Microsoft sql server ошибка 102

I am executing below query and it gives me

  t1.s_reference "Section",
  t2.m_reference "CourseRef",
  t2.m_name "CourseName",
  t3.mi_q02m02 "Aim",
  t2.m_level "Level",
  t2.m_start "Start",
  t2.m_end "End",
  t2.m_projstudents "Target",
  COUNT(DISTINCT t4.e_id) "Enrolled"
  isr t3,
  person t5,
  department t6,
  section t1,
  enrolment t4,
  course t2
  AND t4.e_module=t2.m_id
  AND t4.e_student=t5.p_id
  AND(t2.m_status LIKE '%%'||SUBSTR((TO_CHAR(sysdate,'YYYY')+DECODE(least(to_number(TO_CHAR(sysdate,'mm')),8),8,0,-1)),-2,2) ||'%%')
  AND t2.m_reference LIKE 'LL%%'
  AND t4.e_status IN('C','S')
  AND to_date(t2.m_start,'DD-Mon-RRRR')<=to_date(sysdate,'DD-Mon-RRRR')
  AND to_date(t2.m_end,'DD-Mon-RRRR')>=to_date(sysdate,'DD-Mon-RRRR')
  AND t2.m_modulesection=t1.s_id
  AND t2.m_moduledept=t6.d_id
  AND NVL(t2.m_close,0)=0
  AND t3.mi_q02m02 IS NOT NULL
      AND(t2.m_reference LIKE '%W%'))
    THEN 1
    ELSE 0

An error occurred while executing the query.

Incorrect syntax near ')'. MS SQL Server Error 102

I ran the same query in SQL Developer and it runs fine.

I tried to remove most of the parenthesis but still doesn’t help.
Any idea why this happens?


Ошибка Microsoft SQL Server: SQL SERVER-Msg 102, Уровень 15, состояние 1, строка 2 неправильный синтаксис рядом‘) ‘ или msg 102 уровень 15 состояние 1 строка 3 Неправильный синтаксис рядом ‘ ‘

Описание ошибки:

Это сообщение об ошибке возникает, если мы используем функцию GETDATE() like в качестве параметра хранимой процедуры или оператора функции. или вторая ошибка относится к проблеме, когда вставка данных может быть решена, сделав столбец не нулевым, а также может быть сделана по умолчанию для некоторого значения.

Фактическое сообщение об ошибке:

Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Line 2 Incorrect syntax near ‘)’.’


Эта проблема может быть решена с помощью локальной переменной для хранения значения Getdate() вместо передачи функции GETDATE() в качестве параметра непосредственно в операторе execute, а затем передать назначенную локальную переменную в качестве параметра.

или другое сообщение об ошибке подобное приведено ниже

Еще одно сообщение об ошибке:

msg 102 level 15 state 1 line 3 incorrect syntax near ' '


Эту проблему при вставке данных можно решить, сделав столбец не нулевым, а также можно сделать значение по умолчанию некоторым значением.

alter table tablename
add default 0 for person_id


alter table TableName
Alter Column ColumnName NOT NULL SET DEFAULT 0

Пожалуйста, обратите внимание, что alter column может потребоваться удалить столбец и создать его заново, что не есть хорошо, когда таблица очень большого размера.

In this user guide, we will learn about some of the possible causes that can cause the database error code 102, and then we will suggest some possible fixes that you can try to fix the problem.


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    g.This error occurs whenever you are using Adaptive Server IBM Power Systems RS / 6000, eServer p5, and i5 and are running Power3 or higher processors – AIX 6.1 TL 8 SP2 or higher. Supports TCP. I / O Completion Port API – Must remain installed and available on your computer to run SAP ASE. ›html document› jon1256241632272 System Requirements – Sybase Infocenter – SAP encounters a syntax error in a Transact-SQL ® command or query. This error can occur in the following cases: The keyword is often misspelled. You used a variable to get the name of the database and your request contained a parser error. Error 102 is incremented because the package was never executed.

    This error occurs when Adaptive Server encounters a syntax error as part of a command or Transact-SQL ® problem. This error can occur if: The keyword is misspelled. You tried a variable in the database list and your query contains the latest parser error; Error 102 occurs simply because the package has never been executed.

    This error occurs when Adaptive Server encounters a syntax error in a huge Transact-SQL ® command or query. This error can occur if: The e-commerce software is misspelled. You have used the appropriate variable for the database name when your request contains a parser error; Error 102 is thrown because part of the package has never been executed.


    attribute value
    Product name SQL Server
    Event ID 102
    Event Source MSSQLSERVER
    component SQL Engine
    Symbolic name P_SYNTAXERR2
    Message text Incorrect syntax near ‘%. * ls’.


    What is MSG 102 SQL server?

    The error “Incorrect syntax next to …” is displayed when the character is missing.

    Indicates a format error. Additional information is available if the error is not considered to be preventing the Database Engine from processing the statement.

    May be caused by a simple attempt to create a symmetric key with legacy encryption RC4 to RC4_128, if not using compatibility mode 3 or 100.

    Action To Create Users

    What is incorrect syntax near in SQL?

    When parsing is done in SQL and the editor returns this error: Incorrect syntax in the vicinity of … ”. This usually means that you did indeed use the wrong syntax for your request. This mainly happens when a loved oneThe century has moved from one relational database to another relational database, for example, from MySQL to MS SQL Server.

    If the symmetric key uses RC4 or RC4_128, select the newer security , for example one of the AES algorithms. (Recommended.) If you plan to use RC4, use ALTER DATABASE SET COMPATIBILITY_LEVEL to set the database compatibility level to 90 or 100 (not recommended).

    • 2 seconds to read.

    Strange question, I’m sorry. In fact, I’ve spent quite a bit of time doing specific research and analysis of our code. We have a job that calls a stored procedure that selects some data and then defines other stored procedures (some and names are derived using their select statements, as they may be different). It calls about 20 different of these routines 10,000 times (cumulative across different calls) and only changes my settings. These stored procedures retrieve certain information and then put it into our database.

    What is MSG 102 SQL server?

    The error “Invalid syntax near …” is searched for when searching for a character.

    This issue worked as part of Microsoft SQL Server 2005, but since we upgraded to SQL Server 2012 (11.0.3000. AND 0), this problem seems to have occurred since then, or even we were not aware of this before.

      Executed from and Username: #DATABASEUSER_RMV_FOR_STACKOVERFLOW. Incorrect syntax next to ")".[SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 102) Invalid syntax in ')'.[SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 102) Incorrect syntax near ")".[SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 102) The syntax for the nearest ")" is invalid.[SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 102) Incorrect syntax near ")".[SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 102) Incorrect syntax, near ")".[SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 102) Incorrect syntax near ")".[SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 102) Incorrect syntax near ")".[SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 102) Incorrect syntax near ")".[SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 102) Incorrect syntax, near ")".[SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 102). The step failed. 

    I know this is a minimum of information, but our scripts can be big and pretty, and I would also like to ask what some of you can do to solve most of the problems.


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  • 1. Download ASR Pro
  • 2. Follow the on-screen instructions to run a scan
  • 3. Restart your computer and wait for it to finish running the scan, then follow the on-screen instructions again to remove any viruses found by scanning your computer with ASR Pro
  • I checked the website programs, several tries (b / c full script runs pretty much for HR … (this is a night job)). The dehydrated lanes worked well. Plus, we never have hooks that open and they close. As soon as the next one receives data, an hour later occurst crashing with this error …

    • Dry continues to run (without actually loading reports, but calling most of the supported procedures) – Success.
    • Called normally, some basic store procedures directly (not as a task) – completed, also do not work.
    • Read a computer that was checked for support errors – ok, no support errors were found.
    • Performed by different people: db-admin, my user – probably didn’t work either
    • Search through Google / Stackoverflow / small contact on Stackexchange in general.

    It looks like everything that should be in the script is working correctly and completely. Well, we don’t understand why all of this doesn’t return “Success” and doesn’t trigger this error message for us.

    What is meant by Sqlstate 42000 error 50000?

    If customers receive the following error message, they might see the sa password for the SQL server, and the history server might be wrong: The Eventbcp table could not be dumped to bcp. [SQLSTATE 42000] (error 50000).

    I suppose there is a extracted range with a nice escape character … would that be necessary?

    Can I set a simple breakpoint to stop this script as soon as this “error” occurs and show us what data is causing the article error … for example, debugging code only in Studio?

    So my main question is vivisual: could you give me great advice / help on how best to fix this error? What should I do ?

    What is fatal error in SQL server?

    The reference to the SQL server cannot be deleted or can no longer be used. This approach error can have various reasons. The most common causes were Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server stopped or the connection to SQL Server was incorrectly configured.


    database error code 102

      INSTALL NOCOUNT;- Appendix to the invoicing procedure hereDECLARE @userId INTDECLARE @fullHistory BITSELECT @userId = userIdFROM MON_SCHEME.dbo.USERSWHERE Username = 'SOME_NAME'SET @fullHistory = 0RUN MY_SCHEME.dbo.spStartMyNightlyJob @ userId = @ userId, @ processFullHistory = @ fullHistory 


      [dbo]. [spStartMyNightlyJob]    @userId INT,    @processFullHistory BITAS? 'OR' WHATBEGIN    INSTALL ACCOUNT    DECLARE @logReport VARCHAR (255)    SET @logReport = 'NightlyJob'    INSERT INTO TEMP_LOGREPORT (text, VALUES ('====================================== = = ================================================ == = ======== ', report) @logReport)    INSERT INTO TEMP_LOGREPORT (text, report) VALUES ('NightlyJob started in woul + CAST (GETDATE () AS VARCHAR), @logReport)    INSERT INTO TEMP_LOGREPORT (text, VALUES ('====================================== = = ================================================ == = ======== ', report) @logReport)    DECLARE taskCursor CURSOR LOCAL FAST_FORWARD READ_ONLY FOR        CHOOSE            r.taskId, link.Id, i.Description, link.externalId,, rdir.fromDB, rdir.toDB,            rdef.procedureName, rfs.fillStrategyId, rp.parameterId        FROM MA_TACHE r        LEFT OUTER JOIN link some_table_1        B  Л r.LinkId = link.LinkId       LEFT OUTER SEAL some_table_2 i        ON link.Id = i.Id        LEFT OUTER JOIN some_table_3_TASK_DEFINITION rdef       ON r.taskDefinitionId equals rdef.taskDefinitionId        OUTSIDE LEFT Subscribe to some_table_4_TASK_DIRECTION rdir        ON rdef.directionId implies rdir.directionId        LEFT OUTER JOIN some_table_5_FILL_STRATEGY rfs        ON rdef.fillStrategyId = rfs.fillStrategyId        LEFT OUTER SEAL some_table_6_PARAMETER rp        ON rdef.parameterId = rp.parameterId        O = 1       And rdef.taskDefinitionId DON'T LIKE 17    DECLARE @taskId INT    DECLARE @someOtherId INT    DECLARE @someOtherName VARCHAR (255)    DECLARE @externalSomeOtherId INT    DECLARE @taskName VARCHAR (50)    DECLARE @fromDB VARCHAR (50)    DECLARE @toDB VARCHAR (50)    DECLARE @storedProcedure VARCHAR (100)    DECLARE @fillStrategyId INT    DECLARE @parameterId INT    OPEN Cursor task    GET NEXT FROM taskCursor    V        @taskId, @someOtherId or @someOtherName, @externalSomeOtherId, @taskName, @fromDB, @storedProcedure, @todb, @fillStrategyId, @parameterId    WHILE @@ FETCH_STATUS = 0 START        INSERT INTO TEMP_LOGREPORT (text, report) VALUES ('--------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------ - -------------- ', @logReport)        INSERT INTO TEMP_LOGREPORT (text, report) VALUES ('Task in progress: lol + @taskName, @logReport)        INSERT INTO TEMP_LOGREPORT (text, report) VALUES ('Night work between: woul + @fromDB +' -> a + @toDB, @logReport)INSERT INTO TEMP_LOGREPORT (text, report) VALUES ('Execution procedure: ha + @storedProcedure, @logReport)        INSERT INTO TEMP_LOGREPORT (text, report) VALUES ('Involved: no + @someOtherName +' ('+ CAST (@someOtherId AS VARCHAR) +') ', @logReport)        START @storedProcedure @someOtherId - @externalSomeOtherId, @fillStrategyId, @parameterId, @userId, @processFullHistory        INSERT INTO TEMP_LOGREPORT (text, report) VALUES ('', @logReport)        SET @taskId = NULL        SET @someOtherId = NULL        SET @someOtherName = NULL        SET @externalSomeOtherId = NULL        SET @taskName = NULL        SET @fromDB is NULL        SET @toDB = NULL        SET @storedProcedure = NULL        SET @fillStrategyId = NULL        SET @parameterId = NULL        GET NEXT FROM taskCursor        V            @taskId, @taskId, @someOtherName, @externalSomeOtherId, @taskName, @fromDB, @storedProcedure, @todb, @fillStrategyId, @parameterId    END    CLOSE task cursor    DEALLOCATE Cursor task    INSERT INTO TEMP_LOGREPORT (text, report) VALUES ('===================================== = ================================================= = = =========== ', @logReport)    INSERT INTO TEMP_LOGREPORT (text, report) VALUES ('NightlyJob finished in' + CAST (GETDATE () AS VARCHAR), @logReport)    INSERT INTO TEMP_LOGREPORT (text, report) VALUES ('===================================== = ================================================= = = =========== ', @logReport)    RETURN 0END 

    After this uniqueness, it opens for about 15 different stored procedures, depending on which actions are “set” each night.

      EXECUTE @storedProcedure @someOtherId @externalSomeOtherId, @fillStrategyId, @parameterId, @userId, @processFullHistory 

    database error code 102

    Speed up your PC today with this easy-to-use download.

    What is incorrect syntax near in SQL?

    When you run a query next to SQL and the editor ignores this error: Wrong syntax just for … ” This usually means that you arewere taking the wrong syntax for the problem. This mainly happens when someone switches from one relational database to another, for example from MySQL to MS SQL Server.

    What is meant by Sqlstate 42000 error 50000?

    If you receive the following error, the SA private data for SQL Server or Historical Server might be incorrect: Unable for bcp eventbcp table out. [SQLSTATE 42000] (error 50000).

    What is fatal error in SQL server?

    The connection to the SQL server could not be established or it can no longer be used. There are probably several reasons for this error. The most common causes are Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server is stopped or the connection to SQL Server is incorrectly configured.

    What is the event ID of SQL Server 102?

    SQL server. Event identifier. 102. The source of the event. MSSQLSERVER. Compilation. SQL engine. Symbolic name. P_SYNTAXERR2.

    I use SQL Server Management Studio 2012. When I try to create a stored procedure and I execute it, it returns an error every time. I really can not figure out whats wrong.

    For example:

    use AdventureWorks2012
    CREATE PROCEDURE test () SELECT * FROM [Sales].[SalesPerson]

    and the error is :

    Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Procedure test, Line 1
    Incorrect syntax near ‘)’.

    even If I just write CREATE PROCEDURE TEST

    It will return error ? What am I doing wrong ?

    marc_s's user avatar


    728k174 gold badges1327 silver badges1455 bronze badges

    asked Sep 13, 2012 at 7:35

    Novko Krumov's user avatar


    Try this code:

      SELECT * FROM [Sales].[SalesPerson]

    You have to remove () if your procedure does not need parameters, and add as, optionally begin-end (it’s more usable).

    If you want to add parameters to your procedure in future:

      @param1 int
      SELECT * FROM [Sales].[SalesPerson]
      where id = @param1

    answered Sep 13, 2012 at 7:41

    Robert's user avatar


    25.4k8 gold badges66 silver badges81 bronze badges


    You should have AS keyword when creating procedure

    use AdventureWorks2012
    SELECT * FROM [Sales].[SalesPerson]

    Additionally you can add BEGIN and END if you have multiple queries on it.

    answered Sep 13, 2012 at 7:39

    John Woo's user avatar

    John WooJohn Woo

    258k69 gold badges494 silver badges490 bronze badges


    Hi All,

    I am very new to T- SQL and I got below find blocking SPID script from one of the blog spot.I’m just testing it and  tried to modify it on SQL 2008 R2 and SQL 2012 to get an alert when there is blocking between SPID lasts more than 120 seconds. Below
    is my modified script which I tried to filter it but getting below error.

    Please help..

    Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Line 9
    Incorrect syntax near ‘>’.
    Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Line 70
    Incorrect syntax near ‘>’.


    — Checked for currenlty running queries by putting data in temp table
    SELECT s.session_id
    ,r.wait_time / (1000.0) > 120.0 ‘WaitSec’
    ,r.total_elapsed_time / (1000.0) > 120 ‘ElapsSec’
    ,Substring(st.TEXT, (r.statement_start_offset / 2) + 1, (
    CASE r.statement_end_offset
    WHEN – 1
    THEN Datalength(st.TEXT)
    ELSE r.statement_end_offset
    END – r.statement_start_offset
    ) / 2
    ) + 1) AS statement_text
    ,Coalesce(Quotename(Db_name(st.dbid)) + N’.’ + Quotename(Object_schema_name(st.objectid, st.dbid)) + N’.’ + Quotename(Object_name(st.objectid, st.dbid)), ”) AS command_text
    INTO #temp_requests
    FROM sys.dm_exec_sessions AS s
    INNER JOIN sys.dm_exec_requests AS r ON r.session_id = s.session_id
    CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(r.sql_handle) AS st
    WHERE r.session_id != @@SPID
    ORDER BY r.cpu_time DESC

    IF (
    SELECT count(*)
    FROM #temp_requests
    WHERE blocking_session_id > 50
    ) 0
    — blocking found, sent email.

    SET @tableHTML = N’Blocking Report’ + N” + N” + N’session_id’ + N’Status’ +
    N’blocking_session_idwait_typewait_resource’ +
    N’WaitSec’ + N’cpu_time’ +
    N’logical_reads’ + N’reads’ +
    N’writes’ + N’ElapsSec’ + N’statement_text’ + N’command_text’ +
    N’command’ + N’login_name’ + N’host_name’ + N’program_name’ +
    N’host_process_id’ + N’last_request_end_time’ + N’login_time’ +
    N’open_transaction_count’ + ” + CAST((
    SELECT td = s.session_id
    ,td = r.STATUS
    ,td = r.blocking_session_id
    ,td = r.wait_type
    ,td = wait_resource
    ,td = r.wait_time / (1000.0) > 120.0
    ,td = r.cpu_time
    ,td = r.logical_reads
    ,td = r.reads
    ,td = r.writes
    ,td = r.total_elapsed_time / (1000.0) > 120.0
    ,td = Substring(st.TEXT, (r.statement_start_offset / 2) + 1, (
    CASE r.statement_end_offset
    WHEN – 1
    THEN Datalength(st.TEXT)
    ELSE r.statement_end_offset
    END – r.statement_start_offset
    ) / 2
    ) + 1)
    ,td = Coalesce(Quotename(Db_name(st.dbid)) + N’.’ + Quotename(Object_schema_name(st.objectid, st.dbid)) +
    N’.’ + Quotename(Object_name(st.objectid, st.dbid)), ”)
    ,td = r.command
    ,td = s.login_name
    ,td = s.host_name
    ,td = s.program_name
    ,td = s.host_process_id
    ,td = s.last_request_end_time
    ,td = s.login_time
    ,td = r.open_transaction_count
    FROM sys.dm_exec_sessions AS s
    INNER JOIN sys.dm_exec_requests AS r ON r.session_id = s.session_id
    CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(r.sql_handle) AS st
    WHERE r.session_id != @@SPID
    AND blocking_session_id > 0
    ORDER BY r.cpu_time DESC
    FOR XML PATH(‘tr’)
    ) AS NVARCHAR(MAX)) + N”;

    EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail @body = @tableHTML
    ,@body_format = ‘HTML’
    ,@profile_name = N’SQLMail’
    ,@recipients = N’’
    ,@Subject = N’Blocking Detected’

    DROP TABLE #temp_requests

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