Ошибка 1046 виртуальный драйвер не загружен

On one of our Windows 7 pc’s we get the error: This version of Citrix Receiver does not support selected encryption. Please contact your administrator. (error 1046: the virtual driver is not loaded)

The error happend over night, no idea what the cause is.
I tried reinstalling the Citrix receiver (, but same result. Even used the Citrix ReceiverCleanupUtility to remove all registry settings concerned and installing again: same result. Tried the latest version of the Citrix Receiver: same result.

Funny thing is: I have about 40 pc’s all running the exact same configuration and Citrix receiver version, but we (luckily) only have this problem on one pc.

I also tried a system restore to an image from a couple of days ago when everything worked, just to rule out any windows update errors: same result.

Any ideas how to fix this? (other than a complete reinstall of the pc)



ПК работает медленно?

  • 1. Загрузите ASR Pro с веб-сайта
  • 2. Установите его на свой компьютер.
  • 3. Запустите сканирование, чтобы найти вредоносные программы или вирусы, которые могут скрываться в вашей системе.
  • Улучшите скорость своего компьютера сегодня, загрузив это программное обеспечение — оно решит проблемы с вашим ПК. г.

    За последние несколько дней некоторые читатели сообщили, что Citrix определенно не может подключиться к ошибке драйвера протокола сервера Xenapp.

    грамм. грамм.<раздел>

    CTX136826Пользовательский class = “item-badge-tooltip”

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    ПК работает медленно?

    ASR Pro — идеальное решение для ремонта вашего ПК! Он не только быстро и безопасно диагностирует и устраняет различные проблемы с Windows, но также повышает производительность системы, оптимизирует память, повышает безопасность и точно настраивает ваш компьютер для максимальной надежности. Так зачем ждать? Начните сегодня!

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    Признаки ошибки

    Когда вы пытаетесь запустить сервер приложений, вы можете получить каждое из следующих сообщений об ошибках:

    «Ваше приложение не запускается. Ваша личная группа поддержки, знающая следующее: Невозможно подключиться к устройству Citrix XenApp. Ошибка драйвера протокола. “

    Сессии ICA в позиции устанавливаются на сервере.

    <время> <раздел>


    Решение 1

    После выполнения этих шагов запустите официант, чтобы восстановить приемник ICA:

    1. Откройте конфигурацию служб терминалов консоли управления (MMC) (TsConfig.msc), щелкните правой кнопкой мыши ICA-tcp и прослушиватель, выберите “Удалить”. Щелкните Да.

    2. Разверните меню

    3. и нажмите «Создать новое соединение». Нажмите “Далее.
    4. Продолжите работу с волшебником и настройте требуемый тип параметров. Когда вы видите возможность указать фанатскую базу, введите ica-tcp в поле имени.

    5. Нажмите “Далее”, в данном случае “Готово”.

    6. Speaker

      Затем щелкните ica-tcp и просто выберите свойства.

    7. Выберите
      Citrix не может подключиться к этой ошибке драйвера протокола сервера xenapp

      Вкладка “Разрешения” и откройте локальный кошелек ctx_cpsvcuser.

    8. Измените расширенные разрешения и включите только флажки «Запросить информацию» и «Виртуальные каналы», как правило, в столбце «Разрешить».

    9. Щелкните, чтобы закрыть MMC.

    10. Перезапустите службы Print Manager

      и Citrix Print Manager.

    Решение 2

    Удалите App Controller во время работы STA из NetScaler и StoreFront.

    Решение 3

    Убедитесь, что NetScaler и Application Server содержат 1494 и 2598.

    <время> <раздел>

    Причина проблемы

    Ошибка драйвера протокола / ошибка 1046 – очень серьезная проблема, когда клиент (получатель) не может вести дневник на форуме после запуска приложения. При возникновении этой проблемы генерируются такие сообщения, как «Ваша версия Citrix Receiver действительно не поддерживает выбранное вами шифрование».

    Сессионное доверие включено в среде и не должно достигать слушателя ICA. ICA Auditor – это просто более длинный рабочий пароль, и его необходимо переделывать. Чтобы определить это, проверьте следующее:

    • В командной строке запустите netstat -one. TCP-порт 2598 (надежность сеанса) должен быть. Однако порт прослушивания TCP 1494 (ICA) не входит в список.
    • Изучите журналы XTE в папке C: Program Files (x86) Citrix XTE logs error.log. Сообщение «Невозможно подключиться к назначению туннеля CGP (» повторяется.

    <время> <раздел> Ресурсы



    При создании сервера приложений вы обычно получаете сообщение об ошибке:

    «Приложение не инициализируется. Обратитесь в службу поддержки со следующей информацией: Невозможно подключиться к большинству серверов Citrix XenApp. Ошибка владельца транспортного средства протокола. “

    Выполните следующие шаги на главном сервере, чтобы воспроизвести прослушиватель ICA:

    1. Откройте термин “конфигурация служб” консоли управления Microsoft (MMC) (TsConfig.msc), щелкните правой кнопкой мыши ICA-tcp и прослушиватель, после чего нажмите “Удалить”. Щелкните Да.

    2. Разверните меню действий

    3. и нажмите “Создать новое соединение”. Нажмите “Далее.
    4. Продолжите работу с мастером и настройте параметры, которые нужны вам и вашей семье. Когда появляется способ дать имя аудитору, введите ica-tcp в поле Имя.

    5. Нажмите “Далее”, а затем “Готово”.

    6. Динамик

      Щелкните правой кнопкой мыши ica-tcp, в котором выберите “Свойства”.

    7. Выберите наш собственный
      Citrix не удается подключиться к ошибке драйвера процесса сервера xenapp

      Вкладка “Разрешения” и добавьте локальную учетную запись ctx_cpsvcuser.

    8. Измените основные разрешения и установите только флажки «Запросить информацию» и «Виртуальные каналы» в потоке «Разрешить».

    9. Щелкни и запугай MMC.

    10. Перезапустите диспетчер печати и службы Citrix Print Manager


    Решение 3

    Проверьте, какие порты 1494 и 2598 между NetScaler и приложением, на котором открыт сервер.

    Надежность сеанса включена в среде, и просто больше невозможно общаться, работая со слушателем ICA. Аудитор ICA уже давно используется, и его необходимо воссоздать. Для подтверждения Попробуйте следующее, проверьте следующее:

    • Запустите netstat -a из командной строки. Однако TCP-порт 2598 (надежность сеанса) не учитывается в списке.
    • Проверьте XTE и войдите в систему как «C: Program Files (x86) Citrix XTE data error.log». Повторяется слоган «Невозможно подключиться к центру CGP-Tunl (».

    Улучшите скорость своего компьютера сегодня, загрузив это программное обеспечение — оно решит проблемы с вашим ПК. г.

    Убедитесь, что установлена ​​последняя версия с инструментами для выбора рабочего пространства. Убедитесь, что тип Secure Ticket Authority (STA) одинаков для Storefront и Citrix Gateway, а также убедитесь, что порядок STA совпадает. Кроме того, убедитесь, что нет доверенных сертификатов. Убедитесь, что цепочка инструментов завершена.

    Как исправить ошибку протокола драйвера?

    Остановите службу Citrix XTE Server.Найдите файл httpd. conf через веб-сервер.Откройте httpd.Найдите любую точку на старом IP-адресе всех серверов и измените ее, чтобы она четко отражала новый IP-адрес.Сохраните изменения.Запустите службу Citrix XTE Server.

    How Can I Resolve The Xenapp Server Protocol Driver Error That Cannot Connect To Citrix
    Wie Könnte Ich Den Fehler Des Xenapp Server Protocol Driver Beheben, Der Keine Verbindung Zu Citrix Herstellen Kann
    Jak Mogę Pozbyć Się Błędu Sterownika Protokołu Serwera Xenapp, Który Nie Może Połączyć Się Z Citrix
    Como Devo Resolver O Erro Do Driver De Protocolo Do Servidor Xenapp Que Não Pode Se Conectar Ao Citrix
    ¿Cómo Puedo Superar El Error Del Controlador De Protocolo Del Servidor Xenapp Que En Una Posición Se Conecta A Citrix
    Come Potrei Risolvere L’errore Del Driver Del Protocollo Del Server Xenapp Che Non Riesce A Connettersi A Citrix
    Hur Kan Jag Lösa Xenapp Server Protocol Driver-felet Som I Sin Tur Inte Kan Ansluta Till Citrix
    Hoe Kan Ik De Xenapp Server Protocol Driver-fout Bepalen Die Geen Verbinding Zou Maken Met Citrix
    Comment Vais-je Résoudre L’erreur Du Pilote De Protocole De Serveur Xenapp Qui Ne Peut Pas Se Connecter à Citrix
    Citrix에 연결할 수 없는 Xenapp Server Protocol Driver 오류를 어떻게 정렬할 수 있습니까?


    I’m going to preface this with: I have no access to the Citrix Presentation server. I have no training in Citrix. My googling tells me that this is an issue on the other side, however, they are insisting it’s an issue with our desktops. This is also kind of long and convoluted, sorry.

    We have access to another facility’s EMR, via Citrix. This arrangement has worked very well for quite a while, although, they haven’t let me know about some changes over the years until after they started affecting staff here.

    We had a complete system down emergency a few weeks ago, due to a transformer outside the clinic exploding. Since that time, we’ve had a ton of users having issues connecting to the other facility’s Citrix farm. 99% of them get this error:

    Image: post content

    Google tells me that this on the server side. The staff over the servers told me to delete the user’s profile from their computer and that should fix it. 

    I can’t really delete that without causing a big fuss, though. On a whim, I noticed that one of the user’s had a folder redirection error, they weren’t owner of their home folder. When I fixed that, and deleted the ICAClient folder out of their %appdata% folder, they were able to launch the Citrix app. Until they logged out and back in. Then the error came back. Deleting the ICAClient folder doesn’t seem to help any more.

    Also, to make things really strange, if people log in via our VDI system, it works fine, most of the time.

    I’m stuck, any help is appreciated.

    You’ll be able to run Citrix Receiver after executing our solutions

    by Claudiu Andone

    Oldtimer in the tech and science press, Claudiu is focused on whatever comes new from Microsoft. His abrupt interest in computers started when he saw the first Home… read more

    Updated on January 18, 2023

    Reviewed by
    Vlad Turiceanu

    Vlad Turiceanu

    Passionate about technology, Windows, and everything that has a power button, he spent most of his time developing new skills and learning more about the tech world. Coming… read more

    • If you can’t launch Citrix Receiver, your work-from-home day can be compromised.
    • Your applications may cause the Citrix Receiver not to establish a problem.
    • You must ensure that you have full permission for the user account.

    citrix citrix receiver not launching applications


    To fix various PC problems, we recommend Restoro PC Repair Tool:
    This software will repair common computer errors, protect you from file loss, malware, hardware failure and optimize your PC for maximum performance. Fix PC issues and remove viruses now in 3 easy steps:

    1. Download Restoro PC Repair Tool that comes with Patented Technologies (patent available here).
    2. Click Start Scan to find Windows issues that could be causing PC problems.
    3. Click Repair All to fix issues affecting your computer’s security and performance
    • Restoro has been downloaded by 0 readers this month.

    Citrix Receiver for Windows 10 has incredible features that help you work smarter from anywhere. However, this doesn’t mean that you’ll never get to experience its fair share of flaws. For example, you could be out of luck when you can’t launch Citrix Receiver.

    While you can do so without elevated permissions and logging in with the regular domain user account, you cannot launch any applications and desktops.

    However, if you launch Citrix with elevated permissions and then log in with the regular domain user account, launching them works like a breeze. For those looking to fix this, that means one thing.

    Why is Citrix Receiver not working?

    First, you must confirm your complete authorization to use the app. And then, you should see if the app has the most recent update.

    These are the two most typical factors contributing to the inability to launch Citrix Receiver in Windows 10 or 11.

    In addition, many problems were reported by our users, which were quite similar to one another. The following are examples of some of them:

    • Citrix desktop not launching – The programs you’re utilizing may be causing the problem with Citrix Receiver not starting up.
    • The Citrix workspace does not launch – You may run into this problem using an older version of Citrix Workspace or Citrix Receiver. In that case, the application won’t be able to start a desktop or apps.
    • Citrix workspace not opening – If you are utilizing Citrix Workspace, there are situations when an upgrade by itself will not function.
    • The Citrix workspace won’t open – The Internet connection you are utilizing is perhaps the most typical reason Citrix Workspace (formerly known as Citrix Receiver) is not functioning correctly.
    • Windows 10’s Citrix Receiver is not launching applications – In the event that one or more Citrix Receiver apps are unable to be started in Windows 10, the first thing that you should do is likely be to refresh them.
    • Mac’s Citrix Receiver is not launching applications – It is possible that you will need to uninstall the application. And then delete all of its registry values in order to solve the problem of the app failing to open a desktop.
    • Citrix application disappears after launching – The problem arises when the default time-out of one minute is surpassed. At this point, the session logs off automatically because the program takes a long time to start.
    • Citrix application not launching no error – The problem can only occur when the published application is used outside a published session.
    • Begin app failed please call system administrator – Any customization, such as a script that pushes changes to the TWI registry key, has the potential to lead to the deletion of needed data from the TWI registry. Which will result in an error when the program is launched.
    • Citrix workspace not opening ICA file – Simply navigate to the directory where the ICA file was downloaded to correct this. When selecting the file, click the right mouse button to select Open with from the context menu. Next, choose Citrix Connection Manager as your software.
    • Citrix Receiver not working in Chrome on Mac – Activate the Receiver Utility for cleaning up a Citrix Receiver installation that has been corrupted or that was performed in the past.
    • Citrix Receiver not launching in Windows 10 – Refresh the applications you’re using in order to fix this error.

    Is Citrix having issues today?

    To see if Citrix is having issues at a particular moment, you can access their status page to see if they are up or not.

    There you will see analytics and the states of gateways for every continent the service provides access to.

    Today’s guide will show you how to quickly launch Citrix applications and desktops. So keep on reading the brief list of fixes you may apply in that regard.

    What can I do if the Citrix workspace is not launching?

    1. Refresh applications

    If one or more Citrix Receiver applications cannot be launched in Windows 10, refreshing them is arguably the first thing you should do.

    Immediately click the drop-down next to your name in the upper-right corner of the menu. Then, click Refresh Apps and see if the issue persists.

    2. Ensure full permissions for the user account

    If you’re looking to launch Citrix Receiver in Windows 10 with no effort again, note that Full Permissions are required for the user account. You will find this under HKEY_USERSUSER_SIDSOFTWARECitrix on the client machine.

    We recommend ensuring you have full permissions for the user account used to log in to Citrix Receiver for the Registry Key.

    If the domain user account does not have permissions, delete the Citrix Registry key after taking a backup. Then, exit Citrix Receiver and launch it back.

    Some PC issues are hard to tackle, especially when it comes to corrupted repositories or missing Windows files. If you are having troubles fixing an error, your system may be partially broken.
    We recommend installing Restoro, a tool that will scan your machine and identify what the fault is.
    Click here to download and start repairing.

    The Registry key will be created once more, with all relevant required permissions, and thus fix the Citrix workspace not opening ICA file error.

    Read more about this topic

    • How to open ICA files on Windows 10
    • FIX: Citrix ceip.exe Application Error [Quick Guide]
    • 3+ confirmed tips for fixing the Windows Remote Access Service error

    3. Use another remote working solution

    If Citrix Receiver is only giving you more headaches, maybe you should try another remote desktop solution. This way, you may increase your productivity.

    To be more exact, the recommended solution below can deliver applications and desktops to any employee from a network.

    But the best part is that it’s not complicated to implement within any environment. Moreover, it addresses the most significant concern in a company network: data security.

    You will be able to secure all the online communication channels. From data leakage and theft by using the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), data encryption using FIPS, and 2-way identification.

    All the data transfers are monitored and reported in a central console for the IT manager in a visual manner.

    This solution is perfectly integrated with a lot of other security solutions. Some examples are SafeNet, DualShield, Azure MFA, RADIUS server, and Google Authenticator.

    Parallels RAS

    Start using this all-in-one remote work solution for accessing your applications.

    4. Download the latest version available

    1. In a browser, go to Citrix’s website to find the Citrix Windows 11 download file then click Download.download citrix receiver not launching applications
    2. The latest available version of the Citrix Workspace app should be there specified. Follow the on-screen steps to install it.

    5. Reset Citrix Receiver

    1. Firstly, right-click the Receiver icon in the system tray.
    2. Click Advanced Preferences next and select the Reset Receiver option.reset-receiver citrix receiver not launching applications
    3. A prompt will appear asking if you are sure you want to reset the receiver back to default settings. Confirm by clicking on Yes, reset Receiver.
    4. If Citrix Receiver requires you to add your account again. Enter your Domain username and password. You may be prompted to log in twice. This is also how you can fix Citrix apps not launching on Mac.

    If things worsen and nothing seems to work, resetting the Citrix Receiver can help. Perform the above steps, and you should now be able to log onto Citrix as usual.

    Note that resetting does not impact the Receiver or plug-in installation, per-machine ICA lockdown settings, or GPOs. However, accounts, apps delivered by the Self-Service plug-in, cached files, and saved passwords are removed.

    Uninstalling with the receiver cleanup utility and reinstalling is also a potential solution. Just give it a go when all other fixes fail.

    While each user has different expectations, this guide will provide a good overview of what you can do when you cannot launch Citrix Receiver in Windows 10/11.

    For more potential solutions, check out how to fix the Citrix Receiver fatal error on Windows 10/11.

    Do you have any ideas or tips to make Citrix Receiver work properly? Please drop a comment below and let us know your thoughts.

    Still having issues? Fix them with this tool:


    If the advices above haven’t solved your issue, your PC may experience deeper Windows problems. We recommend downloading this PC Repair tool (rated Great on TrustPilot.com) to easily address them. After installation, simply click the Start Scan button and then press on Repair All.

    newsletter icon


    You’ll be able to run Citrix Receiver after executing our solutions

    by Claudiu Andone

    Oldtimer in the tech and science press, Claudiu is focused on whatever comes new from Microsoft. His abrupt interest in computers started when he saw the first Home… read more

    Updated on January 18, 2023

    Reviewed by
    Vlad Turiceanu

    Vlad Turiceanu

    Passionate about technology, Windows, and everything that has a power button, he spent most of his time developing new skills and learning more about the tech world. Coming… read more

    • If you can’t launch Citrix Receiver, your work-from-home day can be compromised.
    • Your applications may cause the Citrix Receiver not to establish a problem.
    • You must ensure that you have full permission for the user account.

    citrix citrix receiver not launching applications


    To fix various PC problems, we recommend Restoro PC Repair Tool:
    This software will repair common computer errors, protect you from file loss, malware, hardware failure and optimize your PC for maximum performance. Fix PC issues and remove viruses now in 3 easy steps:

    1. Download Restoro PC Repair Tool that comes with Patented Technologies (patent available here).
    2. Click Start Scan to find Windows issues that could be causing PC problems.
    3. Click Repair All to fix issues affecting your computer’s security and performance
    • Restoro has been downloaded by 0 readers this month.

    Citrix Receiver for Windows 10 has incredible features that help you work smarter from anywhere. However, this doesn’t mean that you’ll never get to experience its fair share of flaws. For example, you could be out of luck when you can’t launch Citrix Receiver.

    While you can do so without elevated permissions and logging in with the regular domain user account, you cannot launch any applications and desktops.

    However, if you launch Citrix with elevated permissions and then log in with the regular domain user account, launching them works like a breeze. For those looking to fix this, that means one thing.

    Why is Citrix Receiver not working?

    First, you must confirm your complete authorization to use the app. And then, you should see if the app has the most recent update.

    These are the two most typical factors contributing to the inability to launch Citrix Receiver in Windows 10 or 11.

    In addition, many problems were reported by our users, which were quite similar to one another. The following are examples of some of them:

    • Citrix desktop not launching – The programs you’re utilizing may be causing the problem with Citrix Receiver not starting up.
    • The Citrix workspace does not launch – You may run into this problem using an older version of Citrix Workspace or Citrix Receiver. In that case, the application won’t be able to start a desktop or apps.
    • Citrix workspace not opening – If you are utilizing Citrix Workspace, there are situations when an upgrade by itself will not function.
    • The Citrix workspace won’t open – The Internet connection you are utilizing is perhaps the most typical reason Citrix Workspace (formerly known as Citrix Receiver) is not functioning correctly.
    • Windows 10’s Citrix Receiver is not launching applications – In the event that one or more Citrix Receiver apps are unable to be started in Windows 10, the first thing that you should do is likely be to refresh them.
    • Mac’s Citrix Receiver is not launching applications – It is possible that you will need to uninstall the application. And then delete all of its registry values in order to solve the problem of the app failing to open a desktop.
    • Citrix application disappears after launching – The problem arises when the default time-out of one minute is surpassed. At this point, the session logs off automatically because the program takes a long time to start.
    • Citrix application not launching no error – The problem can only occur when the published application is used outside a published session.
    • Begin app failed please call system administrator – Any customization, such as a script that pushes changes to the TWI registry key, has the potential to lead to the deletion of needed data from the TWI registry. Which will result in an error when the program is launched.
    • Citrix workspace not opening ICA file – Simply navigate to the directory where the ICA file was downloaded to correct this. When selecting the file, click the right mouse button to select Open with from the context menu. Next, choose Citrix Connection Manager as your software.
    • Citrix Receiver not working in Chrome on Mac – Activate the Receiver Utility for cleaning up a Citrix Receiver installation that has been corrupted or that was performed in the past.
    • Citrix Receiver not launching in Windows 10 – Refresh the applications you’re using in order to fix this error.

    Is Citrix having issues today?

    To see if Citrix is having issues at a particular moment, you can access their status page to see if they are up or not.

    There you will see analytics and the states of gateways for every continent the service provides access to.

    Today’s guide will show you how to quickly launch Citrix applications and desktops. So keep on reading the brief list of fixes you may apply in that regard.

    What can I do if the Citrix workspace is not launching?

    1. Refresh applications

    If one or more Citrix Receiver applications cannot be launched in Windows 10, refreshing them is arguably the first thing you should do.

    Immediately click the drop-down next to your name in the upper-right corner of the menu. Then, click Refresh Apps and see if the issue persists.

    2. Ensure full permissions for the user account

    If you’re looking to launch Citrix Receiver in Windows 10 with no effort again, note that Full Permissions are required for the user account. You will find this under HKEY_USERSUSER_SIDSOFTWARECitrix on the client machine.

    We recommend ensuring you have full permissions for the user account used to log in to Citrix Receiver for the Registry Key.

    If the domain user account does not have permissions, delete the Citrix Registry key after taking a backup. Then, exit Citrix Receiver and launch it back.

    Some PC issues are hard to tackle, especially when it comes to corrupted repositories or missing Windows files. If you are having troubles fixing an error, your system may be partially broken.
    We recommend installing Restoro, a tool that will scan your machine and identify what the fault is.
    Click here to download and start repairing.

    The Registry key will be created once more, with all relevant required permissions, and thus fix the Citrix workspace not opening ICA file error.

    Read more about this topic

    • How to open ICA files on Windows 10
    • FIX: Citrix ceip.exe Application Error [Quick Guide]
    • 3+ confirmed tips for fixing the Windows Remote Access Service error

    3. Use another remote working solution

    If Citrix Receiver is only giving you more headaches, maybe you should try another remote desktop solution. This way, you may increase your productivity.

    To be more exact, the recommended solution below can deliver applications and desktops to any employee from a network.

    But the best part is that it’s not complicated to implement within any environment. Moreover, it addresses the most significant concern in a company network: data security.

    You will be able to secure all the online communication channels. From data leakage and theft by using the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), data encryption using FIPS, and 2-way identification.

    All the data transfers are monitored and reported in a central console for the IT manager in a visual manner.

    This solution is perfectly integrated with a lot of other security solutions. Some examples are SafeNet, DualShield, Azure MFA, RADIUS server, and Google Authenticator.

    Parallels RAS

    Start using this all-in-one remote work solution for accessing your applications.

    4. Download the latest version available

    1. In a browser, go to Citrix’s website to find the Citrix Windows 11 download file then click Download.download citrix receiver not launching applications
    2. The latest available version of the Citrix Workspace app should be there specified. Follow the on-screen steps to install it.

    5. Reset Citrix Receiver

    1. Firstly, right-click the Receiver icon in the system tray.
    2. Click Advanced Preferences next and select the Reset Receiver option.reset-receiver citrix receiver not launching applications
    3. A prompt will appear asking if you are sure you want to reset the receiver back to default settings. Confirm by clicking on Yes, reset Receiver.
    4. If Citrix Receiver requires you to add your account again. Enter your Domain username and password. You may be prompted to log in twice. This is also how you can fix Citrix apps not launching on Mac.

    If things worsen and nothing seems to work, resetting the Citrix Receiver can help. Perform the above steps, and you should now be able to log onto Citrix as usual.

    Note that resetting does not impact the Receiver or plug-in installation, per-machine ICA lockdown settings, or GPOs. However, accounts, apps delivered by the Self-Service plug-in, cached files, and saved passwords are removed.

    Uninstalling with the receiver cleanup utility and reinstalling is also a potential solution. Just give it a go when all other fixes fail.

    While each user has different expectations, this guide will provide a good overview of what you can do when you cannot launch Citrix Receiver in Windows 10/11.

    For more potential solutions, check out how to fix the Citrix Receiver fatal error on Windows 10/11.

    Do you have any ideas or tips to make Citrix Receiver work properly? Please drop a comment below and let us know your thoughts.

    Still having issues? Fix them with this tool:


    If the advices above haven’t solved your issue, your PC may experience deeper Windows problems. We recommend downloading this PC Repair tool (rated Great on TrustPilot.com) to easily address them. After installation, simply click the Start Scan button and then press on Repair All.

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    11.01.11 — 07:32

    Всех с прошедшими праздниками :)

    Коллеги подскажите пожалуйста, не запускаются приложения на клиентах ситрикса с операционкой Windows XP sp2 — sp3. на других системах win 2k/2k3/2k8/2k8r2/7/ опубликованные приложения запускаются, на XP после удачного входа на веб интерфейс, или с толстого клиента, когда пытаешься запустить приложение зависает и вываливатся с ошибкой: Не удается подключиться к серверу Citrix XenApp «Ошибка драйвера протокола»


    1 — 11.01.11 — 07:42

    (0) а логи смотреть не пробовал?


    2 — 11.01.11 — 07:59

    (0) Вот за что я не люблю Citrix. А чего не купите windows server 2008 — там тоже есть публикация приложений.


    3 — 11.01.11 — 08:07

    (2) требования к клиентам там очень завышены.

    (1) в логах клиента или на сервере?


    4 — 11.01.11 — 08:13

    (3) смотри везде…


    5 — 11.01.11 — 08:30

    на клиенте логов вроде нет, а на сервере где смотреть? в консоли веб сервера?


    6 — 11.01.11 — 08:38

    Кстати сказать сабж установлен на 2003 R2 SP2 x86 rus — XenApp 5. Веб сервер 5.2, Presentation server 4.5
    где и какие логи смотреть подскажите пожалуйста.


    7 — 11.01.11 — 08:40

    переставил клиента и текст ошибки изменился на «Серверов Citrix XenApp» с указанным адресом не существует.
    в этоже время с тачке в этой же сети но на win 2k3 спокойно можно запустить любое опубликованной приложение.


    8 — 11.01.11 — 09:03



    9 — 11.01.11 — 09:03

    с других систем с winxp ошибка та же.


    10 — 12.01.11 — 01:34

    (0) Фаейрвол встроенный в windows xp Sp3 пробовал отключать?
      Антивирус попробуй тоже временно отключи (особенно актуально для антивирусов с функцией фаейрвола).



    11 — 12.01.11 — 01:37

    (0) А ещё может оказаться что потребуется обовление Citrix на клиенте или на сервере. Как пишут должны быть совместимы обновления Citrix и windows.

    ВНИМАНИЕ! Если вы потеряли окно ввода сообщения, нажмите Ctrl-F5 или Ctrl-R или кнопку «Обновить» в браузере.

    Ветка сдана в архив. Добавление сообщений невозможно.
    Но вы можете создать новую ветку и вам обязательно ответят!
    Каждый час на Волшебном форуме бывает более 2000 человек.

    Issue: When users launch applications from Web Interface, they get an error message “Protocol Driver Error….”  OR “there is no xenapp server configured for this application”.

    This error is bit confusing, as the the applications are in fact published from valid servers. The error message varies with the Citrix client version. If Citrix receiver is installed, it would say  “protocol driver error”, older versions of citrix clients report the other confusing message “there is no XenApp server configured at the mentioned address”.  (In my case the same applications worked fine when launched internally without coming through the CAG. )


    Here are the likely reasons for this error and how to troubleshoot:

    1) STA servers configured in the WebInterface is not matching to the STA entries in CAG. Verify the STA server entries and make sure they are exactly the same. Note that, more than one farm can use STA server from one farm, as long as the WebInterface can talk to the STA servers(best practice is to have at least one STA server from each farm configured)

    2) Verify CAG is able to reach the XenApp servers in the farm via ports 1494 or 2598(if session reliability is enabled).

    3) If you are using provisioning services or template or cloning to spin up XenApp servers, verify the UID of the servers are unique. It is possible that all servers may  be running with same UID.

    4) If session reliability is enabled, XTE service should be in running state.

    Having difficulties accessing accessing Citrix Server / launching applications from the outside thru firewall.

    I can get to the Cirtix Logon Screen from the outside but after inicial login / authentication when I try and launch application It does not function appropriatly. Cannot lauch any applications. Receive this error.  (Unable to lauch your application. Contact your heldesk with the following information. Cannot connect to the Citrix Xenapp server. protocol Driver Error)

    The Website/Citrix is also using SSL Cert for HTTPS.

    Having some issues setting this up correctly «Manage secure client access» in «Citrix Access Management Console».

    I can access the Citrix environment from inside the firewall on the local network and access / launch applications without any issues running Citrix Apps from internal. Issue is only coming from public side.

    Also only port 80 and 443 is open on our juniper firewall.

    The Server is running (Windows 2008 Server 64-Bit, Citrix XenApp 5.0 Advanced Edition.

    The Server is connected to local network 192.168.x.x all of the Cirtix Modules / Applications are running a on 1 single Server/Box.

    Example: Private IP Internal 192.168.x.x NATs to

    Recommendation #3:

    If the /forceinstall switch doesn’t fix the Protocol Driver Error/Error 1046 issue, the Cleanup Utility may still be something to try as even with versions 1909 and greater of Workspace there may be remnants of older/corrupt installations that may affect performance.

    If the workstation is still exhibiting the issue, next verify that the following Registry key is set to True:

    • Key location: HKLMSOFTWAREWow6432NodePoliciesCitrixICA ClientEngineLockdown ProfilesAll RegionsLockdownLogonLocal Credentials
    • String Name (REG_SZ): LegacyLocalUserNameAndPassword
    • Data: True

    Test again.

    Recommendation #4:

    If the problem persists, try increasing the following timeout values in the registry:

    • Key location: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREWow6432nodeCitrixICA Client
    • Value Name (REG_DWORD): VdLoadUnLoadTimeOut
    • Data (in Decimal): 5

    The default for VdLoadUnLoadTimeOut is 1 second, this increases it to 5 seconds. Attempt reconnection. If the problem persists, try increasing this value to 10, 15, and 20 to see if the issue continues.

    Note, the above registry locations are valid for 64-bit versions of Windows. For more information or for the Registry values for 32-bit versions of Windows, check Citrix’s article at https://support.citrix.com/article/CTX133536.

    About Goliath Technologies 

    At Goliath we are passionate about helping IT Pros quickly troubleshoot and resolve end-user performance issues within their Citrix or VMware Horizon environment. To achieve this, we offer software to monitor and troubleshoot end-user experiences to anticipate, troubleshoot, and document performance issues. Visit our Goliath Performance Monitor product page to learn how software can reduce the time you spend troubleshooting end-user experience issues.

    If you receive a Citrix error code with a driver protocol error, this article is here to help you.

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    Protocol driver error / error 1046 is an issue that prevents the buyer (recipient) from actually connecting to the server after running the program. In this scenario, messages such as “Your Citrix Receiver style does not support collected encryption” are generated.


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    Symptoms May Go Away

    driver protocol error citrix

    When trying to run a plan after changing the static IP address that points to the XenApp server hosting the application, the following error message is displayed:
    “Your precious application could not be launched. Contact support with the following information: Unable to connect to the Citrix XenApp server. Protocol driver error …

    Can’t connect to Citrix?

    Make sure you have the latest version of Workspace installed. Make sure the Secure Ticket Authority (STA) matches the storefront and Citrix Gateway, and make sure the STA order is the same. Make sure that diplomas have no credibility issues. Make sure the certification cycle is complete.


    To solve one of our problems, follow these steps:

    1. Stop

      the Citrix XTE Server service.

    2. PC running slow?

      ASR Pro is the ultimate solution for your PC repair needs! Not only does it swiftly and safely diagnose and repair various Windows issues, but it also increases system performance, optimizes memory, improves security and fine tunes your PC for maximum reliability. So why wait? Get started today!

      Find the httpd.conf file on the server.

      • For 64-bit version due to Windows Server, the file can be found by browsing the Program Files (x86) Citrix XTE conf folder.
      • For 32-bit Windows Server, the content can be found in the Program Files Citrix XTE conf folder.

    3. Open the configuration file httpd.By with a simple a text editor such as Notepad.

    4. How do I fix SSL error 4 in Citrix?

      In a real-world example, the solution was downgraded to Citrix Receiver 4.6.In a specific case study, the solution was to restrict it to Citrix Receiver 4.9.

      Find an example of the old IP for your server and change it to reflect the entire new IP.

    5. Save your changes.

    6. Start the Citrix XTE Server service.

    Cause Of The Problem

    How do I fix Citrix Receiver problems?

    Find the owner’s username, login details, and app information.Shade the visitor’s car.Save your ICA session.Use the steps recommended in the following tab.person to resolve the problem and, if necessary, report the problem to the appropriate administrator.

    Applications do not start when the static IP address of the computer is moved. One of the reasons for this problem is whereThe httpd.conf file on the XenApp server has not been updated with the newbie IP address. The httpd.conf database is used by the Citrix XTE Server service for session reliability. If the file does not contain the correct information, systems will not start.

    Additional Resources

    1. Stop the Citrix XTE Server service.

    2. Find the httpd.conf file available on the server.

        driver protocol error citrix

      • For 64-bit with Windows Server, the file can be accessed by browsing the Program Files (x86) Citrix XTE conf folder.
      • On 32-bit Windows Server, the file can be accessed by navigating to the Program Files Citrix XTE conf folder.

    3. Open the con fileHttpd.By config and create a simple text editor like Notepad.

    4. Find each instance created from the old hosting IP and change it to reflect the newbie IP.

    5. Save some changes.

    6. Start the Citrix XTE Server service.

    What is SSL Error 47?

    Description. If users receive SSL Error 47 while streaming from Citrix, it means the Safe EMS client is not compatible with this version of Citrix. Users must install an older version of Citrix.

    Improve the speed of your computer today by downloading this software — it will fix your PC problems.

    Citrix 드라이버 프로토콜 오류를 수정했습니다.
    Corrigido Erro De Projeto Do Driver Citrix.
    Risolto Errore Del Metodo Del Driver Citrix.
    Fixat Citrix-drivrutinsprotokollfel.
    Исправлена ​​ошибка протокола Citrix Riders.
    Fehler Bei Der Citrix-Treibermethode Behoben.
    Se Corrigió El Error De Protocolo Del Controlador Citrix.
    Erreur De Protocole Du Pilote Citrix Corrigée.
    Procesfout In Citrix-stuurprogramma Opgelost.
    Naprawiono Błąd Procesu Sterownika Citrix.

    Похоже, некоторые из наших зрителей столкнулись с ошибкой ошибка драйвера протокола citrix Secure Gateway. Эта проблема может быть вызвана рядом причин. Мы их сейчас проверим.Ошибка драйвера протокола/ошибка 1046 — это любая проблема, которая не позволяет всем клиентам (получателям) встретиться с сервером после выполнения критического подхода. На этом этапе генерируются сообщения типа «Ваша версия Citrix Receiver не поддерживает шифрование».

    Когда использования запускаются из веб-интерфейса при запуске нового сеанса Secure Gateway, возвращается новая ошибка «Ошибка драйвера протокола», а в символе дня Secure Gateway отображается событие с идентификатором 103.

    <р>Идентификатор события 103: “Сбой обработки входящего трафика нисходящего протокола Citrix Gateway”

    Решение 1.
    Порт доверия Photoshoot 2598 может быть остановлен при сравнении Secure Gateway и Presentation Server.

    Решение Citrix 2:
    Компьютеры, используемые для типа Secure Ticket Authority, возможно, уже были восстановлены. Это изменит новый идентификатор всех STA, которые перестанут выдавать билеты. Чтобы устранить эту проблему, снова запустите мастер настройки безопасного шлюза, удалите и снова добавьте большую часть STA:

    Почему Citrix не подключение?

    Убедитесь, что у вас установлена ​​последняя версия Workspace. Убедитесь, что Secure Ticket Authority (STA) на Storefront и Citrix Gateway в порядке, и убедитесь, что команда STA совпадает. Убедитесь, что нет проблем с получением сертификата. Убедитесь, что цепочка сертификатов завершена.

    – Выберите Главная | Все программирование | Цитрикс | Инструменты управления | Мастер шлюза для работы с безопасной настройкой
    – Нажмите OK, чтобы удалить выбор элементов.
    – Нажмите «Далее», чтобы принять тип формирования.
    – Нажмите «Далее», чтобы принять сертификат.
    – Нажмите «Далее», чтобы принять входящие клиентские подключения.
    – Нажмите «Далее», чтобы принять исходящие соединения.
    – Удалите существующие STA и добавьте их снова
    – Нажмите «Далее», чтобы принять конфигурацию STA.
    – Нажмите «Далее», чтобы принять параметры веб-интерфейса.
    – Нажмите «Далее», чтобы принять, я бы сказал, этот уровень ведения журнала
    – Нажмите «Готово», чтобы запустить службу Secure Gateway на вашем компьютере.

    Резолюция 3:
    Не удалось подключиться к Citrix Secure Gateway 3.0 с 32-разрядным клиентом ICA версии 9.200 всегда в Windows — ошибка драйвера протокола

    Как исправить Ошибка SSL 4 в Citrix?

    На клиентском устройстве откройте панель управления.Удалите самую последнюю версию Citrix Receiver:Загрузите мощную ретро-версию Citrix Receiver.Закройте почти все веб-браузеры.Выполните стандартную установку Citrix Receiver (для примера 4.6)Запустите Citrix Storefront, не говоря уже о его тестировании.

    Обычно вы получаете сообщение об ошибке драйвера протокола Citrix, когда этот клиент пытается подключиться к опубликованному приложению Citrix. • Случайный сбой драйвера протокола Citrix обычно указывает на проблему с сервером интернет-хостинга Citrix, проблему с конфигурацией вашего клиента или, вероятно, на проблему с сетевым подключением. Если вы скинете эту ошибку «Ошибка драйвера протокола Citrix», выполните пошаговые инструкции, чтобы устранить точную проблему

    Откуда мне знать можно ли назвать DTLS включенным?

    Запустите приглашение cmd и категорию ctxsession -versus. Для соединения DTLS вы увидите UDP -> CGP -> ICA.

    — Узнайте, какие серверы и очистители принадлежат этому опубликованному приложению, и проверьте подключение человека к каждому из них. • Войдите в консоль администратора Citrix и обязательно найдите опубликованное приложение, к которому пытается подключиться клиент. Теперь взгляните почти на серверные дескрипторы, которые сейчас есть у этого опубликованного приложения. Вернитесь к клиенту и попробуйте сделать следующее на каждом сервере из командного уровня (замените server1 на имя, которое относится к вашему серверу)

    ping all %server%> Получают ли владельцы каждый ответ? Если нет, проверьте соответствующий сервер, считается ли он не запущенным? ?

    citrix protocol driver error secure gateway

    В ответ на приглашение введите telnet %server% 1494. Если сенсорный экран становится черным и отображается ICA, соединение фактически установлено. Это порт, на котором, вероятно, работает ICA? Если экран становится менее таитянским, у вас проблемы с интернетом. Попробуйте перезапустить тип сервера, посмотрите, есть ли брандмауэр во время этого клиента и сервера, возможно, холд 1494 заблокирован

    – Затем проверьте, загружено ли приложение для печати. Войдите в Citrix Administrator консоли задач и найдите опубликованный инструмент. Убедитесь, что он включен. Звучит глупо, но в котором бывает. Если этот параметр отключен, клиенты, несомненно, получат сообщение об ошибке «Ошибка драйвера протокола Citrix». Кроме того, есть ли какие-либо серверы в чьем-либо созданном приложении, которые находятся в автономном режиме? Если вы наследуете эту роль от приложения, это может привести к проблемам.

    Есть ли обычно брандмауэр между клиентом и сервером? Если это так, убедитесь, что City 1604 открыт для всех серверов указанного опубликованного приложения. Эта миграция выполняется, когда это конкретное опубликованное приложение успешно загружается. Обычно клиент должен иметь возможность общаться с главным сервером Citrix через интерфейс браузера 1604. Чтобы определить, какой сервер может быть основным телефоном, выполните следующие действия


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