Listen it is rains ошибка

Correct the mistakes.
1. Look! The little girl is makes a snowman!
2. We are look for a T−shirt.
3. Is Mary and Steve going home on foot today?
4. Listen! It is rains.
5. What size does you take?
6. Does he studies in Switzerland?

Английский язык 5 класс (рабочая тетрадь) Ваулина. 7 Grammar Practice. Номер №7


Перевод задания
Исправь ошибки.

1. Look! The little girl is making a snowman!
2. We are looking for a T−shirt.
3. Is Mary and Steve going home by foot today?
4. Listen! It is raining.
5. What size do you take?
6. Does he study in Switzerland?

Перевод ответа
1. Смотри! Маленькая девочка лепит снеговика!
2. Мы ищем футболку.
3. Мэри и Стив сегодня идут домой пешком?
4. Слушай! Идет дождь.
5. Какой размер ты берешь?
6. Он учится в Швейцарии?

Опубликовано 3 года назад по предмету
Английский язык
от Techs

  1. Ответ

    Ответ дан

    1.Look! The little girl is making a snowman!
    2. We are looking for a T-shirt.
    3. Are Mary and Steve going home on foot today?
    4. Listen! It is raining.
    5. What size do you take?
    6. Does he study in Switzerland?

Самые новые вопросы


Математика — 3 года назад

Решите уравнения:
а) 15 4 ∕19 + x + 3 17∕19 = 21 2∕19;
б) 6,7x — 5,21 = 9,54


Информатика — 3 года назад

Помогите решить задачи на паскаль.1)
дан массив случайных чисел (количество элементов
вводите с клавиатуры). найти произведение всех элементов массива.2)
дан массив случайных чисел (количество элементов
вводите с клавиатуры). найти сумму четных элементов массива.3)
дан массив случайных чисел (количество элементов
вводите с клавиатуры). найти максимальный элемент массива.4)
дан массив случайных чисел (количество элементов
вводите с клавиатуры). найти максимальный элемент массива среди элементов,
кратных 3.


География — 3 года назад

Почему япония — лидер по выплавке стали?


Математика — 3 года назад

Чему равно: 1*(умножить)х?     0*х?


Русский язык — 3 года назад

В каком из предложений пропущена одна (только одна!) запятая?1.она снова умолкла, точно некий внутренний голос приказал ей замолчать и посмотрела в зал. 2.и он понял: вот что неожиданно пришло к нему, и теперь останется с ним, и уже никогда его не покинет. 3.и оба мы немножко удовлетворим свое любопытство.4.впрочем, он и сам только еле передвигал ноги, а тело его совсем застыло и было холодное, как камень. 5.по небу потянулись облака, и луна померкла. 


Посетители, находящиеся в группе Гости, не могут оставлять комментарии к данной публикации.

Почему в английском не ИДЕТ дождь?

dozhdПростое предложение в Present Simple “Часто идет дождь” ставит в тупик изучающих английский практически на любом уровне. Как только нужно перевести это на английский, начинается «издевательство» над дождем 🙂 Наиболее распространенные варианты перевода, которые довелось слышать and it’s freaking me out:

The rain often goes

It is often rain

It is often raining

It often raining

Ни один из перечисленных вариантов не является верным!!!!, а звучит это по-английски так:

It often rains

Давайте запомним, что дождь в английском не идет (и это логично, ног ведь у него нет), вместо фразы «дождь идет» употребляется глагол to rain (букв. — дождит). Так как с глаголом to rain должно быть подлежащее (кто? что?), то употребляем безличное местоимение it. Его мы никак не переводим, оно просто помогает сохранить обязательную структуру английского предложения:

кто?/ что? + что делает? = It rains

И так как это Present Simple, то к глаголу rain добавляем окончание –s.

В отрицании появляется doesn’t:

It doesn’t rain

В вопросе – does:

Does it rain?

По такому же принципу строятся предложения и с глаголом to snow (букв. – снежит): It often snows; It doesn’t often snow; Does it often snow?

В следующей таблице представлены варианты предложений с глаголом to rain в разных временах:




Present Simple It often rains here. Здесь часто идет дождь.
It doesn’t often rain here. Здесь нечасто идет дождь.
Does it often rain here? – Yes, it does / No, it doesn’t Здесь часто идет дождь? – Да / Нет.
Past Simple It rained yesterday. Вчера шел дождь.
It didn’t rain yesterday. Вчера не было дождя.
Did it rain yesterday? – Yes, it did / No, it didn’t Вчера шел дождь? – Да / Нет
Present Continuous It is raining now. Сейчас идет дождь.
It isn’t raining now. Сейчас нет дождя.
Is it raining now? – Yes, it is / No, it isn’t Сейчас идет дождь? – Да / Нет.

И так, в английском языке дождь никогда не пойдет, как бы вы не пытались его послать:-) Он «дождит», но не идет. Со снегом та же история. 

Хотите узнать больше? Записывайтесь на бесплатный онлайн урок с репетитором. See you 🙂! 


Английский! Помогите)))


08.09.2015 20:19

Тема погода. Скажите, предложение- Идет дождь- я могу сказать It’s rain или только It’s raining? Вчера был дождь Yesterday it rained или только Yesterday it was raining?


08.09.2015 20:56

В первом случае предложение «It’s rain» переводится «Это дождь». Второе предложение переводится «Идёт/шёл дождь». Во втором случае оба варианта правильны. Нужно смотреть по контексту и времени всего текста или предложения.


08.09.2015 21:00

нет контекста. Просто набор предложений о погоде. А солнце светит? Sun is shining


10.09.2015 13:48

Надо говорить The sun is shining




10.09.2015 16:31

4класс?:-))) Моя дочь делала это же упражнение,и те же вопросы задавала:-))))


08.09.2015 21:08

It’s raining now. It was raining yesterday.




08.09.2015 21:13

А почему про вчера Past Continuous? по идее вчера это ж Past Simple? Или к погоде не относится?


08.09.2015 21:20

А презент индэфинит какое тогда будет, я только его и помню.


08.09.2015 21:28

it is rain


08.09.2015 21:35

Present simple — это It rains. Я за такие ошибки своего ребенка всегда очень ругаю…


08.09.2015 21:37

Rain же может быть и как сущ и как глагол. Насколько я помню, чаще все таки используется выражение It’s rain. Хотя может я уже все путаю


08.09.2015 21:42

It’s rain = это дождь It always rains on Sunday = глагол в презент симпл It’s raining = глагол в презент континиус


08.09.2015 21:52

да, это понятно. Я про выражения. Как например, сказать, Каждый день осенью идет дождь Every day it rains in autumn?


08.09.2015 21:55

It rains every day in autumn


08.09.2015 21:57

спасиб. поняла


09.09.2015 19:02

It’s rain можно сказать как ответ на вопрос «что это за осадки сегодня на улице, дождь или снег?». А если нужно сказать «идет дождь», то это «it rains».


09.09.2015 22:29

Презент симпл.


08.09.2015 21:14

А как сказать- вчера не светило солнце?


08.09.2015 21:18

Yesterday sun didn’t shine.


08.09.2015 21:21

а почему не wasn’t shining


08.09.2015 21:39

Во-первых, the Sun; во-вторых, так не говорят.


08.09.2015 21:53

Хорошо, Вчера не было солнца


08.09.2015 22:01

Ain’t no sunshine when she’s gone…поет М. Джексон.


08.09.2015 22:02

There was no sunshine yesterday. я б так сказала, но давно учила)


08.09.2015 22:02


08.09.2015 22:03

Я бы сказала просто: it wasn’t sunny yesterday. Но фиг его знает, тоже криво звучит. Погодные темы всегда не любила, в реальной жизни о погоде особо никто и не разговаривает


08.09.2015 22:16

There was no sun yesterday. Хотя и дико звучит.




08.09.2015 22:04

It was raining это когда про конкретное время. Например я ехал на велике и шел дождь. А если разговор то том, то просто шел дождь вчера — то it rained. Например, сегодня не будут поливать траву, вчера шел дождь. Но про сегодня так не получится. Если сейчас идет дождь — то it’s raining. Если же дождь закончился и теперь мокро — it was raining so now it’s all wet. Или сегодня уже шел дождь поэтому не надо поливать газон — it already rained today.




08.09.2015 22:49

у нас просто набор предложений. Типа Сегодня солнце. вчера было морозно. Три дня назад шел дождь


08.09.2015 22:51

Это очень зависит от контекста :). Двойка вашим преподам.




08.09.2015 23:08

последнее предложение должно быть перфектом It has already rained today. Во-первых, already на это указывает. Во-вторых, день еще не закончился. И предпоследнее я бы тоже с перфектом могла сказать, т.к. имеем результат — все мокро вокруг.




09.09.2015 01:06

+1 с привязкой лучше perfect, в общем смысле- simple


09.09.2015 01:18

Да, точно, тем более.




10.09.2015 14:09

стоп стоп. результат на лицо — презент перфек континиус it’s been raining for he whole day Время Present Perfect Continuous используется для передачи длительного действия в прошлом, которое закончилось непосредственно перед моментом речи, и результат этого действия оказывает влияние на настоящее. Например: The streets are wet. It has been raining all the morning. – На улице мокро. Все утро шел дождь. ( )


11.09.2015 12:12

Это я и имела в виду, просто не указала что из Perfect нужен именно Continuous. Все верно Вы написали.




09.09.2015 18:44

Извините, поправлю: It already has rained today. В Вашем предложении следует использовать Present Perfect.


09.09.2015 20:46

Извините, но и я Вас поправлю. Идея верная, но порядок слов неправильный. Already can be placed before the main verb (past participle) or at the end of the sentence: I have already been to Tokyo. I have been to Tokyo already.




09.09.2015 00:43

спасибо большое!!!


10.09.2015 13:54

Вообще, нужен всегда контекст, чтоб правильно составить предложения- вашим преподавателям двойка ) Во-вторых, ну кто говорит it wasn’t sunshine yesterday?! ))) Только нерусские какие, гы. Wasn’t sunny и все. Вообще, темы оторванны как-то от реальной жизни ))




10.09.2015 14:12

пердположу, что те предложения, которые надо перевести — все с какими-либо hints (намеками -словами подсказками) на определенное время напр, yesterday — past simple (вщможны вариации) right now — Preset Cont ну и тд


1) Look! It… . a) rains b) is raining c) are raining

2)How often … football? a) are you playing b) do you play c) have you played

3) Marie Curie … from America. a) were b) are c) was

4)He … a student at the Royal College of Music. a) there was b) was c) was there

5) … is a crime which involves taking control of an airplane. a) murder b) vandal c) hijacking

6) They’re looking… . a) down on the chair b) for clues c) on the TV now

7) The police arrested Malcolm and he … to prison. a) goes b) went c) will go

8)How much did she … in the lottery? a) buy b) win c) sell

9) I’m … than my brother. a) tallest b) the tallest c) taller

10) You can’go to the disco. You’re … . a) good enough b) not old enough c) not big enough

11) He had books and clothes and furniture. a) a lot of b) any c) much

12) I felt very … the first time I tried parachuting. a) frightening b) frightened c) frighten

13) Jimmy loves running. He … a lot of races. a) have run b) has run c) has ran

1. Look at those black clouds. It IS GOING TO rain.

2. We ARE HAVING dinner at a nice restaurant on Saturday.

3. Listen! There’s someone at the door. I WILL OPEN the door for you.

4. On Sunday at 8 o’clock I AM MEETING my friend.

5. Don’t ring at 3 p.m. I WILL BE PLAYING tennis.

6. I promise you WILL PASS English exam.

7. There is strong wind outside. It IS GOING TO storm.

8. I promise I WILL NOT (WON’T) TELL him about the surprise party.

Do the following sentences make sense and are they used commonly?

1) Listen to it rain.
2) Look at it snow.

asked Apr 23, 2015 at 2:33

user49638's user avatar


I am not sure I understand the question, but perhaps this will answer it:

Definitions for it in my Webster’s 3rd New International

2a used as an expletive subject of an
impersonal verb that expresses a
simple condition or an action without
implied reference to an agent about
the weather … or time.

It is raining or It is two o’clock are examples of 2a.

Community's user avatar

answered Apr 23, 2015 at 3:02

Michael Lorton's user avatar

Michael LortonMichael Lorton

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Yes, both phrases are common (at least in New England, where snow is common. Not so much in Florida.) The distinction is that a heavy rain is distinctly audible, particularly on a hard surface such as a roof, while snow falling is essentially silent, so one looks at snow and listens to rain.

Also, individual snowflakes are larger and more visible than raindrops, and fall quite slowly, while raindrops fall quite quickly and are hard to see.

answered Apr 23, 2015 at 3:42

WhatRoughBeast's user avatar


экзамен по англ яз курс для нелингвистов. может кому пригодится.
. If she ______ in St. Petersburg now, she will come to meet you at the railway station
. If she is in London now, she __________ you at the airport.
will meet
. If she were in Moscow now, she ____________ you at the railway station with all her family.
would meet
______ I use your dictionary?
A lot of cooking ________by my mother for my birthday party.
was done
A lot of cooking is _____ by my mother for the whole family.
A new house _________in our street at the moment.
is being built
A woman is feeding______ her dog.

According to the time – table he _______ arrive at midday.
is to
After he ____________ his report, he faxed it to the head office.
‘d finished,,had finished
Ann asked Bob __________ her in the evening.
not to call,,to call
At first they had decided to go to the south, and then they changed ___ minds.
Can I ________?
Did he ________pass the credit 2 days ago?
have to
Did he tell you when he_________?
came,,would come
Don’t bother us, please! We are so busy _______.
at this minute,,now
Everyone in the village is invited ______ the feast.
Fiat cars ___________ in Italy.
are made
Have you been___________
to Greece,,to the cinema
He _______translate this difficult text without a dictionary.
He had been watching TV___________ before we came to him
for long,,for the whole hour
He has to sign this contract__________.
He must ___ taken to hospital.
He must come ______ time.
He said he_______ been a doctor.
He shouldn’t_____ be late! It’s very important..

He told me that we__________ to the theatre in the evening.
would go
He was ringing me _____ at 7.
He would ring me ____ if he returned home.
He_________ a present at his birthday party.
has been given,,was given
He______________ to see all his friends soon.
will be invited
Her brother ___________ill before she came to visit him.
had become
Her friend had bought a new flat before she ______ there.
I ___________ along the street when I saw a friend of mine.
was going
I ___________ help you.
ought to,,should
I _____________ for.
was sent,,will be sent
I ____________read this text if you give me a better dictionary.
shall be able to
I am speaking _______ you at the moment.
I am sure he will ______ done everything by this time tomorrow.
I am sure he will have done everything _____ this time tomorrow.
I bought these shoes in the central department-store after I _________them on.
had tried
I didn’t do my homework because I__________ my books at home.
’d left,,had left
I have been reading this text ____________.
for 2 hours,,since morning
I hope the text will have _______ sent by the appointed time.
I hope the text will have been sent ______ the appointed time.
I knew that he ______________ from the University a year before.
I knew that he ______________ graduated from the University a year before.
I knew we ________________ that text before.
had translated
I saw that she ___________ something.
was writing
I shall be able to translate this text if you _______ me a better dictionary.
I was going along the park when I _____ a friend of mine.
I was quite excited when the plane took off because I______ never ________ before.
’d flown,,had flown
I was sure that he __________something at that time, but not playing games.
was reading
I was sure that he was fond ____listening to music.
I was sure that he was fond of listening _____ music.
I was walking _______ the park when I suddenly saw a friend of mine with his new girl-friend.
I was writing English exercises in my copy-book _______ .
at 10,,at that time yesterday
I__________ to the shop.
have been sent,,was sent
I___________ find my bag. I don’t remember where I have put it.
If I ______ you, I would do it by all means. It goes without saying.
If I do not have breakfast ____ home, I will buy something to eat.
If I do well ___ my exams, I will be pleased.
If I do well in my exams, I will _____ pleased.
If I don’t have breakfast at home, I____________ something to eat.
shall buy,,will buy
If I had been you, I ___________ it by all means yesterday. It goes without saying.
would have done
If I leave soon, I_________ there on time.
’ll get,,will get
If I lost my job, I would look ____ another one.
If I were you, I would help______ you.

If it had rained, we would have stayed at home___________
last month,,yesterday
If it rained, we would stay at home__________.
If it rains, we ___________at home
shall stay,,will stay
If she had been to Novgorod last week, she ____________ you at the railway station with your common friends.
would have met
If we ________ the first train, we will wait for the next one.
do not get,,don’t get
If we do not get the first train, we will wait ____ the next one.
If we stay a little longer, we’ll find _____ what has happened.
If you ___________ this article into English, I shall use it in my report.
If you don’t know his address, you _____ ask me to help you.
If you find this article, I shall use it _____ my speech.
If you rely ____ him, follow his advice.
If you translate this article into Russian, I shall use it in my speech _____________
in 3 days,,tomorrow
If you translate this article into Russian, I_________ it in my report.
shall/will use
It is raining_______.
at this minute,,just now
Jack invited me________ to him.
to come
Look ______ these children : they are skating.
Look at these children: they are skating ________
at the moment,,at this moment
Mother asked me _____________ late.
not to come
My boss asked me when I _________to work.
came,,had come
My colleague ________ work hard.
My colleague_______ work hard.
was able to
My friend ______ always ___________ to.
is_____ listened,,was_____ listened
My friend informed me that she would call me _____the evening.
My group mates didn’t believe that I ____________.
had come,,would come
My groupmate is to arrive _____ noon.
My groupmate is_______ arrive at noon.
My parents had ________having a rest for 3 days before I came to them.
My parents had been having _____rest for 3 days before I came to them.
My parents had been having a rest for 3 days before I came ____ them.
Nick informed us he usually____________ with his lessons.
was busy
She ___________ on the sofa while she heard a noise.
was reading
She _________________ since morning.
has been writing
She bought ______ lovely clothes.
She has been translating this text_______ the time she came home.
She has______ translating these exercises since morning.
She is reading the introduction to our new textbook _______.
at the moment,,now
She must _____ very busy.
She was reading a new book while she ________ a noise.
She will be able________
to help,,to read
The article __________________.
is being translated,,was translated
The article_________ by me.
was translated,,will be translated
The birthday party ___________ before they arrived.
had started
The bridge is being built _____at moment.
The bridge is built the moment.
The film __________today.
has been seen
The girl is playing ________ her cat.
The house is being built at _____ moment.
The important texts ___________at the lessons.
are translated
The letter was written _____ a boy.
The letter was written ______ a pencil.
The mail _________ every day.
is brought
The new film __________________.
has been discussed,,was discussed
The party had started ________ they arrived.
The police stopped him because he __________ through a red traffic light.
‘d driven,,had driven
The teacher informed us that we ______________ a test next day.
would write
The train to St. Petersburg ________ when I came to the railway station.
had left
The train was _____arrive at 7 p.m. yesterday.
These cars are made ______Japan.
These figures ______________ to.
are referred,,were referred
They __________ help their sick friend.
They _____________this problem for half an hour before I came.
had been discussing
They are waiting _____ us now. We must hurry.
They didn’t know who _______it.
did,,had done
They had been discussing this problem for half an hour before I_______.
They read in the article that it ___________.
d rain,,would rain
They were asked which of them ______________ the work.
had done,,would do
They will come to us if it _________.
doesn’t rain
They will have been cooking ______________ before their guests come.
for 3 hours,,since morning
They will have read the political article _________________.
by 3,,by this time tomorrow
This work ___________ tomorrow.
will be done
Warm beds __________ by cats and dogs.
are liked
We __________ three new people at the party.
We ________________ready for the test for 2 hours when she comes to us.
will have been getting
We ________that he lived there.
We are listening ___ the radio now.
We didn’t know who they were listening______.
We got there in time but our friends _______ there.
We have _____ translate this article in time.
We knew the test _______ be difficult.
We knew the test would _____ difficult.
We might _____ this translation of the article ourselves.
We saw they were looking ____ us.
We saw they_______ looking at us.
We usually w_______ an interesting film on TV after supper.
We were having supper when they _________.
We were relaxing in the park ______ that moment.
We were skating ___________.
at 7,,the whole day
We were sure that he _____a student.
had been,,was
We will be discussing news when the teacher _____ in.
We will have been getting ready for the test for 2 hours when she ________to us.
We_______ do this work ourselves.
We_________________ supper when they arrived.
were having
What ________ you doing now?
What can be relied_____?
What cars are made _____ Italy.
What is given ______ the married couple?
has been bought,,was bought
Where will they go, if the weather is fine__________?
next week,,tomorrow
Where would they go, if the weather were fine________?
Where would they have gone, if the weather had been fine__________?
last week,,yersterday
While we were watching TV, someone _______ our documents.
Who are you listening ______?
Who has_____ write this introduction?
Who told you that he____________.
had come,,would come
Will she _________ come in time to meet her parents at the railway-station?
be able to
Will you be able _______ in time?
to arrive,,to come
You __________ do it.
You __________do this work today.
You ought ______ respect her age.
You_________ help everybody.
are able to,,can
Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях?А) . If you translate this article into German, I shall(will) use it in my report. B) If she was in St. Petersburg now, she will meet you at the railway station.
А — да, В — нет
Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях?А) Ann was standing near the fence now.В) They will come to us soon.
А — нет, В — да
Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях?А) Ann was sure that she had done everything correctly.В) He wanted to know if the experiment is correct.
А — да, В — нет
Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях?А) Are you be able go there?В) We have to do it ourselves.
А — нет, В — да
Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях?А) Do you know where he has gone?В) It has already rained today, has it?
А — да, В — нет
Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях?А) Have you been called today? B) He was send.
А — да, В — нет
Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях?А) He can swim well.В) At what time is the train to arrive?
А — да, В — нет
Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях?А) He didn’t told anybody where he was going.В) He didn’t tell anybody where he was going.
А — нет, В — да
Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях?А) He gave us the book which we had just read.В) Why did the man decide go to England?
А — да, В — нет
Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях?А) He had spent most of his money by the time he got to England.В) They have already have dinner.
А — да, В — нет
Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях?А) He has been solving the problem all day long.В) We came into the hall after the film had already started.
А — да, В — да
Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях?А) He is always listened to.В) Bob is always taken care.
А — да, В — нет
Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях?А) He left the boat after he had heard a loud noise.В) He wanted to know where he had bought that coat.
А — да, В — да
Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях?А) He might to do this work himself.В) He ought translate it himself. Don’t help him!
А — нет, В — нет
Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях?А) He said the weather would be nice.В) We knew he is here.
А — да, В — нет
Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях?А) He suggested all of us to go to the theatre.В) Nick promised do experiments in time.
А — да, В — нет
Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях?А) He will operated on soon.В) The doctor has been sent for.
А — нет, В — да
Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях?А) I can’t find my book somewhere.В) He can’t walk very well. He is still small.
А — нет, В — да
Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях?А) I may use your computer?В) We might do this work yourselves.
А — нет, В — нет
Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях?А) I was falling down when I was running through the park.В) I saw three people in the garden.
А — нет, В — да
Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях?А) I was waiting for Tom at that time.В) He is reading an English article at the moment.
А — да, В — да
Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях?А) I’d come with you if I had time. B) If I were you, I take an umbrella.
А — да, В — нет
Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях?А) IBM computers are sold all over the world .В) Computers are used everywhere.
А — да, В — да
Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях?А) If I were you, I would go there by all means.В) I would do it if you wanted.
А — да, В — да
Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях?А) If I’ll leave soon, I’ll get there on time. B) If I leave soon, I’ll get there on time.
А — нет, В — да
Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях?А) If it doesn’t rain, we’ll come to you.В) If it doesn’t rain, we came to you.
А — да, В — нет
Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях?А) If she was here, she would meet you. B) If she were here, she would meet you.
А — нет, В — да
Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях?А) If the weather is fine, we will go to the forest.В) If the weather were fine, we would go to the forest.
А — да, В — да
Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях?А) If they had had some free time, they would translated it in time.В) I will do it if I want.
А — нет, В — да
Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях?А) If they knew the answer, they tell you. B) If they knew the answer, they’d tell you.
А — нет, В — да
Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях?А) If we like the car, we’ll buy it. B) If we’ll like the car, we’ll buy it.
А — да, В — нет
Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях?А) It has been raining for morning.В) We have invited them to visit us in summer.
А — нет, В — да
Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях?А) John informed us read the notes.В) John informed us to read the notes.
А — нет, В — да
Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях?А) Look at these children: they are skating very well.В) You skate last Sunday?
А — да, В — нет
Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях?А) Most churches are decorated with flowers for Easter SundayВ) This book isn’t sold somewhere.
А — да, В — нет
Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях?А) Most of the work has been done by my friend. He is rather hardworking.В) Most of the food is prepared by a friends and relatives.
А — да, В — нет
Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях?А) My colleagues was interested if I was there.В) They wondered if it was raining at the moment.
А — нет, В — да
Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях?А) My group mate is allowed to work after the Institute..В) May I use your computer?
А — да, В — да
Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях?А) The banners were hung the city.В) More coffee is drunk in Italy than in our country.
А — нет, В — да
Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях?А) The bridge over the river is being built at the moment. B) The bridge was being built when I came there for the first time.
А — да, В — да
Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях?А) The child was very ill. He had to be taken to hospital at once.В) She has do all be herself. Nobody will help her.
А — да, В — нет
Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях?А) The students didn’t know whose books those were.В) He wanted to know if those figures were often referred to.
А — да, В — да
Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях?А) The teacher asked the students if they were ready for the test.В) The teacher asked the students if were they ready for the test.
А — да, В — нет
Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях?А) These letters were written by her.В) This letters were written by her.
А — да, В — нет
Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях?А) They invited us to come.В) They invited us not to come.
А — да, В — да
Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях?А) They were traveling in France at that time.В) It will be raining at this time tomorrow.
А — да, В — да
Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях?А) This game is played everywhere.В) This game is been played now.
А — да, В — нет
Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях?А) We are to go there. Everybody is sure of it.В) They aren’t’ allowed to come so late. Their parents worry about them greatly.
А — да, В — да
Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях?А) We had to walk because the road was very bad.В) They are able be in time.
А — да, В — нет
Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях?А) We knew him well.В) The police stoped him.
А — да, В — нет
Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях?А) We learned that he had played the computer games the day before.В) They promised to visit us at the weekend.
А — да, В — да
Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях?А) We wanted to hope that everything would be fine.В) We wanted to hope that everything will be fine.
А — да, В — нет
Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях?А) We were having dinner when they were arriving.В) She was lying in bed when she heard a noise downstairs.
А — нет, В — да
Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях?А) What happened after he had left the boat?В) What did he do after he had entered the West?
А — да, В — да
Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях?А) What song was you singing when we came?В) What will you doing at 10?
А — нет, В — нет
Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях?А) What you do now?В) I am washing dishes now.
А — нет, В — да
Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях?А) When he was getting sunstroke, he was playing tennis.В) He took an exam from 3 till 4.
А — нет, В — нет
Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях?А) Where your brother work?В) Why they working at 5?
А — нет, В — нет
Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях?А) Why haven’t you done all the exercises? You are not ready for the lesson.В) My friends will have prepared for the test by the end of the week.
А — да, В — да
Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях?А) You shouldn’t to eat much bread and butter.В) You needn’t do it. I will do it myself.
А — нет, В — да
Соедините части предложений
It usually==rains here in autumn.,,It will be==raining at this time tomorrow.,,Look!It is==raining now!
Соедините части предложений
I met people==in the park.,,She was lying in bed==when she heard a noise downstairs.,,They gave me and my friend==a lift home.
Соедините части предложений
Our teacher asked us==to stop talking.,,The two women were==talking like old friends,,Who were you talking==to when I met you?
Соедините части предложений
He was crossing the road in the wrong place==when the car hit him.,,I was doing morning==exercises at that time yesterday.,,Look!My friend is==walkingwithherdog.
Соедините части предложений
He is==working just now.,,It is raining==now.,,When does your mother==work?
Соедините части предложений
What are you doing==now?,,What was he doing==at 5 yesterday?,,What will you be doing==at 5 tomorrow?
Соедините части предложений
I was at my summer cottage one afternoon sitting in front of the fire==and watching the TV.,,I will waif for you==tomorrow.OK?,,Somebody rang the door bell. I wasn’t expecting anyone,==so I was quite surprised.
Соедините части предложений
My friends and I usually==travel together.,,When he called me, I==was traveling at that time.,,When she came into my office, I was==speaking on the phone.
Соедините части предложений
Did you ski==last Sunday?,,Look at these children:==they are skating very well.,,Where does Kate usually==go after lessons?
Соедините части предложений
I was walking along the street when I saw==a friend of mine.,,She was reading the notes while she==heard a noise near her flat.,,We were getting ready for the lesson when our==teacher came in.
Соедините части предложений
I had met him==by that time.,,They invited us to the show==which we had already seen.,,We haven’t==come yet.
Соедините части предложений
Everyone was sent==an invitation to the feast.,,These cars are==made in Korea.,,When are the documents given==to the married couple?
Соедините части предложений
Thehousehasalready==beenbuilt.,,The house is==being built at the moment.,,The house was==built last year.
Соедините части предложений
He asked me==to call him.,,He asked me if I had==called him.,,He asked me not to==call him.
Соедините части предложений
If you call me==I’ll go to the cinema with you.,,If you called me==I would go to the cinema with you.,,If you had called me yesterday==I would have gone to the cinema with you.
Соедините части предложений
If it had rained yesterday==we would have stayed at home.,,If it rained==we would stay at home.,,If it rains==we’ll stay at home.
Соедините части предложений
We would have read the article==if we had had timeyesterday.,,We would read the article==if we had time now.,,We’ll read the article==if we have time.
Соедините части предложений
I would be at home==if you came.,,I would have been at home 2 days ago==if you had come.,,I’ll be at home==if you come.
Соедините части предложений
If I had watched TV that evening,==I would have told you.,,If I watch TV this evening,==I will tell you.,,If I watched TV this evening,==I would tell you.
Соедините части предложений
I would do the ironing==if I stayed at home,,I would have done the ironing==if I had stayed at home,,If I stay at home,==I will do the ironing
Соедините части предложений
If someone at a party asked me,==I’d dancewith her.,,If they knew the answer,==they’d tellyou.,,We’ll have an accident==if you drive sofast.
Соедините части предложений
I’d travelabroad==if I had the money.,,If I were you,==I’d takean umbrella.,,If we do our homework, we’ll be==able to watch TV.
Соедините части предложений
If I had more time,==I’d travel.,,If I want,==I’ll do it myself.,,If it snows,==I’ll put on my warm cap.
Соедините части предложений
If he had known me better==he would have helped me.,,If he knew me better==he would help me.,,If he knows me better==he will help me.
Соедините части предложений
It==has stopped raining.,,It has already==rained today.,,It has been==raining since morning today.
Соедините части предложений
Have you ever==done such kind of work?,,She will have done the work==by this time.,,Where have you been==sitting since morning?
Соедините части предложений
I will have==done everything by 6.,,I’d cut my finger==so I went to the doctor.,,I’ve cut my finger.==Look!
Соедините части предложений
Her brother had become ill==before she got there.,,I bought these shoes after==I had tried them on.,,The train had left when the guard==blew his whistle.
Соедините части предложений
He had decided to go to Moscow==beforehecalledher.,,He has forgotten to take his==passport.,,He will have packed his suitcase==before he calls a taxi.
Соедините части предложений
He has been putting his car to the garage==for 15 minutes.,,I didn’t do my homework==because I had left my books at home.,,The children will have come to the cinema==by 4.
Соедините части предложений
It has already==rained.,,It has been==raining since morning.,,We have==seen Mary today.
Соедините части предложений
Our students will have passed==the exams by February.,,They haven’t==decided it yet.,,They promised that they would have arrived==by the end of the week.
Соедините части предложений
My brother==asked me not to play with him.,,My brother asked me==to play with him.,,My brother asks me to==play with him.
Соедините части предложений
I knew that==you were ill.,,I knew that you had==been ill a week before.,,I know==that you are ill.
Соедините части предложений
We didn’t know that you==worked there.,,We didn’t know that you had==worked there 2 years before.,,We didn’t know that you were==working there at that time.
Соедините части предложений
She said that her friend==was a doctor.,,She said that her friend had==been a doctor before.,,She said that her friend would==become a doctor soon.
Соедините части предложений
The boys were taken care==of.,,The doctor was sent==for.,,These figures were referred==to.
Соедините части предложений
Fiat cars are==known all over the world.,,Hamburgers are eaten==in many countries,,MacDonald’s hamburgers==are sold in the whole world.
Соедините части предложений
It has already==been done by my mother.,,It was==done by my mother.,,It will==have been done by her by 7.
Соедините части предложений
I am often invited to go to the park==by my friends.,,The exam is being==taken by the students of our group just now.,,Warm beds are==liked by cats.
Соедините части предложений
He is==writing an e-mail message now.,,The e-mail message has just==been written.,,The e-mail messages are==often written.
Соедините части предложений
At the station they will==be met by their friends.,,They are always==met by their friends.,,They have just==been met.
Соедините части предложений
My question is==being answered now.,,My question was==answered 5 minutes ago.,,My question will==be answered in a week.
Соедините части предложений
Can you help==me with myEnglish?,,I needn’t use==this tape – recorder.,,Will you be able to==do it in time?
Соедините части предложений
They have to sign this==contract at the meeting. Everything will be fine!,,We might do this work==ourselves.,,You needn’t do==this work today. I will do it myself.
Соедините части предложений
They are having==dinner now.,,They have just==had dinner.,,They usually have==dinner at 2.
Соедините части предложений
May I use==your computer?,,My colleague==could translate this difficult article. His English is perfect.,,She must be==very busy.
Соедините части предложений
I am to==cook dinner for my family.,,Pasta in Italy is to be eaten as a==a starter.,,We are to read books==in the evenings.
Соедините части предложений
Cereal should usually be eaten==for breakfast.,,I have to help==my brother. He is in trouble.,,Soup should usually==be eaten in the afternoon.
Соедините части предложений
Although we quite like pasta,==we don’t have to eat it very often.,,I like salad with meat or fish==but my husband needn’t eat meat.,,We can==swim well.
Соедините части предложений
Do you have==to change your mind?,,She ought to==return books to the library.,,The weather must==change. I hope.
Соедините части предложений
can==мочь (физическая возможность),,may==мочь (иметь разрешение),,must== должен, обязан
Соедините части предложений
We knew that he==lived here,,We knew that he had lived here==2 years before.,,We knew that he would live here==in future.
Соедините части предложений
I am sure he==is a student.,,I was sure he==was a student.,,I was sure he would==be a student soon.
Соедините части предложений
He said it usually==rained here in autumn.,,He said it was==raining at that time.,,He said it would==be raining from 3 till 4.
Соедините части предложений
We didn’t know where our friends==went every evening.,,We didn’t know where our friends had==gone.,,We didn’t know where our friends would==go the next week.
Соедините части предложений
He can’t do it==himself.,,I can’t do it==myself.,,We can’t do it==ourselves.
Соедините части предложений
I==am to swim in the swimming pool at 5.,,I can==swim in the swimming pool.,,I want==to swim in the swimming pool.

Сообщение отредактировал Валентинка03: 28 May 2014 — 11:13

49 месяцев назад

Listen! I (want/am wanting) to ask you а few questions. 2. ‘Where is John?’ ‘He (has/is having) а smoke in the garden.’

3. How do you make this cake? It (tastes/is tasting) wonderful. 4. Those jeans (look/are looking) great on you! 5. Jane can’t come to the phone because she (washes/is washing) her hair. 6. I (don’t like/am not liking) football very much. 7. We usually (go/are going) to the seaside in summer. 8. I (think/am thinking) of going to university. 9. (Do you study/Are you studying) for your exams at the moment? 10. (Do you see/Are you seeing) my problem? 11. Can you be quiet, please? I (listen/am listening) to the radio. 12. He (thinks/is thinking) that school is boring. 13. They (meet/are meeting) for lunch once а month. 14. Ann paid for the boat so it (belongs/is belonging) to her now. 15. John! Answer the door, please! I (make/am making) dinner. 16. I (don’t enjoy/am not enjoying) cooking very much. 17. It (rains/is raining) а lot in this region in winter. 18. I (prefer/am preferring) volleyball to basketball. 19. (Do you know/Are you knowing) what’s happening? 20. We (have/are having) а house near the beach..



49 месяцев назад

1. want to ask

2. is having a smoke

3. it tastes wonderful

4. are looking great

5. Is washing

6. don’t like

7. We usually go

8. I am thinking

9. Are you studying

10. Do you see

11. I am listening

12. He thinks

13. They meet

14. It is belonging

15. I am making

16. I don’t enjoy

17. It rains

18. I prefer

19. Do you know

20. We have

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