Ora 04062 ошибка

I’m currently working with an application on Oracle Forms & Reports 6i with a 10g database that has packages, this application has Over 900 .fmb/fmx files and Over 700 .rep/rdf files. I have copied the application to another computer, and now it’s giving me these errors on most of the forms:

FRM-40735: XXXXXX trigger raised unhandled exception ORA-04062. 


ORA-04062 signature of package BLABLA has been changed

I figured out that i have to recompile the form for it to work, and it did, but as i said i have many forms and it’s time consuming to recompile all the forms and packages every time i change the computer.

Where the problem comes from? and what can i do to solve this?

asked Aug 10, 2017 at 10:02

zenami's user avatar

The ORA-04062 error occurs when the spec of a database package used by the Form has changed. Moving the Forms from one client to another shouldn’t cause this unless the target database has changed too.

Part of the problem is that you’re working with a really version of Forms. But I guess upgrading is not an option (because you need the client/server version).

Do you need to compile all the Forms? How many Forms use the affected package? If you must compile a lot of Forms the easiest thing to do is write a .bat script to compile them.

answered Aug 10, 2017 at 17:28

APC's user avatar


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This is also an issue with PL/SQL when a remote database session calls a PL/SQL function, procedure or package via database link to the database server, and the code on the server has a newer timestamp than the last time the client called it.

The remote_dependencies_mode parameter defaults to checking the timestamp of the stored code. It can be changed to signature to avoid the ORA-4062 error.

This is probably not something you would change at an instance level.

What I have used in PL/SQL:

execute immediate q'[alter session set remote_dependencies_mode = 'SIGNATURE']';

This may or may not work with Forms.

If all else fails, it could be set in a session via a logon trigger if this is an issue you regularly have to deal with.

answered Dec 6, 2022 at 20:49

Jared Still's user avatar

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> ORA-04062, timestamp of package has been changed 



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Нелетучий Мыш

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Такая проблема. Есть пакет в моей схеме. Процедура из этого пакета (назовем её локальной) вызывает удаленную процедуру (тоже пакетированную) через db-link.
Удаленный пакет обновился. После этого локальная процедура стала валиться с ошибкой ORA-04062.

Разумеется, я сразу полез в документацию.


ORA-04062 string of string has been changed

    Cause: Attempt to execute a stored procedure to serve an RPC stub which specifies a timestamp or signature that is different from the current timestamp/signature of the procedure.

    Action: Recompile the caller in order to pick up the new timestamp.

Но перекомпиляция не помогла. Не помогло даже удаление и создание пакета заново. Совсем отчаялся, не понимаю, в чем дело. Готов валить на Оракловый баг. Дайте совет, если есть идеи.


«Чтобы правильно задать вопрос, нужно знать большую часть ответа» (Р. Шекли)

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Нелетучий Мыш

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В общем, дело сильно смахивает на баг.

Обойти сумели, сменив настройку базы REMOTE_DEPENDENCIES_MODE на SIGNATURE (было TIMESTAMP). Но это, конечно, workaround.


«Чтобы правильно задать вопрос, нужно знать большую часть ответа» (Р. Шекли)

PM WWW   Вверх
Дата 1.3.2007, 10:08 (ссылка)
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Да не, это кажется не баг…  Среду опиши подробнее — это процедурная репликация настроена или единичный вызов процедуры через db_link?


It’s better to burn out than to fade away.

Дата 1.3.2007, 10:11 (ссылка)
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Нелетучий Мыш

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Я не очень понимаю, что такое «процедурная репликация», но это вызов через dblink.

Добавлено @ 10:12 
Таким образом мы организовываем взаимодействие двух систем — контент-менеджера и целевой платформы.


«Чтобы правильно задать вопрос, нужно знать большую часть ответа» (Р. Шекли)

PM WWW   Вверх
Дата 1.3.2007, 10:14 (ссылка)
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А можно версии серверов?


It’s better to burn out than to fade away.

Дата 1.3.2007, 10:37 (ссылка)
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Нелетучий Мыш

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Сообщений: 6423
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«Чтобы правильно задать вопрос, нужно знать большую часть ответа» (Р. Шекли)

PM WWW   Вверх
Дата 1.3.2007, 10:54 (ссылка)
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ну и наверное последний вопрос (перед тем как сказать что хрен его знает в чем дело) — а в каком порядке делалась перекомпиляция?


It’s better to burn out than to fade away.

Дата 1.3.2007, 12:36 (ссылка)
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Нелетучий Мыш

Группа: Участник Клуба
Сообщений: 6423
Регистрация: 28.12.2004
Где: Санктъ-Петербургъ

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Цитата(Sqlninja @  1.3.2007,  11:54 Найти цитируемый пост)
ну и наверное последний вопрос (перед тем как сказать что хрен его знает в чем дело) — а в каком порядке делалась перекомпиляция? 

Сначала удаленная процедура, потом локальная. Но наоборот я тоже уже пробовал smile


«Чтобы правильно задать вопрос, нужно знать большую часть ответа» (Р. Шекли)

PM WWW   Вверх
Дата 2.3.2007, 10:16 (ссылка)
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Нелетучий Мыш

Группа: Участник Клуба
Сообщений: 6423
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Одна гипотеза возникла — между базами была открытая сессия, и timestamp пакета был в ней «запомнен».


«Чтобы правильно задать вопрос, нужно знать большую часть ответа» (Р. Шекли)

PM WWW   Вверх

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Problem Description
In the database I have created one procedure named a as below.

create or replace procedure a(a number) as
insert into t1 values(1);

Now after creating database link using remote database machine whenever I access this procedure «A» it executes successfully and I get value «1» in table t1. Like below in example where orastdby_m is the database link, shaik is the schema name and value 1 is the argument value though argument value is not used in the procedure.

SQL> exec shaik.a@orastdby_m(1);

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

Now in the source database machine I changed the procedure as below. Though you can change anything like any literal; adding space or remove space. I changed value to be inserted from 1 to 2.

create or replace procedure a(a number) as
insert into t1 values(2);

Now in the other database whenever I execute the procedure using database link it throws error ORA-04062. But subsequent execution goes ok without any error unless I change something inside the original procedure.

SQL> exec shaik.a@orastdby_m(1);
BEGIN shaik.a@orastdby_m(1); END;

ERROR at line 1:
ORA-04062: timestamp of procedure «SHAIK.A» has been changed
ORA-06512: at line 1

SQL> exec shaik.a@orastdby_m(1);

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

Problem Analysis
ORA-4062 indicates that TIMESTAMP or SIGNATURE of NAME has been changed.
When a local piece of PL/SQL references a remote package, function, or procedure, the local PL/SQL engine needs to know if the reference is still valid, or, if the remote procedure has changed.

The locally compiled PL/SQL code is dependent on the remote code. This dependency is tracked by two models either TIMESTAMPS OR SIGNATURES in oracle.

The initialization parameter REMOTE_DEPENDENCIES_MODE is responsible which method to choose. This parameter can be set to either TIMESTAMP or SIGNATURE and can be set at the instance level(By setting ALTER SYSTEM) or at the session level(By setting ALTER SESSION). This can also be set at the client side session.

Also oracle allows «runtime binding» by which client PLSQL allows to delay for the actual binding up of a reference to a SCHEMA.OBJECT.


If the dependency mode is set to TIMESTAMP, the local PL/SQL block can only execute the remote PL/SQL block if the timestamp on the remote procedure matches the timestamp stored in the locally compiled PL/SQL block. If the timestamps do not match, the local PL/SQL must be recompiled.


If the dependency mode is set to SIGNATURE, the local PL/SQL block can still execute the remote PL/SQL block if its «signature» is the same, even if the timestamp has changed.

The term «signature» basically means the interface (procedure name, parameter types or modes) is the same, even if the underlying implementation has changed.

The error «ORA-04062: timestamp of procedure has been changed» is reported if the local PL/SQL block cannot call the remote procedure, since the timestamp or signature has changed on the remote end. A local recompilation may be required to make the call.

In the case of server to server calls, the local PL/SQL block is implicitly recompiled on the next call after an ORA-4062 error. In the case of client tools to server calls, the client Form or Report usually needs to be recompiled explicitly.

Solution of the Problem
When client-side PL/SQL tools are used OR when server-side PL/SQL calls are used across database links , set REMOTE_DEPENDENCIES_MODE to SIGNATURE. This reduces the chances of the ORA-4062 errors and the need for unnecessary recompilations.
You can change in client side by,

Session altered.

Now changing the definition of procedure «A» in the source database will not result ORA-4062 in the remote database.

Problem Description
In the database I have created one procedure named a as below.

create or replace procedure a(a number) as
insert into t1 values(1);

Now after creating database link using remote database machine whenever I access this procedure «A» it executes successfully and I get value «1» in table t1. Like below in example where orastdby_m is the database link, shaik is the schema name and value 1 is the argument value though argument value is not used in the procedure.

SQL> exec shaik.a@orastdby_m(1);

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

Now in the source database machine I changed the procedure as below. Though you can change anything like any literal; adding space or remove space. I changed value to be inserted from 1 to 2.

create or replace procedure a(a number) as
insert into t1 values(2);

Now in the other database whenever I execute the procedure using database link it throws error ORA-04062. But subsequent execution goes ok without any error unless I change something inside the original procedure.

SQL> exec shaik.a@orastdby_m(1);
BEGIN shaik.a@orastdby_m(1); END;

ERROR at line 1:
ORA-04062: timestamp of procedure «SHAIK.A» has been changed
ORA-06512: at line 1

SQL> exec shaik.a@orastdby_m(1);

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

Problem Analysis
ORA-4062 indicates that TIMESTAMP or SIGNATURE of NAME has been changed.
When a local piece of PL/SQL references a remote package, function, or procedure, the local PL/SQL engine needs to know if the reference is still valid, or, if the remote procedure has changed.

The locally compiled PL/SQL code is dependent on the remote code. This dependency is tracked by two models either TIMESTAMPS OR SIGNATURES in oracle.

The initialization parameter REMOTE_DEPENDENCIES_MODE is responsible which method to choose. This parameter can be set to either TIMESTAMP or SIGNATURE and can be set at the instance level(By setting ALTER SYSTEM) or at the session level(By setting ALTER SESSION). This can also be set at the client side session.

Also oracle allows «runtime binding» by which client PLSQL allows to delay for the actual binding up of a reference to a SCHEMA.OBJECT.


If the dependency mode is set to TIMESTAMP, the local PL/SQL block can only execute the remote PL/SQL block if the timestamp on the remote procedure matches the timestamp stored in the locally compiled PL/SQL block. If the timestamps do not match, the local PL/SQL must be recompiled.


If the dependency mode is set to SIGNATURE, the local PL/SQL block can still execute the remote PL/SQL block if its «signature» is the same, even if the timestamp has changed.

The term «signature» basically means the interface (procedure name, parameter types or modes) is the same, even if the underlying implementation has changed.

The error «ORA-04062: timestamp of procedure has been changed» is reported if the local PL/SQL block cannot call the remote procedure, since the timestamp or signature has changed on the remote end. A local recompilation may be required to make the call.

In the case of server to server calls, the local PL/SQL block is implicitly recompiled on the next call after an ORA-4062 error. In the case of client tools to server calls, the client Form or Report usually needs to be recompiled explicitly.

Solution of the Problem
When client-side PL/SQL tools are used OR when server-side PL/SQL calls are used across database links , set REMOTE_DEPENDENCIES_MODE to SIGNATURE. This reduces the chances of the ORA-4062 errors and the need for unnecessary recompilations.
You can change in client side by,

Session altered.

Now changing the definition of procedure «A» in the source database will not result ORA-4062 in the remote database.


ORA-4062 Explained (for Client and Server PL/SQL)


ORA-4062 indicates that ‘TIMESTAMP / SIGNATURE of NAME has been changed’.
When a local piece of PL/SQL references a remote package, function, or procedure, the local PL/SQL engine needs to know if the reference is still valid, or, if the remote procedure has changed. 

The locally compiled PL/SQL code is ‘dependent’ on the remote code. The following two models can be used in Oracle to track this dependency:


The method used is determined by the server initialization . This can be set at the instance (initSID.ora) or session (ALTER SESSION) level.

Additionally, we allow ‘runtime binding’ which allows client PLSQL to delay the actual binding up of a reference to a SCHEMA.OBJECT.


If the dependency mode is set to TIMESTAMP, the local PL/SQL block can only execute the remote PL/SQL block if the timestamp on the remote procedure matches the timestamp stored in the locally compiled PL/SQL block. If the timestamps do not match, the local PL/SQL must be recompiled.


If the dependency mode is set to SIGNATURE, the local PL/SQL block can  still execute the remote PL/SQL block if its ‘signature’ is the same, even if the timestamp has changed. 

The ‘signature’ basically means the interface (procedure name, parameter types or modes) is the same, even if the underlying implementation has changed.

A description of the factors that the SIGNATURE depends on can be found in Chapter 7 of the Oracle Application Developers Guide in the section on Remote Dependencies (up to Version 10.1) or in Chapter 6 of the Oracle Database Concepts guide (Version 10.2 onwards). It is important to read this section because a few disadvantages exist to using a SIGNATURE dependency model. 

The main disadvantage is that a few changes to a stored package / procedure require manual recompilation of the calling PL/SQL. For example, if an overloaded version of an existing procedure is added, then the caller still uses the original version until the caller is recompiled.


This error is reported if the local PL/SQL block cannot call the remote procedure, since the timestamp or signature has changed on the remote end. A local recompilation may be required to make the call. 

In the case of server to server calls, the local PL/SQL block is implicitly recompiled on the next call after an ORA-4062 error. In the case of client tools to server calls, the client Form or Report usually needs to be recompiled explicitly. 


Oracle recommends that is set to SIGNATURE when client-side PL/SQL tools are used OR when server-side PL/SQL calls are used across database links. This reduces the chances of the ORA-4062 errors and the need for unnecessary recompilations, but note the restrictions discussed in the Documentation as mentioned above.

Client tools, such as Developer, attempt to use SIGNATURE mode by issuing ‘ALTER SESSION’ statements. Therefore, the init.ora parameter setting is over-ridden for these products (provided users have the ‘ALTER SESSION’ privilege).

Known Issues

Provided that REMOTE_DEPENDENCIES_MODE is set correctly, ORA-4062 errors should only be signalled if the signature of the procedure changes.

For example, if the remote procedure contains a definition MYPROC( A NUMBER ),and this is changed to MYPROC( A NUMBER, B NUMBER ), the signature has changed. Therefore, it is expected behaviour that any PL/SQL calling MYPROC must be recompiled.

Many Oracle tools which include a client-side PL/SQL engine issue an 


statement to set the SIGNATURE dependency model. Errors from issuing this statement may be silently ignored. For example, if a user does not have the ‘ALTER SESSION’ privilege, then the REMOTE_DEPENDENCIES_MODE is left at the default mode (taken from the init.ora parameter setting).

Форум программистов Vingrad

> ORA-04062, timestamp of package has been changed 


Опции темы


Нелетучий Мыш

Группа: Участник Клуба
Сообщений: 6423
Регистрация: 28.12.2004
Где: Санктъ-Петербургъ

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Такая проблема. Есть пакет в моей схеме. Процедура из этого пакета (назовем её локальной) вызывает удаленную процедуру (тоже пакетированную) через db-link.
Удаленный пакет обновился. После этого локальная процедура стала валиться с ошибкой ORA-04062.

Разумеется, я сразу полез в документацию.


ORA-04062 string of string has been changed

    Cause: Attempt to execute a stored procedure to serve an RPC stub which specifies a timestamp or signature that is different from the current timestamp/signature of the procedure.

    Action: Recompile the caller in order to pick up the new timestamp.

Но перекомпиляция не помогла. Не помогло даже удаление и создание пакета заново. Совсем отчаялся, не понимаю, в чем дело. Готов валить на Оракловый баг. Дайте совет, если есть идеи.


«Чтобы правильно задать вопрос, нужно знать большую часть ответа» (Р. Шекли)


Нелетучий Мыш

Группа: Участник Клуба
Сообщений: 6423
Регистрация: 28.12.2004
Где: Санктъ-Петербургъ

Репутация: 2
Всего: 151

В общем, дело сильно смахивает на баг.

Обойти сумели, сменив настройку базы REMOTE_DEPENDENCIES_MODE на SIGNATURE (было TIMESTAMP). Но это, конечно, workaround.


«Чтобы правильно задать вопрос, нужно знать большую часть ответа» (Р. Шекли)



Группа: Участник
Сообщений: 353
Регистрация: 15.5.2006
Где: San Francisco, CA

Репутация: 13
Всего: 13

Да не, это кажется не баг…  Среду опиши подробнее — это процедурная репликация настроена или единичный вызов процедуры через db_link?


It’s better to burn out than to fade away.


Нелетучий Мыш

Группа: Участник Клуба
Сообщений: 6423
Регистрация: 28.12.2004
Где: Санктъ-Петербургъ

Репутация: 2
Всего: 151

Я не очень понимаю, что такое «процедурная репликация», но это вызов через dblink.

Добавлено @ 10:12 
Таким образом мы организовываем взаимодействие двух систем — контент-менеджера и целевой платформы.


«Чтобы правильно задать вопрос, нужно знать большую часть ответа» (Р. Шекли)



Группа: Участник
Сообщений: 353
Регистрация: 15.5.2006
Где: San Francisco, CA

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Всего: 13

А можно версии серверов?


It’s better to burn out than to fade away.


Нелетучий Мыш

Группа: Участник Клуба
Сообщений: 6423
Регистрация: 28.12.2004
Где: Санктъ-Петербургъ

Репутация: 2
Всего: 151, обе.


«Чтобы правильно задать вопрос, нужно знать большую часть ответа» (Р. Шекли)



Группа: Участник
Сообщений: 353
Регистрация: 15.5.2006
Где: San Francisco, CA

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ну и наверное последний вопрос (перед тем как сказать что хрен его знает в чем дело) — а в каком порядке делалась перекомпиляция?


It’s better to burn out than to fade away.


Нелетучий Мыш

Группа: Участник Клуба
Сообщений: 6423
Регистрация: 28.12.2004
Где: Санктъ-Петербургъ

Репутация: 2
Всего: 151

Цитата(Sqlninja @  1.3.2007,  11:54 Найти цитируемый пост)
ну и наверное последний вопрос (перед тем как сказать что хрен его знает в чем дело) — а в каком порядке делалась перекомпиляция? 

Сначала удаленная процедура, потом локальная. Но наоборот я тоже уже пробовал smile


«Чтобы правильно задать вопрос, нужно знать большую часть ответа» (Р. Шекли)


Нелетучий Мыш

Группа: Участник Клуба
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Одна гипотеза возникла — между базами была открытая сессия, и timestamp пакета был в ней «запомнен».


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ORA-04062 bij package. Timestamp has been changed..

ORA-04062 bij package. Timestamp has been changed..

Een 'timestamp' foutmelding in job. Package gaf de volgende melding:

Onverwachte fout; proces volledig afgebroken:
ORA-20001: Fout in <package> bij nr. 18212  ORA-00604: error occurred
at recursive SQL level 1
ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error
ORA-06512: at line 11
ORA-04062: timestamp of package "INET.INET_ALGEMEEN_PCK" has been

Die laatste melding ben ik alleen ooit tegengekomen bij forms:
gecompileerd tegen de ene database, draaien tegen een andere (versie).
Oplossing was toen het compileren tegen produktie-database aan.
Bij packages nog niet tegengekomen.

Bij checken bleek dat er een release was geweest in een andere database, waar nu net onze package via een database-link naar toe verwees.
Deze aanroepende package was niet opnieuw gecompileerd. Opnieuw compileren en het werkt weer.

Wanneer dit nog niet goed werkt, moet je gaan denken aan een
verandering van een parameter remote_dependencies_mode (staat nu op
TIMESTAMP). Sowieso een goed idee wanneer veel gewerkt wordt met databaselinkst.
Zie bijgevoegde note van Oracle:

Note 73506.1
This error is reported if the local PL/SQL block cannot call the remote
procedure, since the timestamp or signature has changed on the remote
end. A local recompilation may be required to make the call.
In the case of server to server calls, the local PL/SQL block is
implicitly recompiled on the next call after an ORA-4062 error. In the
case of client tools to server calls, the client Form or Report usually
needs to be recompiled explicitly.

Oracle recommends that <Parameter:REMOTE_DEPENDENCIES_MODE> is set to
SIGNATURE when client-side PL/SQL tools are used OR when server-side
PL/SQL calls are used across database links. This reduces the chances of
the ORA-4062 errors and the need for unnecessary recompilations, but
note the restrictions discussed in the Documentation as mentioned

Client tools, such as Developer, attempt to use SIGNATURE mode by
issuing 'ALTER SESSION' statements. Therefore, the init.ora parameter
setting is over-ridden for these products (provided users have the
'ALTER SESSION' privilege).

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  • Env
  • ORA-04062 error
  • Reason
  • Re-Install Database
  • recreate cdb/pdb use as below command.
  • Reference

DBCA fails with the following error.

ERROR=ORA-04062: signature of package "SYS.DBMS_BACKUP_RESTORE" has been changed


SQL> select banner from v$version;

Oracle Database 19c Enterprise Edition Release - Production

SQL> select banner_full from v$version;

Oracle Database 19c Enterprise Edition Release - Production

SQL> !cat /etc/redhat-release
Red Hat Enterprise Linux release 8.4 (Ootpa)

SQL> !uname -r


ORA-04062 error

DBCA fails with Error: ORA-04062: signature of package “SYS.DBMS_BACKUP_RESTORE” has been changed

[oracle@ol8-19c dbhome_1]$ cat /u01/app/oracle/cfgtoollogs/dbca/cdb2/cdb21.log
[ 2022-01-21 10:00:18.615 CST ] [WARNING] [DBT-06208] The 'SYS' password entered does not conform to the Oracle recommended standards.
[ 2022-01-21 10:00:18.615 CST ] [WARNING] [DBT-06208] The 'PDBADMIN' password entered does not conform to the Oracle recommended standards.
[ 2022-01-21 10:00:20.143 CST ] Prepare for db operation
[ 2022-01-21 10:00:20.313 CST ] Copying database files
[ 2022-01-21 10:02:19.050 CST ] Creating and starting Oracle instance
[ 2022-01-21 10:03:07.024 CST ] [FATAL] Error while restoring PDB backup piece
[oracle@ol8-19c dbhome_1]$

The trace log in /u01/app/oracle/cfgtoollogs/dbca are as below.

[Thread-68] [ 2022-01-21 10:43:50.874 CST ] [RMANUtil$RMANUtilErrorListener.handleError:1386]  ERROR=channel ORA_DISK_1: SID=29 device type=DISK
[Thread-68] [ 2022-01-21 10:43:50.874 CST ] [RMANUtil$RMANUtilErrorListener.handleError:1386]  ERROR=RMAN-00571: ===================================================
[Thread-68] [ 2022-01-21 10:43:50.874 CST ] [RMANUtil$RMANUtilErrorListener.handleError:1386]  ERROR=RMAN-00569: =============== ERROR MESSAGE STACK FOLLOWS =======
[Thread-68] [ 2022-01-21 10:43:50.874 CST ] [RMANUtil$RMANUtilErrorListener.handleError:1386]  ERROR=RMAN-00571: ===================================================
[Thread-68] [ 2022-01-21 10:43:50.874 CST ] [RMANUtil$RMANUtilErrorListener.handleError:1386]  ERROR=RMAN-03002: failure of restore command at 01/21/2022 10:43:50
[Thread-68] [ 2022-01-21 10:43:50.874 CST ] [RMANUtil$RMANUtilErrorListener.handleError:1386]  ERROR=ORA-04062: signature of package "SYS.DBMS_BACKUP_RESTORE" has b
een changed
[Thread-68] [ 2022-01-21 10:43:50.874 CST ] [RMANUtil$RMANUtilErrorListener.handleError:1386]  ERROR=RMAN>


ORA-04062: signature of package “SYS.DBMS_BACKUP_RESTORE” has been changed when using DBCA on 19c (Doc ID 2741745.1)

Note: The cause is known, But seems there is a conflict between the rman version packages that is coming from the patch vs rman version packages used by DBCA Template.

1-. Create a fresh Installed for or rollback 19C PSU
2-. Run DBCA to create CDB
3-. Re-apply 19C RU and run datapatch

Once the Database is created and/or upgraded, if still receiving

SYS.DBMS_BACKUP_RESTORE version is not current

Then follow steps from: 2741760.1 - PL/SQL package SYS.DBMS_BACKUP_RESTORE version is not current

Recompile the RMAN packages and procedures by connecting to the target database as SYSDBA and execute: 

$ sqlplus / as sysdba

SQL> @$ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/dbmsrman.sql
SQL> @$ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/dbmsbkrs.sql
SQL> @$ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/prvtrmns.plb
SQL> @$ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/prvtbkrs.plb

Note: The cause is known, But seems there is a conflict between the rman version packages that is coming from the patch vs rman version packages used by DBCA Template.

This note only applied when creating a Database using DBCA  and Patch has been applied before database as been created.

Re-Install Database

ReInstall Database.

There is a conflict between the rman version packages that is coming from the patch vs rman version packages used by DBCA Template.

[oracle@ol8-19c software]$ ls -tlr LINUX.X64_193000_db_home.zip
-rwxrwx--- 1 root vboxsf 3059705302 Jul  7  2021 LINUX.X64_193000_db_home.zip
[oracle@ol8-19c software]$ pwd
[oracle@ol8-19c software]$ cd $ORACLE_HOME
[oracle@ol8-19c dbhome_2]$ cd ../dbhome_1/
[oracle@ol8-19c dbhome_1]$ unzip -oq /software/LINUX.X64_193000_db_home.zip
[oracle@ol8-19c dbhome_1]$ export CV_ASSUME_DISTID=OEL7.6
[oracle@ol8-19c dbhome_1]$ pwd
[oracle@ol8-19c dbhome_1]$ export ORACLE_HOME=/u01/app/oracle/product/19.0.0/dbhome_1
[oracle@ol8-19c dbhome_1]$ ./runInstaller -ignorePrereq -waitforcompletion -silent                        
>     -responseFile ${ORACLE_HOME}/install/response/db_install.rsp               
>     oracle.install.option=INSTALL_DB_SWONLY                                    
>     ORACLE_HOSTNAME=${ORACLE_HOSTNAME}                                         
>     UNIX_GROUP_NAME=oinstall                                                   
>     INVENTORY_LOCATION=${ORA_INVENTORY}                                        
>     SELECTED_LANGUAGES=en,en_GB                                                
>     ORACLE_HOME=${ORACLE_HOME}                                                 
>     ORACLE_BASE=${ORACLE_BASE}                                                 
>     oracle.install.db.InstallEdition=EE                                        
>     oracle.install.db.OSDBA_GROUP=dba                                          
>     oracle.install.db.OSBACKUPDBA_GROUP=dba                                    
>     oracle.install.db.OSDGDBA_GROUP=dba                                        
>     oracle.install.db.OSKMDBA_GROUP=dba                                        
>     oracle.install.db.OSRACDBA_GROUP=dba                                       
>     SECURITY_UPDATES_VIA_MYORACLESUPPORT=false                                 
perl: warning: Setting locale failed.
perl: warning: Please check that your locale settings:
	LANGUAGE = (unset),
	LC_ALL = (unset),
	LC_CTYPE = "UTF-8",
	LANG = "en_US.UTF-8"
    are supported and installed on your system.
perl: warning: Falling back to a fallback locale ("en_US.UTF-8").
Launching Oracle Database Setup Wizard...

[WARNING] [INS-13014] Target environment does not meet some optional requirements.
   CAUSE: Some of the optional prerequisites are not met. See logs for details. /u01/app/oraInventory/logs/InstallActions2022-01-21_11-54-20AM/installActions2022-01-21_11-54-20AM.log
   ACTION: Identify the list of failed prerequisite checks from the log: /u01/app/oraInventory/logs/InstallActions2022-01-21_11-54-20AM/installActions2022-01-21_11-54-20AM.log. Then either from the log file or from installation manual find the appropriate configuration to meet the prerequisites and fix it manually.
The response file for this session can be found at:

You can find the log of this install session at:

As a root user, execute the following script(s):
	1. /u01/app/oracle/product/19.0.0/dbhome_1/root.sh

Execute /u01/app/oracle/product/19.0.0/dbhome_1/root.sh on the following nodes:
[oracle@ol8-19c dbhome_1]$ su -
[root@ol8-19c ~]# /u01/app/oraInventory/orainstRoot.sh
-bash: /u01/app/oraInventory/orainstRoot.sh: No such file or directory
[root@ol8-19c ~]# /u01/app/oracle/product/19.0.0/dbhome_1/root.sh
Check /u01/app/oracle/product/19.0.0/dbhome_1/install/root_ol8-19c_2022-01-21_11-56-47-912597304.log for the output of root script
[root@ol8-19c ~]# cat /u01/app/oracle/product/19.0.0/dbhome_1/install/root_ol8-19c_2022-01-21_11-56-47-912597304.log
Performing root user operation.

The following environment variables are set as:
    ORACLE_OWNER= oracle
    ORACLE_HOME=  /u01/app/oracle/product/19.0.0/dbhome_1
   Copying dbhome to /usr/local/bin ...
   Copying oraenv to /usr/local/bin ...
   Copying coraenv to /usr/local/bin ...

Entries will be added to the /etc/oratab file as needed by
Database Configuration Assistant when a database is created
Finished running generic part of root script.
Now product-specific root actions will be performed.
Oracle Trace File Analyzer (TFA) is available at : /u01/app/oracle/product/19.0.0/dbhome_1/bin/tfactl
[root@ol8-19c ~]# exit
[oracle@ol8-19c dbhome_1]$

recreate cdb/pdb use as below command.

dbca create cdb as silent mode.

dbca -silent -createDatabase -templateName General_Purpose.dbc -createAsContainerDatabase true -numberOfPDBs 1 -pdbName orclpdb -gdbname oradb.example.com -sid oradb -sysPassword oracle -systemPassword oracle -pdbAdminPassword oracle -characterSet AL32UTF8 -memoryPercentage 50 -responseFile NO_VALUE -emConfiguration LOCAL

43% complete
46% complete
Completing Database Creation
51% complete
53% complete
54% complete
Creating Pluggable Databases
58% complete
77% complete
Executing Post Configuration Actions
100% complete
Database creation complete. For details check the logfiles at:
Database Information:
Global Database Name:oradb.example.com
System Identifier(SID):oradb
Look at the log file "/u01/app/oracle/cfgtoollogs/dbca/oradb/oradb0.log" for further details.
[oracle@ol8-19c dbhome_1]$ ps -ef | grep smon
oracle     14029       1  0 12:10 ?        00:00:00 ora_smon_oradb
oracle     14869    2637  0 13:08 pts/1    00:00:00 grep --color=auto smon
[oracle@ol8-19c dbhome_1]$


dbca sample for creating cdb/pdb.

dbca -silent -createDatabase 
 -templateName General_Purpose.dbc 
 -gdbname cdb3 -sid cdb3 -responseFile NO_VALUE 
 -characterSet AL32UTF8 
 -sysPassword Oracle123 
 -systemPassword Oracle123 
 -createAsContainerDatabase true 
 -numberOfPDBs 1 
 -pdbName pdb1 
 -pdbAdminPassword Oracle123 
 -databaseType MULTIPURPOSE 
 -memoryMgmtType auto_sga 
 -totalMemory 2000 
 -storageType FS 
 -datafileDestination "/u02/oradata/" 
 -redoLogFileSize 50 
 -emConfiguration NONE 

Error in DBCA (create a CDB) — “Error while restoring PDB backup piece” is met during the “Creating and starting Oracle Instance” step (Doc ID 2831203.1)

Upon running "opatch lsinventory -detail", it was found that opatch lsinventory is not running. When checking the physical path of file, the inventory file was not present.
Recreate the central inventory and registered the Oracle database home. Then run DBCA once again.
This should resolve this issue.

Steps To Recreate Central Inventory(oraInventory) In RDBMS Homes (Doc ID 556834.1)

Have a good work&life! 2022/01 via LinHong

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ORA-4062 Explained (for Client and Server PL/SQL) [ID 73506.1]

Applies to:

PL/SQL — Version: to — Release: to 11.1
Information in this document applies to any platform.
Checked for relevance on 25-Feb-2010


This article contains information about the ORA-4062 error which can occur when using client-side PL/SQL (Oracle Forms, Reports) or server-side PL/SQL across a database link.

Scope and Application

This article is intended for any level of user seeking an explanation of the error code.

ORA-4062 Explained (for Client and Server PL/SQL)


ORA-4062 indicates that ‘TIMESTAMP / SIGNATURE of NAME has been changed’.
When a local piece of PL/SQL references a remote package, function, or procedure, the local PL/SQL engine needs to know if the reference is still valid, or, if the remote procedure has changed.

The locally compiled PL/SQL code is ‘dependent’ on the remote code. The following two models can be used in Oracle to track this dependency:


The method used is determined by the server initialization <Parameter:REMOTE_DEPENDENCIES_MODE>. This can be set at the instance (initSID.ora) or session (ALTER SESSION) level.

Additionally, we allow ‘runtime binding’ which allows client PLSQL to delay the actual binding up of a reference to a SCHEMA.OBJECT.


If the dependency mode is set to TIMESTAMP, the local PL/SQL block can only execute the remote PL/SQL block if the timestamp on the remote procedure matches the timestamp stored in the locally compiled PL/SQL block. If the timestamps do not match, the local PL/SQL must be recompiled.


If the dependency mode is set to SIGNATURE, the local PL/SQL block can  still execute the remote PL/SQL block if its ‘signature’ is the same, even if the timestamp has changed.

The ‘signature’ basically means the interface (procedure name, parameter types or modes) is the same, even if the underlying implementation has changed.

A description of the factors that the SIGNATURE depends on can be found in Chapter 7 of the Oracle Application Developers Guide in the section on Remote Dependencies (up to Version 10.1) or in Chapter 6 of the Oracle Database Concepts guide (Version 10.2 onwards). It is important to read this section because a few disadvantages exist to using a SIGNATURE dependency model.

The main disadvantage is that a few changes to a stored package / procedure require manual recompilation of the calling PL/SQL. For example, if an overloaded version of an existing procedure is added, then the caller still uses the original version until the caller is recompiled.


This error is reported if the local PL/SQL block cannot call the remote procedure, since the timestamp or signature has changed on the remote end. A local recompilation may be required to make the call.

In the case of server to server calls, the local PL/SQL block is implicitly recompiled on the next call after an ORA-4062 error. In the case of client tools to server calls, the client Form or Report usually needs to be recompiled explicitly.


Oracle recommends that <Parameter:REMOTE_DEPENDENCIES_MODE> is set to SIGNATURE when client-side PL/SQL tools are used OR when server-side PL/SQL calls are used across database links. This reduces the chances of the ORA-4062 errors and the need for unnecessary recompilations, but note the restrictions discussed in the Documentation as mentioned above.

Client tools, such as Developer, attempt to use SIGNATURE mode by issuing ‘ALTER SESSION’ statements. Therefore, the init.ora parameter setting is over-ridden for these products (provided users have the ‘ALTER SESSION’ privilege).

Known Issues

Provided that REMOTE_DEPENDENCIES_MODE is set correctly, ORA-4062 errors should only be signalled if the signature of the procedure changes.
For example, if the remote procedure contains a definition MYPROC( A NUMBER ),and this is changed to MYPROC( A NUMBER, B NUMBER ), the signature has changed. Therefore, it is expected behaviour that any PL/SQL calling MYPROC must be recompiled.
Many Oracle tools which include a client-side PL/SQL engine issue an


statement to set the SIGNATURE dependency model. Errors from issuing this statement may be silently ignored. For example, if a user does not have the ‘ALTER SESSION’ privilege, then the REMOTE_DEPENDENCIES_MODE is left at the default mode (taken from the init.ora parameter setting).

Bug 5249142  ORA-04062: signature of package «SYS.UTL_RAW» has been changed

Additional Notes

If the parameters to a procedure use %TYPE or %ROWTYPE, then a change to the table on which the %TYPE or %ROWTYPE is based upon can change the signature of the procedure.

If the signature changes, an ORA-4062 error is correctly signaled. For client PL/SQL objects, changes to a signature require the client form or report to be recompiled. This is correct behaviour.


If, after reviewing the above steps, you believe you have a scenario where an ORA-4062 is being incorrectly signalled, then it is important to describe each step that leads to the error. Oracle Support Services requires a small test case to establish validity for the error.

ORA-4062 Explained (for Client and Server PL/SQL) [ID 73506.1]

Applies to:

PL/SQL — Version: to — Release: to 11.1
Information in this document applies to any platform.
Checked for relevance on 25-Feb-2010


This article contains information about the ORA-4062 error which can occur when using client-side PL/SQL (Oracle Forms, Reports) or server-side PL/SQL across a database link.

Scope and Application

This article is intended for any level of user seeking an explanation of the error code.

ORA-4062 Explained (for Client and Server PL/SQL)


ORA-4062 indicates that ‘TIMESTAMP / SIGNATURE of NAME has been changed’.
When a local piece of PL/SQL references a remote package, function, or procedure, the local PL/SQL engine needs to know if the reference is still valid, or, if the remote procedure has changed.

The locally compiled PL/SQL code is ‘dependent’ on the remote code. The following two models can be used in Oracle to track this dependency:


The method used is determined by the server initialization <Parameter:REMOTE_DEPENDENCIES_MODE>. This can be set at the instance (initSID.ora) or session (ALTER SESSION) level.

Additionally, we allow ‘runtime binding’ which allows client PLSQL to delay the actual binding up of a reference to a SCHEMA.OBJECT.


If the dependency mode is set to TIMESTAMP, the local PL/SQL block can only execute the remote PL/SQL block if the timestamp on the remote procedure matches the timestamp stored in the locally compiled PL/SQL block. If the timestamps do not match, the local PL/SQL must be recompiled.


If the dependency mode is set to SIGNATURE, the local PL/SQL block can  still execute the remote PL/SQL block if its ‘signature’ is the same, even if the timestamp has changed.

The ‘signature’ basically means the interface (procedure name, parameter types or modes) is the same, even if the underlying implementation has changed.

A description of the factors that the SIGNATURE depends on can be found in Chapter 7 of the Oracle Application Developers Guide in the section on Remote Dependencies (up to Version 10.1) or in Chapter 6 of the Oracle Database Concepts guide (Version 10.2 onwards). It is important to read this section because a few disadvantages exist to using a SIGNATURE dependency model.

The main disadvantage is that a few changes to a stored package / procedure require manual recompilation of the calling PL/SQL. For example, if an overloaded version of an existing procedure is added, then the caller still uses the original version until the caller is recompiled.


This error is reported if the local PL/SQL block cannot call the remote procedure, since the timestamp or signature has changed on the remote end. A local recompilation may be required to make the call.

In the case of server to server calls, the local PL/SQL block is implicitly recompiled on the next call after an ORA-4062 error. In the case of client tools to server calls, the client Form or Report usually needs to be recompiled explicitly.


Oracle recommends that <Parameter:REMOTE_DEPENDENCIES_MODE> is set to SIGNATURE when client-side PL/SQL tools are used OR when server-side PL/SQL calls are used across database links. This reduces the chances of the ORA-4062 errors and the need for unnecessary recompilations, but note the restrictions discussed in the Documentation as mentioned above.

Client tools, such as Developer, attempt to use SIGNATURE mode by issuing ‘ALTER SESSION’ statements. Therefore, the init.ora parameter setting is over-ridden for these products (provided users have the ‘ALTER SESSION’ privilege).

Known Issues

Provided that REMOTE_DEPENDENCIES_MODE is set correctly, ORA-4062 errors should only be signalled if the signature of the procedure changes.
For example, if the remote procedure contains a definition MYPROC( A NUMBER ),and this is changed to MYPROC( A NUMBER, B NUMBER ), the signature has changed. Therefore, it is expected behaviour that any PL/SQL calling MYPROC must be recompiled.
Many Oracle tools which include a client-side PL/SQL engine issue an


statement to set the SIGNATURE dependency model. Errors from issuing this statement may be silently ignored. For example, if a user does not have the ‘ALTER SESSION’ privilege, then the REMOTE_DEPENDENCIES_MODE is left at the default mode (taken from the init.ora parameter setting).

Bug 5249142  ORA-04062: signature of package «SYS.UTL_RAW» has been changed

Additional Notes

If the parameters to a procedure use %TYPE or %ROWTYPE, then a change to the table on which the %TYPE or %ROWTYPE is based upon can change the signature of the procedure.

If the signature changes, an ORA-4062 error is correctly signaled. For client PL/SQL objects, changes to a signature require the client form or report to be recompiled. This is correct behaviour.


If, after reviewing the above steps, you believe you have a scenario where an ORA-4062 is being incorrectly signalled, then it is important to describe each step that leads to the error. Oracle Support Services requires a small test case to establish validity for the error.

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