Navicat ошибка 1045

Error 1044/1045

Apply Navicat Version No. : All

MySQL access control would involve two stages:

  1. The server checks whether your desktop (host address or IP address) is allowed to connect.
  2. Assuming you can connect, the server checks each request you issue to see whether you have sufficient privileges to perform it. For example, Create table privilege, Drop table privilege or Alter table privilege.

MySQL server uses the User, Db, and Host tables in the MySQL database during both stages of access control.

If your remote server supports SSH connection, your Navicat will be able to connect with remote MySQL databases through SSH tunnel without making any changes to existing MySQL privileges setting. The major benefit of SSH tunneling is that it allows us to connect to a MySQL server from behind a firewall when the MySQL server port is blocked.

Access denied for user ‘root’@’localhost’ (using password: YES)

Установил MySQL 5.0.37 на Win2000.

Пробовал приконнектится к базе:

>mysql — uroot — p

но выдало:

ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user ‘root’@’localhost’ (using password: YES)

Что делать?

EMS SQL Manager 2005 for MySQL

Комментарий модератора:

Re: Access denied for user ‘root’@’localhost’ (using password: YES)

Re: Access denied for user ‘root’@’localhost’ (using password: YES)

Re: Access denied for user ‘root’@’localhost’ (using password: YES)

Re: Access denied for user ‘root’@’localhost’ (using password: YES)

Re: Access denied for user ‘root’@’localhost’ (using password: YES)

Re: Access denied for user ‘root’@’localhost’ (using password: YES)

Re: Access denied for user ‘root’@’localhost’ (using password: YES)

Приветик, всем!

Может кто-то сталкивался с такой проблемкой.

На своем компе импорт csv файла работает просто замечательно. Как непосредственно через phpmyAdmin, так и через скрирт, где использую следующий запрос к базе данных:


Access denied for user ‘admin’@’localhost’ (using password: YES)

Создание подключения

1. Распаковать сборку в удобное место (например c:server)

2. После того, как всё распаковано заходим в наш c:server далее в папку home

3. Там будет папка с названием «ваш_ip», «127.0.01» или с каким-то подобным

4. Переименовываем эту папку на:

а) — если хотите поиграть одному

б) Локальный ip — если хотите играть по локальной сети с друзьями или другими игроками с сети вашего провайдера. ( как узнать? Пуск -> Панель управления -> Сетевые подключения -> Правой кнопкой мыши на подключение по Локальной сети -> Состояние -> Поддержка )

в) Внешний ip — если хотите, чтобы к вашему серверу могли подключиться игроки со всего земного шара. ( узнать можно на http://2ip. ru/ )

5. Теперь заходим в папку c:mangosdenwer и запускаем фаил Run. exe ( включится сайт и mysql )

6. Теперь нам нужно установить программу Navicat — скачать

7. После того как вы скачали и установили Navicat, делаем всё как показано ниже:

Если не подходит логин или пароль.

Логин и пароль хранятся в файле:

mangosd. conf

Открываем первый файл mangosd. conf с помощью блакнота. В данном файле проставляется все или практически все, к примеру рейты и тому подобное. Нам нужно в нем узнать только логин и пароль для этого ищем три строчки:

LoginDatabaseInfo = «;3306; mangos;mangos ;realmd»

WorldDatabaseInfo = «;3306; mangos;mangos ;mangos»

CharacterDatabaseInfo = «;3306; mangos;mangos ;characters»

Найдя их мы видим такую картину:

ForumMaxi — Сообщество администраторов онлайн игр

Не Конектит К Базе В Navicat Mysql 8. Помо.

    Lis911 30 Jul 2013

    После ввода ключа активации в Navicat for MySQL 8. Стало не возможным коннектится к базе сервера. вот что выдает

    2003 — Can’t connect to MySQL server on localhost (10061)

      Lis911 30 Jul 2013

        Lis911 30 Jul 2013

          vector 30 Jul 2013

          После ввода ключа активации в Navicat for MySQL 8. Стало не возможным коннектится к базе сервера. вот что выдает

          помогите с меня спасибка)

          Ты пароль скорей всего вводил не верно.

            SteveDogs 30 Jul 2013

            если паролей не верный то 1045 ошибка.

              Sanet 27 Jun 2014

              После ввода ключа активации в Navicat for MySQL 8. Стало не возможным коннектится к базе сервера. вот что выдает

              помогите с меня спасибка)

              Таже ошибка. Ток вчера все работало когда установил. Выключил все и на след день запускаю а оно ошибку дает такую.

              Описание проблемы:

              1045-Access denied for user ‘root’@’localhost’(using password: YES)


              Операционная система серии CentOS

              Примечание. Обязательно перезапустите службу MySQL или перезапустите сервер.

              1.Для индивидуальных пользователей

              # mysql -uroot -p
              MySQL [(none)]> предоставьте все привилегии для db_name. * для db_user @ ’%’, обозначенного как «db_pass»; #вторизуйте оператор, обратите особое внимание на точку с запятой
              MySQL [(none)]> flush privileges;
              MySQL [(none)]> exit; # выйдите из консоли базы данных, обратите особое внимание на точку с запятой

              Перезапустите MYSQL: перезапустите службу mysqld

              2, для общей учетной записи root, то есть одной учетной записи для управления всеми базами данных

              grant all privileges on * to root@’%’ identified by ‘dsfdfggdg41;


              Как настроить удаленное соединение MySQL  >> 3. Авторизация базы данных

              tags: Mysql  Mysql

              Modify Mysql’s remote access permissions

              grant all privileges on *.* to 'root'@'%' identified by 'Brysj12#' with grant option;

              Intelligent Recommendation

              The solution when mysql reports error 1045

              2. Open with Notepad Add After opening, search for mysqld keywords After finding it, add skip-grant-tables under mysqld, save and exit.   Then you can modify the files on the c drive Restart mySQ…

              Navicat connects to mysql on the virtual machine

              I just installed mysql on the virtual host and want to use Navicat to operate mysql. But I can’t connect The mysql installed using apt-get has not modified any configuration. Check the database …

              More Recommendation

              mysql 1045 error

              Follow the online prompts to change the mysql password As a result, after restarting the service, I found that the old and new passwords could not be logged in. Finally, without entering the password,…

              MySQL 1045 error

              Today, when you install MySQL 5.5.20 Run Configuration Tools, you always report 1045 errors: #1045 — Access denied for user ‘root’@’localhost’ (using password: NO) #1045 — Access denied for user ‘root…

              Problem Description:

              1045-Access Denied for User ‘root’ @ ‘localhost’ (Using Password: YES)

              the reason:

              Mainly because the username or password error entered by the user is denied access. If you don’t want to reload, you need to retrieve your password or reset your password.

              The solution is to reset the root user password, follow the steps below the Windows platform:

              method one:

              1. Log in to the system as system administrator;

              2, if the mysql server is running, stop it.

              If it is a server running as a Windows service, enter the service manager: Start menu -> Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Services; if the server is not run as a service, you may need to use Task Manager to force to stop it.

              3. Create 1 text file and place the following command in a single row:

              Set password for ‘root’ @ ‘localhost’=password (‘mynewpassword’);

              Save the file with any name. In this example, the file is C: mysql-init.txt.

              4, enter the DOS command prompt: Start menu -> Run -> cmd

              Assume that you have installed mysql to C: MySQL. If you install MySQL to another location, adjust the following commands.

              Under the DOS command prompt, execute the command:

              C: > c: mysql bin mysqld-nt —init-file=c: mysql-init.txt

              When the server is started, execute the contents of the «-init-file» option to read the file named by the SQL command from the specified file at startup, change the root user password. When the server is successfully launched, C: mysql-init.txt should be deleted.

              5. Stop the MySQL server and then restart it in normal mode.

              If you run the server in a service, you should start it from the Windows service window; if the server is manually started, you can use the command as in the normal situation.

              Method Two:

              #/etc/init.d/mysql stop

              #mysqld_safe —user=mysql —skip-grant-tables —skip-networking &

              #mysql -u root mysql

              MySQL> Update User Set Password=Password (‘newpassword’) Where


              mysql> flush privileges;

              Mysql> quit

              #/etc/init.d/mysql restart

              #mysql -uroot -p

              Enter Password:


              Method 3:

              Use the username and password provided in [Client] section directly in the/etc/mysql/debian.cnf file:

              #mysql -udebian-sys-maint -p

              Enter Password:

              MySQL> Update User Set Password=Password (‘newpassword’) Where


              mysql> flush privileges;

              Mysql> quit

              #mysql -uroot -p

              Enter Password:


              Method 4:

              1. Administrator login system, stop MySQL service or end mysqld-nt process

              2, enter the command line, come to MySQL installation directory. Suppose the installation directory is D: mysql , cmd enters the command line

              3. Run D: mysql bin mysqld-nt —skip-grant-tables Starts Mysql, close permission check

              4, run D: mysql bin mysqladmin -u root flush-privileges password «newpassword» reset root password

              5, restart the MySQL service


              When learning Java EE, I took the integration software pushed by the teacher in the environment to start the database. I don’t know what operation was carried out. I couldn’t start / there was a problem with the password, so I unloaded and reinstalled the database. I wrote this article to record the problems I encountered and successfully solved.
              (1) After installation, there is a 1045 error connecting to the database with navicat. You can directly jump to the second largest point and refer to my solution.
              (2) After resetting the password, 1251 error occurs when connecting to the database with navicat. You can directly jump to the third point and refer to my solution.

              1, Reinstall Mysql

              Note: the version of this installation is 8.0.16 (. zip). Previously, the installation package archived by sophomore is in. msi format. This time, it is a. zip package under the official website. After a brief check, the differences between the two are as follows:

              1. Download package on official website: .

              2. After downloading, select the path to unzip the package (for example, I put it in D:mysql-8.0.16-winx64), and create a new my.ini file in the root directory of the unzipped package (i.e. D:mysql-8.0.16-winx64).

              #The basic configuration of my.ini file is as follows.
              # Set 3306 port
              # Set mysql installation directory
              # Set the storage directory of mysql database data
              # Maximum connections allowed
              # Number of connection failures allowed.
              # The character set used by the server is UTF8 by default
              # The default storage engine that will be used when creating new tables
              # The "mysql_native_password" plug-in authentication is used by default
              # Set the default character set of mysql client
              # Set the default port used by mysql client when connecting to the server

              3. Initialize mysql, run cmd.exe as an administrator and enter the bin directory of MySQL, as shown in the figure.

              4. Connect mysql with navicat tool. I think you can generally connect successfully at this step, but after I input the random password generated before, 1045 error pops up (the solution is at the second largest point), and 1251 error appears after resetting the password (the solution is at the third largest point).

              2, 1045 error

              Note: for the first time, I tried to change my.ini file on the Internet to solve the 1045 error without success. The latter method succeeded in resetting the password (I can connect to the login database in cmd.exe, but an error is reported in navicat, so my friends should refer to it carefully).
              1. Run cmd.exe as an administrator, enter the bin directory of mysql, and close the mysql service.

              2. Execute mysqld —skip – grant – tables — shared memory to skip password verification.

              3. Open another cmd.exe (run as an administrator), also enter the bin directory of mysql, enter the mysql -u root -p command, enter the password, and then press enter. You can successfully enter mysql without a password.

              4. Set the password to blank and exit. The statement operation is as follows.

              use mysql; 
              #Blank password
              update user set authentication_string='' where user='root';
              #sign out

              5. After closing the first cmd.exe window, modify your login password in the second cmd.exe window. The statement operation is as follows.

              #Close mysql service
              net stop mysql
              #Open mysql service
              net start mysql
              #Enter the bin directory of mysql
              cdd D:mysql-8.0.16-winx64bin
              #After executing the following command, you are required to enter the password directly. The password has been left blank in the previous step.
              mysql -u root -p
              #Change password
              ALTER USER 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'New password';

              6. After the modification is completed, you can exit and log in again for verification. Successful login means successful password modification.

              #Enter password to log in
              mysql -u root -p 

              3, 1251 error

              Note: the 1251 error occurred when connecting to the database with navicat after resetting the password. The solution is as follows.
              1. Run cmd.exe as an administrator and log in to mysql. For login statements, refer to the above.
              2. Change the encryption method.

              mysql> ALTER USER 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'password' PASSWORD EXPIRE NEVER;

              3. Change password.

              mysql> ALTER USER 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY 'New password';

              4. Refresh.

              mysql> FLUSH PRIVILEGES;

              5. After the operations in 1-4 above, my navicat successfully connected to the database.

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