

02238…..OBDU………………………………………….Tachograph not on CAN

02251…..OBDU……………………..Telematic onboard module not on CAN

02253…..OBDU…………………………………………………….KSM not on CAN

02987…..INST……………………….Parameter set in combination gauge or

chassis number in tachograph not adapted to the vehicle

02987…..STON……………………….Parameter set in instrument cluster or

in tachograph not adapted

02987…..ZBR2………..Parameter record in central on-board computer 2

or chassis number in tachograph not adapted to vehicle

02999…..ECO2……………………………………………. Retarder reduction if a

temperature threshold is exceeded

02999…..RET……………………………Power limit (temperature adaptation)

03000…..EBS…………………………………………………………………….No fault

03000…..EHLA……………………………Electronics error function computer

03000…..KSM………………. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving

VMC message ETC1.

03000…..SKG ….. Temperature at outfeed of evaporator (KTT n. KTBV)

03000…..TBM ………………………….An unexpected RESET has occurred

03000…..TPM …………………………………………………………..Tyre pressure

03000…..ZBR2…………………………………………………………… ZBR system

03001…..ACC ……………………………………………. Additional information 1

03001…..EBS………………..Control unit defective; unknown µC interrupt,

µC self-test, RAM or ROM test

03001…..ECAS………………………………………..Control unit (internal fault)

03001…..EDC …………………………Engine speed sensor, reverse polarity

03001…..EHLA………………………………..Electronic error safety computer

03001…..FFR……………………………………..Term. 30, continuous positive

03001…..GKR……………………………………Interior air temperature sensor

03001…..KSM………………. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving

VMC message ETC2.

03001…..RET……………………….Temperature sensor before engine (T1)

SPN…..Control unit/System………………………………………. Fault message

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03001…..SFFR……………………………………………………….Driver’s request

03001…..SKG .Temperature at outfeed of ice accumulator (KTT n ESP)

03001…..TBM …………………………………………………Real-time clock TBM


03001…..ZBR2………………………………………………….Wake up, computer

03001…..ZBRO……………………………………………… External wake-up ZR

03002…..ACC ……………………………………………. Additional information 2

03002…..AST…………………………………………………..Y2 valve splitter low

03002…..EBS………………………………………………..Control unit defective,

timeout in data exchange µC active – µC passive

03002…..EDC ………………………………………………………..Segment speed

03002…..EHLA………………………………………….Digital output parameters

03002…..GKR………………………………….External air temperature sensor

03002…..KSM………………. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving

VMC message ETC3.

03002…..RET………………………….Temperature sensor after engine (T2)

03002…..SFFR……..Speed request ship vehicle management computer

03002…..TBM ……………………………………………………..Fault in EEPROM


03002…..ZBRO……………………………………………. External wake-up1 ZR

03003…..ACC ……………………………………………. Additional information 3

03003…..AST………………………………………………….Y3 valve splitter high

03003…..EBS…. Control unit defective; redundancy fault µc input signal

03003…..EDC ……………………………………………….Engine speed sensor/

auxiliary speed sensor swapped over

03003…..GKR…………………………………Blow-out air temperature sensor

03003…..KSM………………. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving

EBS message EBC1.

03003…..RET….Fault (watchdog drop-out / internal error in control unit)

03003…..SFFR…………………………………………………………….Terminal 15

03003…..SKG …………………………………………………………Motor / valve B

03003…..TBM ……………………………………………………..Fault in RAM disk

03003…..TUER………………………………. SIDE_INFORMATION_ERROR

03003…..ZBRO……………………………………………. External wake-up2 ZR

03004…..ACC ……………………………………………. Additional information 4

03004…..AST…………………………………………Y4 valve gate position 3 / 4

SPN…..Control unit/System………………………………………. Fault message

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03004…..EBS………………………………………………..Control unit defective,

checksum data exchange µC active – µC passive

03004…..EDC ………………………………………………….. EGR valve position

03004…..GKR………………………………..Bypass flap motor potentiometer

03004…..KSM………………. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving

EDC message CcVeh_speed.

03004…..LGS……………………………………………………………….Control unit

03004…..RET……………………………………….EEPROM (data record fault)

03004…..SFFR……………………………………………… Voltage selector lever

03004…..SKG …………………………………………………………Motor / valve C

03004…..TBM ………………………………………Operating temperature TBM


03004…..ZBRO…………………………………….External wake-up ZR by IKN

03005…..AST…………………………………………Y5 valve gate position 1 / 2

03005…..EBS………………………….Control unit defective; EEPROM fault:

Checksum not correct

03005…..EDC ……………………………………Timeout, message location 13

03005…..EHLA……………………………………….. Proportional valve outputs

03005…..GKR…………………………………………………………..Heating valve

03005…..KSM………………. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving

EDC message EEC1.

03005…..RET…………………………………………ROM (checksum incorrect)

03005…..SFFR……………………………………….Voltage pedal value sensor

03005…..SKG ………………………………………………………………Main pump

03005…..TBM …………………Overcurrent at digital power current outputs

03005…..TUER………………………………………………….. ILLEGAL_EVENT

03005…..ZBRO……………………………………………Status ZR fault number

03006…..AST…………………………………………Y6 valve shift position 1 / R

03006…..EDC ………………………………………………………….Primary speed

03006…..GKR……………………………..Recirculation ventilation flap motor

03006…..KSM………………. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving

EDC message EEC2.

03006…..RET………………………………….CAN data bus, TSC1 — message

03006…..SKG …………………………………………………..Recirculating pump

03006…..TUER…………………………………………………Window lifter motor

03006…..ZBRO…………………………………………………..K3-CAN activation

03007…..AST…………………………………………Y3 valve shift position 2 / 3

SPN…..Control unit/System………………………………………. Fault message

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03007…..EDC ………………………………………… DM4 request, invalid PGN

03007…..GKR…………………………………………………….Bypass flap motor

03007…..KSM………………. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving

EDC message Eng_Temp.

03007…..RET………………………………… CAN data bus, EEC1 — message

03007…..SKG ………………Communication control element – control unit

03007…..TUER…………………………………………..right/left switch (mirrors)

03007…..ZBRO…………………………………………………….T-CAN activation

03008…..AST………………………………. Y3 valve range-change group low

03008…..EBS………………………………………………..Control unit defective;

test transfer from µc to CAN trailer IC

03008…..EDC ………………………..FFR3: Retarder oil temperature invalid

03008…..EHLA…………………………………………..Sensor supply, deviation

03008…..GKR……………………………………………….Blower control voltage

03008…..KSM………………. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving

EDC message EngFlui_LevPre.

03008…..RET…………………………………CAN data bus, TCO1 — message

03008…..SKG ………………Filling/bleeding mode not completed correctly

03008…..TUER……………………………………………… Window lifter shut-off

03008…..ZBRO…………………………………… Central computer running on

03009…..AST………………………………Y3 valve range-change group high

03009…..EBS..Control unit defective; redundancy fault µc output signal

03009…..EDC ……………………………………………………………… Overspeed

03009…..EHLA………..Voltage supply switched on when vehicle moving

03009…..KSM………………………………………………………….CAN data bus:

Time overrun when receiving EDC message Amb_Cond.

03009…..RET…………………………………CAN data bus, ERC1 — message

03009…..SKG ………………………………………………………. Controller mode

03009…..TUER……………………………………..Mirror adjust time exceeded

03010…..AST………………………………………………………… Y10 main valve

03010…..EBS………………………………………………..Control unit defective;

wheel diameter compensation value not correct

03010…..ECAS………………..Control unit (checksum ECU-specific data)

03010…..EDC ………………………………….Control deviation, injection start

03010…..EHLA………………..Signature EOL parameter advance warning

03010…..FFR……………………. Torque and engine speed limiting system

SPN…..Control unit/System………………………………………. Fault message

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03010…..KSM………………. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving

ECAM message ECAM1.

03010…..LGS…………………………………………………..Turn indicator signal

03010…..RET……………………………CAN data bus, start error monitoring

03010…..SKG …………………………………..On-board voltage (terminal 30)

03010…..TBM ………………………………………………………… No GPS signal

03010…..TPM ………………….Slight leakage: Slight pressure loss at min.

one tyre > approx. 20 mbar/h

03010…..TUER…………………………..incorrect CAN command, door lock

03011…..CNG……………………..Heating probe before catalytic converter

(output stage)

03011…..EBS………………………………………………..Control unit defective;

error in service brake valve characteristic

03011…..ECAS……………………………Control unit (checksum parameter)

03011…..EDC ……………………………………………….Angle of injection start

03011…..EHLA…………………………………………Signature EOL parameter

03011…..FFR…………………………………………………EVB pressure sensor

03011…..KSM………………. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving

CBR message Aux_Stat_Zbr1.

03011…..LGS………………………………………………………. Left loudspeaker

03011…..TBM …………………………………………………… GPS aerial current

03011…..TPM ………………………………..Pressure in left outer tyre, axle 1

03011…..TUER……………………………………Central locking does not lock

03012…..EBS………………………………………………..Control unit defective;

incompatibility in data record version number

03012…..ECAS.Control unit (checksum calibration data travel sensors)

03012…..EDC …………………………………………………………….CAN module

03012…..EHLA……………………………………..Value range EOL parameter

03012…..KSM………………. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving

CBR message Time_Date.

03012…..LGS……………………………………………………..Right loudspeaker

03012…..RET………………………Pressure from cooler valve (brake lamp)

03012…..TPM ……………………………….. Pressure in left inner tyre, axle 1

03013…..EBS………………………………………………..Control unit defective;

characteristic in EEPROM not plausible

03013…..ECAS…………………………………………………………….Control unit

(checksum calibration data pressure sensors)

SPN…..Control unit/System………………………………………. Fault message

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03013…..EDC ……………………………………………………………..CAN bus off

03013…..EHLA………………………………………….Steering pressure sensor

03013…..KSM………………. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving

CBR message Veh_Dist.

03013…..RET…………………………………… Axial thrust (outside tolerance)

03013…..TPM ………………………………Pressure in right inner tyre, axle 1

03014…..EBS………………….Control unit electrical power supply (tl. 30a)

03014…..EDC ……………………………………………………Main relay blocked

03014…..EHLA………………………………………………………Pressure supply

03014…..KSM………..CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving C34.

03014…..LGS…………………………………………….. Camera module too hot

03014…..RET…………………………..Pressure sensor positioning pressure

03014…..TPM ………………………………Pressure in right outer tyre, axle 1

03015…..EBS………………….Control unit electrical power supply (tl. 30b)

03015…..ECAS……………..Control unit (checksum permitted axle loads)

03015…..EDC ……………………max. time after TERM. 15 OFF exceeded

03015…..EHLA…………………………………………..Pressure supply warning

03015…..KSM……………………………………………………Control unit (RAM)

03015…..LGS………………………………… Output driver’s seat vibration left

03015…..TBM ……………………………………………………………GSM modem

03016…..EBS……………………Control unit electrical power supply (tl. 15)

03016…..ECAS…………………………………………………………….Control unit

(checksum calibration data acceleration sensors)

03016…..EDC …………FFR1: Bit error zero quantity due to engine brake

03016…..KSM……………………………………………………Control unit (ROM)

03016…..LGS………………………………. Output driver’s seat vibration right

03017…..AST…………………………………………………………Y1 clutch brake

03017…..EBS…………………………………….. ECU supply (external supply)

03017…..EDC …………………………………. FFR1: Bit error, nominal torque

03017…..KSM……………………………………………..Control unit (watchdog)

03018…..AST……………………………….Small valve for opening the clutch

03018…..EBS…………………….Control unit defective; brake switch 1 or 2

03018…..EDC …………FFR1: Bit error top-speed governor parameter ID

03018…..EHLA………………………………………………………..Oil level in tank

03018…..KSM……………………………..Control unit (EEPROM parameter)

03019…..AST…………………………………Small valve for closing the clutch

03019…..EBS……Setpoint sensing (accelerator to brake pedal position)

SPN…..Control unit/System………………………………………. Fault message

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03019…..EDC ………………..FFR1: EDR min. nominal value not reached

03019…..EHLA……………………………………………………… Oil filter blocked

03019…..KSM…………………Control unit (internal relay voltage supply or

short-circuit terminal 30 — terminal 30 switched output

03020…..AST……………………………….Large valve for opening the clutch

03020…..EBS………….Faulty supply voltage (5 volts) for analog sensors

03020…..EDC …………………………… FFR1: Bit error, EDR nominal value

03020…..FFR………………………………….Accelerator pedal, PWM1 signal

03020…..KSM………………………….Control unit (EEPROM fault memory)

03020…..SFFR……………………………………………………….. Supply voltage

03020…..TBM …………………………………………………….Breakdown switch

03020…..TPM ……………………….Medium leakage: Pressure loss at min.

one tyre approx. 80 mbar/h

03021…..AST…………………………………Large valve for closing the clutch

03021…..EBS……………Faulty pedal brake module potentiometer signal

03021…..EDC ………………FFR1: Bit error intermediate speed governing

system parameter ID

03021…..EHLA………………………………………………CAN message ‘EEC1’

03021…..FFR………………………………….Accelerator pedal, PWM2 signal

03021…..KSM………………. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving

vehicle management computer message Fuel_Cons.

03021…..SFFR…………………………………………………. Pedal value sensor

03021…..TBM …………………………………………………………….Alarm switch

03021…..TPM ………………………………..Pressure in left outer tyre, axle 2

03022…..AST….Electrical power supply, speed sensor ASTronic output

03022…..EBS……………………………………………Faulty axle load sensor 1

03022…..EDC …………………………………………..FFR1: ISG nominal value

03022…..FFR…………………Accelerator pedal, PWM1 and PWM2 signal

03022…..KSM………………. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving

central on-board computer message Dash_Disp.

03022…..SFFR………………………………………………………….Selector lever

03022…..TBM ……………………………………………………….Chassis number

03022…..TPM ……………………………….. Pressure in left inner tyre, axle 2

03023…..EBS……………………………………………Faulty axle load sensor 2

03023…..EDC …………………. FFR1: Bit error request torque overrevving

03023…..KSM………………. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving

EBS/ECAS message Veh_Weight.

SPN…..Control unit/System………………………………………. Fault message

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03023…..SFFR……………………………………….Idling speed harmonisation

03023…..TBM ……………………………………………………..Geographic width

03023…..TPM ………………………………Pressure in right inner tyre, axle 2

03024…..AST……………………….Current WSK retarder torque in percent

03024…..EBS….Brake pad wear: Incorrect tendency between the axles

03024…..EBS_K1 ……………………………….Dynamic pad trend fault axles

03024…..EDC …………………………FFR1: Bit error, request ramps off/out

03024…..EHLA…………………………………………………………….Engine revs

03024…..KSM………………. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving

vehicle management computer message Eng_Hour/Rev.

03024…..SFFR…………………………………………………..Default driving unit

03024…..TBM …………………………………………………….Geographic length

03024…..TPM ………………………………Pressure in right outer tyre, axle 2

03025…..EBS…………………………….Brake pad wear: Incorrect tendency

between the wheels of axle 1

03025…..EBS_K1 ……………………….Dynamic pad trend fault front axles

03025…..EDC ………………………………………FFR1: reserved Bits & Bytes

03025…..EHLA…………………..Cab position, impermissible change when

vehicle moving

03025…..KSM………………. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving

tachograph message Veh_Ident.

03025…..SFFR……………………………………………………………Engine CAN

03025…..TBM …………………………………………………….GPS position data

03026…..AST………………………CAN data bus engine configuration from

the EDC, engine configuration

03026…..CNG………………….Vehicle management computer message 1

03026…..EBS…………………………….Brake pad wear: Incorrect tendency

between the wheels of axle 2

03026…..EBS_K1 ……………………….Dynamic pad trend fault rear axle 1

03026…..EDC …………………………………………………………FFR1: Timeout

03026…..EHLA……………..Cab position, vehicle moving when swivelling

03026…..EMOS …………………………Timeout of Engine_Config message

03026…..KSM………………. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving

vehicle management computer message Service.

03026…..SFFR…………………………………………………………… MMDS CAN

03026…..TBM …………………………………………………..CPU TRAP register

SPN…..Control unit/System………………………………………. Fault message

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03027…..AST……….. CAN data bus engine configuration from the EDC,

engine configuration

03027…..EBS…………………………….Brake pad wear: Incorrect tendency

between the wheels of axle 3

03027…..EBS_K1 ……………………….Dynamic pad trend fault rear axle 2

03027…..EDC …………………………………………………FFR2: Driveline fault

03027…..EHLA……………………………………………………………Cab position

03027…..KSM………………. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving

tachograph message TCO1.

03027…..SFFR…………………Engine CAN: Time overrun when receiving

EDC message EDC1

03028…..AST….CAN data bus retarder check from secondary retarder,

ERC1_RD (current retarder torque)

03028…..EBS…………………………….Brake pad wear: Incorrect tendency

between the wheels of axle 4

03028…..EBS_K1 ………………….Dynamic pad trend fault additional axle

03028…..EDC ……………………………FFR2: Nominal torque value too low

03028…..EHLA……………………Cab position, swivelling is taking too long

03028…..KSM………………. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving

vehicle management computer message ERC1_RX.

03028…..SFFR…………………Engine CAN: Time overrun when receiving

EDC message EDC2

03029…..AST……………………………… CAN data bus retarder check from

secondary retarder, ERC1

(additional heating of the engine,

engine coolant load increase)

03029…..EBS………………………………………………………….SPN undefined

03029…..EDC ……………………………FFR2: Bit error, nominal idling value

03029…..EHLA……………………Emergency steering pump, no oil volume

03029…..EMOS …………………………..‘Request engine speed increase in

braking mode’ signal

03029…..KSM………………. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving

tachograph message BAM_MTCO_VIN.

03029…..SFFR…………………Engine CAN: Time overrun when receiving

EDC message EDC3

SPN…..Control unit/System………………………………………. Fault message

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03030…..AST…………………………… CAN data bus retarder configuration

from secondary retarder,

Ret_Conf driveline retarder configuration

03030…..EBS……………………..Faulty brake pad wear and retarder relay

output stage checkback

03030…..EDC ……FFR2: Bit error, idling speed governing parameter ID

03030…..EHLA………………………………………..Emergency steering pump

03030…..KSM………………. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving

tachograph message P_MTCO_VIN.

03030…..SFFR…………………Engine CAN: Time overrun when receiving

EDC message EDC4

03030…..TPM …………….. Severe leakage: Severe pressure loss at min.

one tyre approx. 200 mbar/h

03031…..AST……………………………… CAN data bus retarder check from

vehicle management computer engine brake torque

‘ERC1_ REX retarder percent torque’

03031…..EBS………………..Faulty retarder relay output stage checkback

03031…..EDC ……FFR2: nominal idling speed governing value too high

03031…..EHLA…… Pressure build-up in pressure accumulator too short

03031…..HDS ………………………………………………Urea tank temperature

03031…..KSM………………………..Adjustment lever angle reduction input

(throttle butterfly reduction request)

03031…..SFFR…………………Engine CAN: Time overrun when receiving

EDC message EDC5

03031…..TPM ………………………………..Pressure in left outer tyre, axle 3

03032…..AST……………………CAN data bus engine brake configuration,

‘engine retarder configuration’

03032…..EBS……………. Faulty brake pad wear output stage checkback

03032…..EDC ……………………………FFR2: Bit error, stand alone request

03032…..EHLA…………………………………………… Centring circuit warning

03032…..KSM……Signal frequency at adjustment lever angle reduction

input (throttle butterfly reduction request)

03032…..SFFR…………………Engine CAN: Time overrun when receiving

EDC message EngineConfig

03032…..TPM ……………………………….. Pressure in left inner tyre, axle 3

03033…..AST……………………CAN data bus engine brake configuration,

‘engine retarder configuration’

SPN…..Control unit/System………………………………………. Fault message

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03033…..EBS………Invalid checkback signal for the yellow warning light

03033…..EDC ……………………………………..FFR2: Bit error, start request

03033…..EHLA………………………………………………………..Centring circuit

03033…..KSM………………. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving

body CAN message KSM2_A.

03033…..SFFR…………………MMDS CAN: Time overrun when receiving

MMDS message TSC1-FME.

03033…..TPM ………………………………Pressure in right inner tyre, axle 3

03034…..EBS…………..Invalid checkback signal for the red warning light

03034…..EDC ……………………………FFR2: Bit error, engine stop request

03034…..EHLA……….. Actuator test of axle behaviour in centring circuit,


03034…..KSM………………………………………………..Power take-off output

03034…..SFFR…………………MMDS CAN: Time overrun when receiving

MMDS message Time/Date

03034…..TPM ………………………………Pressure in right outer tyre, axle 3

03035…..EBS…………………………Electrical power supply axle modulator

03035…..EDC ………………………………………FFR2: reserved Bits & Bytes

03035…..EHLA…..Actuator test of pressure behaviour in centring circuit

03035…..KSM………………. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving

retarder message ERC1_RD.

03035…..SFFR…………………MMDS CAN: Time overrun when receiving

MMDS message VehDistance

03036…..CNG………………….Vehicle management computer message 2

03036…..EBS………….. Short-circuit on one of the module output stages

03036…..EDC …………………………………………………………FFR2: Timeout

03036…..KSM………………. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving

retarder message ERC1_RE.

03037…..EBS…………….Vehicle dynamics control steering angle sensor

electrical power supply

03037…..EDC …………………FFR3: Bit error, pedal value sensor position

03037…..KSM……………………………..CAN data bus: Time overrun when

receiving user-definable message FREI_1.

03038…..EBS…………………………………………………………….Interaxle lock

03038…..EDC …………………………………… FFR3: Bit error, standstill info.

03038…..KSM……………………………..CAN data bus: Time overrun when

receiving user-definable message FREI_2.

SPN…..Control unit/System………………………………………. Fault message

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03039…..EBS………………………………………………….Lock relay, front axle

03039…..EDC ………………………………………FFR3: reserved Bits & Bytes

03039…..KSM……………………………..CAN data bus: Time overrun when

receiving user-definable message FREI_3.

03040…..CNG………………….Vehicle management computer message 3

03040…..EBS……………………………………………… Display bus-stop brake

03040…..EDC …………………………………………………………FFR3: Timeout

03040…..EHLA……………………………………..Angle encoder configuration

03040…..KSM……………………………..CAN data bus: Time overrun when

receiving user-definable message FREI_4.

03041…..EBS.. Engine interface, adjustment lever angle increase input,

permanently low, > 400 ms

03041…..EDC ………DM4 request frequency too high ( docu. page 172 )

03041…..EHLA……………………………………………… Angle encoder supply

03041…..TPM ………………………………..Pressure in left outer tyre, axle 4

03042…..EBS.. Engine interface, adjustment lever angle increase input,

permanently high, > 400 ms

03042…..EDC ………………………………….FFR2: Input shaft speed invalid

03042…..EHLA………………….Angle encoder, steering axle 1, differential

03042…..KSM……….. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving FFR

(vehicle management computer) message Fuel_Eco.

03042…..TPM ……………………………….. Pressure in left inner tyre, axle 4

03043…..EBS.. Engine interface, adjustment lever angle increase input,

frequency > 220 Hz

03043…..EDC ………..Fault memory info., timeout, message location 10

03043…..EHLA……………….Angle encoder, steering axle 1, total voltage

03043…..TPM ………………………………Pressure in right inner tyre, axle 4

03044…..CNG………………..Lambda control adaptation additive (bank 1)

03044…..EBS.. Engine interface, adjustment lever angle increase input,

mark-to-space ratio > 95 %

03044…..EHLA…………………………………. Angle encoder, steering axle 1

03044…..TPM ………………………………Pressure in right outer tyre, axle 4

03045…..CNG……………………………………………..Starter control: Blocked

03045…..EBS.. Engine interface, adjustment lever angle increase input,

mark-to-space ratio < 5 %

03045…..EDC …………………………………………Starter activation defective

03045…..EHLA……………………….Angle encoder, steering axle 1, track 1

SPN…..Control unit/System………………………………………. Fault message

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03046…..EBS.. Engine interface, adjustment lever angle increase input,

mark-to-space ratio > 95 %

03046…..EDC ………………………………… Atmospheric pressure detection

03046…..EHLA……………………….Angle encoder, steering axle 1, track 2

03047…..EBS.. Engine interface, adjustment lever angle increase input,

permanently low or high 80 – 400 ms

03047…..EDC …………………. Overrun test gate array monitoring module

03047…..EHLA………………….Angle encoder, steering axle 2, differential

03048…..EDC ………………………….Overrun test undervoltage monitoring

03048…..EHLA……………….Angle encoder, steering axle 2, total voltage

03049…..AST…………………………………………………………Y1 clutch brake

03049…..EBS…………….CAN data bus driveline, receive time exceeded

03049…..EDC ……………………………Overrun test overvoltage monitoring

03049…..EHLA…………………………………. Angle encoder, steering axle 2

03050…..AST……………………………….Small valve for opening the clutch

03050…..EBS………………………………….. CAN data bus driveline, bus off

03050…..ECAS………………………………………Control unit, supply voltage

03050…..EDC ………………………………………..After-run test, zero quantity

03050…..EHLA……………………….Angle encoder, steering axle 2, track 1

03051…..AST…………………………………Small valve for closing the clutch

03051…..EBS………… CAN data bus driveline, receive time exceeded in

EEC1 message from the EDC

03051…..ECAS…………………………………………………..Operator unit data

03051…..EDC ………………………………………. After-run test, MES1 output

03051…..EHLA……………………….Angle encoder, steering axle 2, track 2

03051…..TPM ………………………………..Pressure in left outer tyre, axle 5

03052…..AST……………………………….Large valve for opening the clutch

03052…..EBS………………………….CAN J 1939 receive time exceeded in

message EEC2 from the EDC

03052…..ECAS………………………………………………….Operator unit clock

03052…..EDC ……………………………………..Timeout, message location 5

03052…..EHLA………………….Angle encoder, steering axle 3, differential

03052…..TPM ……………………………….. Pressure in left inner tyre, axle 5

03053…..AST…………………………………Large valve for closing the clutch

03053…..EBS……CAN J 1939 receive time exceeded message CFG_E

03053…..ECAS………………………………………………..Operator unit 2 data

03053…..EDC ……………………………………..Timeout, message location 6

SPN…..Control unit/System………………………………………. Fault message

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03053…..EHLA……………….Angle encoder, steering axle 3, total voltage

03053…..TPM ………………………………Pressure in right inner tyre, axle 5

03054…..ECAS……………………………………………….Operator unit 2 clock

03054…..EDC ……………………………………..Timeout, message location 7

03054…..EHLA…………………………………. Angle encoder, steering axle 3

03054…..TPM ………………………………Pressure in right outer tyre, axle 5

03055…..EDC ……………………………………Timeout, message location 14

03055…..EHLA……………………….Angle encoder, steering axle 3, track 1

03056…..EBS………… CAN data bus driveline, receive time exceeded in

ERC1_D message from retarder

03056…..EDC ………..Checksum HW calibration date in serial EEPROM

03056…..EHLA……………………….Angle encoder, steering axle 3, track 2

03057…..EBS………… CAN data bus driveline, receive time exceeded in

ERC1_E message from retarder

03057…..EDC ………………….Ser. EEPROM data not equal to checksum

03057…..EHLA………………….Angle encoder, steering axle 4, differential

03058…..EBS………… CAN data bus driveline, receive time exceeded in

ERC1_EX message from

vehicle management computer

03058…..EDC …. Ser. EEPROM: Data main relay monitoring checksum

03058…..EHLA……………….Angle encoder, steering axle 4, total voltage

03059…..AST………………………………………. Checkback power take-off 1

03059…..EBS………… CAN data bus driveline, receive time exceeded in

‘High Resolution Vehicle Distance’ message

from tachograph

03059…..EDC ……………..Ser. EEPROM: Data error memory checksum

03059…..EHLA…………………………………. Angle encoder, steering axle 4

03060…..AST………………………………………. Checkback power take-off 2

03060…..EBS………… CAN data bus driveline, receive time exceeded in

‘Supply pressure’ message from the ECAM

03060…..EDC .Ser. EEPROM: Data operating hours counter checksum

03060…..EHLA……………………….Angle encoder, steering axle 4, track 1

03060…..FFR…..Engine CAN sending message timeout (time overrun).

03061…..AST………………………………………….Switch off power take-off 1

03061…..EBS…………….CAN data bus driveline, receive time exceeded

in EEC3 message from the EDC

03061…..ECAS…………………………………..Interruption in communication

SPN…..Control unit/System………………………………………. Fault message

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03061…..EDC ……………………… Ser. EEPROM: Actuator test checksum

03061…..EHLA……………………….Angle encoder, steering axle 4, track 2

03061…..FFR……………….. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving

EDC message engine configuration.

03062…..AST………………………………………….Switch off power take-off 2

03062…..EBS………… CAN data bus driveline, receive time exceeded in

‘Cruise Control/Vehicle Speed’ message from

the EDC via vehicle management computer

03062…..ECAS……………………………………………… CAN message VSC1

03062…..EDC ……………….Ser. EEPROM: Starter monitoring checksum

03062…..EHLA………………………… Angle encoder, front axle, differential

03062…..FFR……………….. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving

EDC message EDC1.

03063…..AST………………………………………….Switch on power take-off 1

03063…..EBS…………….CAN data bus driveline, receive time exceeded

in vehicle weight measurement message

from the ECAS

03063…..ECAS……………………………………………… CAN message EEC1

03063…..EDC ……………………………………………. After-run not completed

03063…..EHLA……………………….Angle encoder, front axle, total voltage

03063…..FFR……………….. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving

EDC message EDC2.

03064…..AST………………………………………….Switch on power take-off 2

03064…..EBS………….CAN data bus driveline, values for vehicle weight

in the ‘Vehicle Weight’ message from

the ECAS outside the range

03064…..ECAS……………………………………………… CAN message EBC2

03064…..EDC …………………………………………….Stand alone mode EDC

03064…..EHLA………………………………………….Angle encoder, front axle

03064…..FFR……………BotCAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving

EDC message EDC3.

03065…..EBS…………….CAN data bus driveline, receive time exceeded

in TSC1_ACC message from the ACC

03065…..ECAS……………………………………………..CAN message FFR_1

03065…..EDC ……………………………………Triggering individual operation

03065…..EHLA………………………………Angle encoder, front axle, track 1

SPN…..Control unit/System………………………………………. Fault message

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03065…..FFR……………….. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving

EDC message EDC4.

03066…..EBS……………..Driveline CAN databus, receive time exceeded

for EEC2 message from the EDC

03066…..ECAS…………………………………………. CAN message ECAM_1

03066…..EDC …………………………………………………………Time after start

03066…..EHLA………………………………Angle encoder, front axle, track 2

03066…..FFR……………….. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving

EDC message EDC5.

03067…..EBS…………….CAN data bus driveline, receive time exceeded

in TCO1 message from tachograph

03067…..ECAS………………. CAN message EBS (axle load, driven axle)

03067…..EDC …………………………………………………………………..Self-test

03067…..EHLA…………………………… Angle encoder, joystick, differential

03068…..EBS………………………………..CAN data bus driveline, values in

‘TCO1 Vehicle Speed’ message from

tachograph not plausible

03068…..ECAS……………………………………………… CAN message EBC5

03068…..EDC ………………………………………Monitoring module defective

03068…..EHLA………………………….Angle encoder, joystick, total voltage

03069…..EBS………….CAN J 1939 receive time exceeded message TD

03069…..ECAS……………………………………………… CAN message EBC1

03069…..EDC ……………………………………..Redundant speed monitoring

03069…..EHLA…………………………………………….Angle encoder, joystick

03070…..EBS……CAN J1939 receive time exceeded in message ETC1

from the vehicle management computer

03070…..ECAS………………………Incorrect CAN message time and date

03070…..EDC ……………………………………..Status of plausibility violation

03070…..EHLA…………………………………Angle encoder, joystick, track 1

03071…..EBS……CAN J1939 receive time exceeded in message ETC2

from the vehicle management computer

03071…..EDC ……………………………………………Operating noise analysis

03071…..EHLA…………………………………Angle encoder, joystick, track 2

03072…..EBS……………..Driveline CAN databus, receive time exceeded

for ETC2 message from VMC

03072…..EDC ………………………………………Status of defective cylinders

03072…..EHLA…………………………………………Speed signals, differential

SPN…..Control unit/System………………………………………. Fault message

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03073…..EBS……………..Driveline CAN databus, receive time exceeded

03073…..EDC ………………………………………………..Amount violation sign

03073…..EHLA……………………………………………Speed signal parameter

03074…..EBS……………..Driveline CAN databus, receive time exceeded

03074…..EBSCAN J 1939 receive time exceeded message AS1-ZBR

03074…..ECAS……….Incorrect CAN message display instrument panel

03074…..EDC ………………………………………………………..ID number FFR

03074…..EHLA………………….Can message ‘Wheel speed information 2’

03075…..EBS……………..Driveline CAN databus, receive time exceeded

03075…..ECAS………………………….. Incorrect CAN message (ASC_2C)

03075…..EDC ……………………………………..Fuel pressure sensor (phys.)

03076…..CNG…………………………………. Immobiliser: No quantity due to

incorrect vehicle management computer ID

03076…..EBS……………..Driveline CAN databus, receive time exceeded

03076…..ECAS……………………………Incorrect CAN message (ASC_2A)

03076…..EDC …………………………………. Immobiliser: No quantity due to

incorrect vehicle management computer ID

03076…..RAS…………………………………………………………..Oil level check

03077…..EBS………………CAN data bus driveline, message XBR (ACC)

03077…..ECAS……………………………Incorrect CAN message (ASC_2B)

03077…..EDC …………………………………. Immobiliser: No quantity due to

vehicle management computer ID being

‘not ready’ for too long

03077…..EHLA……………………………………..CAN message ‘Tachograph’

03077…..RAS…… Comparison between tachometer / EBC speed signal

03078…..EBS……………………… CAN data bus driveline, message ETC7

03078…..ECAS……………………………Incorrect CAN message (ASC_6A)

03078…..EDC ……………Immobiliser: Invalid FR ID after quantity enable

03078…..RAS………………………………….CAN signal speed speedometer

03079…..ECAS……………………………Incorrect CAN message (ASC_6B)

03079…..EDC ………………………………………….Governor linkage position

03080…..EBS………………….Impermissible signal CCVS (parking brake)

03080…..ECAS………………………….Incorrect CAN message door status

03080…..EDC …………………………………………………….ID number of EDC

03080…..EHLA……………………………………………….CAN message CCVS

03080…..FFR..Driveline CAN sending message timeout (time overrun).

03081…..EBS……………………………..Impermissible signal CCVS (clutch)

SPN…..Control unit/System………………………………………. Fault message

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03081…..ECAS………………………………..Incorrect CAN message TCO 1

03081…..EDC …………………………Charge air pressure governor shut-off

03081…..FFR……………….. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving

EBS message EBC1.

03081…..RAS……………………………………….CAN signal road speed EBC

03082…..CNG…………………………………..Oil pressure sensor plausibility

03082…..EBS…………………….Impermissible signal EEC1 (rated torque)

03082…..ECAS……………Incorrect CAN message mileage reading (km)

03082…..EDC …………………………………..Oil pressure sensor plausibility

03082…..FFR……………….. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving

EBS message EBC2.

03082…..RAS………………………………………….. CAN signal engine speed

03083…..EBS……………………Impermissible signal EEC1 (actual torque)

03083…..EDC …………………………………Fuel pressure sensor plausibility

03083…..EHLA………………………………………………………..Speed signal 1

03083…..FFR……………….. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving

retarder message ERC1_RD.

03083…..RAS……………………………………………………..CAN signal weight

03084…..EBS……………………..Impermissible signal EEC1 (engine revs)

03084…..EDC …………………………….Stop position test, governor linkage

03084…..EHLA………………………………………………………..Speed signal 2

03084…..FFR……………….. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving

EBS message EBC3.

03084…..RAS………………………………………………..CAN signal lifting axle

03085…..EBS………….. Impermissible signal EEC2 (idling speed switch)

03085…..EDC ……………………………………FFR3: Vehicle distance invalid

03085…..EHLA………………………………………………………..Speed signal 3

03085…..RAS…………………………………………..CAN signal parking brake

03086…..CNG………….Monitoring exhaust gas recirculation throughflow

03086…..EBS….Impermissible signal EEC2 (accelerator pedal position)

03086…..EDC ……………Exhaust gas recirculation actuator position limit

03086…..EDC_7 ………..Exhaust gas recirculation actuator position limit

03086…..EHLA………………………………………………………… Speed signals

03086…..FFR……………….. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving

Astronic message ETC1.

03086…..RAS……………………………. CAN signal bus transmitter/receiver

03087…..EBS…………..Impermissible signal EEC3 (nom. friction torque)

SPN…..Control unit/System………………………………………. Fault message

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03087…..EDC …………………………………………………..Oil pressure sensor

03087…..EHLA…………………………………………Speed signals, differential

03087…..FFR……………….. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving

Astronic message ETC2.

03087…..RAS………………………………………..Parameter value calibration

03088…..EBS………………….Impermissible signal ERC1_MC (ret. mode)

03088…..EDC ………………………………………………Boost pressure sensor

03088…..FFR……………….. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving

tachograph message TCO1.

03089…..EBS……………….. Impermissible signal ERC1_MC (ret. torque)

03089…..EDC …………………………………..Charge air temperature sensor

03089…..FFR……………….. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving

central on-board computer message Veh_Dist.

03090…..AST………………………..ECU (communication controllers 1 + 2)

03090…..EBS…………………………. Impermissible signal ETC1 (driveline)

03090…..EHLA………………………………………..Axle monitoring parameter

03090…..FFR……………….. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving

central on-board computer message Time/Date.

03091…..AST………………………….CAN data bus EBS1 from EBS, EBC1

03091…..EBS……………….Impermissible signal ETC2 (gear information)

03091…..EDC ………………………………Cooling water temperature sensor

03091…..EHLA…………………………Inverse movement on steering axle 1

03091…..EMOS ……………………………………..Timeout of EBC1 message

03091…..FFR……………….. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving

retarder message RE_Fluids.

03092…..EBS………………….Impermissible signal SP (reservoir circuit 1)

03092…..EDC ………………………………………………….Time/date: Timeout,

03092…..EHLA…………………………..System deviation on steering axle 1

03092…..FFR……………….. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving

retarder message RD_Fluids.

03093…..EBS………………….Impermissible signal SP (reservoir circuit 2)

03093…..EDC ……………………………. TIME/DATE: reserved Bits & Bytes

03093…..EHLA…………………..Large system deviation on steering axle 1

03093…..FFR……………….. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving

Astronic message TSC1_TE.

03094…..EBS…………….Impermissible signal CFG_MC (ref. ret. torque)

03094…..EDC ………………………………………Timeout message position 8

SPN…..Control unit/System………………………………………. Fault message

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03094…..EHLA…………………………Inverse movement on steering axle 2

03094…..FFR……………….. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving

EBS message TSC1_AE.

03095…..EBS…………… Impermissible signal CFG_E (ref. motor torque)

03095…..EDC ……………………………..Nominal quantity value percentage

03095…..EHLA…………………………..System deviation on steering axle 2

03095…..FFR……………….. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving

EBS message Veh_weight.

03096…..EBS….. CAN data bus driveline, ‘Lighting on trailer 1 detected’

in message AS1_ZBR

03096…..EDC ……………………………………………………..Accelerator pedal

03096…..EHLA…………………..Large system deviation on steering axle 2

03096…..FFR……………….. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving

central on-board computer message AUX-STAT-ZBR1.

03097…..EBS……………………………………………..CAN data bus driveline,

‘Actual Inner Wheel Steering Angle’ in message ESC1

(steering angle)

03097…..EDC ……………………………………………Fuel temperature sensor

03097…..EHLA…………………………Inverse movement on steering axle 3

03097…..FFR……………….. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving

ECAS message ECAS1.

03098…..EBS……………….CAN data bus driveline, ‘Steering axle status’

in message ESC1

03098…..EDC ……………………………………….Control path: Loose contact

03098…..EHLA…………………………..System deviation on steering axle 3

03098…..FFR……………………………….CAN databus: Time overrun when

receiving message ERC1_RE.

03099…..AST………………………………………………………… Output speed 1

03099…..EBS…………….CAN data bus driveline, ‘Percentage clutch slip’

in message ETC1

03099…..EDC, Common Rail……….Fuel pressure sensor — rail pressure

03099…..EDC, not Common Rail………………………Fuel pressure sensor

03099…..EHLA…………………..Large system deviation on steering axle 3

03099…..FFR……………….. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving

ECAM message ECAM1.

03100…..CRT………………Exhaust differential pressure via the CRT filter

03100…..EBS…………….Pressure control module, left front axle, no fault

SPN…..Control unit/System………………………………………. Fault message

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03100…..EDC ………………………………………Fuel supply pressure sensor

03100…..EHLA…………………………Inverse movement on steering axle 4

03100…..FFR…………………CAN data bus: EDC message EDC1, byte 0

03101…..AST………………………………………………….. Output speeds 1+ 2

03101…..CRT………………. Exhaust temperature in front of the CRT filter

03101…..EBS………………………. Pressure control module, left front axle,

interruption, short-circuit wheel sensor A

03101…..EBS_K1 …………………………………. Wheel sensor front axle left

03101…..ECAS…………………………………Travel sensor left REAR AXLE

03101…..ECAS2……………………………. Height sensor FRONT AXLE left

03101…..EHLA…………………………..System deviation on steering axle 4

03101…..EMOS …………………………………………….Gearbox output signal

03101…..FFR…………………CAN data bus: EDC message EDC1, byte 1

03102…..AST………………………………..Gearbox input and output speeds

03102…..CNG………………..Exhaust gas recirculation valve output stage

03102…..CRT………………………………………………..Current engine torque

03102…..EBS………………………. Pressure control module, left front axle,

wheel sensor A: Delay too long

03102…..ECAS……………………………….Travel sensor right REAR AXLE

03102…..ECAS2………………………….Height sensor, FRONT AXLE right

03102…..EDC ……………..Exhaust gas recirculation system output stage

03102…..EHLA…………………..Large system deviation on steering axle 4

03102…..FFR…………………CAN data bus: EDC message EDC1, byte 2

03102…..ZBR2……………………………………………………ZBR power supply

03103…..AST………………………..CAN data bus vehicle speed from EDC

03103…..CNG……….. Lambda probe before catalytic converter (bank 1)

03103…..CRT…………………………………..Status of the regeneration logic

03103…..EBS………………………. Pressure control module, left front axle,

wheel sensor A: Moving off fault

03103…..ECAS…………………………………….Travel sensor FRONT AXLE

03103…..ECAS2……………………………….. CENTRE AXLE height sensor

03103…..EHLA……………………… Calibration mode when vehicle moving

03103…..FFR………CAN data bus: EDC message EDC1, bytes 3 and 4

03103…..OBDU………………………………………………………..Tension V-belt

03103…..ZBR2…………………………………………………………Analog ground

03104…..CNG…………………………………….Lambda probe heating before

catalytic converter (bank 1)

SPN…..Control unit/System………………………………………. Fault message

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03104…..EBS………………………. Pressure control module, left front axle,

wheel sensor A: Clearance too great

03104…..EHLA………………………………… Calibration data steering axle 1

03104…..FFR………CAN data bus: EDC message EDC1, bytes 5 and 6

03104…..ZBR2…………………………………………………………Analog ground

03105…..CNG…………………….Lambda control adaptation multi (bank 1)

03105…..EBS………………………. Pressure control module, left front axle,

perpetual control wheel sensor A

03105…..EHLA………………………………… Calibration data steering axle 2

03105…..FFR…………………CAN data bus: EDC message EDC1, byte 7

03105…..OBDU……………………………………………Water pump V-belt torn

03106…..CNG…………………………… Idling speed control, nominal speed

03106…..EBS………………………. Pressure control module, left front axle,

long instability wheel sensor A

03106…..EHLA………………………………… Calibration data steering axle 3

03106…..FFR………CAN data bus: EDC message EDC2, bytes 0 and 1

03106…..OBDU………………………………………………….. Cooling defective:

Water temperature gradient too steep

03107…..AST………………………………………………Voltage (clutch sensor)

03107…..CNG…………………………… Total exhaust-relevant errors (ASE)

03107…..EBS………………………. Pressure control module, left front axle,

pulse ring fault wheel sensor A

03107…..EBS_K1 …………………………..Impulse wheel fault front axle left

03107…..EHLA………………………………… Calibration data steering axle 4

03107…..FFR………CAN data bus: EDC message EDC2, bytes 2 and 3

03107…..ZBR2……………………………………………Ignition ON (relay tl. 15)

03108…..CNG………………………………………………..Gas system pressure

03108…..EBS………………………. Pressure control module, left front axle,

fault on lifting axle wheel sensor A

03108…..EHLA…………………………………………Calibration data front axle

03108…..FFR………CAN data bus: EDC message EDC2, bytes 4 and 5

03108…..ZBR2………………………………… Electrical battery master switch

03109…..EBS….Brake/impulse wheel/sensor combination front axle left

03109…..EHLA……………………………………………Calibration data joystick

03109…..FFR………CAN data bus: EDC message EDC2, bytes 6 and 7

03109…..HYD ………………………..Water pump malfunction or fuse blown

03109…..ZBRO………………………………………..Ignition lock radio position

SPN…..Control unit/System………………………………………. Fault message

SD 812a en

Page 49 of 203

03110…..CNG………………Engine speed sensor crankshaft toothed disc

03110…..EBS……………………….. Pressure control module, left front axle

03110…..EHLA……………………………………………Number of CAN objects

03110…..FFR………CAN data bus: EDC message EDC3, bytes 0 and 1

03110…..HYD …………………………….Vehicle blower control discontinuity

03110…..ZBRO…………………………………………….Ignition lock ignition on

03111…..AST….. CAN data bus message timeout time/date information

from central on-board computer ZBR2, TIME/DATE

03111…..CNG……………………………………………..Reference mark sensor

03111…..EBS………………………. Pressure control module, left front axle,

interruption, short-circuit wheel sensor B

03111…..EHLA………………………………………………..CAN communication

03111…..EMOS ………………………………Timeout of Time_Date message

03111…..FFR………CAN data bus: EDC message EDC3, bytes 2 and 3

03111…..TPM ……………………..Slight leakage from left outer tyre, axle 1

03111…..ZBR2…………………………………………..Ignition lock starter tl. 50

03112…..AST…….CAN data bus signal error time/date information from

central on-board computer ZBR2, TIME/DATE

03112…..CNG…………………………………………………………..Phase sensor

03112…..EBS………………………. Pressure control module, left front axle,

wheel sensor B: Delay too long

03112…..EHLA…………………………………….. CAN data has been falsified

03112…..FFR…………………CAN data bus: EDC message EDC3, byte 4

03112…..TPM ……………………..Slight leakage from left inner tyre, axle 1

03112…..ZBRO…………………………………………….Ignition lock ignition off

03113…..AST….CAN data bus message timeout retarder configuration,

Ret_Conf (driveline retarder configuration)

03113…..EBS………………………. Pressure control module, left front axle,

wheel sensor B: Moving off fault

03113…..EHLA………………………………………………..CAN communication

03113…..FFR…………………CAN data bus: EDC message EDC3, byte 5

03113…..TPM ……………………Slight leakage from right inner tyre, axle 1

03113…..ZBRO……………………………………………….Battery undervoltage

03114…..EBS………………………. Pressure control module, left front axle,

wheel sensor B: Clearance too great

03114…..EHLA……………………………… Steering wheel sensor — not used

03114…..FFR…………………CAN data bus: EDC message EDC3, byte 6

SPN…..Control unit/System………………………………………. Fault message

SD 812a en

Page 50 of 203

03114…..TPM ………………….. Slight leakage from right outer tyre, axle 1

03114…..ZBRO………………………………………………Battery master switch

03115…..EBS………………………. Pressure control module, left front axle,

perpetual control wheel sensor B

03115…..EHLA……………………………..Steering wheel sensor — operating

03115…..FFR…………………CAN data bus: EDC message EDC3, byte 7

03115…..ZBRO…………………………………………………..Battery main relay

03116…..EBS………………………. Pressure control module, left front axle,

long instability wheel sensor B

03116…..FFR…………………CAN data bus: EDC message EDC4, byte 0

03116…..ZBRO…………………………………………………………….. Ignition on

03117…..AST……………………………………….Clutch self-adjustment faulty

03117…..EBS………………………. Pressure control module, left front axle,

pulse ring fault wheel sensor B

03117…..FFR…………………CAN data bus: EDC message EDC4, byte 3

03117…..ZBRO…………………………………………………………….. Ignition on

03118…..AST…………………………………………………Clutch does not open

03118…..EBS………………………. Pressure control module, left front axle,

fault on lifting axle wheel sensor B

03118…..EMOS ………………………………Clutch regulator switched on but

no clutch opening valve available for opening clutch

03118…..FFR…………………CAN data bus: EDC message EDC4, byte 3

03118…..ZBRO…………………………………………………….Ignition on check

03119…..AST……………Clutch does not close / does not transmit torque

03119…..CNG…………………………………………………………Altitude sensor

03119…..EBS……………………….. Pressure control module, left front axle

03119…..EMOS ………………………………Clutch regulator switched on but

no clutch closing valve available for closing clutch

03119…..FFR…………………CAN data bus: EDC message EDC4, byte 4

03119…..ZBRO……………………………………………Battery master switch 1

03120…..AST…….. Mechanical fault (small valve for opening the clutch)

03120…..EBS………………………Electrical power supply pad wear sensor

(front axle left or front axle)


03120…..FFR………CAN data bus: EDC message EDC4, bytes 5 and 6

03120…..ZBRO……………………………………………Battery master switch 3

03121…..AST……….Mechanical fault (small valve for closing the clutch)

Man indicator fault?

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Man indicator fault?

Been sat in rain for about 1.5 hours waiting around for a job to do.
Engine off radio on in a man.
Then hear a beeping noise and dash is displaying the following

Rh lh trai indic failure.

Any ideas?I thought it meant indicator failure but checked them double checked them there all working. Turned engine on and they still work but still getting error message any ideas anyone.?

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Re: Man indicator fault?

Postby Juddian » Thu Dec 12, 2019 3:42 pm

Possibly the tractor doesn’t like the trailer, seriously, one or two at work that make the odd lorry throw a hissy fit.

Might be worth plugging the suzy in back to front, sometimes the connections get dirty, i have had it an on MAN where taking certain corners would see the side lights go out momentarily then come back on but buggered if you could reproduce this when stationary, turned out to be one of the suzy connections having weak enclosing spring in the female connector (careful :wink: ), you could actually see the connectors were slack (ooer missus), new suzy cured it, possibly a similar issue where the suzy has been in and out too much, the innuendo is strong in this one Obiwan :twisted:

Last edited by Juddian on Thu Dec 12, 2019 3:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Man indicator fault?

Postby fizza » Thu Dec 12, 2019 3:42 pm

Get that all the time in my man sometimes just change the bulb anyway

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Re: Man indicator fault?

Postby blue estate » Thu Dec 12, 2019 3:49 pm

Have you got led lights on trailer ?

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Re: Man indicator fault?

Postby yourhavingalarf » Thu Dec 12, 2019 4:05 pm

Cancel it then…

Ignore it. All of ours do it every now and then.

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Re: Man indicator fault?

Postby edd1974 » Thu Dec 12, 2019 5:21 pm

Well drove back to yard . And warning on dash disappeared. Eventually
Fella had a look everything works no errors. So yeah. Think something must got wet and it’s dried out

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Re: Man indicator fault?

Postby trevHCS » Thu Dec 12, 2019 5:52 pm

Just means the person who wrote the errors was drunk so couldn’t type. :wink:

Beyond that, it might mean the fuse us about to blow — does this on our DAFs quite often. Or the joys of trailers as mentioned (ABS fault is our std).t

Has seen the light…but it’s been downgraded to a 40w bulb to save the climate!

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Re: Man indicator fault?

Postby Suedehead » Thu Dec 12, 2019 7:28 pm

edd1974 wrote:Been sat in rain for about 1.5 hours waiting around for a job to do.
Engine off radio on in a man.
Then hear a beeping noise and dash is displaying the following

Rh lh trai indic failure.

Any ideas?I thought it meant indicator failure but checked them double checked them there all working. Turned engine on and they still work but still getting error message any ideas anyone.?

Why didn’t you sit in the cab for hour and half ?

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Re: Man indicator fault?

Postby edd1974 » Thu Dec 12, 2019 7:48 pm

ha I know what I meant even if nobody else does

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распиновка разьемов FFR




страниц 211

качество хорошее


размер 22.3м

32 Состояние делителя.

161 Скорость вращения на входе в коробку передач.

168 Напряжение питания аккумуляторов не в норме

572 Вспомогательное  устройство включения тормоза-замедлителя (ретардера). 

697 Педаль акселератора, сигнал PWM1 (сигнал широтно-импульсной модуляции).

698 Педаль акселератора, сигнал PWM2 (сигнал широтно-импульсной модуляции).

770 Обнаружена неисправность в проводке электромагнитного клапана SPLIT-HIGH 

771 Обнаружена неисправность в проводке электромагнитного клапана SPLIT-HIGH 

898 Группа резисторов ограничения максимальной скорости.

1045 Конечная ступень блокировки включения передачи.

3010 Ограничение частоты вращения и момента.

3020 Калибровочное значение, педаль акселератора, PWM1

3021 Шина данных CAN: сообщение AS-Tronic ETC1, байт1.

3250 Входы Comfort Shift (CS1 и CS2).

3251 Точность сигнала от клеммы 50 замка зажигания (запуск двигателя).

3311 Блок управления (калибровочная сумма EEPROM)

3449 Противодавление выхлопных газов.

3450 «Comfort-Shift» не функционирует.

3452 Недостаточно нажато сцепление или не правильно включен переключатель «Comfort-Shift»

3510 Перегрузка сцепления.

3520 Таймаут LSS1.

3521 Таймаут MFL1.

3522 Таймаут INST1.

3524 Правая сторона MFL неисправна.

3525 Левая/правая сторона MFL  не исправна.

3526 Неисправность LSS.

3527 Замыкание шины LIN.

скрин страницы файла

EBS 5 Knorr коды неисправностей блока управления электронной тормозной системой MAN

Расшифровка диагностических кодов неисправностей блока управления электронной тормозной системой EBS 5 Knorr.

EDC7 Common rail коды неисправностей блоков управления двигателями MAN

Расшифровка диагностических кодов неисправностей блока управления двигателем EDC7 Common rail.

EDC коды неисправностей блока управления двигателем MAN

Расшифровка диагностических кодов неисправностей блока управления двигателем EDC.

ZBR коды неисправностей бортового компьютера MAN

Расшифровка диагностических кодов неисправностей бортового компьютера ZBR.

PTM коды неисправностей автомобильного компьютера MAN

EDC ошибки на Man M2000

Расшифровка диагностических кодов неисправностей автомобильного компьютера PTM.

EBS 2 Knorr коды неисправностей блока управления электронной тормозной системой MAN

Расшифровка диагностических кодов неисправностей блока управления электронной тормозной системой EBS 2 Knorr.

ZF-EcoLife коды неисправностей КПП MAN

Расшифровка диагностических кодов неисправностей блока управления КПП ZF-EcoLife.

FFR коды неисправностей автомобильного компьютера MAN

Расшифровка диагностических кодов неисправностей автомобильного компьютера FFR.

AS Tronic mid коды неисправностей КПП MAN

Расшифровка диагностических кодов неисправностей блока управления КПП ZF AS Tronic mid.

AdBlue коды неисправностей системы AdBlue MAN

Расшифровка диагностических кодов неисправностей блока управления AdBlue.

EBS 2 Wabco коды неисправностей блока управления электронной тормозной системой MAN

Расшифровка диагностических кодов неисправностей блока управления электронной тормозной системой EBS 2 Wabco.

Источник: acu.su

Коды ошибок MAH ZBR (МАН ТГА)

Грузовые автомобили MAN TGA начали производиться с начала 2000-го года и заняли место F2000 Evolution. Транспортные средства выпускаются в виде седельных тягачей и шасси. Могут использоваться для разных целей: магистральных грузоперевозок, строительных работ и других направлений деятельности. Применяются в качестве тягачей и тяжелых тягачей, мультилифтов, лесовозов, самосвалов и т. д. Имеют несколько модификаций, которые обладают разными техническими характеристиками, где главными параметрами выступают размерность и грузоподъемность.

Как посмотреть ошибки на панели приборов MAN TGS?


Коды ошибок MAN по компьютерному блоку ZBR

Источник: www.opex.ru

—> Дальнобой-mangruzovik.ru. Инструкции для ремонта спецтехники. —>

Если клавиши MMI или QUIT./TRIP не используются в течении определенного времени, вывод меню на дисплей автоматически прекращается, и на дисплее появляется сообщение, которое было на нем до входа в систему меню.


В нижеследующей таблице приводится перечень кодов неисправностей, которые выводятся на дисплей приборной панели или экран MAN-cats в случае возникновения неисправности.

SPN->Suspect Parameter Number (место сбоя)
Диагностические ошибки
Для увеличения нажмите на изображение

Для увеличения нажмите на изображение

Для увеличения нажмите на изображение

Для увеличения нажмите на изображение

Для увеличения нажмите на изображение

Для увеличения нажмите на изображение

Для увеличения нажмите на изображение

MAN TGA назначение контакта штекера ZE в центральном распределительном устройстве центрального бортового компьютера МАН ТГА

БОРТОВОЙ КОМПЬЮТЕР MAN TGA КАК ЧИТАТЬ ОШИБКИ Левой клавишей, нажимая её и удерживая больше трех секунд откроется меню бортового компьютера, последующим кратковременным нажатием выбираем необходимый раздел,после жмем правую кнопку и выбираем в разделе необходимую страницу и так далее.

колодка диагностическая (разъем диагностики) распиновка MAN TGA 4 pin диагностическая К линия,9 pin Масса,то есть минус,10 pin Плюс +,11 pin тоже Плюс +

КОДЫ НЕИСПРАВНОСТЕЙ DOOR MODULE (TGA,TGL,TGM) Проявление неисправности: Внутренняя система данныхCAN между дверным модулем со стороны водителя и дверным модулем со стороны пассажира отправляет сигнал «Отключение системы». Система функционирует с ограничениями. Функции дверного модуля, которые использую систему данных CAN, не выполняются. Кроме того пытается создать соединение.

Коды неисправностей RAS-EC MAN Коды неисправностей ЭБУ управляемой задней осиMAN КОДЫ НЕИСПРАВНОСТЕЙ ПРИБОРНЫХ ПАНЕЛЕЙ STONERIDGE BASELINE/HIGHLINEдиагностические коды неисправностей грузовиков и автобусов MAN TGAперечень диагностических неисправностей контролера управления двигателем (EDC) MAN TGA
перечень диагностических неисправностей бортового компьютера (ZBR) MAN TGA

Код Коды неисправностей ЭБУ Е300 КПП VoithDiwa.перечень диагностических неисправностей контролера пневматической подвеской (ECAS).перечень диагностических неисправностей EDC7COMMON-RAIL контролера управления двигателем MAN

Порядок вывода комментариев:


8 солнце (21.01.2015 12:15)

Rh trail indic failure скажите, пожалуйста, что обозначает?


9 автоэлектрик (26.11.2017 23:07)
Наверно, что то с лампой прицепа по правой стороне.

0 Спам

7 МАКСИМ (01.12.2013 12:35)
выскачила ошибка ffr 00033-66 помогите пожалуйста половинки не включаються
Ответ: педаль сцепления- неисправность

0 Спам

5 VITALIY (20.10.2013 11:54)
кто скажет, компьютер высвечивает неисправносьтьLH trai. indic. failure что ето ,
Ответ: лампочка неисправности на приборке не работает

0 Спам

6 автоэлектрик (07.11.2013 01:33)
Электронная система индикаторов отказов; индикатор неисправностей

0 Спам

4 Кудр.алекссандр (31.08.2013 23:03)
коды ошибок
Ответ: скачай файл. они там есть

0 Спам

3 Кудр.алекссандр (31.08.2013 23:01)
получить коды ошибок
Ответ: держи ошибки ман

0 Спам

2 fedor (27.08.2013 16:31)
Помогите показывает ошибку ECAS 03102-09 MAN TG-A может кто знает
Ответ: правый датчик на задней оси ман диагностические ошибки

0 Спам

Источник: mangruzovik.ru

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