Ошибка 1327 sql

What is the problem with this command.

SELECT *  INTO database2.table2 FROM database1.table1;

It returns this error:

ERROR 1327 (42000): Undeclared variable: database2

The goal is to transfer data in table1 to database2.

Rigel1121's user avatar


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asked Feb 24, 2015 at 7:39


select ... into is for storing values in variables. See the documenation for more details.
What you need is an insert into .. select ..

insert into database2.table2 (select * from database1.table1)

answered Feb 24, 2015 at 7:43

Jens's user avatar


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CREATE TABLE database2.table2 AS select * from database1.table1;

MySQL probably does not support SELECT ... INTO ... FROM syntax.

answered Feb 24, 2015 at 7:46

HGF's user avatar


3893 silver badges15 bronze badges


You should use something like that :

INSERT INTO newDatabase.table1 (Column1, Column2)
SELECT column1, column2 FROM oldDatabase.table1;

answered Feb 24, 2015 at 7:46

Ufuk Ugur's user avatar

Ufuk UgurUfuk Ugur

1861 silver badge17 bronze badges

Use this query :

 insert into database2.table2 
  select * from database1.table1;

answered Feb 24, 2015 at 7:44

Sagar Joon's user avatar

Sagar JoonSagar Joon

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If those two databases are not connected to each other, you should think about that first.

  1. Connect two databases

    Use Linked Server for SQL Server.
    To know about how to create a linked server, See this link.

  2. Then use the query:

    insert into database2.table2 
        select * from database1.table1;

    The syntax is:

    INSERT INTO ToTableName 
        SELECT */ColNames FROM FromTableName

Community's user avatar

answered Feb 24, 2015 at 7:44

Raging Bull's user avatar

Raging BullRaging Bull

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В чем проблема с этой командой.

SELECT *  INTO database2.table2 FROM database1.table1;

Он возвращает эту ошибку:

ОШИБКА 1327 (42000): необъявленная переменная: database2

Целью является передача данных в table1 в database2 table1.

Лучший ответ:

select... into in is для хранения значений в переменных. См. Документацию для более подробной информации. Вам нужна insert into.. select..

insert into database2.table2 (select * from database1.table1)

Ответ №1

Использование: CREATE TABLE database2.table2 AS select * from database1.table1;

MySQL, вероятно, не поддерживает синтаксис SELECT... INTO... FROM.

Ответ №2

Используйте этот запрос:

 insert into database2.table2
select * from database1.table1;

Ответ №3

Если эти две базы данных не связаны друг с другом, вы должны сначала подумать об этом.

  1. Подключение двух баз данных

    Используйте Linked Server для SQL Server.
    Чтобы узнать, как создать связанный сервер, см. Эту ссылку.

  2. Затем используйте запрос:

    insert into database2.table2
    select * from database1.table1;


    INSERT INTO ToTableName
    SELECT */ColNames FROM FromTableName

Ответ №4

Вы должны использовать что-то вроде этого:

INSERT INTO newDatabase.table1 (Column1, Column2)
SELECT column1, column2 FROM oldDatabase.table1;

select into from and insert into select are used to copy tables

The main differences between the two are:

1) select into from requires that the target table does not exist, because it will be created automatically when inserting.

2) insert into select from requires the existence of the target table


1. The sentence form is:

Insert into Table2(field1,field2,…) select value1,value2,… from Table1

2. Note:

(1) The target table Table2 must exist, and the fields field, field2… must also exist

(2) Pay attention to the primary key constraint of Table2. If Table2 has a primary key and it is not empty, the primary key must be included in field1, field2…

(3) Pay attention to the grammar, do not add values, which are mixed with the SQL that inserts a piece of data, do not write:
Insert into Table2(field1,field2,…) values (select value1,value2,… from Table1)

(4) Since the target table Table2 already exists, we can insert constants in addition to the fields of the source table Table1.

Two, SELECT INTO FROM statement
The statement form is:
SELECT vale1, value2 into Table2 from Table1
requires that the target table Table2 does not exist, because the table Table2 will be automatically created when inserting, and the specified field data in Table1 will be copied to Table2.

Summarize the basic statement of the copy table (copy from the old table to the new table):

1. create table newTable as select * from oldTabel; not only copy the table structure, but also copy the table content;

2. create table newTable as select * from oldTable where 1=2; Only copy the table structure, not the table content;

3. Insert into newTable select * form oldTable; does not copy the table structure, only the table content

Or select value1, value2 into newTable form oldTable;

ERROR 1327 (42000): Undeclared variable:

select into from prompts Undeclared variable….. wrong solution && select into from and insert into select usage and difference

However in use todayWhen SELECT INTO FROM is backing up the mysql data table, it keeps returning [Err] 1327-Undeclared variable: …… this kind of error when running the relevant sql statement. I found out after querying relevant information. The database does not support the SELECT INTO FROM statement, but after research, another workaround can be used to solve this problem. Let’s talk about how to solve this error.

mysql> select user,host into user2 from user;
ERROR 1327 (42000): Undeclared variable: user2

The solution is:

create table user2 (select * from user);This method will copy all the content in the old_table. In this method, you need to pay attention to the fact that the primary key, Extra, auto_increment and other attributes in the old_table are not included in the new_table, and you need to add it manually. For details, see the modified table that is the field. Attributes.

mysql> create table user2 (select * from user);
Query OK, 6 rows affected (0.18 sec)
Records: 6  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0
mysql> create table user01 (select user,password,host from user);
Query OK, 6 rows affected (0.20 sec)
Records: 6  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0

mysql> select * from user01;
| user | password | host      |
| root |          | localhost |
| root |          | lmr       |
| root |          | |
| root |          | ::1       |
|      |          | localhost |
|      |          | lmr       |
6 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> desc user01;
| Field    | Type     | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| user     | char(16) | NO   |     |         |       |
| password | char(41) | NO   |     |         |       |
| host     | char(60) | NO   |     |         |       |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)
Note: When SELECT INTO copies a table or table structure, it only gets a "shell", just like a cloned human being, but only a body is obtained, and personal consciousness and memories will not be cloned. The primary keys, foreign keys, constraints, triggers, and indexes of the original table will not be copied

CREATE TABLE table name AS SELECT statement

1. The new table does not exist
create table new_table select * from old_talbe;

This method will copy all the content in the old_table. In this method, you need to pay attention to the fact that the primary key, Extra, auto_increment and other attributes in the old_table are not included in the new_table. You need to add it manually. For details, see the modified table that is the field. Attributes.
Only copy the table structure to the new table

     # The first method, similar to the above, except that the data record is empty, that is, give a false condition
create table new_table select * from old_table where 1=2;

  # The second method
create table new_table like old_table;

2. The new table exists
Copy the old table data to the new table (assuming the two tables have the same structure)
insert into new_table select * from old_table;

Copy the old table data to the new table (assuming that the two tables have different structures)
insert into new_table(field1,field2,…..) select field1,field2,field3 from old_table;

Copy all data
select * into new_table from old_table;

Only copy the table structure to the new table
select * into new_talble from old_table where 1=2;


create table a like b;

  create table c_relation as select c.memberId,m.merchantId,memb.phone from c_merchant as m inner join c_customer c on c.userId=m.userId inner join c_member memb on memb.id=c.memberId where memb.status=10;
It can be seen from the above statement using CREATE TABLE table name AS SELECT:
1: Only the table data and table structure will be copied without any constraints.
2: When the where condition is not established, only the table structure is copied without task data


mysql> create table  marketing_automation_preview_logs_new like  marketing_automation_preview_logs;

mysql> show index from  marketing_automation_preview_logs;

mysql> show index from  marketing_automation_preview_logs_new;

mysql> insert into marketing_automation_preview_logs_new (select  *   from marketing_automation_preview_logs  where act_time> ‘1588521600’);

mysql> select count(*) from marketing_automation_preview_logs_new;

mysql> select  count(*)   from marketing_automation_preview_logs  where act_time> ‘1588521600’;

mysql> RENAME TABLE marketing_automation_preview_logs TO marketing_automation_preview_logs20200512_back;

mysql> RENAME TABLE marketing_automation_preview_logs_new TO marketing_automation_preview_logs;

mysql> select count(*) from marketing_automation_preview_logs;

to sum up:

create table  marketing_automation_preview_logs_new like  marketing_automation_preview_logs;

insert into marketing_automation_preview_logs_new (select  *   from marketing_automation_preview_logs  where act_time> ‘1588521600’);

RENAME TABLE marketing_automation_preview_logs TO marketing_automation_preview_logs20200512_back;

 RENAME TABLE marketing_automation_preview_logs_new TO marketing_automation_preview_logs;

show index from  marketing_automation_preview_logs;

select count(*) from marketing_automation_preview_logs;

mysql8 Reference Manual—SELECT … INTO Statement

SELECT … INTO form SELECT stores the query result in a variable or writes it to a file:
SELECT … INTO var_list Select column values ​​and store them in variables.
SELECT … INTO OUTFILE write the selected line to the file. You can specify column and row terminators to generate specific output formats.
SELECT … INTO DUMPFILE Write a single line to the file without any format.


I got an error code: 1327.

Undeclared variable; order_id.

I been looking at the code for hours, can not figure out where the error would. I thought it might link to Select last insert()..

USE Data_Name




    SET sql_error = TRUE;


    (DEFAULT, 3, NOW(), '10.00', '0.00', NULL, 4,
    'American Express', '378282246310005', '04/2013', 4);


    (DEFAULT, order_id, 6, '415.00', '161.85', 1);

    (DEFAULT, order_id, 1, '699.00', '209.70', 1);

IF sql_error = FALSE THEN
SELECT 'The transaction was committed.';
SELECT 'The transaction was rolled back.';

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Hi I’m running the following statement:

SELECT * INTO empl1 FROM empleado WHERE id_dep=1

Where it is supporsed that it will create a new table called empl1, this is to break one table in one more table, when I execute it I get the error message 1327 Undeclared variable.

Thank you

This syntax is for assigning values to a variable, whereas empl1 is a system variable which you cannot declare. Instead, you could SELECT * INTO @empl1 ... to set a session variable. SELECT @empl1 afterwards will show you the content.

What you want is likely such a script:


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