Mql4 ошибка 4107

GetLastError() — функция, возвращающая коды ошибок. Кодовые константы ошибок определены
в файле stderror.mqh. Для вывода текстовых сообщений следует использовать функцию
ErrorDescription(), определенную в файле stdlib.mqh.

Константа Значение Описание
ERR_NO_ERROR 0 Нет ошибки
ERR_NO_RESULT 1 Нет ошибки, но результат неизвестен
ERR_COMMON_ERROR 2 Общая ошибка
ERR_INVALID_TRADE_PARAMETERS 3 Неправильные параметры
ERR_SERVER_BUSY 4 Торговый сервер занят
ERR_OLD_VERSION 5 Старая версия клиентского терминала
ERR_NO_CONNECTION 6 Нет связи с торговым сервером
ERR_NOT_ENOUGH_RIGHTS 7 Недостаточно прав
ERR_TOO_FREQUENT_REQUESTS 8 Слишком частые запросы
ERR_MALFUNCTIONAL_TRADE 9 Недопустимая операция нарушающая функционирование сервера
ERR_ACCOUNT_DISABLED 64 Счет заблокирован
ERR_INVALID_ACCOUNT 65 Неправильный номер счета
ERR_TRADE_TIMEOUT 128 Истек срок ожидания совершения сделки
ERR_INVALID_PRICE 129 Неправильная цена
ERR_INVALID_STOPS 130 Неправильные стопы
ERR_INVALID_TRADE_VOLUME 131 Неправильный объем
ERR_MARKET_CLOSED 132 Рынок закрыт
ERR_TRADE_DISABLED 133 Торговля запрещена
ERR_NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY 134 Недостаточно денег для совершения операции
ERR_PRICE_CHANGED 135 Цена изменилась
ERR_OFF_QUOTES 136 Нет цен
ERR_BROKER_BUSY 137 Брокер занят
ERR_REQUOTE 138 Новые цены
ERR_ORDER_LOCKED 139 Ордер заблокирован и уже обрабатывается
ERR_LONG_POSITIONS_ONLY_ALLOWED 140 Разрешена только покупка
ERR_TOO_MANY_REQUESTS 141 Слишком много запросов
ERR_TRADE_MODIFY_DENIED 145 Модификация запрещена, так как ордер слишком близок к рынку
ERR_TRADE_CONTEXT_BUSY 146 Подсистема торговли занята
ERR_TRADE_EXPIRATION_DENIED 147 Использование даты истечения ордера запрещено брокером
ERR_TRADE_TOO_MANY_ORDERS 148 Количество открытых и отложенных ордеров достигло предела, установленного брокером.
Константа Значение Описание
ERR_NO_MQLERROR 4000 Нет ошибки
ERR_WRONG_FUNCTION_POINTER 4001 Неправильный указатель функции
ERR_ARRAY_INDEX_OUT_OF_RANGE 4002 Индекс массива — вне диапазона
ERR_NO_MEMORY_FOR_FUNCTION_CALL_STACK 4003 Нет памяти для стека функций
ERR_RECURSIVE_STACK_OVERFLOW 4004 Переполнение стека после рекурсивного вызова
ERR_NOT_ENOUGH_STACK_FOR_PARAMETER 4005 На стеке нет памяти для передачи параметров
ERR_NO_MEMORY_FOR_PARAMETER_STRING 4006 Нет памяти для строкового параметра
ERR_NO_MEMORY_FOR_TEMP_STRING 4007 Нет памяти для временной строки
ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED_STRING 4008 Неинициализированная строка
ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED_ARRAYSTRING 4009 Неинициализированная строка в массиве
ERR_NO_MEMORY_FOR_ARRAYSTRING 4010 Нет памяти для строкового массива
ERR_TOO_LONG_STRING 4011 Слишком длинная строка
ERR_REMAINDER_FROM_ZERO_DIVIDE 4012 Остаток от деления на ноль
ERR_ZERO_DIVIDE 4013 Деление на ноль
ERR_UNKNOWN_COMMAND 4014 Неизвестная команда
ERR_WRONG_JUMP 4015 Неправильный переход
ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED_ARRAY 4016 Неинициализированный массив
ERR_DLL_CALLS_NOT_ALLOWED 4017 Вызовы DLL не разрешены
ERR_CANNOT_LOAD_LIBRARY 4018 Невозможно загрузить библиотеку
ERR_CANNOT_CALL_FUNCTION 4019 Невозможно вызвать функцию
ERR_EXTERNAL_EXPERT_CALLS_NOT_ALLOWED 4020 Вызовы внешних библиотечных функций не разрешены
ERR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY_FOR_RETURNED_STRING 4021 Недостаточно памяти для строки, возвращаемой из функции
ERR_SYSTEM_BUSY 4022 Система занята
ERR_INVALID_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS_COUNT 4050 Неправильное количество параметров функции
ERR_INVALID_FUNCTION_PARAMETER_VALUE 4051 Недопустимое значение параметра функции
ERR_STRING_FUNCTION_INTERNAL_ERROR 4052 Внутренняя ошибка строковой функции
ERR_SOME_ARRAY_ERROR 4053 Ошибка массива
ERR_INCORRECT_SERIES_ARRAY_USING 4054 Неправильное использование массива-таймсерии
ERR_CUSTOM_INDICATOR_ERROR 4055 Ошибка пользовательского индикатора
ERR_INCOMPATIBLE_ARRAYS 4056 Массивы несовместимы
ERR_GLOBAL_VARIABLES_PROCESSING_ERROR 4057 Ошибка обработки глобальныех переменных
ERR_GLOBAL_VARIABLE_NOT_FOUND 4058 Глобальная переменная не обнаружена
ERR_FUNCTION_NOT_ALLOWED_IN_TESTING_MODE 4059 Функция не разрешена в тестовом режиме
ERR_FUNCTION_NOT_CONFIRMED 4060 Функция не подтверждена
ERR_SEND_MAIL_ERROR 4061 Ошибка отправки почты
ERR_STRING_PARAMETER_EXPECTED 4062 Ожидается параметр типа string
ERR_INTEGER_PARAMETER_EXPECTED 4063 Ожидается параметр типа integer
ERR_DOUBLE_PARAMETER_EXPECTED 4064 Ожидается параметр типа double
ERR_ARRAY_AS_PARAMETER_EXPECTED 4065 В качестве параметра ожидается массив
ERR_HISTORY_WILL_UPDATED 4066 Запрошенные исторические данные в состоянии обновления
ERR_TRADE_ERROR 4067 Ошибка при выполнении торговой операции
ERR_END_OF_FILE 4099 Конец файла
ERR_SOME_FILE_ERROR 4100 Ошибка при работе с файлом
ERR_WRONG_FILE_NAME 4101 Неправильное имя файла
ERR_TOO_MANY_OPENED_FILES 4102 Слишком много открытых файлов
ERR_CANNOT_OPEN_FILE 4103 Невозможно открыть файл
ERR_INCOMPATIBLE_ACCESS_TO_FILE 4104 Несовместимый режим доступа к файлу
ERR_NO_ORDER_SELECTED 4105 Ни один ордер не выбран
ERR_UNKNOWN_SYMBOL 4106 Неизвестный символ
ERR_INVALID_PRICE_PARAM 4107 Неправильный параметр цены для торговой функции
ERR_INVALID_TICKET 4108 Неверный номер тикета
ERR_TRADE_NOT_ALLOWED 4109 Торговля не разрешена
ERR_LONGS_NOT_ALLOWED 4110 Длинные позиции не разрешены
ERR_SHORTS_NOT_ALLOWED 4111 Короткие позиции не разрешены
ERR_OBJECT_ALREADY_EXISTS 4200 Объект уже существует
ERR_UNKNOWN_OBJECT_PROPERTY 4201 Запрошено неизвестное свойство объекта
ERR_OBJECT_DOES_NOT_EXIST 4202 Объект не существует
ERR_UNKNOWN_OBJECT_TYPE 4203 Неизвестный тип объекта
ERR_NO_OBJECT_NAME 4204 Нет имени объекта
ERR_OBJECT_COORDINATES_ERROR 4205 Ошибка координат объекта
ERR_NO_SPECIFIED_SUBWINDOW 4206 Не найдено указанное подокно
ERR_SOME_OBJECT_ERROR 4207 Ошибка при работе с объектом

Error 4107 is a so-called MQL4 runtime error that is similar to OrderSend Error 129 but, unlike the latter, appears usually during backtesting of MT4 expert advisors, not during their live or demo run.

Sometimes, it can also appear in non-backtesting situations, both in OrderSend() and OrderModify() functions. The error is called ERR_INVALID_PRICE_PARAM (Invalid price) in the MT4 documentation; it has no counterpart in MT5.

There are two main reasons for this 4107 error to appear:

  • Negative values in price, stoploss or takeprofit parameters of the OrderSend() or OrderModify() function.
  • Unnormalized doubles in price, stoploss or takeprofit parameters of the OrderSend() or OrderModify() function.

To solve the issue in any of the two cases, you will need an .mq4 file with the source code of the expert advisor. Unfortunately, you won’t be able to fix MT4 Error 4107 if you only have an .ex4 file.

If it is the first case — negative values — just make sure you pass the valid price parameters to your order opening or modification functions. These parameters surely shouldn’t be negative.

In case of unnormalized doubles, if your Forex broker uses 4 decimal places in its quotes and you are trying to use 5 decimal places in your orders, then you will be getting error 4107 during backtesting. The best solution here is to always normalize all the price doubles using the standard MetaTrader function before passing them to OrderSend() or OrderModify():

If you have your own ideas for dealing with MT4 Error 4107 or have some questions about it, feel free to join our Forex forum to discuss them.

Если использовать NormalizeDouble, то возникает ошибка 4062. (ERR_STRING_PARAMETER_EXPECTED) Вот я и прошу помочь. Я не могу въехать.

значит со скобками напутали


ticket = OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_SELL, 1, NormalizeDouble(MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_BID), Digits), 3, NormalizeDouble(MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_ASK)+sl, Digits), NormalizeDouble(MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_BID)-tp, Digits), "My order Sell", 16384, 0, Green);

The GetLastError() function returns the last error code.  The Error code constants are defined in the stderror.mqh file.

To print text messages use the ErrorDescription() function defined in the stdlib.mqh file.




ERR_NO_MQLERROR 4000 No error. ERR_WRONG_FUNCTION_POINTER 4001 Wrong function pointer. ERR_ARRAY_INDEX_OUT_OF_RANGE 4002 Array index is out of range. ERR_NO_MEMORY_FOR_FUNCTION_CALL_STACK 4003 No memory for function call stack. ERR_RECURSIVE_STACK_OVERFLOW 4004 Recursive stack overflow. ERR_NOT_ENOUGH_STACK_FOR_PARAMETER 4005 Not enough stack for parameter. ERR_NO_MEMORY_FOR_PARAMETER_STRING 4006 No memory for parameter string. ERR_NO_MEMORY_FOR_TEMP_STRING 4007 No memory for temp string. ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED_STRING 4008 Not initialized string. ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED_ARRAYSTRING 4009 Not initialized string in array. ERR_NO_MEMORY_FOR_ARRAYSTRING 4010 No memory for array string. ERR_TOO_LONG_STRING 4011 Too long string. ERR_REMAINDER_FROM_ZERO_DIVIDE 4012 Remainder from zero divide. ERR_ZERO_DIVIDE 4013 Zero divide. ERR_UNKNOWN_COMMAND 4014 Unknown command. ERR_WRONG_JUMP 4015 Wrong jump (never generated error). ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED_ARRAY 4016 Not initialized array. ERR_DLL_CALLS_NOT_ALLOWED 4017 DLL calls are not allowed. ERR_CANNOT_LOAD_LIBRARY 4018 Cannot load library. ERR_CANNOT_CALL_FUNCTION 4019 Cannot call function. ERR_EXTERNAL_EXPERT_CALLS_NOT_ALLOWED 4020 Expert function calls are not allowed. ERR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY_FOR_RETURNED_STRING 4021 Not enough memory for temp string returned from function. ERR_SYSTEM_BUSY 4022 System is busy (never generated error). ERR_INVALID_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS_COUNT 4050 Invalid function parameters count. ERR_INVALID_FUNCTION_PARAMETER_VALUE 4051 Invalid function parameter value. ERR_STRING_FUNCTION_INTERNAL_ERROR 4052 String function internal error. ERR_SOME_ARRAY_ERROR 4053 Some array error. ERR_INCORRECT_SERIES_ARRAY_USING 4054 Incorrect series array using. ERR_CUSTOM_INDICATOR_ERROR 4055 Custom indicator error. ERR_INCOMPATIBLE_ARRAYS 4056 Arrays are incompatible. ERR_GLOBAL_VARIABLES_PROCESSING_ERROR 4057 Global variables processing error. ERR_GLOBAL_VARIABLE_NOT_FOUND 4058 Global variable not found. ERR_FUNCTION_NOT_ALLOWED_IN_TESTING_MODE 4059 Function is not allowed in testing mode. ERR_FUNCTION_NOT_CONFIRMED 4060 Function is not confirmed. ERR_SEND_MAIL_ERROR 4061 Send mail error. ERR_STRING_PARAMETER_EXPECTED 4062 String parameter expected. ERR_INTEGER_PARAMETER_EXPECTED 4063 Integer parameter expected. ERR_DOUBLE_PARAMETER_EXPECTED 4064 Double parameter expected. ERR_ARRAY_AS_PARAMETER_EXPECTED 4065 Array as parameter expected. ERR_HISTORY_WILL_UPDATED 4066 Requested history data in updating state. ERR_END_OF_FILE 4099 End of file. ERR_SOME_FILE_ERROR 4100 Some file error. ERR_WRONG_FILE_NAME 4101 Wrong file name. ERR_TOO_MANY_OPENED_FILES 4102 Too many opened files. ERR_CANNOT_OPEN_FILE 4103 Cannot open file. ERR_INCOMPATIBLE_ACCESS_TO_FILE 4104 Incompatible access to a file. ERR_NO_ORDER_SELECTED 4105 No order selected. ERR_UNKNOWN_SYMBOL 4106 Unknown symbol. ERR_INVALID_PRICE_PARAM 4107 Invalid price. ERR_INVALID_TICKET 4108 Invalid ticket. ERR_TRADE_NOT_ALLOWED 4109 Trade is not allowed. ERR_LONGS__NOT_ALLOWED 4110 Longs are not allowed. ERR_SHORTS_NOT_ALLOWED 4111 Shorts are not allowed. ERR_OBJECT_ALREADY_EXISTS 4200 Object exists already. ERR_UNKNOWN_OBJECT_PROPERTY 4201 Unknown object property. ERR_OBJECT_DOES_NOT_EXIST 4202 Object does not exist. ERR_UNKNOWN_OBJECT_TYPE 4203 Unknown object type. ERR_NO_OBJECT_NAME 4204 No object name. ERR_OBJECT_COORDINATES_ERROR 4205 Object coordinates error. ERR_NO_SPECIFIED_SUBWINDOW 4206 No specified subwindow.
ERR_SUCCESS 0 The operation completed successfully ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR 4001 Unexpected internal error ERR_WRONG_INTERNAL_PARAMETER 4002 Wrong parameter in the inner call of the client terminal function ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER 4003 Wrong parameter when calling the system function ERR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY 4004 Not enough memory to perform the system function ERR_STRUCT_WITHOBJECTS_ORCLASS 4005 The structure contains objects of strings and/or dynamic arrays and/or structure of such objects and/or classes ERR_INVALID_ARRAY 4006 Array of a wrong type, wrong size, or a damaged object of a dynamic array ERR_ARRAY_RESIZE_ERROR 4007 Not enough memory for the relocation of an array, or an attempt to change the size of a static array ERR_STRING_RESIZE_ERROR 4008 Not enough memory for the relocation of string ERR_NOTINITIALIZED_STRING 4009 Not initialized string ERR_INVALID_DATETIME 4010 Invalid date and/or time ERR_ARRAY_BAD_SIZE 4011 Total amount of elements in the array cannot exceed 2147483647 ERR_INVALID_POINTER 4012 Wrong pointer ERR_INVALID_POINTER_TYPE 4013 Wrong type of pointer ERR_FUNCTION_NOT_ALLOWED 4014 Function is not allowed for call ERR_RESOURCE_NAME_DUPLICATED 4015 The names of the dynamic and the static resource match ERR_RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND 4016 Resource with this name has not been found in EX5 ERR_RESOURCE_UNSUPPOTED_TYPE 4017 Unsupported resource type or its size exceeds 16 Mb ERR_RESOURCE_NAME_IS_TOO_LONG 4018 The resource name exceeds 63 characters ERR_MATH_OVERFLOW 4019 Overflow occurred when calculating math function ERR_SLEEP_ERROR 4020 Out of test end date after calling Sleep() ERR_PROGRAM_STOPPED 4022 Test forcibly stopped from the outside. For example, optimization interrupted, visual testing window closed or testing agent stopped Charts     ERR_CHART_WRONG_ID 4101 Wrong chart ID ERR_CHART_NO_REPLY 4102 Chart does not respond ERR_CHART_NOT_FOUND 4103 Chart not found ERR_CHART_NO_EXPERT 4104 No Expert Advisor in the chart that could handle the event ERR_CHART_CANNOT_OPEN 4105 Chart opening error ERR_CHART_CANNOT_CHANGE 4106 Failed to change chart symbol and period ERR_CHART_WRONG_PARAMETER 4107 Error value of the parameter for the function of working with charts ERR_CHART_CANNOT_CREATE_TIMER 4108 Failed to create timer ERR_CHART_WRONG_PROPERTY 4109 Wrong chart property ID ERR_CHART_SCREENSHOT_FAILED 4110 Error creating screenshots ERR_CHART_NAVIGATE_FAILED 4111 Error navigating through chart ERR_CHART_TEMPLATE_FAILED 4112 Error applying template ERR_CHART_WINDOW_NOT_FOUND 4113 Subwindow containing the indicator was not found ERR_CHART_INDICATOR_CANNOT_ADD 4114 Error adding an indicator to chart ERR_CHART_INDICATOR_CANNOT_DEL 4115 Error deleting an indicator from the chart ERR_CHART_INDICATOR_NOT_FOUND 4116 Indicator not found on the specified chart Graphical Objects     ERR_OBJECT_ERROR 4201 Error working with a graphical object ERR_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND 4202 Graphical object was not found ERR_OBJECT_WRONG_PROPERTY 4203 Wrong ID of a graphical object property ERR_OBJECT_GETDATE_FAILED 4204 Unable to get date corresponding to the value ERR_OBJECT_GETVALUE_FAILED 4205 Unable to get value corresponding to the date MarketInfo     ERR_MARKET_UNKNOWN_SYMBOL 4301 Unknown symbol ERR_MARKET_NOT_SELECTED 4302 Symbol is not selected in MarketWatch ERR_MARKET_WRONG_PROPERTY 4303 Wrong identifier of a symbol property ERR_MARKET_LASTTIME_UNKNOWN 4304 Time of the last tick is not known (no ticks) ERR_MARKET_SELECT_ERROR 4305 Error adding or deleting a symbol in MarketWatch History Access     ERR_HISTORY_NOT_FOUND 4401 Requested history not found ERR_HISTORY_WRONG_PROPERTY 4402 Wrong ID of the history property ERR_HISTORY_TIMEOUT 4403 Exceeded history request timeout ERR_HISTORY_BARS_LIMIT 4404 Number of requested bars limited by terminal settings ERR_HISTORY_LOAD_ERRORS 4405 Multiple errors when loading history ERR_HISTORY_SMALL_BUFFER 4407 Receiving array is too small to store all requested data Global_Variables     ERR_GLOBALVARIABLE_NOT_FOUND 4501 Global variable of the client terminal is not found ERR_GLOBALVARIABLE_EXISTS 4502 Global variable of the client terminal with the same name already exists ERR_GLOBALVARIABLE_NOT_MODIFIED 4503 Global variables were not modified ERR_GLOBALVARIABLE_CANNOTREAD 4504 Cannot read file with global variable values ERR_GLOBALVARIABLE_CANNOTWRITE 4505 Cannot write file with global variable values ERR_MAIL_SEND_FAILED 4510 Email sending failed ERR_PLAY_SOUND_FAILED 4511 Sound playing failed ERR_MQL5_WRONG_PROPERTY 4512 Wrong identifier of the program property ERR_TERMINAL_WRONG_PROPERTY 4513 Wrong identifier of the terminal property ERR_FTP_SEND_FAILED 4514 File sending via ftp failed ERR_NOTIFICATION_SEND_FAILED 4515 Failed to send a notification ERR_NOTIFICATION_WRONG_PARAMETER 4516 Invalid parameter for sending a notification – an empty string or NULL has been passed to the SendNotification() function ERR_NOTIFICATION_WRONG_SETTINGS 4517 Wrong settings of notifications in the terminal (ID is not specified or permission is not set) ERR_NOTIFICATION_TOO_FREQUENT 4518 Too frequent sending of notifications ERR_FTP_NOSERVER 4519 FTP server is not specified ERR_FTP_NOLOGIN 4520 FTP login is not specified ERR_FTP_FILE_ERROR 4521 File not found in the MQL5Files directory to send on FTP server ERR_FTP_CONNECT_FAILED 4522 FTP connection failed ERR_FTP_CHANGEDIR 4523 FTP path not found on server ERR_FTP_CLOSED 4524 FTP connection closed Custom Indicator Buffers     ERR_BUFFERS_NO_MEMORY 4601 Not enough memory for the distribution of indicator buffers ERR_BUFFERS_WRONG_INDEX 4602 Wrong indicator buffer index Custom Indicator Properties     ERR_CUSTOM_WRONG_PROPERTY 4603 Wrong ID of the custom indicator property Account     ERR_ACCOUNT_WRONG_PROPERTY 4701 Wrong account property ID ERR_TRADE_WRONG_PROPERTY 4751 Wrong trade property ID ERR_TRADE_DISABLED 4752 Trading by Expert Advisors prohibited ERR_TRADE_POSITION_NOT_FOUND 4753 Position not found ERR_TRADE_ORDER_NOT_FOUND 4754 Order not found ERR_TRADE_DEAL_NOT_FOUND 4755 Deal not found ERR_TRADE_SEND_FAILED 4756 Trade request sending failed ERR_TRADE_CALC_FAILED 4758 Failed to calculate profit or margin Indicators     ERR_INDICATOR_UNKNOWN_SYMBOL 4801 Unknown symbol ERR_INDICATOR_CANNOT_CREATE 4802 Indicator cannot be created ERR_INDICATOR_NO_MEMORY 4803 Not enough memory to add the indicator ERR_INDICATOR_CANNOT_APPLY 4804 The indicator cannot be applied to another indicator ERR_INDICATOR_CANNOT_ADD 4805 Error applying an indicator to chart ERR_INDICATOR_DATA_NOT_FOUND 4806 Requested data not found ERR_INDICATOR_WRONG_HANDLE 4807 Wrong indicator handle ERR_INDICATOR_WRONG_PARAMETERS 4808 Wrong number of parameters when creating an indicator ERR_INDICATOR_PARAMETERS_MISSING 4809 No parameters when creating an indicator ERR_INDICATOR_CUSTOM_NAME 4810 The first parameter in the array must be the name of the custom indicator ERR_INDICATOR_PARAMETER_TYPE 4811 Invalid parameter type in the array when creating an indicator ERR_INDICATOR_WRONG_INDEX 4812 Wrong index of the requested indicator buffer Depth of Market     ERR_BOOKS_CANNOT_ADD 4901 Depth Of Market can not be added ERR_BOOKS_CANNOT_DELETE 4902 Depth Of Market can not be removed ERR_BOOKS_CANNOT_GET 4903 The data from Depth Of Market can not be obtained ERR_BOOKS_CANNOT_SUBSCRIBE 4904 Error in subscribing to receive new data from Depth Of Market File Operations     ERR_TOO_MANY_FILES 5001 More than 64 files cannot be opened at the same time ERR_WRONG_FILENAME 5002 Invalid file name ERR_TOO_LONG_FILENAME 5003 Too long file name ERR_CANNOT_OPEN_FILE 5004 File opening error ERR_FILE_CACHEBUFFER_ERROR 5005 Not enough memory for cache to read ERR_CANNOT_DELETE_FILE 5006 File deleting error ERR_INVALID_FILEHANDLE 5007 A file with this handle was closed, or was not opening at all ERR_WRONG_FILEHANDLE 5008 Wrong file handle ERR_FILE_NOTTOWRITE 5009 The file must be opened for writing ERR_FILE_NOTTOREAD 5010 The file must be opened for reading ERR_FILE_NOTBIN 5011 The file must be opened as a binary one ERR_FILE_NOTTXT 5012 The file must be opened as a text ERR_FILE_NOTTXTORCSV 5013 The file must be opened as a text or CSV ERR_FILE_NOTCSV 5014 The file must be opened as CSV ERR_FILE_READERROR 5015 File reading error ERR_FILE_BINSTRINGSIZE 5016 String size must be specified, because the file is opened as binary ERR_INCOMPATIBLE_FILE 5017 A text file must be for string arrays, for other arrays – binary ERR_FILE_IS_DIRECTORY 5018 This is not a file, this is a directory ERR_FILE_NOT_EXIST 5019 File does not exist ERR_FILE_CANNOT_REWRITE 5020 File can not be rewritten ERR_WRONG_DIRECTORYNAME 5021 Wrong directory name ERR_DIRECTORY_NOT_EXIST 5022 Directory does not exist ERR_FILE_ISNOT_DIRECTORY 5023 This is a file, not a directory ERR_CANNOT_DELETE_DIRECTORY 5024 The directory cannot be removed ERR_CANNOT_CLEAN_DIRECTORY 5025 Failed to clear the directory (probably one or more files are blocked and removal operation failed) ERR_FILE_WRITEERROR 5026 Failed to write a resource to a file ERR_FILE_ENDOFFILE 5027 Unable to read the next piece of data from a CSV file (FileReadString, FileReadNumber, FileReadDatetime, FileReadBool), since the end of file is reached String Casting     ERR_NO_STRING_DATE 5030 No date in the string ERR_WRONG_STRING_DATE 5031 Wrong date in the string ERR_WRONG_STRING_TIME 5032 Wrong time in the string ERR_STRING_TIME_ERROR 5033 Error converting string to date ERR_STRING_OUT_OF_MEMORY 5034 Not enough memory for the string ERR_STRING_SMALL_LEN 5035 The string length is less than expected ERR_STRING_TOO_BIGNUMBER 5036 Too large number, more than ULONG_MAX ERR_WRONG_FORMATSTRING 5037 Invalid format string ERR_TOO_MANY_FORMATTERS 5038 Amount of format specifiers more than the parameters ERR_TOO_MANY_PARAMETERS 5039 Amount of parameters more than the format specifiers ERR_WRONG_STRING_PARAMETER 5040 Damaged parameter of string type ERR_STRINGPOS_OUTOFRANGE 5041 Position outside the string ERR_STRING_ZEROADDED 5042 0 added to the string end, a useless operation ERR_STRING_UNKNOWNTYPE 5043 Unknown data type when converting to a string ERR_WRONG_STRING_OBJECT 5044 Damaged string object Operations with Arrays     ERR_INCOMPATIBLE_ARRAYS 5050 Copying incompatible arrays. String array can be copied only to a string array, and a numeric array – in numeric array only ERR_SMALL_ASSERIES_ARRAY 5051 The receiving array is declared as AS_SERIES, and it is of insufficient size ERR_SMALL_ARRAY 5052 Too small array, the starting position is outside the array ERR_ZEROSIZE_ARRAY 5053 An array of zero length ERR_NUMBER_ARRAYS_ONLY 5054 Must be a numeric array ERR_ONEDIM_ARRAYS_ONLY 5055 Must be a one-dimensional array ERR_SERIES_ARRAY 5056 Timeseries cannot be used ERR_DOUBLE_ARRAY_ONLY 5057 Must be an array of type double ERR_FLOAT_ARRAY_ONLY 5058 Must be an array of type float ERR_LONG_ARRAY_ONLY 5059 Must be an array of type long ERR_INT_ARRAY_ONLY 5060 Must be an array of type int ERR_SHORT_ARRAY_ONLY 5061 Must be an array of type short ERR_CHAR_ARRAY_ONLY 5062 Must be an array of type char ERR_STRING_ARRAY_ONLY 5063 String array only Operations with OpenCL     ERR_OPENCL_NOT_SUPPORTED 5100 OpenCL functions are not supported on this computer ERR_OPENCL_INTERNAL 5101 Internal error occurred when running OpenCL ERR_OPENCL_INVALID_HANDLE 5102 Invalid OpenCL handle ERR_OPENCL_CONTEXT_CREATE 5103 Error creating the OpenCL context ERR_OPENCL_QUEUE_CREATE 5104 Failed to create a run queue in OpenCL ERR_OPENCL_PROGRAM_CREATE 5105 Error occurred when compiling an OpenCL program ERR_OPENCL_TOO_LONG_KERNEL_NAME 5106 Too long kernel name (OpenCL kernel) ERR_OPENCL_KERNEL_CREATE 5107 Error creating an OpenCL kernel ERR_OPENCL_SET_KERNEL_PARAMETER 5108 Error occurred when setting parameters for the OpenCL kernel ERR_OPENCL_EXECUTE 5109 OpenCL program runtime error ERR_OPENCL_WRONG_BUFFER_SIZE 5110 Invalid size of the OpenCL buffer ERR_OPENCL_WRONG_BUFFER_OFFSET 5111 Invalid offset in the OpenCL buffer ERR_OPENCL_BUFFER_CREATE 5112 Failed to create an OpenCL buffer ERR_OPENCL_TOO_MANY_OBJECTS 5113 Too many OpenCL objects ERR_OPENCL_SELECTDEVICE 5114 OpenCL device selection error Working with databases     ERR_DATABASE_INTERNAL 5120 Internal database error ERR_DATABASE_INVALID_HANDLE 5121 Invalid database handle ERR_DATABASE_TOO_MANY_OBJECTS 5122 Exceeded the maximum acceptable number of Database objects ERR_DATABASE_CONNECT 5123 Database connection error ERR_DATABASE_EXECUTE 5124 Request execution error ERR_DATABASE_PREPARE 5125 Request generation error ERR_DATABASE_NO_MORE_DATA 5126 No more data to read ERR_DATABASE_STEP 5127 Failed to move to the next request entry ERR_DATABASE_NOT_READY 5128 Data for reading request results are not ready yet ERR_DATABASE_BIND_PARAMETERS 5129 Failed to auto substitute parameters to an SQL request Operations with WebRequest     ERR_WEBREQUEST_INVALID_ADDRESS 5200 Invalid URL ERR_WEBREQUEST_CONNECT_FAILED 5201 Failed to connect to specified URL ERR_WEBREQUEST_TIMEOUT 5202 Timeout exceeded ERR_WEBREQUEST_REQUEST_FAILED 5203 HTTP request failed Operations with network (sockets)     ERR_NETSOCKET_INVALIDHANDLE 5270 Invalid socket handle passed to function ERR_NETSOCKET_TOO_MANY_OPENED 5271 Too many open sockets (max 128) ERR_NETSOCKET_CANNOT_CONNECT 5272 Failed to connect to remote host ERR_NETSOCKET_IO_ERROR 5273 Failed to send/receive data from socket ERR_NETSOCKET_HANDSHAKE_FAILED 5274 Failed to establish secure connection (TLS Handshake) ERR_NETSOCKET_NO_CERTIFICATE 5275 No data on certificate protecting the connection Custom Symbols     ERR_NOT_CUSTOM_SYMBOL 5300 A custom symbol must be specified ERR_CUSTOM_SYMBOL_WRONG_NAME 5301 The name of the custom symbol is invalid. The symbol name can only contain Latin letters without punctuation, spaces or special characters (may only contain “.”, “_”, “&” and “#”). It is not recommended to use characters <, >, :, “, /,, |, ?, *. ERR_CUSTOM_SYMBOL_NAME_LONG 5302 The name of the custom symbol is too long. The length of the symbol name must not exceed 32 characters including the ending 0 character ERR_CUSTOM_SYMBOL_PATH_LONG 5303 The path of the custom symbol is too long. The path length should not exceed 128 characters including “Custom\”, the symbol name, group separators and the ending 0 ERR_CUSTOM_SYMBOL_EXIST 5304 A custom symbol with the same name already exists ERR_CUSTOM_SYMBOL_ERROR 5305 Error occurred while creating, deleting or changing the custom symbol ERR_CUSTOM_SYMBOL_SELECTED 5306 You are trying to delete a custom symbol selected in Market Watch ERR_CUSTOM_SYMBOL_PROPERTY_WRONG 5307 An invalid custom symbol property ERR_CUSTOM_SYMBOL_PARAMETER_ERROR 5308 A wrong parameter while setting the property of a custom symbol ERR_CUSTOM_SYMBOL_PARAMETER_LONG 5309 A too long string parameter while setting the property of a custom symbol ERR_CUSTOM_TICKS_WRONG_ORDER 5310 Ticks in the array are not arranged in the order of time Economic Calendar     ERR_CALENDAR_MORE_DATA 5400 Array size is insufficient for receiving descriptions of all values ERR_CALENDAR_TIMEOUT 5401 Request time limit exceeded ERR_CALENDAR_NO_DATA 5402 Country is not found Working with databases     ERR_DATABASE_ERROR   5601 Generic error ERR_DATABASE_INTERNAL 5602 SQLite internal logic error ERR_DATABASE_PERM 5603 Access denied ERR_DATABASE_ABORT 5604 Callback routine requested abort ERR_DATABASE_BUSY 5605 Database file locked ERR_DATABASE_LOCKED 5606 Database table locked ERR_DATABASE_NOMEM 5607 Insufficient memory for completing operation ERR_DATABASE_READONLY 5608 Attempt to write to readonly database ERR_DATABASE_INTERRUPT 5609 Operation terminated by sqlite3_interrupt() ERR_DATABASE_IOERR 5610 Disk I/O error ERR_DATABASE_CORRUPT 5611 Database disk image corrupted ERR_DATABASE_NOTFOUND 5612 Unknown operation code in sqlite3_file_control() ERR_DATABASE_FULL 5613 Insertion failed because database is full ERR_DATABASE_CANTOPEN 5614 Unable to open the database file ERR_DATABASE_PROTOCOL 5615 Database lock protocol error ERR_DATABASE_EMPTY 5616 Internal use only ERR_DATABASE_SCHEMA 5617 Database schema changed ERR_DATABASE_TOOBIG 5618 String or BLOB exceeds size limit ERR_DATABASE_CONSTRAINT 5619 Abort due to constraint violation ERR_DATABASE_MISMATCH 5620 Data type mismatch ERR_DATABASE_MISUSE 5621 Library used incorrectly ERR_DATABASE_NOLFS 5622 Uses OS features not supported on host ERR_DATABASE_AUTH 5623 Authorization denied ERR_DATABASE_FORMAT 5624 Not used ERR_DATABASE_RANGE 5625 Bind parameter error, incorrect index ERR_DATABASE_NOTADB 5626 File opened that is not database file User-Defined Errors     ERR_USER_ERROR_FIRST 65536 User defined errors start with this code

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