Найди и исправь ошибки английский язык 4 класс


№ 2 Найди и исправь ошибки:
1.Sam is the kind dog.
2.Winter is coldest than spring.
3.Monkeys are clever than rabbits.
 4.July is the hotter month  of all.
5.Her picture is bader than Henry’s.
6.Dogs are funnyer than mice.

  Correcting mistakes

Correct the sentences below (if necessary) using Present Simple,
Present Progressive, Past Simple, Past Progressive tenses

1.   Tom
doesn’t goes to the cinema very often.


2.   Do
you listening to me now?


3.   Tim
was walking in the street for 1 hour.


4.   Mary
is read a book at the moment.


5.   Does
your brother like swimming?


6.   We
didn’t watched this film last month.


7.   Are
Jack going to work now?


8.   My
mother cook pizza every weekend.


9.   Are
you waiting for a bus?


10. Do you play
football yesterday?


11.  My
dog slept yesterday at 8 in the evening.


12.  Jane
isn’t do her homework now.


13.  What
was you doing all the evening yesterday?


14.  We
be in the park last Sunday.


15.  When
she broke her leg she wasn’t looking at the road.


16.  I
didn’t go abroad last year.


17.  Her
sister usually drink a lot of coffee.


18.  I
didn’t cleaning my flat all day long yesterday.


19.  Students
do their homework every day.


20.  My sister haved a party two weeks ago.



1.   Tom
doesn’t go to the cinema very often.

2.   Are you listening to me now?

3.   Tim
was walking in the street for 1 hour. right

4.   Mary
is reading a book at the moment.

5.   Does
your brother like swimming? right

6.   We
didn’t watch this film last month.

7.   Is Jack going to work now?

8.   My
mother cooks pizza every weekend.

9.   Are
you waiting for a bus? right

10. Did
you play football yesterday?

11.  My
dog was sleeping yesterday at 8 in the

12.  Jane
isn’t doing her homework now.

13.  What
were you doing all the evening

14.  We
were in the park last Sunday.

15.  When
she broke her leg, she wasn’t looking at the road. right

16.  I
didn’t go abroad last year. right

17.  Her
sister usually drinks a lot of coffee.

18.  I wasn’t cleaning my flat all day long

19.  Students
do their homework every day. right

20.  My sister had a party two
weeks ago.

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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Грамматика английского языка.Проверочная работа. УМК  «Английский язык». И.Н. Верещагина,Т.А. Притыкина,К.А.Бондаренко.Интерактивная презентация.Проверочная работа для контроля усвоения…

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My little sister have just returned from school

I met my friend last week,whom I havent seen for several months

Wasn’t it hard to trsnslate the article? Wasn’t it?

What were you doing,when I called you?

1 Alex is  the best student in his class, but Mark is the worst.
2 The kitchen is the most comfortable room in our house.
3 These are the brightest cushions I could find.
4 The bathroom  he is smallest and  the darkest room in the house.
5 Kate is the tidiest person in her family and Sue is the messiest.

New «wonder chocolate» with new the filling.Coming soon!
Новый «чудо шоколад» с новой начинкой.Скоро в продаже

1. talented-<span>талантливый          1-e
2. </span>intelligent-<span>умный                   2-g
3. </span>curious-<span>любопытный            3-a
4. </span>incredible-<span>невероятный        4-f
5. </span>accurate-<span>точный                   5-d
</span>6. detailed-<span>подробный              6-c
</span><span>7. perfect-</span>идеальный               7-b

Britain’s most common leisure activities are home-based or social. Watching television and videos, and listening to the radio are by far the most popular leisure pastimes.

Pop and rock albums are the most common types of music bought, and pop is by far the most popular form of musical expression in Britain.

The most common free-time activity outside the home among adults is a visit to the pub. Other popular leisure activities include visits to the theatre or cinema. Britain has about 300 theatres, of which about 100 are in London. Britain’s most famous theatre company, The RoyalShakespeare Company, performs in Stratford-upon-Avon, Shakespeare’s birthplace, and in London.

Of all sporting activities, walking is by far the most popular for men and women of all ages. While men tend to dominate golf and sports such as snooker and billiards, women generally prefer swimming, exercise classes and yoga

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39 месяцев назад

Упражнение 5 . Найдите ошибки и исправьте их. 1.We not going to school today. 2 What you doing after school? 3 At the

moment Peter is work in Russia. 4 Does he got a new car? 5 He never wear a hat. 6 He don’t like black coffee. 7 We are have a good time. 8 What you doing now? 9 It rains at the moment. 10 How you like the game?

1.We ARE not going to school today.

2. What ARE you doing after school?

3. At the moment Peter is workING in Russia.

4. Does he gEt a new car?

5. He never wearS a hat.

6. He DOESN’T like black coffee.

7. We are havING a good time.

8. What ARR you doing now?

9. It IS RAINING at the moment.

10. How DO you like the game?

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