Ошибка 0x8004df0b outlook 2010 imap

Icon Ex Номер ошибки: Ошибка 0x8004DF0B
Название ошибки: Outlook Error 0X8004Df0B
Описание ошибки: Ошибка 0x8004DF0B: Возникла ошибка в приложении Microsoft Outlook. Приложение будет закрыто. Приносим извинения за неудобства.
Разработчик: Microsoft Corporation
Программное обеспечение: Microsoft Outlook
Относится к: Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10, 11

Определение «Outlook Error 0X8004Df0B»

Люди часто предпочитают ссылаться на «Outlook Error 0X8004Df0B» как на «ошибку времени выполнения», также известную как программная ошибка. Разработчики тратят много времени и усилий на написание кода, чтобы убедиться, что Microsoft Outlook стабилен до продажи продукта. К сожалению, инженеры являются людьми и часто могут делать ошибки во время тестирования, отсутствует ошибка 0x8004DF0B.

Ошибка 0x8004DF0B, рассматриваемая как «Outlook Error 0X8004Df0B», может возникнуть пользователями Microsoft Outlook в результате нормального использования программы. После того, как об ошибке будет сообщено, Microsoft Corporation отреагирует и быстро исследует ошибки 0x8004DF0B проблемы. Затем Microsoft Corporation исправит ошибки и подготовит файл обновления для загрузки. В результате разработчик может использовать пакеты обновлений для Microsoft Outlook, доступные с их веб-сайта (или автоматическую загрузку), чтобы устранить эти ошибки 0x8004DF0B проблемы и другие ошибки.

Что генерирует ошибку времени выполнения 0x8004DF0B?

В большинстве случаев вы увидите «Outlook Error 0X8004Df0B» во время загрузки Microsoft Outlook. Мы можем определить, что ошибки во время выполнения ошибки 0x8004DF0B происходят из:

Ошибка 0x8004DF0B Crash — она называется «Ошибка 0x8004DF0B», когда программа неожиданно завершает работу во время работы (во время выполнения). Если Microsoft Outlook не может обработать данный ввод, или он не может получить требуемый вывод, это обычно происходит.

Утечка памяти «Outlook Error 0X8004Df0B» — ошибка 0x8004DF0B утечка памяти приводит к тому, что Microsoft Outlook постоянно использует все больше и больше памяти, увяская систему. Критическими проблемами, связанными с этим, могут быть отсутствие девыделения памяти или подключение к плохому коду, такому как бесконечные циклы.

Ошибка 0x8004DF0B Logic Error — Вы можете столкнуться с логической ошибкой, когда программа дает неправильные результаты, даже если пользователь указывает правильное значение. Это видно, когда исходный код Microsoft Corporation включает дефект в анализе входных данных.

Как правило, ошибки Outlook Error 0X8004Df0B вызваны повреждением или отсутствием файла связанного Microsoft Outlook, а иногда — заражением вредоносным ПО. Большую часть проблем, связанных с данными файлами, можно решить посредством скачивания и установки последней версии файла Microsoft Corporation. В некоторых случаях реестр Windows пытается загрузить файл Outlook Error 0X8004Df0B, который больше не существует; в таких ситуациях рекомендуется запустить сканирование реестра, чтобы исправить любые недопустимые ссылки на пути к файлам.

Типичные ошибки Outlook Error 0X8004Df0B

Усложнения Microsoft Outlook с Outlook Error 0X8004Df0B состоят из:

  • «Ошибка программы Outlook Error 0X8004Df0B. «
  • «Outlook Error 0X8004Df0B не является программой Win32. «
  • «Извините, Outlook Error 0X8004Df0B столкнулся с проблемой. «
  • «Не удается найти Outlook Error 0X8004Df0B»
  • «Outlook Error 0X8004Df0B не найден.»
  • «Проблема при запуске приложения: Outlook Error 0X8004Df0B. «
  • «Outlook Error 0X8004Df0B не выполняется. «
  • «Outlook Error 0X8004Df0B остановлен. «
  • «Неверный путь к приложению: Outlook Error 0X8004Df0B.»

Проблемы Microsoft Outlook Outlook Error 0X8004Df0B возникают при установке, во время работы программного обеспечения, связанного с Outlook Error 0X8004Df0B, во время завершения работы или запуска или менее вероятно во время обновления операционной системы. Выделение при возникновении ошибок Outlook Error 0X8004Df0B имеет первостепенное значение для поиска причины проблем Microsoft Outlook и сообщения о них вMicrosoft Corporation за помощью.

Эпицентры Outlook Error 0X8004Df0B Головные боли

Эти проблемы Outlook Error 0X8004Df0B создаются отсутствующими или поврежденными файлами Outlook Error 0X8004Df0B, недопустимыми записями реестра Microsoft Outlook или вредоносным программным обеспечением.

Особенно ошибки Outlook Error 0X8004Df0B проистекают из:

  • Недопустимый Outlook Error 0X8004Df0B или поврежденный раздел реестра.
  • Вирус или вредоносное ПО, которые повредили файл Outlook Error 0X8004Df0B или связанные с Microsoft Outlook программные файлы.
  • Вредоносное удаление (или ошибка) Outlook Error 0X8004Df0B другим приложением (не Microsoft Outlook).
  • Другое программное обеспечение, конфликтующее с Microsoft Outlook, Outlook Error 0X8004Df0B или общими ссылками.
  • Microsoft Outlook (Outlook Error 0X8004Df0B) поврежден во время загрузки или установки.

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Milly Staples [MVP — Outlook]

  • #2

And what did AOL say when you contacted them?

Milly Staples [MVP — Outlook]

Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. All
unsolicited mail sent to my personal account will be deleted without

After furious head scratching, ScottK asked:

| I am using AOL for my email and receive this error when Outlook is
| synching. What can I do??
| Task ‘Checking for new mail in subscribed folders on imap.aol.com.’
| reported error (0x8004DF0B) : ‘Outlook is unable to download folder
| (null) from the IMAP e-mail server for account imap.aol.com. Error:
| The connection to the server is unavailable. Outlook must be online
| or connected to complete this action. If you continue to receive this
| message, contact your server administrator or Internet service
| provider (ISP).’

Are you trying to send or receive emails using Microsoft Outlook, but are you getting the error ‘0x8004DF0B’?

Microsoft Outlook is a productivity application that was developed by Microsoft. Microsoft Outlook is an email client that can be used to send and receive emails, organize your emails, read emails and view attachments. It also allows you to create different calendars such as weekly calendars, monthly calendars and yearly calendars.

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On this page, you will find more information about the most common causes and most relevant solutions for the Microsoft Outlook error ‘0x8004DF0B’. Do you need help straight away? Visit our support page.

Error information

How to solve Microsoft Outlook error 0x8004DF0B

We’ve created a list of solutions which you can follow if you want to solve this Microsoft Outlook problem yourself. Do you need more help? Visit our support page if you need professional support with Microsoft Outlook right away.

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Verified solution

There are many errors that can occur when you try to use Microsoft Outlook. One of the most common errors is Microsoft Outlook Error Code 0x8004DF0B. This error occurs when you try to use the application or when you try to access your account information in the application. This error can be annoying and frustrating because you cannot access the application properly.

The problem can be caused by a server error or a network error or it can be caused by an issue with your computer or your internet connection. You might also encounter this error if other applications are interfering with the proper functioning of Microsoft Outlook on your computer or if you have malware installed on your computer. To fix this error, you need to try a few solutions.

First, do a clean boot of your computer. This will allow you to start your computer with a clean operating system. Finish troubleshooting your error and restart your computer in the normal mode.

Another thing that you can do is check whether there are any conflicting programs installed on your computer. This is the case if you encounter this error frequently. It is best to remove any conflicting programs and then try to install Microsoft Outlook again.

You can also try to reinstall Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable Package. This is a set of tools that allows you to use Microsoft Outlook. You can then download the latest version of Microsoft Outlook from the official website.

Another solution that you can try is to remove any other software on your computer that might be causing this error. This might include an antivirus program, another productivity application or another piece of software. However, before removing other software, make sure that the other software is not causing this error. If it is not, then you should remove it from your computer and then reinstall Microsoft Outlook again.

If you still have issues with the device, then you can contact Microsoft Customer Support. The Microsoft Customer Support team can help you find a solution for the problem, and they can also help you find a solution for other issues. To contact Microsoft Customer Support, visit their official website. A Microsoft Customer Support representative will help you solve the problem. We hope that this post helped you solve the Microsoft Outlook Error Code 0x8004DF0B.

Have you found a solution yourself, but it is not in the list? Share your solution in the comments below.

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Outlook IMAP error 0X8004DF0B

Apparently you are on the right post if searching for solution to solve Outlook IMAP error 0X8004DF0B in PST file. Undoubtedly Outlook is great email client but error at different stage continues to bother users. Outlook IMAP 0x8004df0b error usually appear due to improper Internet connection. Thus, the first thing you need to look Internet connection and make sure it is active. If this is “OK” then it is timeout error message. It arises when certain large files or attachments cannot be sent or received. Well, you don’t need to worry as below given step helps you to solve Outlook IMAP error 0X8004DF0B in PST file in simple way:-

  • Click on “Tools” menu >> Select “Account Settings”
  • Click on the email account > Hit on “Change” option.
  • Press on “More Settings” to bring up Internet E-Mail Settings window
  • Select the “Advanced” tab >> Left click on the slide-point under “Server Timeouts” option
  • Now drag bar to far right side (10 minutes)
  • Click on “OK” option.

Hope going the above methods, the issues gets solved but in case situation still persist we strongly recommend you to make use of PST Repair Software. The suggested tool is awesome, designed with simple interface so that even a novice can make use of it to solve Outlook IMAP error 0X8004DF0B in PST file.

Download Outlook PST Repair Tool To Fix Outlook IMAP error 0X8004DF0B

Outlook IMAP error 0X8004DF0B can be caused due to these infections

Adware Meplex, Adware.Begin2Search, WinDir.winlogon, Fastfind, FCHelp, AdPartner, not-a-virus:FraudTool.Win32.EvidenceEraser.q, Adware.TTC
Browser Hijacker securityerrors.com, Fastbrowsersearch.com, Hao123 by Baidu, Scanner-pc-2010.org, Surveyscout.com, Search Results LLC, Homepagetoday.com, AVG-Online-Scanner.com, Adtest
Ransomware Love2Lock Ransomware, Cryptexplorer.us, FSociety Ransomware, CryptoShield 2.0 Ransomware, NoobCrypt Ransomware, [email protected] Ransomware
Trojan Vundo.FBH, Trojan.Xtob.Gen, TrojanSpy:Win32/Bhoban.E, MonitoringTool:Win32/MessengerLog, Agent.EZ, Musdie 1.1, Spy.Agent.TB, W32.Dumaru
Spyware Adware.Rotator, Surfcomp, The Last Defender, Adware.BitLocker, Pageforsafety.com, TSPY_AGENT.WWCJ, BDS/Bifrose.EO.47.backdoor, VMCleaner, BitDownload

Are you getting Problem like Outlook IMAP error 0X8004DF0B regarding your pst file

If you are facing issues like Outlook IMAP error 0X8004DF0B, then your pst is corrupt or damaged. You need to repair your corrupt/damaged pst to recover all your email, attachments, content, journals, notes, task and calendar from it. Problem like Outlook IMAP error 0X8004DF0B can create your important emails to get corrupted or lost, so you need to be careful while using your email service. PST is a database storage of Microsoft outlook email client which is widely used all over the world. It is highly popular and sometimes generated errors like Outlook IMAP error 0X8004DF0B which needs to be look at carefully to prevent email corruption or damage.  If you are facing similar problem like Outlook IMAP error 0X8004DF0B then you should know what are the main reasons for cause of the problem which is making your PST corrupt.

Main reasons which are responsible for Outlook IMAP error 0X8004DF0B Problem in PST file

These are the main reasons which are behind damaging and corrupting your PST file and generation Outlook IMAP error 0X8004DF0B problem. You should look at these factors which are responsible for your corruption of your PST file and try to avoid these circumstances to be safe in future. This guide will give you a brief overview about various issues related to cause of unexpected Outlook non functioning. Take a closer look and be safe from occurrence of Outlook IMAP error 0X8004DF0B Issue.

Hardware Issues:

There are times when your hardware fails to store or transfer data of your PST file, this leads to PST file corruption and email loss. More or less this will also generate the problem like Outlook IMAP error 0X8004DF0B. Hardware failure is mainly of 3 types:

Failure of Data Storage device :

There are times when your hard disk have bad sectors and by chance your pst files are stored on that bad sectors then you start getting the error like Outlook IMAP error 0X8004DF0B. It will be nearly impossible to read your email pst data from bad sectors thus resulting in corrupt pst file.

Network Device Failure:

In business houses there are chances that your PST file resides on network server and you try to access it from there via your client computer. There are chances that there is some error in network hardware like routers, cards, hubs or other errors which can cause your pst file to get damaged and corrupt. More likely you will get to have error such as Outlook IMAP error 0X8004DF0B

Unexpected Power Failure:

While you are working on your email client and accessing your PST file and there is sudden power failure then this can also cause your PST to get corrupt.

These are the main three hardware reasons which are responsible for causing Outlook IMAP error 0X8004DF0B problem. But if you take some precautionary measures then this can be avoided. Measures like Get the best UPS for power failure. Use best and reliable network hardware to minimize network error. Always check for bad sectors and repair it. These can minimize your chances of PST file corruption.

Download Outlook PST Repair Tool To Fix Outlook IMAP error 0X8004DF0B

Software Reasons:

There are software issues also which results in PST damage. We will discuss in detail about the various software issues which leads to Outlook IMAP error 0X8004DF0B Problem. If you note it in your mind then you can surely avoid these issues:

File system Recovery Error:

There are times when your system files get corrupted and you try to recover them by data recovery software or some data recovery services. This kind of data recovery software can cause your PST files to get corrupted or damaged.

The reason behind corruption are:

  • Your file system error also causes error to PST files which are not recovered by data recovery software causing error like Outlook IMAP error 0X8004DF0B and corrupting your pst data.
  • They are data recovery software or service and not expertise in recovering lost pst files. So in result they knowingly or un knowingly make the situation worse regarding pst files.

So if you have a data loss then you should use pst recover software or service to avoid the problems like Outlook IMAP error 0X8004DF0B resulting in pst file corruption.

Virus Attack: Viruses are capable of corrupting your pst files or making them inaccessible. Downloading files from untrusted sources or using pen drives without checking can cause virus to corrupt your pst and result in Outlook IMAP error 0X8004DF0B error with data loss.

Closing Outlook unexpectedly:  It is always advisable to save your files and close your outlook by exit or close button. You should never close outlook unexpectedly or abnormally, it will cause your pst files to get corrupt and inaccessible. This can also cause in problem like Outlook IMAP error 0X8004DF0B

2GB pst size error: Initially it was never thought that people will be using outlook as primary email client and its database will be more than 2 GB . It was programmed to store 2GB of data initially but as use grew data storage too grew and PST started corrupting when size was more than 2GB.  But this can be solved by some fixes and manual methods.

These are the main reasons of pst file corruption. You can avoid both hardware as well as software problem to be safe from Outlook IMAP error 0X8004DF0B issue. But if you are facing Outlook IMAP error 0X8004DF0B then what are the general symptoms which will tell you that you need to act to save your pst file. We will now discuss the various symptoms which will let you know that  your outloook is giving problem and you need to look into it. These are the general symptoms:

Various Symptoms which Outlook IMAP error 0X8004DF0B problem can cause in your Outlook

  • Error display like zzz.pst is not a personal folders file
  • As one or more parameters are not valid so can’t move items or could not complete operation.
  • As original was either moved or deleted or access was denied so can’t move items or could not complete operation.
  • As it was already moved or deleted or access was denied so can’t move items or could not complete operation.
  • File ZZZ.pst cannot be found
  • File zzz.pst could not be accessed, unable to display folder.
  • 0x80040116 error: zzz.pst is not accessible.
  • Microsoft Outlook has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience.
  • Cyclic redundancy check error: File zzz.pst could not be accessed.
  • File zzz.pst cannot be opened. cannot expand the folder. The set of the folders can not be opened
  • There are errors in zzz.pst file. You need to quit outlook and user Inbox repair tool (scanpst.exe) to diagnose and repair files for error.

All these symptoms tell you that you are having pst problem due to Outlook IMAP error 0X8004DF0B issue and you need to act before it’s too late.

what measures or precaution you can take to avoid Outlook IMAP error 0X8004DF0B error & corruption of PST file

Here we are discussing the precautionary measures which will help you to avoid getting Outlook IMAP error 0X8004DF0B problem and stop you from corruption or damage or your PST file. Follow these measures to keep your outlook email client safe:

  • Keep Safe limit for Outlook PST file: As we know Outlook 2003 and 2007 support 20GB files and  Outlook 2010, 3013, and 2016 supports 50 GB files but we should not load pst files beyond 10 GB. This will prevent your pst file from
  • Distribute the email load: From outlook 2003 and above there is a feature to create numerous PST files. So you should create various pst files and transfer emails in each of them accordingly to keep the size low of each pst file. This will help to keep your pst healthy.
  • Under 2GB for PST 2002: Keep your PST file for outlook 2002 under 2 GB, it will stop it from getting corrupted and causing Outlook IMAP error 0X8004DF0B error.
  • Don’t close abnormally: Never close outlook abnormally, it will cause pst files corruption.
  • Avoid storing on server: Avoid storing PST file on server instead store it on local computer. IT will avoid your PST file from getting corrupt.
  • Be cautious of Virus attack: Get a good antivirus installed to avoid your pst from getting corrupt.

If you follow these simple steps then you can keep your pst files healthy and you will not be bothered by Outlook IMAP error 0X8004DF0B error.

Now there are all chances that following all the precautionary measures also cannot save you sometime and you are getting Outlook IMAP error 0X8004DF0B problem in your outlook email client and you are facing pst file corruption and damage. So you need to know the manual step through which you can repair your corrupt pst files:

There is a tool as Inbox repair tool (scanpst.exe) which is provided by Microsoft to fix corrupt PST problems. But in most cases it does not work. IF problem like Outlook IMAP error 0X8004DF0B occurs Inbox repair tool (scanpst.exe) should work but it is not always successful. There are limitations of scanpst.exe tool and you need to know the limitations, which are as follows:

  • It can only repair Basic header corruption: this free inbox repair tool (scanpst.exe) is only designed to repair the minor corruption like header issues and cant repair the whole broken file. Therefore it is considered inefficient on Outlook issues.
  • It collapses in case of oversize files: if there is an oversize PST file, scanpst.exe collapses as repairing oversize file is beyond its capability and thus result in various errors which results in not solving Outlook IMAP error 0X8004DF0B problem.
  • It shows no error while Outlook complains: It fails to scan errors most of the time and thus reports no error in the PST file, but Outlook keeps complaining.
  • It loses few data while recovery : It cannot recover the complete data as it loses some part of the data while recovery. It is unable to keep data intact while complicated process of data recovery. It is not a trustworthy tool and you cannot trust it to solve your Outlook IMAP error 0X8004DF0B problem and error.

NOTE : So it will not be easy for you to use inbox repair tool (scanpst.exe) for you to solve Outlook IMAP error 0X8004DF0B problem. You will need professional PST Repair software to deal with Outlook IMAP error 0X8004DF0B Problem and repair your corrupt/damaged pst files. We will now discussing the various features and benefits of PST Repair software for you.

Outlook PST Repair Tool/software is a brilliant third party tool which can deal with any Outlook related issue and fix Outlook IMAP error 0X8004DF0B error including all other corruption and associated issues. Discussed below are some distinguished features of the this excellent tool:

  • It can repair all broken PST files and emails irrespective of severity level
  • It also recovers additional Outlook items like contacts, calendars, tasks and journals etc. solving your Outlook IMAP error 0X8004DF0B error.
  • It can recover even password protected data
  • It also retrieves even accidentally deleted files
  • It restores all the data in its original state
  • It offers to store data in desired location
  • It provides an option to save the data in HTML format
  • It can split files to recover oversize PST files
  • It has an self descriptive and interactive user interface
  • It is an easy-to-use tool which can be run by a novice
  • It comes with a free demo version which can test that your Outlook IMAP error 0X8004DF0B is solved.
  • Compatible with all Windows editions – Windows XP, Vista, Server 2003, 7 and latest Windows 8
  • Supports all Outlook platforms – Outlook 2016,2013, 2010, 2007, 2003, 2002, 2000 etc
  • TECH VERSION Exports repaired PST file in Office 365 format

How Outlook PST Repair Software works to get rid of Outlook IMAP error 0X8004DF0B problem

Outlook PST Repair Software is a very strong tool as it can even retrieve the password protected files as well as accidentally deleted files. A team of expert and adept software developers have designed this tool with robust algorithms and modern techniques to solve Outlook IMAP error 0X8004DF0B problem at any level. At the same time, it has a self explanatory interface which makes it a simple tool which can be operated by a novice too. Moreover, it is compatible with all Windows as well as all Outlook platforms too. And, if you want to judge its efficiency you can try its free demo version. This demo version will repair all the broken files, fix Outlook IMAP error 0X8004DF0B errors and recover them of most severe form of corruption. Thence-after, it will generate a preview of the recovered files with all details. But it does not comes with an option to save the files. In order to save the repaired and recovered files, you need to purchase the license keys of the software. With this, Outlook Outlook IMAP error 0X8004DF0B error gets resolved and the files are restored back for usage as desired.

Conclusion: So now you have all the methods and tricks to recover you corrupted/damaged PST files. If you are facing Outlook IMAP error 0X8004DF0B error then, now you can use PST Repair software and get back your data.

User Guide to Run PST Repair Software to get Rid of Outlook IMAP error 0X8004DF0B Problem

Step 1:Download and Install Outlook Repair Tool by using the installation wizard. Next, launch the software

Step 2: Click on the ‘Select Outlook File’ button to browse for the damaged or corrupt PST file that you want to repair and recovery. Now, click on Start button to initiate the scan process of the file.

Step 3:You can see the status of the scan in the progress bar in the bottom of the interface of the software. There is a STOP button as well. You can click on the same to stop the scan whenever you want

Step 4:The scanning will not take more than few minutes as it has great scanning methods that do scanning faster but complete. Soon after the scanning is over, you will see a list of recoverable items in the left pane of the interface. Click any to see the preview of the same

Step 5:Now, choose the items in the left navigation pane and specify a directory or destination to save the recovered items. Click on Save Recovered file button on the top of the window followed by the OK button in order to do this

Step 6: Let the software save all the files chosen in the previous step. Now click on Recover button for the recovery process to start

Step 7: Last but not the least, tool will show you recovery status and information about the destination path along with total file size of the recovered items.

Step 8: Files are now saved on desired destination.

By using this automatic software and easy user guide you can get your solution for Outlook IMAP error 0X8004DF0B. Get your lost pst data back with these simple steps.

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Résolvez l’erreur Outlook IMAP 0X8004DF0B dans le fichier PST-T�l�charger scanpst exe outlook 2007 gratuitement
Rozwiąż błąd programu Outlook IMAP 0X8004DF0B w pliku PST-B??d 0x800CCC6C

I have been trying to troubleshoot some e-mail problems at a new job.  I am here for graphic design, but since I seem to have more computer talents than anyone else here, I’ve been doing some light tech work.  There are two problems I’m working on.  The first occurs with Outlook Express.  It keeps asking for the username and password over and over during the duration of the send of an e-mail.  Not a HUGE problem if it’s just a text e-mail.  One occurence and it’s gone.  But, if we send attachments, it seems to continue the entire time the e-mail would be sending, which could be 40 or 50 occurences.  I was able to solve this problem by upgrading to Outlook 2003.  It seems not to occur at all really, except for a few isolated incidents.  However, one of the older comps I don’t think is capable of handling Outlook 2003, so I don’t know what to do.  This problem started occuring right after the new year according to the people here, I wouldn’t know, I’ve only been here a week, though I suspect it may have something to do with the virus protection.  Anyway, my MAIN question is about an Outlook 2003 error 0x8004DF0B.  I have my outlook set up with several profiles, which is no problem.  On one of the profiles, I have one pop3 account as my main work e-mail, set to our work’s e-mail system.  I’ve then added two additional imap aol accounts.  They work generally well without glitch, though I occasionally get error 0x8004DF0B which states, «
Task ‘Checking for new mail in subscribed folders on MatthewASchenk.’ reported error (0x8004DF0B) : ‘Outlook is unable to download folder (null) from the IMAP e-mail server for account MatthewASchenk. Error: The connection to the server is unavailable.  Outlook must be online or connected to complete this action. If you continue to receive this message, contact your server administrator or Internet service provider (ISP).'»  I’ve researched this error on the web, and the closest to a solutions that I’ve found involve opening a port and iptables, neither of which I’m tech savvy enough to be familiar with.  Any help would be appreciated, no rush on this one, but I’m grading it 500 points since my google searches came up fairly blank.  Thanks!

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