After the Registration Clutch turned On, the Registration Sensor did not turn Off within the
specified time.
Initial Actions
Power OFF/ON
Check the Transport Roll for wear and paper powder. The Transport Roll is ok.
Replace the Transport Roll.
Check for foreign substances, distortion and paper powder in the paper transport path. No
distortion, foreign substances, or paper powder are found in the paper transport path.
Clear away the foreign substances and paper powder. Correct the distortion.
Component Control
[089-100 Registration Sensor]. Manually activate the actuator of
the Registration Sensor
2.4). The display changes.
Check the connection of
and P/J403.
and P/J403.
Check the wire between J104 and J403 for an open circuit or a short circuit (BSD 8.7
2). The wire between J104 and J403 is conducting without an open circuit or
a short circuit.
Repair the open circuit or short circuit.
Measure the voltage between the MCU PWB P403B-13 (+) and GND (-) (BSD 8.7
2). The voltage is approx. +5VDC.
Replace the MCU PWB
Measure the voltage between the MCU PWB P403B-8 (+) and GND (-) (BSD 8.7
Actuate the Registration Sensor with paper. The voltage changes.
Replace the Registration Sensor
Replace the MCU PWB
Component Control
[089-002 Registration Clutch ON]. The Registration Clutch
2.4) can be heard.
Check the connection of
and P/J403.
Launch Version
WorkCentre 5225, 5230
are connected cor-
are connected cor-
and P/J403.
Measure the resistance of the Registration Clutch
(BSD 8.7
3). The resistance is approx. 240Ohm.
Replace the Registration Clutch
Check the wire between J215 and J403 for an open circuit or a short circuit (BSD 8.7
3). The wire between J215 and J403 is conducting without an open circuit or a short
Repair the open circuit or short circuit.
Replace the MCU PWB
Replace the MCU PWB
February, 2008
2.4) between P215-1 and P215-2
Status Indicator Raps
077-101, 077-900 Registration Sensor Jam RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 8.5 Registration
077-101 The trail edge of the paper does not deactuate the registration sensor within the specified time after the registration clutch is energized.
077-900 The registration sensor detected remaining paper.
Initial Actions
• Check the condition of the paper in all trays. Refer to GP 15 Paper and Media Size Specifications.
• Ensure that all the trays are loaded correctly.
WARNING: Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Refer to the procedures that follow as necessary:
• GP 6 How to Check a Motor.
• GP 7 How to Check a Sensor.
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Check for obstructions in the paper path.
2. Check the registration roll and takeaway roll 1, PL 80.55 for foreign substances or wear. Clean or install new components as necessary.
3. Enter dC330, code 077-104. Check the registration sensor, PL 80.55 Item 4.
4. Enter dC330, code 042-003. Check the main motor, PL 40.10 Item 10.
5. Enter dC330, code 077-002. Check the registration clutch, PL 80.55 Item 11.
6. Check the drive assembly, PL 40.10 Item 1 for wear or damage.
7. Check the registration transport assembly, PL 80.55 Item 1 for wear or damage.
8. If the fault persists, install new components as necessary:
• Drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 3.
• ESS PWB, PL 3.10 Item 6.
**This RAP is from Xerox Service Manual. All brand names and trademarks are their respective owner’s property.**
You may be also interested in below toner and drum chip (CRUM) for Xerox VersaLink C7020, C7025, C7030, C7000.
Toner Chip (For North America and West Europe Region):
• 106R03741 106R03744 106R03743 106R03742
• 106R03757 106R03760 106R03759 106R03758
• 106R03737 106R03740 106R03739 106R03738
Toner Chip (For South America and East Europe Region):
• 106R03749 106R03752 106R03751 106R03750
• 106R03745 106R03748 106R03747 106R03746
• 106R03765 106R03768 106R03767 106R03766
Toner Chip (For Metered Machine):
• 106R03733 106R03736 106R03735 106R03734
Drum Chip:
• 113R00780 113R00782
077-101, 077-900 Registration Sensor Jam RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 8.5 Registration
077-101 The trail edge of the paper does not deactuate the registration sensor within the specified time after the registration clutch is energized.
077-900 The registration sensor detected remaining paper.
Initial Actions
• Check the condition of the paper in all trays. Refer to GP 15 Paper and Media Size Specifications.
• Ensure that all the trays are loaded correctly.
WARNING: Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Refer to the procedures that follow as necessary:
• GP 6 How to Check a Motor.
• GP 7 How to Check a Sensor.
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Check for obstructions in the paper path.
2. Check the registration roll and takeaway roll 1, PL 80.55 for foreign substances or wear. Clean or install new components as necessary.
3. Enter dC330, code 077-104. Check the registration sensor, PL 80.55 Item 4.
4. Enter dC330, code 042-003. Check the main motor, PL 40.10 Item 10.
5. Enter dC330, code 077-002. Check the registration clutch, PL 80.55 Item 11.
6. Check the drive assembly, PL 40.10 Item 1 for wear or damage.
7. Check the registration transport assembly, PL 80.55 Item 1 for wear or damage.
8. If the fault persists, install new components as necessary:
• Drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 3.
• ESS PWB, PL 3.10 Item 6.
**This RAP is from Xerox Service Manual. All brand names and trademarks are their respective owner’s property.**
You may be also interested in below toner and drum chip (CRUM) for Xerox VersaLink C7020, C7025, C7030, C7000.
Toner Chip (For North America and West Europe Region):
• 106R03741 106R03744 106R03743 106R03742
• 106R03757 106R03760 106R03759 106R03758
• 106R03737 106R03740 106R03739 106R03738
Toner Chip (For South America and East Europe Region):
• 106R03749 106R03752 106R03751 106R03750
• 106R03745 106R03748 106R03747 106R03746
• 106R03765 106R03768 106R03767 106R03766
Toner Chip (For Metered Machine):
• 106R03733 106R03736 106R03735 106R03734
Drum Chip:
• 113R00780 113R00782
After the Registration Clutch turned On, the Registration Sensor did not turn Off within the
specified time.
Initial Actions
Power OFF/ON
Check the Transport Roll for wear and paper powder. The Transport Roll is ok.
Replace the Transport Roll.
Check for foreign substances, distortion and paper powder in the paper transport path. No
distortion, foreign substances, or paper powder are found in the paper transport path.
Clear away the foreign substances and paper powder. Correct the distortion.
Component Control
[089-100 Registration Sensor]. Manually activate the actuator of
the Registration Sensor
2.4). The display changes.
Check the connection of
and P/J403.
and P/J403.
Check the wire between J104 and J403 for an open circuit or a short circuit (BSD 8.7
2). The wire between J104 and J403 is conducting without an open circuit or
a short circuit.
Repair the open circuit or short circuit.
Measure the voltage between the MCU PWB P403B-13 (+) and GND (-) (BSD 8.7
2). The voltage is approx. +5VDC.
Replace the MCU PWB
Measure the voltage between the MCU PWB P403B-8 (+) and GND (-) (BSD 8.7
Actuate the Registration Sensor with paper. The voltage changes.
Replace the Registration Sensor
Replace the MCU PWB
Component Control
[089-002 Registration Clutch ON]. The Registration Clutch
2.4) can be heard.
Check the connection of
and P/J403.
Launch Version
WorkCentre 5225, 5230
are connected cor-
are connected cor-
and P/J403.
Measure the resistance of the Registration Clutch
(BSD 8.7
3). The resistance is approx. 240Ohm.
Replace the Registration Clutch
Check the wire between J215 and J403 for an open circuit or a short circuit (BSD 8.7
3). The wire between J215 and J403 is conducting without an open circuit or a short
Repair the open circuit or short circuit.
Replace the MCU PWB
Replace the MCU PWB
February, 2008
2.4) between P215-1 and P215-2
Status Indicator Raps
Модератор: vetal
pc-porta » Чт июл 10, 2014 1:17 pm
Gregor писал(а):Доброго времени суток. Собственно проблема обозначена в заголовке( Замятий нет, все датчики в норме, такое у меня ощущение, что беда с прошивкой. Подскажите, кто чем может.
здравствуйте . а ,если не секрет, датчики как проверяли ? Визуально или всё-таки тестером ?
- Форумный оракул
- Персональный альбом
Gregor » Чт июл 10, 2014 1:22 pm
Честно говоря, проверял визуально, ибо принтер почти новый, подумалось — чего им будет, их обычно выворачивают, вот и осмотрел на предмет «механики» их работы. Думаете стоит тестером проверить?
Добавлено спустя 53 минуты 17 секунд:
Xerox 6015 ошибка 077-900 откройте заднюю крышку, устраните
pc-porta писал(а):
Gregor писал(а):Доброго времени суток. Собственно проблема обозначена в заголовке( Замятий нет, все датчики в норме, такое у меня ощущение, что беда с прошивкой. Подскажите, кто чем может.
здравствуйте . а ,если не секрет, датчики как проверяли ? Визуально или всё-таки тестером ?
Датчики проверил тестером, все нормально. А вот полезу ка я ещё раз в печку.
- Подошел к чернилам
pc-porta » Вт сен 22, 2015 6:55 pm
maverick4788 писал(а):Да и я уже разобрался, все оказалось проще…бумажко в печке, небольшой клочок,сперва не заметил.
ага — ага . так и у ми было …
- Форумный оракул
- Персональный альбом
- Xerox Phaser 6600 «Invalid Yellow» / «Неверный желтый»
kotya-potya в форуме Принтеры, МФУ, факсы, копиры формата A4
- 5
- 5299
Пн ноя 18, 2019 8:24 pm
- Xerox Phaser 6600 «Invalid Yellow» / «Неверный желтый»
- Xerox WC 3119: «Замятие 1»
kokubenko в форуме Принтеры, МФУ, факсы, копиры формата A4
- 22
- 38583
Ср ноя 23, 2011 4:47 pm
- Xerox WC 3119: «Замятие 1»
- Xerox 3428 «Установите Картридж»
Roller-ch в форуме Принтеры, МФУ, факсы, копиры формата A4
- 6
- 9317
Сб авг 27, 2011 6:42 pm
- Xerox 3428 «Установите Картридж»
- «Неисправность» финишера Xerox 7556
v1684 в форуме Принтеры, МФУ, копиры формата A3
- 21
- 12636
Ср сен 19, 2018 4:44 pm
- «Неисправность» финишера Xerox 7556
- Xerox 3315 «слетела» FIX прошивка
tekknik в форуме Принтеры, МФУ, факсы, копиры формата A4
- 7
- 6834
Пн июн 10, 2019 4:22 am
- Xerox 3315 «слетела» FIX прошивка
Вернуться в Принтеры, МФУ, факсы, копиры формата A4
Кто сейчас на форуме
Сейчас этот форум просматривают: нет зарегистрированных пользователей и гости: 106
Современные копировальные аппараты Xerox отличаются качество, надежностью и «быстрым» стартом. Также у них существует множество особенностей, которые отличают их от принтеров других производителей. Например, используется тефлоновый вал, а не термопленка.
Однако избегать различных поломок и ошибок пока не удается ни одному устройству. К самым частым неисправностям у принтеров Xerox относятся: залипание или повреждение датчика бумаги, повреждение роликов подачи, часто требуется перепрошивка программного обеспечения.
Если у вас возникнут вопросы насчет того, как исправить код ошибки копировального аппарата Xerox, то вы можете обратиться к специалистам нашего сервисного центра.
Основные коды ошибок копировальных аппаратов Xerox и способы их устранения:
- Коды ошибок Xerox 1012, 1012(RE)
- Коды ошибок Xerox 1020
- Коды ошибок Xerox 1025
- Коды ошибок Xerox 1035
- Коды ошибок Xerox 1038
- Коды ошибок Xerox 2830
- Коды ошибок Xerox 5011, 5012, 5014
- Коды ошибок Xerox 5016, 5017, 5316, 5317
- Коды ошибок Xerox 5018, 5028
- Коды ошибок Xerox 5312, 5313, 5314
- Коды ошибок Xerox 5318, 5320, 5322
- Коды ошибок Xerox 5328
- Коды ошибок Xerox 5330
- Коды ошибок Xerox 5340, 5343
- Коды ошибок Xerox 5345
- Коды ошибок Xerox 5350, 5352
- Коды ошибок Xerox 5355
- Коды ошибок Xerox 5622
- Коды ошибок Xerox XC520, 540, 560, 580
Xerox 1012, 1012(RE)
Код ошибки | Описание |
E1 | Jam between paper feed and fuser |
E3 | Jam in fuser |
E5 | Clam shell open |
E6 | Paper feed section cover is open |
J1 | Toner cartridge near empty |
J3 | Drum cartridge not seated properly |
J7 | Waste toner full (replace drum cartridge) |
L6 | Key counter out |
L8 | Exposure area overheat |
U1 | No clock pulse (drive problem) |
U2 | Scan problem |
U3 | Lens/mirror problem (RE model only) |
U4 | Heat problem |
U8 | Exposure lamp control circuit problem |
E1 | Jam between paper feed and fuser |
E3 | Jam in fuser |
E5 | Clam shell open |
E6 | Paper feed section cover is open |
J1 | Toner cartridge near empty |
J3 | Drum cartridge not seated properly |
J7 | Waste toner full (replace drum cartridge) |
L6 | Key counter out |
L8 | Exposure area overheat |
U1 | No clock pulse (drive problem) |
U2 | Scan problem |
U3 | Lens/mirror problem (RE model only) |
U4 | Heat problem |
U8 | Exposure lamp control circuit problem |
Xerox 1020
Код ошибки | Описание |
LL | Probable bad heater lamp |
Xerox 1025
Код ошибки | Описание |
A1 | DF jam |
C1 | PF jam cass. 1 |
C2 | PF jam cass. 2 |
C3 | PF jam cass. 3 |
C9 | Bypass jam |
E1-1 | Paper jam before exit switch |
E1-2 | Paper jam |
E1-5 | Paper jam |
E1-6 | Paper jam |
E3-3 | Paper jam at exit switch |
E3-4 | Paper jam at exit switch |
E5 | Front door open |
F1 | Collator jam |
F5 | Collator interlock |
F8 | No power to collator |
F9 | Collator bin home switch |
J7 | 250 copies since toner waste was full |
L5 | Original cass. not present after clearing interrupt |
L6 | Key counter |
L8 | Platen glass too hot |
U1 | Main motor clock pulse |
U2 | Scan problem |
U3-1 | Lens problem |
U4-1 | Open thermistor |
U4-2 | Low temperature |
U4-4 | Temperature |
U4-5 | Main PWB |
U6-1 | Main PWB |
U6-2 | Main PWB |
U6-3 | Main board battery |
U6-4 | Initialization |
U8 | Exposure lamp |
Xerox 1035
Код ошибки | Описание |
A9 | Scanner location |
C1 | Paper feed — upper cassette |
C2 | Paper feed — lower cassette |
C9 | Bypass jam |
E5 | Clam shell is open |
L6 | Key counter |
U1 | Off/On |
U2 | Optics |
U4 | Low fuser temperature |
Xerox 1038
Код ошибки | Описание |
A1 | DF jam |
C1 | PF jam cass. 1 |
C2 | PF jam cass. 2 |
C3 | PF jam cass. 3 |
C9 | Bypass jam |
E1-1 | Paper jam before exit switch |
E1-2 | Paper jam |
E1-5 | Paper jam |
E1-6 | Paper jam |
E3-3 | Paper jam at exit switch |
E3-4 | Paper jam at exit switch |
E5 | Front door open |
F1 | Collator jam |
F5 | Collator interlock |
F8 | No power to collator |
F9 | Collator bin home switch |
J7 | 250 copies since toner waste was full |
L5 | Original cass. not present after clearing interrupt |
L6 | Key counter |
L8 | Platen glass too hot |
U1 | Main motor clock pulse |
U2 | Scan problem |
U3-1 | Lens problem |
U4-1 | Open thermistor |
U4-2 | Low temperature |
U4-4 | Temperature |
U4-5 | Main PWB |
U6-1 | Main PWB |
U6-2 | Main PWB |
U6-3 | Main board battery |
U6-4 | Initialization |
U8 | Exposure lamp |
Xerox 2830
Код ошибки | Описание |
A9 | Scanner location |
C1 | Paper feed — upper cassette |
C2 | Paper feed — lower cassette |
C9 | Bypass jam |
E5 | Clam shell is open |
E5 | Clam shell open |
L6 | Key counter |
U1 | Off/On |
U2 | Optics |
U4 | Low fuser temperature |
Xerox 5011, 5012, 5014
Код ошибки | Описание |
C8 | Bypass jam/no paper |
C9 | Bypass jam |
E1 | Jam |
E3 | Fuser jam |
E5 | Clamshell open |
E6 | PF section cover open |
J1 | Toner cartridge amost empty |
J3 | Copy cart (drum unit) missing/not seated right |
J7 | Copy cartridge has run 18,000 copies |
J8 | Copy cartridge. Improperly seated or possible only one of two fuses in the cartridge blew |
L6 | Key counter |
L8 | Exposure glass too hot |
U1 | Drive problem |
U2 | Scan problem |
U3 | Lens or mirror drive problem |
U4 | Fuser problem. Heat lamp, thermoswitch, SSR, thermistor |
U6 | Battery on main board |
U8 | Exposure lamp or exposure lamp circuit |
Xerox 5016, 5017, 5316, 5317
Code | Description |
A1-1 | Document feeder feed jam |
A1-2 | Document feeder belt jam |
A2-1 | Document feeder exit jam |
A2-2 | Duplex jam |
A3 | DAD interlock |
A5 | Duplex and DAD right side interlock |
A6 | Copier jams after |
A9 | Document feed belt drive motor |
C1-3 | Top cassette misfeed |
C2-3 | Middle cassette misfeed |
C3-3 | Bottom cassette misfeed |
C9-3 | Bypass misfeed |
E1-11 to E1-14 | Paper jam in machine. Did not reach exit switch soon enough |
E1-6 | Paper path jam |
E3-31 to E3-34 | Exit switch jam |
E3-6 | Fuser jam |
E5 | Front door interlock |
E6 | Right side interlock or TTM interlock |
F1 | Sorter jam |
F5 | Sorter interlock |
F8 | Sorter board to copier main board communication problem |
F9 | Sorter bins |
Xerox 5018, 5028
Code | Description |
A1 | Document is ADF |
A1-8 | Main board received reset signal |
A2 | ADF jams |
A6, A7 | ADF jams |
A9 | ADF jams |
C1 — C4 | Feed jam |
C5-1 to C5-4 | Jams in various areas |
C5-2 | Jams in various areas |
C5-3 | Jams in various areas |
C5-4 | Duplex jam |
E0 | Machine has reset |
E1 | Jam |
E1-E0 | Registration jam |
E1-E5 | Clamshell interlock |
E1-E6 | Right side interlock |
E1-E7 | Two tray interlock |
E1-E8 | Sorter interlock |
E1-E9 | Copy cartridge interlock |
E2 | Reset signal happened |
E3 | Jam |
E4 | Exit jam |
E4-10 | Exit jam |
E4-5 | Clamshell interlock |
E4-6 | Right side interlock |
E4-7 | Two tray interlock. Duplex interlock |
E4-8 | Sorter interlock |
E4-9 | Copy cartridge interlock |
E5 | Clamshell interlock |
E6 | Right side interlock |
E7 | Duplex interlock |
E9 | Copy cartridge interlock |
F3-1 | Sorter bin home switch |
F3-2 | Sorter cam switch |
F3-3 | Sorter cam switch |
J1-1 | Add toner |
J1-2 | Temporary low toner signal |
J2-0 | Replace copy cartridge |
L2 | 2000 copies left on copy cartridge |
L3 | ADF to machine communication problem |
L4 (flashing) | 1000 copies left on fuser web |
rr | Bad EPROM on main board |
U0 | Main board |
U2 | Scan problem |
U2-1 | Scan home |
U3-00 | Cam drive problem |
U3-01 | Cam movement slow |
U3-04 | Main board to duplex communication |
U3-09 | Cam problem |
U3-12 | Jogger problem |
U3-19 | Cam problem |
U3-21 | Cam problem |
U3-23 | Cam problem |
U3-29 | Cam problem |
U3-32 | Cam problem |
U3-34 | Cam problem |
U3-39 | Cam problem |
U3-43 | Cam problem |
U3-45 | Cam problem |
U3-49 | Cam problem |
U3-54 | Cam problem |
U3-56 | Cam problem |
U3-59 | Cam problem |
U4-1 | Fuser problem. Long warm up |
U4-2 | Low fuser temperature after warm up |
U4-3 | High fuser temperature |
U4-4 | Open fuser thermistor |
U4-6 | Replace fuser web |
U4-7 | Thermistor signal problem |
U7-1 | Copy cartridge belt drive problem |
U9-3 | Exposure lamp problem |
U9-4 | Toner motor |
U9-5 | Problem in warm up |
Xerox 5312, 5313, 5314
Код ошибки | Описание |
C1 | Upper paper feed problem. Did not reach feed sensor |
C2 | Lower paper feed problem. Did not reach feed sensor |
E1 | Exit jam. Paper did not reach exit sensor |
E3 | Exit jam. Paper still on exit sensor |
J1 | Add toner |
J3 | Copy cartridge (drum unit) not installed |
J7 | Copy cartridge (drum unit) must be replaced |
J8 | Copy cartridge (drum unit) problem |
L6 | Problem with an accessory. Installed but not initialized |
U1 | Drive problem. Main motor, gear etc. |
U2 | Scan problem |
U3 | Main board dip switches wrong. Lens drive problem |
U4 | Fuser problem. Heat lamp, thermal switch, overheat, thermistor. |
U6 | EPROM error |
U8 | Auto exposure sensor. No exposure lamp or weak lamp |
Xerox 5318, 5320, 5322
Code | Description |
A1-11 | Original ready switch |
A1-12 | Feed sensor |
A1-1 to A1-32 | All indicate a paper path problem, etc. in the ADF |
A1-21 | Original ready switch and document registration sensor or both the document feed sensor and document registration sensor |
A1-22 | ADF registration sensor |
A1-23 | Original did not reach ADF registration sensor quickly enough |
A1-24 | ADF sensor stuck down too long |
A1-25 | ADF sensor actuated at the wrong time during single sheet feed |
A1-26 | ADF sensor not actuated quickly enough in sheet feed mode |
A1-31 | In reverse, ADF sensor is not actuated soon enough |
A1-32 | In reverse, ADF sensor is actuated too long |
A2 | ADF exit problems |
A2-1 | Original ready sensor and ADF exit switch are actuated or ADF feed in sensor and ADF exit switch are both actuated |
A2-2 | ADF exit switch |
A2-3 | ADF exit switch is not actuated on time |
A3 | Irregular size documents |
A3-1 | Wrong size original sensed in 1:1 mode |
A3-2 | Wrong size original sensed in the 2:1 mode |
A5 | ADF interlock |
A5 | ADF interlock |
A6 | ADF single sheet document reset. |
A6-1 | Reset original |
A6-2 | Reset sheet feeder |
A7 | Document cover interlock |
A8 | ADF exit interlock |
C1 | Tray 1 jam |
C1-2 | Paper feed problem in tray 1 |
C1-3 | Paper does not reach registration |
C2 | Tray 2 jam |
C3 | Tray 3 jam |
C3-1 | Paper feed problem from tray 3 |
C3-2 | Paper feed problem from tray 3 |
C3-3 | Paper feed problem from tray 1 |
C6-1 | Duplex paper feed problem |
C6-2 | Duplex and/or tray 1 paper feed problem |
C6-3 | Paper feed problem from tray 1 |
C7-1 | Paper feed problem from HCF |
C7-2 | Paper feed problem from HCF on tray 1 |
C7-3 | Paper feed problem from tray 1 |
C8 | Paper stays in tray or duplex or HCF |
C8-1 | Paper on tray 1 feed sensor |
C8-2 | Paper on tray 2 feed sensor |
C8-3 | Paper on tray 3 feed sensor |
C8-4 | Paper on HCF feed sensor |
C8-5 | Paper in duplex section |
C9 | Bypass feed problem |
C9-3 | Paper from bypass did not reach registration sensor quickly enough |
E1-10 to E1-25 | Internal jam |
E1-6 | Paper on registration sensor |
E2 | Reset signal happened. Might read E-2 something else. |
E3-30 to E4-14 | Exit jam |
E3-30 to E3-35 | Exit switch actuated too long |
E3-6 | Exit jam |
E3-6 | Paper on exit switch |
E4-10 to E4-14 | Inverter sensor not actuated. |
E4-10 to E4-45 | Paper did not reach inverter switch soon enough |
E4-15 | Inverter sensor |
E4-40 to E4-45 | Duplex entry sensor |
E4-6 | Paper on inverter switch |
E4-6 | Inverter sensor |
E5 | Front door interlock |
E6-1 | Tray 1 interlock |
E6-2 | 2 tray or duplex interlock |
E6-3 | HCF interlock |
E7-2 | Duplex inverter interlock |
E7-3 | Duplex interlock |
E8-10 to E8-15 | Paper on duplex feed sensor is not actuated soon enough |
E8-6 | Paper in duplex |
E8-6 to E8-15 | Duplex entry sensor |
F1-1 | Paper did not reach sorter |
F1-2 | Paper stayed on sorter feed sensor |
F1-6 | Sorter exit sensor |
F3 | Paper size not available for sort/stack |
F5 | Sorter interlock |
H2-1 | Communication problem between main board and duplex board |
H2-2 | Side guard sensor problem |
H3-1 | Communication problem between main board and HCF |
H3-2 | Upper limit sensor problem on HCF |
H6-1 | ADF size sensor |
H6-2 | ADF nudgeer sensor |
H6-3 | Belt drive motor does not have 24 volts. Black toner is empty, but 100 copies have been run without changing toner |
J1 | Black toner is empty, but 100 copies have been run without changing toner |
J3 | Replace copy cartridge |
J3 | No copy cartridge (drum unit) |
J7 | Copy cartrige must be replaced |
J8-1 | Wrong copy cartridge installed |
J8-2 | Copy cartridge EEPROM must be changed |
L6 | Auditron or other counter problem |
L6 | Key counter not installed |
L8 | Platen glass temperature is too high |
L9 | Communication problem between interimage erase/edge lamps and main board |
U1-1 | Main motor drive problem |
U2-1 | Scan home problem |
U2-1 to U2-4 | Scan home sensor |
U2-2 | Scan home problem or optics problem |
U2-3, U2-4 | Scan home problem |
U3-1 | Lens sensor problem |
U4-1 | Fuser thermistor open |
U4-2 | Fuser did not warm up properly |
U4-3 | Fuser temperature too high |
U4-4 | Fuser problem. Staying on too long |
U4-6 | High fuser temperature |
U5-1 | Sorter bin home switch not activated |
U5-2 | Sorter bin home switch stayed actuated |
U5-3 | Sorter bin home switch |
U5-4 | Sorter bin home switch |
U6-1 | ROM problem |
U6-2 | RAM problem |
U6-3 | Low battery |
U6-4 | Incorrect value in NVM. Reinitialize main board with code 20-96 |
U8-1 | Exposure lamp problem |
U8-2 | Communication problem main board and exposure board |
U8-3 | Exposure lamp or exposure lamp board problem |
U8-4 to U8-6 | Problem with exposure lamp, lamp sensor, lamp board |
Xerox 5328
Code | Description |
A1 | Document in ADF |
A1-8 | Main board received reset signal |
A2 | ADF jams |
A6 | ADF registration jam |
A7 | ADF interlock |
A9 | Tray 1 jam |
C1 | Tray 2 jam |
C2 | Tray 3 jam |
C3 | Bypass feed jams |
C4 | Machine has reset |
E1 | Jam |
E1-5 | Clamshell interlock |
E1-6 | Right side interlock |
E1-7 | Two tray interlock, or duplex interlock |
E1-8 | Sorter interlock |
E1-9 | Copy cartridge interlock |
E1 or E1-0 | Registration jam |
E2 | Reset signal happened |
E3 | Jam in transfer area |
E4 | Exit jam |
E4-0 | Exit jam |
E4-5 | Clamshell interlock |
E4-6 | Right side interlock |
E4-7 | Two tray interlock |
E4-8 | Sorter interlock |
E4-9 | Copy cartridge interlock |
E5 | Clamshell interlock |
E6 | Right side interlock |
E9 | Copy cartridge interlock |
F3-1 | Sorter bin home switch |
F3-2 | Sorter cam switch |
F3-3 | Sorter cam switch |
F5 | Sorter interlock |
J1-1 | Add toner |
J1-2 | Temporary low toner signal |
J2-1, J2-2 | Replace copy cartridge |
J5, J6 | ADF to machine communications problem |
L2 | 2000 copies left on cartridge |
L3 | ADF to machine communications problem |
L4 | (flashing) 1000 copier left on fuser web |
L6 | Auditron or other counter problem |
LL | Main board. Try simulation 1.1 to initialize |
rc | Wrong operation panel installed |
rr | Bad EPROM on main board. Try 1.1 |
U0 | Main board |
U2 | Scan problem |
U2-1 | Scan home |
U2-2 | Scan home or scan encoder |
U2-4 | Scan home or scan dual page sensor |
U2-7 | Scan home |
U4-1 | Fuser problem. Long warm up |
U4-2 | Low fuser temperature after warm up |
U4-3 | High fuser temperature |
U4-4 | Open fuser thermistor |
U4-6 | Replace fuser web. |
U4-7 | Thermistor signal problem |
U7-1 | Copy cartridge belt drive problem |
U9-3 | Exposure lamp problem |
U9-4 | Toner motor |
U9-5 | Problem in warm-up |
Xerox 5330
Code | Description |
A1-1 to A1-32 | All indicate a paper path problem, etc. in the ADF. |
A2 | ADF exit problems |
A3 | Irregular size documents |
A5 | ADF interlock |
A6 | ADF single sheet document reset. |
A7 | Platen interlock |
A8 | ADF exit interlock |
C1 | Tray 1 jam |
C2 | Tray 2 jam |
C3 | Tray 3 jam |
C6-1, C6-2 | Jams related to duplex |
C6-3 | Registration sensor, re tray 1 |
C7-1, C7-2 | HCF feed problems |
C7-3 | Tray 1 feed problem |
C8 | Paper stays in tray or duplex or HCF |
C9 | Bypass feed problem |
E1-10 to E1-25 | Internal jam |
E1-6 | Paper on registration sensor |
E2 | Reset signal happened. Might read E-2 something else. |
E3-30 to E4-14 | Exit jam |
E3-6 | Exit jam |
E4-10 to E4-14 | Inverter sensor not actuated. |
E4-15 | Inverter sensor |
E4-40 to E4-45 | Duplex entry sensor |
E4-6 | Inverter sensor |
E5 | Front door interlock |
E6-1 | Tray 1 interlock |
E6-2 | 2 tray or duplex interlock |
E6-3 | HCF interlock |
E7-2, E7-3 | Duplex interlock |
E8-6 to E8-15 | Duplex entry sensor |
F1-1 | Sorter entry sensor |
F1-6 | Sorter exit sensor |
F3 | Paper size not available for sort/stack |
F5 | Sorter interlock |
J1 | Add toner |
J3 | Replace copy cartridge |
J7 | Replace copy cartridge |
J8-1 | Wrong copy cartridge installed |
J8-2 | Copy cartridge EEPROM |
L6 | Auditron or other counter problem |
L8 | Platen glass temperature is too high |
L9 | Communication problem between interimage erase/edge lamps and main board |
U1-1 | Main motor drive problem |
U2-1 to U2-4 | Scan home sensor |
U3-1 | Lens sensor |
U4-1 | Open fuser thermistor |
U4-2 | Fuser did not warm up properly |
U4-3 | Fuser temperature too high |
U4-4 | Fuser problem. Staying on too long |
U4-6 | High fuser temperature |
U5-1 | Sorter bin home switch not activated |
U5-2 | Sorter bin home switch stayed actuated |
U5-3 | Sorter bin home switch |
U5-4 | Sorter bin home switch |
U6-1 | ROM problem |
U6-2 | RAM problem |
U6-3 | Low battery |
U6-4 | Incorrect value in NVM. Reinitialize main board with code 20-96 |
U8-1 to U8-6 | Problem with exposure lamp, lamp sensor, lamp board |
Xerox 5340, 5343
Code | Description |
00-009; 030 to 033 | A door was opened while paper was being fed |
00-047 | Paper in duplex |
00-1 | Auditron |
00-2 | Diagnostic error |
00-3 | Faults error |
00-4 | Ric error |
00-5 | Job manager system error |
00-6 | LLM interface |
00-7 | Standby error |
00-8 | Communications error |
00-9 | Xerographic error |
01-300 | Front interlock |
01-310 | Right upper interlock |
01-315 | Left upper interlock |
01-320 | Left lower interlock |
01-325 | Fuser interlock |
02-910 | Key counter missing |
02-920 | Wrong combination of accessories |
03-321, 322, 326, 327 | LLM to ISIL communications problems |
03-328 | IOT communications problem with duplex or tray 4 |
03-330 | IOT communications problems with HCF |
03-335, 03-336 | LLM communications problems with edit |
03-340 | NVM memory |
03-341, 03-347 | Communications problems between IOT and sorter |
03-350, 03-354 | Communications problem with LLM and user interface |
03-363, 03-364 | Communications problem between LLM & optics |
03-370, 03-373 | Communications problem between LLM & DADF |
03-380, 384 | |
03-416, 03-422 | RAM memory problem |
03-424, 426 | NVM memory problem |
03-430, 432 | Billing problem |
03-439 | GRAIB communications problem |
03-440 | RIC communications problem |
03-441 | RIC NVM problem |
03-442 | Modem |
03-443, 03-458 | RIC problems |
03-460 | Serial communications processor problem |
04-300 | Main motor or drive problem |
05-100, 05-108 | DADF registration sensor |
05-110 | DADF exit sensor |
05-115, 120 | DADF jams |
05-305 | DADF document drive |
05-310, 312 | DADF document sensor |
05-316 | DADF registration sensor jam |
05-325 | DADF exit sensor |
05-335, 341, 345 | DADF interlock switches |
06-300, 06-310 | Scan problems |
06-315 | Scan drive |
06-320A, 320B, 320C, 325 | Scan problem |
06-330 | Lens drive |
06-340 | Exposure control problem |
06-342 | LLM CPU problem |
06-344, 06-350 | Exposure cvontrol problem |
06-352 | IOT CPU problem |
07-300, 315, 330, 345 | Tray faults |
07-360, 07-370 | HCF problems |
07-375, 380A, 380B | Duplex problems |
08-100, 08-110 | Feed problems. Lead edge of copy paper is late getting to feed sensor of tray 1 |
08-115, 08-162 | Feed problem. Lead edge of copy paper is late getting to registration sensor |
08-165 | Paper jam at registration sensor |
08-310, 08-370 | Paper at a sensor when power is turned on |
08-330 | DADF nudger sensor |
08-380 | Registration side to side problem with home position |
08-390 | Nip |
09-300 | Copy cartridge finished (drum unit) |
09-310 | Add black toner Add color toner |
09-320 | Add color toner |
09-330 | Wrong copy cartridge (wrong drum unit) |
09-340 | Drum cartridge not installed properly |
09-350 | Waste toner full |
100 | A fault has occurred |
10-100 | Exit jam |
10-105 | Exit jam |
10-110 | Vertical sensor jam |
10-120, 122, 125 | Duplex jam |
10-150, 155 | Too much or not enough paper in duplex tray |
10-300 | Fuser thermistor |
10-302 | Low fuser temperature |
10-304 | Bad fuser temp |
10-308 | High fuser temperature or open thermistor |
10-310 | High fuser temperature |
10-312 | Fuser not up to temperature after energy save |
10-314 | Fuser problem |
10-320 | Fuser web finished |
10-330, 335, 340 | Exit switch, vertical sensor switch actuated when power is turned on |
11-100, 11-116 | Sorter jam |
11-150, 11-176 | Sorter auto stapler jam |
11-310, 314, 316 | Sorter interlock |
11-325A, B, C, D, E, F, G | Sorter index |
11-352, 354, 356 | Sorter auto stapler interlocks |
11-365A, B, C, D, E | Sorter auto stapler bin |
11-370, 371, 372A, 373A, 373B, 374 | Sorter auto stapler staple failure, staple home problem or tamper home problem |
11-385A, 385B, 390A,B,C,D,E, 396A | Sorter auto stapler staple failure, staple home problem or tamper home problem |
301 | Fuser web must be replaced |
302 | Copy cartridge (drum unit) must be replaced |
501 | Tray 1 must be rebuilt |
502 | Tray 2 must be rebuilt |
503 | Tray 3 must be rebuilt |
504 | Tray 4 must be rebuilt |
505 | HCF must be rebuilt |
506 | Bypass must be rebuilt |
507 | Duplex unit must be rebuilt |
508 | Replace black developer |
509 | Replace red developer |
510 | Replace green developer |
512 | Replace brown developer |
513 | Copy cartridge (drum unit) will need replacing soon |
514 | Fuser web will need replacing soon |
515 | DADF belt should be replaced |
516 | DADF feed rollers should be replaced |
517 | Replace exposure lamp |
518 | Replace suction filter |
519 | Replace ozone filter |
520 | Replace optics filter |
521 | Replace particle filter |
522 | Replace upper fuser roller |
523 | Replace fuser pawls |
524 | Replace pressure roller |
525 | Replace pressure roller pawls |
900-905 | Key operator calls |
Xerox 5345
Код ошибки | Описание |
01-01 | Frequency monitoring and zero cross problem |
01-02 | Interlock |
01-03 | AC power problem |
01-04 | Finisher interlock |
01-05 | 24v problem |
03-01 | Optics to main board communication problem |
03-02 | Software reset problem |
03-03 | Could be punched holes in the lead edge of the original |
03-04 | Software problem |
03-06 | Low battery |
03-07 | NVM not initialized or is missing or defective |
03-17 | Communication problem between main board and finisher board |
03-18 | Initializes one NVM counter to agree to others |
03-19 | All three NVM counter to agree with others |
03-20 | Main board/interface board problems |
03-21 | Problem with RIC NVM |
03-22 | RIC modem problem |
03-23 | RIC real time clock failure. |
03-25 | RIC NVM problem or not initialized |
03-27 | NVM problem |
03-28 | Watchdog software problem |
03-29 | Microprocessor crystal not at correct frequency |
03-30 | No software response from finisher after 20 seconds have elapsed |
06-01 | Lens did not reach 1.1 position |
06-02 | 1/2 rate scanner problem |
06-03 | Scan home problem |
06-04 | Scan home problem |
06-05 | Scan home problem |
06-06 | Scan encoder |
06-07 | Scan encoder |
06-08 | Scan drive boost |
06-09 | Scan encoder |
06-11 | Scan encoder pulse phases |
06-12 | Insufficient scan damping |
07-01 | Duplex tray not home during duplexing |
07-02 | Tray 2 not home when selected |
07-13 | Tray 2 height sensor problem |
07-15 | Tray 2 empty |
07-16 | Tray 1 door open |
07-18 | Tray 1 stack sensor |
07-22 | Tray 1 empty |
07-26 | Tray 1 bypass switch actuated too long |
07-27 | Tray 1 bypass switch deactuated too early |
07-30 | Paper in duplex |
07-31 | Paper in duplex |
07-32 | Duplex tray empty, when paper should be there |
08-10 | Paper did not reach tray 2 input tray sensor |
08-11 | Paper did not reach duplex input sensor |
08-12 | Paper did not reach tray 1 |
08-14 | Paper did not leave tray 2 input sensor quickly enough |
08-18 | Trail edge did not reach tray 2 input sensor quickly enough |
08-19 | Trail edge did not reach tray 1 input sensor quickly enough |
08-20 | Paper in duplex |
08-21 | Paper in tray 2 input |
08-22 | Paper in tray 2 or duplex at wrong time |
08-23 | Paper at tray 1 input at wrong time |
08-24 | Paper in tray 1 at wrong time |
08-28 | Upper and lower nips problem |
09-08 | Low toner condition |
09-12 | Drum signals are out of range |
09-13 | Unstable drum patch readings |
09-15 | Patch is too dark |
09-16 | Patch is too light |
09-17 | Open toner container access cover |
09-18 | Low toner level |
09-21 | Low toner sensor disconnected |
09-22 | Low toner condition, even after machine has been theoretically, adding toner |
10-02 | Low fuser temperature |
10-03 | High fuser temperature |
10-06 | Paper did not reach out put switch |
10-07 | Paper stayed on output switch |
10-10 | Paper did not reach decurler sensor |
10-11 | Paper did not reach decurler sensor |
10-12 | Paper on decurler sensor |
10-13 | Paper did not reach duplex entry sensor in time |
10-14 | Paper did not reach duplex entry sensor in time |
10-15 | Paper on entry sensor at wrong time |
10-17 | Fuser temperature is too high and fuser relay has deactuated |
12-01 | Paper at finisher input sensor |
12-02 | Paper did not reach finisher |
12-03 | Paper reached finisher too soon |
12-05 | Paper at stapler |
12-06 | Paper at stapler |
12-07 | Paper did not reach stapler |
12-08 | Paper did not reach stapler |
12-10 | Complied motor not working properly |
12-15 | Eject motor problem and/or eject encoder |
12-20 | Stacker motor problem |
12-21 | Stacker interlock |
12-22 | Stacker bottom sensor |
12-23 | Stacker bottom sensor |
12-24 | Stacker bottom sensor senses full |
12-25 | Stack height sensor |
12-26 | Stack height sensor |
12-27 | Stack height sensor |
12-30 | Offset home sensor |
12-31 | Offset home sensor |
12-32 | OCT switch |
12-35 | Eject nip carriage |
12-36 | Eject cam interlock |
12-37 | Eject nip carriage open timing |
12-38 | Eject cam interlock |
12-40 | Tamper motor |
12-41 | Tamper home problem |
12-42 | Tamper home sensor |
12-43 | Staple load sensor |
12-44 | Tamper home sensor |
12-45 | Tamper home sensor |
12-50 | Low on staples |
12-51 | Stapler home sensor |
12-52 | Stapler home sensor |
12-53 | Eject cam interlock |
33-37 | Too few documents |
55-01 | RDH interlock switch open during use |
55-04 | Paper on bypass sensor |
55-05 | Paper at vacuum timing sensor |
55-06 | Paper on output sensor |
55-10 | No paper reached S31 |
55-20 | Paper did not leave S31 at correct time |
55-24 | Set counter arm problem |
55-25 | Documents in input tray not detected |
55-27 | Lead edge did not reach S35 at correct time |
55-2955-30 | Trail edge did not reach S35 at correct time |
55-31 | S32, ADF registration sensor did not see paper at correct time |
55-32 | S32 did not see trail edge at correct time |
55-33 | S36 One too many documents |
55-36 | One too many documents |
55-39 | Hole count problem on document feeder belt |
55-40 | Document belt travel problem |
55-41 | Document belt mistracking or skewing |
55-45 | Paper at inverter sensor |
55-47 | Inverter sensor did not see paper lead edge at correct time |
55-49 | More than 50 sheets in input tray |
55-50 | Right side interlock |
55-51 | Left side interlock |
55-55 | Document on glass |
93-93 | NVM has to be initialized after new software installed |
Xerox 5350, 5352
Code | Description |
00-009, 030, 031, 032, 033 | A door was opened while paper was being fed |
00-047 | Paper in duplex |
00-1 | Auditron |
00-2 | Diagnostic error |
00-3 | Faults error |
00-4 | Ric error |
00-5 | Job manager system error |
00-6 | LLM interface |
00-7 | Standby error |
00-8 | Communications error |
00-9 | Xerographic error |
01-300 | Front interlock |
01-310 | Right upper interlock |
01-315 | Left upper interlock |
01-320 | Left lower interlock |
01-325 | Fuser interlock |
02-910 | Key counter missing |
02-920 | Wrong combination of accessories |
03-321, 322, 326, 327 | LLM to ISIL communications problems |
03-328 | IOT communications problem with duplex or tray 4 |
03-330 | IOT communications problems with HCF |
03-335, 336 | LLM communications problems with edit |
03-340 | NVM memory |
03-341-347 | Communications problems between IOT and sorter |
03-350-354 | Communications problem with LLM and user interface |
03-363, 364 | Communications problem between LLM & optics |
03-370-03-373 | Communications problem between LLM & DADF |
03-380, 384 | |
03-416-422 | RAM memory problem |
03-424, 426 | NVM memory problem |
03-430, 432 | Billing problem |
03-439 | GRAIB communications problem |
03-440 | RIC communications problem |
03-441 | RIC NVM problem |
03-442 | Modem |
03-443-458 | RIC problems |
03-460 | Serial communications processor problem |
04-300 | Main motor or drive problem |
05-100-108 | DADF registration sensor |
05-110 | DADF exit sensor |
05-115, 120 | DADF jams |
05-305 | DADF document drive |
05-310, 312 | DADF document sensor |
05-316 | DADF registration sensor jam |
05-325 | DADF exit sensor |
05-335, 341, 345 | DADF interlock switches |
06-300-310 | Scan problems |
06-315 | Scan drive |
06-320A, 320B, 320C, 325 | Scan problem |
06-330 | Lens drive |
06-340 | Exposure control problem |
06-342 | LLM CPU problem |
06-344-350 | Exposure cvontrol problem |
06-352 | IOT CPU problem |
07-300, 315, 330, 345 | Tray faults |
07-360-370 | HCF problems |
07-375, 380A, 380B | Duplex problems |
08-100-110 | Feed problems. Lead edge of copy paper is late getting to feed sensor of tray 1 |
08-115-162 | Feed problem. Lead edge of copy paper is late getting to registration sensor |
08-165 | Paper jam at registration sensor |
08-310-370 | Paper at a sensor when power is turned on |
08-330 | DADF nudger sensor |
08-380 | Registration side to side problem with home position |
08-390 | Nip |
09-300 | Copy cartridge finished (drum unit) |
09-310 | Add black toner Add color toner |
09-320 | Add color toner |
09-330 | Wrong copy cartridge (wrong drum unit) |
09-340 | Drum cartridge not installed properly |
09-350 | Waste toner full |
100 | A fault has occurred |
10-100 | Exit jam |
10-105 | Exit jam |
10-110 | Vertical sensor jam |
10-120, 122, 125 | Duplex jam |
10-150, 155 | Too much or not enough paper in duplex tray |
10-300 | Fuser thermistor |
10-302 | Low fuser temperature |
10-304 | Bad fuser temp |
10-308 | High fuser temperature or open thermistor |
10-310 | High fuser temperature |
10-312 | Fuser not up to temperature after energy save |
10-314 | Fuser problem |
10-320 | Fuser web finished |
10-330, 335, 340 | Exit switch, vertical sensor switch actuated when power is turned on |
11-100-116 | Sorter jam |
11-150-176 | Sorter auto stapler jam |
11-310, 314, 316 | Sorter interlock |
11-325A,B,C,D,E,F,G | Sorter index |
11-352, 354, 356 | Sorter auto stapler interlocks |
11-365A,B,C,D,E | Sorter auto stapler bin |
11-370,371,372A,373A,373B,374 | Sorter auto stapler staple failure, staple home problem or tamper home problem |
11-385A,385B,390A,B,C,D,E,396A | Sorter auto stapler staple failure, staple home problem or tamper home problem |
301 | Fuser web must be replaced |
302 | Copy cartridge (drum unit) must be replaced |
501 | Tray 1 must be rebuilt |
502 | Tray 2 must be rebuilt |
503 | Tray 3 must be rebuilt |
504 | Tray 4 must be rebuilt |
505 | HCF must be rebuilt |
506 | Bypass must be rebuilt |
507 | Duplex unit must be rebuilt |
508 | Replace black developer |
509 | Replace red developer |
510 | Replace green developer |
512 | Replace brown developer |
513 | Copy cartridge (drum unit) will need replacing soon |
514 | Fuser web will need replacing soon |
515 | DADF belt should be replaced |
516 | DADF feed rollers should be replaced |
517 | Replace exposure lamp |
518 | Replace suction filter |
519 | Replace ozone filter |
520 | Replace optics filter |
521 | Replace particle filter |
522 | Replace upper fuser roller |
523 | Replace fuser pawls |
524 | Replace pressure roller |
525 | Replace pressure roller pawls |
900-905 | Key operator calls |
Xerox 5355
Код ошибки | Описание |
01-01 | Frequency monitoring and zero cross problem |
01-02 | Interlock |
01-03 | AC power problem |
01-04 | Finisher interlock |
01-05 | 24v problem |
03-01 | Optics to main board communication problem |
03-02 | Software reset problem |
03-03 | Could be punched holes in the lead edge of the original |
03-04 | Software problem |
03-06 | Low battery |
03-07 | NVM not initialized or is missing or defective |
03-17 | Communication problem between main board and finisher board |
03-18 | Initializes one NVM counter to agree to others |
03-19 | All three NVM counter to agree with others |
03-20 | Main board/interface board problems |
03-21 | Problem with RIC NVM |
03-22 | RIC modem problem |
03-23 | RIC real time clock failure. |
03-25 | RIC NVM problem or not initialized |
03-27 | NVM problem |
03-28 | Watchdog software problem |
03-29 | Microprocessor crystal not at correct frequency |
03-30 | No software response from finisher after 20 seconds have elapsed |
06-01 | Lens did not reach 1.1 position |
06-02 | 1/2 rate scanner problem |
06-03 | Scan home problem |
06-04 | Scan home problem |
06-05 | Scan home problem |
06-06 | Scan encoder |
06-07 | Scan encoder |
06-08 | Scan drive boost |
06-09 | Scan encoder |
06-11 | Scan encoder pulse phases |
06-12 | Insufficient scan damping |
07-01 | Duplex tray not home during duplexing |
07-02 | Tray 2 not home when selected |
07-13 | Tray 2 height sensor problem |
07-15 | Tray 2 empty |
07-16 | Tray 1 door open |
07-18 | Tray 1 stack sensor |
07-22 | Tray 1 empty |
07-26 | Tray 1 bypass switch actuated too long |
07-27 | Tray 1 bypass switch deactuated too early |
07-30 | Paper in duplex |
07-31 | Paper in duplex |
07-32 | Duplex tray empty, when paper should be there |
08-10 | Paper did not reach tray 2 input tray sensor |
08-11 | Paper did not reach duplex input sensor |
08-12 | Paper did not reach tray 1 |
08-14 | Paper did not leave tray 2 input sensor quickly enough |
08-18 | Trail edge did not reach tray 2 input sensor quickly enough |
08-19 | Trail edge did not reach tray 1 input sensor quickly enough |
08-20 | Paper in duplex |
08-21 | Paper in tray 2 input |
08-22 | Paper in tray 2 or duplex at wrong time |
08-23 | Paper at tray 1 input at wrong time |
08-24 | Paper in tray 1 at wrong time |
08-28 | Upper and lower nips problem |
09-08 | Low toner condition |
09-12 | Drum signals are out of range |
09-13 | Unstable drum patch readings |
09-15 | Patch is too dark |
09-16 | Patch is too light |
09-17 | Open toner container access cover |
09-18 | Low toner level |
09-21 | Low toner sensor disconnected |
09-22 | Low toner condition, even after machine has been theoretically, adding toner |
10-02 | Low fuser temperature |
10-03 | High fuser temperature |
10-06 | Paper did not reach out put switch |
10-07 | Paper stayed on output switch |
10-10 | Paper did not reach decurler sensor |
10-11 | Paper did not reach decurler sensor |
10-12 | Paper on decurler sensor |
10-13 | Paper did not reach duplex entry sensor in time |
10-14 | Paper did not reach duplex entry sensor in time |
10-15 | Paper on entry sensor at wrong time |
10-17 | Fuser temperature is too high and fuser relay has deactuated |
12-01 | Paper at finisher input sensor |
12-02 | Paper did not reach finisher |
12-03 | Paper reached finisher too soon |
12-05 | Paper at stapler |
12-06 | Paper at stapler |
12-07 | Paper did not reach stapler |
12-08 | Paper did not reach stapler |
12-10 | Complied motor not working properly |
12-15 | Eject motor problem and/or eject encoder |
12-20 | Stacker motor problem |
12-21 | Stacker interlock |
12-22 | Stacker bottom sensor |
12-23 | Stacker bottom sensor |
12-24 | Stacker bottom sensor senses full |
12-25 | Stack height sensor |
12-26 | Stack height sensor |
12-27 | Stack height sensor |
12-30 | Offset home sensor |
12-31 | Offset home sensor |
12-32 | OCT switch |
12-35 | Eject nip carriage |
12-36 | Eject cam interlock |
12-37 | Eject nip carriage open timing |
12-38 | Eject cam interlock |
12-40 | Tamper motor |
12-41 | Tamper home problem |
12-42 | Tamper home sensor |
12-43 | Staple load sensor |
12-44 | Tamper home sensor |
12-45 | Tamper home sensor |
12-50 | Low on staples |
12-51 | Stapler home sensor |
12-52 | Stapler home sensor |
12-53 | Eject cam interlock |
33-37 | Too few documents |
55-01 | rdh interlock switch open during use |
55-04 | Paper on bypass sensor |
55-05 | Paper at vacuum timing sensor |
55-06 | Paper on output sensor |
55-10 | No paper reached S31 |
55-20 | Paper did not leave S31 at correct time |
55-24 | Set counter arm problem |
55-25 | Documents in input tray not detected |
55-27 | Lead edge did not reach S35 at correct time |
55-2955-30 | Trail edge did not reach S35 at correct time |
55-31 | S32, ADF registration sensor did not see paper at correct time |
55-32 | S32 did not see trail edge at correct time |
55-33 | S36 One too many documents |
55-36 | One too many documents |
55-39 | Hole count problem on document feeder belt |
55-40 | Document belt travel problem |
55-41 | Document belt mistracking or skewing |
55-45 | Paper at inverter sensor |
55-47 | Inverter sensor did not see paper lead edge at correct time |
55-49 | More than 50 sheets in input tray |
55-50 | Right side interlock |
55-51 | Left side interlock |
55-55 | Document on glass |
93-93 | NVM has to be initialized after new software installed |
Xerox XC520, 540, 560, 580
Код ошибки | Описание |
H2 | Fuser thermistor |
H3 | Fuser temperature too high. Must be reset in diagnostics |
H4 | Fuser temperature too low. Must be reset in diagnostics |
L3 | Scan problem |
L4 | Min motor drive problem |
L8 | Exposure lamp not lightning or not enough light reaching auto exposure sensor |
P | Paper did not feed |
Xerox 5622
Code | Description |
A1-1 to A1-32 | All indicate a paper path problem, etc. in the ADF |
A2 | ADF exit problems |
A3 | Irregular size documents |
A5 | ADF interlock |
A6 | ADF single sheet document reset |
A7 | Platen interlock |
A8 | ADF exit interlock |
C1 | Tray 1 jam |
C2 | Tray 2 jam |
C3 | Tray 3 jam |
C6-1, C6-2 | Jams related to duplex |
C6-3 | Registration sensor, re tray 1 |
C7-1, C7-2 | HCF feed problems |
C7-3 | Tray 1 feed problem |
C8 | Paper stays in tray or duplex or HCF |
C9 | Bypass feed problem |
E1-10 to E1-25 | Internal jam |
E1-6 | Paper on registration sensor |
E2 | Reset signal happened. Might read E-2 something else |
E3-30 to E4-14 | Exit jam |
E3-6 | Exit jam |
E4-10 to E4-14 | Inverter sensor not actuated |
E4-15 | Inverter sensor |
E4-40 to E4-45 | Duplex entry sensor |
E4-6 | Inverter sensor |
E5 | Front door interlock |
E6-1 | Tray 1 interlock |
E6-2 | 2 tray or duplex interlock |
E6-3 | HCF interlock |
E7-2, E7-3 | Duplex interlock |
E8-6 to E8-15 | Duplex entry sensor |
F1-1 | Sorter entry sensor |
F1-6 | Sorter exit sensor |
F3 | Paper size not available for sort/stack |
F5 | Sorter interlock |
J1 | Add toner |
J3 | Replace copy cartridge |
J7 | Replace copy cartridge |
J8-1 | Wrong copy cartridge installed |
J8-2 | Copy cartridge EEPROM |
L6 | Auditron or other counter problem |
L8 | Platen glass temperature is too high |
L9 | Communication problem between interimage erase/edge lamps and main board |
U1-1 | Main motor drive problem |
U2-1 to U2-4 | Scan home sensor |
U3-1 | Lens sensor |
U4-1 | Open fuser thermistor |
U4-2 | Fuser did not warm up properly |
U4-3 | Fuser temperature too high |
U4-4 | Fuser problem. Staying on too long |
U4-6 | High fuser temperature |
U5-1 | Sorter bin home switch not activated |
U5-2 | Sorter bin home switch stayed actuated |
U5-3, U5-4 | Sorter bin home switch |
U6-1 | ROM problem |
U6-2 | RAM problem |
U6-3 | Low battery |
U6-4 | Incorrect value in NVM. Reinitialize main board with code 20-96 |
U8-1 to U8-6 | Problem with exposure lamp, lamp sensor, lamp board |
After the Registration Clutch turned On, the Registration Sensor did not turn Off within the
specified time.
Initial Actions
Power OFF/ON
Check the Transport Roll for wear and paper powder. The Transport Roll is ok.
Replace the Transport Roll.
Check for foreign substances, distortion and paper powder in the paper transport path. No
distortion, foreign substances, or paper powder are found in the paper transport path.
Clear away the foreign substances and paper powder. Correct the distortion.
Component Control
[089-100 Registration Sensor]. Manually activate the actuator of
the Registration Sensor
2.4). The display changes.
Check the connection of
and P/J403.
and P/J403.
Check the wire between J104 and J403 for an open circuit or a short circuit (BSD 8.7
2). The wire between J104 and J403 is conducting without an open circuit or
a short circuit.
Repair the open circuit or short circuit.
Measure the voltage between the MCU PWB P403B-13 (+) and GND (-) (BSD 8.7
2). The voltage is approx. +5VDC.
Replace the MCU PWB
Measure the voltage between the MCU PWB P403B-8 (+) and GND (-) (BSD 8.7
Actuate the Registration Sensor with paper. The voltage changes.
Replace the Registration Sensor
Replace the MCU PWB
Component Control
[089-002 Registration Clutch ON]. The Registration Clutch
2.4) can be heard.
Check the connection of
and P/J403.
Launch Version
WorkCentre 5225, 5230
are connected cor-
are connected cor-
and P/J403.
Measure the resistance of the Registration Clutch
(BSD 8.7
3). The resistance is approx. 240Ohm.
Replace the Registration Clutch
Check the wire between J215 and J403 for an open circuit or a short circuit (BSD 8.7
3). The wire between J215 and J403 is conducting without an open circuit or a short
Repair the open circuit or short circuit.
Replace the MCU PWB
Replace the MCU PWB
February, 2008
2.4) between P215-1 and P215-2
Status Indicator Raps
Добрый день. На аппарате периодически появляется ошибка 077-101, в документации администратора описания данной ошибки нет, пытался найти полный перечень ошибок, но или его не существует в природе, или охраняется как сов. секретный документ.
Заранее спасибо!
077-101 — бумага слишком долго проходила регистрацию. Нужно проверять муфту и датчик регистрации, ответную часть регистрации на крышке (ось выскакивает), тракт прохождения.
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xerox 5222 — 077-101
Hi guys. So i have this machine, about 150k copies. It jams paper very often. Error code is 077-101. Put in a new registration assembly and still does the same thing. Could it pe the transfer assembly, more exactly the transfer roll?
Re: xerox 5222 — 077-101
Check Drum drive coupling and transport roll housing, had a dozen with cracked plastic holders.
Clean registration sensor if dirty.Defects are simple, our mind is complicated
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Re: xerox 5222 — 077-101
They’re all good. Registration assy maybe?
Re: xerox 5222 — 077-101
De ce nu vorbiti voi romaneste ?
Clutch-ul de registratie l-ai schimbat sau curatat ?
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Re: xerox 5222 — 077-101
Salut. Deci, doar l-am curatat. Ieri a mers aparatul, azi iar 077-101 si 077-106. Deja ma scoate din sarite. Aveti idee de unde as putea sa iau un ansamblu d-asta? 90% dintre erori sunt 077-101.
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Re: xerox 5222 — 077-101
Aveam un ansamblu ok, luat de pe alt aparat. Se poate sa fi gresit eu la montaj, ca tot in 077-106 ma tinea, pe ambele aparate. Ma gandeam acu, oare sa iau ambreiajul de pe asta si sa-l pun pe ansamblul de registratie unde am eroare de 077-101? Ce se defecteaza la ele? Ambreiajul sau altceva?
Re: xerox 5222 — 077-101
Se uzeaza clutch-ul si patineaza dupa care apar intarzieri.
Poti pune si clutch de C118 daca ai la indemana, am testat asta si e ok.Defects are simple, our mind is complicated
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Re: xerox 5222 — 077-101
Este vreun aspect la montaj mai aparte? Adica clutch luat de pe aparat cu 60k copii nu mai vrea sa mearga nici cum. Odata, dupa ce l-am montat si dezmontat de enspe ori, a scos o foaie. Poate nu fac eu ceva ok.
Re: xerox 5222 — 077-101
Uita-te daca clutch-ul de registratie cupleaza. Daca da vezi cum se aseaza rolele de la ansamblul de transfer de pe capacul din stinga — acolo unde este BTR-ul. Cred ca ai ansamblul acela defect si rolele nu calca corect pe rolele de registratie de pe masina.
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Re: xerox 5222 — 077-101
Daca misc senzorul de registratie cu mana, vad cum se invart rolele. Deci eu zic ca registratia ar fi buna. Si masina mergea inainte. Tot cu aceleasi ansamble de registratie si transfer. Ceva nu fac eu bine, cred.

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Forum Rules
077-101, 077-900 Registration Sensor Jam RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 8.5 Registration
077-101 The trail edge of the paper does not deactuate the registration sensor within the specified time after the registration clutch is energized.
077-900 The registration sensor detected remaining paper.
Initial Actions
• Check the condition of the paper in all trays. Refer to GP 15 Paper and Media Size Specifications.
• Ensure that all the trays are loaded correctly.
WARNING: Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Refer to the procedures that follow as necessary:
• GP 6 How to Check a Motor.
• GP 7 How to Check a Sensor.
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Check for obstructions in the paper path.
2. Check the registration roll and takeaway roll 1, PL 80.55 for foreign substances or wear. Clean or install new components as necessary.
3. Enter dC330, code 077-104. Check the registration sensor, PL 80.55 Item 4.
4. Enter dC330, code 042-003. Check the main motor, PL 40.10 Item 10.
5. Enter dC330, code 077-002. Check the registration clutch, PL 80.55 Item 11.
6. Check the drive assembly, PL 40.10 Item 1 for wear or damage.
7. Check the registration transport assembly, PL 80.55 Item 1 for wear or damage.
8. If the fault persists, install new components as necessary:
• Drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 3.
• ESS PWB, PL 3.10 Item 6.
**This RAP is from Xerox Service Manual. All brand names and trademarks are their respective owner’s property.**
You may be also interested in below toner and drum chip (CRUM) for Xerox VersaLink C7020, C7025, C7030, C7000.
Toner Chip (For North America and West Europe Region):
• 106R03741 106R03744 106R03743 106R03742
• 106R03757 106R03760 106R03759 106R03758
• 106R03737 106R03740 106R03739 106R03738
Toner Chip (For South America and East Europe Region):
• 106R03749 106R03752 106R03751 106R03750
• 106R03745 106R03748 106R03747 106R03746
• 106R03765 106R03768 106R03767 106R03766
Toner Chip (For Metered Machine):
• 106R03733 106R03736 106R03735 106R03734
Drum Chip:
• 113R00780 113R00782