Lower blue lever ошибка

  • #1

Здравствуйте, уважаемые. Подскажите, пожалуйста, вот что. Принтер, модель в теме написана, включается, инициализируется, выдаёт «Lower blue lever» и всё. Далше не грузится. Я где-то датчик повредил? Где он вообще?

  • #2

Ответ: HP Designjet 500 ps — Lower blue lever

Ну что тут можно сказать, только «Lower blue lever».. Опустите синий рычажок и прочтите наконец документацию.

  • #3

Ответ: HP Designjet 500 ps — Lower blue lever

splxgf — Спасибо КЭП! А чем можно вывести пятна от пятновыводителя?
_MBK_ — причём ждесь картридж?

  • #5

Ответ: HP Designjet 500 ps — Lower blue lever

Спасибо. Сколько-ж раз говорил себе «Ищи в Гугле, а не в яндексе»…:( Интересно будет сейчас найти этот датчик…

  • #6

Ответ: HP Designjet 500 ps — Lower blue lever

Не, оказалось всё на удивление просто. Защитная панель слева отодвигается. В ней окошко. За окошком лапка, за лапкой датчик. На синем рычажке выступ. Закрываешь, он попадает в окошко, нажимает на лапку, та на датчик. Панельку сдвинуть надо было…

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#1 11 августа 2003г. 19:18:48

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Тема: Как обслуживается плоттер HP DJ 500?

Подскажите, пожалуйста, как часто нужно менять перья у плоттера HP DJ500?

#2 Ответ от ABoltrushko 1 сентября 2003г. 13:06:28

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Re: Как обслуживается плоттер HP DJ 500?

У HP DJ500, вообще то, перьев нет. Он струйный. И меняются, вроде бы, там только катриджи с чернилами.

#3 Ответ от AndrewP 2 сентября 2003г. 07:28:18

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Re: Как обслуживается плоттер HP DJ 500?

Иногда и печатающие головки приходиться менять… На панели управления плоттера можно посмотреть процент использования ресурса головки. Но это если печатаете на фирменной бумаге. Если на российской, то головки выходят из строя раньше (80-90% использования ресурса).

#4 Ответ от ABoltrushko 3 сентября 2003г. 14:16:30

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Re: Как обслуживается плоттер HP DJ 500?

> AndrewP
Да, да, да…
1. При спешке забыл упомянуть, что есть катриджи объединенные с печатающими головками.
2. Отдельные головки, при редком использовании, приходится менять очень часто (засыхают)…

#5 Ответ от Kain 28 апреля 2004г. 17:10:30

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Re: Как обслуживается плоттер HP DJ 500?

Вообще-то менять ничего при засыхании не нужно, достаточно купить старый советский чайник и пропарить над носиком головку пока «из носа не потечёт»…

#6 Ответ от Геннадий aka PG 28 апреля 2004г. 17:25:52

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Re: Как обслуживается плоттер HP DJ 500?

Аналогичный принтер служит уже 4-ый год.
Меняем тока катриджи, бумага рулонная фирменная, но были и листы нашего доброго Ватмана.

#7 Ответ от Kupr 3 февраля 2005г. 17:46:06

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Re: Как обслуживается плоттер HP DJ 500?

Плоттер HP DJ 500 при включении выдает ошибку :System Error 21:10. В чем проблема?

#8 Ответ от Юра 13 февраля 2005г. 14:16:54

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Re: Как обслуживается плоттер HP DJ 500?

> Kupr
обнови firmware
его мона скачать с www.hp.com

#9 Ответ от Мощный Автокадчик 3 февраля 2006г. 19:16:49

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Re: Как обслуживается плоттер HP DJ 500?

Ошибка 21:10 может проявиться из-за аварийного пропадания питания и сбоя в  действиях ЭВМ? Это сказывается на логике работы на блока очистки головок.(Servicе Station)

Как лечить?

Поймать момент при включении  питания момент выхода  каретки выходит из штатного места и сразу выключить питание.

Затем надо открыть правый Кейс плоттера и прокрутить рукой ось двигателя  механизма блока очистки головок, который находится внизу справа (Servicе Station). Тем самым надо   выдвинуть чистящий блок вперед до предела на себя. Затем вернуть каретку с головками  на место вправо   до момента совмещения  головок с лепестками очистки головок.

Включить питание.Иногода включение питания надо произвести несколько раз.

Имею опыт работы с четырьмя плоттерами — дефект появлялся на всех четырех при сбоях в сети.

Питание выключать надо только кнопкой или не выключать круглосуточно.

Плоттер очень надежен, если к нему не подпускать специалистов из HP-центра в Москве.

Они чинят аппаратуру заменой блоков целиком (иногда б/у) и нагревают вас на деньги.

#10 Ответ от Максим 8 апреля 2006г. 13:20:45

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Re: Как обслуживается плоттер HP DJ 500?

подскажит может кто  HP dj500 произапуске выдаёт сообщение LOW BLUE LEVER (НИЗКИЙ СИНИЙ РЫЧАГ)  ЧТО ДЕЛАТЬ?????

#11 Ответ от Алексей 15 апреля 2006г. 00:45:32

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Re: Как обслуживается плоттер HP DJ 500?

Ну зачем же так дословно, в жудожественом переводе это звучит: «Низкий уровень синего».

#12 Ответ от Владимир Громов 15 апреля 2006г. 04:57:26

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Re: Как обслуживается плоттер HP DJ 500?

> Алексей
Но там действительно есть синий рычаг, и его предлагается опустить. А уровень — это скорее LEVEL, а не LEVER.

#13 Ответ от Алексей 15 апреля 2006г. 12:11:29

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Re: Как обслуживается плоттер HP DJ 500?

Согласен, невнимательно прочел. Похоже, что он ругается на синий рычажок, который справа, рядом с панелью управления. Надо смотреть на датчик, который отслеживает его положение. К сожалению не помню как до него добраться, давно уже не ковырялся с этим агрегатом. Я вообще-то  специализируюсь на лазерниках, а плоттеры попадаются от случая к случаю.

#14 Ответ от Диспетчер 4 июня 2006г. 09:31:30

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Re: Как обслуживается плоттер HP DJ 500?

До этого рычажка и добираться то не надо!!! Не пишите о том чего не знаете! Нужно открыть переднюю крышку и вот ОН этот рычажек — слева!!!

#15 Ответ от Oliver Apper 7 июня 2006г. 09:13:12

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Re: Как обслуживается плоттер HP DJ 500?

У меня такой же плоттер.
После проведения калибровки не хочет выполнять проверку калибровки.
Пишет ошибку 61:05
Что делать?
Печатает вроде всё нормально.

#16 Ответ от Макс 7 июля 2006г. 08:34:53

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Re: Как обслуживается плоттер HP DJ 500?

System Error: 61:05
Error Processing Job. This Error Code only appears in HP DesignJets 800 Series, or in the HP DesignJet 500 Series with an HP-GL/2 card installed, when processing either a PostScript or HP-GL/2 file.
Corrective Action: Try the following:
_ Switch the Printer Off and wait a few minutes. Switch the Printer On again and resend the file that you were trying to print.
_ If the Error Code reappears after resending the file, then try generating the file again and try to print again.
_ If the file that is causing this error is PostScript, check if it is Binary. If the file is Binary, use AppleTalk to send the file to the Printer. If AppleTalk is not being used to send the Binary file to the Printer, then change the PostScript settings to Binary through the Front Panel (Set-up menu / PS settings / Encoding / Binary).
_ If the Error Code continues to reappear, check for a new release of the Driver.

#17 Ответ от boris 25 июля 2006г. 14:48:22

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Re: Как обслуживается плоттер HP DJ 500?

Какими чернилами можно заправлять HP500, без последующей замены головок?

#18 Ответ от Vlad 8 декабря 2006г. 17:35:14

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Re: Как обслуживается плоттер HP DJ 500?

Плиз. Подскажите можно—ли заправлять
плотер DJ500 если можно то чем, и как обстоят дела с обнулением картреджей.
Зарание всем спасибо!

#19 Ответ от iap 11 декабря 2006г. 12:03:31

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Re: Как обслуживается плоттер HP DJ 500?

Плоттер HP DJ 500 при включении выдает ошибку :System Error 21:10. В чем проблема?
Совет «Мощного автокадчика» от 03.02.06
не помогает. После тестового прохода в крайнее
левое положение головка позиционируется в крайнее правое, чистится и уходит на начало листа вместо того чтобы оставаться на исходной позиции, при этом выдается вышеупомянутое сообщение.

#20 Ответ от stager 29 марта 2007г. 07:07:18

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Re: Как обслуживается плоттер HP DJ 500?

Подскажите. Можно ли как-нть обнулять данные с печатающих головок? А то проблемма в том что после 100% использования — может в любой момент остановиться. Хотя прошлая печатающая головка (черная) проработала 236%.
Мне нужно хотя бы чтобы еще чуть проработал пока заменить. А фирма не хочет чтобы просто так лежала головка

#21 Ответ от veter 10 апреля 2007г. 16:19:19

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Re: Как обслуживается плоттер HP DJ 500?

Error 11:11 появляется когда принтер готов к работе, посылаю задание с WORDA формат бум А3 задание читается, а потом Error 11:11 с большим ! (воскл знаком)

#22 Ответ от Алексей 12 апреля 2007г. 00:08:43

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Re: Как обслуживается плоттер HP DJ 500?

Шлейф самый толстый и длинный, который идет к головкам через всю машину, отошел. Бывало что его вообще выдерало. А еще по моему такое бывает когда прошивка гавкается.

#23 Ответ от Руслан 15 апреля 2007г. 21:23:05

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Re: Как обслуживается плоттер HP DJ 500?

При печате из корела выдает нехватает памяти (160mb)

#24 Ответ от Kharinomus 25 декабря 2007г. 14:49:47

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Re: Как обслуживается плоттер HP DJ 500?

Доброго времени суток.
Подскажите пожалуйсто в чём трабла.
Плоттер hp500 печатаю из photoshop’а с размерами бумаги всё нормально, отправляю на печать он печатает иногда см 30 иногда 50-60 (всего документ метр) затем на компе вылазит ошибка не удаётся напечатать этот документ, плоттер перестает печатать и стоит шуршит. и всё Раньше всё работало, с чем связано не пойму.

#25 Ответ от arsem 8 января 2008г. 17:03:13

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Re: Как обслуживается плоттер HP DJ 500?

Работает 3-ий год не останавливаясь с 8 до 20 часов ,за год печатаю 20 км.кв.(медленно но уверено) c 50-ти компов. Чернила только оригинальные НР. При печати чертежей, ресурс головок до 200-300%.
За все время менял:
1.головки,и то чаще Чорные
2.ручку(синию) треснула или оторвали?
3.резак в сборе
4.ремень привода кареки (резак затупился, замял лист и шкив мотора «срезал» зубья ремня) надо за ним смотреть при работе!!! Для этого поставил напротив веб камеру(d-link dcs-950),видно и слышно.
Да,есть файл ПДФ сервисная инструкция к 500 и 800
Читай readme.txt в драйверах(в старых есть даже спец. опция), настрой драйвер и вперед:
Large-File Problems
If you experience some problems when printing very large drawings
or long plots, please ensure that your system drive has at least
800 Mb of free space.
You may also find it helpful to disable print spooling, as
Under Windows XP or Windows Server 2003:
Start -> Control Panel -> Printer and faxes -> Properties
-> Advanced -> «Print directly to printer»
Timeout for Complex Print Jobs
For particularly complex drawings you may need to change the
printer spool settings. This may be done as follows:
Under Windows XP or Windows Server 2003:
Start -> Control Panel -> Printer and faxes -> Properties
-> Advanced -> «Start printing after last page is spooled»

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принтер выдает ошибку Lift Lever

Доброе время суток. Столкнулся со следующей проблемой. При заправке материала мне принтер выдает ошибку Lift Lever. Много раз подымаешь рычаг который ролики прижимает, опускаешь -он все пишет — lift lever. Потом проходит. Но при каждой заправке материала — все повторяется. Много времени уходит на то что бы запустить работу. Нижний рычаг стоит в правильном положении(на себя). Датчик менял — рабочий.


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Сообщение Bogdan » 04 апр 2011 19:22

замена мотора подачи материала(в моем случае было) либо движения каретки вам светит


Сообщение spectrof » 04 апр 2011 21:54

не закрыты 2 датчика на столе, не открыт датчик там где рулон стоит, либо вылетел концевик из разъема

Другого не дано

Аватара пользователя


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Сообщение vas » 04 апр 2011 23:53

замена мотора каретки в данном случае более вероятна…


Сообщение Zion » 05 апр 2011 15:22

Спасибо . Помог совет spectrof. Еще раз спасибо всем)))

Denis 82

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Сообщение Denis 82 » 10 янв 2012 13:04

Доброе время суток. Появилась такая проблема — после включения принтера, когда во время проверки начинает двигаться материал, появляется ошибка LIFT LEVER & 2 OPEN REAR COVER :cry: Принтер реагирует только на поднятие передней крышки, после опускания крышки ошибка меняется на LIFT LEVER. Заменили моторы каретки и материала. Не помогло. Датчик окончания материала в порядке. 2 датчика на столе закрыты.

Очень жду любую информацию.



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Сообщение керим » 05 дек 2013 15:23

у меня такая же ошибка только LIFT LEVER & 1 OPEN REAR COVER, помогите



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Сообщение sl » 05 дек 2013 15:56


Вам же в соседней теме написали что проверить, вы каретку отводили в другую сторону?

Волшебной палочки тут ни у кого нет.

ЗЫ Подпись у вас интересная.



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Сообщение керим » 05 дек 2013 16:12

делал я так но не помогает



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Сообщение sl » 06 дек 2013 09:06

керим писал(а): (→)делал я так но не помогает

А он по вашему сразу волшебным образом должен был заработать ? :?

Что происходило когда вы каретку передвинули и включили — двигалась она на парковку или нет?


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The paper cannot be loaded successfully

  • Ensure no paper is loaded.

  • Ensure the paper is far enough inside the printer, you should feel the printer grab the paper.

  • Do not attempt to straighten the paper during the aligning process, unless instructed to do so by the front-panel display. The printer automatically attempts to straighten the paper.

  • The paper may be crumpled, or warped, or may have irregular edges.

General unsuccessful roll load issues

  • If the paper does not load, the leading edge of the paper may not be straight or clean and needs to be trimmed. Remove the initial 2 cm (1 in) from the roll and try again. This may be necessary even with a new roll of paper.

  • Ensure the roll ends are tight against the spindle ends.

  • Check that the spindle is correctly inserted.

  • Check that the paper is correctly loaded on the spindle, and that it loads over the roll towards you.

  • Check that all roll end plugs have been removed.

  • Check that the paper is wound tightly on the roll.

  • Do not touch the roll or paper at during the alignment process.

Unsuccessful roll load with 24-inch printer

On a 24-inch printer, if the paper has not been inserted straight, the front panel displays the following instructions.

  1. When prompted by the front-panel display, lift the blue lever on the left. The printer attempts to straighten the roll.

  2. When prompted by the front-panel display, lower the blue lever. The printer checks the alignment. If the roll is aligned, the printer measures the width and you are now ready to print.

    If the roll is still not aligned, the front panel displays an error and instructions.

  3. When prompted by the front-panel display, lift the blue lever on the left.

  4. Rewind the roll from the end of the spindle until the edge is on the blue line.

  5. Press OK, on the front panel.

  6. When prompted by the front-panel display, lower the lever. The printer checks the alignment. If the roll is aligned, the printer measures the width and you are now ready to print.

    If the roll is still not aligned, the front panel displays an error and instructions to start again at step three.

    If you would like to start the load process again, cancel the process on the front panel and rewind the roll from the end of the spindle until the edge is removed from the printer.

Unsuccessful roll load with 44-inch printer

On a 44-inch printer, if the paper has not been inserted straight, the front panel displays the following instructions.

  1. When prompted by the front-panel display, lift the blue lever on the left. The printer attempts to straighten the roll.

  2. When prompted by the front-panel display, lower the blue lever. The printer checks the alignment. If the roll is aligned, the printer measures the width and you are now ready to print.

    If the roll is still not aligned, the front panel displays an error and instructions to start again.

    If you would like to start the load process again, cancel the process on the front panel and rewind the roll from the end of the spindle until the edge is removed from the printer.


If the roll has become loose around the core, the printer cannot load the paper.

Unsuccessful sheet load

  • Guide the sheet, especially thick papers, when the printer initially feeds the sheet.

  • Do not attempt to straighten the sheet during the loading process, unless instructed to by the front-panel display. The printer automatically attempts to straighten the sheet.

  • Do not use hand-cut sheets, which may be of irregular shapes. Use only purchased sheets.

If the sheet is not caught by the printer, the front-panel display asks you to push paper further into the printer, and tries to feed the paper again.

If the sheet is caught by the printer but is not inserted straight, the front panel displays the following instructions.

  1. When prompted by the front-panel display, lift the blue lever on the left.

  2. Adjust the sheet to align with the front and right side blue lines.

  3. Once the sheet is aligned, press OK on the front panel.

  4. When prompted by the front-panel display, lower the blue lever. The printer checks the alignment. If the sheet is aligned, the printer measures the sheet and feed it out the back into the roll feed. You are now ready to print.

    If the sheet is still not aligned, the front panel displays an error and instructions to start again.

    If you would like to start the load process again, cancel the process on the front panel and the printer ejects the sheet out the front.

Paper loading error messages

Here is a list of front-panel display messages related to paper loading, with the suggested corrective action.

front-panel display message

Suggested action

Paper incorrectly loaded

The paper has not been loaded correctly; the edge was not aligned with the load guide. Lift the blue lever, remove paper, and lower lever.

Paper not found

During the paper load process the printer did not detect any paper. Ensure the paper is inserted fully and is not transparent.

Paper loaded with too much skew

During the paper load process the printer detected that the paper had too much skew. Follow the instructions on the front-panel display.

Paper too small

During the load process the printer detected that the paper is too narrow or too short to be loaded in the printer. Press the Cancel key to stop the load process. See Functional specifications.

Paper too big

During the load process the printer has detected that the paper is either too wide or too long (sheet only) to be loaded correctly. Press the Cancel key to stop the load process. See Functional specifications.

Paper loose around core

The end of the roll has become loose around the core. Tighten the paper to the core or insert a new roll.

Lever lifted

During the load process the blue lever was lifted. This prevents the printer from loading the paper. Follow the instructions on the front-panel display.

The paper type is not in the driver

To work with a paper not in the driver, you can use your paper as one of the profiles already in the driver, however, you must identify whether your paper is transparent or translucent, glossy, matte, or HP Banners with Tyvek®.


For glossy paper, it is important to use a glossy paper type, as matte black ink does not print well on glossy paper.

Transparent or translucent paper

If your paper is a transparent film (for example, a transparency) select paper type Film > Transparent/Clear film.

If you paper is a translucent paper (for example, technical paper) select paper type Technical paper > Natural Tracing Paper, Vellum, or Translucent bond.

Glossy paper

If your paper is glossy, identify whether it is a photo paper or a proofing paper. If you are not sure consider it photo paper.

If your paper is a photo paper, use the Photo Paper category. For glossy or high-gloss paper select paper type Photo Gloss Paper. For Semi-gloss, Satin, Pearl, or Luster finishes, select paper type Semi-gloss/Satin Paper.

To increase gamut on photo paper select paper type HP Premium Instant-dry Photo Gloss or HP Premium Instant-dry Photo Satin, depending on the finish.

If your paper is a proofing paper, use the Proofing Paper category. For glossy or high-gloss paper select paper type Proofing Gloss. Otherwise, for Semi-gloss, Pearl, or Luster finishes, select paper type Proofing Semi-gloss/Satin.

To increase gamut on proofing paper select paper type HP Professional High-gloss Contract Proofing Paper or HP Professional Semi-gloss Contract Proofing Paper, depending on the finish.

If you are printing on a glossy banner (for example, HP Instant-Dry Indoor Banner, Gloss) select paper type Photo Gloss Paper.

Matte Paper

Your paper type selection for matte paper depends on the paper’s ink absorption capacity. To select a paper category and type, first identify if your paper is general purpose or photographic. Then select the recommended paper types.

General purpose paper

  • For thin papers (< 90 g/m2) uncoated papers (for example plain paper or bright white paper) select paper type Bond and Coated > Plain Paper.

  • For light coated papers (<110 g/m2), select paper type Bond and Coated > Coated Paper.

  • For heavyweight coated papers (<200 g/m2), select paper type Bond and Coated > Heavyweight Coated Paper.

  • For cockle-free very thick coated papers (> 200 g/m2), select paper type Bond and Coated > Super Heavyweight Coated Paper.


    Only use this option if you are sure your paper does not wrinkle when printed.

Photographic paper

For photographic paper, select paper type Photo Paper > Photo Matte Paper.

HP Banners with Tyvek®

For HP Banners with Tyvek®, select paper type Photo Paper > Photo Gloss Paper.

Black ink is easily removed when touched

This happens when your paper is incompatible with matte black ink. To use non-matte black ink, select paper type Photo Paper > Photo Gloss Paper.

After printing, the paper has wrinkles or there is too much ink

This happens when too much ink is used. To use less ink, select a thinner category. Matte paper categories from thinnest to thickest are:

  • Plain Paper

  • Coated Paper

  • Heavyweight Coated Paper

  • Super Heavyweight Coated Paper

For other image quality problems, see Troubleshooting print-quality issues.

The paper has jammed

When a paper jam occurs, you normally see the Possible paper jam message in the front-panel display.

  1. Power off the printer at the front panel and also switch it off at the rear.

    Figure : Switching off the printer

  2. Open the window.

    Figure : Opening the window

  3. Try to move the printhead carriage out of the way.

    Figure : Storing printhead carriage

  4. Lift the blue lever as far up as it will go.

    Figure : Lifting blue lever

  5. Carefully remove any of the jammed paper that you can lift up and out from the top of the printer.

    Figure : Removing jammed paper

  6. Standing behind the printer, rewind the roll or pull the cut sheet from the printer. If you cannot see the paper, return to the front of the printer and remove it from the output tray.


    Do not move the paper sideways, as it could damage the printer.

    Figure : Removing jammed paper, do not move sideways

  7. Carefully remove all small pieces of paper.

    Figure : Removing small pieces

  8. Lower the blue lever.

    Figure : Lowering lever

  9. Close window.

    Figure : Closing window

  10. Switch on the printer.

    Figure : Switching on printer

  11. Reload the roll, or load a new sheet see Paper handling.


If you find that there is still some paper causing an obstruction within the printer, restart the procedure and carefully remove all pieces of paper.

The printer displays out of paper when paper is available

If the roll has become loose from its core, it will not feed correctly and the printer will not load the paper. If possible, tighten the paper to its core or load a new roll.

Prints do not fall nicely into the basket

  • Ensure the basket is correctly installed.

  • Ensure the basket is open.

  • Ensure the basket not full.

  • Paper often tends to curl near the end of a roll, which can cause output problems. Load a new roll, or remove prints manually as they are completed.

The sheet stays in the printer when the print has been completed

The printer holds the paper to allow the print to dry after printing, see Change the drying time. If the paper is only partially ejected after the drying time, gently pull the sheet out of the printer. If the automatic cutter is disabled, use the Form feed and cut key on the front panel, see Feed and cut the paper.

The paper is cut when the print has been completed

By default the printer cuts the paper after the drying time has been completed, see Change the drying time. You can disable the cutter, see Turn the automatic cutter on and off.

The cutter does not cut well

By default the printer is set to automatically cut the paper after the drying time has been completed.

If the cutter is turned on but not cutting correctly, check that the cutter rail is clean and clear of any obstacles.

If the cutter is turned off, the Form feed and cut key only advances the paper. Use this key to move the print far enough out of the front of the printer, until it is convenient to manually cut with a straight edge or scissors.

The roll is loose on the spindle

The roll may need to be replaced or reloaded. If your roll has a three-inch cardboard core, ensure the core adaptors supplied with the printer have been installed, see Load a roll onto the 24-inch spindle.

A strip stays on the output tray and generates jams

If a small piece of paper (200 mm or smaller) has been cut, such as before (if new roll) and after a full-bleed print or after the Form feed and cut key has been pressed, the cut strip remains in the output tray. Only when the printer is not working, reach in the tray and remove the strip.

Figure : Removing strip

Recalibrate the paper advance

Accurate paper advance is important to image quality because it is part of controlling the proper placement of dots on the paper. If the paper is not advanced the proper distance between printhead passes, light or dark bands appear in the print and image grain may increase.

The printer is calibrated to advance correctly with all the papers appearing in the front panel. When you select the type of loaded paper, the printer adjusts the rate at which to advance the paper while printing. However, if you are not satisfied with the default calibration of your paper, you may need to recalibrate the rate at which the paper advances. See Troubleshooting print-quality issues for steps to determine if paper advance calibration will solve your issue.

You can check the paper advance calibration status of the currently loaded paper at any time by pressing the View loaded paper key on the front panel. The status may be one of the following.

  • DEFAULT: This status appears when loading any paper that has not been calibrated. HP papers in the Front Panel have been optimized by default and unless you experience image quality problems in your printed image such as banding or graininess it is not recommended to recalibrate the paper advance.

  • OK: This status indicates that the loaded paper has been calibrated before. However you may need to repeat the calibration if you experience image quality problems such as banding or graininess in your printed image.


    Whenever you update the printer’s firmware, the paper advance calibration values are reset to factory default, see Update the firmware.


Transparent papers and films must be calibrated using Image Quality Maintenance menu icon , then Paper advance calibration > Adjust paper advance, from step four in the Recalibrating the paper advance procedure.

Recalibrating the paper advance procedure

  1. Press the Menu key to return to the main menu and select the Image Quality Maintenance menu icon , then Calibrate paper advance. The printer automatically recalibrates the paper advance and prints a paper advance calibration image.

  2. Wait until the front panel displays the status screen and re-print your print.


    The recalibration procedure takes approximately three minutes. Do not worry about the paper advance calibration image. The front-panel display shows any errors in the process.

    If you are satisfied with your print continue using this calibration for your paper type. If you see improvement in your print, continue with step three. If you are dissatisfied with the recalibration, return to the default calibration, see Return to default calibration.

  3. If you would like to fine-tune the calibration or are using a transparent paper, press the Menu key to return to the main menu and select the Image Quality Maintenance menu icon , then Paper advance calibration > Adjust paper advance.

  4. Select the percentage of change from -100% to 100%. To correct light banding, decrease the percentage. To correct dark banding, increase the percentage.

  5. Press the OK key on the front panel, to save the value.

  6. Wait until the front panel displays the status screen and re-print your print.

Return to default calibration

Returning to the default calibration sets all the corrections made by the paper advance calibration to zero. To return to the default paper advance calibration value, you must reset the calibration.

  1. Press the Menu key to return to the main menu and select the Image Quality Maintenance menu icon , then Paper advance calibration > Reset paper advance


  2. Wait until the front panel displays the operation has completed successfully before pressing the back key to return to the main menu.

Video HP Designjet T1300 printer - how to load rolls of media (author: HP Plotter)05:37

HP Designjet T1300 printer — how to load rolls of media

Video Обзор и демонстрация функций плоттера HP Designjet T520 24-in ePrinter (author: Andernbolt tv)09:06

Обзор и демонстрация функций плоттера HP Designjet T520 24-in ePrinter

Video HP Designjet T790 and T1300 - Loading Media (author: TheEdupaul)05:34

HP Designjet T790 and T1300 — Loading Media

Video HP Designjet T790 and T1300 Walk-Around (author: TheEdupaul)03:30

HP Designjet T790 and T1300 Walk-Around

Video HP Designjet T1300 . Обзор. Сравнение с HP Designjet T1200 (author: ИНТЕРЛИНК)03:27

HP Designjet T1300 . Обзор. Сравнение с HP Designjet T1200

Video HP Designjet T790 and T1300 Enbling Web Connectivity and Updating Firmware (author: TheEdupaul)05:39

HP Designjet T790 and T1300 Enbling Web Connectivity and Updating Firmware

Video HP Designjet T790 and T1300 - Printing from USB and Print Direct (author: TheEdupaul)03:21

HP Designjet T790 and T1300 — Printing from USB and Print Direct

Video HP Designjet T1300 printer how to load rolls of media (author: Almaq Equipamentos)05:37

HP Designjet T1300 printer how to load rolls of media

Unsuccessful roll load

If the paper has not been inserted straight, the front panel displays the following instructions.


When prompted by the front-panel display, lift the blue lever on the left. The printer attempts to

straighten the roll.


When prompted by the front-panel display, lower the blue lever. The printer checks the alignment.

If the roll is aligned, the T1300 printer series prompts you to close the roll cover, and you are now

ready to print.

If the roll is still not aligned, the front panel displays an error and instructions to start again.

If you would like to start the load process again, cancel the process on the front panel and rewind

the roll from the end of the spindle until the edge is removed from the printer.


If the roll has become loose around the core, the printer cannot load the paper.

Unsuccessful sheet load

Guide the sheet, especially thick papers, when the printer initially feeds the sheet.

Ensure that the sheet is aligned with the reference line on the roll cover.

Do not attempt to straighten the sheet during the loading process, unless instructed to by the front-

panel display.

Do not use hand-cut sheets, which may be of irregular shapes. Use only purchased sheets.

In case of any problem, please follow the instructions given on the front-panel display.

If you would like to start the load process again, cancel the process on the front panel; the printer ejects

the sheet from the front of the printer.

Paper loading error messages

Here is a list of front-panel messages related to paper loading, with the suggested corrective action.

Front-panel message

Suggested action

Close the roll cover when the paper load
is finished

Close the roll cover when the paper load is finished.

Lever lifted

During the load process the blue lever was lifted. This prevents the printer from
loading the paper. Follow the instructions on the front-panel display.

Paper incorrectly loaded

The paper has not been loaded correctly. Lift the blue lever, remove the paper and
lower the lever.

Paper loaded with too much skew

During the paper load process the printer detected that the paper had too much
skew. Follow the instructions on the front-panel display.

Paper loose around core

The end of the roll has become loose around the core. Tighten the paper to the
core or insert a new roll.

Paper not detected

During the paper load process the printer did not detect any paper. Ensure the
paper is inserted fully and is not transparent.

Roll cover closed during paper load

Do not close the roll cover until you are prompted to do so by the front panel.


The paper cannot be loaded successfully


Unsuccessful roll load, Unsuccessful sheet load, Paper loading error messages

The paper type is not in the driver, Transparent or translucent paper, Glossy paper

Matte paper, General-purpose paper

  • Image
  • Text

Front-panel message

Suggested action

Sheet too big

During the load process the printer has detected that the sheet of paper is either
too wide or too long to be loaded correctly. Press to stop the load process. See

Functional specifications on page 206


Sheet too small

During the load process the printer detected that the sheet of paper is too narrow
or too short to be loaded in the printer. Press to stop the load process. See

Functional specifications on page 206


Upper roll load and paper is inserted
through the single sheet path

Avoid inserting roll paper into the cut sheet slot.

The paper type is not in the driver

To work with a paper not in the driver, you can use your paper as one of the presets already in the

driver, however, you must identify whether your paper is transparent or translucent, glossy or matte.


For glossy paper, it is important to use a glossy paper type, as matte black ink does not print

well on glossy paper.

Transparent or translucent paper

If your paper is a transparent film (for example, a transparency), select paper type Film >

Transparent/Clear film.

If your paper is a translucent paper (for example, technical paper), select paper type Technical

paper > Natural Tracing Paper, Vellum or Translucent bond.

Glossy paper

If your paper is a photo paper, use the Photo Paper category. For glossy or high-gloss paper select

paper type Photo Gloss Paper. For Semi-gloss, Satin, Pearl or Luster finishes, select paper type

Semi-gloss/Satin Paper.

To increase gamut on photo paper, select paper type HP Universal High-gloss Photo Paper or

HP Universal Semi-gloss Photo Paper, depending on the finish.

Matte Paper

Your paper type selection for matte paper depends on the paper’s ink absorption capacity. To select a

paper category and type, first identify if your paper is general purpose or photographic. Then select

the recommended paper types.

General-purpose paper

For natural tracing papers, select paper type Natural Tracing Paper < 65 g/m2 or Natural

Tracing Paper > 65 g/m2, depending on the weight of the paper.

For thin papers (< 90 g/m


) uncoated papers (for example plain paper or bright white paper)

select paper type Bond and Coated Paper > Plain Paper.

For light coated papers (< 110 g/m


), select paper type Bond and Coated Paper > HP

Coated Paper.


Chapter 16 Troubleshooting paper issues


The paper type is not in the driver, Transparent or translucent paper, Glossy paper

Photographic paper, Black ink is easily removed when touched, The printer printed on the wrong paper type

An “on hold for paper” message (t1300 series)

  • Image
  • Text

For heavyweight coated papers (< 200 g/m


), select paper type Bond and Coated Paper >

Heavyweight Coated Paper.

For cockle-free very thick coated papers (> 200 g/m


), select paper type Bond and Coated

Paper > Super Heavyweight Coated Paper.

Photographic paper

For photographic paper, select paper type Photo Paper > Photo Matte Paper.

Black ink is easily removed when touched

This happens when your paper is incompatible with matte black ink. To use non-matte black ink, select

paper type Photo Paper > Photo Gloss Paper.

After printing, the paper has wrinkles or there is too much ink

This happens when too much ink is used. To use less ink, select a thinner category. Matte paper

categories from thinnest to thickest are:

Plain Paper

Coated Paper

Heavyweight Coated Paper

Super Heavyweight Coated Paper

For other image quality problems, see

Troubleshooting print-quality issues on page 164


The printer printed on the wrong paper type

If the printer prints your job before you were able to load your desired paper, you may have Any

selected for the Paper Type in the printer driver. When Any is selected the printer will print

immediately on whichever paper is loaded. Load your desired paper, see

Paper handling on page 38


and select your paper type specifically in the driver.

In the Windows driver dialog: select the Paper/Quality tab, then select your paper type

from the Paper Type list.

In the Mac OS Print dialog (non-PostScript printers): select the Paper/Quality panel,

then select your paper type from the Paper Type list.

In the Mac OS PostScript Print dialog (PostScript printers): select the Paper/Quality

panel, then select your paper type from the Paper Type list.


Any is the driver default.

An “on hold for paper” message (T1300 series)

Based on a set of conditions that you can set when sending a job (see

Paper mismatch action

on page 26

), the printer will decide which of the loaded rolls of paper is more suitable to print the job.

If there is no roll of paper available that meets all the conditions, the printer will put the job on hold for


The printer printed on the wrong paper type


Photographic paper, Black ink is easily removed when touched, The printer printed on the wrong paper type

When is a job put on hold for paper

Page 164

  • Image
  • Text

paper. You can manually resume the job, forcing it to print on a paper other than the one originally

specified, otherwise it will stay on hold.

Which criteria are used to decide on which roll a job will be

When a user sends a job, the desired paper type can be set (in the driver or in the Embedded Web

Server). The printer will print the job on a roll of paper of the chosen paper type that is large enough to

print the drawing without clipping. If there is more than one roll on which the job could be printed

meeting all the criteria, the roll will be chosen according to your preferences. These can be set from the

front panel: see

Roll switching options on page 27


When is a job put on hold for paper?

If the paper mismatch action is set to Put job on hold (see

Paper mismatch action on page 26

), a job

is put on hold for paper in the following cases:

The paper type that has been selected by the user is not currently loaded on the specified roll—or

on either of the rolls, if no roll has been specified.

The paper type that has been selected by the user is loaded on the specified roll, but the drawing

is too large to fit on the roll—or on either of the rolls, if no roll has been specified.

If I load a new roll of paper, will jobs that were on hold for paper
be automatically printed?

Yes. Every time a new roll of paper is loaded, the printer will check if there are any jobs on hold for

paper that could be printed on the loaded roll.

I don’t like jobs being put on hold for paper. Can I prevent it?

Yes, this can be done from the front panel: see

Paper mismatch action on page 26


I set the option “Paper mismatch action” to Print anyway, but
some jobs are still put on hold

If the Show print preview option is selected in the driver or the Embedded Web Server, jobs are

put on hold until you have checked the preview and resumed the job. Check that the Show print

preview option is not checked in the driver, and that there are no pending preview windows waiting

for confirmation to continue printing.

My job is exactly as wide as the roll of paper that is loaded on the
printer, but is put on hold for paper

Margins are managed in different ways depending on the file type:

For HP-GL/2 and HP RTL files, by default, margins are included inside the drawing, so a 914 mm

(36 in) HP-GL/2 and HP RTL file can be printed on a 914 mm (36 in) roll of paper and will not be

put on hold for paper.

For other file formats, such as PostScript, PDF, TIFF or JPEG, the printer assumes that margins need

to be added outside the drawing (as, in many cases, these formats are used for photographs and


Chapter 16 Troubleshooting paper issues


When is a job put on hold for paper

The roll paper will not advance, The paper has jammed

Page 165

  • Image
  • Text

other images that do not include margins). This means that, to print a 914 mm (36 in) TIFF, the

printer needs to add margins, and the drawing needs 925 mm (36.4 in) of paper to be printed;

this would cause the job to be put on hold if the paper that is loaded on the printer is only 914

mm (36 in) wide.

If you wish to print these file formats without adding extra margins outside of the drawing, the

Clip contents by margins option can be used. This option will force the margins to be set

inside of the drawing, so a 914 mm (36 in) TIFF can be printed on a 914 mm (36 in) roll of paper

without being put on hold. However, if there is no white space already included in the drawing’s

borders, some contents could be clipped because of the margins.

The roll paper will not advance

If you have pushed the printer up against a wall, the roll may be touching the wall at the rear of the

printer. Use the wall spacers to ensure a minimum distance between printer and wall. See

The wall

spacers on page 8


The paper has jammed

When a paper jam occurs, you normally see the Possible paper jam message in the front-panel



Power off the printer at the front panel and also switch it off at the rear.


Open the window.


The roll paper will not advance


The roll paper will not advance, The paper has jammed

Try to move the printhead carriage out of the way…

Page 166

  • Image
  • Text


Try to move the printhead carriage out of the way.


Lift the blue lever as far up as it will go.


Carefully remove any of the jammed paper that you can lift up and out from the top of the printer.


Do not move the paper sideways, as it could damage the printer.


Chapter 16 Troubleshooting paper issues


Try to move the printhead carriage out of the way...

Rewind the roll. If the paper is stuck and cannot be rewou…

Page 167

  • Image
  • Text


Rewind the roll. If the paper is stuck and cannot be rewound further, cut it from the roll.


Remove all pieces of paper from the rear of the printer.


Lower the blue lever.


The paper has jammed


Rewind the roll. If the paper is stuck and cannot be rewou...


Close the window.


Switch on the printer.


Reload the roll, or load a new sheet see

Paper handling on page 38



If you find that there is still some paper causing an obstruction within the printer, restart the

procedure and carefully remove all pieces of paper.

A strip stays on the output tray and generates jams

If a small piece of paper (200 mm or smaller) has been cut, such as before (if new roll) and after a full-

bleed print or after the front panel option Form feed and cut has been used, the cut strip remains in

the output tray. Only when the printer is not printing, reach into the tray and remove the strip.


Chapter 16 Troubleshooting paper issues


Close the window...

Prints do not fall neatly into the basket, The paper is cut when the print has been completed, The cutter does not cut well

The roll is loose on the spindle, Recalibrate the paper advance

  • Image
  • Text

The printer displays out of paper when paper is

If the roll has become loose from its core, it will not feed correctly and the printer will not load the

paper. If possible, tighten the paper to its core or load a new roll.

Prints do not fall neatly into the basket

Ensure the basket is correctly installed.

Ensure the basket is open.

Ensure the basket not full.

Paper often tends to curl near the end of a roll, which can cause output problems. Load a new roll,

or remove prints manually as they are completed.

The sheet stays in the printer when the print has
been completed

The printer holds the paper to allow the print to dry after printing, see

Change the drying time

on page 48

. If the paper is only partially ejected after the drying time, gently pull the sheet out of the

printer. If the automatic cutter is disabled, use the Form feed and cut option in the front panel, see

Feed and cut the paper on page 49


The paper is cut when the print has been completed

By default the printer cuts the paper after the drying time has been completed, see

Change the drying

time on page 48

. You can disable the cutter, see

Turn the automatic cutter on and off on page 48


The cutter does not cut well

By default the printer is set to automatically cut the paper after the drying time has been completed.

If the cutter is turned on but not cutting correctly, check that the cutter rail is clean and clear of any


The roll is loose on the spindle

The roll may need to be replaced or reloaded.

Recalibrate the paper advance

Accurate paper advance is important to image quality because it is part of controlling the proper

placement of dots on the paper. If the paper is not advanced the proper distance between printhead

passes, light or dark bands appear in the print and image grain may increase.


The printer displays out of paper when paper is available


Prints do not fall neatly into the basket, The paper is cut when the print has been completed, The cutter does not cut well

Recalibrating the paper advance procedure

Page 170

  • Image
  • Text

The printer is calibrated to advance correctly with all the papers appearing in the front panel. When

you select the type of loaded paper, the printer adjusts the rate at which to advance the paper while

printing. However, if you are not satisfied with the default calibration of your paper, you may need to

recalibrate the rate at which the paper advances. See

Troubleshooting print-quality issues

on page 164

for steps to determine if paper advance calibration will solve your issue.

You can check the paper advance calibration status of the currently loaded paper at any time by

and then

on the front panel. The status may be one of the following.

DEFAULT: This status appears when loading any paper that has not been calibrated. HP papers in

the Front Panel have been optimized by default and unless you experience image quality

problems in your printed image such as banding or graininess it is not recommended to

recalibrate the paper advance.

OK: This status indicates that the loaded paper has been calibrated before. However you may

need to repeat the calibration if you experience image quality problems such as banding or

graininess in your printed image.


Whenever you update the printer’s firmware, the paper advance calibration values are

reset to factory default, see

Update the firmware on page 138



Transparent papers and films must be calibrated by pressing

, then

, then

Image Quality Maintenance > Paper advance calibration > Adjust paper advance, from

step four in Recalibrating the paper advance procedure.

Recalibrating the paper advance procedure


From the front panel, press

, then

, then Image Quality Maintenance > Paper

advance calibration > Calibrate paper advance. The printer automatically recalibrates the

paper advance and prints a paper advance calibration image.


Wait until the front panel displays the status screen and re-print your print.


The recalibration procedure takes approximately three minutes. Do not worry about the

paper advance calibration image. The front-panel display shows any errors in the process.

If you are satisfied with your print continue using this calibration for your paper type. If you see

improvement in your print, continue with step three. If you are dissatisfied with the recalibration,

return to the default calibration, see

Return to default calibration on page 163



If you would like to fine-tune the calibration or are using a transparent paper, press

, then

, then Image Quality Maintenance > Paper advance calibration > Adjust paper



Chapter 16 Troubleshooting paper issues


Recalibrating the paper advance procedure


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