Ошибка 0x8007017b icloud

restoro.com/includes/route.php?tracking=WDis&lpx=lwdu»>Загрузите этот инструмент, который поможет вам безопасно исправить распространенные ошибки Windows и автоматически оптимизировать производительность системы.

Защита ваших фотографий в облачном хранилище означает, что вы спасете ваши драгоценные воспоминания от потери навсегда. Вы можете синхронизировать и передавать свои файлы, фотографии, видео или документы из любой папки на вашем компьютере в облачное хранилище в Интернете и наоборот.

Если вы используете iCloud, служба облачного хранилища от Apple, и вы хотите переместить некоторые из ваших файлов и изображений в Microsoft OneDrive, это возможно. Вы даже можете синхронизировать их из онлайн-каталога iCloud Drive или iCloud Photos с локальными папками на ПК с Windows 10. Однако в пользовательских отчетах указывается код ошибки синхронизации. 0x8007017B когда они переносят файлы и изображения с iCloud Drive на свой компьютер с Windows 10.

Полное сообщение об ошибке гласит:

«Неожиданная ошибка не позволяет вам переместить или скопировать этот файл или папку. Если вы продолжаете получать эту ошибку, вы можете использовать код ошибки для поиска помощи по этой проблеме.
Ошибка 0x8007017B: операция не поддерживается поставщиком облачной синхронизации ».

К счастью, есть способы решить проблему, если iCloud Drive не загружается или не работает в Windows 10, и сделать передачу файлов успешной и простой. Вы можете продолжить чтение ниже, чтобы узнать, как это сделать.

По словам некоторых пользователей, сообщение об ошибке 0x8007017B в iCloud возникает, когда сервер iCloud Drive или iCloud Photos не работает. Это правда, что если на сервере возникнут какие-то проблемы, это также повлияет на вашу деятельность. Хотя ждать, пока Apple решит проблему, может раздражать, вы ничего не можете сделать, кроме как повторить попытку через несколько минут или часов.Исправление-iCloud-Drive-or-Photos-Not-Syncing-with-Error-Code-0x8007017B-on-Windows-10-PCКредит: Apple

Метод № 1 — Завершить задачу на вашем iCloud Drive

Иногда недостаточно просто выйти из приложения и предположить, что оно не работает в фоновом режиме. Такие приложения, как iCloud Drive или iCloud Photos, всегда работают в фоновом режиме, чтобы ваши файлы синхронизировались. Итак, чтобы быть уверенным, что любая системная задача или процесс, связанный с iCloud Drive, полностью остановлен, вам необходимо завершить задачу вручную с помощью диспетчера задач в Windows 10.

  • Запустите Диспетчер задач на ПК с Windows 10.
  • Перейдите на вкладку «Процессы».
  • Ищите iCloud.
  • Щелкните его правой кнопкой мыши.
  • Выберите Завершить задачу.
  • Вы можете сделать то же самое с другими записями с iCloud.
  • После завершения задачи перезапустите iCloud.

Метод № 2 — проверьте, включен ли ваш iCloud Drive

Убедитесь, что ваш статус iCloud Drive установлен на «Включено», чтобы он синхронизировался и работал должным образом.

  • Запустите iCloud на ПК с Windows 10.
  • На странице настроек найдите iCloud и убедитесь, что у него установлен флажок. В противном случае установите флажок, чтобы включить его.
  • Щелкните Применить.
  • Щелкните ОК.

Метод № 3 — попробуйте отправить менее 1000 фотографий

Попробуйте-Отправить-Менее-1000-фотографий-в-iCloud-Photos-Windows-10Кредит: Apple

Вы пытаетесь синхронизировать или переместить все свои фотографии в каталог iCloud Drive или iCloud Photos за один раз? Если вы это сделаете, вы можете отправлять и перемещать более 1000 фотографий за раз. Сообщение об ошибке iCloud 0x8007017B возникает, когда вы синхронизируете и отправляете много файлов одновременно на сервер iCloud.

Метод №4 — Скопируйте и вставьте фотографии

Перетаскивание фотографий из iCloud в OneDrive или локальную папку в Windows 10 не всегда работает. Что вам нужно сделать, так это выделить и скопировать изображения в iCloud. Затем вставьте его вручную на локальный диск OneDrive или Windows 10.

Другой способ — скопировать их на USB-накопитель. Затем вставьте файлы с USB-накопителя в OneDrive или на локальный диск.

Метод № 5 — Обновите приложение iCloud Drive

Установите или обновите приложение iCloud Drive из Microsoft Store в Windows 10Снимок экрана: Windows Dispatch

  • Запустите Microsoft Store на своем ПК с Windows 10.
  • В правом верхнем углу нажмите кнопку «Меню».
  • Выберите Загрузить и обновления.
  • Найдите iCloud и установите доступные обновления.

Есть ли у вас другие решения, которые могут помочь исправить ошибку синхронизации iCloud Drive с кодом 0x8007017B? Вы можете поделиться своими личными обходными путями ниже, чтобы помочь другим пользователям избавиться от этой проблемы с передачей файлов в облачное хранилище.

restoro.com/includes/route.php?tracking=WDis&exec=run»>Попробуйте этот инструмент для устранения ошибок Windows и автоматической оптимизации производительности системы.

Download PC Repair Tool to quickly find & fix Windows errors automatically

Since you are reading this article, I am assuming that you may have encountered an error 0x8007017B of iCloud on your Windows 11/10 computer. This error usually happens when one tries to send photos, music, etc from their iCloud Drive to OneDrive or any folder on their computer. In this post, we are going to fix iCloud Error 0x8007017B on Windows 11/10 with the help of some simple solutions.

Error 0x8007017B: The operation is not supported by the cloud sync provider.

Fix iCloud Error 0x8007017B

Before concluding that there’s something wrong on your side, check if the iCloud Drive server is available. For that, visit apple.com and check if iCloud Drive is Available. If the dot is green, iCloud is working fine, whereas, if the dot becomes red, the iCloud server is down. In the second case, the only thing you can do is to wait for a few hours and then try again.

You can fix iCloud Error 0x8007017B on Windows 11/10 with the help of these solutions.

  1. Send less than 1000 photos
  2. Restart iCloud
  3. Try a Workaround

Let us talk about them in detail.

1] Send less than 1000 photos

You need to make sure that you are sending less than 1000 photos at a time for the transfer to work properly. If not, you will see the 0x8007017B error. So, if you were trying to send all the images at a time, fragment your activity into blocks of less than 1000 images. If you are still facing the problem, continue reading.

2] Restart iCloud

iCloud Error 0x8007017B on Windows 10

Another thing you can do to fix the error is to restart iCloud. This way, the process will start from scratch and hopefully, you won’t face the error. To restart iCloud, follow the given steps.

  1. Launch Task Manager by Win + X > Task Manager.
  2. Make sure you are on the Processes tab and look for iCloud.
  3. Right-click on iCloud and select End Task.
  4. Now, relaunch iCloud from the Start Menu.

Hopefully, it will fix the error for you.

3] Try a Workaround

If none of the solutions are able to fix the iCloud issue, I have a workaround for you. If the goal is to move files, we can bring a medium to the mix and send your iCloud files to OneDrive or any other folder via that medium.

So, you have to bring a Pendrive or any USB. Copy the iCloud files to that drive and then send them to the OneDrive cloud. This way, you can accomplish your goal without having to face this error.

Hopefully, you are able to fix the iCloud error with the help of these solutions.

Read Next: Work Folder sync Error 0x8007017C, The cloud operation is invalid.

Yusuf is an Engineering graduate from Delhi. He has written over 1000 technical articles and has knowledge of programming languages including Java, and C++, and technologies such as Oracle 12C and MsSQL. Troubleshooting Windows is his favorite past-time.

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Как исправить «Код ошибки: 0x8007017B» в iCloud?

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Securing your photos on a cloud storage service means that saving your precious memories from losing forever. You can sync and transfer your files, photos, videos, or documents from any folder on your computer to your cloud storage online and vice versa.

If you are using iCloud, the cloud storage service from Apple, and want to move some of your files and pictures to Microsoft OneDrive, it is possible to do so. You can even sync them from your iCloud Drive or iCloud Photos online directory to local folders on your Windows 10 PC. However, user reports indicate a syncing error code 0x8007017B when they transfer files and images from iCloud Drive in their Windows 10 computer.

The complete error message says:

“An unexpected error is keeping you from moving or copying this file or folder. If you continue to receive this error, you can use the error code to search for help with this problem.
Error 0x8007017B: The operation is not supported by the cloud sync provider.”


Fortunately, there are ways to resolve the issue if iCloud Drive is not loading or working on Windows 10 and make your file transfer successful and easy. You can continue reading below to find out how to do it.

Fixing iCloud Drive or Photos Not Syncing with Error Code 0x8007017B on Windows 10 PC

According to some users, the error message 0x8007017B on iCloud happens when the iCloud Drive or iCloud Photos server is down. It is true that when the server has some issues, it will affect your activities as well. While it may be annoying to wait for Apple to resolve the problem, there is nothing you can do but try again after several minutes or hours.


Credit: Apple

Method #1 – End Task your iCloud Drive

It is sometimes not enough to just exit an app and assume it is not running in the background. With apps like iCloud Drive or iCloud Photos, they are always running in the background to keeps your files synchronized. So, to be sure that any system task or process related to iCloud Drive has been fully stopped, you need to end the task manually using the Task Manager on Windows 10.

  • Launch the Task Manager on your Windows 10 PC.
  • Go to the Processes tab.
  • Look for iCloud.
  • Right-click on it.
  • Select End Task.
  • You may want to do the same thing to other entries with iCloud on it.
  • After ending the task, relaunch iCloud.

Method #2 – Check if your iCloud Drive is Enabled

Make sure that your iCloud Drive status is set to Enable for it to sync and work properly.

  • Launch iCloud on your Windows 10 PC.
  • On the Settings page, look for iCloud and make sure it has a check on its box. Otherwise, check the box to enable it.
  • Click Apply.
  • Click OK.

Method #3 – Try Sending Less than 1000 Photos


Credit: Apple

Are you trying to sync or move all your photos to iCloud Drive or iCloud Photos directory in one go? If you do, you may be sending and moving more than 1,000 photos at a time. The iCloud error message 0x8007017B happens when you sync and send many files at one time to the iCloud server.

Method #4 – Copy and Paste the Photos

Dragging your photos from iCloud to OneDrive or local folder on Windows 10 does not always work. What you need to do is highlight and copy your images on your iCloud. Then, paste it manually to your OneDrive or Windows 10 local drive.

Another way is to copy them on a USB drive. Then, paste your files from your USB flash drive to your OneDrive or local drive.

Method #5 – Update your iCloud Drive App


Screenshot: Windows Dispatch
  • Launch Microsoft Store on your Windows 10 PC.
  • In the upper right corner, click the Menu button.
  • Select Download and Updates.
  • Look for iCloud and install available updates.

Do you have other solutions that may work in fixing the iCloud Drive syncing error code 0x8007017B? You can share your personal workarounds below to help other users get rid of this cloud storage file transfer issue.

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I have suddenly started getting this error when I try to move photos from my Icloud directory on windows 10 laptop. The set up has not changed recently, they are in icloud photos> photos directory, which is where they have been for years… Can anyone help with this?


Posted on Sep 6, 2020 1:13 AM

2 replies

Question marked as


Oct 1, 2020 1:10 PM in response to 6phon

I too had this problem when trying to drag the photos across to my Onedrive from iCloud photos, I don’t want to appear to be a smart arse, but, being a novice in these matters, after having read the other posts here , I thought I’d give my own method a try.

It’s so obvious that I thought that it wouldn’t work, as it’s so easy.

I popped a USB stick into a USB3 port, dragged and dropped the selection of files onto the stick, then dragged and dropped them from the USB stick into my Onedrive folder.

Hey presto, job done, hope this helps you 6phon and everyone else that has the issue.

Question marked as


Oct 2, 2020 1:14 AM in response to ashleythenovice


Thanks for your post

After spending a lot of time with Apple support I was eventually told that it was never meant to be possible to move files out of the icloud directory on a PC as it would cause syncing problem. You can copy them but not move them — although I used to do this all the time until very recently.

28 replies

Sep 7, 2020 6:57 AM in response to 6phon

Hi 6phon,

We understand that you’re currently unable to move your image files from iCloud to your PC, and we’ll get you pointed in the right direction for help. The error you’re seeing appears to be from the Windows operating system. To ensure a resolution is found, we encourage you to contact Microsoft Support here:

Microsoft Support

Please let us know if you have any other questions or concerns.

Best regards!

Sep 7, 2020 10:27 AM in response to ryane77

Strange that I don’t get it in any other directories…?

I have also found that I actually have two directories for icloud — one is in my documents areas and has subdirectories. I renamed this but any photos still get copied to it as well as to the other icloud directory — does this shed any light on the problem?

Question marked as


Oct 1, 2020 1:10 PM in response to 6phon

I too had this problem when trying to drag the photos across to my Onedrive from iCloud photos, I don’t want to appear to be a smart arse, but, being a novice in these matters, after having read the other posts here , I thought I’d give my own method a try.

It’s so obvious that I thought that it wouldn’t work, as it’s so easy.

I popped a USB stick into a USB3 port, dragged and dropped the selection of files onto the stick, then dragged and dropped them from the USB stick into my Onedrive folder.

Hey presto, job done, hope this helps you 6phon and everyone else that has the issue.

Question marked as


Oct 2, 2020 1:14 AM in response to ashleythenovice


Thanks for your post

After spending a lot of time with Apple support I was eventually told that it was never meant to be possible to move files out of the icloud directory on a PC as it would cause syncing problem. You can copy them but not move them — although I used to do this all the time until very recently.

Oct 4, 2020 3:07 PM in response to 6phon

I would swear that I was always able to move from iCloud drive to my PC or to my Dropbox, but then I got this error code. The comment above was very helpful. Just Ctrl+C and then Ctrl+V in whatever place you want and it’s done.

Oct 11, 2020 12:20 PM in response to MarkAP57

Muchas gracias! Al fin pude copiar mis datos a mi laptop.


Oct 15, 2020 7:42 AM in response to ashleythenovice

YES! Thank you, thank you, thank you!! This saved my sanity and my photos/videos.

Oct 28, 2020 6:14 AM in response to ashleythenovice

I’ve tried to do that, but it just won’t work. It just sticks on 0% complete! Is your method still working on your PC? I’ve been moving photos from my iCloud files for a long time, so it’s frustrating that it no longer works! Thanks.

Nov 7, 2020 9:57 AM in response to MarkAP57

Of all the things i tried this worked. Thanks!

Nov 19, 2020 6:25 AM in response to banana888

Moving photos from icloud to files on my PC has NEVER been a problem. Until now. Synchronisation doesn’t seem to be working, so the only solution I have found is to copy and paste the photos I want — which is a lengthy business, 10 minutes to copy 30 pics. I don’t believe Apple when they say it has never been possible. Absolute nonsense. I am very disappointed, they are almost as bad as Microsoft in their disregard for their run-of-the-mill customers like me.

Nov 19, 2020 7:30 AM in response to Dismummy

I agree entirely. Like you, I have never had a problem in moving photos to the files I want. A retrograde step by Apple.

Nov 30, 2020 10:00 AM in response to MarkAP57

I totally agree with your findings! I also tried Apple help line and they denied any changes! I will use the above method until something develops easier. Copy and paste works.

Jan 2, 2021 10:51 PM in response to 6phon

Well, Because of the way the new iCloud app (V.11+) downloaded through the Windows store works, a standard delete doesn’t work. It’s a Virtual network drive and because an iCloud engineer didn’t follow proper Microsoft protocol for programming a network-style mount.

For example: When you delete a file on a network drive it does not get moved to the «Recycle Bin». It prompts you that the file will be permanently deleted because Window’s knows it’s a network drive.

Apple’s engineers didn’t implement the standard coding to tell Windows that the folder is a Network style folder and to prompt when deleting. So you get an error when following Apple’s own directions on their page here:


So if you want to Delete your files from your «iCloud Photos» folder you have to do one of the following:

  1. Do a move using the drag and drop the files to a new location with the shift key
  2. Do a move with ctrl+x > cttrl+v to a new location
  3. Do a Shift-Delete on the selected files.
  4. Do a move to the Recycle Bin while holding the «Shift» key which will show DELETE rather than move when the location is the recycle bin.

Hope this helps everyone!

[Edited by Moderator]

Jan 9, 2021 12:08 PM in response to 4girl1der


I’ve also tried your above approach and this dose not work, windows 10 still throws the same 0x8007017B error code. seems Apple don’t want people to have the flexibility they require when dealing with ones media!! Apples media organisation system is horrendous, I’m sick and tired of having multiple images/videos all over the place, in the cloud, on my phone and on my pc!!

The only way I have found to have MY pictures/videos on my pc is to download from the cloud using icloud.com. I select the relevant pictures/videos I require to be downloaded. these are then downloaded as zip file. I un-zip the file to my required directory on my pc and there I have it, my data. to delete the downloaded files I then have to go to icloud.com and delete the downloaded pictures/videos from there! what a bloody ball ache!!! whilst I’ve deleted them from the iCloud, they are then removed from the iCloud folder on my pc, but! they DO NOT get removed from my iPhone!! wtf!!

oh, and to upload 80 files takes 15 hours, wtf is that about.. come on Apple, your taking billions from people, sort it out…

Jan 13, 2021 11:24 AM in response to 6phon

Ich kann nicht meine iCloud Bilder auf meinen och herunterladen.

error 0x8007017B

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