Найдите ошибки a ball an dolls

Задания составлены для тренировки материала по определенным и неопределенным артиклям для начинающих. Упражнения даны с ответами для проверки своих знаний.

Упражнение # 1

Поставьте артикль х / a / an

1. _ girl
2. _ house
3. _ apple
4. _ ice-cream
5. _ rose
6. _ boy
7. _ milk
8. _ egg
9. _ tree
10. _ eye

11. _ orange
12. _ elephant
13. _ table
14. _ umbrella
15. _ vitamin
16. _ door
17. _ doll
18. _ fish
19. _ cow
20. _ tea

Правильные ответы к упражнению # 1

1. a girl
2. a house
3. an apple
4. an ice-cream
5. a rose
6. a boy
7. (x) milk
8. an egg
9. a tree
10. an eye

11. an orange
12. an elephant
13. a table
14. an umbrella
15. a vitamin
16. a door
17. a doll
18. a fish
19. a cow
20. (x) tea

Упражнение # 2

Поставьте артикли, где они необходимы.

1. Sasha wants … bicycle.
2. I saw … bears.
3. … My car is red.
4. Anna has … cat.
5. I like … sweets.
6. I need … blue pen.
7. My father is … teacher.
8. We live in … Moscow.
9. They have … house.
10. This is … orange.

Правильные ответы к упражнению # 2

1. Sasha wants a bicycle.
2. I saw bears.
3. My car is red.
4. Anna has a cat.
5. I like sweets.
6. I need a blue pen.
7. My father is a teacher.
8. We live in Moscow.
9. They have a house.
10. This is an orange.

Упражнение # 3

Найдите ошибки.

1. a ball
2. an dolls
3. an house
4. a school
5. a TV
6. a water
7. a coffee
8. the Russia.
9. a teachers
10. an advice.

Правильные ответы к упражнению # 3

1. a ball
2. (x) dolls
3. a house
4. (x) school
5. (x) TV
6. (x) water
7. (x) coffee
8. (x) Russia.
9. (x) teachers
10. (x) advice.

Упражнение # 4

Выберите правильные предложения — где артикли расставлены правильно.

a) The your car is nice.
b) We saw Eiffel Tower.
c) He is a Russian gymnast.
d) Dan worked all a Saturday.
e) I don’t watch TV.
f) I sent Anna a email.
g) There are six new people.
h) Do you have pencil?
i) Weather is good a today.

Правильные ответы к упражнению # 4

Правильные предложения: c; e; g;

Предложения с правильно расставленными артиклями:
a) Your car is nice.
b) We saw the Eiffel Tower .
c) He is a Russian gymnast.
d) Dan worked all Saturday.
e) I don’t watch TV.
f) I sent Anna an email.
g) There are six new people.
h) Do you have a pencil?
i) The weather is good today.

Упражнение # 5

Артикли в контексте.
Расставьте артикли, где это необходимо.

1. I planted … tree in … my garden … last year. … tree has now grown big.
2. … Today I saw … my doctor. … doctor said that I should stay … at home for … week.
3. She has … very beautiful daughter. … daughter is 16.
4. I viewed … your video. … video is interesting.
5. I have … cat. … cat is black.
6. What did Kate buy? She bought … new dress.
7. I have … grandmother. … her name is Maria. She likes … flowers very much.
8. There is … pencil on … table. Give me … pencil, please.
9. He told … interesting story. … story was interesting.
10. I live in … Toronto. It’ … my favorite city.

Правильные ответы к упражнению # 5

1. I planted a tree in my garden last year. The tree has now grown big.
2. Today I saw my doctor. The doctor said that I should stay at home for a week.
3. She has a very beautiful daughter. The daughter is 16.
4. I viewed your video. The video is interesting.
5. I have a cat. The cat is black.
6. What did Kate buy? She bought a new dress.
7. I have a grandmother. Her name is Maria. She likes flowers very much.
8. There is a pencil on the table. Give me the pencil, please.
9. He told an interesting story. The story was interesting.
10. I live in Toronto. It’ my favorite city.

Упражнение # 6
Скажите по-английски следующие предложения, не забывайте про артикли.

1. Он помогает своей матери.
2. Эти розы прекрасны.
3. Я хочу купить квартиру.
4. Я ходил в спортзал.
5. Мы собираемся в Канаду.

6. Утром я пью кофе.
7. Когда я проснулась было утро.
8. Он играет на пианино.
9. Мы купили новые авто.
10. Я не ем завтрак.

Правильные ответы к упражнению # 6

1. He helps his mother.
2. Those roses are beautiful.
3. I want to buy an apartment.
4. I went to the gym.
5. We are going to Canada.
6. I drink coffee in the morning.
7. It was morning when I woke up.
8. He plays the piano.
9. We bought new cars.
10. I don’t eat breakfast.





4 года назад

Английский язык

5 — 9 классы

В каких словах не правильно вставлена артикли , скажите пожалуйста

Смотреть ответ


Ответ проверен экспертом

(0 оценок)



4 года назад

Светило науки — 6314 ответов — 50283 помощи

1 a ball — верно

2 dolls — мн. число, без артикля

3 a house

4 a school

5 a TV

6 water — неисчисляемое

7 coffee

8 Russia  

9 teachers — множ. число (ед. число — a teacher)

10 advice — неисчисл. (если нужно сказать «один совет», то это a piece of advice)

(0 оценок)



Плиз. Срочно!!!
Найдите ошибки и исправьте их.
1. Did you have the good summer?
Yes, I did.
2. She goes shopping once week.
3. Was the weather cold the week ago?
4. Little Tom doesn’t never swin there.
5. There are a ball and three dolls in the box.
6. Is there any people near the shop?
7. There isn’t no lake in the forest.
8. Is there a bookshop near your school?
Yes, it is.
9. There were something fanny in the box.
10. It will be a lot of flyovers in the park.


Светило науки — 998 ответов — 7364 помощи

1. Have you had
a good summer? — Yes, I have.
2. She goes shopping once a week.
3. Was the weather cold a week ago?
4. Little Tom doesn’t ever swim there.
5. There is a ball and three dolls in the box.
6. Are there any people near the shop? 
7. There isn’t any lake in the forest.
8. Is there a bookshop near your school? — Yes, there is.
9. There was something funny in the box.
10. There will be a lot of flowers in the park.

1. _ girl

2. _ house

3. _ apple

4. _ ice-cream

5. _ rose

6. _ boy

7. _ milk

8. _ egg

9. _ tree

10. _ eye

11. _ orange

12. _ elephant

13. _ table

14. _ umbrella

15. _ vitamin

16. _ door

17. _ doll

18. _ fish

19. _ cow

20. _ tea

Поставьте артикли, где они необходимы.

1. Sasha wants … bicycle.

2. I saw … bears.

3. … My car is red.

4. Anna has … cat.

5. I like … sweets.

6. I need … blue pen.

7. My father is … teacher.

8. We live in … Moscow.

9. They have … house.

10. This is … orange.

Найдите ошибки.

1. a ball

2. an dolls

3. an house

4. a school

5. a TV

6. a water

7. a coffee

8. the Russia.

9. a teachers

10. an advice.

Выберите правильные предложения — где
артикли расставлены правильно.

a) The your car is nice.

b) We saw Eiffel Tower.

c) He is a Russian gymnast.

d) Dan worked all a Saturday.

e) I don’t watch TV.

f) I sent Anna a email.

g) There are six new people.

h) Do you have pencil?

i) Weather is good a today.

Артикли в контексте.

Расставьте артикли, где это необходимо.

1. I planted … tree in … my garden … last year. … tree
has now grown big.

2. … Today I saw … my doctor. … doctor said that I
should stay … at home for … week.

3. She has … very beautiful daughter. … daughter is

4. I viewed … your video. … video is interesting.

5. I have … cat. … cat is black.

6. What did Kate buy? She bought … new dress.

7. I have … grandmother. … her name is Maria. She
likes … flowers very much.

8. There is … pencil on … table. Give me … pencil,

9. He told … interesting story. … story was

10. I live in … Toronto. It’ … my favorite city.


Плиз. Срочно!!!
Найдите ошибки и исправьте их.
1. Did you have the good summer?
Yes, I did.
2. She goes shopping once week.
3. Was the weather cold the week ago?
4. Little Tom doesn’t never swin there.
5. There are a ball and three dolls in the box.
6. Is there any people near the shop?
7. There isn’t no lake in the forest.
8. Is there a bookshop near your school?
Yes, it is.
9. There were something fanny in the box.
10. It will be a lot of flyovers in the park.

Автор: Гость

Ответ(ы) на вопрос:


1. Have you had a good summer? — Yes, I have.
2. She goes shopping once a week.
3. Was the weather cold a week ago?
4. Little Tom doesn’t ever swim there.
5. There is a ball and three dolls in the box.
6. Are there any people near the shop? 
7. There isn’t any lake in the forest.
8. Is there a bookshop near your school? — Yes, there is.
9. There was something funny in the box.
10. There will be a lot of flowers in the park.

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