Ошибка 111200 при обновлении adobe acrobat

Hi there, I’ve the same error here, but it is not for Adobe Reader, but for Adobe Acrobat Pro.

Have you found a solution for this in the meantime?

Below my updater log:

[2013-01-15 23:27:13] Adobe ARM logging started.

[2013-01-15 23:27:13] Command Line: /ArmElevate /MODE:1 /PRODUCT:Acrobat /VERSION:9 /LANG:DEU

[2013-01-15 23:27:13] ProductCode: {AC76BA86-1033-F400-7760-000000000004}

[2013-01-15 23:27:13] ProductName: Adobe Acrobat 9 Pro — English, Français, Deutsch

[2013-01-15 23:27:13] ProductVersion: 9.5.2

[2013-01-15 23:27:13] ProductUACPatching: enabled

[2013-01-15 23:27:13] ProductCode: {AC76BA86-1033-F400-BA7E-000000000005}

[2013-01-15 23:27:13] ProductName: Adobe Acrobat X Standard — English, Français, Deutsch

[2013-01-15 23:27:13] ProductVersion: 10.1.5

[2013-01-15 23:27:13] ProductUACPatching: enabled

[2013-01-15 23:27:13] Automatic preferences not provided with command line and not found in Registry — using default ARM preference AUTO_DOWNLOAD

[2013-01-15 23:27:13] Admin User, IsElevated returns 1

[2013-01-15 23:27:13] Failed to lock Manifest file.

[2013-01-15 23:27:13]    GetLastError(): 2 — Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden.

[2013-01-15 23:27:13] Init Manifest Data failed

[2013-01-15 23:27:13]    Error Code: 130100

[2013-01-15 23:27:13] Init Session data failed.

[2013-01-15 23:27:13]    Error Code: 2

[2013-01-15 23:27:13] ** Setting Error Condition:

[2013-01-15 23:27:13]    Error Code: 111200

[2013-01-15 23:27:17] User exited

[2013-01-15 23:27:18] ARM returns ERROR_SUCCESS

[2013-01-15 23:27:18] Adobe ARM logging finished.

Another strange thing is that I’ve Adobe Acrobat 9 Pro (9.5.2) and Adobe Acrobat X Standard (10.1.5) on my System. For Adobe Acrobat X, I’ve got today also a update which was successfully.

Anyone any idea about this?

Hi there, I’ve the same error here, but it is not for Adobe Reader, but for Adobe Acrobat Pro.

Have you found a solution for this in the meantime?

Below my updater log:

[2013-01-15 23:27:13] Adobe ARM logging started.

[2013-01-15 23:27:13] Command Line: /ArmElevate /MODE:1 /PRODUCT:Acrobat /VERSION:9 /LANG:DEU

[2013-01-15 23:27:13] ProductCode: {AC76BA86-1033-F400-7760-000000000004}

[2013-01-15 23:27:13] ProductName: Adobe Acrobat 9 Pro — English, Français, Deutsch

[2013-01-15 23:27:13] ProductVersion: 9.5.2

[2013-01-15 23:27:13] ProductUACPatching: enabled

[2013-01-15 23:27:13] ProductCode: {AC76BA86-1033-F400-BA7E-000000000005}

[2013-01-15 23:27:13] ProductName: Adobe Acrobat X Standard — English, Français, Deutsch

[2013-01-15 23:27:13] ProductVersion: 10.1.5

[2013-01-15 23:27:13] ProductUACPatching: enabled

[2013-01-15 23:27:13] Automatic preferences not provided with command line and not found in Registry — using default ARM preference AUTO_DOWNLOAD

[2013-01-15 23:27:13] Admin User, IsElevated returns 1

[2013-01-15 23:27:13] Failed to lock Manifest file.

[2013-01-15 23:27:13]    GetLastError(): 2 — Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden.

[2013-01-15 23:27:13] Init Manifest Data failed

[2013-01-15 23:27:13]    Error Code: 130100

[2013-01-15 23:27:13] Init Session data failed.

[2013-01-15 23:27:13]    Error Code: 2

[2013-01-15 23:27:13] ** Setting Error Condition:

[2013-01-15 23:27:13]    Error Code: 111200

[2013-01-15 23:27:17] User exited

[2013-01-15 23:27:18] ARM returns ERROR_SUCCESS

[2013-01-15 23:27:18] Adobe ARM logging finished.

Another strange thing is that I’ve Adobe Acrobat 9 Pro (9.5.2) and Adobe Acrobat X Standard (10.1.5) on my System. For Adobe Acrobat X, I’ve got today also a update which was successfully.

Anyone any idea about this?

Обновлено: 29.01.2023

5.0 Оценок: 3 (Ваша: )

Adobe Acrobat не работает?
Скачайте 100% рабочую версию аналогичного софта

Решение 1. Обновление программного обеспечения

Для использования этого способа:

1. Повторно откройте Adobe Reader 11.

2. Далее обновите софт до последней версии: нажмите на верхней панели на кнопку «Справка» — «Проверка обновлений».

3. При наличии доступных версий вам будет предложено загрузить файлы с официального сайта.

Если Акробат XI продолжает вылетать после установки обновления, вам необходимо воспользоваться другим способом из списка.

Решение 2. Выполнение специальной команды

Перед сбросом настроек закройте все запущенные программы. Затем выполните несколько простых действий:

1. Запустите Adobe Reader.

2. Кликните «Справка» — «Восстановить установку». Windows 10/8/7 автоматически настроит приложение.

3. После завершения обработки перезагрузите систему ПК.

Решение 3. Отключение защищенного просмотра

В открытом ридере необходимо:

1. Нажать на «Редактирование» — «Установки».

2. В новом окне перейти в раздел «Защита (повышенный уровень)».

3. В блоке «Защищенный режим» выберите вариант «Отключен».

4. Примените изменения и перезагрузите программу.

Решение 4. Открытие Distiller DC

Чтобы использовать этот способ, следуйте инструкции:

1. Зажмите комбинацию клавиш Win+R.

2. В новом окне введите acrodist.

4. После завершения активации перезагрузите софт.

Решение 5. Переход в другой профиль Windows

Выйдите из учетной записи Виндовс, в которой возникла ошибка и смените профиль. Проверьте приложение на неполадки.

Если ни один вариант не помог решить проблему, необходима полная переустановка Акробата.

Чтобы написать о прекращение работы Adobe Reader, есть несколько вариантов отправки данных:

3. С помощью специальной формы.Этот вариант позволит вручную ввести данные о неполадках. Для этого перейдите на официальный сайт Adobe и найдите раздел Feature Request/Bug Report Form. В ней нужно указать продукт, а затем написать о проблеме. Форма представлена только на английском языке.

Почему Adobe Reader может не запускаться в Windows 10

Во время работы в версиях для Windows 10 может возникнуть еще одна проблема: при попытке открытия файлов ничего не происходит. Система не выдает никакой ошибки и просто игнорирует действия пользователя. Давайте разберемся, из-за каких причин Adobe Reader не открывается и не читает PDF.

Повреждение установочных файлов

Устаревшая версия

Если предыдущий способ не сработал, проверьте актуальность версии, что у вас установлена. Компания Adobe постоянно совершенствуют свой продукт, устраняя баги и добавляя новые опции. Для установки обновлений не нужно полностью удалять и снова устанавливать софт. Нужная функция также вызывается через пункт «Справка». Выберите строчку «Проверка обновлений» и после окончания процесса снова попробуйте открыть документ.

Неактуальная программа PDF

Если вы использовали приложение, установленное по умолчанию на компьютере, а затем удалили его, возможно, система скинула значения чтения этих файлов. Поэтому они никак не реагируют на ваши действия. Чтобы установить Adobe Acrobat в качестве главной «читалки» документов, выделите любой файл PDF правой кнопкой мыши, нажмите «Свойства» и во вкладке «Общие» установите Adobe как приложение для чтения по умолчанию.


Аналог Adobe Acrobat Reader

Если приложение Адоб Ридер часто выдает ошибки, следует задуматься о более стабильной альтернативе. Выбирайте PDF Commander – он прост в управлении, обладает всеми нужными функциями и не зависит от интернет-соединения.

В некоторых случаях вы можете устранить ошибки, связанные с обновлением, переустановив Acrobat или Reader.

Удаление и переустановка Reader на компьютере:

Удалите Reader с компьютера:

  1. Откройте диалоговое окно Выполнить, используя комбинацию клавиш Windows + R.
  2. В диалоговом окне введите Панель управления и нажмите OK.
  3. На Панели управления выберите Программы и компоненты и затем в списке установленных программ выберите Reader.
  4. Нажмите Удалить и следуйте инструкциям на экране для удаления Reader.

Переустановите последнюю версию Reader на компьютере:

  1. Перейдите на страницу Загрузка Adobe Reader и нажмите Загрузить Acrobat Reader.
  2. Дайте менеджеру загрузки достаточно времени, чтобы загрузить все необходимые установочные файлы. Затем следуйте инструкциям для установки Reader.

Если у вас возникнут какие-либо трудности, попробуйте использовать другой веб-браузер.

Удаление и переустановка Acrobat на компьютере:

Удалите Acrobat с компьютера:

  1. Откройте диалоговое окно Выполнить, используя комбинацию клавиш Windows + R.
  2. В диалоговом окне введите Панель управления и нажмите OK.
  3. На Панели управления выберите Программы и компоненты и затем в списке установленных программ выберите Acrobat.
  4. Нажмите Удалить и следуйте инструкциям на экране для удаления Acrobat.

Переустановите последнюю версию Acrobat на компьютере:

  • Перейдите на страницу Справка по загрузке и установке Acrobat и перейдите по ссылке для загрузки и установки вашей версии Acrobat.

Если у вас установлена устаревшая версия, переустановите Acrobat с помощью загруженных установочных файлов или с DVD-диска.

Дополнительные сведения о конфигурировании и устранении неполадок в модуле обновления см. в разделе Руководство по программе обновления Acrobat Reader.

  • Восстановите текущую установку программы с помощью функции «Установка и удаление программ» на «Панели управления».
  • Войдите в качестве администратора и откройте соответствующий ключ реестра:
    (Acrobat) HKLMSoftwareAdobeAcrobat
    (Reader) Reader<version> HKCUSoftwareAdobeAcrobat Reader<version>
  • Обновите программу еще раз.

Попробуйте использовать средство устранения неполадок Microsoft Troubleshooter | Windows 10, Windows 8/8.1/7.

Отказ от ответственности: Adobe не поддерживает стороннее программное обеспечение и предоставляет эту информацию исключительно в качестве совета.

Если проблема не устранена после использования средства устранения неполадок, см. раздел Ошибка 1606 | Установка | Acrobat 8, 9 | CS4.

Источник установки для этого продукта не доступен.Убедитесь, что источник существует и доступен.

Не удалось открыть этот пакет исправлений. Убедитесь, что пакет исправлений существует и доступен. Или свяжитесь с поставщиком приложения, чтобы убедиться, что это действительный пакет исправлений для установщика Windows.

Отказ от ответственности: Adobe не поддерживает стороннее программное обеспечение и предоставляет эту информацию исключительно в качестве совета.

Если ошибка по-прежнему возникает, используйте Adobe Reader и инструмент Acrobat Cleaner, чтобы удалить следы предыдущей установки, а затем переустановите Adobe Acrobat Reader или Adobe Acrobat.

Данная ошибка указывает на то, что ваша установка Acrobat или Reader была изменена с помощью файла Transforms (.MST). Возможно, файл .MST отсутствует в исходном расположении или поврежден.

Эта ошибка также может возникнуть при загрузке и обновлении с помощью Adobe Application Manager. Ошибку можно обойти, если загрузить обновление отдельно от установки. Другими словами, необходимо сохранить файл обновления локально (на компьютере), а запустить его отдельно.

Чтобы загрузить и установить обновление, найдите новейшую версию Acrobat или Reader по адресу:

Выберите «Продолжить для загрузки» и «Загрузить сейчас», а затем выберите «Сохранить» или «Сохранить как» для сохранения файла на компьютер. После загрузки найдите файл исправления на компьютере и дважды щелкните на файле для запуска обновления.

В операционной системе Windows имена файлов имеют расширение . MSP и именуются для каждого продукта и обновления, например AcrobatUpd11009. msp , AcrobatUpd1014.msp или AdbeRdrUpd11007.msp.

  1. В проводнике Windows перейдите в папку C:Program Files (x86)Common FilesAdobeARM1.0
  2. Щелкните правой кнопкой мыши по файлу AdobeARM.exe и выберите пункт Запуск от имени администратора.
  3. В Reader или Acrobat выберите Помощь > Проверить наличие обновлений. Для завершения обновления следуйте инструкциям на экране.

Отказ от ответственности: Adobe не поддерживает стороннее программное обеспечение и предоставляет эту информацию исключительно в качестве совета.

Если ошибка по-прежнему возникает, используйте Adobe Reader и инструмент Acrobat Cleaner, чтобы удалить следы предыдущей установки, а затем переустановите Adobe Acrobat Reader или Adobe Acrobat.

Отказ от ответственности: Adobe не поддерживает стороннее программное обеспечение и предоставляет эту информацию исключительно в качестве совета.

Если вы не можете удалить, установить или обновить программу после применения мастера диагностики Fix it, см. решения в разделе Ошибка 1714 | Acrobat, Reader.

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  • Adobe reader Updater error 111200

/t5/acrobat-reader-discussions/adobe-reader-updater-error-111200/td-p/4010857 Mar 04, 2012 Mar 04, 2012

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It´s really terrible to update Adobe free products (Reader, Flash Player, Shockwave Player) in network with domain. Know somebody what mean «error 111200»? THX

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This error stands for Updater Session failed to initialize.

Can you please provide Updater log file?

It is called AdobeARM.log and can be found in the User Temp folder.

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[2012-03-05 08:50:50] Adobe ARM logging started.

[2012-03-05 08:50:50] Command Line: /PRODUCT:Reader /VERSION:10.0 /MODE:3

[2012-03-05 08:50:50] Could not collect information for Product:

[2012-03-05 08:50:50] ProductCode:

[2012-03-05 08:50:50] ProductName: Adobe Reader X — Czech

[2012-03-05 08:50:50] ProductVersion: 10.0.0

[2012-03-05 08:50:50] ProductUACPatching: enabled

[2012-03-05 08:50:50] Admin User, IsElevated returns 1

[2012-03-05 08:50:59] No CRD to store

[2012-03-05 08:50:59] New file object: AdbeRdr1010_cs_CZ.msi

[2012-03-05 08:50:59] New file object: AdbeRdrUpd1012.msp

[2012-03-05 08:50:59] ArmUpdate record found.

[2012-03-05 08:50:59] Newer version ARM Update is not available.

[2012-03-05 08:51:00] No CRD to store

[2012-03-07 08:52:39] ARM returns ERROR_SUCCESS

[2012-03-07 08:52:39] Adobe ARM logging finished.

Be kind and respectful, give credit to the original source of content, and search for duplicates before posting. Learn more

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Hi there, I’ve the same error here, but it is not for Adobe Reader, but for Adobe Acrobat Pro.

Have you found a solution for this in the meantime?

Below my updater log:

[2013-01-15 23:27:13] Adobe ARM logging started.

[2013-01-15 23:27:13] Command Line: /ArmElevate /MODE:1 /PRODUCT:Acrobat /VERSION:9 /LANG:DEU

[2013-01-15 23:27:13] ProductCode:

[2013-01-15 23:27:13] ProductName: Adobe Acrobat 9 Pro — English, Français, Deutsch

[2013-01-15 23:27:13] ProductVersion: 9.5.2

[2013-01-15 23:27:13] ProductUACPatching: enabled

[2013-01-15 23:27:13] ProductCode:

[2013-01-15 23:27:13] ProductName: Adobe Acrobat X Standard — English, Français, Deutsch

[2013-01-15 23:27:13] ProductVersion: 10.1.5

[2013-01-15 23:27:13] ProductUACPatching: enabled

[2013-01-15 23:27:13] Automatic preferences not provided with command line and not found in Registry — using default ARM preference AUTO_DOWNLOAD

[2013-01-15 23:27:13] Admin User, IsElevated returns 1

[2013-01-15 23:27:13] Failed to lock Manifest file.

[2013-01-15 23:27:13] GetLastError(): 2 — Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden.

[2013-01-15 23:27:13] Init Manifest Data failed

[2013-01-15 23:27:13] Error Code: 130100

[2013-01-15 23:27:13] Init Session data failed.

[2013-01-15 23:27:13] Error Code: 2

[2013-01-15 23:27:13] ** Setting Error Condition:

[2013-01-15 23:27:13] Error Code: 111200

[2013-01-15 23:27:17] User exited

[2013-01-15 23:27:18] ARM returns ERROR_SUCCESS

[2013-01-15 23:27:18] Adobe ARM logging finished.

Another strange thing is that I’ve Adobe Acrobat 9 Pro (9.5.2) and Adobe Acrobat X Standard (10.1.5) on my System. For Adobe Acrobat X, I’ve got today also a update which was successfully.

In today’s digital era, Adobe reader is a necessary application which is widely spread all over the world. As the application helps to install necessary PDF file as well as documents and save them, you can easily access it anytime anywhere. Apart from that, the new version of the Adobe Acrobat allows the users to change documents into PDF files. So, this application is high on demand among teenagers and especially students. Moreover, the application authorizes us to make, manage, show, and print the files into PDF form.

Though, no application is glitch-free, and so the case of Acrobat Adobe Reader. In a few cases, the users face some troublesome and complicated issues in Acrobat. So, if you are thinking you how to solve Adobe Error 111200, then we will help you. So, are you one of the users? If yes, then don’t worry about the irritating error. Look at the following article and check out all the solutions without skipping anything.

About The Adobe Error 111200

If you use Adobe Reader daily, then there is a huge chance that you have experienced Adobe Error 111200 a few numbers of times. We know that this type of error is an annoying issue for users. When your PC becomes unstable, the error is detected. You see that many system files are missing from your desktop. If they stay undetected for a long time, these problems will grow continuously. The error needs some rectification and you need an easy as well as effective solutions. Now, take a look at the following instructions about the general cause of this error.

Major Reasons Of Adobe Error 111200

Adobe error 111200 strikes for several reasons. When you install new programs over old ones, this can cause error messages. So, go through the most common reasons.

  • The software failed to update and the method terminated spontaneously.
  • When you are starting an update, but there is another installation which is in progress.
  • You might encounter this error code if there is not sufficient space on the primary disk.
  • Installation of Adobe licensing module is failed due to some reasons, then, the Adobe Error 111200 occurs.
  • Different malicious software, such as viruses, adware, spyware, and many more are another cause of the error.
  • It can also appear due to misconfigured system files.
  • The issue occurs while licensing the product.
  • It also occurs due to the incomplete installation of Adobe software.
  • Adobe Error 111200 issue can also occur because of corrupt files.
  • This type of error codes can also pop-up if you delete some critical Adobe files by mistake.
  • Due to Virus or Malware attack in the PC, such type of error codes may arise.

If you have faced with any of the issues listed above, go through this article to know some troubleshooting tips.

Symptoms Of Adobe Error 111200

As error 111200 is a critical issue, so you have to look at the symptoms.

  • Error 111200 comes and break down the continuing program window.
  • All the active programs suddenly stop.
  • Internet connection keeps cutting off or unstable.
  • Many important system files have lost.
  • The error is shown on the screen.
  • Your system freezes several times.
  • Your computer becomes sluggish and responds to mouse or keyboard input after a few minutes.

Feasible Solutions To Fix Adobe Error 111200

Here are some effective solutions of this error. So, just read and try the solutions to fix the error properly.

Repair Your Computer Repair Your Computer

To repair your computer, try to follow all the step successfully.

  • At first, try to download security software and install it.
  • After that, click on the ‘Quick Scan’ option to scan your system.
  • Then, go to the ‘Repair all’ option to repair your computer or laptop.
  • Wait for sometimes to complete the process, and see the changes.

Uninstall And Reinstall Adobe

Uninstall Adobe From Your Computer

Uninstall Adobe for windows 10

For Windows 10,

  • First, tap on the Windows icon on the left side of the desktop.
  • Then, tap on the ‘Settings’ option from the pop-up menu.
  • After that, choose the ‘App & features’ option by clicking on it.
  • Next, choose Reader and tap on the ‘uninstall’ option to complete the uninstall process.

Uninstall adobe for windows 8

For Windows 8 ,

  • At first, go to the right side of the Windows screen. Then, turn on the charm bar.
  • From the charm bar, tap on the ‘Settings’ button.
  • Then, go to the ‘Control Panel’ from the setting bar.
  • Now, go to the ‘Programs’ by clicking on it.
  • After that, tap on the ‘Uninstall a -program’ button from the ‘Programs and features’ section.
  • Then, choose the ‘Reader’ option and click on the ‘Uninstall’ option.
  • Lastly, try to follow the prompts.

uninstall adobe for windows 7

For Windows 7 ,

  • Go to the ‘Start’ menu and select ‘Control Panel’ by click on it.
  • After that, go to the ‘Programs and features’ icon by double click on it.
  • Then, choose ‘Adobe reader’ option and tap on the ‘Uninstall’ button.
  • Last, try to follow the prompts to finish the procedure.

2. Reinstall AdobeReinstall Adobe

After uninstalling Adobe, reinstalling it to resolve the issue. To reinstall Adobe, try to follow the following steps:

  • First, open the Adobe Reader Download page.
  • Then, choose the ‘Download’ option.
  • After that, it allows the Download Manager adequate time to download all important installation files.
  • Then, try to check out the prompts to install Reader. Now the process is done.

If you have faced with the problem till now, then use another web browser.

Update The Outdated Driver

Take a look at this procedure. Updating the driver is separated in two way. To update outdated driver, head over the following steps:

Automatic Driver Update Update drivers automatically

To download and install a reliable driver for your PC, follow the below steps:

  1. Firstly, press & hold ‘Windows Key + R’ both.
  2. In the Run box, type ‘devmgmt.msc’ command and hit the Entry key.
  3. Then, locate ‘Sound, video and game controllers’ by double-tapping on it.
  4. Next, head over to the audio device and tap on the ‘Update Driver Software’ option.
  5. After that,Select ‘Search automatically for updated driver software’ by tapping on it in the coming window.
  6. Now, the procedure is finished.

Manual Driver Update Update Drivers Manually

If the automatic update does not affect the issue, then try to follow a manual update of the drivers. Let’s check out below properly.

  1. First of all, go to the manufacturer’s site.
  2. Download a compatible driver and keep and hold Windows Key and R at the same time.
  3. Next, write ‘devmgmt.msc’ command in the Run box and hit the Entry key.
  4. Then, localize the ‘Sound, video and game controllers’ option by double-click on it.
  5. After that, go to the audio device and choose ‘Update Driver Software’.
  6. Select ‘Browse my computer for driver software’ folder by tapping it and tap on the ‘Browse’ option beside the folder.
  7. Lastly, tap on ‘Next’ and restart your device to finish the procedure.

To update your PC’s OS, follow the below steps:

  • At first, open the Start menu and go to the Control Panel.
  • After that, tap on the Small icon view and tap on the ‘Windows update’ icon. If you use the category view, then, choose the ‘System and Security’ option by clicking it. Then, tap on the ‘Windows update’ icon from the System and security folder.
  • If an update is available, then click on the ‘OK’ option.
  • Now, the process is done and then your issue.

Hopefully, the above-mentioned methods will help you out with the error 11200. If the steps fail, then leave a comment for further help.

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In today’s digital era, Adobe reader is a necessary application which is widely spread all over the world. As the application helps to install necessary PDF file as well as documents and save them, you can easily access it anytime anywhere. Apart from that, the new version of the Adobe Acrobat allows the users to change documents into PDF files. So, this application is high on demand among teenagers and especially students. Moreover, the application authorizes us to make, manage, show, and print the files into PDF form.

Though, no application is glitch-free, and so the case of Acrobat Adobe Reader. In a few cases, the users face some troublesome and complicated issues in Acrobat. So, if you are thinking you how to solve Adobe Error 111200, then we will help you. So, are you one of the users? If yes, then don’t worry about the irritating error. Look at the following article and check out all the solutions without skipping anything.

About The Adobe Error 111200

If you use Adobe Reader daily, then there is a huge chance that you have experienced Adobe Error 111200 a few numbers of times. We know that this type of error is an annoying issue for users. When your PC becomes unstable, the error is detected. You see that many system files are missing from your desktop. If they stay undetected for a long time, these problems will grow continuously. The error needs some rectification and you need an easy as well as effective solutions. Now, take a look at the following instructions about the general cause of this error.

Major Reasons Of Adobe Error 111200

Adobe error 111200 strikes for several reasons. When you install new programs over old ones, this can cause error messages. So, go through the most common reasons.

  • The software failed to update and the method terminated spontaneously.
  • When you are starting an update, but there is another installation which is in progress.
  • You might encounter this error code if there is not sufficient space on the primary disk.
  • Installation of Adobe licensing module is failed due to some reasons, then, the Adobe Error 111200 occurs.
  • Different malicious software, such as viruses, adware, spyware, and many more are another cause of the error.
  • It can also appear due to misconfigured system files.
  • The issue occurs while licensing the product.
  • It also occurs due to the incomplete installation of Adobe software.
  • Adobe Error 111200 issue can also occur because of corrupt files.
  • This type of error codes can also pop-up if you delete some critical Adobe files by mistake.
  • Due to Virus or Malware attack in the PC, such type of error codes may arise.

If you have faced with any of the issues listed above, go through this article to know some troubleshooting tips.

Symptoms Of Adobe Error 111200

As error 111200 is a critical issue, so you have to look at the symptoms.

  • Error 111200 comes and break down the continuing program window.
  • All the active programs suddenly stop.
  • Internet connection keeps cutting off or unstable.
  • Many important system files have lost.
  • The error is shown on the screen.
  • Your system freezes several times.
  • Your computer becomes sluggish and responds to mouse or keyboard input after a few minutes.

Feasible Solutions To Fix Adobe Error 111200

Here are some effective solutions of this error. So, just read and try the solutions to fix the error properly.

Repair Your ComputerRepair Your Computer

To repair your computer, try to follow all the step successfully.

  • At first, try to download security software and install it.
  • After that, click on the ‘Quick Scan’ option to scan your system.
  • Then, go to the ‘Repair all’ option to repair your computer or laptop.
  • Wait for sometimes to complete the process, and see the changes.

Uninstall And Reinstall Adobe

Sometimes, uninstalling the software resolves the glitch. So, try the following procedure:

  1. Uninstall Adobe From Your Computer

For Windows 10,Uninstall Adobe for windows 10

  • First, tap on the Windows icon on the left side of the desktop.
  • Then, tap on the ‘Settings’ option from the pop-up menu.
  • After that, choose the ‘App & features’ option by clicking on it.
  • Next, choose Reader and tap on the ‘uninstall’ option to complete the uninstall process.

For Windows 8,Uninstall adobe for windows 8

  • At first, go to the right side of the Windows screen. Then, turn on the charm bar.
  • From the charm bar, tap on the ‘Settings’ button.
  • Then, go to the ‘Control Panel’ from the setting bar.
  • Now, go to the ‘Programs’ by clicking on it.
  • After that, tap on the ‘Uninstall a -program’ button from the ‘Programs and features’ section.
  • Then, choose the ‘Reader’ option and click on the ‘Uninstall’ option.
  • Lastly, try to follow the prompts.

For Windows 7,uninstall adobe for windows 7

  • Go to the ‘Start’ menu and select ‘Control Panel’ by click on it.
  • After that, go to the ‘Programs and features’ icon by double click on it.
  • Then, choose ‘Adobe reader’ option and tap on the ‘Uninstall’ button.
  • Last, try to follow the prompts to finish the procedure.

        2. Reinstall AdobeReinstall Adobe

After uninstalling Adobe, reinstalling it to resolve the issue. To reinstall Adobe, try to follow the following steps:

  • First, open the  Adobe Reader Download page.
  • Then, choose the ‘Download’ option.
  • After that, it allows the Download Manager adequate time to download all important installation files.
  • Then, try to check out the prompts to install Reader. Now the process is done.

If you have faced with the problem till now, then use another web browser.

Update The Outdated Driver

Take a look at this procedure. Updating the driver is separated in two way. To update outdated driver, head over the following steps:

Automatic Driver UpdateUpdate drivers automatically

To download and install a reliable driver for your PC, follow the below steps:

  1. Firstly, press & hold ‘Windows Key + R’ both.
  2. In the Run box, type ‘devmgmt.msc’ command and hit the Entry key.
  3. Then, locate ‘Sound, video and game controllers’ by double-tapping on it.
  4. Next, head over to the audio device and tap on the ‘Update Driver Software’ option.
  5. After that,Select ‘Search automatically for updated driver software’ by tapping on it in the coming window.
  6. Now, the procedure is finished.

Manual Driver UpdateUpdate Drivers Manually

If the automatic update does not affect the issue, then try to follow a manual update of the drivers. Let’s check out below properly.

  1. First of all, go to the manufacturer’s site.
  2. Download a compatible driver and keep and hold Windows Key and R at the same time.
  3. Next, write ‘devmgmt.msc’ command in the Run box and hit the Entry key.
  4. Then, localize the ‘Sound, video and game controllers’ option by double-click on it.
  5. After that, go to the audio device and choose ‘Update Driver Software’.
  6. Select ‘Browse my computer for driver software’ folder by tapping it and tap on the ‘Browse’ option beside the folder.
  7. Lastly, tap on ‘Next’ and restart your device to finish the procedure.

Update The Operating SystemUpdate Operating System

To update your PC’s OS, follow the below steps:

  • At first, open the Start menu and go to the Control Panel.
  • After that, tap on the Small icon view and tap on the ‘Windows update’ icon. If you use the category view, then, choose the ‘System and Security’ option by clicking it. Then, tap on the ‘Windows update’ icon from the System and security folder.
  • If an update is available, then click on the ‘OK’ option.
  • Now, the process is done and then your issue.

Hopefully, the above-mentioned methods will help you out with the error 11200. If the steps fail, then leave a comment for further help.

Adobe error 111200 is common when updating free Adobe products, including Reader, Flash Player or Shockwave Player. People have also reported facing the error with Adobe Acrobat Pro

‘Error 111200: Updater Session failed to initialise’ means that there was an issue when updating the program.

One of the most straightforward methods to fix the error is to run the program as an administrator. Here we’ve discussed five ways to fix error 111200.

Also read: How to fix Acrobat Reader error 14?

Run the Program as an administrator

Windows has a built-in keyboard shortcut to run programs with admin privileges. Double click on any program or shortcut while holding down Ctrl+Shift on your keyboard, and the program will open with elevated permissions. 

Alternatively, you can follow these steps below to run the Adobe program as an administrator.

Step 1: Right-click on the executable file or shortcut icon of the program you’re trying to run.

Step 2: Select the Run as administrator option from the context menu.

Pressing Shift and right-clicking will give you more ‘Run as’ options

Alternatively, you can also press Shift and right-click to run the program as a different user. 

This is the easiest way to fix error 111200; however, if this doesn’t work, we’ve got four more fixes to try out.

Check out this article to learn about more methods to run programs as administrator on Windows as well as to set running programs as an administrator by default.

Also read: Fix: An error was encountered while retrieving page content in Adobe Acrobat

Update the app

Outdate Adobe Acrobat reader can also cause issues while opening files, especially recently created or edited ones. So, updating the app can potentially fix error 111200 for you.

To update Acrobat Reader, hover to the toolbar and select Help > Check for updates. An updater window will launch where you can confirm the action.

If updating doesn’t work, you can alternatively reinstall the Adobe app using the latest download file from the official site, which will already have the latest patch updated.

Update drivers

If a driver is causing the issue, updating the graphics, sound, video and game controller driver should help fix error 111200. 

Step 1: Right-click Start and select Device Manager from the menu.

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Step 2: Locate the driver you want to update, right-click on it and click on Update Drivers.

How to fix Error DX11 Feature Level 10.0 on Fortnite?

Step 3: Click on Search automatically for drivers. Windows will automatically look for and download the latest drivers for your hardware.

How to fix Error DX11 Feature Level 10.0 on Fortnite?

While this should help resolve the error 111200, in case it doesn’t, click Uninstall device and restart your PC to force Windows to install the required drivers. You can then update them later. 

Also read: How to fix ‘Module not found: Error: Can’t resolve’?

Run an SFC scan

Corrupt files are the primary reason PCs behave weirdly, resulting in the 111200 error in Adobe Acrobat Pro or Reader. Here’s how you can get rid of them and potentially resolve your issue. 

Step 1: Press Windows Key + S to bring up the Cortana/Search box and search for Powershell. Open Windows Powershell from the search results.

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Step 2: Type sfc /scannow to scan your system for issues. 

Windows 10 start menu won't open: 6 fixes | Candid.Technology

Step 3: If the SFC scan finds any problem, use the following command to resolve them. 

DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth

Windows 10 start menu won't open: 6 fixes | Candid.Technology

Restart your PC, and the 111200 error should’ve been resolved. If that doesn’t help, you can also run a DISM scan to fix any other errors by using this guide. 

Repair your system

If nothing else works, the best way to get rid of the 111200 error is by simply reinstalling or repairing your OS. 

The Windows Media Creation tool is a great way to install and repair the OS. Using this, you can perform a clean installation or repair your OS without affecting your data.

You can download the Media Creation Tool here

Also read: How to fix the HBO Max can’t play title error?

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