Ошибка 103102 bmw

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  1. через комп (у любого ОД). в Вашем случае или проблема программная, или клапан бракованный

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  2. всем привет, сегодня и меня постигла участь ошибки привода…
    диагностика показала «пропуск воспламенения 4 цилиндра»…приговорили катушку зажигания 4 цилиндра..машинка на сервисе до вечера.

  3. Не забудьте свечи глянуть сразу)

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  4. Свечи менял пару недель назад =,(

  5. Наталья116er2012

    11 май 2017

    Очень прошу совета и помощи!!!!

    Появилась ошибка переднего привода. Диагностика Ошибка ванос впускной и выпускной, заедание выпускного распредвала.
    Цены на детали космос.
    Прошу вас помочь, как можно удешевить детали. С учетом предыдущих сообщений. Vin могу написать.

    И еще порадовали тем, что ванос меняется вместе с 2 электромагнитными клапанами (( Предложили начать с клапанов.

  6. Иногда эта ошибка вылезает при фактическом обрыве провода.
    Электромагнитный клапан менял уже 2 раза, с интервалом в полтора года..

  7. Вы все путаете)
    1. Это бмв, там нет переднего привода :))
    2. Заедание не выпускного распредвала, а наверное клапана Vanos на выпускном распредвале

    Скорее всего вам просто нужно заменить этот самый клапан, номера которого уже 100500 раз тут перечислены, но лучше выложите фото листа диагностики сюда, чтобы ничего не напутать

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  8. Наталья116er2012

    11 май 2017

    Клапан меняла, ошибка не ушла.
    Ошибка 130304 Vanos, выпуск: ошибка регулировки, заедает распределительный вал.

  9. Iriska1991

    26 апр 2017
    Челябинская обл.

    Вы поменяли клапан? Оригинал или Пежовский поставили?

  10. Iriska1991

    26 апр 2017
    Челябинская обл.

    Ошибка так и не появилась?
    У меня f20 объём 1,6. Подойдёт от пыжика?

  11. Всем привет, ошибка 130304 «заедает распределительный вал» у кого была именно такая? Выше пишут что клапан ваноса не поможет заменой, и нужно менять шестерню ваноса, к чему готовится?


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  12. Andrea_H

    19 июн 2016

    Расскажи решил ли проблему?
    У меня горит 130104, то же что и у тебя было, только по впуску

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  14. GreatVV

    31 авг 2012

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  15. Paulig

    15 янв 2018

    У Денис рем на канале при осмотре х5 f 15 вроде как была такаеже ошибка. Оказалось патрубок дырявый был.

  16. Она у меня выскакивала при каждом заведении двигателя, а сегодня ни разу….интерееееесно :shock:

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  17. Andrea_H

    19 июн 2016

    Поменяй местами клапана ваноса (впуск-выпуск) и ещё раз рейнгольдом проскань для начала

  18. Andrea_H

    19 июн 2016

    Можешь то же самое проделать с дпрв

  19. Andrea_H

    19 июн 2016

    Заменил весь ГРМ (кроме валов, клапанов…)
    Оба узла ванос, нижнюю звезду, цепь, клапана ванос и так по мелочи…)
    Больше ничего не вылазит)))

  20. Andrea_H

    19 июн 2016

  21. Artistia

    16 июн 2018

    Уже попилили медленно до Севастополя, надеюсь ехать на ней аккуратно можно, завтра тут у всех выходной, ждем понедельника, а самим можно проверить или девушкам это неподвластно?

  22. Andrea_H

    19 июн 2016

    Ну если с инструментом дружишь и гайки с болтами крутить умеешь, то можешь и сама

  23. Andrea_H

    19 июн 2016

    У кого-то тачка довольно быстро вставала
    Я откатал под 45-50к

  24. Andrea_H

    19 июн 2016

    Ищи норм сервис, чтоб на пол мотора не развели

  25. Andrea_H

    19 июн 2016

    Клапана ванос меняйте местами
    Читайте ошибки
    Если с выпуска на впуск перейдёт, меняешь неисправный клапан

  26. Artistia

    16 июн 2018

    Ну суть я вроде поняла) и как я поняла можно идентичный от ситрика ставить, производитель delfi вроде как?
    Цена замены этой фигни какая?

  27. Andrea_H

    19 июн 2016

    В Севастополе без понятия

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Фото в бортжурнале BMW 5 series (F10)

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После обновления, ошибка по которой создавал до этого две темы
так и осталась. StillShady предположил, что всё таки проблема с Vanos выпуск и надо лезть под клапанную крышку, что и было сделано. Отогнал всё тем же ребятам из bmw-e.ru, они разобрали и причина была очевидна, StillShady был прав, выкрутился болт и сорвало шляпку, эта шляпка и создавала постукивания. По мимо этого была выработка на пастели выпускного распредвала, когда трясли вал болтался очень сильно.
В итоге чтобы больше туда не лазить было куплено:
— Цепь SWAG 99130338 идёт в оригинале, значок BMW затёрт;
— МСК Прав 11340034068;
— МСК Лев 11340035853;
— Прокладка клапанной крышки 11127582245;
— Прокладка вальватроника 11127552280;
— Болт крепления Vanos 11367524954 — 2шт;
— Уплотнительное кольцо распредвала 11317587757 — 4 шт;
— Подшипник игольчатый 11377615379 — 6 шт;
Нашёл Vanos пара б/у, пробег 15000 км, нового образца выглядят реально как новые.
VANOS выпуск 11367583208
VANOS впуск 11367583207
Б/у пастель распредвала выпуск, снята с японца с пробегом 56000 км., так же состояние близкое к идеальному, нет выработки от колечек и вал лежит плотно, без люфта — 11127531224.
2 дня машина простояла у ребят, пока я закупал запчасти и вот сегодня я её забрал. Наконец-то ушли эти страшные звуки при запуске на холодную, ошибка больше не появляется и машина поехала так как надо!

Фото в бортжурнале BMW 5 series (F10)

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Фото в бортжурнале BMW 5 series (F10)

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Фото в бортжурнале BMW 5 series (F10)

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Фото в бортжурнале BMW 5 series (F10)

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Запчасти на фото: 20929864. Фото в бортжурнале BMW 5 series (F10)

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Запчасти на фото: 20929864

Фото в бортжурнале BMW 5 series (F10)

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Фото в бортжурнале BMW 5 series (F10)

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Запчасти на фото: 11317587757, 11377615379, 11367578877. Фото в бортжурнале BMW 5 series (F10)

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Запчасти на фото: 11127582245, 11127552280, 11340034068, 11367524954, 11340035853. Фото в бортжурнале BMW 5 series (F10)

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Запчасти на фото: 11367524954, 11367578877, 11127552280, 19035767. Фото в бортжурнале BMW 5 series (F10)

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Фото в бортжурнале BMW 5 series (F10)

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Фото в бортжурнале BMW 5 series (F10)

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Фото в бортжурнале BMW 5 series (F10)

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Фото в бортжурнале BMW 5 series (F10)

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Цена вопроса: 65 000 ₽
Пробег: 185 200 км

В последнее время участились случаи подобных неисправностей турбонагнетателя устанавливаемого на трех цилиндровые моторы серии b38.

Хотя турбины на них отличаются тем что на bmw f series они идут с алюминиевым корпусом, а на mini cooper с чугунным, страдают одинаковой болезнью. После перегрева мотора по разным причинам, помпа или термостат записывается ошибка по перегреву и также несколько ошибок по турбине: 123401, 123432, 120408. Все они связаны с тем что из-за перегрева удаляются адаптации электро-клапана Wastegate турбины. Это связанно с тем, что по мнению инженеров bmw турбина, которая охлаждается антифризом, перегрета и требует замены.
Нашим коллективом отработана технология по решению этой проблемы без замены турбины. Если перегрев действительно не повредил турбину, то в большинстве случаев, удается устранить эту проблему.

Автомобиль Mini Cooper f60 с мотором b38

В данном случае антифриз вытек из места соединения турбины и головки. Турбину пришлось снять для проверки и шлифовки плоскости, после чего она была адаптирована и установлена на место. Также сильно пострадал катализатор от попадания антифриза. В виду дороговизны и отсутствия детали пришлось вместо него установить пламегаситель и прошить блок управления двигателем dme.

Все работы были сделаны в кратчайший срок.

Записаться на диагностику Вы можете
по телефону +7 (905) 794-22-22

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Данная ошибка на автомобилях марки БМВ сигнализирует о неполадках в работе основных систем двигателя, которые препятствуют возможности получения от двигателя максимальной мощности. Появляется она на дисплее бортового компьютера и является хорошим предупреждением владельцу о дальнейшем осторожном использовании двигателя. Данная ошибка не относится к категории критичных, при которых дальнейшая эксплуатация невозможна, например, как падение уровня масла или охлаждающей жидкости ниже критической отметки.

Производители БМВ решили достаточное большое количество ошибок объединить в одну, чтобы не утомлять водителя не совсем понятными ошибками, вроде некорректной работы valvetronic или дроссельной заслонки.

Варианты названий этой ошибки на разных кузовах BMW

  • «Привод. Ехать осторожно.»
  • «Полная мощность привода отсутствует, обратитесь в свое ТО.»
  • «Привод. Продолжайте движение с небольшой скоростью.»
  • «Привод. Дальнейшее движение возможно. Проверить на своей СТОА.»

При появлении данного сообщения от электронного блока управления (ЭБУ) необходимо как можно скорее обратиться в автосервис, по той причине, что не сообщается, что именно произошло, и любая дальнейшая эксплуатация не самым лучшим образом может сказаться на двигателе.

Отзывы о Техцентре BMW-E

Узнайте что говорят о техцентре наши клиенты, мы собрали для вас отзывы об организации с Яндекс и Гугл карт, а также с нашего Ютуб-канала.

Выполненные работы по BMW

Мы собрали выполненные работы по Техническому обслуживанию БМВ на одной странице

В каких случаях может произойти данная ошибка

Данное сообщение появляется при:


Недостаточной подаче топлива в цилиндры двигателя. Это могут быть неисправные форсунки,  бензонасос или другие сложности с подачей топлива. Естественно, при таких неполадках о скорости пока лучше забыть.


Некорректное появление искры. Может быть вызвана неисправной работой свечей, катушек индуктивности, обрыва проводов, плохого контакта и т.д.


Ошибки в фазах газораспределения. БМВ имеет очень сложную систему управления открытием и закрытием клапанов. Поэтому при неправильной их работе, развивать большие обороты крайне нежелательно.


Воздушный фильтр засорился настолько, что просто не хватает воздуха для нормальной работы двигателя, следовательно, о какой полной мощности может идти речь?


Проблемы с выпуском отработанных газов. В результате этого на двигатель ложится дополнительная нагрузка по преодолению сопротивлению выхлопа. Как правило, это происходит при очень сильно засоренном катализаторе.


Неполадки с главным блоком управления. Происходит, если какой-то модуль блока ответственный за соответствующий узел двигателя работает с ошибками.


Проблемы в системе охлаждения.

Определить точно, что именно произошло, поможет только диагностика двигателя. После данной процедуры сразу будет выявлен проблемный узел.

Получите консультацию по ремонту вашего БМВ БЕСПЛАТНО!

Оставьте заявку и мы сами свяжемся с вами
или позвоните нам по телефону +7 (495) 162 06 01

BMW Trouble Code Definitions for Model Year 2012

This is a listing of OBDII generic and enhanced BMW trouble code definitions  for the model year 2012. Since BMW also has their own trouble code system, the codes are arranged in numerical order using the BMW numbering system.

P1638; BMW 100001 Throttle valve, function: jammed briefly
P1639; BMW 100101 Throttle valve, function: jammed permanently
P11AA; BMW 100201 Throttle valve, function: sluggish, too slow
P1637; BMW 100210 Throttle-valve actuator, position monitoring: positional variation
P110D; BMW 100A02 Throttle valve, throttle potentiometer 1 and 2: Double fault
P1141; BMW 100C08 Throttle valve, throttle potentiometer 1: Signal implausible for air mass
P1162; BMW 100E08 Throttle valve, throttle potentiometer 2: Signal implausible for air mass
P0123; BMW 101001 Throttle valve, throttle-valve potentiometer 1,electric: short circuit to positive or open circuit
P0122; BMW 101002 Throttle valve, throttle-valve potentiometer 1,electric: short circuit to ground
P0223; BMW 101201 Throttle valve, throttle potentiometer 2, electrical: Short circuit to B+
P0222; BMW 101202 Throttle valve, throttle potentiometer 2, electrical: Short circuit to earth or line disconnection
P1632; BMW 101401 Throttle valve, adaptation: Marginal conditions not met
P1633; BMW 101402 Throttle valve, adaptation: emergency running position not adapted
P16BC; BMW 101408 Throttle valve, adaptation: Initial adaptation, lower limit position not taught in
P16E6; BMW 101410 Throttle valve, adaptation: Marginal conditions not met; battery voltage too low
P115F; BMW 101C08 Throttle valve, throttle potentiometer: plausibility Timing fault between potentiometer 1 and
potentiometer 2
P112F; BMW 101F01 Throttle-valve angle – intake-manifold pressure, correlation: limit value exceeded
P112E; BMW 101F02 Throttle-valve angle – intake-manifold pressure, correlation: limit value undershot
P00BD; BMW 102001 none
P115D; BMW 102001 none
P00BC; BMW 102002 none
P115C; BMW 102002 none
P115D; BMW 102010 Air-mass sensor, plausibility: air mass too high in relation to model
P115C; BMW 102011 Air-mass sensor, plausibility: air mass too low in relation to model
P0103; BMW 102610 Air-mass sensor, signal: implausible period duration, loose contact at low frequency
P0102; BMW 102611 Air-mass sensor, signal: implausible period duration, loose contact at high frequency
P0100; BMW 102612 Air-mass sensor, signal: short circuit or open circuit
P00BC; BMW 102801 none
P0102; BMW 102801 none
P0100; BMW 102A01 none
P00BD; BMW 102A02 none
P0103; BMW 102A02 none
P2123; BMW 103001 Accelerator-pedal module, pedal-travel sensor 1, electric: short circuit to positive
P2122; BMW 103002 Accelerator-pedal module, pedal-travel sensor 1, electric: short circuit to ground or open circuit
P2128; BMW 103101 Accelerator-pedal module, pedal-travel sensor 2, electric: short circuit to positive
P2127; BMW 103102 Accelerator-pedal module, pedal-travel sensor 2, electric: short circuit to ground or open circuit
P2138; BMW 103308 Accelerator-pedal module, pedal-travel sensor, plausibility: synchronism fault between signal 1 and
signal 2
P11C8; BMW 10351C Accelerator-pedal module, pedal-travel sensor Multiple fault
P1250; BMW 104301 none
P12A5; BMW 104301 none
P1255; BMW 104302 none
P12A4; BMW 104302 none
P0108; BMW 104401 none
P119A; BMW 104401 none
P0107; BMW 104402 Absolute pressure sensor, intake pipe, electrical: Short circuit to earth
P119B; BMW 104402 Absolute pressure sensor, intake pipe, electrical: Short circuit to earth
P1250; BMW 104610 Absolute-pressure sensor, intake manifold, plausibility: intake-manifold pressure too high
P1255; BMW 104611 Absolute-pressure sensor, intake manifold, plausibility: intake-manifold pressure too low
P119A; BMW 104A40 Absolute-pressure sensor, intake manifold, electric: short circuit to positive
P2229; BMW 105001 Ambient-pressure sensor, electric: short circuit to positive or open circuit
P2228; BMW 105002 Ambient-pressure sensor, electric: short circuit to ground
P11CB; BMW 105101 none
P0129; BMW 105102 none
P12B9; BMW 105201 Ambient pressure sensor, overrun: Pressure too high
P12B8; BMW 105202 Ambient-pressure sensor, run-on: pressure too low
P2227; BMW 105A30 Ambient-pressure sensor: collective error: electrical and plausibility
P11CB; BMW 105A40 Ambient-pressure sensor, plausibility: pressure too high
P0129; BMW 105A41 Ambient-pressure sensor, plausibility: pressure too low
P1247; BMW 105A42 Ambient pressure sensor, plausibility: Pressure implausible
P323C; BMW 105A42 Ambient pressure sensor, plausibility: Pressure implausible
P1247; BMW 105A43 Ambient pressure sensor, plausibility: Pressure implausible
P323C; BMW 105A43 Ambient pressure sensor, plausibility: Pressure implausible
P0121; BMW 107A22 Throttle valve, throttle potentiometer 1: Signal implausible in relation to substitute value from
P0223; BMW 107A30 Throttle valve, throttle-valve potentiometer 2, electric: short circuit to positive or open circuit
P0222; BMW 107A31 Throttle valve, throttle-valve potentiometer 2, electric: short circuit to ground
P0221; BMW 107A32 Throttle valve, throttle-valve potentiometer 2: signal implausible in rel. to substitute value from charge
P110D; BMW 107A40 Throttle-valve potentiometer: throttle-valve potentiometer 1 or 2, function
P169F; BMW 107A50 Throttle valve: Limp-home operating mode active
P2103; BMW 107A70 DME, internal fault, activation of throttle valve: Short circuit
P2118; BMW 107A71 DME, internal fault, activation of throttle valve: Excess temperature or current too high
P061F; BMW 107A72 DME, internal fault, activation of throttle valve: Internal communication fault
P2100; BMW 107A73 DME, internal fault, activation of throttle valve: Line disconnection
P1634; BMW 107A80 Throttle-valve actuator, closing spring check: abort check, spring does not close
P1631; BMW 107A81 Throttle-valve actuator, closing spring check: error during spring check
P1629; BMW 107A90 Throttle-valve actuator, opening spring check: abort check, spring does not open
P1628; BMW 107A91 Throttle-valve actuator, opening spring check: error during spring check
P1644; BMW 107AE0 Throttle valve, adaptation: Re-teach, lower limit position not taught in
P1643; BMW 107AF0 Throttle valve actuator, amplifier adjustment: malfunction
P0113; BMW 108001 Intake air temperature sensor, electrical: Short circuit to B+
P0112; BMW 108002 Intake-air temperature sensor, electric: short circuit to ground
P0111; BMW 108010 Intake-air temperature sensor, electrical: signal not plausible
P007D; BMW 108A01 Charge-air temperature sensor, electrical: Short circuit to B+
P007C; BMW 108A02 Charge-air temperature sensor, electric: short circuit to ground
P007B; BMW 108A10 Charge-air temperature sensor, electrical: Signal not plausible
P10B0; BMW 108C01 none
P10B8; BMW 108C08 Charge-air temperature sensor, plausibility: Signal hangs
P0118; BMW 109001 Coolant-temperature sensor, electric: short circuit to positive or open circuit
P0117; BMW 109002 Coolant-temperature sensor, electric: short circuit to ground
P112B; BMW 109208 none
P316B; BMW 109208 none
P0116; BMW 109308 Coolant-temperature sensor, plausibility: signal change too fast
P3198; BMW 109308 Coolant-temperature sensor, plausibility: signal change too fast
P10D5; BMW 10AA20 Coolant temperature sensor, cold start: Coolant temperature too high
P10D4; BMW 10AA21 Coolant temperature sensor, cold start: Coolant temperature too low
P0115; BMW 10AA40 Coolant-temperature sensor, electrical: no signal
P112A; BMW 10AA50 Coolant-temperature sensor, plausibility: engine temperature in rel. to model implausibly too high
P112B; BMW 10AA51 Coolant-temperature sensor, plausibility: engine temperature in rel. to model implausibly too low
P0116; BMW 10AA52 Coolant-temperature sensor, plausibility: engine temperature implausible
P3199; BMW 10AA52 Coolant-temperature sensor, plausibility: engine temperature implausible
P0073; BMW 10B101 none
0072; BMW 10B102 none
P110F; BMW 10B104 none
P0073; BMW 10BA20 Outside temperature sensor, signal: Upper threshold value exceeded
P0072; BMW 10BA21 Outside temperature sensor, signal: Lower threshold value undershot
P110F; BMW 10BA22 Ambient-temperature sensor, signal: CAN message incorrect
P0071; BMW 10BA40 Outside temperature sensor, plausibility: Ambient temperature higher than model temperature
P10EA; BMW 10BA40 Outside temperature sensor, plausibility: Ambient temperature higher than model temperature
P0071; BMW 10BA41 Outside temperature sensor, plausibility: Ambient temperature less than model temperature
P10EB; BMW 10BA41 Outside temperature sensor, plausibility: Ambient temperature less than model temperature
P10C9; BMW 10BA42 Intake-air temperature sensor, cold start: intake-air temperature too high
P105D; BMW 10BA43 Intake-air temperature sensor, cold start: intake-air temperature too low
P0127; BMW 10BA48 Intake air temperature sensor, plausibility: Intake air temperature too high
P11C9; BMW 10BA49 Intake air temperature sensor, plausibility: Intake air temperature too low
P10D0; BMW 10BA4A Charge-air temperature sensor, cold start: charge-air temperature too high
P10D1; BMW 10BA4B Charge-air temperature sensor, cold start: charge-air temperature too low
P10B0; BMW 10BA4F Charge-air temperature sensor, plausibility: Charge air temperature too high
P10D2; BMW 10BA4F Charge-air temperature sensor, plausibility: Charge air temperature too high
P007B; BMW 10C001 none
P10B4; BMW 10C001 none
P10D0; BMW 10C004 none
P10B4; BMW 10C005 Charge-air temperature sensor, gradient: Rise too high
P142E; BMW 110001 none
P306F; BMW 110001 none
P3149; BMW 110101 Injector, cylinder 1, activation: high-voltage side; short circuit to ground
P3102; BMW 110102 Injector, cylinder 1, activation: low-voltage side; short circuit to positive
P3150; BMW 110104 Injector, cylinder 1, activation: high-voltage side; short circuit to positive
P3101; BMW 110108 Injector, cylinder 1, activation: low-voltage side; short circuit to ground
P3152; BMW 110201 Injector, cylinder 2, activation: high-voltage side; short circuit to ground
P3106; BMW 110202 Injector, cylinder 2, activation: low-voltage side; short circuit to positive
P3153; BMW 110204 Injector, cylinder 2, activation: high-voltage side; short circuit to positive
P3105; BMW 110208 Injector, cylinder 2, activation: low-voltage side; short circuit to ground
P3155; BMW 110301 Injector, cylinder 3, activation: high-voltage side; short circuit to ground
P3110; BMW 110302 Injector, cylinder 3, activation: low-voltage side; short circuit to positive
P3156; BMW 110304 Injector, cylinder 3, activation: high-voltage side; short circuit to positive
P3109; BMW 110308 Injector, cylinder 3, activation: low-voltage side; short circuit to ground
P3158; BMW 110401 Injector, cylinder 4, activation: high-voltage side; short circuit to ground
P3114; BMW 110402 Injector, cylinder 4, activation: low-voltage side; short circuit to positive
P3159; BMW 110404 Injector, cylinder 4, activation: high-voltage side; short circuit to positive
P3113; BMW 110408 Injector, cylinder 4, activation: low-voltage side; short circuit to ground
P3161; BMW 110501 Injector, cylinder 5, activation: high-voltage side; short circuit to ground
P3118; BMW 110502 Injector, cylinder 5, activation: low-voltage side; short circuit to positive
P3162; BMW 110504 Injector, cylinder 5, activation: high-voltage side; short circuit to positive
P3117; BMW 110508 Injector, cylinder 5, activation: low-voltage side; short circuit to ground
P3164; BMW 110601 Injector, cylinder 6, activation: high-voltage side; short circuit to ground
P3122; BMW 110602 Injector, cylinder 6, activation: low-voltage side; short circuit to positive
P3165; BMW 110604 Injector, cylinder 6, activation: high-voltage side; short circuit to positive
P3121; BMW 110608 Injector, cylinder 6, activation: low-voltage side; short circuit to ground
P3148; BMW 111020 Injector, cylinder 1, high-voltage side, activation: coil-winding short circuit
P3151; BMW 111021 Injector, cylinder 2, high-voltage side, activation: coil-winding short circuit
P3154; BMW 111022 Injector, cylinder 3, high-voltage side, activation: coil-winding short circuit
P3157; BMW 111023 Injector, cylinder 4, high-voltage side, activation: coil-winding short circuit
P3160; BMW 111024 Injector, cylinder 5, high-voltage side, activation: coil-winding short circuit
P3163; BMW 111025 Injector, cylinder 6, high-voltage side, activation: coil-winding short circuit
P3103; BMW 111030 Injector, cylinder 1, low-voltage side, activation: booster time window
P3107; BMW 111031 Injector, cylinder 2, low-voltage side, activation: booster time window
P3111; BMW 111032 Injector, cylinder 3, low-voltage side, activation: booster time window
P3115; BMW 111033 Injector, cylinder 4, low-voltage side, activation: booster time window
P3119; BMW 111034 Injector, cylinder 5, low-voltage side, activation: booster time window
P3123; BMW 111035 Injector, cylinder 6, low-voltage side, activation: booster time window
P3100; BMW 111040 Injector, cylinder 1, low-voltage side, activation: open circuit
P3104; BMW 111041 Injector, cylinder 2, low-voltage side, activation: open circuit
P3108; BMW 111042 Injector, cylinder 3, low-voltage side, activation: open circuit
P3112; BMW 111043 Injector, cylinder 4, low-voltage side, activation: open circuit
P3116; BMW 111044 Injector, cylinder 5, low-voltage side, activation: open circuit
P3120; BMW 111045 Injector, cylinder 6, low-voltage side, activation: open circuit
P16A5; BMW 111110 DME, internal fault, HDEV output-stage module 1: MPI communication faulty
P16A5; BMW 111111 DME, internal fault, HDEV output-stage module 2: SPI communication faulty
P16A5; BMW 111112 DME, internal fault, HDEV output-stage module 1: SPI communication implausible
P16A5; BMW 111113 DME, internal fault, HDEV output-stage module 2: SPI communication implausible
P16A5; BMW 111114 DME, internal fault, HDEV output-stage module 1: SPI communication, signal error
P16A5; BMW 111115 DME, internal fault, HDEV output-stage module 2: SPI communication, signal error
P0171; BMW 118001 none
P2177; BMW 118001 none
P0172; BMW 118002 none
P2178; BMW 118002 none
P0171; BMW 118401 none
P306D; BMW 118401 none
P0172; BMW 118402 none
P306E; BMW 118402 none
P2097; BMW 118601 Oxygen sensor before catalytic converter, fine mixture control: exhaust gas after catalytic
converter too rich
P2096; BMW 118602 Oxygen sensor before catalytic converter, fine mixture control: exhaust gas after catalytic
converter too lean
P119D; BMW 118C02 Mixture adaptation, injector ageing: cylinder bank 1: long-term adaptation too high
P2187; BMW 118E01 Mixture adaptation, idle: mixture too lean
P2188; BMW 118E02 Mixture adaptation, idle: mixture too rich
P2177; BMW 118F20 Mixture adaptation, lower speed range: mixture at part load too lean
P2178; BMW 118F21 Mixture adaptation, lower speed range: mixture at part load too rich
P0193; BMW 119001 Rail pressure sensor, electrical: Short circuit to B+
P0192; BMW 119002 Rail-pressure sensor, electric: short circuit to ground
P2542; BMW 119201 Fuel low-pressure sensor, electric: short circuit to positive
P2541; BMW 119202 Fuel low-pressure sensor, electrical: Short to earth
P10CE; BMW 119301 Rail-pressure sensor, voltage test: upper threshold exceeded
P10CF; BMW 119302 Rail-pressure sensor, voltage test: lower threshold undershot
P0088; BMW 119304 Rail pressure sensor, plausibility: Maximum pressure exceeded
P0087; BMW 119308 Rail pressure sensor, plausibility: Minimum pressure undershot
P10D9; BMW 119404 Rail pressure sensor, plausibility: Signal frozen
P0088; BMW 11A001 Fuel high-pressure system, fuel pressure: maximum pressure exceeded
P302A; BMW 11A001 Fuel high-pressure system, fuel pressure: maximum pressure exceeded
P0087; BMW 11A002 Fuel high-pressure system, fuel pressure: minimum pressure undershot
P302C; BMW 11A002 Fuel high-pressure system, fuel pressure: minimum pressure undershot
P008B; BMW 11A201 none
P008A; BMW 11A204 none
P10A2; BMW 11A701 none
P10A3; BMW 11A702 none
P306A; BMW 11AA01 Fuel supply system: Pressure too high, emergency operation with low pressure
P306B; BMW 11AA02 Fuel supply system: Pressure too high, emergency operation with injection deactivation
P306C; BMW 11AA04 Fuel supply system: Pressure too high for a short time, engine speed and load are restricted
P15DE; BMW 11AC01 Fuel high-pressure system, cold start: pressure too high
P15DF; BMW 11AC02 Fuel high-pressure system, cold start: pressure too low
P306F; BMW 11AD10 Fuel pressure: Pressure below minimum pressure; injection deactivation for catalytic converter
P306D; BMW 11AE01 Fuel supply system, oxygen sensor emissions control: upper limit exceeded
P306E; BMW 11AE02 Fuel supply system, oxygen sensor emissions control: lower limit undershot
P0004; BMW 11C401 Fuel-supply control valve, activation: short circuit to positive
P0003; BMW 11C402 Fuel-supply control valve, activation: short circuit to ground
P0001; BMW 11C404 Fuel-supply control valve, activation: open circuit
P0234; BMW 120208 Charge-air pressure control, upper value: charge-air pressure too high
P0299; BMW 120308 Charge-air pressure control, lower value: charge-air pressure too low
P1260; BMW 120408 Charge-air pressure control, deactivation: charge-air pressure buildup disabled
P0238; BMW 121001 Charge-air pressure sensor, electric: short circuit to positive
P0237; BMW 121002 Charge-air pressure sensor, electric: short circuit to ground
P12A9; BMW 121201 none
P12A8; BMW 121202 none
P0236; BMW 121521 Charging pressure sensor, multiple fault: electrical and plausibility
P0234; BMW 121530 Charge-air pressure sensor, plausibility: pressure before throttle valve too high
P12A0; BMW 121530 Charge-air pressure sensor, plausibility: pressure before throttle valve too high
P0299; BMW 121531 Charge-air pressure sensor, plausibility: pressure before throttle valve too low
P12A1; BMW 121531 Charge-air pressure sensor, plausibility: pressure before throttle valve too low
P10F2; BMW 121532 Boost pressure sensor, plausibility: Pressure before throttle valve too high when engine not running
P12DA; BMW 121532 Boost pressure sensor, plausibility: Pressure before throttle valve too high when engine not running
P10F3; BMW 121533 Boost pressure sensor, plausibility: Pressure before throttle valve too low when engine not running
P12DB; BMW 121533 Boost pressure sensor, plausibility: Pressure before throttle valve too low when engine not running
P0234; BMW 121601 Charge-air pressure sensor: pressure too high
P12A9; BMW 121601 Charge-air pressure sensor: pressure too high
P0299; BMW 121602 Charge-air pressure sensor: pressure too low
P12A8; BMW 121602 Charge-air pressure sensor: pressure too low
P0035; BMW 122001 Bypass blow-off valve, activation: short circuit to positive
P0034; BMW 122002 Bypass blow-off valve, activation: short circuit to ground
P0033; BMW 122004 Bypass blow-off valve, activation: open circuit
P0246; BMW 123001 Wastegate, activation: short circuit to positive
P0245; BMW 123002 Wastegate, activation: short circuit to ground
P0243; BMW 123004 Wastegate, activation: open circuit
P2195; BMW 128101 Oxygen sensor before catalytic converter, system check: Signal fixed at lean
P2196; BMW 128301 Oxygen sensor before catalytic converter, system check: Signal fixed at grease
P2297; BMW 128501 Oxygen sensor before catalytic converter, in coasting/overrun mode: Signal outside limit value
P0133; BMW 128901 Oxygen sensor before catalytic converter, dynamic response: slow response
P2414; BMW 128B01 Oxygen sensor before catalytic converter, installation: sensor not connected
P2243; BMW 128E01 Oxygen sensor before catalytic converter, line fault: open circuit, nearest line
P2626; BMW 128E08 Oxygen sensor before catalytic converter, line fault: open circuit, compensation line
P0132; BMW 129001 Oxygen sensor before catalytic converter, signal lines: Short circuit to B+
P0131; BMW 129002 Oxygen sensor before catalytic converter, signal lines: Short circuit to earth
P3024; BMW 129201 DME, internal fault, oxygen sensor before catalytic converter: initialization fault
P3022; BMW 129202 DME, internal fault, oxygen sensor before catalytic converter: communication fault
P3012; BMW 129A20 DME, internal fault, oxygen sensor before catalytic converter: oxygen-sensor module, signal-circuit
adaptation values too high
P3014; BMW 129A21 DME, internal fault, oxygen sensor before catalytic converter: oxygen-sensor module, undervoltage
P2271; BMW 12A101 Oxygen sensor after catalytic converter, system check: signal fixed at rich
P2270; BMW 12A102 Oxygen sensor after catalytic converter, system check: signal fixed at lean
P013A; BMW 12A308 Oxygen sensor after catalytic converter, dynamic response, from rich to lean: slow response
P0138; BMW 12A701 Oxygen sensor after catalytic converter, electrical: Short circuit to B+
P0137; BMW 12A902 Oxygen sensor after catalytic converter, electrical: Short circuit to earth
P0136; BMW 12AB04 Oxygen sensor after catalytic converter, electrical: Line disconnection
P013E; BMW 12AF08 Oxygen sensor after catalytic converter, trailing throttle, from rich to lean: delayed response
P0032; BMW 12B101 Oxygen-sensor heater before catalytic converter, activation: short circuit to positive
P0031; BMW 12B102 Oxygen-sensor heater before catalytic converter, activation: short circuit to ground
P0030; BMW 12B104 Oxygen-sensor heater before catalytic converter, activation: open circuit
P0038; BMW 12B301 Oxygen-sensor heater after catalytic converter, activation: short circuit to positive
P0037; BMW 12B302 Oxygen-sensor heater after catalytic converter, activation: short circuit to ground
P0036; BMW 12B304 Oxygen-sensor heater after catalytic converter, activation: open circuit
P102A; BMW 12B505 Oxygen sensor heating before catalytic converter, function: Heater fault
P0141; BMW 12B701 Oxygen-sensor heater after catalytic converter, function: internal resistance too high
P3026; BMW 12BD20 Oxygen-sensor heater before catalytic converter, function: operating temperature not reached
P0135; BMW 12BD21 Oxygen-sensor heater before catalytic converter, function: lack of signal readiness
P3016; BMW 12BD22 Oxygen-sensor heater before catalytic converter, function: internal resistance of signal circuit too highly resistant
P0139; BMW 12BD33 Oxygen sensor after catalytic converter, ageing: voltage threshold not reached
P0138; BMW 12BD40 Oxygen sensor after catalytic converter, electrical: short circuit to positive
P0137; BMW 12BD41 Oxygen sensor after catalytic converter, electrical: intercore short circuit or oxygen sensor contaminated
P0136; BMW 12BD43 Oxygen sensor after catalytic converter, electrical: open circuit
P3018; BMW 12BD50 Oxygen sensor before catalytic converter, pump current line: lambda control value above threshold due to open pump current line
P3020; BMW 12BD51 Oxygen sensor before catalytic converter, pump current line: signal voltage in overrun mode too low due to open pump current line
P2237; BMW 12BD52 Oxygen sensor before catalytic converter, line fault: Open circuit, pump current lead
P2251; BMW 12BD60 Oxygen sensor before catalytic converter, line fault: Open circuit, virtual ground
P0130; BMW 12BD70 Oxygen sensor before catalytic converter, electrical: Nernst-cell resistance or ceramic temperature implausible, line or heater fault
P2097; BMW 12BD90 Oxygen sensor before catalytic converter, plausibility: mixture after catalytic converter too rich
P2096; BMW 12BD91 Oxygen sensor before catalytic converter, plausibility: mixture after catalytic converter too lean
P2195; BMW 12BD92 Oxygen sensor before catalytic converter, plausibility: fixed at lean
P2196; BMW 12BD93 Oxygen sensor before catalytic converter, plausibility: fixed at rich
P2089; BMW 130001 VANOS solenoid valve, inlet, activation: short circuit to positive
P2088; BMW 130002 VANOS solenoid valve, inlet, activation: short circuit to ground
P0010; BMW 130004 VANOS solenoid valve, inlet, activation: open circuit
P13C0; BMW 130104 VANOS, inlet: control fault, camshaft jammed
P0012; BMW 130108 VANOS, inlet: control fault, position not reached
P2091; BMW 130201 VANOS solenoid valve, exhaust, activation: short circuit to positive
P2090; BMW 130202 VANOS solenoid valve, exhaust, activation: short circuit to ground
P0013; BMW 130204 VANOS solenoid valve, exhaust, activation: open circuit
P13C9; BMW 130304 VANOS, exhaust: control fault, camshaft jammed
P0015; BMW 130308 VANOS, exhaust: control fault, position not reached
P0341; BMW 130E11 Inlet-camshaft sensor: signal implausible
P1338; BMW 130E20 Inlet camshaft: offset angle to crankshaft outside tolerance
P0366; BMW 130F11 Exhaust-camshaft sensor: signal implausible
P1339; BMW 130F20 Exhaust camshaft: offset angle to crankshaft outside tolerance
P054B; BMW 131401 VANOS, exhaust, cold start: not controllable
P052B; BMW 131501 VANOS, inlet, cold start: not controllable
P1325; BMW 132408 VANOS, exhaust: camshaft not at locking position at start
P1323; BMW 132508 VANOS, inlet: camshaft not at locking position at start
P10D8; BMW 133101 Valvetronic relay, activation: short circuit to positive
P10D7; BMW 133102 Valvetronic relay, activation: short circuit to ground
P10D6; BMW 133104 Valvetronic relay, activation: open circuit
P1047; BMW 133201 Valvetronic servomotor, activation: short circuit to positive
P1048; BMW 133202 Valvetronic servomotor, activation: short circuit to ground
P1050; BMW 133208 Valvetronic servomotor, activation: open circuit
P10DF; BMW 133304 none
P1030; BMW 133B04 none
P10E8; BMW 134A02 none
P101A; BMW 134F02 Valvetronic, adjustment range: stop not learned
P1023; BMW 134F04 Valvetronic, adjustment range: error, range check
P1023; BMW 134F08 Valvetronic, adjustment range: range check, deviation from original learning
P10DF; BMW 135301 Valvetronic, component protection, output stage: deactivation, system
P10E0; BMW 135302 Valvetronic, component protection, servomotor: deactivation, system
P10E7; BMW 135401 Valvetronic, overload protection: output stage overloaded
P10E8; BMW 135402 Valvetronic, overload protection: servomotor
P1030; BMW 135604 Valvetronic system: control deviation too great
P10E1; BMW 135608 Valvetronic system: no movement detected
P10E2; BMW 135808 Valvetronic servomotor, position sensors: Shortcircuit or line break (open circuit)
P10E6; BMW 135908 Valvetronic servomotor, position sensors: Supply voltage faulty
P1017; BMW 135A08 Valvetronic servomotor, position sensors: Signal implausible
P10F4; BMW 135B10 Valvetronic servomotor, activation, voltage phase: Line disconnection
P10F5; BMW 135B11 Valvetronic servomotor, activation, volt phase: Line disconnection
P10F6; BMW 135B12 Valvetronic servomotor, activation, watt phase: Line disconnection
P0478; BMW 138101 Exhaust flap, activation: short circuit to positive
P0477; BMW 138102 Exhaust flap, activation: short circuit to ground
P0475; BMW 138104 Exhaust flap, activation: open circuit
P303E; BMW 138201 Radiator shutter, top, supply voltage, actuator: voltage fault
P303F; BMW 138301 Radiator shutter, top, overtemperature, actuator: limit value exceeded
P304A; BMW 138401 Radiator shutter, top, actuator internal: electrical fault
P304B; BMW 138501 Radiator shutter, top, lower stop: not detected
P304C; BMW 138601 Radiator shutter, top, upper stop: not detected
P304D; BMW 138701 Radiator shutter, top, upper stop: detected too early
P300D; BMW 138901 Radiator shutter, bottom, electrical: Short circuit to B+
P300E; BMW 138902 Radiator shutter, bottom, electrical: Short circuit to earth
P300F; BMW 138904 Radiator shutter, bottom, electrical: Line disconnection
P0300; BMW 140001 Misfire, several cylinders: injection is cut out
P0300; BMW 140002 Misfire, several cylinders: damaging exhaust gas after starting
P0300; BMW 140004 Misfire, several cylinders: damaging exhaust gas
P0301; BMW 140101 Combustion misfiring, cylinder 1: Injection is switched off
P0301; BMW 140102 Combustion misfiring, cylinder 1: damaging exhaust gas after start sequence
P0301; BMW 140104 Combustion misfiring, cylinder 1: damaging exhaust gas
P0302; BMW 140201 Misfire, cylinder 2: injection is cut out
P0302; BMW 140202 Misfire, cylinder 2: damaging exhaust gas after starting
P0302; BMW 140204 Misfire, cylinder 2: damaging exhaust gas
P0303; BMW 140301 Misfire, cylinder 3: injection is cut out
P0303; BMW 140302 Misfire, cylinder 3: damaging exhaust gas after starting
P0303; BMW 140304 Misfire, cylinder 3: damaging exhaust gas
P0304; BMW 140401 Misfire, cylinder 4: injection is cut out
P0304; BMW 140402 Misfire, cylinder 4: damaging exhaust gas after starting
P0304; BMW 140404 Misfire, cylinder 4: damaging exhaust gas
P0305; BMW 140501 Misfire, cylinder 5: injection is cut out
P0305; BMW 140502 Misfire, cylinder 5: damaging exhaust gas after starting
P0305; BMW 140504 Misfire, cylinder 5: damaging exhaust gas
P0306; BMW 140601 Misfire, cylinder 6: injection is cut out
P0306; BMW 140602 Misfire, cylinder 6: damaging exhaust gas after starting
P0306; BMW 140604 Misfire, cylinder 6: damaging exhaust gas
P1301; BMW 150102 Ignition, cylinder 1: combustion duration too short
P1302; BMW 150202 Ignition, cylinder 2: combustion duration too short
P1303; BMW 150302 Ignition, cylinder 3: combustion duration too short
P1304; BMW 150402 Ignition, cylinder 4: combustion duration too short
P1305; BMW 150502 Ignition, cylinder 5: combustion duration too short
P1306; BMW 150602 Ignition, cylinder 6: combustion duration too short
P050B; BMW 151001 Ignition timing adjustment in idle, cold start Ignition timing too early
P13EA; BMW 151101 Ignition timing adjustment at partial load, cold start Ignition timing too early
P13A0; BMW 152108 Super-knocking, cylinder 1: Injection switch-off
P13A1; BMW 152208 Super-knocking, cylinder 2: Injection switch-off
P13A2; BMW 152308 Super-knocking, cylinder 3: Injection switch-off
P13A3; BMW 152408 Super-knocking, cylinder 4: Injection switch-off
P13A4; BMW 152508 Super-knocking, cylinder 5: Injection switch-off
P13A5; BMW 152608 Super-knocking, cylinder 6: Injection switch-off
P137F; BMW 152D08 Super-knocking: Injection switch-off
P0335; BMW 160001 Crankshaft sensor, signal: no signal
P0336; BMW 160020 Crankshaft sensor: disturbed crankshaft signal
P13CE; BMW 160510 Crankshaft sensor, parked position: Not plausible
P0343; BMW 164020 Inlet-camshaft sensor: signal high
P0342; BMW 164021 Inlet-camshaft sensor: signal low
P0368; BMW 164030 Exhaust-camshaft sensor: signal high
P0367; BMW 164031 Exhaust-camshaft sensor: signal low
P13CA; BMW 164040 Inlet camshaft, mechanism: installation faulty
P13CB; BMW 164041 Exhaust camshaft, mechanism: installation faulty
P0324; BMW 168A20 Knock control, fault check: malfunction, system fault
P13AF; BMW 168A30 Knock sensor, electrical: signal input A, short circuit to positive
P13AE; BMW 168A31 Knock sensor, electrical: signal input A, short circuit to ground
P13B9; BMW 168A40 Knock sensor, electrical: signal input B, short circuit to positive
P13B8; BMW 168A41 Knock sensor, electrical: signal input B, short circuit to ground
P13BF; BMW 168A50 Knock sensor 2, electrical: signal input A, short circuit to positive
P13BE; BMW 168A51 Knock sensor 2, electrical: signal input A, short circuit to ground
P13C8; BMW 168A60 Knock sensor 2, electrical: signal input B, short circuit to positive
P13C7; BMW 168A61 Knock sensor 2, electrical: signal input B, short circuit to ground
P0328; BMW 168A70 Knock sensor, signal: engine mechanically too loud or KS outside tolerance (sensitivity)
P0327; BMW 168A71 Knock sensor, signal: electrical fault KS (loose contact) or KS loose
P1328; BMW 168A80 Knock sensor 2, signal: engine mechanically too loud or KS outside tolerance (sensitivity)
P1327; BMW 168A81 Knock sensor 2, signal: electrical fault KS (loose contact) or KS loose
P0420; BMW 180001 Catalytic converter: efficiency below limit value
P2420; BMW 190001 DMTL solenoid valve, activation: short circuit to positive
P2419; BMW 190002 DMTL solenoid valve, activation: short circuit to ground
P2418; BMW 190004 DMTL solenoid valve, activation: open circuit
P0442; BMW 190201 Fuel tank ventilation system and purge air system, minor leak: Leak greater than 1.0 mm P0456; BMW 190302 Fuel tank ventilation system and purge air system,
micro-leak: Leak greater than 0.5 mm
P1449; BMW 190401 DMTL, system fault: pump current too high during reference measurement
P1448; BMW 190402 DMTL, system fault: pump current too low during reference measurement
P1434; BMW 190404 DMTL, system fault: abort due to current fluctuations during reference measurement
P1447; BMW 190408 DMTL, system fault: pump current reaches limit value during valve test
P240C; BMW 190501 DMTL, heating, activation: short circuit to positive
P240B; BMW 190502 DMTL, heating, activation: short circuit to ground
P240A; BMW 190504 DMTL, heating, activation: open circuit
P2402; BMW 190601 DMTL leak diagnosis pump, activation: Short circuit to B+
P2401; BMW 190702 DMTL leak diagnosis pump, activation: Short to earth
P2400; BMW 190704 DMTL leak diagnosis pump, activation: Open circuit
P0459; BMW 191001 Tank-venting valve, activation: short circuit to positive
P0458; BMW 191002 Tank-venting valve, activation: short circuit to ground
P0444; BMW 191004 Tank-venting valve, activation: open circuit
P2421; BMW 191A21 Tank-venting valve: jammed open
P149C; BMW 191B01 Tank safety valve shut-off valve, activation: Short circuit to B+
P149B; BMW 191B02 Tank safety valve shut-off valve, activation: Short circuit to earth
P149A; BMW 191B04 Tank safety valve shut-off valve, activation: Line disconnection
P149D; 191C01 Tank safety valve shut-off valve: jammed open
P0440; BMW 191C02 Tank safety valve: malfunction
P143F; BMW 191C03 Tank safety valve, after-run: malfunction
P0440; BMW 191D01 Tank safety valve: malfunction
P0462; BMW 193002 Fuel level sensor, left, signal: Short to earth
P1407; BMW 193008 Fuel level sensor, left, signal: CAN value implausible
P2068; BMW 193011 Fuel level sensor, right, signal: Short circuit to B+
P2067; BMW 193102 Fuel level sensor, right, signal: Short to earth
P1408; BMW 193108 Fuel level sensor, right, signal: CAN value implausible
P0463; BMW 193111 Fuel level sensor, left, signal: Short circuit to B+
P144B; BMW 193221 Fuel level sensor: Deviation between consumption and fill-level change
P0692; BMW 1A2001 Electric fan, activation: short circuit to positive
P0691; BMW 1A2002 Electric fan, activation: short circuit to ground
P0480; BMW 1A2004 Electric fan, activation: open circuit
P14C0; BMW 1A2108 Electric fan, self-diagnosis, stage 1: minor fan fault
P14C0; BMW 1A2308 Electric fan, self-diagnosis, stage 2: fan fault with potential danger to fan
P14C0; BMW 1A2408 Electric fan, self-diagnosis, stage 3: fan fault with restricted motor function
P14C0; BMW 1A2508 Electric fan, self-diagnosis, stage 4: serious fan fault
P144E; BMW 1A2601 Fuse relay, electric fan, activation: short circuit to positive
P144D; BMW 1A2602 Fuse relay, electric fan, activation: short circuit to ground
P144C; BMW 1A2604 Fuse relay, electric fan, activation: open circuit
P1518; BMW 1B0A20 Poor-road-surface detection: wheel speed too high
P1517; BMW 1B0A21 Poor-road-surface detection: no wheel-speed signal received
P0503; BMW 1B0A40 Vehicle speed: signal too high
P152A; BMW 1B0A60 Vehicle speed, plausibility: minimum speed under load not reached
P152B; BMW 1B0A61 Vehicle speed, plausibility: minimum speed in overrun mode not reached
P0501; BMW 1B0A62 Vehicle speed, plausibility: implausible speed signal
P15DC; BMW 1B0A64 Vehicle speed, wheel sensor rear/left, plausibility: signal implausible
P15DA; BMW 1B0A65 Vehicle speed, wheel sensor front/left, plausibility: signal implausible
P15DD; BMW 1B0A66 Vehicle speed, wheel sensor rear/right, plausibility: signal implausible
P15DB; BMW 1B0A67 Vehicle speed, wheel sensor front/right, plausibility: signal implausible
P1667; BMW 1B2002 EWS anti-tampering protection: no starting value programmed
P16CF; BMW 1B2008 EWS anti-tampering protection: expected response implausible
P165A; BMW 1B2101 Interface EWS-DME: hardware fault
P1660; BMW 1B2102 Interface EWS-DME: frame fault
P1661; BMW 1B2104 Interface EWS-DME: timeout
P165C; BMW 1B2201 DME, internal fault, EWS data: no available memory possibility
P165D; BMW 1B2202 DME, internal fault, EWS data: fault-activationcode storage
P165E; BMW 1B2208 DME, internal fault, EWS data: checksum fault
U1166; BMW 1B2302 Message, EWS-DME, incorrect: frame fault
U0167; BMW 1B2304 Message, EWS-DME, incorrect: timeout
P15B0; BMW 1B5101 Terminal 15_3, line from CAS, electrical: short circuit to positive
P15B1; BMW 1B5102 Terminal 15_3, line from CAS, electrical: short circuit to ground or open circuit
P15D9; BMW 1B5202 Terminal 15N_1, power supply switched by CAS, electrical: Short to earth or open circuit
P15ED; BMW 1B5302 Terminal 15N_2, power supply switched by CAS, electrical: Short to earth or open circuit
P15F8; BMW 1B5402 Terminal 15N_3, power supply switched by CAS, electrical: Short to earth or open circuit
P0571; BMW 1B6008 Brake-light switch, plausibility: signal implausible
P15E8; BMW 1B9508 Engine switch-off time, plausibility: time too short in correlation to engine-coolant cooling
P15E9; BMW 1B9608 Engine switch-off time, plausibility: time too long in correlation to engine-coolant cooling
P15FA; BMW 1B9701 Engine switch-off time: too fast during engine operation
P15FB; BMW 1B9702 Engine switch-off time: too slow during engine operation
P15FE; BMW 1B9804 Engine switch-off time, signal: no signal
P15FC; BMW 1B9A01 Engine switch-off time: too fast during run-on
P15FD; BMW 1B9A02 Engine switch-off time: too slow during run-on
P159E; BMW 1C0001 Engine-oil pressure control, dynamic: pressure fluctuations
P159F; BMW 1C0101 Engine-oil pressure control, static: engine-oil pressure too high, limp-home operation
P15A0; BMW 1C0102 Engine-oil pressure control, static: engine-oil pressure too low, limp-home operation
P15EC; BMW 1C0201 Oil-pressure regulating valve, activation: short circuit to positive
P15EB; BMW 1C0202 Oil-pressure regulating valve, activation: short circuit to ground
P15EA; BMW 1C0204 Oil-pressure regulating valve, activation: open circuit
P15A1; BMW 1C0301 Oil-pressure regulating valve, mechanical: sticks in fully energized position (minimum oil pressure)
P15A2; BMW 1C0302 Oil-pressure regulating valve, mechanical: sticks in non-energized position (maximum oil pressure)
P15A3; BMW 1C2001 Oil pump, mechanical: oil pressure too high P0524; BMW 1C2002 Oil pump, mechanical: oil pressure too low
P0523; BMW 1C3001 Engine-oil pressure sensor, electric: short circuit to positive
P0522; BMW 1C3002 Engine oil pressure sensor, electrical: Short to earth
P0521; BMW 1C3108 Engine-oil pressure sensor, plausibility: signal hangs
P250F; BMW 1C4002 Engine-oil level: too low
P252A; BMW 1C4110 Oil-condition sensor, electrical: malfunction
P1587; BMW 1C4111 Oil-condition sensor, plausibility: level implausible
P1586; BMW 1C4112 Oil-condition sensor, plausibility: temperature implausible
P1587; BMW 1C4113 Oil-condition sensor, plausibility: level implausible
P1586; BMW 1C4115 Oil-condition sensor, plausibility: temperature implausible
P1587; BMW 1C4116 Oil-condition sensor, electrical: level, malfunction
P1588; BMW 1C4117 Oil-condition sensor, electrical: permittivity, malfunction
P1586; BMW 1C4118 Oil-condition sensor, electrical: temperature, malfunction
P0195; BMW 1C4119 Engine-oil temperature sensor, electrical: malfunction
P0196; BMW 1C4120 Engine-oil temperature sensor, plausibility: temperature implausible
P1521; BMW 1C5A20 BSD message from oil-condition sensor: no message
P0128; BMW 1D2008 Map thermostat, mechanical: jammed open
P0599; BMW 1D2401 Map thermostat, activation: short circuit to positive
P0598; BMW 1D2402 Map thermostat, activation: short circuit to ground
P0597; BMW 1D2404 Map thermostat, activation: open circuit
P0507; BMW 1E0001 Idle-speed control: speed too high
P0506; BMW 1E0002 Idle-speed control: speed too low
P1562; BMW 1E0101 Idle-speed control, cold start: engine speed too high
P1561; BMW 1E0102 Idle-speed control, cold start: engine speed too low
P10E3; BMW 1F0514 Valvetronic relay, supply voltage: Short to earth
P10E4; BMW 1F0515 Valvetronic relay, supply voltage: Open circuit
P326A; BMW 1F0516 DME, internal fault, electric accelerator pedal monitoring: A/D converter idling test pulse check
P326A; BMW 1F0517 DME, internal fault, electric accelerator pedal monitoring: AD converter, test voltage check
P326B; BMW 1F0518 DME, internal fault, electric accelerator pedal monitoring: Air quantity adjustment
P060D; BMW 1F0519 DME, internal fault: monitoring, signal plausibilization, accelerator-pedal module or pedal travel sensor
P325C; BMW 1F0520 DME, internal fault, electric accelerator pedal monitoring: Speed sensor
P3237; BMW 1F0521 DME, internal fault: monitoring, plausibilization of mixture-correction factors
P325D; BMW 1F0522 DME, internal fault: monitoring, injection-rate limitation, level 1
P325D; BMW 1F0523 DME, internal fault: monitoring, injection-rate limitation, level 2
P3337; BMW 1F0524 DME, internal fault: Monitoring of the nominal oxygen sensor value
P325F; BMW 1F0525 DME, internal fault: monitoring, plausibilization of relative fuel mass
P061B; BMW 1F0526 DME, internal fault: monitoring, torque comparison P326C; BMW 1F0527 DME, internal fault, electric accelerator pedal monitoring: Drive train transmission ratio
P3235; BMW 1F0528 DME, internal fault: monitoring, variant coding
P325E; BMW 1F0529 DME, internal fault, electric accelerator pedal monitoring: Ignition-timing monitoring
P326D; BMW 1F0530 DME, internal fault: Switch-off path test by monitoring module
P325F; BMW 1F0531 DME, internal fault: Plausibility monitoring, fuel mass
P1646; BMW 1F0532 DME, internal fault, monitoring MSC communication Malfunction in module R2S2/1
P1646; BMW 1F0533 DME, internal fault, monitoring MSC communication Malfunction in module R2S2/2
P10E5; BMW 1F0904 DME, internal fault, activation Valvetronic: malfunction
P062F; BMW 1F1A50 DME, internal fault: erase EEPROM faulty
P062F; BMW 1F1A52 DME, internal fault: write EEPROM faulty
P060A; BMW 1F1A60 DME, internal fault: monitoring-module fault
P16EA; BMW 1F1A80 DME, internal fault, watchdog output: malfunction
P16EB; BMW 1F1A81 DME, internal fault, watchdog output: faulty question/answer communication
P16EC; BMW 1F1A82 DME, internal fault, watchdog output: overvoltage detection
P16E7; BMW 1F1A90 DME, internal fault, monitoring 5V sensor supply: voltage outside valid range
P16E8; BMW 1F1A91 DME, internal fault, monitoring 5V sensor supply 2: voltage outside valid range
P16E9; BMW 1F1A92 DME, internal fault, monitoring 5V sensor supply 3: voltage outside valid range
P0617; BMW 1F1B40 Starter, activation: short circuit to positive
P0616; BMW 1F1B41 Starter, activation: short circuit to ground
P0615; BMW 1F1B42 Starter, activation: open circuit
P0687; BMW 1F1B50 System voltage, DME master relay: voltage too high
P3288; BMW 1F2104 Incorrect data record: CAN timeout
P3289; BMW 1F2108 Incorrect data record: Variant monitoring
P0634; BMW 1F5020 DME, internal fault, interior-temperature sensor: value too high
P163A; BMW 1F5021 DME, internal fault, interior-temperature sensor: value too low
P0634; BMW 1F5101 DME temperature: Overtemperature
P10DC; BMW 201010 CAN hardware: Faulty
P10DD; BMW 201020 FlexRay hardware: Faulty
P15D0; BMW 20A701 Coolant pump, speed deviation: outside tolerance
P15D1; BMW 20A801 Coolant pump, deactivation: internal temperature too high
P15D2; BMW 20A802 Coolant pump, shutdown: Overvoltage detected
P15D3; BMW 20A804 Coolant pump, shutdown: Pump blocked
P15D4; BMW 20A901 Coolant pump, operation with reduced output: Dry running detected
P15D5; BMW 20A902 Coolant pump, operation with reduced output: Undervoltage detected
P15D6; BMW 20A904 Coolant pump, power-reduced operation: temperature limit 1 exceeded
P15D7; BMW 20A908 Coolant pump, power-reduced operation: temperature limit 2 exceeded
U1170; BMW 20AA04 Coolant pump, communication: malfunction
P0620; BMW 210201 Alternator, electric: malfunction
P325A; BMW 210301 Alternator, plausibility, electric: calculated
P0A3B; BMW 210401 Alternator, temperature: overtemperature
P324C; BMW 210501 Alternator, plausibility, temperature: overtemperature calculated
P3223; BMW 210601 Alternator, mechanical: malfunction
P324E; BMW 210701 Alternator, regulator: model incorrect
P324A; BMW 210801 Alternator, model incorrect
P160C; BMW 213301 Power management: Overvoltage
P160D; BMW 213401 Power management: Undervoltage
P160A; BMW 213501 Power management: Exhaustive battery charge
P160F; BMW 213604 Power management: Closed-circuit current fault
P160E; BMW 213701 Power management: Ripple in system voltage too high
P0563; BMW 213A20 System voltage: voltage too high
P0562; BMW 213A21 System voltage: voltage too low
P0560; BMW 213A22 System voltage: analogue-digital converter faulty
P150A; BMW 215001 Intelligent battery sensor, signal: bus fault
P150D; BMW 215101 Intelligent battery sensor (IBS): Internal temperature measurement implausible
P150E; BMW 215104 Intelligent battery sensor (IBS): Internal voltage measurement implausible
P150F; BMW 215108 Intelligent battery sensor (IBS): Internal current measurement implausible
P15CE; BMW 215801 Intelligent battery sensor (IBS): Wake-up line, short circuit to B+ or earth
P15CF; BMW 215901 Intelligent battery sensor (IBS): Incorrect version
P15C3; BMW 215A01 Intelligent battery sensor (IBS): Wake-up line, line disconnection
P0A16; BMW 219001 Active engine mount, electric: short circuit to positive
P0A15; BMW 219002 Active engine mount, electric: short circuit to ground
P0A14; BMW 219004 Active engine mount, electric: open circuit
U1190; BMW 231F04 Electronic transmission control (), PT-CAN, PT-CAN2: Communication fault
U1169; BMW 233004 No message (OBD sensor, diagnosis, status, 0x5E0, 0x8C), receiver DME, IHKA, transmitter KOMBI
U1185; BMW CD840A DME/DDE PT-CAN: Communication fault
U119E; BMW CD8420 DME/DDE FlexRay bus: Communication fault
U1184; BMW CD8486 DME/DDE PT-CAN2: Communication fault
U1117; BMW CD9902 Message (vehicle speed, 55.3.4) not current, receiver DME/DDE, transmitter ICM
U1118; BMW CD9904 No message (vehicle speed, 55.3.4), receiver DME/DDE, transmitter IC
U1119; BMW CD9908 Message (vehicle speed, 55.3.4) checksum error, receiver DME/DDE, transmitter ICM
U11C6; BMW CD9932 Message (yaw rate, vehicle, 38.0.2) alive check
U0123; BMW CD9933 No message (yaw rate, vehicle, 38.0.2)
U11C7; BMW CD9934 Message (yaw rate, vehicle, 38.0.2) checksum error
U0122; BMW CD9935 No message (data, driving dynamics sensor, extended, 38.0.2)
U1197; BMW CD9A02 Message (actual braking torque, sum, 43.3.4) not current, receiver DME/DDE, transmitter DSC
U1198; BMW CD9A04 No message (actual braking torque, sum, 43.3.4), receiver DME/DDE, transmitter DSC
U1199; BMW CD9A08 Message (actual braking torque, sum, 43.3.4) checksum error, receiver DME/DDE, transmitter DSC
U1195; BMW CD9B02 Message (actual wheel speed, 46.0.1) not current, receiver DME/DDE, transmitter DSC
U116D; BMW CD9B04 No message (actual wheel speed, 46.0.1), receiver DME/DDE, transmitter DSC
U1196; BMW CD9B08 Message (actual wheel speed, 46.0.1) checksum error, receiver DME/DDE, transmitter DSC
U1125; BMW CD9F02 Message (Dynamic Stability Control stabilization, 47.1.2) not current, receiver DME/DDE, transmitter DSC
U1126; BMW CD9F04 No message (Dynamic Stability Control stabilization, 47.1.2), receiver DME/DDE, transmitter DSC
U1127; BMW CD9F08 Message (Dynamic Stability Control stabilization, 47.1.2) checksum error, receiver DME/DDE, transmitter DSC
U1101; BMW CDA804 No message (relative time, 0x328), receiver DME/DDE, transmitter KOMBI
U0137; BMW CDA904 No message (status, trailer, 0x2E4), receiver DME/DDE, transmitter AH
U1129; BMW CDAB04 No message (reverse gear, 0x3B0), receiver DME/DDE, transmitter FRM, FEM
U11A5; BMW CDAC04 No message (status, transmission control unit, 0x39A), receiver DME/DDE, transmitter
U112D; BMW CDAD04 No message (control, crash shutdown, electric fuel pump, 0x135), receiver DME/DDE, transmitter ACSM
U113C; BMW CDAE04 No message (time display, 0x2F8), receiver DME/DDE, transmitter KOMB
U113A; BMW CDAF04 No message (central locking and lid status, 0x2FC), receiver DME/DDE, transmitter CAS, FEM
U119B; BMW CDB204 No message (ambient temperature, 0x2CA), receiver DME/DDE, transmitter KOMBI
U111C; BMW CDB504 No message (kilometer reading / range, 0x330), receiver DME/DDE, transmitter KOMBI
U111D; BMW CDB602 Message (terminals, 0x12F) not current, receiver DME/DDE, transmitter CAS
U111E; BMW CDB604 No message (terminals, 0x12F), receiver DME/DDE, transmitter CAS, FEM
U111F; BMW CDB608 Message (terminals, 0x12F) checksum error, receiver DME/DDE, transmitter CAS
U11A7; BMW CDB904 No message (diagnosis, OBD gearbox, 0x396), receiver DME/DDE, transmitter DKG,
U11B3; BMW CDBB02 Message (request, torque, crankshaft, gearbox 2, 0xA0) not current, receiver DME/DDE, transmitter DKG,
U11B4; BMW CDBB04 No message (request, torque, crankshaft, gearbox 2, 0xA0), receiver DME/DDE, transmitter DKG,
U11B5; BMW CDBB08 Message (request, torque, crankshaft, gearbox 2, 0xA0) checksum error, receiver DME/DDE, transmitter DKG,
U11A6; BMW CDBF04 No message (status, transmission control unit, 0x39A), receiver DME/DDE, transmitter DKG,
U11A4; BMW CDC004 No message (diagnosis, OBD gearbox, 0x396), receiver DME/DDE, transmitter DKG,
U11A1; BMW CDC102 Message (data, transmission line, 0x1AF) not current, receiver DME/DDE, transmitter DKG,
U11A2; BMW CDC104 No message (data, transmission line, 0x1AF), receiver DME/DDE, transmitter DKG,
U11A3; BMW CDC108 Message (data, transmission line, 0x1AF) checksum error, receiver DME/DDE, transmitter DKG,
U11AD; BMW CDC202 Message (request, torque, crankshaft, , 0x0B0) not current, receiver DME/DDE, transmitter DKG,
U11AE; BMW CDC204 No message (request, torque, crankshaft, , 0x0B0), receiver DME/DDE, transmitter DKG,
U11AF; BMW CDC208 Message (request, torque, crankshaft, , 0x0B0) checksum error, receiver DME/DDE, transmitter DKG,
U1128; BMW CDC304 No message (status, electric fuel pump, 335), receiver DME/DDE, transmitter EKP

Posted on February 25, 2020 by Rick Muscoplat

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