Orcs must die 2 ошибка сети

If you are enjoying Orcs Must Die 2 but struggling with the number of issues with the game, this Orcs Must Die 2 Errors and Fixes guide is perfect for you.

Orcs Must Die 2 Errors and Fixes

Orcs Must Die 2 does not allow the public matchmaking so you will have to get a partner before you can jump into the co-op action.

Anyway, since it’s a PC game, you can expect some unwanted problems. So, if you have been looking for a fix against a particular issue related to Orcs Must Die 2, you can refer to the following troubleshooting guide.

#1 Crashes/Freezes/Black Screen
The issue may well be related to the GPU. If you are using a Nvidia card, you try out the following steps:

  • Rightclick on the desktop, select NVIDIA Control Panel
  • Select Configure Multi-GPU, Surround, PhysX
  • Select Disable multi-GPU mode
  • Under PhysX settings, select B or what it says as #2 to secure the game doesn’t take over and forces SLi or multi anyways.
  • Now, select “Dedicate to PhysX” to resolve the issue.

If it does not help, you should try disabling V-sync and Anti-aliasing in the options.

#2 Can’t Launch Orcs Must Die 2
If you are unable to launch the game then you can do the followings to make it work:

  • Try running the game as administrator.
  • Make sure that you have installed all the C++ redistributable package before you run the game. One easy of doing it is that you install the Orcs Must Die 1 (that is if you have it) which will install all the required content to run the game. Or you can try installing the package manually.

#3 Bilebat Bug
The bug has been noticed by the developer, and they are working for a fix. Hopefully, it will be fixed in the next update.

#4 Settings not being saved
If you are facing this issue, then you should try changing the setting after you have created the character, and you are playing the game. In the main-menu, you may not be able to save the changes you made, and they may get reset. It’s a bug apparently and hopefully, will be fixed soon.

#5 Crashes on the Start-up
If you gave managed to run the game, and it crashes just after a few screens, then you can give following suggestions a shot:

  • Try verifying the integrity of the game cache
  • Try running the game as “administrator”
  • Restart steam and try again.

#6 No Gamepad Support?
The game pad is supported but there is no option to customize keys in the menu. So, you will have to play with the default controls I guess.

#7 Connection Problems
If you have been facing issues in the demo to connect with other players, then its worth mentioning here that the issue has been resolved in the full version of the game. Make sure that your firewall/antivirus isn’t blocking the game. If it still doesn’t work you can try UDP port forwarding for 50,000-65535 range.

#8 Orcs Must Die 2 Voice System

The voice system in Orcs Must Die 2 is very sub-par, far behind Steam’s. If you want to use Steam’s VC system instead, you’ll have to disable the voice system of the game through the settings. Do this by the following method:

  • Head to ‘<path-to-game>datastartup’ and make a file. Name this file ‘user.cfg’.
  • Type ‘–voice’
  • Save changes.

#9 Orcs Must Die 2 Disabling FPS Lock

If you want to play this game on the highest possible FPS, you have to disable the FPS lock; which limits the framerate to 84 FPS. Do this by the following method:

  • Head to ‘<path-to-game>datastartup’ and make a file. Name this file ‘user.cfg’.
  • Type ‘ForceFPS=value’. Here, put the FPS you want in place of “value”.

Other Configurations

The following are all the extra configurations you can do using the ‘user.cfg’ file.

The first thing you need to do is head to ‘<path-to-game>datastartup’ and make a file. Name this file ‘user.cfg’. To experiment with any of these configurations, edit this file and add options from your desired config.

-soundTurns off sound. Remember to put the minus sign.

NoAlienFXThis will disable the AlienFX lightning effects on Alienware PCs. This can possibly help you with launch options.

EnableBloodMapToggleThis option lets you use the ‘L’ key to toggle the Blood Map any time. You can change the key as well.

HideCrosshairThis config disables the 2d reticule.

SwapOnBindIf you set a key for an option but the key is already in use, instead of unbinding the key, this option will swap with the key that was mapped before.

DoNotPostToLeaderboards Does not post your scores to the leaderboards.

After editing the file with your desired configs, save it and relaunce Orcs Must Die 2

Can’t find what you are looking for? Let us know your issue and we will try to help you out!

Orcs Must Die! 2 Multiplayer Coop Disconnects

Hello there,

I recently purchased Orcs Must Die! 2 to play coop with my brother. It’s my first ever 3rd Person Tower Defence Shooter and we are having a blast so far. Sadly our fun is constantly being interrupted by network disconnects that force us to completely restart a level therefore losing our progress.

Our network connection is fine and fast enough. This is the only game in which we are experiencing network issues. The disconnects often come on the 2nd or 3rd last round of the campaign mission which is extremely frustrating.

Is there anyway to fix this issue? Does anyone have any advice? Thanks in advance.

EDIT: We are playing on PC using Ethernet connections





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Эл. почта: support@robotentertainment.com

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Системные требования


    • OS:Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7
    • Processor:2GHz Dual Core
    • Memory:2 GB RAM
    • Graphics:NVIDIA GeForce 6800 or ATI Radeon x1950 or better with 256MB VRAM
    • DirectX®:9.0c
    • Hard Drive:9 GB HD space
    • Additional:Broadband Internet connection recommended for co-op play.

    • Other Requirements:Broadband Internet connection
    • Additional:Broadband Internet connection recommended for co-op play.

Orcs Must Die! 2

Orcs Must Die! 2 играть по сети

Сюжет Orcs Must Die! 2 начинается с того, что на волшебницу нападают злобные орки, которых прежде она держала на своем поводке. И вот вот она готовится к смерти, как появляется портал и переносит ее к нашему рыцарю из первой части игры.

Подготовка к запуску:
1. Скачиваем и устанавливаем игру Orcs Must Die! 2 в любую папку.
2. Скачиваем Steam и затем ставим на него GreenLuma последней версии (желательно завести отдельный аккаунт)
3. Скачиваем мультиплеерный фикс и распаковываем в папку с игрой (build —> release) с заменой файлов.

Запуск игры:
1. Запускаем GreenLuma (Cracked Steam).
2. Запускаем игру с ярлыка на рабочем столе.

В игре:
Принимаем приглашение на сервер, через систему друзей стима.

Создание сервера:
Играть —> Создать Группу —> Приглашаем друзей через систему друзей стима.


  • Для отключения голосового чата в игре, заходим в настройки звука, в строчке режим рации ставим Вкл (особенности русской локализации…)
  • Чтобы приглашать друзей или быть приглашенным (если у вас нет игр на аккаунте), вступите с ним в одну группу, или создайте свою, и через shift+tab —> Список друзей —> Группы —> выбираете друга —> пригласить в игру.

    FAQ по ошибкам:
    1. Ошибка «SHADER ERROR» (Failed to load shadersFixedFunctionShaders.ShadersLib. Engine will not run)
    Решение: нужно запускать GreenLuma вместо Steam
    Еще такое может быть с GreenLuma 2.5.8, пользуйтесь обновленной версией. Если не помогает — восстановите стим, удалите steam_client.dll, обновитесь через обычный Steam.exe и только потом ставьте гринлуму.
    2. Потеря сохранений
    Решение: зайдите в Steam -> Настройки -> Загрузки + Cloud -> Включить синхронизацию Steam Cloud
    Сохранения будут храниться по адресу «…Steamuserdata*произвольное число*41010remote»

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    Играть по сети

    Ты наверное шут, да? Я ее еще предзаказал, и вот сегодня она вышла, а вот как играть в нее по сети я не разобрался, точнее вообще не знаю как.

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    Приглашаешь своего друга в команду, больше ни как, ну или я не знаю

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    вот тут смотрите http://coop-land.ru/rookovodstva/1231-rukovodstvo-zapuska-orcs-must-die-2-po-seti.html

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    sylair, спасибо большое!

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    А нормальный способ, не пиратский есть?

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    ищи людей в стиме

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    Вопрос : это только у меня в уровне «Служебный вход» вторая половина крепости белая или ещё у когото ? Если знаете как исправить напишите.

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    нужно будет купить её(первым делом) Потом будет кампания, и кооператив…

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    не, я риковать не буду. за это могут и забанить. спс

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