Ошибка 0fl01 при прошивке видеокарты

  • #41

Я вот не знаю то ли рейзер виноват то ли бп.

тут осталось только перепаять все контакты той части райзера, которая входит в слот пси 1/16, даже если визуально все норм, то все равно надо сделать, и прозвонить кабель усб, паяльник и, на худой конец, лампочка с батарейкой и проводками тоже пригодится, кот подержит, если что, он то знает, наверно, что все во благо майнинга
или найти человека, который этот сделает
…и протести карту бубликом через х16 по одной отдельно

Последнее редактирование: 14 Апр 2017

  • #42

Пока помогла установка новых дров с патчем. Работает теперь стабильно вроде. Хотя вчера были перезагрузки но это наверно потому что я на карте
с памятью хюникс задрал память до 1950. Вроде у кого то держит у кого то нет. Я оставил 1900 пока полет нормальный. Клеймор даже стал показывать температуру обеих карт (до этого показывал только одной).

  • #43

3. попробуй запустить genoil miner и пока он работает посмотреть определяется ли карта (ключ -i или -ai)

…и прошивать пока работает genoil?

  • #44

error 0fl01 flash not detected при прошивки биоса если бы ADAPTER NOT FOUND тогда понятно что делать а это что значит подскажите

  • #45

error 0fl01 flash not detected при прошивки биоса если бы ADAPTER NOT FOUND тогда понятно что делать а это что значит подскажите

решил проблему?А то у меня такая же =С

  • #46

Лично у меня опыт с 0fl01 решался как то забавно.
1) сохранил биос через GPU-Z
2) отредактировал через polaris bios editor
3) открыл atiwinflash 2.7.7 хочу шыть биос пишет: 0fl01
4) открыл atiwinflash 2.7.4 либо прошывка проходит успешно, либо опять: 0fl01
5) создаю батник в atiwinflash 2.7.7 пытаюсь шыть… либо все ок, либо опять: 0fl01
6) тоже самое с батником в atiwinflash 2.7.4, обычно шьёт карты после таких манипуляций.
Еще как вариант иногда пробую сохранить биос через сам atiwinflash, но обычно он его криво сохраняет, то размер биоса 0 КВ, то 80КВ чет в таком роде.
Иногда менял слот в каком карта стоит и все остальные отключал и помогало.

  • #47

ati flash не запускается через администатора

  • #48

Тоже была ошибка 0fl01. Помог такой прием: открыл полярисом, сохранил без изменений под новым именем, зашил биос батником.

  • #49

Всем привет! тоже ошибка error reading from ROM, только не открывает карты из коробки, не шитые, я даже не могу скинуть биос в файл. Через командную строку тоже не видит (скрины). unlockrom пишет, что разлочил, после перезагрузки все по-старому. Карту пробовал и из райзера и из 16х. Где-то у буржуев прочитал, что винда каких-то версий так влияет, специально обновился — безрезультатно. win10 x64. powercolor rx580 red devil golden sample 8 gb(micron). atiflash пробовал разные. GPU-z делает файл, но боюсь его зашивать, говорят, часто не шьется из него. Помогите, пожалуйста)

  • #50


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  • #51

та же фигня не запускается ati winflash. карты на ферме из одной партии прошил все ок. 2 решил домой поставить в комп и не могу прогу запустить пишет ошибка

  • #52

та же фигня не запускается ati winflash. карты на ферме из одной партии прошил все ок. 2 решил домой поставить в комп и не могу прогу запустить пишет ошибка

у меня наоборот), на ферме ни винфлеш ни атифлеш (из командной строки) не видит ром биоса на картах. Унес домой карту, воткнул в комп на семерке, все видит, всё шьется. Вывод: дело в обвесе, либо железо, либо винда.

  • #53

Тоже была ошибка error reading from ROM , у меня в мамке 17 поротов pci-e, так вот именно 570 в 6 портах так себя вела , включаю в другие порты, все норм , 470 включаю в порты где 570 глючила тоже все норм ,в общем играйтесь с портами.

  • #54

Была такая же проблема и писало ошибку 0FL01. Решил ее просто
1.Запустил командную строку от имени администратора с командой C:AtiwinFlashAtiFlash -f -p 1 biosmy.rom. Выдало ошибку 0FL01. Не закрываю эту командную строку.
2.Создал bat в папке где и atiflah со следующим тексом C:AtiwinFlashAtiFlash -f -p 1 biosmy.rom (biosmy.rom — название используемого биоса). Можно прописать сразу для всех карт
3.Запустил этот bat файл НЕ от имени администратора

На этом все карты прошились без проблем

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Последнее редактирование: 26 Апр 2020

  • #55

Была такая же проблема и писало ошибку 0FL01. Решил ее просто
1.Запустил командную строку от имени администратора с командой C:AtiwinFlashAtiFlash -f -p 1 biosmy.rom. Выдало ошибку 0FL01. Не закрываю эту командную строку.
2.Создал bat в папке где и atiflah со следующим тексом C:AtiwinFlashAtiFlash -f -p 1 biosmy.rom (biosmy.rom — название используемого биоса). Можно прописать сразу для всех карт
3.Запустил этот bat файл НЕ от имени администратора

На этом все карты прошились без проблем

Спасибо, помогло!

  • #57

Причина появления ошибки выявлена?

  • #58

Причина появления ошибки выявлена?

Я так понимаю, что ошибка связана с разрешением на доступ к памяти на перезапись. Скорее всего зависит от самого чипа БИОСа — его модели.
Ошибку «atiwinflash error 0fl01» решил вот так:

1.Сносим дрова для 5700ХТ, например с помощью ddu uninstaller из под безопасного режима Win10.
2.Скачиваем 293plus, amdvbflash 3.04+, готовим Mod прошивки для вашей памяти (главное, сохранить штатный биос и его править, чтобы совпадал SSID).
3.Запускаем insttool64 от админа (на секунду моргнет окно).
4.Перемещаем 293plus, amdvbflash 3.04+ в диск С, а также прошивку в папку amdvbflash 3.04+.
5.Запускаем командную строку от админа, набираем (cd C:/293plus) нажимаем Enter набираем (amdvbflash.exe -unlockrom 0) нажимаем Enter.
6.Перезагружаем комп.
7.Запускаем командную строку от админа, набираем (cd C:/amdvbflash 3.04+) нажимаем Enter, набираем (amdvbflash.exe -p 0 mod.rom -f) нажимаем Enter.
8.После идет принудительная прошивка 5700ХТ, как будет на английском что прошивка закончена, необходимо перезагрузить комп и поставить дрова.
Все, радуемся.

  • #59

Я так понимаю, что ошибка связана с разрешением на доступ к памяти на перезапись. Скорее всего зависит от самого чипа БИОСа — его модели.
Ошибку «atiwinflash error 0fl01» решил вот так:

2.Скачиваем 293plus, amdvbflash 3.04+, готовим Mod прошивки для вашей памяти (главное, сохранить штатный биос и его править, чтобы совпадал SSID).

Не понял где и что править?
В безопасном режиме прошивал?
insttool64 это что такое?

  • #60

Не понял где и что править?
В безопасном режиме прошивал?
insttool64 это что такое?

прошивал НЕ в безопасном режиме.
insttool64 — можно найти в архиве со скачанной программой.

Иногда столкнувшись с необходимостью прошить ту или иную штуковину начинаешь действовать стереотипно, т.е по аналогии с уже проделанными не раз процедурами. В этот раз вышло именно так…Освоив прошивку «ЖИфор-шей» впервые столкнувшись с необходимостью перепрошивки Radeon-чика был неприятно удивлён настойчивой ошибкой в процессе…

Прилагаемое описание перечня ошибок не дало ответа….

Error list and troubleshooting guide.

0FL01  Error programming ROM
— Check that the command line arguments you passed are correct.
— Check that the BIOS image file specified exists and isn’t corrupted.
— Check that the ROM isn’t write protected.
— If a parameter in the BIOS image file differs from a parameter in the
current ROM image (e.g. SSID), and you’re sure you want to program
the image, specify the -f (force) flag on the command line.

Побродив по просторам инета выяснил, что прошивальщик коим выступал atiflash не всегда верно определяет тип микросхемы-флэша. Вынул видяху рассмотрел чрезвычайно мелкую надпись на микрухе и действительно…SST…

Для SST флэшей имеется специальный ключ, который необходимо указывать при прошивке…Формат команды выглядит следующим образом atiflash -p -sst <0-где и как сидит видяха> <файл прошивки>

(Скрины снимал уже после прошивки поэтому имеются неточности в фото.) При таком sst-обновлении все прошивается на ура. Для себя сделал вывод, при прошивке Radeon-овских видеокарт предварительно узнать тип флэш-микросхемы, устаовленной на борту.

Маслёнков Андрей
воскресенье, 23 сентября 2007г.

add 15.02.09

Для прошивки в общем случае можно использовать ключ -f, позволяющий миновать этапы сверки (SSID, DeviceID и т.д)

atiflash -p 0 new.rom -f

  • #1

Hello, this is my first post here.
I recently got an RX 580 Pulse from Sapphire.
It has Dual Bios — BIOS1 does not work (no image), BIOS2 does work BUT:

BIOS2 is a MSI BIOS (and not Sapphire like its supposed to be)
I guess that could be the reason the hash rate is so low

Anyway, I would like to flash the original Sapphire Pulse Micron BIOS to the card. I tried both Windows (amdvbflash / atiflash) and HiveOS for flashing, but both showed the same error:

Failed to read ROM

BTW: In Windows I get 25MH/s, its only 15 MH/S when using HiveOS
OC: 1350 Core 2100 Memory

Any ideas why I get this error and how to fix this issue?


  • #2

You already described here that you have a Sapphire Card with MSI BIOS.
In this situation you can expect to have errors.
Be so kind and put a picture with Sticker with Barcode and serial number in order to let us know exact model.
After that we will help you get the right BIOS

  • #3

@impero Thanks for your help! The right BIOS of course is essential, however im not able to flash the card due to an issue, I don’t know the source of.
Sadly im not at home until tomorrow, but here’s some information:
It’s the Sapphire RX 580 8GB Pulse with Dual Bios Switch. The Memory seems to be Micron, if not shown wrong (due to the MSI BIOS).
Here are some images I found online, of my model. Will provide Barcode stickers tomorrow — hope this is enough to start troubleshooting

As said, I would not even bother, since I get around 25 MH/s with no BIOS and Hard OC, but that’s only using Windows… On Hive the hash rate is around 15-20 MH/s. Weirdly, I ran the RX 580 alone for a few seconds and it had 29 MH/s. But after I started the other two cards, the Hashrate of the RX 580 began to drop. I guess it was just a coincidence…

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Last edited: May 27, 2021


  • #4

In that case if you own Sapphire Pulse RX580 8GB with Micron…here it is the BIOS needed

Good luck

  • #5

Thank you, but I already tried flashing this one and got this error:
Can not flash a 0x0 length image into a 0x200000 length rom
Error: 0FL01

Do you know what’s causing this and how to fix it? @impero


  • #6

ok, try this one

remember you need to use DOS mode flashing not windows mode
AND…. you need to use -f argument (force flash) because at the moment you have MSI card at least that is what your old BIOS tell.
So new BIOS will look for manufacturer ID and it will find MSI. Of course you will get an error as long as you wanna flash Sapphire in it.
You need to use command prompt with administrator rights and use DOS version to flash it.
I usually use amdvbflash so command is : amdvbflash.exe -f -p 0 BIOS.rom

good luck

  • #7

hello. i have similar issue with my Sapphire RX470 mining 8GB (samsung) and I tried flashing old stock bios that was on card when I bought it. Tried multiple backed up files of that files but shows me
Failed to read ROM

Did everything I could. Unlocked rom with amdvbflash /unlockrom 0 and also used flash command as amdvbflash -f -p 0 orig.rom (orig.rom is stock ROM of card bios). Could it get somehow corrupted or what is the issue? Rn there is bios https://www.techpowerup.com/vgabios/187669/sapphire-rx470-8192-160715 and first time I flashed it to this bios it didn’t have problem.
So I’m doing this because my GPU shows billions of errors on VRAM and it crashes a lot. Not under load but while idle it just randomly lags and shuts down. So yeah it’s big issue. Tried reinstalling drivers, then it stops for few days and again starts crashing. Memory is downclocked. But if there is no way how to solve this I’d also go with some sort of bios tweaker for radeon rx470 so I can adjust VRAM voltage or loosen timings on it as these stock 17-17-29-29-87-24-219 are probably too tight for it (it’s very old used mining card soo…) and I can’t somehow raise voltage on VRAM.
Thanks for any help :))))))


  • #8

What version of amdvbflash you use ?

  • #9

What version of amdvbflash you use ?

some kind of older one. Same as I used when I flashed it first time. Should I update? (File date modified: 3/1/2019) EDIT: Found it. EDIT2: So I tried downclocking it even more to 1900mhz (lowest possible) and was able to run OCCT for 16 minutes with zero errors. So will try running it for another few days to test it. Problem is it probably crashes at low state (300mhz) where voltage is way too low for old used VRAM. And only way to test it running at these low clocks is just at idle not stressing it. :DDDDD EDIT3: wtf it’s retarded. Now I’m running heaven benchmark at Extreme. No errors even at 1975mhz. And performance? Terrible. :shrug:

What version of amdvbflash you use ?

help I think I bricked it. I somehow managed to flash it but not flash it and amdvbflash says no vbios (with «amdvbflash -ai») and amdvbflashWin.exe is refusing to run saying «Error reading from ROM». Did I fuck up? I don’t want to restart pc as I don’t want to brick it. :((((( And I don’t have money for a new gpu.

Last edited: Jan 4, 2022


  • #10

nope i don’t think you f**ed it up.
First unlock the ROM
Second, please use the flashing procedure under DOS cmd.
Start CMD with admin privileges.
Move the BIOS file in atiflash folder and rename it like RX580.rom
use the following syntax :
amdvbflash -p -f -fa -fs RX580.rom

after flashing you will be prompted to restart computer.

Even let’s say you bricked the card there is hope, cause there is a unbricking procedure, so stay calm.


How to recover from a bad video BIOS flash

Almost every day there are new threads regarding bricked graphics cards due to wrong BIOS flashing, and since eidairaman1 is no longer around to help, here is a guide how to deal with a bad VGA BIOS flash. Find the correct BIOS First off, you’ll have to find a copy of the original BIOS. In case…



  • #11

Another vendor’s VBIOS? That can cause all sorts of wacky problems, including, but not limited to, core clock bobbing up and down, possibly not getting beyond the 500s (Mhz) and a hard system crash when opening up a command prompt.


  • #12

Another vendor’s VBIOS? That can cause all sorts of wacky problems, including, but not limited to, core clock bobbing up and down, possibly not getting beyond the 500s (Mhz) and a hard system crash when opening up a command prompt.

True. At any time using another vendor’s BIOS in a video card COULD lead to that. But not all the time. I am speaking only from my experience.
I do not encourage other people to do that.
More than this, i am using those video cards with modded and altered BIOS ONLY…and i repeat ONLY for mining purposes.
Using them as a daily video card will lead to error’s i am 100% sure.
But in mining, i use them for more than 2 years w/o any error.
I forgot to mention: i have 12 video cards of this type (all RX580 8 GB) in service.
I have Sapphire and MSI, both brands with Samsung chips and both brands have at this moment BIOS changed and modded

  • #13

nope i don’t think you f**ed it up.
First unlock the ROM
Second, please use the flashing procedure under DOS cmd.
Start CMD with admin privileges.
Move the BIOS file in atiflash folder and rename it like RX580.rom
use the following syntax :
amdvbflash -p -f -fa -fs RX580.rom

after flashing you will be prompted to restart computer.

Even let’s say you bricked the card there is hope, cause there is a unbricking procedure, so stay calm.


How to recover from a bad video BIOS flash

Almost every day there are new threads regarding bricked graphics cards due to wrong BIOS flashing, and since eidairaman1 is no longer around to help, here is a guide how to deal with a bad VGA BIOS flash. Find the correct BIOS First off, you’ll have to find a copy of the original BIOS. In case…



well, I managed to brick it (turned off pc yesterday). So switched to second BIOS (one of optimized for ETH I think) and it somehow booted up. Windows refuses to use drivers as it didn’t boot up for 3 times. So gonna reinstall them. And also while it was running I tried switching back to bricked bios but amdvbflash -i says there is a bios. So idk if it is now and will flash to bricked bios or to current bios that is loaded up. (Some guy on internet said it was made to switch bioses while running so I did it :DDD )

bro thank you so much you just saved me a lot of suffering and probably also 200€ for new card. :DDDD

EDIT: Holy cow! ZERO memory errors ZERO gpu errors.

Last edited: Jan 5, 2022


  • #14

Told ya!
Just be patient in life and things will gonna go in the right direction.
Cheers mate

  • #15

Hi, can I barge in here or should I make a new thread? :confused: It’s just that I have the same error as am trying to flash vBIOS of Sapphire Pulse (this forum is what came up on Google) as well — to hopefully correct intermittent flashing on desktop and total failure on 3D games/benchmarks…

One of the other hits I came across is also from techpowerup but from 2010(!), showing how to recover from a potentially bricked vBIOS update procedure… (ATIflash in that case).

Gonna keep searching but was just gonna say, I did those things impero above mentioned re: AMDvbflash but nothing’s working so far. Unlockrom works but it still says there’s no bios at all with the -i switch :(

  • #16

Hi, can I barge in here or should I make a new thread? :confused: It’s just that I have the same error as am trying to flash vBIOS of Sapphire Pulse (this forum is what came up on Google) as well — to hopefully correct intermittent flashing on desktop and total failure on 3D games/benchmarks…

One of the other hits I came across is also from techpowerup but from 2010(!), showing how to recover from a potentially bricked vBIOS update procedure… (ATIflash in that case).

Gonna keep searching but was just gonna say, I did those things impero above mentioned re: AMDvbflash but nothing’s working so far. Unlockrom works but it still says there’s no bios at all with the -i switch :(

Hi, what version of AMDvbFlash did you use, 3.20 or 2.93? Also, did you do the flash procedure through Command prompt with admin privileges?

  • #17

Version 3.20. Yes I did it with cmd prompt admin, after trying and failing with Winflash.

Update: After *a lot* of faffing about with different syntax and various switches, and re-booting, I succeeded at last with amdvbflash -p -fa -fp 0 rx580.rom (after unlockrom command & the installation of AMDvbFlash driver of course). Not sure what I did differently, convinced I did exactly the same things, in the correct order previously! :confused:

  • #18

Version 3.20. Yes I did it with cmd prompt admin, after trying and failing with Winflash.

Update: After *a lot* of faffing about with different syntax and various switches, and re-booting, I succeeded at last with amdvbflash -p -fa -fp 0 rx580.rom (after unlockrom command & the installation of AMDvbFlash driver of course). Not sure what I did differently, convinced I did exactly the same things, in the correct order previously!

You did it, that’s what matters. Good for you! :)


  • #19

Please download version 2.93 and use the syntax i suggested.
Do it under CMD only, do not bother to use win version
I wait for feedback.

  • #20

Please download version 2.93 and use the syntax i suggested.
Do it under CMD only, do not bother to use win version
I wait for feedback.

Hi impero, as mentioned above, I managed to get it to work, will let y’all know if it helps with stability and other issues once I’ve had a chance to download latest drivers and run some benchmarks :)


  • #21

My mistake i didn’t saw the part where you did it :)
Good job mate.

  • #22

Don’t speak (write) too soon! :( Sure, it’s working now but I did a safe mode DDU clean and reinstall of latest Adrenalin drivers and 3D just doesn’t work (I mean, 1 fps in benchmarks LOL)… Desktop seems fine now, not experiencing the horrible flickering but I definitely seem to have borked the main point of the card… It doesn’t register with MSI Afterburner (or even on Task Manager, Performance tab). Trixx says it has 0GiB RAM.

Wonder if it’s still any use for mining? :laugh:

I suppose I could try flashing back to stock ROM…


  • #23

As long as you know the flashing procedure now, you are free to play with as many BIOS files as you like.
I am speaking only from my experience.
Yes it takes time but you waste that time for a good purpose.
So trying then is an option

  • #24

This is what Trixx says at the moment, doesn’t look great LOL:

Card name: Radeon RX 580 Series

Memory Size: 0 MB

Driver: 30.0.13023.1012 / Adrenalin
BIOS Version:
Board ID: 113-4E353WU-O67

Clocks: 0 / 0 MHz

Radeon software will install OK but when you click on it, says that it’s incompatible; gone back to latest Microsoft ones at the mo’….

  • #25

This is what Trixx says at the moment, doesn’t look great LOL:

Card name: Radeon RX 580 Series

Memory Size: 0 MB

Driver: 30.0.13023.1012 / Adrenalin
BIOS Version:
Board ID: 113-4E353WU-O67

Clocks: 0 / 0 MHz

Radeon software will install OK but when you click on it, says that it’s incompatible; gone back to latest Microsoft ones at the mo’….

try amdvbflash -t 0 this should test bios on card. But this more looks like driver issue. Did you disconnect all internet connections before reinstalling drivers? Idk how yours gpu but my mining rx470 doesn’t like it and windows installs MS drivers and normal drivers just don’t work. Also might be corrupted bios so try flashing to some backup copy or something. EDIT: also use amdvbflash -ai 0 not amdvbflash -i 0, as -i shows currently running bios info and -ai shows bios writen to GPU rom. EDIT2: tried searching for some bios here but daaamn so many bioses.

True. At any time using another vendor’s BIOS in a video card COULD lead to that. But not all the time. I am speaking only from my experience.
I do not encourage other people to do that.
More than this, i am using those video cards with modded and altered BIOS ONLY…and i repeat ONLY for mining purposes.
Using them as a daily video card will lead to error’s i am 100% sure.
But in mining, i use them for more than 2 years w/o any error.
I forgot to mention: i have 12 video cards of this type (all RX580 8 GB) in service.
I have Sapphire and MSI, both brands with Samsung chips and both brands have at this moment BIOS changed and modded

for some strange reason, now I tried to flash custom edited bios. Okay, error reading rom. (Using same command as before amdvbflash -p -fa -fp 0 stock_twk2.rom) But couldn’t write even the original rom. So guess i will have to again reboot on second bios, switch back to wiped bios and flash it there.

Last edited: Jan 8, 2022

  • #1

Hello, this is my first post here.
I recently got an RX 580 Pulse from Sapphire.
It has Dual Bios — BIOS1 does not work (no image), BIOS2 does work BUT:

BIOS2 is a MSI BIOS (and not Sapphire like its supposed to be)
I guess that could be the reason the hash rate is so low

Anyway, I would like to flash the original Sapphire Pulse Micron BIOS to the card. I tried both Windows (amdvbflash / atiflash) and HiveOS for flashing, but both showed the same error:

Failed to read ROM

BTW: In Windows I get 25MH/s, its only 15 MH/S when using HiveOS
OC: 1350 Core 2100 Memory

Any ideas why I get this error and how to fix this issue?


  • #2

You already described here that you have a Sapphire Card with MSI BIOS.
In this situation you can expect to have errors.
Be so kind and put a picture with Sticker with Barcode and serial number in order to let us know exact model.
After that we will help you get the right BIOS

  • #3

@impero Thanks for your help! The right BIOS of course is essential, however im not able to flash the card due to an issue, I don’t know the source of.
Sadly im not at home until tomorrow, but here’s some information:
It’s the Sapphire RX 580 8GB Pulse with Dual Bios Switch. The Memory seems to be Micron, if not shown wrong (due to the MSI BIOS).
Here are some images I found online, of my model. Will provide Barcode stickers tomorrow — hope this is enough to start troubleshooting

As said, I would not even bother, since I get around 25 MH/s with no BIOS and Hard OC, but that’s only using Windows… On Hive the hash rate is around 15-20 MH/s. Weirdly, I ran the RX 580 alone for a few seconds and it had 29 MH/s. But after I started the other two cards, the Hashrate of the RX 580 began to drop. I guess it was just a coincidence…

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Last edited: May 27, 2021


  • #4

In that case if you own Sapphire Pulse RX580 8GB with Micron…here it is the BIOS needed

Good luck

  • #5

Thank you, but I already tried flashing this one and got this error:
Can not flash a 0x0 length image into a 0x200000 length rom
Error: 0FL01

Do you know what’s causing this and how to fix it? @impero


  • #6

ok, try this one

remember you need to use DOS mode flashing not windows mode
AND…. you need to use -f argument (force flash) because at the moment you have MSI card at least that is what your old BIOS tell.
So new BIOS will look for manufacturer ID and it will find MSI. Of course you will get an error as long as you wanna flash Sapphire in it.
You need to use command prompt with administrator rights and use DOS version to flash it.
I usually use amdvbflash so command is : amdvbflash.exe -f -p 0 BIOS.rom

good luck

  • #7

hello. i have similar issue with my Sapphire RX470 mining 8GB (samsung) and I tried flashing old stock bios that was on card when I bought it. Tried multiple backed up files of that files but shows me
Failed to read ROM

Did everything I could. Unlocked rom with amdvbflash /unlockrom 0 and also used flash command as amdvbflash -f -p 0 orig.rom (orig.rom is stock ROM of card bios). Could it get somehow corrupted or what is the issue? Rn there is bios https://www.techpowerup.com/vgabios/187669/sapphire-rx470-8192-160715 and first time I flashed it to this bios it didn’t have problem.
So I’m doing this because my GPU shows billions of errors on VRAM and it crashes a lot. Not under load but while idle it just randomly lags and shuts down. So yeah it’s big issue. Tried reinstalling drivers, then it stops for few days and again starts crashing. Memory is downclocked. But if there is no way how to solve this I’d also go with some sort of bios tweaker for radeon rx470 so I can adjust VRAM voltage or loosen timings on it as these stock 17-17-29-29-87-24-219 are probably too tight for it (it’s very old used mining card soo…) and I can’t somehow raise voltage on VRAM.
Thanks for any help :))))))


  • #8

What version of amdvbflash you use ?

  • #9

What version of amdvbflash you use ?

some kind of older one. Same as I used when I flashed it first time. Should I update? (File date modified: 3/1/2019) EDIT: Found it. EDIT2: So I tried downclocking it even more to 1900mhz (lowest possible) and was able to run OCCT for 16 minutes with zero errors. So will try running it for another few days to test it. Problem is it probably crashes at low state (300mhz) where voltage is way too low for old used VRAM. And only way to test it running at these low clocks is just at idle not stressing it. :DDDDD EDIT3: wtf it’s retarded. Now I’m running heaven benchmark at Extreme. No errors even at 1975mhz. And performance? Terrible. :shrug:

What version of amdvbflash you use ?

help I think I bricked it. I somehow managed to flash it but not flash it and amdvbflash says no vbios (with «amdvbflash -ai») and amdvbflashWin.exe is refusing to run saying «Error reading from ROM». Did I fuck up? I don’t want to restart pc as I don’t want to brick it. :((((( And I don’t have money for a new gpu.

Last edited: Jan 4, 2022


  • #10

nope i don’t think you f**ed it up.
First unlock the ROM
Second, please use the flashing procedure under DOS cmd.
Start CMD with admin privileges.
Move the BIOS file in atiflash folder and rename it like RX580.rom
use the following syntax :
amdvbflash -p -f -fa -fs RX580.rom

after flashing you will be prompted to restart computer.

Even let’s say you bricked the card there is hope, cause there is a unbricking procedure, so stay calm.


How to recover from a bad video BIOS flash

Almost every day there are new threads regarding bricked graphics cards due to wrong BIOS flashing, and since eidairaman1 is no longer around to help, here is a guide how to deal with a bad VGA BIOS flash. Find the correct BIOS First off, you’ll have to find a copy of the original BIOS. In case…



  • #11

Another vendor’s VBIOS? That can cause all sorts of wacky problems, including, but not limited to, core clock bobbing up and down, possibly not getting beyond the 500s (Mhz) and a hard system crash when opening up a command prompt.


  • #12

Another vendor’s VBIOS? That can cause all sorts of wacky problems, including, but not limited to, core clock bobbing up and down, possibly not getting beyond the 500s (Mhz) and a hard system crash when opening up a command prompt.

True. At any time using another vendor’s BIOS in a video card COULD lead to that. But not all the time. I am speaking only from my experience.
I do not encourage other people to do that.
More than this, i am using those video cards with modded and altered BIOS ONLY…and i repeat ONLY for mining purposes.
Using them as a daily video card will lead to error’s i am 100% sure.
But in mining, i use them for more than 2 years w/o any error.
I forgot to mention: i have 12 video cards of this type (all RX580 8 GB) in service.
I have Sapphire and MSI, both brands with Samsung chips and both brands have at this moment BIOS changed and modded

  • #13

nope i don’t think you f**ed it up.
First unlock the ROM
Second, please use the flashing procedure under DOS cmd.
Start CMD with admin privileges.
Move the BIOS file in atiflash folder and rename it like RX580.rom
use the following syntax :
amdvbflash -p -f -fa -fs RX580.rom

after flashing you will be prompted to restart computer.

Even let’s say you bricked the card there is hope, cause there is a unbricking procedure, so stay calm.


How to recover from a bad video BIOS flash

Almost every day there are new threads regarding bricked graphics cards due to wrong BIOS flashing, and since eidairaman1 is no longer around to help, here is a guide how to deal with a bad VGA BIOS flash. Find the correct BIOS First off, you’ll have to find a copy of the original BIOS. In case…



well, I managed to brick it (turned off pc yesterday). So switched to second BIOS (one of optimized for ETH I think) and it somehow booted up. Windows refuses to use drivers as it didn’t boot up for 3 times. So gonna reinstall them. And also while it was running I tried switching back to bricked bios but amdvbflash -i says there is a bios. So idk if it is now and will flash to bricked bios or to current bios that is loaded up. (Some guy on internet said it was made to switch bioses while running so I did it :DDD )

bro thank you so much you just saved me a lot of suffering and probably also 200€ for new card. :DDDD

EDIT: Holy cow! ZERO memory errors ZERO gpu errors.

Last edited: Jan 5, 2022


  • #14

Told ya!
Just be patient in life and things will gonna go in the right direction.
Cheers mate

  • #15

Hi, can I barge in here or should I make a new thread? :confused: It’s just that I have the same error as am trying to flash vBIOS of Sapphire Pulse (this forum is what came up on Google) as well — to hopefully correct intermittent flashing on desktop and total failure on 3D games/benchmarks…

One of the other hits I came across is also from techpowerup but from 2010(!), showing how to recover from a potentially bricked vBIOS update procedure… (ATIflash in that case).

Gonna keep searching but was just gonna say, I did those things impero above mentioned re: AMDvbflash but nothing’s working so far. Unlockrom works but it still says there’s no bios at all with the -i switch :(

  • #16

Hi, can I barge in here or should I make a new thread? :confused: It’s just that I have the same error as am trying to flash vBIOS of Sapphire Pulse (this forum is what came up on Google) as well — to hopefully correct intermittent flashing on desktop and total failure on 3D games/benchmarks…

One of the other hits I came across is also from techpowerup but from 2010(!), showing how to recover from a potentially bricked vBIOS update procedure… (ATIflash in that case).

Gonna keep searching but was just gonna say, I did those things impero above mentioned re: AMDvbflash but nothing’s working so far. Unlockrom works but it still says there’s no bios at all with the -i switch :(

Hi, what version of AMDvbFlash did you use, 3.20 or 2.93? Also, did you do the flash procedure through Command prompt with admin privileges?

  • #17

Version 3.20. Yes I did it with cmd prompt admin, after trying and failing with Winflash.

Update: After *a lot* of faffing about with different syntax and various switches, and re-booting, I succeeded at last with amdvbflash -p -fa -fp 0 rx580.rom (after unlockrom command & the installation of AMDvbFlash driver of course). Not sure what I did differently, convinced I did exactly the same things, in the correct order previously! :confused:

  • #18

Version 3.20. Yes I did it with cmd prompt admin, after trying and failing with Winflash.

Update: After *a lot* of faffing about with different syntax and various switches, and re-booting, I succeeded at last with amdvbflash -p -fa -fp 0 rx580.rom (after unlockrom command & the installation of AMDvbFlash driver of course). Not sure what I did differently, convinced I did exactly the same things, in the correct order previously!

You did it, that’s what matters. Good for you! :)


  • #19

Please download version 2.93 and use the syntax i suggested.
Do it under CMD only, do not bother to use win version
I wait for feedback.

  • #20

Please download version 2.93 and use the syntax i suggested.
Do it under CMD only, do not bother to use win version
I wait for feedback.

Hi impero, as mentioned above, I managed to get it to work, will let y’all know if it helps with stability and other issues once I’ve had a chance to download latest drivers and run some benchmarks :)


  • #21

My mistake i didn’t saw the part where you did it :)
Good job mate.

  • #22

Don’t speak (write) too soon! :( Sure, it’s working now but I did a safe mode DDU clean and reinstall of latest Adrenalin drivers and 3D just doesn’t work (I mean, 1 fps in benchmarks LOL)… Desktop seems fine now, not experiencing the horrible flickering but I definitely seem to have borked the main point of the card… It doesn’t register with MSI Afterburner (or even on Task Manager, Performance tab). Trixx says it has 0GiB RAM.

Wonder if it’s still any use for mining? :laugh:

I suppose I could try flashing back to stock ROM…


  • #23

As long as you know the flashing procedure now, you are free to play with as many BIOS files as you like.
I am speaking only from my experience.
Yes it takes time but you waste that time for a good purpose.
So trying then is an option

  • #24

This is what Trixx says at the moment, doesn’t look great LOL:

Card name: Radeon RX 580 Series

Memory Size: 0 MB

Driver: 30.0.13023.1012 / Adrenalin
BIOS Version:
Board ID: 113-4E353WU-O67

Clocks: 0 / 0 MHz

Radeon software will install OK but when you click on it, says that it’s incompatible; gone back to latest Microsoft ones at the mo’….

  • #25

This is what Trixx says at the moment, doesn’t look great LOL:

Card name: Radeon RX 580 Series

Memory Size: 0 MB

Driver: 30.0.13023.1012 / Adrenalin
BIOS Version:
Board ID: 113-4E353WU-O67

Clocks: 0 / 0 MHz

Radeon software will install OK but when you click on it, says that it’s incompatible; gone back to latest Microsoft ones at the mo’….

try amdvbflash -t 0 this should test bios on card. But this more looks like driver issue. Did you disconnect all internet connections before reinstalling drivers? Idk how yours gpu but my mining rx470 doesn’t like it and windows installs MS drivers and normal drivers just don’t work. Also might be corrupted bios so try flashing to some backup copy or something. EDIT: also use amdvbflash -ai 0 not amdvbflash -i 0, as -i shows currently running bios info and -ai shows bios writen to GPU rom. EDIT2: tried searching for some bios here but daaamn so many bioses.

True. At any time using another vendor’s BIOS in a video card COULD lead to that. But not all the time. I am speaking only from my experience.
I do not encourage other people to do that.
More than this, i am using those video cards with modded and altered BIOS ONLY…and i repeat ONLY for mining purposes.
Using them as a daily video card will lead to error’s i am 100% sure.
But in mining, i use them for more than 2 years w/o any error.
I forgot to mention: i have 12 video cards of this type (all RX580 8 GB) in service.
I have Sapphire and MSI, both brands with Samsung chips and both brands have at this moment BIOS changed and modded

for some strange reason, now I tried to flash custom edited bios. Okay, error reading rom. (Using same command as before amdvbflash -p -fa -fp 0 stock_twk2.rom) But couldn’t write even the original rom. So guess i will have to again reboot on second bios, switch back to wiped bios and flash it there.

Last edited: Jan 8, 2022

If you have been suffering messages such as ‘Adapter not Found’ and ‘ERROR 0FL01’ or even ‘Invalid Adapter or BIOS Selected’ when trying to flash or reflash your Video cards Bios and you are lucky enough to own a PC capable of running more than one PCI-E Video card then this could just be the Guide you’ve been looking for.

Required Files
*HP USB Disk Storage Format Tool
*USB Boot Files
http://www.techpowerup.com/downloads/1731/ATIFlash 3.79.html
*Your Video Cards Bios

Part 1
Step 1 Create USB Boot Drive with HP USB Disk Storage Format Tool

Step 2 Copy all the USB Boot files to the USB Boot Drive (do not overwrite files when prompted)

Step 3 Copy ATIFlash files USB Boot Drive

Step 4 Copy new BIOS file to USB BOOT Drive (name it something like bios.bin as you will be using this name in a DOS Prompt later on)
Part 2
Step 1 Boot into ‘Safe Mode’ (by pressing f8 before booting into Windows)

Step 2 Uninstall ATI Drivers and Associated Software then Reboot

Step 3 Go to Device Manager ‘Display Adapters’ and Uninstall (including Software when prompted)

Step 4 SHUT DOWN your PC (DO NOT REBOOT, if you should so happen to Reboot repeat Step 3 above)
Part 3
Step 1 Remove your Video Card from the top PCI-E slot and place it in a different PCI-E slot (this is the step that sets this Guide apart from all the others)

Step 2 Reboot into your Mobo’s Bios

Step 3 Once in your Mobo’s Bios change the first Boot Device to USB-HDD (or your Equivalent setting) then Reboot

Step 4 At the C: Prompt type, atiflash -ai 0 ,this will provide you with proof that your Video Card does infact exist

Step 5 At the C: Prompt type, atiflash -unlockrom 0 , i suggest you do this because some Bios files are infact locked and can’t be flashed until unlocked

Step 6 At the C: Prompt type, atiflash -f -p 0 bios.rom , this is when your Bios is actually flashed

Step 7 Once your Bios has been flashed simply ‘Ctrl+Alt+Delete’ to restart your PC

Step 8 Go straight back into your Mobo’s Bios and change your first Boot Device back to what it was (probably HDD) then Reboot for the final time and your finished

If you have been suffering messages such as ‘Adapter not Found’ and ‘ERROR 0FL01’ or even ‘Invalid Adapter or BIOS Selected’ when trying to flash or reflash your Video cards Bios and you are lucky enough to own a PC capable of running more than one PCI-E Video card then this could just be the Guide you’ve been looking for.

Required Files
*HP USB Disk Storage Format Tool
*USB Boot Files
http://www.techpowerup.com/downloads/1731/ATIFlash 3.79.html
*Your Video Cards Bios

Part 1
Step 1 Create USB Boot Drive with HP USB Disk Storage Format Tool

Step 2 Copy all the USB Boot files to the USB Boot Drive (do not overwrite files when prompted)

Step 3 Copy ATIFlash files USB Boot Drive

Step 4 Copy new BIOS file to USB BOOT Drive (name it something like bios.bin as you will be using this name in a DOS Prompt later on)
Part 2
Step 1 Boot into ‘Safe Mode’ (by pressing f8 before booting into Windows)

Step 2 Uninstall ATI Drivers and Associated Software then Reboot

Step 3 Go to Device Manager ‘Display Adapters’ and Uninstall (including Software when prompted)

Step 4 SHUT DOWN your PC (DO NOT REBOOT, if you should so happen to Reboot repeat Step 3 above)
Part 3
Step 1 Remove your Video Card from the top PCI-E slot and place it in a different PCI-E slot (this is the step that sets this Guide apart from all the others)

Step 2 Reboot into your Mobo’s Bios

Step 3 Once in your Mobo’s Bios change the first Boot Device to USB-HDD (or your Equivalent setting) then Reboot

Step 4 At the C: Prompt type, atiflash -ai 0 ,this will provide you with proof that your Video Card does infact exist

Step 5 At the C: Prompt type, atiflash -unlockrom 0 , i suggest you do this because some Bios files are infact locked and can’t be flashed until unlocked

Step 6 At the C: Prompt type, atiflash -f -p 0 bios.rom , this is when your Bios is actually flashed

Step 7 Once your Bios has been flashed simply ‘Ctrl+Alt+Delete’ to restart your PC

Step 8 Go straight back into your Mobo’s Bios and change your first Boot Device back to what it was (probably HDD) then Reboot for the final time and your finished

На чтение 6 мин. Просмотров 471 Опубликовано 15.12.2019

Хочу предоставить вам программу для прошивки биоса видео карт AMD Polaris — Ati win flash 2.77, 2.4 4 (особенно хорошо для майнинга). У нас вы сможете её скачать и узнать как пользоваться. А так же с помощью неё вы можете сохранить заводскую прошивку на компьютере.


  1. Ati flash
  2. Sferagad
  3. DenyCool
  4. Sferagad
  5. ОШИБКА atiwinflash error 0fl01 error reading from rom
  6. Error 0fl01 При Прошивке Видеокарты от Radeon
  7. Решение ошибки Subsystem ID Mismatch при прошивке биоса видеокарты
  8. AtiFlash 277 is not running on Window 10
  9. How to FIX your Bricked GPU BIOS — Bootable DOS Drive Method — HD6950 failed flash to HD 6970
  10. Прошивка Atiwinflash через Командную Строку
  11. Gpu Modlama — Atiwinflash Cmd ile Modlama
  12. Прошивка Atiflash через Консоль Нескольких Карт
  13. Atiwinflash Инструкция Прошивки
  14. Windows 10 не Встают Драйвера на Видеокарту
  15. How to flash GPUs for mining Cryptocurrencies
  16. AMD RX 400/500 series graphics driver FIX after Mining Bios Flash for Gaming in (2019)
  17. Прошивка AMD видеокарты AtiWinflash майнинг
  18. ATIFlash 2.6.7 не работает на новой Windows 10. Простое решение проблемы
  19. Atikmdag patcher 1.4.8 патчер убирающий ошибку после перепрошивки видеокарты 2019

Ati flash

Последняя версия на данный момент atiflash 2.77 вы скачать её по ссылке — Ati win flash 2.77.

Теперь немного расскажем ка пользоваться, в принципе по интерфейсу все понятно.

Atiwinflash надо обязательно запускать от имени администратора.

И так запустили:

Где выделено красным — тут вы должны выбрать видео кару с которой будеде работать, а также информация о доступных видеокартах.

Где красная стрелка — с помощью кнопки save вы сохраняете заводской биос, или тот который уже залит.

Где синяя стрелка — вы выберете прошивку, которую будете заливать в видео карту.

Желтая стрелка — после выбора прошивки вы жмете Program, и процесс прошивки пошел.

Так же есть полный гайд по прошивке — Прошивка видеокарты.


Свой человек


Свой человек

Пользуемся командной строкой, без виндовой оболочки в форс режиме.
Краткое пояснение по ключам команды:

atiflash.exe — это команда на запуск прошивальщика

-p — «programm» ключ разрешающий программирование микросхемы памяти.

0 — это цифра 0 (ноль). Порядковый номер видеоадаптера, BIOS которого будет перепрограммирован.

-f — «force»ключ который исключает проверку всяческих ID карты если шьется «не родной» BIOS.

new.rom — файл прошивки. содержимое которого будет запрограммировано в память карты.


Свой человек

Пользуемся командной строкой, без виндовой оболочки в форс режиме.
Краткое пояснение по ключам команды:

atiflash.exe — это команда на запуск прошивальщика

-p — «programm» ключ разрешающий программирование микросхемы памяти.

0 — это цифра 0 (ноль). Порядковый номер видеоадаптера, BIOS которого будет перепрограммирован.

-f — «force»ключ который исключает проверку всяческих ID карты если шьется «не родной» BIOS.

ОШИБКА atiwinflash error 0fl01 error reading from rom

Error 0fl01 При Прошивке Видеокарты от Radeon

Решение ошибки Subsystem ID Mismatch при прошивке биоса видеокарты

Команда для прошивки | Command for flashing
amdvbflashWin.exe -f -p 0 bios.ROM
или | or
amdvbflash.exe -f -p 0 bios.ROM

пишем в командной строке запущенной от имени Администратора из папки с AtiFlash.
Should run command-line tool as Administrator and paste on it.

AtiFlash 277 is not running on Window 10

How to FIX your Bricked GPU BIOS — Bootable DOS Drive Method — HD6950 failed flash to HD 6970

Hey folks, this video takes a look at how to fix a GPU that has been bricked by mis-flashing.

The test card is a AMD HD6950 which the previous owner tried to flash to a 6970 on BOTH bios chips.

The card would only display to a black screen and no windows based flashing apps would solve the issue.

To fix this, Im going to show you how to create a bootable USB DOS drive and flash your AMD or ATI GPU from that.

This allowed me to fix BOTH bios chips and get the card working again!

Downloads Required:
Your GPUS bios —

please note that this is for AMD and ATI cards only. There is a similar tool called NVflash for nVidia Cards and the methodolgy is the same.

If you want to see the coding for nVidia cards leave a comment and if there is demand, ill make a nVidia Specific video.

Music by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (

Прошивка Atiwinflash через Командную Строку

Gpu Modlama — Atiwinflash Cmd ile Modlama

Gpu Modlama — Atiwinflash Cmd ile Modlama nasıl yapılır.

Прошивка Atiflash через Консоль Нескольких Карт

Atiwinflash Инструкция Прошивки

Windows 10 не Встают Драйвера на Видеокарту

How to flash GPUs for mining Cryptocurrencies

This video show how to flash GPU (1 or more) for mining cryptocurrency and specifically Ethereum.
The steps are the following:

1) Check which GPUs to flash
sudo atiflash -i

2) Save the original GPU bios
sudo atiflash -s GPU# name_ori.rom

3) Download and use polaris bios editor to patch GPU’s straps

4) Flash GPU with the new bios
sudo atiflash -p GPU# name_modded.rom

AMD RX 400/500 series graphics driver FIX after Mining Bios Flash for Gaming in (2019)

Hey everyone , today i am going to show you how to get your AMD RX graphics card driver to work for gaming or general purpose after its been flashed for mining.
Please dont for get to subscribe to my channel. and thank you for watching.
Copy and paste the link down below

Прошивка AMD видеокарты AtiWinflash майнинг

ATIFlash 2.6.7 не работает на новой Windows 10. Простое решение проблемы

Atikmdag patcher 1.4.8 патчер убирающий ошибку после перепрошивки видеокарты 2019

Atikmdag patcher 1.4.8 — патчер убирающий ошибку после перепрошивки видеокарты

Скачать с официального сайта
или Github:

Recent changes:
1.4.8: Optimization for the latest types of video cards
1.4.7: Increase hashrate
1.4.6: Find new HDMI-DVI limit.
1.4.5: Updated for 17.4.1. Find new DP-DVI/HDMI limit.
1.4.4: Find BIOS signature check.
1.4.3: Fixed HBlank limit for 16.12.1.
1.4.2: Find 56 horizontal blanking (HBlank) limit.
1.4.1: Fixed an issue that prevented the driver from loading correctly with earlier versions of Windows 10. This does not affect the anniversary update.
1.4.0: Updated for 16.9.1. Changed the way the driver is located and patched. Replaced 640×480 limit with low-resolution limit. Fixed VGA limit for 32-bit.
1.3.6: Find 10-resolution limit for Radeon Settings.
1.3.5: Updated for 15.11 Crimson. Find 640×480 limit for Radeon Settings.
1.3.4: Try to improve finding DVI/HDMI limit for newer drivers. Removed blue screen workaround for 14.6/14.7.
1.3.3: Updated for 15.3. Fix ed DVI/HDMI limit for 32-bit.
1.3.2: Updated for 15.2. Fixed DVI/HDMI limit for 64-bit.
1.3.1: Find 297 MHz HDMI 1.3+ limits. Run 3 times to properly repatch an existing installation. 1.3: Removed blue screen workaround for 14.9. Fall back to self-signing if signing fails.
1.2.7: Attempt to work around some antivirus false positives. Repatching is not necessary.
1.2.6: Fixed AMD APP encoding for 14.6.
1.2.5: Updated for 14.6. Fixed TMDS and VGA limits. Implemented workaround for SYSTEM_SERVICE_EXCEPTION blue screens.
1.2.4: Updated for 14.4. Fixed SL limit on DL-DVI.
1.2.3: Updated for 13.30 and upcoming 14.x releases.
1.2.2: Find new HDMI limit for 12.9+.
1.2.1: Find 400 MHz VGA limit.
1.2: Test mode no longer required.

  • #1

I bought an older SAPPHIRE Radeon RX 580 Pulse, but it’s dead.
I plugged in a second GPU. turned on the PC.
The RX580 looks like the RX590 in Device Manager. «! code 43»
disable device / enable device. and is displayed without error.
so I tried AMD / ATI flash. more versions.
I always end up here:
Failed to read ROM

I tried the command:
amdvbflash -f -p 1 bios.rom
Failed to read ROM


in the latest version:
amdvbflash -p -fp 1 bios.rom
AMDVBFLASH version 3.20 EXTERNAL, Copyright (c) 2021 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.

Failed to read ROM


some ideas?
thank you very much

  • #2

I bought an older SAPPHIRE Radeon RX 580 Pulse, but it’s dead.
I plugged in a second GPU. turned on the PC.
The RX580 looks like the RX590 in Device Manager. «! code 43»
disable device / enable device. and is displayed without error.
so I tried AMD / ATI flash. more versions.
I always end up here:
Failed to read ROM

I tried the command:
amdvbflash -f -p 1 bios.rom
Failed to read ROM


in the latest version:
amdvbflash -p -fp 1 bios.rom
AMDVBFLASH version 3.20 EXTERNAL, Copyright (c) 2021 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.

Failed to read ROM


some ideas?
thank you very much

That doesn’t work anymore, syntax has been changed.

Make sure the command prompt is open with administrator privileges then type in amdvbflash -? Or /? To get the list of commands and correct syntax, post the cmd prompt screen after you do the above.

  • #3

I have a screen here, so how do I use the command? the same error every time.

  • flash.PNG


    40.6 KB · Views: 237

  • #4

That doesn’t work anymore, syntax has been changed.

Make sure the command prompt is open with administrator privileges then type in amdvbflash -? Or /? To get the list of commands and correct syntax, post the cmd prompt screen after you do the above.

no new idea? I gave the commands as described in «-?»


  • #5

As i helped few days ago a fellow forum member i would like to try to help you either.
I downloaded an older version (2.87) of amdvbflash.
Open cmd with admin privileges.
Use the following command : amdvbflash -fs -fp p 0 bios.rom

  • #6

As i helped few days ago a fellow forum member i would like to try to help you either.
I downloaded an older version (2.87) of amdvbflash.
Open cmd with admin privileges.
Use the following command : amdvbflash -fs -fp p 0 bios.rom

Hi, thanks for the advice.
but it didn’t help. I also tried the «super combo» :D :
amdvbflash -fs -fp -fm -fa -f -p 1 580.rom
Failed to read ROM


please does anyone else have an idea?

  • flash2.87.PNG


    16.9 KB · Views: 81


  • #7

You unlocked the BIOS first ?
Then you use the flashing procedure.

  • #8

You unlocked the BIOS first ?
Then you use the flashing procedure.

I didn’t do that …. like this?
amdvbflash -unlockrom flash.rom
Format: amdvbflash

but nothing has changed.

ok i have it:
amdvbflash -unlockrom 1
but same problem

Last edited: Nov 1, 2021


  • #9

Pffff , let me dig further.
Again please be so kind and tell us what version of amdvbflash you used ?
If you used 2.87, please be so kind and try also 3.04 plus version.

Last edited: Nov 1, 2021

  • #10

Pffff , let me dig further.
Again please be so kind and tell us what version of amdvbflash you used ?
If you used 2.87, please be so kind and try also 3.04 plus version.

I’m currently trying in 2 versions q
2.8.7 and 3.2.0
but I have 2.9.3, 2.7.4, 2.7.1
I can try

Pffff , let me dig further.
Again please be so kind and tell us what version of amdvbflash you used ?
If you used 2.87, please be so kind and try also 3.04 plus version.

Exactly the same problem.
only in version 2.7.1 I had a bluescreen with the unlockrom command


  1. Ofl01 ошибка при прошивке карты
  2. Ofl01 ошибка при прошивке карты
  3. atiwinflash error reading from rom что делать
  4. Ati flash
  5. Sferagad
  6. DenyCool
  7. Sferagad
  8. ОШИБКА atiwinflash error 0fl01 error reading from rom
  9. Error 0fl01 При Прошивке Видеокарты от Radeon
  10. Решение ошибки Subsystem ID Mismatch при прошивке биоса видеокарты
  11. AtiFlash 277 is not running on Window 10
  12. How to FIX your Bricked GPU BIOS — Bootable DOS Drive Method — HD6950 failed flash to HD 6970
  13. Прошивка Atiwinflash через Командную Строку
  14. Gpu Modlama — Atiwinflash Cmd ile Modlama
  15. Прошивка Atiflash через Консоль Нескольких Карт
  16. Atiwinflash Инструкция Прошивки
  17. Windows 10 не Встают Драйвера на Видеокарту
  18. How to flash GPUs for mining Cryptocurrencies
  19. AMD RX 400/500 series graphics driver FIX after Mining Bios Flash for Gaming in (2019)
  20. Прошивка AMD видеокарты AtiWinflash майнинг
  21. ATIFlash 2.6.7 не работает на новой Windows 10. Простое решение проблемы
  22. Atikmdag patcher 1.4.8 патчер убирающий ошибку после перепрошивки видеокарты 2019

Ofl01 ошибка при прошивке карты

Иногда столкнувшись с необходимостью прошить ту или иную штуковину начинаешь действовать стереотипно, т.е по аналогии с уже проделанными не раз процедурами. В этот раз вышло именно так. Освоив прошивку «ЖИфор-шей» впервые столкнувшись с необходимостью перепрошивки Radeon-чика был неприятно удивлён настойчивой ошибкой в процессе.

Прилагаемое описание перечня ошибок не дало ответа.

Error list and troubleshooting guide.

0FL01 Error programming ROM
— Check that the command line arguments you passed are correct.
— Check that the BIOS image file specified exists and isn’t corrupted.
— Check that the ROM isn’t write protected.
— If a parameter in the BIOS image file differs from a parameter in the
current ROM image (e.g. SSID), and you’re sure you want to program
the image, specify the -f (force) flag on the command line.

Побродив по просторам инета выяснил, что прошивальщик коим выступал atiflash не всегда верно определяет тип микросхемы-флэша. Вынул видяху рассмотрел чрезвычайно мелкую надпись на микрухе и действительно. SST.

Для SST флэшей имеется специальный ключ, который необходимо указывать при прошивке. Формат команды выглядит следующим образом atiflash -p -sst

(Скрины снимал уже после прошивки поэтому имеются неточности в фото.) При таком sst-обновлении все прошивается на ура. Для себя сделал вывод, при прошивке Radeon-овских видеокарт предварительно узнать тип флэш-микросхемы, устаовленной на борту.

Маслёнков Андрей
воскресенье, 23 сентября 2007г.

Для прошивки в общем случае можно использовать ключ -f, позволяющий миновать этапы сверки (SSID, DeviceID и т.д)


Ofl01 ошибка при прошивке карты

Сообщения: 246
Откуда: мне знать?


Очень часто на форуме можно встретить сообщения, в которых пользователи жалуются на последствия неправильной перепрошивки на видеокартах серии Ati Radeon. Я постараюсь ответить на наиболее часто задаваемые из них, а дабы охватить максимальный круг вопросов, связанных с BIOS’ами и проблемами, возникающими в ходе их перепрошивки, постараюсь быть максимально кратким.
1. Q: Что такое BIOS?
A: BIOS – это базовая система ввода-вывода, включающая в себя набор подпрограмм, записанных в ПЗУ компьютера и некоторых его компонентов. Раньше для записи BIOS’а использовали ROM (Read Only Memory), что не позволяло нам ни русифицировать его, ни менять частоты, ни подменять SubVendor ID на более фирменный (напр., ASUS). Теперь же практически на всех видеокартах (а также матерях, сетевушках, CD-ROM’ах, DVD-ROM’ах и мн. др.) установлены многоразовые микросхемы EPROM (Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory – стираемая и записываемая память только для чтения. Переводится весьма дубово, но соответствует сути), подлежащие многократной перепрошивке. На данный момент основными производителями микросхем EPROM для карт на чипах ATI являются ATMEL, AMD (да-да, именно наш любимый вендор процессоров), SST, Mosel Vitelic, Winbond и PMC.
2. Q: Надо ли вообще обновлять BIOS?
A: Если Вас всё устраивает в функционировании видеокарты, то нет, перепрошивка BIOS не требуется. Если же вы хотите увеличить тактовую частоту видеокарты, либо её разгонный потенциал, добавить поддержку русских шрифтов, устранить какие-либо проблемы, связанные с ошибками в старой версии BIOS, отключить блокировку разгона, изменить тайминги…
2.1. Q: Что такое тайминг памяти?
A: Тайминг памяти — это набор числовых значений временных установок работы памяти, своеобразное расписание работы памяти. Увеличивая тайминги можно добиться увеличения разгонного потенциала памяти (бОльшее число соответствует бОльшей задержке), а уменьшая – увеличения её эффективности. Предвидя следующий вопрос, отвечаю: на данный момент не существует ни одной программы, позволяющей изменять тайминги памяти на картах серии ATI Radeon. Это можно сделать либо в HexEdit (в свободное время напишу FAQ и по нему), либо при помощи ручного модифицирования дизассемблированного BIOS и его последующей прошивки.
3. Q: Откуда взять BIOS для ATI Radeon?
A: Определённое число BIOS’ов можно найти на следующих сайтах:
http://xponentia.net/files/radeonbios/ , http://www.3dchipset.com/bios/index.php , http://blacklodge.narod.ru/bios/index.htm , http://www.overclockers.ru/files/ и на http://www.radeon.ru/downloads/bios.html .
Предупреждение: перед тем, как прошивать BIOS, убедитесь в том, что скачанный BIOS предназначен именно для карт на том ядре, на котором Ваша. Прошивка BIOS от, скажем, RV250 гарантированно приведёт к невозможности загрузки R300. И напротив – если на Radeon VE прошить BIOS от Radeon 9800XT, то ничего хорошего не выйдет.

4. Q: Как и чем прошить BIOS?
A: В связи с тем, что большинство Mainstream карт от ATI стоят не 10$, для начала определимся с тем, какие инструменты нам понадобятся для безопасной прошивки BIOS, на 99,5% исключающей выход карты из строя. А для прошивки нам понадобятся:
FDD Disk с предустановленной DOS, образом прошиваемого и вашего BIOS’а и прошивальщиком (см. ниже) – одна шт.
Старая PCI видеокарта за 5$ — одна шт.
Блок питания на 300W и более (НЕ Codegen!) – 1шт. (ничего странного в этом требовании нет, хороший блок питания в разы уменьшает вероятность сбоя при работе мощного компьютера под управлением ATI Radeon).
Любой UPS, способный дать компу продержаться одну минуту без электропитания – 1 шт. (не необходимо, но крайне желательно).
Все вышеописанные инструменты необходимы для того, чтобы избежать таких форс-мажорных обстоятельств, как отключение света при перепрошивке и невозможность загрузки с AGP видеокарты после прошивки неподходящего BIOS’а, сбоя при прошивке, либо BIOS’а с чрезвычайно завышенными частотами.
После того, как все необходимые для относительно безопасной прошивки BIOS у Вас есть, самое время поговорить об инструменте для вышива… тьфу, прошивки BIOS’а. На данный момент для прошивки BIOS’а карт ATI Radeon используются два прошивальщика, достаточно похожих функционально – Flashrom и atiflash. Оба флешера позволяют прошивать BIOS на картах семейств RV200, R200, RV250, RV280, R300 & R350, R360, RV350, RV360, однако лично я бы порекомендовал использовать именно flashrom – с ним у меня не наблюдалось глюка, при котором у atiflash выдаётся сообщение: «timeout: poll rom idle after bulk erase».
Остановимся на Flashrom подробнее…
Для того, чтобы сохранить образ старого BIOS’а видеокарты перед прошивкой нового, загружаемся с дискеты и набираем «A:flashrom.exe –s 0 oldrom.rom», где «A» – название FDD драйва, в котором расположена дискета, «0» – номер адаптера в системе (0 соответствует AGP адаптеру. Линуксоиды знают ), «-s» – save, команда для сохранения BIOS, oldrom.rom – название образа вашего BIOS’а, вместо которого лучше использовать более информативное название (напр., C3D9500O.ROM).
Примечание: При сохранении образа BIOS не забывайте про ограничение MS-DOS на 8+3 формат файлов.
После того, как старый BIOS был успешно сохранён, можно приступать к прошивке нового. Для прошивки нового BIOS’а набираем «A:flashrom.exe –p 0 newrom.rom», либо «A:flashrom.exe –p -f 0 newrom.rom», где «–p» – команда, используемая для программирования (записи) нового образа BIOS в EPROM, «-f» – force, форсировать прошивку при несовпадении различных ID и прочих параметров.
Если после прошивки BIOS’а на экране наблюдается нечто невообразимое, либо вообще ничего не наблюдается (что чаще), то загружаемся со старой PCI видеокарты и прошиваем предварительно заготовленный образ старого BIOS’а. Прошивку старого BIOS’а производим при помощи команды A:flashrom.exe –p 0 oldrom.rom».
>>>>> Прошивка двухчиповых карт HD 3850х2/3870х2/4850х2/4870х2 Где взять образы DOS дискет?
A: Bootable FDD Image можно либо взять на сайте http://www.bootdisk.com/ , либо создать самому при помощи Windows 98 (or 98SE).Windows Me для этого не подходит, т.к. в его загрузочных файлах (вроде в Io.sys) содержится менеджер расширенной памяти.
5. Возможные странности и их решения.
5.1 Q: Прошил новый BIOS на Radeon 9500 128Mb 256bit, а он определяется как Radeon 9500 64Mb 128bit. Сгорела память?
A: Нет, просто скорее всего Вы прошили BIOS для 128bit Radeon 9500, вследствие чего отключилась половина контроллера памяти. Прошейте BIOS от «правильного 9500» и всё встанет на свои места.
5.2 Q: После прошивки BIOS’а от Radeon 9700 карта упорно продолжает определяться как 9500, а производительность не изменилась. В чём проблема?
A: В Вашем нежелании читать FAQ’и. Для аппаратной переделки нужно сперва перепаять резистор (читай мой FAQ по переделке Radeon 9X00 во что угодно), а лишь затем шить BIOS.
5.3 Q: Как установить фирменную утилиту от известного вендора на OEM ATi Radeon?
A: Методом подмены SubVendor ID 1002 на ID того производителя, утилиту которого Вы желаете установить. Неполный список Vendor ID можно просмотреть тут и здесь.
5.3.2. Q: Чем подменить SubVendor ID?
A: Либо при помощи утилиты RadEdit, либо через HexEdit. Лично я предпочитаю второе, но это – дело вкуса.
5.4. Q: Правда ли то, что если на Radeon 9800(Pro), либо Radeon 9600(Pro) прошить BIOS от XT соответствующей модели, то к карте добавится аппаратный мониторинг и микросхема динамического оверклокинга?
A: А как Вы сами думаете? Вы когда-нибудь видели, чтобы у компьютера появлялись новые компоненты?
Отредактированы наши ссылки и смайлы. U-Nick


atiwinflash error reading from rom что делать

Хочу предоставить вам программу для прошивки биоса видео карт AMD Polaris — Ati win flash 2.77, 2.4 4 (особенно хорошо для майнинга). У нас вы сможете её скачать и узнать как пользоваться. А так же с помощью неё вы можете сохранить заводскую прошивку на компьютере.

Ati flash

Последняя версия на данный момент atiflash 2.77 вы скачать её по ссылке — Ati win flash 2.77.

Теперь немного расскажем ка пользоваться, в принципе по интерфейсу все понятно.

Atiwinflash надо обязательно запускать от имени администратора.

И так запустили:

Где выделено красным — тут вы должны выбрать видео кару с которой будеде работать, а также информация о доступных видеокартах.

Где красная стрелка — с помощью кнопки save вы сохраняете заводской биос, или тот который уже залит.

Где синяя стрелка — вы выберете прошивку, которую будете заливать в видео карту.

Желтая стрелка — после выбора прошивки вы жмете Program, и процесс прошивки пошел.

Так же есть полный гайд по прошивке — Прошивка видеокарты.


Свой человек


Свой человек

Пользуемся командной строкой, без виндовой оболочки в форс режиме.
Краткое пояснение по ключам команды:

atiflash.exe — это команда на запуск прошивальщика

-p — «programm» ключ разрешающий программирование микросхемы памяти.

0 — это цифра 0 (ноль). Порядковый номер видеоадаптера, BIOS которого будет перепрограммирован.

-f — «force»ключ который исключает проверку всяческих ID карты если шьется «не родной» BIOS.

new.rom — файл прошивки. содержимое которого будет запрограммировано в память карты.


Свой человек

Пользуемся командной строкой, без виндовой оболочки в форс режиме.
Краткое пояснение по ключам команды:

atiflash.exe — это команда на запуск прошивальщика

-p — «programm» ключ разрешающий программирование микросхемы памяти.

0 — это цифра 0 (ноль). Порядковый номер видеоадаптера, BIOS которого будет перепрограммирован.

-f — «force»ключ который исключает проверку всяческих ID карты если шьется «не родной» BIOS.

ОШИБКА atiwinflash error 0fl01 error reading from rom

Error 0fl01 При Прошивке Видеокарты от Radeon

Решение ошибки Subsystem ID Mismatch при прошивке биоса видеокарты

Команда для прошивки | Command for flashing
amdvbflashWin.exe -f -p 0 bios.ROM
или | or
amdvbflash.exe -f -p 0 bios.ROM

пишем в командной строке запущенной от имени Администратора из папки с AtiFlash.
Should run command-line tool as Administrator and paste on it.

AtiFlash 277 is not running on Window 10

How to FIX your Bricked GPU BIOS — Bootable DOS Drive Method — HD6950 failed flash to HD 6970

Hey folks, this video takes a look at how to fix a GPU that has been bricked by mis-flashing.

The test card is a AMD HD6950 which the previous owner tried to flash to a 6970 on BOTH bios chips.

The card would only display to a black screen and no windows based flashing apps would solve the issue.

To fix this, Im going to show you how to create a bootable USB DOS drive and flash your AMD or ATI GPU from that.

This allowed me to fix BOTH bios chips and get the card working again!

Downloads Required:
Your GPUS bios —

please note that this is for AMD and ATI cards only. There is a similar tool called NVflash for nVidia Cards and the methodolgy is the same.

If you want to see the coding for nVidia cards leave a comment and if there is demand, ill make a nVidia Specific video.

Music by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (

Прошивка Atiwinflash через Командную Строку

Gpu Modlama — Atiwinflash Cmd ile Modlama

Gpu Modlama — Atiwinflash Cmd ile Modlama nasıl yapılır.

Прошивка Atiflash через Консоль Нескольких Карт

Atiwinflash Инструкция Прошивки

Windows 10 не Встают Драйвера на Видеокарту

How to flash GPUs for mining Cryptocurrencies

This video show how to flash GPU (1 or more) for mining cryptocurrency and specifically Ethereum.
The steps are the following:

1) Check which GPUs to flash
sudo atiflash -i

2) Save the original GPU bios
sudo atiflash -s GPU# name_ori.rom

3) Download and use polaris bios editor to patch GPU’s straps

4) Flash GPU with the new bios
sudo atiflash -p GPU# name_modded.rom

AMD RX 400/500 series graphics driver FIX after Mining Bios Flash for Gaming in (2019)

Hey everyone , today i am going to show you how to get your AMD RX graphics card driver to work for gaming or general purpose after its been flashed for mining.
Please dont for get to subscribe to my channel. and thank you for watching.
Copy and paste the link down below

Прошивка AMD видеокарты AtiWinflash майнинг

ATIFlash 2.6.7 не работает на новой Windows 10. Простое решение проблемы

Atikmdag patcher 1.4.8 патчер убирающий ошибку после перепрошивки видеокарты 2019

Atikmdag patcher 1.4.8 — патчер убирающий ошибку после перепрошивки видеокарты

Скачать с официального сайта
или Github:

Recent changes:
1.4.8: Optimization for the latest types of video cards
1.4.7: Increase hashrate
1.4.6: Find new HDMI-DVI limit.
1.4.5: Updated for 17.4.1. Find new DP-DVI/HDMI limit.
1.4.4: Find BIOS signature check.
1.4.3: Fixed HBlank limit for 16.12.1.
1.4.2: Find 56 horizontal blanking (HBlank) limit.
1.4.1: Fixed an issue that prevented the driver from loading correctly with earlier versions of Windows 10. This does not affect the anniversary update.
1.4.0: Updated for 16.9.1. Changed the way the driver is located and patched. Replaced 640×480 limit with low-resolution limit. Fixed VGA limit for 32-bit.
1.3.6: Find 10-resolution limit for Radeon Settings.
1.3.5: Updated for 15.11 Crimson. Find 640×480 limit for Radeon Settings.
1.3.4: Try to improve finding DVI/HDMI limit for newer drivers. Removed blue screen workaround for 14.6/14.7.
1.3.3: Updated for 15.3. Fix ed DVI/HDMI limit for 32-bit.
1.3.2: Updated for 15.2. Fixed DVI/HDMI limit for 64-bit.
1.3.1: Find 297 MHz HDMI 1.3+ limits. Run 3 times to properly repatch an existing installation. 1.3: Removed blue screen workaround for 14.9. Fall back to self-signing if signing fails.
1.2.7: Attempt to work around some antivirus false positives. Repatching is not necessary.
1.2.6: Fixed AMD APP encoding for 14.6.
1.2.5: Updated for 14.6. Fixed TMDS and VGA limits. Implemented workaround for SYSTEM_SERVICE_EXCEPTION blue screens.
1.2.4: Updated for 14.4. Fixed SL limit on DL-DVI.
1.2.3: Updated for 13.30 and upcoming 14.x releases.
1.2.2: Find new HDMI limit for 12.9+.
1.2.1: Find 400 MHz VGA limit.
1.2: Test mode no longer required.


ROM not erased. Error 0FL01


New Member

I’m trying to flash my Powercolor RX 5700 Red Devil to a Powercolor RX 5700 XT. Running Command Prompt as admin i have managed to unlock the ROM but i still can’t flash the XT version on my 5700. Keeps giving me the error above. the RSA signature verify is PASS. Even tried to amdvbflash.exe -f -p 0 5700xt.rom in command still to no avail. How can I bypass this ROM issue?


The Exiled Airman
System Name PCGOD
Processor AMD FX 8350@ 5.0GHz
Motherboard Asus TUF 990FX Sabertooth R2 2901 Bios
Cooling Scythe Ashura, 2×BitFenix 230mm Spectre Pro LED (Blue,Green), 2x BitFenix 140mm Spectre Pro LED
Memory 16 GB Gskill Ripjaws X 2133 (2400 OC, 10-10-12-20-20, 1T, 1.65V)
Video Card(s) AMD Radeon 290 Sapphire Vapor-X
Storage Samsung 840 Pro 256GB, WD Velociraptor 1TB
Display(s) NEC Multisync LCD 1700V (Display Port Adapter)
Case AeroCool Xpredator Evil Blue Edition
Audio Device(s) Creative Labs Sound Blaster ZxR
Power Supply Seasonic 1250 XM2 Series (XP3)
Mouse Roccat Kone XTD
Keyboard Roccat Ryos MK Pro
Software Windows 7 Pro 64

I’m trying to flash my Powercolor RX 5700 Red Devil to a Powercolor RX 5700 XT. Running Command Prompt as admin i have managed to unlock the ROM but i still can’t flash the XT version on my 5700. Keeps giving me the error above. the RSA signature verify is PASS. Even tried to amdvbflash.exe -f -p 0 5700xt.rom in command still to no avail. How can I bypass this ROM issue?

First of all stop.

Follow my directions.

Get GPU-Z, take a screenshot, then click the arrow next to the uefi checkbox and attempt to upload the bios to the VGA Bios Collection through the program itself, you may get prompted that the bios is already in the database with a link, copy and paste link here. If you don’t get that prompt proceed to upload and then get the link after wards.

Take a picture of white sticker label on the back of card and post here

I will guide you the best I can, ive helped others flash challenger d, pulse, dual ultra to xt variants. I need information to help you though.


New Member

Here’s the screenshot and the card I’m using linked below

Powercolor RX 5700 VBIOS



The Exiled Airman
System Name PCGOD
Processor AMD FX 8350@ 5.0GHz
Motherboard Asus TUF 990FX Sabertooth R2 2901 Bios
Cooling Scythe Ashura, 2×BitFenix 230mm Spectre Pro LED (Blue,Green), 2x BitFenix 140mm Spectre Pro LED
Memory 16 GB Gskill Ripjaws X 2133 (2400 OC, 10-10-12-20-20, 1T, 1.65V)
Video Card(s) AMD Radeon 290 Sapphire Vapor-X
Storage Samsung 840 Pro 256GB, WD Velociraptor 1TB
Display(s) NEC Multisync LCD 1700V (Display Port Adapter)
Case AeroCool Xpredator Evil Blue Edition
Audio Device(s) Creative Labs Sound Blaster ZxR
Power Supply Seasonic 1250 XM2 Series (XP3)
Mouse Roccat Kone XTD
Keyboard Roccat Ryos MK Pro
Software Windows 7 Pro 64

Here’s the screenshot and the card I’m using linked below

Powercolor RX 5700 VBIOS


New Member

I tried the bios below for the flash first said the sub ID’s didn’t matched so then I looked up was around that and i found this video. Didn’t do any powertables just the amd flash from techpowerup here.

Powercolor RX 5700 XT VBIOS



The Exiled Airman
System Name PCGOD
Processor AMD FX 8350@ 5.0GHz
Motherboard Asus TUF 990FX Sabertooth R2 2901 Bios
Cooling Scythe Ashura, 2×BitFenix 230mm Spectre Pro LED (Blue,Green), 2x BitFenix 140mm Spectre Pro LED
Memory 16 GB Gskill Ripjaws X 2133 (2400 OC, 10-10-12-20-20, 1T, 1.65V)
Video Card(s) AMD Radeon 290 Sapphire Vapor-X
Storage Samsung 840 Pro 256GB, WD Velociraptor 1TB
Display(s) NEC Multisync LCD 1700V (Display Port Adapter)
Case AeroCool Xpredator Evil Blue Edition
Audio Device(s) Creative Labs Sound Blaster ZxR
Power Supply Seasonic 1250 XM2 Series (XP3)
Mouse Roccat Kone XTD
Keyboard Roccat Ryos MK Pro
Software Windows 7 Pro 64

If im not mistaken that card has a dual bios switch.

PowerColor Red Devil Radeon™ RX 5700 8GB GDDR6 — PowerColor

It appears from the bios you gave me the switch is in the silent bios position. (180W)

Find that switch on your card and close GPU-Z, flip the switch, reopen gpu-z and do the same thing to get the bios link for the performance side.


New Member

I have it switched to the oc mode when I installed it. Should I switch it to the silent mode?

edit: yes it does have a bios switch just to confirm.


The Exiled Airman
System Name PCGOD
Processor AMD FX 8350@ 5.0GHz
Motherboard Asus TUF 990FX Sabertooth R2 2901 Bios
Cooling Scythe Ashura, 2×BitFenix 230mm Spectre Pro LED (Blue,Green), 2x BitFenix 140mm Spectre Pro LED
Memory 16 GB Gskill Ripjaws X 2133 (2400 OC, 10-10-12-20-20, 1T, 1.65V)
Video Card(s) AMD Radeon 290 Sapphire Vapor-X
Storage Samsung 840 Pro 256GB, WD Velociraptor 1TB
Display(s) NEC Multisync LCD 1700V (Display Port Adapter)
Case AeroCool Xpredator Evil Blue Edition
Audio Device(s) Creative Labs Sound Blaster ZxR
Power Supply Seasonic 1250 XM2 Series (XP3)
Mouse Roccat Kone XTD
Keyboard Roccat Ryos MK Pro
Software Windows 7 Pro 64

Wait, are you telling me the bios you gave is from the performance/OC side?

Start this over, get the gpu-z link from the other bios switch position please.

Better yet get both sides and label them please

We will continue this when I am fresh, I would suggest you rest up as well, so that the mind is sharp. It is almost 11PM here.

I will try my best to help you see this through but have patience please.

Lets rest up till tomorrow. Do not abandon these forums.


New Member

Yes the switch was set to the OC side when I sent those last bios from gpu-z.

I’ll send the bios from the silent mode later and sounds good.


The Exiled Airman
System Name PCGOD
Processor AMD FX 8350@ 5.0GHz
Motherboard Asus TUF 990FX Sabertooth R2 2901 Bios
Cooling Scythe Ashura, 2×BitFenix 230mm Spectre Pro LED (Blue,Green), 2x BitFenix 140mm Spectre Pro LED
Memory 16 GB Gskill Ripjaws X 2133 (2400 OC, 10-10-12-20-20, 1T, 1.65V)
Video Card(s) AMD Radeon 290 Sapphire Vapor-X
Storage Samsung 840 Pro 256GB, WD Velociraptor 1TB
Display(s) NEC Multisync LCD 1700V (Display Port Adapter)
Case AeroCool Xpredator Evil Blue Edition
Audio Device(s) Creative Labs Sound Blaster ZxR
Power Supply Seasonic 1250 XM2 Series (XP3)
Mouse Roccat Kone XTD
Keyboard Roccat Ryos MK Pro
Software Windows 7 Pro 64

Its 80% wisdom 10% knowledge and skill and 100% prayer in the power of His will

Yes the switch was set to the OC side when I sent those last bios from gpu-z.

I’ll send the bios from the silent mode later and sounds good.


New Member



The Exiled Airman
System Name PCGOD
Processor AMD FX 8350@ 5.0GHz
Motherboard Asus TUF 990FX Sabertooth R2 2901 Bios
Cooling Scythe Ashura, 2×BitFenix 230mm Spectre Pro LED (Blue,Green), 2x BitFenix 140mm Spectre Pro LED
Memory 16 GB Gskill Ripjaws X 2133 (2400 OC, 10-10-12-20-20, 1T, 1.65V)
Video Card(s) AMD Radeon 290 Sapphire Vapor-X
Storage Samsung 840 Pro 256GB, WD Velociraptor 1TB
Display(s) NEC Multisync LCD 1700V (Display Port Adapter)
Case AeroCool Xpredator Evil Blue Edition
Audio Device(s) Creative Labs Sound Blaster ZxR
Power Supply Seasonic 1250 XM2 Series (XP3)
Mouse Roccat Kone XTD
Keyboard Roccat Ryos MK Pro
Software Windows 7 Pro 64

Please get the link for that other bios I need to verify some additional information

I need to cross verify both bios on your card @PRGamerDad


New Member



The Exiled Airman
System Name PCGOD
Processor AMD FX 8350@ 5.0GHz
Motherboard Asus TUF 990FX Sabertooth R2 2901 Bios
Cooling Scythe Ashura, 2×BitFenix 230mm Spectre Pro LED (Blue,Green), 2x BitFenix 140mm Spectre Pro LED
Memory 16 GB Gskill Ripjaws X 2133 (2400 OC, 10-10-12-20-20, 1T, 1.65V)
Video Card(s) AMD Radeon 290 Sapphire Vapor-X
Storage Samsung 840 Pro 256GB, WD Velociraptor 1TB
Display(s) NEC Multisync LCD 1700V (Display Port Adapter)
Case AeroCool Xpredator Evil Blue Edition
Audio Device(s) Creative Labs Sound Blaster ZxR
Power Supply Seasonic 1250 XM2 Series (XP3)
Mouse Roccat Kone XTD
Keyboard Roccat Ryos MK Pro
Software Windows 7 Pro 64

Okay I need the link to both the silent and OC bios files, not the images this time.

There is info the files show in the links that the images do not.


New Member

My apologize I misunderstood you. Will be doing this in two separate replies. this first link is it in the OC mode



The Exiled Airman
System Name PCGOD
Processor AMD FX 8350@ 5.0GHz
Motherboard Asus TUF 990FX Sabertooth R2 2901 Bios
Cooling Scythe Ashura, 2×BitFenix 230mm Spectre Pro LED (Blue,Green), 2x BitFenix 140mm Spectre Pro LED
Memory 16 GB Gskill Ripjaws X 2133 (2400 OC, 10-10-12-20-20, 1T, 1.65V)
Video Card(s) AMD Radeon 290 Sapphire Vapor-X
Storage Samsung 840 Pro 256GB, WD Velociraptor 1TB
Display(s) NEC Multisync LCD 1700V (Display Port Adapter)
Case AeroCool Xpredator Evil Blue Edition
Audio Device(s) Creative Labs Sound Blaster ZxR
Power Supply Seasonic 1250 XM2 Series (XP3)
Mouse Roccat Kone XTD
Keyboard Roccat Ryos MK Pro
Software Windows 7 Pro 64


New Member

Here is the silent side of the bios



The Exiled Airman
System Name PCGOD
Processor AMD FX 8350@ 5.0GHz
Motherboard Asus TUF 990FX Sabertooth R2 2901 Bios
Cooling Scythe Ashura, 2×BitFenix 230mm Spectre Pro LED (Blue,Green), 2x BitFenix 140mm Spectre Pro LED
Memory 16 GB Gskill Ripjaws X 2133 (2400 OC, 10-10-12-20-20, 1T, 1.65V)
Video Card(s) AMD Radeon 290 Sapphire Vapor-X
Storage Samsung 840 Pro 256GB, WD Velociraptor 1TB
Display(s) NEC Multisync LCD 1700V (Display Port Adapter)
Case AeroCool Xpredator Evil Blue Edition
Audio Device(s) Creative Labs Sound Blaster ZxR
Power Supply Seasonic 1250 XM2 Series (XP3)
Mouse Roccat Kone XTD
Keyboard Roccat Ryos MK Pro
Software Windows 7 Pro 64

Here is the silent side of the bios


As i thought there is a difference between the 2, its the TDP your quiet bios is 160W and your oc bios is 180W.

Use gpu-z and save your bios files using the arrow to your desktop, make sure to label your quiet bios and your oc bios.

For recovery purposes.

I will look at files now.

Follow these directions,

Remove all GPU Drivers using Display Driver Uninstaller before flashing. (Follow directions)

AMDVBFlash / ATI ATIFlash (3.31) Download

Flash 1 side at a time and verify the card is powering monitor properly after restart.

Follow these directions closely

Use this bios for the performance Side only

Powercolor RX 5700 XT VBIOS

Powercolor RX 5700 XT VBIOS

Since the Subsystem ID will be changing slightly you will need to do a force flash in an administrator privileged command prompt. (Find cmd in start menu right click and open as administrator)

If that is not performed you may receive the stupid 0FL error.

Then follow this command

Enter this command first

Amdvbflash.exe -unlockrom 0

Then enter this command

amdvbflash -f -p 0 XXXX .rom

Note: XXXX is the name of the VBIOS file you downloaded. You can also change the downloaded file name to a simple name.

This is alternate way:

Create a new text file in your ATIFlash directory, name it FLASH.bat, and place this code into it:

echo Flashing card 0 with BIOS.rom.
amdvbflash -p 0 -f BIOS.rom

Assuming the new BIOS you want to flash onto your card is named BIOS.rom, this is the BIOS it will use for flashing.

Save your changes, then run the batch file by double-clicking on it.

Once you’ve received a success message, reboot your computer for the new BIOS to come into effect. If you can boot into Windows successfully, then that’s good! (Note: your screen may flicker for a bit, because you basically have a new card, and Windows is trying to recognize it. If you want to be thorough, go ahead and do a clean re-install of your graphics drivers.)

Last resort methods to flash back, possibly flash forward.

If you need to flashback to a 5700
Use this method (might work for flashing to XT as well)

Reflashing to original 5700 non XT bios fails with «ROM not erased ERROR/ F0L01»

Reflashing to original 5700 non XT bios fails with «ROM not erased ERROR/ F0L01»

There is a tool powercolor uses but I am blind to how it works, you just extract the tool from the 5600xt file. And use with a 5700/xt bios to flash or flash back i believe. (Delete the 5600xt bios immediately)


  • #1

I’ve flashed plenty gpus, mostly Nvidia without trouble, Amd has always been more troublesome

I have a MSI 6700xt Mech 2x which stupidly has been flashed to a Gigabyte 6700xt Gaming OC by a miner, meaning the display outputs don’t work properly. I can’t for the sake of it force a bios flash back to MSI. For example I had another 6700xt where I could change the vbios to «wrong» version and with ssid mismatch, as well as a 5700 to 5700xt.

This one however, I can’t even get back to it’s original. Says SSID mismatched, and ERROR: 0FL01, no matter how I try to flash it with Amdvbflash, even with unlocked rom and forcing the flash.

When I try to flash it’s already installed (gigabyte) bios, it says flash already programmed as normal, but if I try to force it, nothing happens which is also weird.

edit: no dual bios, and ofc tried opening with admin rights.

edit2: If I use «-p -fa -fp» instead I get «Adapter not found» and then the same error

  • ssidmismatch.JPG


    13.7 KB · Views: 34

  • mismatch2.JPG


    11.9 KB · Views: 33

Last edited: Feb 12, 2023

  • #2

Did you run it with gui or in cmd. If you used latter one add -f parameter for force flash if you are sure that bios is correct.

  • #3

both. as i originally said i used force command, didn’t help.

-t 0 = pass
-v (correct bios) = 0x4/0x100000 bytes verified

-mb 0 (correct bios) = Invalid entry provided, Line 1. — Line 2272

Bios Checksum does not match

GOP Driver does not carry tables (actually says GOP Driver does not carr(random symbols))

Found «sneaky» command «-fs», supposed to «Force flashing bypassing BIOS SSID check.» which in theory is what I need. Sadly doesn’t work/help

Last edited: Feb 12, 2023

Count von Schwalbe

  • #4

I would try on a different computer and/or Windows install- it looks like software issues from the GPU-Z screenshot.

Otherwise, a hardware programmer is your best bet.

  • #5

I would try on a different computer and/or Windows install- it looks like software issues from the GPU-Z screenshot.

Otherwise, a hardware programmer is your best bet.

yeah that was just windows messing up after some back and forth with drivers, a restart fixed that.

However now, somehow, I managed to flash after trying 20 ways, but it wasn’t fully successful and said it had written over the bios but couldn’t verify any of the. Seems I bricked the bios entirely. Code 43 and Amdvbflash cannot read Rom anymore; now it tries to patch and remove old bios/rom, however results in «Fail» or other times «Failed to read ROM Error: 0FL01»

Some further trying and now I guess I turned a 90% working gpu to a paperweight. AmdvbflashWin (gui) totally refuses to open saying it cannot read rom and no wonder why, in cmd it says the card lacks a VBIOS completely. As well as no P/N or anything really.

  • f.JPG


    68.3 KB · Views: 43

  • #6

Which bios did you try to flash and did you check which memory is on the PCB?

It should be still be possible to recover the graphics card with a CH314A programmer:


Guide: Flashing with a hardware programmer

Lets get physical So; you tried flashing your GPU and you didn’t backup. Now you have some dude on the forum linking you a BIOS but you have no way to apply it because you don’t have a spare GPU either. Well no worries friend. In this guide we are going to cover the simple procedures of…




  • #7

In your case you must use only the CMD command line.
In the command syntax you must use -f to force flash it.
And…this one is from my personal experience: in the CMD window after you receive the error that can’t read ROM, run again the command line.
In some cases it managed to write it after 5 more tries but in worst cases it took me more then 20 .
just be patient.

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