Не могу удалить тиндер выдает ошибку аккаунт

Tinder — популярное онлайн-приложение для знакомств с платной подпиской, известное своими свайпами и функцией сопоставления. Tinder определяет ваше местоположение и сравнивает вас с другими людьми, чтобы найти совпадения. Вам отображается небольшой выбор профилей из возможных дат, которые Tinder находит для вас. Как и в любом социальном приложении, основанном на местоположении, почти всегда есть шанс, что пользователь может быть отслежен кем-то, кто знает, где он находится. Из-за этого пользователи могут захотеть удалить свои учетные записи. Если вы не можете удалить учетную запись Tinder, прочитайте это полезное руководство, которое поможет вам понять, почему Tinder не позволяет мне удалить мою учетную запись.

Продолжайте читать эту статью, чтобы узнать причины, по которым вы не можете удалить учетную запись Tinder, а также подробные инструкции по ее удалению.

Почему Tinder не позволяет мне удалить мою учетную запись?

Есть несколько причин, по которым вы не можете удалить учетную запись Tinder.

  • Одной из причин может быть ненадежное подключение к Интернету. Проверьте свой интернет-сигнал и повторите попытку, если попытка удалить вашу учетную запись не увенчалась успехом.
  • Также возможно, что у Tinder возникли технические проблемы.
  • Если ваша учетная запись заблокирована, вы не сможете удалить учетную запись.

Это объяснило бы, почему Tinder не позволяет мне удалить мою учетную запись.

Как удалить свою учетную запись Tinder навсегда?

Вы можете навсегда удалить свою учетную запись в Tinder, следуя приведенным ниже инструкциям:

1. Запустите приложение Tinder на своем устройстве.

2. Нажмите на значок своего профиля.

3. Нажмите НАСТРОЙКИ.

4. Нажмите «Удалить учетную запись».

5. Нажмите «Удалить мою учетную запись» >.

Примечание. Кроме того, вы можете нажать ПРИОСТАНОВИТЬ МОЮ УЧЕТНУЮ ЗАПИСЬ, чтобы приостановить свою учетную запись вместо ее удаления.

6. Выберите желаемую причину удаления вашей учетной записи.


Сколько времени требуется для удаления учетной записи Tinder?

Tinder утверждает, что вы не будете видны, если ваша учетная запись не использовалась более 7 дней. Однако ваш профиль полностью исчезнет, ​​если вы действительно удалите свою учетную запись. Теперь, когда вы загрузили приложение, вы должны начать сначала, если хотите создать новую учетную запись.

Можете ли вы удалить свою учетную запись Tinder и начать заново?

Да, вы можете удалить свою учетную запись Tinder и создать новую с нуля.

Что такое Tinder Shadow Ban?

Помимо изучения причин, по которым Tinder не позволяет мне удалить мою учетную запись, вы должны знать о теневом бане. Tinder ограничивает ваше поведение, не предупреждая вас, что является теневым баном. Например, вы все еще можете проводить пальцем влево и вправо в приложении. Однако другие пользователи не смогут просматривать ваш профиль.

Как узнать, попал ли я в теневой бан в Tinder?

Когда пользователь получает теневой бан в Tinder, он может узнать об этом одним из следующих способов:

  • Они могут просматривать только ограниченное количество профилей.
  • Они получают только несколько матчей.
  • Возможно, их уже ограничивали за нарушение условий обслуживания Tinder.

Как долго длится теневой бан?

Теневой бан Tinder может длиться 14 дней или даже месяц, в зависимости от степени нарушения условий использования Tinder.

Можете ли вы удалить забаненную учетную запись Tinder?

Нет, вы не можете удалить свою учетную запись, если вы заблокированы, если вы не создадите новую учетную запись.

Почему Tinder сообщает, что не удалось удалить учетную запись?

Tinder может быть не в состоянии удалить вашу учетную запись по нескольким причинам, перечисленным ниже:

  • Плохое интернет-соединение является наиболее распространенной причиной.
  • На стороне Tinder также могут быть технические проблемы.
  • Ваш аккаунт может быть забанен.


Мы надеемся, что это руководство было полезным, и вы смогли узнать, почему Tinder не позволяет мне удалить запрос моей учетной записи. Если у вас есть какие-либо вопросы или предложения, пожалуйста, оставьте их в разделе комментариев ниже. Кроме того, дайте нам знать, что вы хотите узнать дальше.


Почему не удаляется аккаунт в Тиндере?

Если у вас не удаляется аккаунт в Тиндер, проверьте свое интернет-соединение. Отсутствие подключения к сети – это основная причина возникновения проблемы. Кроме того, иногда могут возникать технические ошибки (тогда можно обратиться в службу поддержки).

Плохое интернет-соединение

Итак, по каким-то причинам вы решили, что больше не хотите пользоваться приложением для знакомств – настолько, что готовы полностью от него избавиться. И тут вы столкнулись с тем, что вам не удается удалить аккаунт Тиндер. Что же делать?

Разумеется, от подобных проблем никто не застрахован. Если вы не готовы просто стереть приложение и хотите полной деактивации учетной записи – тогда читайте наш обзор, постараемся найти действенные пути решения!

И первый ответ на вопрос, почему не удается удалить аккаунт в Тиндер – проблемы с интернет-соединением. Здесь всё логично: есть ли в момент осуществления деактивации профиля ваше подключение «хромает» или полностью прерывается, завершить действие вам не удастся. Ранее рассказали, как удалить страницу в Тиндер с телефона.

1. Перезагрузите роутер или маршрутизатор. Если пользуетесь мобильной связью, перезагрузите телефон (его также можно ввести в авиарежим на несколько секунд – но не забудьте потом отключить режим полета).

2. Если у вас не получается удалить аккаунт в Тиндере, попробуйте переключиться с одной сети на другую. Если пользовались вай-фаем – включите мобильный интернет, если пользовались мобильной сетью – переключитесь на беспроводную.

3. Проверьте остатки трафика по тарифу (если у вас не безлимитный интернет). Кроме того, рекомендуем проверить состояние баланса – может быть, пора вносить платёж, а на вашем счету просто не хватает денег. Такое бывает!

Все равно не удаляется Тиндер? Обратитесь в службу поддержки вашего провайдера или мобильного оператора и задайте вопрос, что же такое произошло с вашим интернетом.

Технические ошибки

Вторая причина, вызывающие возникновение подобного рода неполадок – технические ошибки, которые не зависят от пользователя (внутренние проблемы сервиса).

Рекомендуем также узнать: Что написать о себе в Тиндере, чтобы познакомиться с кем-то.

Что делать, если аккаунт в Тиндер не удаляется из-за технических неполадок? Ничего – просто наберитесь терпения и немного подождите. Как правило, специалисты быстро устраняют подобные трудности, особенно, если они носят массовый характер.

Конечно, вы можете написать запрос в техподдержку и поинтересоваться, почему не удаляется аккаунт в Тиндер. Форма для связи с саппортом находится здесь: выберите параметр «Одна из функций не работает». Не забудьте указать контактные данные и подробно описать возникшую ошибку. Однако должны вас предупредить, что подобное действие, скорее всего, не будет иметь смысла, проблема и так будет решена в кратчайшие сроки.

Теперь вы понимаете, почему не получается удалить аккаунт в Тиндере – как видите, причины довольно тривиальны. Хорошо, что вы можете быстро и самостоятельно решить возникшую проблему – устраните неполадки с подключением к сети или обратитесь в службу поддержки. Желаем удачи!

Не могу удалить аккаунт с тиндера

9 ответов

Последний —

04 августа 2022, 23:36


Я удалила еще когда писали про блокировку инсты😀 потому что чувствовала, что из тиндером может быть какая-то фигня. И сейчас иногда захожу читать отзывы и часто пишут, что аккаунты блокируют или удалить не могут


Зачем удалять, там столько красивых мужиков.


1) мужика я нашла в тиндере как раз😀 и анкета просто висела 2) боялась, что блокировка будет и все мои фото, ссылки останутся там


Зачем удалять, там столько красивых мужиков.


Может, через ВПН попробовать?

04 августа 2022, 23:36



Пробовала — не в какую

There was a problem deleting your Tinder account because of a possibility that your account is restricted for review, there might be some technical issues or your device used for logging in is malfunctioning.

Want to deactivate Tinder? But Tinder doesn’t seem to let you leave? You couldn’t have found a better destination!

It’s possible that you’ve already met someone to spend the rest of your life with and have no need to continue using Tinder’s services.

On the other hand, maybe you’re just sick of swiping right and left and don’t want to depend on online dating services like Tinder.

Either ways this guide could be your hail Mary. We have tried to enlist all possibilities and explained very thoroughly what all could be done in these situations.

Tinder icon

Can Tinder Account Be Deleted ?

Yes, you can delete your Tinder account whenever you want—it’s completely up to you.

Tinder makes it easy to deactivate your account; all you have to do is go to the Settings page from your Profile and then follow the instructions that are shown on that page. Tinder makes it simple.

Scroll down until you locate the option to Remove Account, and then adhere to the steps that are shown on the screen to completely delete your account.

If, on the other hand, you have any reason to believe that you may wish to create a new account in the future, you should hold off on doing so for at least three months.

Any account that was created before we reached this point in time is at danger of being placed on the shadow-ban list.

If you wish to delete your Tinder account, you have to do it while you are logged in to the Tinder app or to Tinder.com. This is required in order to deactivate your Tinder account. This is done for the safety of the situation.

Be advised that deactivating your account will result in the irreversible deletion of any matches, messages, and other information that are associated with it. After it has been completed, there is no way to reverse this action.

Delete your Tinder account completely and permanently from their servers by following these steps:

  • Step 1: Launch Tinder

Start the Tinder app on your mobile device, or log in to the Tinder web app on your computer.

  • Step 2: Access Your Personal Profile

To access your profile, tap the symbol that displays it.

  • Step 3: Navigate to the Settings tab

Proceed to the Settings page when you’re ready.

  • Step 4: Delete the account

If you want to delete your account, scroll all the way down the page until you reach the bottom, and then select the option that reads “Delete Account.”

Tinder will pop up a question asking you if you want to permanently delete your account and what could be the reasons of you leaving the app. This would force you to think about the deletion as it would not be reversed and all your data would be gone.

What Happens When You Delete Tinder Account?

If you deactivate your Tinder account, it will no longer be accessible in the future. After a certain amount of time has passed, it is permanently removed from the Tinder servers and cannot be recovered.

Furthermore, there is no way for you to get your account back. This indicates that none of your communications or matches will be saved. You will also no longer be visible to other users of the app after this change.

Tinder will keep your account information for at least three months after you delete it, and it will apply your prior rating to any new account you create using the same email address or phone number.

If you remove your real profile inside the app, you won’t need to uninstall the app since you’ll become a “Tinder ghost.” You may erase your profile from within the app. Even while you have the option to remove both, it is not required that you do so.

The moment you erase your profile, it is as if it were never there; it is gone forever.

It was as though you had never even been there. Therefore, if you were paired with someone, your name would be removed from their list of potential matches.

If you had a communication with them, the chat would be deleted, and they would be unable to access it in the future. When you make a new profile, it’s as if you’re a whole different person.

It is possible that you will match again with your past matches, but it is also possible that you will not. In such case, it will be exactly the same as if you had created an entirely new profile.

People who have been paired with you may recognize your profile, but the computer systems will not.

Deleting tinder account

Why I Get ‘There Was A Problem Deleting Your Tinder Account’ Error / Why can’t i delete my Tinder account

Short answer: You can’t delete your Tinder account because Your Tinder account might be locked and under review, there may be some technical issues either from your device or from Tinder servers, you might have any active subscriptions, etc.

Tinder will never prevent or restrict a user from cancelling their account or using any other feature on the site.

It is always the user’s choice to discontinue their membership at any time. Thus, it is crucial to understand that Tinder is not prohibiting you from this action at all.

The options below are possible methods for addressing the issue at hand and putting a stop to its effects.

Reason 1: Account under review

Tinder may be down due to your account being reviewed or temporarily suspended.

Due to the fact that there is a likelihood that you might have broken the terms of service, you are unable to use Tinder.

However, they won’t be able to delete your Tinder account if they can’t get into it first, which is a need for the deletion process.

Reason 2: Technical difficulties

There is a possibility that users will be unable to permanently delete their Tinder accounts due to technical difficulties on occasion too.

After some time has gone, you should give it another shot.

Reason 3: Delete from all devices

Delete your Tinder account from each and every device in your possession that contains an internet browser.

Couldn't delete tinder account

How To Fix ‘There Was A Problem Deleting Your Tinder Account’ / Tinder failed to delete account

If you get a problem each time you want to delete your Tinder account and some strange error occurs, and you can’t do that, follow these recommendations to resolve your issue.

Method 1: Check the connection and see alternatives

  • Step 1: Check your internet connection

You should check if your Internet connection works without problems and, if so, try again.

  • Step 2: Change the WI-FI

Change the WI-FI and connect with the cell phone data and see if the problem – in fact – is the Internet connection.

Method 2: Log out, Log in again and then delete account

Sometimes simply logging out and logging again can fix a lot of problems and issues.

So, simply log out of your Tinder account, restart your device and log in again.

Now, try to delete your account, you might be able to do it now.

Method 3: Make sure to cancel your subscriptions

Next, make sure you do not have any active subscriptions on Tinder such as Tinder Gold or Tinder Plus before deleting your account.

If you don’t do that, you might have issues deleting your Tinder account. Removing the existing subscriptions will give an indications to Tinder that you no longer want to use the service and do not want to be charged for it any longer.

So, remove any active subscriptions or pending payments before deleting the Tinder account.

Method 4: Update Tinder app

If you are not using the latest version of Tinder app you might have issues with it features such as couldn’t delete account due to some underlying bug.

So, delete and reinstall the Tinder app. This will give you the latest version of Tinder, and it’s possible that by doing this, things will work.

Method 5: Make sure to Logout from all devices

If the above options did not work for you, try logging out your account from all devices be it your mobile, iPad or tablet, laptop or desktop. Then try logging in.

Sometimes too many sign ins could also make the app become cautious.

Method 6: Submit a request to Tinder

Some users were able delete their Tinder account by sumbit a ticket with Tinder.

Yoy can also follow the same steps and it might work for you:

  • Go to ,’Tinder submit a request
  • Click on, ‘Trouble with account login’
  • Now, Choose, ‘Cant delete my account
  • Here, fill out your email and contact info

Make sure to use phone number and email attached to your profile and then follow the further instructions.

Hopefully, with this you would be able to delete your Tinder account.

Method 7: Try to delete using Tinder web

You should try accessing your account from your computer using Tinder web and not by using their downloaded app.

Simply open Tinder.com on your PC on a web browser.

Now, log in to your account and try deleting your account from the settings. It might work for you.

Method 8: Tinder Problem

If you think the problem is with Tinder and not from your end, it is very likely that the dating app already knows it and are in the process of solving it.

You should exercise some patience in this situation. Try to delete the account later or at another time.

In reality, Tinder’s PR team, your social networks, and perhaps other mechanisms that repeat the information would publish any failure dutifully.

Method 9: Deleting locked account

If your account was under review or locked due to some violations, then you will receive a message from their team explaining the same.

Don’t worry, they’ll let you know what to do next if they decide to give you the same.

Tinder account locked

Method 10: Keep trying

Sometimes it might be just a temporary bug or issue which can get fixed with time.

So, simply keep trying a few times, wait for a day or two and then try, this time you might have your luck.

Method 10 : Delete all your information

If you can delete your account, atleast delete all your information.

Well, it will not help your delete the account but deleting the information is equivalent to deleting the account.

so, delete the following information from your Tinder account:

  • Profile pictures
  • Bio, and other details
  • Connected Instagram account
  • Conversations
  • Any added debit or credit card

Method 11: Contact Tinder support

Although, as per lot of user Tinder support dosen’t reply timely or not at all, but if you have tried all the methods listed above and still can’t delete Tinder account, the last option that remains is to contact Tinder support.

  • Call them –  214-853-4309
  • Contact Tinder support on Twitter.
  • Sumbit a Ticket


Q1. If you cancel your Tinder account, what happens to the likes you’ve given in the past on other people’s profiles?

They have disappeared entirely. Each like creates a new relationship.

Your “match file” will permanently remove in the event that you delete your account, exactly as if you had unmatched.

Q2. What exactly does it mean to pause your Tinder account?

Tinder automatically logs you out when you pause the app.

You disappear from the card stack, but your whole profile, including photos, bio, and matches, will restore as soon as you log in again.

Launch Tinder and choose “Settings” from the menu to pause your account.

Q3. What steps do I need to take to terminate my Tinder Plus subscription?

Your Tinder Plus subscription will continue until you cancel it, even if you delete your Tinder account.

You are responsible for doing it on your own by going to the Google Play Store or the App Store and unsubscribing from the service there.

Q4. Can I make a new Tinder account with the same number?

Yes, you can. But, it’ll be completely new. You will lose all your in-app purchases, contacts, matches, friends, and data.

Final words

Deleting your Tinder app should be a cake walk to you. However, if all possible scenarios are not working out for you then there is always the possibility of contacting Tinder support and assistance team.

Further Reading:

Why are my Tinder messages not showing Up [9 Ways to Fix]

Fix Tinder Fast Chat not Working 

Bhavya Tandon

An aspiring psychologist, Bhavya is in love with technology, sports, and social media. Writing is her passion and solving people’s queries through her guides on AndroidNature is her hobby!

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Why Can't I Delete My Tinder Account

Did you fnally fnd love? After years of endless swiping and countless times being ghosted, did that one match like a fre that has consumed your soul? Or even, did you meet someone new in person and can not wait to fnally delete all those dating apps that have never worked for you?

Congrats! Now, let’s get that pesky Tinder account deleted so you and your match can fy off into the sunset together. However, sometimes there are some problems you may run into when attempting to delete your account.

This can be very frustrating as you do not want it to seem like you are still using Tinder after you have found love. It is also very annoying if you are just deleting the app for a multitude of other reasons like you are trying to take some time to focus on yourself, you are addicted to swiping, or you have realized Tinder just is not the app for you.

When trying to delete your account, you may run into the message of “Failed to delete account” or maybe “there was a problem deleting your tinder account”. This may be happening because you broke Tinder guidelines, your internet is connected, or maybe Tinder is just not working for anyone at the moment.

While the reasoning may not matter, problems with deleting your account can be a very time sensitive issue that you want to get solved as quickly as possible.

Some resolutions are as simple are restarting your Wi-Fi router while others may be as time consuming as waiting for the app creators to fx a bug that has taken Tinder ofine for a while.

Why Can’t I Delete My Tinder Account?

1. You’re Shadowbanned

The reason you are unable to delete your Tinder account might be due to your past actions on the app. If you have been breaking any of the community guidelines you agreed to when you first made your account, this can result in your account being shadowbanned.

This just means that your account is being penalized for the actions you have committed that broke Tinder’s rules. Some reasons might be you were spamming right swipes, were posting nude photos, bullying others in your chats, or maybe even not responding to any matches for a longer period of time.

Because of this essentially time-out on your account, it will not be working correctly and your attempts to delete your profle will be futile until your account is no longer shadow banned by Tinder.

You can attempt to contact Tinder as well and ask why you were shadow banned so you can get to deleting your account a little quicker.

2. Bug

One reason you might be struggling to delete your Tinder account is because there is a bug in the software. In the United States alone, there are over seven million users which sadly means there is going to be some bumps along the road for many of these users.

These types of problems can be very frustrating when you are trying to get something done in an efcient manner, but bugs are sometimes just unavoidable. Various industries and apps alike fall prey to the vicious bugs that circulate the technology systems. Your

frustration is heard and understood, but all you can do is sit tight until the bug works its way out and system developers are able to tackle the issue for you.

You’ve Deleted Your Account Before and Made A New One So Tinder Doesn’t Want You to Delete Again

If you have previously deleted Tinder before and already made a new account, Tinder may be prohibiting you from deleting another account again. Deleting your account more than once and then making new ones registers as spam in the Tinder system.

Much like shadow banning, these actions sometimes result in some holds on your account. Tinder may be not letting you delete your profile because the app believes you will just be making another one in the near future, so Tinder just wants you to keep your same profle so that they do not have to go through the work of maybe making you another account in time to come.

There are also fake accounts that people like to create to impersonate celebrities or maybe try to fnd their friends a new date. Because of this, Tinder does try and stop users who have had an account deleted before from deleting an account once again out of fear you may be impersonating people with your multiple accounts.

3. Tinder Server Down

Tinder’s internal server might also be down which can be the cause of your problems. You can check to see if this is the case by going to DownDetector.com. Once you have accessed the website, you will be met with a search bar.

Type Tinder into said bar and click the magnifying glass to check. You will then either see if there are problems being reported with Tinder’s servers and that can help explain your inability to delete your account, or you will see a message saying there are no current problems with Tinder’s servers so this is not the technological fault you are dealing with.

4. Bad Internet Connection

If you keep trying to delete your account and it just is not working, your internet connection may be to blame. It is very common for Wi-Fi’s to go out for a couple minutes every once and a while, so do not fret.

There are quite a few ways to try and get it back up and starting, or you may not even be connected.

Additionally, if you are not using Wi-Fi and are instead using your cellular data, that may also be malfunctioning. Sometimes a quick reset is all your connection may need to get back up and running.

How to Fix Can’t Delete Tinder Account

Post Something in Your Bio or Picture That Violates Their Terms of Service

If you went against the guidelines that Tinder makes you agree to when you create your account, they may be prohibiting you from deleting your account because you have been reported by other users.

The following actions are against the rules of Tinder which are nudity, sexual harrassment, spam, impersonation, promoting prostituion or trafcking, hate speech, bullying, threats, being a minor, and scamming other accounts.

Additionally, sending the same message to multiple matches or even not responding to any of your matches can get your account in trouble. To fx this, you simply have to stop committing these violations whether it be directly on your profle through pictures or your bio, or through the messages you send to your matches.

Once your account stops doing said prohibited actions and you stop getting reported, you can try again to delete your account.

1. Cancel Your Tinder Subscription

Tinder offers more services if you pay a monthly fee for an added on subscription. These different services may offer features such as undoing a wrong swipe, extra super likes, placing more requirements for who appears on your feed and other more specifc choices.

If you have paid for a Tinder subscription, whether that be Tinder Platinum, Tinder Plus, or Tinder Gold, you will have to send these subscriptions before you can actually delete your account.

To delete your subscriptions, go to the app and click on your messages and matches in the bottom right. Now, access your profle by clicking on your profle picture in the top left corner.

Scroll down until you see Payment Account and tap on Cancel Subscription. This will hopefully allow you to now be able to delete your account.

2. Delete it on Tinder.com

If the app just keeps malfunctioning and your account is not deleting, you can also use whatever device you are on to access Tinder.com.

Once you get to the website on your device, Tinder will try and get you to use the app, but just tap ignore so that you can stay on the website version.

Now, you will have to log into Tinder which can be done using your email, phone number, or Facebook. Having all of these options makes it very easy to get quickly logged in and attempt deleting your profle through the website instead of the app.

3. Just Remove Your Name, Bio and Images

You can also remove all of the information you have put into your account if you are unable to delete it. While this will not delete your account fully, your information will no longer be seen by other profiles.

To do this:

1. Open up the app and going to your matches and messages in the bottom right corner.

2. Your profle will be in the top left corner.

3. Click on your profle picture and then

4. Tap Edit Profle which will be below your picture.

All of your pictures will pop up frst and you will have to click on the red X on each photo. Then, scroll down to your About Me and delete all of the information there as well as any passions and lifestyles you have added.

The only two things you will not be able to remove are your name and age, but there will be no other information attached to your Tinder now.

4. Use Tinder.com on PC to Delete It

If the app and the website on your device are still not letting you delete your account, you can once again try by accessing the website on your personal computer now instead. You will just have to go to Tinder.com on your computer and then log into your account using your email, phone number, or Facebook.

Once you are logged in, click on your profle picture in the upper left corner. All of your settings will appear on the left side of your screen. Scroll all the way to the bottom and Delete Account will be the very last option. Click on that and hopefully this will allow you to fnally delete your account.

5. Keep Trying to Delete Your Account

The app just may be malfunctioning for a couple minutes as well. Your internet might just need to fully connect, or you have not used the app in a while so it needs a couple moments to be truly online.

The solution to your problem might be that you need to just keep retrying to delete it.

Not everything is always functioning properly the second you try to delete it, so your account may actually delete the fourth or ffth time you try because it just needs to process your actions and this sometimes just takes a couple of tries.

6. Clear Cache

There may also just be some extra saved data that is causing your Tinder app to malfunction and not let you delete your account. This means you will have to clear the cache on your device.

Tinder does not have an option to do it on the app, so you will have to clear the cache on your device. If you are using an IOS device such as an iPhone:

1. Go to your settings.

2. Go to General and then select iPhone Storage.

3. Once you have done this, you will see a list of apps. Scroll until you fnd Tinder and choose that.

4. Next, you will see Ofoad App Choose that and any unneeded data will be cleared from your Tinder app and you can try to delete your account once again.

5. If you are using an android device, open up Settings and then go to Storage. A list will appear,

6. Select Apps and then scroll down until you can fnd Tinder. Once you get to Tinder’s page in your setting, tap on Clear Cache and then try again to delete your account.

7. Delete and Reinstall App

Delete and reinstalling the app may also help it refresh and allow you to fnally delete your account for once and all. To do so, delete the app from your phone, tablet, or any other device you are using Tinder on. Then head to the app store and reinstall Tinder.

You will then have to log back into your Tinder account and now, you potentially will be able to delete your account. Also, if you are worried about not remembering your account information, there are plenty of options to use to log back in and no password is needed.

Tinder will instead send a verifcation code either your email or your phone. This makes logging back in a whole lot easier.

8. Keep Trying to Delete Your Account

The app just may be malfunctioning for a couple minutes as well. Your internet might just need to fully connect, or you have not used the app in a while so it needs a couple moments to be truly online.

The solution to your problem might be that you need to just keep retrying to delete it.

Not everything is always functioning properly the second you try to delete it, so your account may actually delete the fourth or ffth time you try because it just needs to process your actions and this sometimes just takes a couple of tries.

9. Wait For Tinder Server to Resolve

If you went to DownDetector.com and were able to discover that the Tinder server is in fact down, the only way to solve this is wait for the server to come back online.

This problem is on Tinder’s end, so there is nothing that you can do to try and remedy the problem. Your own solution is to have patience and once workers are able to get the server functioning once again, you can try and delete your account.

You can also keep checking DownDetector.com and refreshing Tinder’s status on this website so you can quickly act once the server is back up.

10. Make Your Account Undiscoverable so No One Can Find It

If you really just can not fgure out how to take your Tinder account down for good but you really want to make sure no one is seeing your profle, you also have the option of just making your account undiscoverable so no other Tinder users can see you.

To do this:

  1. Go to your messages and matches in the bottom right corner.

2. Now, access your profle in the top left corner and go to the settings option below your account picture.

3. Once you are in your settings, scroll on down until you see Show me on Tinder.

4. This will currently show the toggle turned to red.

5. You will want to select that toggle so the color turns to gray.

This means your account still exists but is just no longer viewable to others. Doing this is also an option if you just want to take a quick break from Tinder, but not completely delete your profle.

11. Contact Tinder

Another way to try and solve your issues with not being able to delete your account on Tinder is to contact Tinder for help and support. This can be done a couple of different ways.

1. Go to Help.Tinder.com. There, you will be able to select your problem from a drop down list.

2. Choose the option that says A Tinder Feature is not Working.

3. You will then have to explain your problem of your account not deleting as well as provide some contact information so they can get in touch with you to solve the problem.

You can also use the app to contact Tinder as well. To do this,

1. Go to your messages and matches in the bottom right corner.

2. Now, access your profle in the top left corner and go to the settings option below your account picture.

3. Scroll down until you see Contact Us and select Help and Support.

4. Now, click on Safety and Reporting and then Additional Resources.

5. You will now see the option of Does Tinder have a support phone number. Select this option and you will see a link in red coloring that says help center.

6. By clicking that, you can get help from Tinder and they will become aware of your issues with deleting your profle.

Did your ex just join Tinder and you do not want them to see that you are back on the market?

Has a family member seen your profle and will not stop making fun of you at the family dinners?

Final Thoughts

Is your addiction to swiping right over taking your life and causing you to be unproductive. Or, were you able to be one in a billion and fnd your soulmate through

Tinder, which we all hope to be able to do one day? Whatever your reason may be, sometimes our accounts just need to be deleted.

While this should be a simple and easy task to complete, technology very rarely likes to work in our favor.

Thankfully, there are a lot of quick and effortless hacks to overcome these constant hurdles that apps such as Tinder like to throw our way.

From a simple deletion of the app or a long road of trying to get into contact with a worker at Tinder so they can solve their own issue for you, there are a lot of different ways to try and resolve the account deletion problems you are facing.

So if down the road, you fnd yourself back on Tinder but needing to delete the app once again, remember all of these quick tips that can help you in the future as well.

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