Ошибка 0xc19a0035 hp 3525

Как устранить ошибку 0xc19a0035 «проблема с СНПЧ или принтером»:Ошибка обычно появляется под кодом в 0xc19a0035 принтерах HP с отдельной печатаюшей головкой. В этой статье мы расскажем, с чем она связана и как ее устранить.

обычно появляется под кодом в 0xc19a0035
принтерах HP с отдельной печатаюшей
головкой. Они появились на рынке в
последнее время, используют четыре
картриджа и отдельную ПГ, которая служит
для печати как цветными, так и черными

этих принтеров заключается в том, что
можно изменить струйный картридж тогда,
когда он поврежден. Если картриджи
других цветов работают должным образом,
их не нужно будет заменять. Недостатком
этих принтеров является именно данная
печатающая головка.

отрицательной характеристикой этого
типа принтера является цена расходных
материалов. Хотя цена одного картриджа
уменьшается, при покупке четырех
картриджей за раз чувствуется разница
по сравнению с тем, когда вы покупали
только два картриджа.

больше деталей в принтере, тем больше
проблем с ними. Принтер зависит от
нескольких основных деталей, которые
могут выйти из строя, как например,
происходит при ошибке 0xc19a0035, когда в
СНПЧ происходят неполадки. (Состоит из
2 картриджей, сопел и разъемов картриджей)

решить эту ошибку в принтерах HP

перезагрузите принтер по крайней мере
два или три раза. Если проблема не
устранена, следуйте инструкциям ниже.

  • Откройте
    крышку доступа к картриджам. (Под стеклом
  • Подождите,
    пока картриджи установятся в положение
    для замены.
  • Выньте
    картриджи из каретки.
  • Картриджи
    оснащены схемами в их нижней части,
    похожие на чип. Почистите их небольшим
    кусочком влажной салфетки или мягкой
    ткани. Вы можете также использовать
    спирт и вату для получения лучшего
  • Тщательно
    проверьте, что вся поверхность картриджа
    почищена перед тем, как разместить их
    обратно в каретку.

ошибка не устранена, придется заменить
печатающую головку.

заменой печатающей головки рекомендуется
связаться со службой поддержки HP. Вполне
возможно, что продукт находится на
гарантии и вам предоставят новую ПГ.

принтера (возможное решение неполадки)
для ошибки 0xc19a0035

  • Отключите
    кабель электричества от принтера.
  • Подождите
    около 20 секунд, а затем нажмите кнопку
    ( # ) и (3) на панели принтера (если это МФУ)
  • Продолжайте
    удерживать кнопки ( # ) и (3 ), подключите
    принтер к сети.
  • Отпустите
    кнопки, когда принтер загрузится
  • Вам
    придется выполнить некоторые настройки,
    как это происходит при покупке нового

эти действия оказались безрезультатными,
свяжитесь со службой поддержки принтера,
чтобы проверить, находится ли он в
гарантийном периоде.

выше методы помогут устранить следующие
ошибки, связанные с СНПЧ:

/ B3000008 / B8000094 / B8000170 / B3FFxxxx / C05Dxxxx / C2FExxxx /
0xc05d1281 / 0xc18a0001 / 0xc18a0201 / 0xc19ac3ff / 0X61011BED /
0XC19A003F / B06998FC / 0xC05dxx / 0xC18Axxx / 00729Cxx / 00729C98 /
0x610000f6 / 0x61011beb / 0x61011bec

часто случается в принтерах со струйными
картриджами: 564, 664 , 178, 862 , 920, 950, 951.


Welcome to HP Forums, this is a great place to get support, find answers and tips, Thank you for posting your query, I’ll be more than glad to help you out :slightly_smiling_face:

To fix this issue, try printer reset:
Turn on the printer.
Wait until the printer is idle and silent before you continue.
Disconnect the USB cable from the rear of the printer. If your printer has a network or wireless connection, leave it connected.
Remove the ink cartridges from the printer.
With the printer turned on, disconnect the power cord from the rear of the printer and from the wall outlet or power strip.
Wait at least 60 seconds.
Plug the power cord back into the wall outlet.
   NOTE: HP recommends connecting the printer power cord directly to a wall outlet.
 Reconnect the power cord to the rear of the printer.
Turn on the printer, if it does not automatically turn on.
The printer might go through a warm-up period. The printer lights might flash, and the carriage might move.
Wait until the warm-up period finishes and your printer is idle and silent before you proceed.
Reinsert the ink cartridges, and then close the ink cartridge access door.
If you receive a prompt to print a calibration page, do so.
If you disconnected the USB cable, reconnect it to the rear of the printer and try to print.

If you have already tried those steps and issue persists, I’m going to send you a private message with the information required to get this issue sorted. The only reason why we are utilizing the instructions over the private message as these instructions are specific to your printer model. 

Please check your Private message icon on the upper right corner of your HP Forums profile.

Next, to your profile Name, you should see a little blue envelope, please click on it.

Please click “Accept as Solution” if you feel my post solved your issue, it will help others find the solution.

Click the “Kudos, Thumbs Up» on the bottom right to say “Thanks” for helping!

I am an HP Employee

Как устранить ошибку 0xc19a0035 «проблема с СНПЧ или принтером»:Ошибка обычно появляется под кодом в 0xc19a0035 принтерах HP с отдельной печатаюшей головкой. В этой статье мы расскажем, с чем она связана и как ее устранить.

обычно появляется под кодом в 0xc19a0035
принтерах HP с отдельной печатаюшей
головкой. Они появились на рынке в
последнее время, используют четыре
картриджа и отдельную ПГ, которая служит
для печати как цветными, так и черными

этих принтеров заключается в том, что
можно изменить струйный картридж тогда,
когда он поврежден. Если картриджи
других цветов работают должным образом,
их не нужно будет заменять. Недостатком
этих принтеров является именно данная
печатающая головка.

отрицательной характеристикой этого
типа принтера является цена расходных
материалов. Хотя цена одного картриджа
уменьшается, при покупке четырех
картриджей за раз чувствуется разница
по сравнению с тем, когда вы покупали
только два картриджа.

больше деталей в принтере, тем больше
проблем с ними. Принтер зависит от
нескольких основных деталей, которые
могут выйти из строя, как например,
происходит при ошибке 0xc19a0035, когда в
СНПЧ происходят неполадки. (Состоит из
2 картриджей, сопел и разъемов картриджей)

решить эту ошибку в принтерах HP

перезагрузите принтер по крайней мере
два или три раза. Если проблема не
устранена, следуйте инструкциям ниже.

  • Откройте
    крышку доступа к картриджам. (Под стеклом
  • Подождите,
    пока картриджи установятся в положение
    для замены.
  • Выньте
    картриджи из каретки.
  • Картриджи
    оснащены схемами в их нижней части,
    похожие на чип. Почистите их небольшим
    кусочком влажной салфетки или мягкой
    ткани. Вы можете также использовать
    спирт и вату для получения лучшего
  • Тщательно
    проверьте, что вся поверхность картриджа
    почищена перед тем, как разместить их
    обратно в каретку.

ошибка не устранена, придется заменить
печатающую головку.

заменой печатающей головки рекомендуется
связаться со службой поддержки HP. Вполне
возможно, что продукт находится на
гарантии и вам предоставят новую ПГ.

принтера (возможное решение неполадки)
для ошибки 0xc19a0035

  • Отключите
    кабель электричества от принтера.
  • Подождите
    около 20 секунд, а затем нажмите кнопку
    ( # ) и (3) на панели принтера (если это МФУ)
  • Продолжайте
    удерживать кнопки ( # ) и (3 ), подключите
    принтер к сети.
  • Отпустите
    кнопки, когда принтер загрузится
  • Вам
    придется выполнить некоторые настройки,
    как это происходит при покупке нового

эти действия оказались безрезультатными,
свяжитесь со службой поддержки принтера,
чтобы проверить, находится ли он в
гарантийном периоде.

выше методы помогут устранить следующие
ошибки, связанные с СНПЧ:

/ B3000008 / B8000094 / B8000170 / B3FFxxxx / C05Dxxxx / C2FExxxx /
0xc05d1281 / 0xc18a0001 / 0xc18a0201 / 0xc19ac3ff / 0X61011BED /
0XC19A003F / B06998FC / 0xC05dxx / 0xC18Axxx / 00729Cxx / 00729C98 /
0x610000f6 / 0x61011beb / 0x61011bec

часто случается в принтерах со струйными
картриджами: 564, 664 , 178, 862 , 920, 950, 951.

Модераторы: KOT, Женька 116

Прилепить пост

Изменить размер шрифта ↓ВернутьИзменить размер шрифта ↑Принесли МФУ с ошибкой «Сбой системы чернил 0xc19a0035», по гуглил ошибку нашел вот такое описание ошибки:

4rom писал(а):Девятый ответ в Гугле.
«…0xc19a — Аппаратные ошибки

0xc19a0002 — ошибка отсутствия печатающей головы или шлейфа к ней (или что-то в башке сильно сломалось)
0xc19a0003 — серьезная ошибка головки (у меня контакты шлейфа были в грязи)
0xc19a0020 — в головке вода вместо чернил… конкретно это залит светодатчик конца бумаги справа в башке снизу (это я промывал) — промыть и просушить
0xc19a0028 — в головке вода вместо чернил… конкретно это залит светодатчик конца бумаги справа в башке снизу (это я промывал) — промыть и просушить
0xc19a0035 — в головке вода вместо чернил… конкретно это залит светодатчик конца бумаги справа в башке снизу (это я промывал) — промыть и просушить

Я думаю, поможет.. На самом деле — это очень умные аппараты. Конкретно показывают ошибку. Главное — расшифровать ее..

ПГ промыл просушил толку нет, где там этот датчик я так и не нашел справа в башке снизу, может есть другое решение?

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03:01 AM

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I own a photosmart C7280 and i get an error message «ink system failure» error code 0xc19a0035.

I tried the solution suggested by HP support but the problem is still there.








Level 14


09:29 AM

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The 0xc19a error message can’t be fixed by user, C7280 needs to be serviced!

Please mark the post that solves your issue as «Accept as Solution».
I am a volunteer and do not work for HP.

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Level 14


09:29 AM

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The 0xc19a error message can’t be fixed by user, C7280 needs to be serviced!

Please mark the post that solves your issue as «Accept as Solution».
I am a volunteer and do not work for HP.

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07:20 PM

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Hello ,

I keep getting this maessage. Ink system has failed. unable to print. Error 0xc19a0035.Please assist me withsolving this problem

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07:33 AM

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Your printer needs to be serviced!

Please mark the post that solves your issue as «Accept as Solution».
I am a volunteer and do not work for HP.

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11:53 AM

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All I did was replace the six ink cartridgesin my printer (HP Photosmart C6100 All-in-One Series)  and I keep getting this error message.  I don’t know what I am doing wrong.  It was printing just fine before I replaced the ink.

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12:03 PM

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11:35 AM


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Nancyann121, try resetting the C6100 using the procedure shown here.

Please mark the post that solves your issue as «Accept as Solution».
I am a volunteer and do not work for HP.

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01:02 PM

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Thank-you for answering, but that suggestion did not work.  Is there anything else I could try?  The message to insert the ink cartridges didn’t even appear. 

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01:16 PM

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Try another reset, turn the printer off then hold # and 6 keys while turning it back on.

Please mark the post that solves your issue as «Accept as Solution».
I am a volunteer and do not work for HP.

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09:06 PM

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I did the same thing and get this error code. What did you end up doing ?

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09:09 PM

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I just left a message and have had this same code. I have turned off the printer BUT it stayed off for a split second and then went back on. I don’t believe the rinter or my computer recognized the printer was turned off. I would pull the plug but the printer says this will damage the printer. What do I do ?

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03:01 AM

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I own a photosmart C7280 and i get an error message «ink system failure» error code 0xc19a0035.

I tried the solution suggested by HP support but the problem is still there.








Level 14


09:29 AM

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The 0xc19a error message can’t be fixed by user, C7280 needs to be serviced!

Please mark the post that solves your issue as «Accept as Solution».
I am a volunteer and do not work for HP.

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Level 14


09:29 AM

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The 0xc19a error message can’t be fixed by user, C7280 needs to be serviced!

Please mark the post that solves your issue as «Accept as Solution».
I am a volunteer and do not work for HP.

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07:20 PM

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Hello ,

I keep getting this maessage. Ink system has failed. unable to print. Error 0xc19a0035.Please assist me withsolving this problem

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Level 14


07:33 AM

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Your printer needs to be serviced!

Please mark the post that solves your issue as «Accept as Solution».
I am a volunteer and do not work for HP.

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11:53 AM

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All I did was replace the six ink cartridgesin my printer (HP Photosmart C6100 All-in-One Series)  and I keep getting this error message.  I don’t know what I am doing wrong.  It was printing just fine before I replaced the ink.

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Level 14


12:03 PM

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11:35 AM


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Nancyann121, try resetting the C6100 using the procedure shown here.

Please mark the post that solves your issue as «Accept as Solution».
I am a volunteer and do not work for HP.

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01:02 PM

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Thank-you for answering, but that suggestion did not work.  Is there anything else I could try?  The message to insert the ink cartridges didn’t even appear. 

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Level 14


01:16 PM

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Try another reset, turn the printer off then hold # and 6 keys while turning it back on.

Please mark the post that solves your issue as «Accept as Solution».
I am a volunteer and do not work for HP.

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09:06 PM

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I did the same thing and get this error code. What did you end up doing ?

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09:09 PM

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I just left a message and have had this same code. I have turned off the printer BUT it stayed off for a split second and then went back on. I don’t believe the rinter or my computer recognized the printer was turned off. I would pull the plug but the printer says this will damage the printer. What do I do ?

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The brand HP is a standout amongst the most exceptional brands that certainly work in the ideal way. HP printers are likewise generally utilized as a part of each segment for a few purposes. With the improved highlights, properties and services it has in reality turned out to be a standout amongst the most generally got to printers till date.
Plus, HP lacks its quality when a mistake code happens; henceforth concise information ought to be there among clients to run over the support code instantly with no worry or issue. Among a few mistake codes coming up in HP printers, clients may confront certain support codes like 0xc19a0035. We should investigate how to determine this support code totally. 
1. At first turn off the printer and turn it on again.
2. Now repeat it two or three time.
1. Open the part that gives access to the cartridges.
2. Remove ink cartridge head.
3. Now check ink cartridge have connectors on the lower part    of chip or not.
4. If it’s there, you should clean it will damp napkin.
5. You can also use isopropyl alcohol swabs for more finesse.
   Now double check to clean before placing cartridge.
6. If the error comes up again, you might need to replace your   printer.
1. Unplug the power cord electricity.
2. Wait for 20 seconds.
3. Press the button # and 3 in the front panel.
4. Now continue pressing # and 3
5. Connect the power cord electricity again.
6. Now release the button when you turn the printer.
   It’s done!
If you still face technical problem and 0xc19a0035 Error Code in HP printer, then you can connect with us. All the hindrances and issues are completely eradicated by our professional team in less time period.
If you continue to face technical complexity and error code, then you can connect with our expertise team. If you have any problem or concern dial HP Printer Support number 1-844-298-5888 for help.
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Original source: http://www.apsense.com/article/fix-hp-printer-error-code-0xc19a0035.html


Welcome to HP Forums, this is a great place to get support, find answers and tips, Thank you for posting your query, I’ll be more than glad to help you out :slightly_smiling_face:

To fix this issue, try printer reset:
Turn on the printer.
Wait until the printer is idle and silent before you continue.
Disconnect the USB cable from the rear of the printer. If your printer has a network or wireless connection, leave it connected.
Remove the ink cartridges from the printer.
With the printer turned on, disconnect the power cord from the rear of the printer and from the wall outlet or power strip.
Wait at least 60 seconds.
Plug the power cord back into the wall outlet.
   NOTE: HP recommends connecting the printer power cord directly to a wall outlet.
 Reconnect the power cord to the rear of the printer.
Turn on the printer, if it does not automatically turn on.
The printer might go through a warm-up period. The printer lights might flash, and the carriage might move.
Wait until the warm-up period finishes and your printer is idle and silent before you proceed.
Reinsert the ink cartridges, and then close the ink cartridge access door.
If you receive a prompt to print a calibration page, do so.
If you disconnected the USB cable, reconnect it to the rear of the printer and try to print.

If you have already tried those steps and issue persists, I’m going to send you a private message with the information required to get this issue sorted. The only reason why we are utilizing the instructions over the private message as these instructions are specific to your printer model. 

Please check your Private message icon on the upper right corner of your HP Forums profile.

Next, to your profile Name, you should see a little blue envelope, please click on it.

Please click “Accept as Solution” if you feel my post solved your issue, it will help others find the solution.

Click the “Kudos, Thumbs Up» on the bottom right to say “Thanks” for helping!

I am an HP Employee

You are here: Home / Everything / Personal / HP Photosmart Ink System Failure – Error: 0xc19a0035

There you have it: The death of an HP PhotoSmart printer

Yesterday I discussed HP’s expiring photosmart ink cartridges and advised pressing “OK” to keep using them anyway. Today we talk about what happens when the ink system really does fail.

Ink System Failure; Error: 0xc19a0035

As I demonstrated yesterday, some (but not all) of HP’s inkjet cartridges have a pre-programmed expiration date. Though no one from HP could explain exactly what was expiring and why some of their other inks don’t expire, their online documents suggest dire consequences from dried-up ink. Presumably, one of those consequences is “ink system failure”, and that’s just what happened to my PhotoSmart C6180 recently.

I have no idea if my use of expired inks was responsible for this error, but it seems likely. Regardless, the message popped up and the printer refused to print any longer.

Following some hard-to-locate directions, I was able to reset the printer by holding down the “#” and “6” keys during a power-on. The printer then came back to life and appeared to be printing just fine. Just to be sure, I printed out a test page and performed a head-cleaning operation.

Death of a Printer

About a week later, my PhotoSmart began acting up again. It started rebooting constantly, not even making it all the way through the power-up cycle before a harsh “click” and another restart.

Again, I followed the online suggestions: Plug the printer directly into the wall rather than a power strip or UPS; try a different outlet; perform a “#6” reset. Nothing helped. The scanner head was mobile, so that wasn’t the issue.

It appeared to me that the power supply had failed, actually. But HP uses a brick with an odd 3-pin Molex connector so there was no way to test or replace it. And a replacement brick would be expensive, so I began shopping for a new printer – witness my “HP AirPrint-Compatible” article series!

What Do You Do With a Broken Printer?

New printers are severely marked down below already-cheap prices, so an old printer has little value and a broken one is junk. Repair and resale is not an option.

Happily, HP offers a recycling program called “Trade-in and Save“, where they will handle the recycling of your old printer and give you a credit towards a new one. The easiest way to use this program is to take your old printer to a bricks-and-mortar Staples store. They handle the recycling and shipping and will give you instant credit rather than a mailed rebate.

When recycling your printer, don’t forget to remove and recycle the ink cartridges! My old Photosmart C6180 had six cartridges worth $2 each at Staples. I also returned some spare unused ink cartridges I had purchased. All together, this reduced the cost of my new HP Photosmart C410a Premium Fax by almost $100!

Stephen’s Stance

I have no idea at all if my use of expired inks led to the “ink system failure” message, or if the “reboot cycle of death” was a result of either. But my 4.5-year old PhotoSmart printer expired.

Was this a case of planned obsolescence? I don’t think so. HP would be in serious trouble if they intentionally caused printers to fail based on calendar date or the use of expired inks, as some of my friends suggested. “Never assume malice“, I always say.

I was actually pretty happy with the performance of the printer over the years. Enough so that I decided to buy another HP PhotoSmart rather than switch to Epson, Canon, Lexmark, or someone else. I used the all-in-one quite a lot, actually, for scanning, faxing, photo printing, and standard printing and feel I got my money’s worth out of it.

I still believe it’s logical to press “ok” and continue using expired inks even if an ink system failure can result. The low cost and short warranty of the printer and high cost of replacement ink makes any other course a foolish one.

Модераторы: KOT, Женька 116

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Изменить размер шрифта ↓ВернутьИзменить размер шрифта ↑Принесли МФУ с ошибкой «Сбой системы чернил 0xc19a0035», по гуглил ошибку нашел вот такое описание ошибки:

4rom писал(а):Девятый ответ в Гугле.
«…0xc19a — Аппаратные ошибки

0xc19a0002 — ошибка отсутствия печатающей головы или шлейфа к ней (или что-то в башке сильно сломалось)
0xc19a0003 — серьезная ошибка головки (у меня контакты шлейфа были в грязи)
0xc19a0020 — в головке вода вместо чернил… конкретно это залит светодатчик конца бумаги справа в башке снизу (это я промывал) — промыть и просушить
0xc19a0028 — в головке вода вместо чернил… конкретно это залит светодатчик конца бумаги справа в башке снизу (это я промывал) — промыть и просушить
0xc19a0035 — в головке вода вместо чернил… конкретно это залит светодатчик конца бумаги справа в башке снизу (это я промывал) — промыть и просушить

Я думаю, поможет.. На самом деле — это очень умные аппараты. Конкретно показывают ошибку. Главное — расшифровать ее..

ПГ промыл просушил толку нет, где там этот датчик я так и не нашел справа в башке снизу, может есть другое решение?

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You are here: Home / Everything / Personal / HP Photosmart Ink System Failure – Error: 0xc19a0035

There you have it: The death of an HP PhotoSmart printer

Yesterday I discussed HP’s expiring photosmart ink cartridges and advised pressing “OK” to keep using them anyway. Today we talk about what happens when the ink system really does fail.

Ink System Failure; Error: 0xc19a0035

As I demonstrated yesterday, some (but not all) of HP’s inkjet cartridges have a pre-programmed expiration date. Though no one from HP could explain exactly what was expiring and why some of their other inks don’t expire, their online documents suggest dire consequences from dried-up ink. Presumably, one of those consequences is “ink system failure”, and that’s just what happened to my PhotoSmart C6180 recently.

I have no idea if my use of expired inks was responsible for this error, but it seems likely. Regardless, the message popped up and the printer refused to print any longer.

Following some hard-to-locate directions, I was able to reset the printer by holding down the “#” and “6” keys during a power-on. The printer then came back to life and appeared to be printing just fine. Just to be sure, I printed out a test page and performed a head-cleaning operation.

Death of a Printer

About a week later, my PhotoSmart began acting up again. It started rebooting constantly, not even making it all the way through the power-up cycle before a harsh “click” and another restart.

Again, I followed the online suggestions: Plug the printer directly into the wall rather than a power strip or UPS; try a different outlet; perform a “#6” reset. Nothing helped. The scanner head was mobile, so that wasn’t the issue.

It appeared to me that the power supply had failed, actually. But HP uses a brick with an odd 3-pin Molex connector so there was no way to test or replace it. And a replacement brick would be expensive, so I began shopping for a new printer – witness my “HP AirPrint-Compatible” article series!

What Do You Do With a Broken Printer?

New printers are severely marked down below already-cheap prices, so an old printer has little value and a broken one is junk. Repair and resale is not an option.

Happily, HP offers a recycling program called “Trade-in and Save“, where they will handle the recycling of your old printer and give you a credit towards a new one. The easiest way to use this program is to take your old printer to a bricks-and-mortar Staples store. They handle the recycling and shipping and will give you instant credit rather than a mailed rebate.

When recycling your printer, don’t forget to remove and recycle the ink cartridges! My old Photosmart C6180 had six cartridges worth $2 each at Staples. I also returned some spare unused ink cartridges I had purchased. All together, this reduced the cost of my new HP Photosmart C410a Premium Fax by almost $100!

Stephen’s Stance

I have no idea at all if my use of expired inks led to the “ink system failure” message, or if the “reboot cycle of death” was a result of either. But my 4.5-year old PhotoSmart printer expired.

Was this a case of planned obsolescence? I don’t think so. HP would be in serious trouble if they intentionally caused printers to fail based on calendar date or the use of expired inks, as some of my friends suggested. “Never assume malice“, I always say.

I was actually pretty happy with the performance of the printer over the years. Enough so that I decided to buy another HP PhotoSmart rather than switch to Epson, Canon, Lexmark, or someone else. I used the all-in-one quite a lot, actually, for scanning, faxing, photo printing, and standard printing and feel I got my money’s worth out of it.

I still believe it’s logical to press “ok” and continue using expired inks even if an ink system failure can result. The low cost and short warranty of the printer and high cost of replacement ink makes any other course a foolish one.

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