Ошибка 380 vba

Just came back to you… a bit long, but here’s the general thoughts…

This all goes in the code for the ActiveX Control:

Option Explicit

Sub ListBox1_Click()
    Dim rw As Range, strtext As String
    Dim arr As Variant, ai As Long, aj As Long 
    Dim brr As Variant, bi As Long, bj As Long
    strtext = "a" 'I used this when i did my testing
    ReDim arr(11, 0)
    For Each rw In Range("rng")
        If InStr(LCase(rw.Value), strtext) Then
            aj = findaj(arr)
            If Not IsEmpty(arr(1, aj)) Then
                aj = aj + 1
                ReDim Preserve arr(11, aj)
            End If
            For ai = 1 To 11
                arr(ai, aj) = Cells(rw.Row, ai + 1).Value
            Next ai
        End If
    Next rw
    ReDim brr(aj, 11)
    For bi = 0 To aj
        For bj = 1 To 11
            brr(bi, bj) = arr(bj, bi)
        Next bj
    Next bi
    ListBox1.ColumnCount = 11
    ListBox1.List = brr
End Sub

Private Function findaj(ByVal brr As Variant)
    Dim j As Long, meow As String
    j = 0
    Do While True
        On Error GoTo toll
        j = j + 1
        meow = brr(1, j)
    findaj = j - 1
End Function

So there’s a lot going on here… I use two separate arrays, due to how redimming arrays works in VBA. You can only update the second element of the array, so arr(ai,aj) can only have aj updated when I redim preserve while adding a new row to my array.

So we make an array (arr) that captures the data based on VBA’s limitations. Within that array, we use a function, findaj, which intentionally traps an error to determine the appropriate last column in arr (i italicized the use of column, as it’s not truly the case, but it makes sense spatially when thinking about it).

You then convert the array arr to brr in the appropriate order of columns/rows.

Afterwards, you make your .list = brr.

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  • Question

  • I have a workbook with a user form containing a lot of different text boxes, combo boxes and check boxes all linked to cells in a worksheet with the ControlSource property.

    TextBox1.ControlSource = Sheet1.Range("A1").Address

    At first when the workbook is opened and the the user form is opened everything works well and all the controls are linked correctly to the cells in the worksheet. The problem arise when the workbook has been open for a while and you
    try to open the user form and then it won’t work anymore and the following error message is given:

    Run-time error '380': Could not set the ControlSource property. Invalid property value.

    So the problem is that the error doesn’t occur all the time the user form is opened and initiated it occurs after a while, and when the error has occurred the workbook has to be closed and reopened for the user form to work again. So as far as I can
    see the ControlSource property is not given an invalid property value.

    Does anyone recognize this error and know how to fix it?

    Since it doesn’t occur all the time I had a thought that it might be a bug in Excel, could it be like that?

    Very grateful for

    Mårten Fredriksson


  • Please download the sample file from this link


    This sample file uses absolutely a different approach which I have also covered in this link.

    Topic: VBA – Control Arrays

    Code Used

    In Class Module

    Public WithEvents TextBoxEvents As MSForms.TextBox
    Public WithEvents CheckBoxEvents As MSForms.CheckBox
    Public TBIndex As Long, CBIndex As Long
    Private Sub TextBoxEvents_Change()
     Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A" & TBIndex).Value = TextBoxEvents.Text
    End Sub
    Private Sub CheckBoxEvents_Click()
     Sheets("Sheet1").Range("B" & CBIndex).Value = CheckBoxEvents.Value
    End Sub

    In Userform

    Option Explicit
    Dim Text1Array() As New Class1
    Dim Text2Array() As New Class1
    Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
     Dim i As Long, j As Long, TBCtl As Control
     For Each TBCtl In Me.Controls
      If TypeOf TBCtl Is MSForms.TextBox Then
       i = i + 1
       ReDim Preserve Text1Array(1 To i)
       Set Text1Array(i).TextBoxEvents = TBCtl
       Text1Array(i).TBIndex = i
      End If
      If TypeOf TBCtl Is MSForms.CheckBox Then
       j = j + 1
       ReDim Preserve Text2Array(1 To j)
       Set Text2Array(j).CheckBoxEvents = TBCtl
       Text2Array(j).CBIndex = j
      End If
     Next TBCtl
     Set TBCtl = Nothing
    End Sub

    Sid (A good exercise for the Heart is to bend down and help another up)

    Please do not email me your questions. I do not answer questions by email unless I get paid for it :) If you want, create a thread in Excel forum and email me the link and I will help you if I can.

    • Marked as answer by

      Wednesday, August 24, 2011 2:50 AM

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Ошибка: Run-time error ‘5’
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Совсем недавно занялась изучением VBA и столкнулась с проблемой.

Ошибка Run-time error 1004
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Вылетает ошибка после строки:

Set y = Workbooks.Open("K:Bond Prod.MXMXmx.xlsm",…

Ошибка run-time error 1004
Sub pract()
korp = Val(InputBox("Введите номер столбца, где находятся адреса: ", "Столбец", 5))…

Ошибка 424 run-time error
Добрый день, написала макрос, все работало, потом открыла этот файл на компьютере с англ. версией…

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  • #1

Working on Excel VBA app. And I am getting an error I can not figure out.

The app is displaying a range from a spreadsheet in a list box on a user form, The first time it does this, things work fine. The user form has some text input boxes that allows the user to input a new row of data unto the spreadsheet. After the user clicks on the save button the VBA code calls the subroutine to reset the list box and the second time through, I get the 380 error. I put in a msgBox to see that the only parameter which is the row number of the last row is valid and it is so I do not have an idea what is happening. The strange this I have nearly identical VBD code that works the same way with a different spreadsheet, and I am not experiencing the error there.

Here is the code that

MsgBox («In reset and iRow = » & iRow)

If iRow > 1 Then

.lstJoints.RowSource = «List1!A2:I» & iRow ‘ this is the line that generates the error


.lstJoints.RowSource = «List1!A1:I1»

End If

Any help would greatly be appreciated.

Excel Facts

Spell Check in Excel

Press F7 to start spell check in Excel. Be careful, by default, Excel does not check Capitalized Werds (whoops)



MrExcel MVP, Moderator

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  • #2

Are there any error values on the worksheet?



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  • #3

Are there any error values on the worksheet?

Not that I know of



MrExcel MVP, Moderator

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  • #4

Are you sure iRow is valid when the error occurs? How is it declared and what is its actual value?



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  • #5

I am printing out iRow and it is a valid value and it is declared as integer.

Are you sure iRow is valid when the error occurs? How is it declared and what is its actual value?



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MrExcel MVP, Moderator

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  • #7

I can’t replicate your error if the address is valid. If the sheet name is wrong, or the row number is missing, then you would get that error. Does the Else part of the If code work if you make iRow equal 1?



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  • #8

I set IRow to 1 and the else part of statement worked. I then used the same code as the else statement with iRow > 1 and it worked. I changed it to A2:I2 and it worked and then I change the I2 to I concatenated with iRow and it now works. The only thing I can think of it somehow a non visible character was in the code somewhere throwing the reference off. Thanks for your help.

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