Ошибка 403 вордпресс forbidden

Вам пришлось столкнуться с ошибкой 403 Forbidden на своем сайте на WordPress? Это одна из самых страшных ошибок, с которой может столкнуться новичок. В этой статье м покажем вам как легко исправить ошибку 403 Forbidden в WordPress.


Что за ошибка 403 Forbidden – Access Denied Error в WordPress?

WordPress отображает коды и сообщения, когда ошибка возникает на сайте.


Код ошибки 403 Forbidden показывается тогда, когда права, установленные на сервере, не позволяют получить доступ к определенной странице.

Именно поэтому ошибку часто можно видеть с текстом:

403 Forbidden – You don’t have permission to access ‘/’ on this server.

Additionally, a 403 Forbidden error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.

Ошибку можно увидеть в различных ситуациях. Например:

  • 403 Forbidden – Запрещен доступ к wp-admin или странице входа в WordPress.
  • 403 Forbidden – во время установки WordPress.
  • 403 Forbidden при попытке открыть любую страницу на сайте.
  • Возможно, что вы получаете только сообщение ‘Access Denied’ вместо полного статуса 403 Forbidden.
  • Также можно увидеть ‘Access to yourdomain.com was denied. You don’t have authorization to view this page.’

Теперь, когда мы определили различные типы ошибок 403, давайте поговорим о том, что приводит к этим ошибкам.

Что вызывает ошибку 403 Forbidden в WordPress?

Наиболее вероятной причиной возникновения ошибки 403 Forbidden в WordPress являются плохо настроенные плагины безопасности. Многие из них блокируют IP адреса (или даже всю подсеть), если считают, что они вредоносны.

Второй возможной причиной может быть поврежденный файл .htaccess или некорректные права доступа к файлу на вашем сервере.

Ваш хостер также может внести какие-то изменения в настройки сервера, что может привести к рассматриваемой ошибке.

Давайте же посмотрим как можно исправить ошибку 403 forbidden в WordPress.

Исправляем ошибку 403 Forbidden в WordPress

Прежде чем что-либо сделать, мы рекомендуем вам создать полный бекап сайта.

1. Исправляем ошибку 403 Forbidden, вызванную плагином WordPress

Для начала вам потребуется временно отключить все плагины WordPress, включая все плагины безопасности, которые вы устанавливали.

Если это решит проблему, тогда станет понятно, что один из плагинов вызывает ошибку.

Выяснить, какой именно, можно будет, если отключить все плагины, а затем включать по одному, пока не появится ошибка 403.

2. Исправляем ошибку 403 Forbidden, вызванную поврежденным файлом .htaccess

Часто ошибка 403 возникает из-за поврежденного .htaccess файла вашего сайта. Починить его очень просто.

Подключаемся к сайту по FTP или через Менеджер файлов хостинга.

Находим файл .htaccess в корневой папке своего сайта.

Скачиваем файл на свой компьютер, чтобы у нас была свежая его копия. Далее, удаляем файл с сервера.


Пытаемся открыть свой сайт. Если ошибка 403 пропала, значит ваш .htaccess файл был поврежден.

Сгенерировать новый можно в админке сайта, если перейти на страницу Настройки » Постоянные ссылки.


Просто нажимаем на кнопку Сохранить изменения внизу страницы и WP сгенерирует свеженький файл .htaccess.

3. Исправляем ошибку 403 Forbidden, вызванную правами доступа к файлам в WordPress

Все файлы, хранимые на вашем сайте, имею права доступа. Эти права контролирует тот, у кого есть доступ к файлам и папкам сайта.

Некорректные права доступа могут вызывать ошибку 403, потому как ваш веб сервер начинает считать, что у вас нет прав на доступ к тем файлам.

Если два вышеуказанных решения не помогли с проблемой, тогда скорее всего дело в правах доступа.

Вы можете обратиться к своему хостеру для того, чтобы тот проверил сайт на предмет корректных прав доступа.

Изменение же прав самостоятельно может иметь негативные последствия. Если вы не слишком уверены в правильности своих действий, то лучше обратиться к знакомому или нанять профессионала.

Однако, если вы все-таки решите исправить проблему лично, то вот как можно проверить права доступа.

Просто подключаемся к своему сайту по FTP, а затем переходим в корневую директорию сайта, содержащую все файлы WordPress.


Кликните на директорию для выбора, затем нажмите правой кнопкой мыши, после чего выберите File Permissions из меню.

Ваш FTP клиент отобразит вам диалог изменения прав доступа вроде такого:


Все директории вашего сайта изменят права доступа с 744 на 755.

Все директории вашего сайта получат права доступа, изменив их с 644 на 644.

Можно изменить права доступа корневой директории с 744 на 755. Поставьте галочку рядом с ‘Recurse into subdirectories’, а затем отметьте опцию ‘apply to directories only’.

Нажимаем на кнопку ОК. Ваш FTP клиент начнет простановку прав доступа ко всем вложенным папкам в этой директории.

По окончанию процесса необходимо будет повторить проделанное для всех файлов. В этот раз вам нужно будет использовать права доступа 644 или 640 и не забыть выбрать опции ‘Recurse into subdirectories’ и ‘apply to files only’.

Нажимаем на кнопку ОК. Ваш FTP клиент обработает права доступа ко всем вложенным папкам в этой директории.

Попробуйте зайти на свой сайт, и ошибка 403 forbidden должна исчезнуть.

Мы надеемся, что эта статья помогла вам исправить ошибку 403 forbidden в WordPress.

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WordPress 403 ошибка - Forbidden

Ошибка WordPress 403 возникает из-за того, что запрещен доступ к страницам, которые пользователи пытаются посетить. Когда ваш сайт начинает отображать ошибку 403 Forbidden, это обычно означает, что запрос посетителя был отправлен и принят сервером, но сам сервер не дает доступ данному пользователю. Такая проблема довольно распространена – рассмотрим, почему она возникает и как восстановить доступ к сайту.

Причины появления ошибки 403 forbidden

Одна из частых причин образования ошибки 403 Forbidden связана с неудачной настройкой плагинов безопасности на сайте WordPress. Некоторые плагины, призванные обеспечить безопасность вашего сайта, могут заблокировать один или несколько IP-адресов, если посчитают их вредоносными.

Еще одна причина – ваша хостинговая компания может изменить настройки сервера. Это тоже способно вызвать на сайте ошибку 403 Forbidden.

Другой потенциальной причиной может оказаться некорректный файл .htaccess, а также неверные настройки доступа к каталогам и файлам сайта на удаленном сервере. В стандартно работающем файле .htaccess указаны настройки доступа через админку WordPress.

htaccess вордпресс

Если на третьей строке файла будет указано «Deny from all», эта команда установит запрет на посещение админпанели вашего сайта. В каких ситуациях может наблюдаться эта ошибка:

  • Отказано в доступе на странице входа в админку wp-admin или wp-login.
  • Ошибка обнаруживается в процессе установки WordPress.
  • Ошибка показывается при посещении любых страниц вашего сайта.

При этом ошибка на экране сопровождается соответствующим текстом типа фразы «Отказано в доступе», «У вас нет разрешения на просмотр этой страницы» или указывается полный статус ошибки 403.

Поскольку причины, вызывающие ошибку 403 хорошо известны, избавиться от нее просто. Но , прежде чем предпринять что-либо, рекомендуется сделать резервную копию сайта. Вы также можете развернуть локальную копию сайта и на ней искать причины ошибки. Это актуально, если сайт посещаемый, а ошибка появляется только при входе в админпанель.

Если ошибку 403 вызывает плагин WordPress

Не каждый плагин, который вы используете в WordPress, совместим с настройками вашего сайта. Чтобы убедиться, вызвана ли ошибка 403 некорректно работающим плагином, отключите все установленные плагины. Активируя их по одному, можно выяснить, какой именно плагин спровоцировал ошибку.

  1. Деактивируйте все плагины, установленные на сайте.
  2. Повторно активируйте один из плагинов в списке.
  3. Посетите сайт, чтобы увидеть, отображается ли ошибка 403.
  4. Повторите шаги 2 и 3, пока не отобразится ошибка 403.

Если проблема появления ошибки разрешится, значит причиной послужил один из установленных плагинов. Возможно, вам придется изменить его параметры конфигурации или полностью удалить.

Если после деактивации всех плагинов ошибка 403 все еще воспроизводится, проблема не связана с плагином. В этом случае нужно выполнить дополнительную диагностику.

Если ошибку 403 вызывает файл .htaccess

Файл .htaccess способен спровоцировать множество осложнений в работе сайта при неправильной настройке. Некорректный или измененный файл помешает пользователям зайти на страницы сайта. Есть два способа проверить файл .htaccess на сайте: с использованием подходящего плагина для WordPress или с помощью FTP-доступа.

  1. Подключитесь к сайту на удаленном сервере с использованием файлового менеджера.
  2. В корне сайта найдите файл .htaccess.
  3. Загрузите файл .htaccess на локальный компьютер, чтобы сделать его резервную копию.
  4. Удалите этот файл из корня сайта на сервере.

htaccess вордпресс

После этого попробуйте войти на ваш интернет-ресурс. Если ошибка 403 больше не появляется, значит файл был поврежден. Для создания нового файла .htaccess войдите в админ-панель WordPress в меню «Настройки» и выберите пункт «Постоянные ссылки». Внизу страницы щелкните по кнопке «Сохранить изменения», WordPress автоматически сформирует обновленный файл .htaccess. Изменять какие-либо текущие настройки при этом не требуется.

wp links

Если ошибка 403 вызвана отказом в доступе к файлам

Файлы и каталоги, которые хранятся на вашем веб-ресурсе, обладают настройками прав на доступ. Неправильные настройки способны спровоцировать ошибку 403.

Вы можете воспользоваться техподдержкой хостинг-провайдера и попросить проверить ваш сайт на корректность доступов к каталогам и файлам. Это также можно выполнить самостоятельно.

  1. Подключитесь к удаленному серверу с помощью файлового менеджера.
  2. Зайдите в корневой каталог сайта, где находится все его содержимое.
  3. Выберите папку, щелкните по ней правой кнопкой и найдите в выпадающем меню пункт «Права доступа к файлу».

FTP-менеджер отобразит диалоговое окно с настройками прав доступа. Все каталоги на сайте снабжены значением 744 или 755. Остальные варианты могут помешать добавлению в папку нового содержимого и предотвратят обновления, дополнения или изменения, которые могут потребоваться в будущем. Поставьте флажок «Перенаправить во вложенные каталоги» и выберите пункт «Применить только к каталогам». Подтвердите нажатием «ОК», FTP-программа установит права доступа на все подпапки в этом каталоге.

Повторите это действие для всех файлов на сайте. Файлы снабжаются правами доступа со значением 644 или 640. Если эти числа установлены неверно, это даст злоумышленникам возможность редактировать файлы, что грозит добавлением вредоносного кода в файлы сайта.

После нажатия «OK», FTP-программа настроит доступ на указанные файлы. После этого попробуйте перейти на ваш сайт, ошибка 403 больше не должна возникнуть.

доступ к файлу

Улучшаем безопасность вордпресса

В целях повышения безопасности и ограничения доступа к сайту для посторонних, можно прописать специальную команду в файле .htaccess, которая запретит вход в административную панель WordPress со всех IP-адресов, отличающихся от вашего.

<FilesMatch "(wp-login.php|wp-admin)">
Order deny,allow
Deny from all
Allow from

Вместо укажите ваш IP-адрес. Если вы используете несколько динамических IP, в этом случае в файл .htaccess придется записать все подсети, с которых Вы заходите в админ-панель. Вы также можете защитить страницу входа, установив на нее дополнительный пароль.

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Being barred from your own site can be very frustrating, especially when you have no idea what is causing the problem. The 403 Forbidden error typically occurs when you’re trying to log in to WordPress or visit a specific page on your site.

Fortunately, there are a few simple fixes for this common WordPress error. Depending on your hosting plan, you may even be able to resolve the issue with help from your web host.

In this post, we’ll take a closer look at the 403 Forbidden error and its main causes. We’ll then show you five ways to fix it. Let’s get started!

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What the 403 Forbidden Error Is (And What Causes It)

The 403 Forbidden error is one of several HTTP status codes used by servers to communicate with your browser. When the 403 status code shows up on your screen, it means that your server thinks you do not have the required permission to access that particular page.

The 403 Forbidden error typically appears when you’re trying to log in to your WordPress admin area or when you visit a specific page on your site. You may also encounter it while installing WordPress.

The error is usually accompanied by one of the following messages (or similar variations):

  • “403 Forbidden – Access to this resource on the server is denied.”
  • “Forbidden – You don’t have permission to access [directory name] on this server.”
  • “You are not authorized to view this page.”
  • “It appears you don’t have permission to access this page.”
  • “403. That’s an error. Your client does not have permission to get URL [address] from this server.”

Instead of the “403 Forbidden” status, you might come across a simple notification that says “Access Denied.” It is also possible that you will get the following message: “Access to [domain name] was denied. You don’t have authorization to view this page.”

There are several possible causes of this 403 Forbidden error. The most likely one is an incorrect file permission on your server. However, this error can also be triggered by a faulty plugin or a corrupt .htaccess file:

DreamHost Glossary

What is .htaccess?

“.htaccess” is a configuration file used by the Apache web server software. The .htaccess file contains directives (instructions) that tell Apache how to behave for a particular website or directory.

Learn More

In most cases, you should be able to resolve the issue on your own. However, you might also need to get in touch with your hosting provider to access or change some settings on your site.

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How to Fix the 403 Forbidden Error in WordPress (5 Methods)

Now, let’s go through a few ways you can fix the 403 Forbidden error in WordPress. First, we recommend that you make a backup of your site just in case something goes wrong and you need to restore it to an earlier version.

1. Change Your File Permissions

Every WordPress file on your site’s server has its own permissions. These settings control who can access and modify its contents. If these files have incorrect permissions, your server will stop you from accessing them.

If you want to check your file permissions, you can simply contact your hosting provider, and a technical expert should be able to take care of it. You can also do this yourself by connecting to your site with a Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) client such as FileZilla.

Alternatively, you can also access your site through the file manager in your hosting account. If you have a DreamHost account, you can navigate to WordPress > Managed WordPress in the sidebar. Then, find your domain and select Manage.

Accessing your domain in your DreamHost account.

On the next page, click on the Manage Files button in the Details section.

Accessing your file manager via your DreamHost account.

You’re now in the file manager. Next, open the folder labeled with your domain name to access your site’s directory.

Inside your root directory, select the folder that contains all of your WordPress files. If you’re using FileZilla, this is the public_html folder. Then, right-click on it and choose File Attributes.

Changing the file permissions using FileZilla

In the popup window, locate the Numeric field and enter “755” or “750” in the value box. Then select the Recurse into subdirectories and Apply to directories only options, and click on OK.

Changing the file permissions for the directories.

So far, you’ve applied the correct file permissions for your directories. You’ll now do the same thing for your files.

To start, right-click on your public_html folder and select File Attributes. This time, you’ll need to type “644” in the Numeric value field. Then choose Recurse into subdirectories, select Apply to files only, and click on OK.

Changing the file permissions in FileZilla.

Note that your wp-config.php file requires a different numeric value than the ones stated above. This unique value prevents other users on your servers from accessing the file. Therefore, you’ll need to manually change its file permission.

In your root directory, find the wp-config.php file, right-click on it, and select File permissions. Next, set the numeric value to “440”, and click on OK.

Changing the permissions for the wp-config.php file in FileZilla.

Now, every one of your WordPress files and folders should have the correct permissions. Once you’ve completed the above steps, go back to your site and try to reproduce the 403 Forbidden error. If your site is working fine, you don’t need to do anything else.

However, don’t worry if you’re still facing the same problem. There are still a few more fixes to try, and some of them are very simple.

2. Deactivate Your Plugins

As we mentioned earlier, the 403 Forbidden error can also be caused by a faulty plugin. To find out if this is the case, you’ll need to deactivate your plugins and then reactivate them one by one.

To start, connect to your site via FileZilla or the file manager in your hosting account. Then, in your site’s root directory, open the wp-content folder and locate the plugins folder. Then right-click on the plugins folder and select Rename.

How to rename the plugins folder in your site’s root directory.

Next, give the folder a new name, for example, “plugins_test. This will automatically deactivate all of your plugins.

If you can access your site after renaming the folder, then the 403 Forbidden error was caused by a glitchy plugin. Your next step is to find out which one it is.

First, return to your site’s root directory and rename the plugins folder back to “plugins”. Then navigate to the Plugins page in your WordPress dashboard and activate the plugins one at a time. Keep doing this until you are able to reproduce the error. Once you’ve identified the faulty plugin, you can either remove it or contact its developer for support.

3. Delete and Restore the .htaccess File

A corrupt .htaccess file can also trigger the 403 Forbidden error. This file is located in your site’s root directory and enables WordPress to interact with your server.

Inside your site’s root directory, locate the .htaccess file, right-click on it, and choose Delete.

Locating and deleting the .htaccess file in your site’s root directory.

Now, try accessing your site again. If the 403 Forbidden error has disappeared, then your .htaccess file may have been corrupted. This means you’ll need to create a new one.

To do this, navigate to Settings in your WordPress dashboard and select Permalinks. Then click on the Save Changes button at the bottom of the page, and a new .htaccess file will be generated. You can look for the file in your site’s directory to ensure that it has been restored.

4. Deactivate Your CDN

If you’re still getting the 403 Forbidden error after completing the above steps, you may have a problem with your Content Delivery Network (CDN). This is a network of servers located in different parts of the world, with each server hosting a copy of your website. Many hosting plans come with a CDN to help boost your site’s performance.

To see if your CDN is the cause of the error, you’ll need to temporarily disable it. You can do this by logging into your hosting account and locating your CDN settings. If you’re unable to access your CDN, we recommend getting in touch with your hosting provider.

5. Check Your Hotlink Protection

Finally, you might want to check your site’s hotlink protection. Hotlinking is when someone embeds media files on their site by linking them directly from another site. Some individuals may do this to use another site owner’s bandwidth (rather than their own), which is effectively theft.

Some hosts and CDN providers offer hotlink protection. However, if this is not set up properly, it can trigger a 403 Forbidden error on your site. Therefore, you may want to contact your web host about this issue. While you may want to look into this yourself, it’s best to get help from a technical expert to ensure that your hotlink protection is configured correctly.

Additional WordPress Resources

If you’re new to WordPress, you’re bound to run into some technical issues while setting up your site. To help you fix some of the most common WordPress errors, we’ve put together several how-to guides:

  • How to Fix Common WordPress Errors
  • How to Troubleshoot the WordPress White Screen of Death
  • How to Fix the 500 Internal Server Error in WordPress
  • How to Fix Syntax Errors in WordPress
  • How to Fix the WordPress Not Sending Email Issue
  • How to Fix the Error Establishing a Database Connection in WordPress
  • How to Fix WordPress Error 404 Not Found
  • How to Fix White Text and Missing Buttons in the WordPress Visual Editor
  • How to Fix the Sidebar Below Content Error in WordPress
  • What to Do When You’re Locked Out of the WordPress Admin Area
  • How to Fix the WordPress Memory Exhausted Error By Increasing Your Site’s PHP Memory Limit
  • How to Fix the “Upload: Failed to Write File to Disk” Error in WordPress

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Bye, WordPress 403 Error

The 403 Forbidden error appears when your server denies you permission to access a page on your site. This is mainly caused by a faulty security plugin, a corrupt .htaccess file, or incorrect file permissions on your server.

In this post, we looked at five main ways you can fix the 403 Forbidden error using an SFTP client like FileZilla or the file manager in your hosting account:

  1. Change your file permissions.
  2. Deactivate your plugins.
  3. Delete and restore the .htaccess file.
  4. Deactivate your CDN.
  5. Check your hotlink protection.

If you want to receive expert help when encountering WordPress errors, you may want to consider a managed WordPress hosting plan. Our DreamPress plans come with 24/7 technical support for WordPress site owners, so you can spend less time troubleshooting and focus your efforts on growing your business.

You must have encountered some common errors while trying to access your WordPress site that shows a forbidden message.  You likely came across a 403 forbidden error. In this guide, we will take you through how to fix the 403 error code. We will cover detailed information on how to resolve the issue so without any further delay let’s get started.

What does 403 Forbidden mean?

403 forbidden error or 403 forbidden access to this resource on the server is denied! is one of the HTTP errors that you face while working on WordPress. There are some HTTP status codes defined by Microsoft’s Internet Information Services which are considered standard internet codes.

These codes are used by web servers to communicate with your web browsers (like Chrome, Firefox, Opera, etc.). These codes are defined within the HTTP header. In normal circumstances when the website is working fine, the server sends Status Code as 200.

403 forbidden error
403 Forbidden Error

In case there is something wrong with the requested resource, it returns an error code. There are lots of error codes used by HTTP, for example, a 404 error is returned for a resource not found and a 500 error code signifies an internal server error. Another such HTTP response code is 403 which signifies that the user is prohibited or forbidden to access the requested web resource, which exists on the web server. We have tried to resolve all the common errors like 404 error, 504 gateway timeout error, 502 bad gateway error, etc faced while working on WordPress.

These types of errors are classified into two categories, they are either “client-side” errors or they are “server-side” errors.

Example of Client-Side Errors:

  • 400 Bad Request
  • 401 Unauthorized
  • 403 Forbidden
  • 404 Not Found, and
  • 408 Request Timeout Error

Example of Server Side Errors:

  • 500 Internal Server Error
  • 502 Bad Gateway
  • 503 Service Unavailable and
  • 504 Gateway Timeout

To make the identification of these HTML errors easier 4xx are client-side errors, while 5xx are server-side errors.

In this article, we will learn about the reasons for 403 errors, and possible ways to troubleshoot them for your visitors to easily access your website or web application without any errors.

Different browsers show different messages for the 403 error :

  • Forbidden: You don’t have permission to access / on this server.
  • HTTP Error 403 – Forbidden
  • 403 forbidden requests forbidden by administrative rules
  • 403 Forbidden
  • Access Denied You don’t have permission to access
  • 403 – Forbidden: Access is denied
  • Error 403 – Forbidden
  • 403 forbidden nginx– You are not allowed to access this address 403 Forbidden – Nginx HTTP Error 403 – Forbidden – You do not have permission to access the document or program you    requested
  • 403 Forbidden – Access to this resource on the server is denied
  • 403. That’s an error. Your client does not have permission to get URL / from this server
  • You are not authorized to view this page

What are the Causes of 403 Forbidden Error?

  • Incorrect File Permissions
  • No Index file or Empty Folder

1. Incorrect File Permissions:

The most common reason behind this error is files and folder permissions on the webserver. This can be easily fixed by going into your File Manager under cPanel and checking the permission settings. We will discuss the issue in detail in the subsequent sections.

The ideal folder permissions on a web server should look like this:

  • Permission Status for Folders:  755
  • Static Content: 644
  • Dynamic Content: 700

Understanding File Permissions

  • 7 : Stands for full access (Read, Write, Execute)
  • 6 : for the Only Read and Write Access
  • 5 : Stands for Reading and Execute
  • 4 : Only Read Access
  • 0 : Stands for No Access Rights

The 3 digits in the permission codes specify Owner | Group | Public in that order

So, if a folder permission codes look like 7|5|4 it means the owner has full access (7), while Group can Read and Execute (5) while Public/Everyone else can only Read (4) the resource.

These codes can be changed under File Manager if you are using a Cpanel. File permissions can also be changed using an FTP tool like Filezilla.

What does the Read/Write/Execute means?

  • Read – view the files and subfolders within the folder.
  • Write – add, edit or delete the files and subfolders inside the folder
  • Execute – process/execute the resources using a script or commands to change their value.

Setting File Permission using FTP Tool like Filezilla

Setting File Permission using FTP Tool like Filezilla
Setting File Permission using FTP Tool like Filezilla
Setting File Permission using FTP Tool like Filezilla Error 403
Setting File Permission using FTP Tool like Filezilla

Setting File Permission using File Manager in Cpanel

Setting File Permission using File Manager in Cpanel
Setting File Permission using File Manager in Cpanel
Setting File Permission using File Manager in Cpanel
Setting File Permission using File Manager in Cpanel

Folder permissions can also be changed using SSH under chmod commands.

2. No Index file or Empty Folder:

One of the other reasons for this error is the empty Http directory, or in other words, no website or web application files are uploaded to the server directory.

The default landing page for a website or web application is index.html or index.php. The server will return a 403 error status if none of the 2 exists on the server. Or you have defined some other file in Nginx config or .htaccess as the home page, and that file is not uploaded in the directory.

These are some of the common reasons behind the 403 Forbidden errors.

The other specific reasons and level of resource access forbidding can be determined by identifying the sub-status code, which is as follows (though they are not standard codes):

  • 403.1 – Execute access forbidden.
  • 403.2 – Read access is forbidden.
  • 403.3 – Write access forbidden.
  • 403.4 – SSL required
  • 403.5 – SSL 128 required.
  • 403.6 – IP address rejected.
  • 403.7 – Client certificate required.
  • 403.8 – Site access denied.
  • 403.9 – Too many users.
  • 403.10 – Invalid configuration.
  • 403.11 – Password change.
  • 403.12 – Mapper denied access.
  • 403.13 – Client certificate revoked.
  • 403.14 – Directory listing denied.
  • 403.15 – Client Access Licenses exceeded.
  • 403.16 – Client certificate is untrusted or invalid.
  • 403.17 – Client certificate has expired or is not yet valid.
  • 403.18 – Cannot execute request from that application pool.
  • 403.19 – Cannot execute CGIs for the client in this application pool.
  • 403.20 – Passport logon failed.
  • 403.21 – Source access denied.
  • 403.22 – Infinite depth is denied.
  • 403.502 – Too many requests from the same client IP; Dynamic IP Restriction limit reached.
  • 403.503 – Rejected due to IP address restriction

Based on one of the identified above sub-status error codes you can easily troubleshoot the error.

On WordPress, there can be additional events that can cause a temporary 403 Forbidden error in cases like:

  • Access denied to WordPress Dashboard. In that case, you have to check the settings for the wp-admin directory.
  • Access may be denied during WordPress installation
  •  Access may be denied during theme or plugin updates

How to Fix 403 Forbidden Error on Your WordPress Website?

Fixes of 403 Forbidden Error in a WordPress Site

Fixes of 403 Forbidden Error in a WordPress Site

Irrespective of the platform, most of the troubleshooting methods apply to all the websites. You can use these methods to resolve the “403 forbidden access to this resource on the server is denied!” Error –

  • Check Missing Core Files and Theme Files
  • Check .htaccess file configuration
  • Directory Browsing and 403 Error
  • Check file and folder permissions
  • Check Plugins
  • Clear Browser Cache and Cookies
  • Try to fix issues from your Chrome Browser
  • Deactivate Browser Extensions
  • Check Firewall Settings

First things first, before making any changes we recommend you take a backup of your files and database. In case you are using WordPress and can access the WordPress Dashboard you can take the help of a backup plugin. We recommend using a backup plugin that creates automatic backups at regular intervals.

Check Missing Core Files and Theme Files:

Please check that all WordPress Core Files are in place, you can upload the core files manually using a File Transfer tool.

Also, check that all these files are properly uploaded. Specially check the index.php files at root, inside wp-admin, theme folder, and individual plugin folders.

Eliminate Server Error Risks!

Check .htaccess file configuration:

.htaccess is a hidden file in the public_html directory of your Apache-based web server. The function of the .htaccess file is to define the web response to various queries, especially to set up the redirects, restrict access to various bots, etc. In some cases, there are differences .htaccess files for the root directory and subdirectories in WordPress like wp-admin and wp-includes.

To access this hidden file you can go to File Manager, and select the hidden checkbox in the options provided in the pop up as shown in the image below:

Check .htaccess file configuration: Error 403
Check .htaccess file configuration

If a pop-up doesn’t appear you can go to Settings under File Manager at Top Right as shown below:

Check .htaccess file configuration: Error 403
Check .htaccess file configuration

Once you have selected to show the hidden files you will be able to see the .htaccess file

Check .htaccess file configuration: Error 403
Check .htaccess file configuration

You can download it to your local machine and edit using an editor, a Notepad, Dreamweaver, or any other similar editing tool.

You can also right-click on it and Edit it as shown below:

Check .htaccess file configuration Error 403
Check .htaccess file configuration

This will open up an editable file like this:

Check .htaccess file configuration: Error 403
Check .htaccess file configuration

If a .htaccess file is not yet created on your system, you can create it as well. To create it go into your public_html folder, or the website-specific default folder if you have hosted multiple websites on your Cpanel, and click on Add New File:

Check .htaccess file configuration: 403 forbidden
Check .htaccess file configuration
.htaccess 403 forbidden
.htaccess 403 forbidden

So, if your WordPress website is facing a 403 forbidden error issue, and a .htaccess file exists, delete it and try to access the website or the specific page with the issue. If it works fine it means that your .htaccess file was not configured correctly. If you don’t want to delete the .htaccess file, you can just remove all the code and save the empty file instead.

You can regenerate the fresh .htaccess file now from your WordPress Dashboard. You will have to go to Permalinks under Settings, as shown below:

Permalinks under Settings Error 403
Permalinks under Settings Error 403

And Click on the Save Changes button. Please note, you don’t have to change the settings here unless you want to change the permalink settings or URL structure.

Directory Browsing and 403 Error:

Directory browsing simply means in absence of a default home page file (index.php or index.html) the server will display the directory content to the visitor. A visitor will be able to see files and subfolders of the main folder and certainly, you don’t want to display it, as shown below:

Directory Browsing and 403 Error
Directory Browsing

Most of the servers by default disallow directory browsing to hide the content of the folder. In such cases, if the default root file (index.html or index.php) is missing the server will return a 403 Forbidden error.

How to Disable Directory Browsing using the .htaccess file?

Open the editable .htaccess file, as described in the previous section. (Note: remember to back up the existing .htaccess file)

By default the WordPress .htaccess file looks like this:

#BEGIN WordPress
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
RewriteRule ^index.php$ - [L]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} ! - f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} ! - d
RewriteRule . /index.php [L]
#END WordPress

Just add this line of the code after the last line:

Options -Indexes

Update or Upload the edited .htaccess file, and refresh the page to see if the problem is resolved.

Check file and folder permissions:

The default file permission settings are applied to the core file and folders when WordPress is installed or a new file or folder is created in your Cpanel.
You can go to each folder and change the permission settings. You can do it for specific files as well. Some hosting providers also provide tools to reset the permission settings.

You can also edit permission settings using the FTP tool (Filezilla for example). It will give you additional options as follows:

Directory Browsing and 403 Error
Directory Browsing and 403 Error
  • Permission settings to be only applied to selected directories or files
  • It is to be applied in all subdirectories and files within the selected directory
  • Also, it is to be applied only in all subdirectories within the selected directory
  • Permissions settings are to be applied only in all files within the selected directory

Following are the default permission settings for WordPress Files:

  • First of all change permission settings to 755 or 750 for all the directories
  • Change permissions settings to 644 or 640 for all the files (select the “Apply to files only” option)

Note: There is an exception to the above rule for the wp-config.php file. The Wp Config file is used to connect WP files to the Database. It includes the necessary database name, DB username, and password. The file permission for wp-config should either be 440 or 400.

Changing the permission settings accordingly should resolve the 403 forbidden error issues.

Caution: Perform this step when you are sure about what you are doing. It is an expert job. Playing around with file permissions can lead to compromising your website or server’s security. Incorrectly configured file permissions can leave a gate open for hackers or malware.

Check Plugins:

If the issue is still not resolved you need to check if there is a plugin that is causing the issue.

To do this first deactivate and uninstall any of the recently installed plugins. If it resolves the issue you can identify the incompatible plugin.

If still, the problem persists, deactivate the other plugins one by one and check the website. You will be able to identify the problematic plugin, and you can replace it with another plugin that provides similar functionality.

  • Deactivate all the plugins from your WordPress Dashboard
  • Check the website if it works now.
  • If it works Re-activate the plugins one by one to identify the problematic ones.
  • Repeat steps two and three until the 403 error is shown.
  • Congratulations, you have identified the plugin that is causing the problem.
  • You may need to delete it entirely and replace it with another plugin with similar functionality.

One of the other lesser recommended methods of deactivating plugins is changing the name of the Plugins folder to something else. You can also change the name of individual plugin folders one by one If you follow this process of changing folder names, you will see several errors in your WordPress dashboard stating that “Plugin file doesn’t exist”. Don’t panic seeing this error message as it will be fine once the folder name is changed back to what it was originally. You will have to activate them again from WP Dashboard after changing them back to their original name.

Note: Most of the time the issue is found with either one of the caching plugins or the security plugins. So keep an eye on these plugins.

“403 forbidden access to this resource on the server is denied!” Error in WordPress Multisite

If you have WordPress Multisite installation and getting a 403 error the chances are you have created a wildcard subdomain.

Just change it to remove the wildcard setting for a subdomain, and it should resolve the issue.

You also need to check the subdomain redirects.

subdomain redirects
subdomain redirects

How to Fix 403 Forbidden Error on Google Chrome?

ixes of 403 Forbidden Error on Google Chrome

Fixes of 403 Forbidden Error on Google Chrome

Sometimes your chrome browser can also be the culprit to trigger 403 forbidden errors. So, you resolve this issue from the chrome browser, there are certain methods you need to follow:

Some Quick and easy Solutions you must try at first:

  • Refresh or Reload: Sometimes, the 403 forbidden error can trigger due to temporary glitches that can be eliminated by simply refreshing or reloading the webpage on Google chrome. Just click on the refresh button on the chrome browser and you are done.
  • Try accessing the page after some time: sometimes, the server issue or the glitch can extend and might take a longer time than usual to resolve. If accessing the website is not on your priority list, you can wait for a few hours or even a day and try accessing it again. However, if you can’t wait and accessing the website is the utmost priority you can move on to other methods mentioned below:
  • Incorrect Typed URL: It truly said, ” hurry-hurry spoils the curry”. Generally, users in a hurry type incorrect or misspelled URLs in the browser address bar, and the outcome result in these type of errors. So you must review your typed URL before pressing the enter key, and make sure the URL is 100% correct.
  • Check on multiple devices or connections: You must also try to access the same website on multiple devices using the same network. If the error persists, move on to another internet connection and check if the error is due to the device or the internet connection.
  • Reset to default settings: If none of the above methods work, try to reset everything from the browser to your wifi router to their default settings.

Clear Chrome Browser Cache and Cookies

If you are still seeing a 403 Forbidden error try deleting the specific cookies of your web browser. This is how website-specific cookies are deleted in Google Chrome:

  • Open Chrome.
  • Click on More Settings
  • Next, click on Advanced.
  • In this menu, find ‘Content settings’ Under “Privacy and security”
  • Click on ‘Cookies’.
  • Under “All cookies and site data,” search for the website’s name.
  • To the right of the site, click Remove

To clear all the cookies you can just go to Google Chrome History, and delete the Cache completely. A similar process can be followed in other leading web browsers.

Go to History, and click on Clear Browsing Data as shown below:

Clear Browsing Data
Clear Browsing Data
Error 403
Clear Browsing Data

You can select the time range, select the option of Cookies and other site data, select Cached Images and files, and then click on the “Clear data” button.

Deactivate Chrome Browser Extensions

All the browsers have some extensions installed on them by the user. While troubleshooting the 403 Forbidden error it is recommended to deactivate browser extensions.

Check Firewall Settings

There is a possibility that due to one of your Firewall settings the server is not displaying the requested page. You can momentarily disable the firewall while troubleshooting the 403 Forbidden error issue.

Effects of 403 Forbidden Error on Search Engine Rankings

If your website has started showing a 403 error page which is already ranked, then it is for sure that it will end up losing search engine rankings on prominent websites like Google, Bing, etc. As per the algorithm of search engines, they first downgrade the rankings and then eventually remove the pages from their index which are no more accessible to users or bots.

To avoid such a situation it is recommended that you keep a close watch on your website’s analytics, search console, and webmaster data, and see if there are no such errors.

You can simply log in to Google Search Console (previously known as Google Webmasters), Select your website, and click on Coverage under Index, as shown below:

Google Search Console coverage Error 403
Google Search Console coverage Error 403

It will display the number of errors as well as the type of errors faced by your visitors.

You can just keep an eye on it to keep your website Indexing healthy and avoid getting lower ranks on search engines.

In case if you have recently changed the URL of a page make sure to use a redirection plugin, and redirect the old URL to the new one. Also, update the XML sitemap in the search console.

XML sitemap in the search console
XML sitemap in the search console

We also recommend following the above-described troubleshooting methods under the guidance of a WordPress expert if you are a beginner.


Understanding it, in a nutshell, a 403 forbidden error means the resource or requested file exists on the server but is not accessible to the visitor due to one of the above-specified reasons.

Following the above-described method will most probably solve the issue quickly if you are still not able to troubleshoot using any of the above methods we suggest you contact the tech support of your hosting provider immediately and see what the problem is.

During maintenance or other phases, the server technical team possibly makes configuration changes accidentally. Also, there is a possibility that your IP has been blocked by the server. Ask the technical team to check and unblock your IP Address.

Hope you are enjoying our article. if you find anything missed or would like to add some value to it, please do let us know in the comment section below.

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How do I fix 403 Forbidden error?

Here are some things you can try.
1. Refresh the Page.
2. Double Check the Address.
3. Clear Your Browser Cookies and Cache.
4. Check if You Have Permission to Access the URL.
5. Try Again Later.
6. Contact the Website.
7. Contact your ISP.

What causes a 403 Forbidden error?

The simple reason why we are seeing this error is that you are trying to access something you don’t have permission for. Throwing a 403 forbidden error is your website’s way of stating that you don’t have enough permissions to proceed further. This error is basically due to Incorrect file or folder permissions.

What does 403 Forbidden mean?

401 Unauthorized: If the request already included Authorization credentials, then the 401 response indicates that authorization has been refused for those credentials. 403 Forbidden: The server understood the request, but is refusing to fulfill it.

Are you dealing with the 403 Forbidden error on your WordPress site?

It is one of the most annoying errors that a WordPress beginner can come across. It may stop you from accessing your WordPress admin area and/or specific pages on your website.

In this article, we will show you how to easily fix the 403 forbidden error in WordPress.

Fixing 403 Forbidden error in WordPress

What Is the 403 Forbidden – Access Denied Error in WordPress?

WordPress shows codes and messages when an error occurs on your website. You can see our list of the most common WordPress errors and how to fix them for some examples.

The 403 Forbidden error code is shown when your server permissions don’t allow access to a specific page.

403 Forbidden status code shown on a WordPress site

This is why the error is usually accompanied by the text:

403 Forbidden – You don’t have permission to access ‘/’ on this server.

Additionally, a 403 Forbidden error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.

There are different scenarios when you might see this error. For example:

  • 403 Forbidden – Access denied on the wp-admin or WordPress login page.
  • 403 Forbidden – During WordPress install.
  • 403 Forbidden error – When visiting any page on your WordPress site.

You may also see ‘Access Denied’ instead of the full 403 Forbidden status. Alternatively, the message might say, ‘Access to yourdomain.com was denied. You don’t have authorization to view this page.’

Now that you know about the different types of 403 errors, let’s talk about their causes.

What Causes the 403 Forbidden Error in WordPress?

The most common cause for the 403 Forbidden error in WordPress is poorly-configured security plugins. Many WordPress security plugins can block an IP address (or a whole range of IP addresses) if they believe them to be malicious.

This is why we use Sucuri to improve the security of all our WordPress sites.

Another possible cause could be a corrupt .htaccess file or incorrect file permissions on your server.

Your WordPress hosting company can sometimes make accidental changes to their server settings. This may result in a 403 Forbidden error on your site.

Having said that, let’s take a look at how to fix the 403 forbidden error in WordPress.

  • Video Tutorial
  • Fixing the 403 Forbidden Error in WordPress
  • Fixing the 403 Forbidden Error Caused by a WordPress Plugin
  • Fixing the 403 Forbidden Error Caused by Corrupt .htaccess File
  • Fixing the 403 Forbidden Error Caused by File Permissions in WordPress

Video Tutorial

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If you’d prefer written instructions, then just continue reading.

Fixing the 403 Forbidden Error in WordPress

Before you do anything, we recommend that you create a complete WordPress backup of your website. You can check out our guide on how to back up your WordPress site.

If you are using an automatic WordPress backup plugin, then make sure that you have access to the latest backup before moving forward.

Fixing the 403 Forbidden Error Caused by a WordPress Plugin

The first thing you need to do is to temporarily deactivate all WordPress plugins. This includes any security plugins that you may have installed on your site.

If this resolves your problem, then this means one of the plugins on your website was causing this error.

You can figure out which plugin was causing the error by activating all your plugins one at a time until you reproduce the 403 forbidden error. Then, you will need to delete the problem plugin and look for an alternative or contact the developers for support.

Fixing the 403 Forbidden Error Caused by Corrupt .htaccess File

Often, the 403 error is caused by a corrupt .htaccess file in your WordPress site. The good news is that fixing this file is quite easy.

First, you need to connect to your website using an FTP client or the File Manager app in cPanel.

Next, find the .htaccess file in the root folder of your WordPress site. See this guide if you can’t find the .htaccess file in Your WordPress folder.

You will need to download the .htaccess file to your computer so that you have a fresh backup of it. After that, simply delete the file from your server.

Delete .htaccess file from your WordPress site

Try accessing your website. If the 403 forbidden error is resolved, then this means that your .htaccess file was corrupt.

You can generate a fresh .htaccess file by logging in to your WordPress admin area and going to the Settings » Permalinks page.

Regenerating .htaccess file in WordPress

Simply click on the ‘Save Changes’ button at the bottom of the page, and WordPress will generate a fresh .htaccess file.

Fixing the 403 Forbidden Error Caused by File Permissions in WordPress

If the other solutions have not fixed the 403 forbidden error on your site, then incorrect file permissions can be the most likely cause.

All files stored on your website have file permissions. These file permissions control who can access the files and folders on your WordPress website.

Incorrect file permissions can cause the 403 forbidden error. They make your web server thinks that you do not have permission to access those files.

You can ask your WordPress hosting provider to check your website for correct file permissions. Some hosts are very supportive, so they won’t mind and will probably fix that for you.

Changing file permissions yourself can have serious consequences. If you do not feel confident doing it yourself, then ask a friend for help or hire a professional.

However, if you want to do it yourself, then here is how to check your file permissions.

Simply connect to your WordPress site using an FTP client. Navigate to the root folder containing all your WordPress files.

Checking file permissions

Click to select a folder, right-click it, and then select ‘File permissions’ from the menu.

Your FTP client will show you a file permissions dialog box like this:

Changing file permissions using FTP

All folders on your WordPress site should have a file permission of 744 or 755.

All files on your WordPress site should have a file permission of 644 or 640.

You can set the file permission for the root folder to 744 or 755. You also need to check the box next to ‘Recurse into subdirectories’ and then check the option that says ‘apply to directories only’.

Simply click on the ‘OK’ button. Your FTP client will now start setting permissions for all subdirectories in that folder.

Once it is done, you need to repeat the process for all the files. This time you will use file permission of 644 or 640, and don’t forget to select the ‘Recurse into subdirectories’ and apply to files only’ options.

Click on the ‘OK’ button, and your FTP client will start setting file permissions for all the selected files.

Try accessing your website now, and the 403 forbidden error should be gone.

We hope this article helped you fix the 403 forbidden error in WordPress. You may also want to see our expert tips and hacks to protect your WordPress admin area, along with our top picks for the best WordPress plugins to grow your site.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

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Editorial Staff

Editorial Staff at WPBeginner is a team of WordPress experts led by Syed Balkhi with over 16 years of experience building WordPress websites. We have been creating WordPress tutorials since 2009, and WPBeginner has become the largest free WordPress resource site in the industry.

Websites require continuous maintenance and updates to function optimally. Sometimes, changing things or even not changing them properly can result in errors on a website.

In this post, you’ll learn what a 403 forbidden error is and how to fix it quickly.

What Does a 403 Forbidden Error Mean?

Requests that you make to a server can return a variety of status codes. One such status code is the 403. The 403 forbidden error basically means that the server understands your request but is denying access to a certain resource on your website to users.

It is up to servers to provide more information about the reason for forbidding the request.

What Can Cause a 403 Forbidden Error?

There are many things that can cause a 403 error. However, the three most common reasons that can result in a 403 error are:

  • a corrupted .htaccess file
  • incorrect file permissions
  • installed plugins

You should consider reading our post about understanding and configuring the .htaccess file in WordPress if you aren’t already familiar with it. In short, the .htaccess file is used by Apache web servers to determine how they should serve files to visitors. Any errors in the file can therefore stop the website from functioning.

Incorrect file permissions are another reason that can cause a 403 error. Files and directories on computer systems have certain permissions assigned to them. This prevents people from reading, writing, or executing a file they don’t have access to. It is important to keep sensitive files protected, but files and directories that are part of WordPress need permissions assigned to them in such a way that they meet the minimum basic requirements.

Fixing a 403 Forbidden Error

In this section, we will learn how to fix the 403 forbidden error either by restoring our .htaccess file or by setting up proper file permissions.

Fixing a Corrupt .htaccess File

The .htaccess file in your WordPress installation can be modified in three different ways. Sometimes, it is modified by the WordPress core, and other times some plugins make changes to this file. It is also possible that you might have manually made some changes to this file.

In any case, the most beginner-friendly way to get rid of a 403 error due to an .htaccess file is to remove the old version and force WordPress to create a new one.

Make sure that you take a fresh backup of the old .htaccess file before you remove it. Save it locally on your computer or somewhere else. If generating a new .htaccess file doesn’t resolve the error, you could just re-upload the fresh backup and move on to the next step.

You should see an .htaccess file once you have logged in to the root directory of your website on your FTP client. Right-click on it to first download a local copy and then delete the file.

Download and delete .htaccess FileDownload and delete .htaccess FileDownload and delete .htaccess File

Try visiting your website now. If it opens properly, this means that some rule inside the .htaccess file was causing the error. In this case, you can generate a new .htaccess file by simply going to the WordPress Admin dashboard and then navigating to Settings > Permalinks and clicking on Save Changes.

Generate New .htaccess FileGenerate New .htaccess FileGenerate New .htaccess File

Setting the Correct File Permissions

Specifying the right value for file permissions allows you to keep your website secure while still being able to provide access to users who need it to keep everything running smoothly. The general rule to keep in mind is to start with restrictive permissions and then relax them until things start working. Luckily, we don’t need to do all these tests to figure out the right permissions for our WordPress website.

Within your WordPress installation, you can set the permissions for all directories to 755 and the permissions for all files to 644. This should take care of any 403 errors arising out of incorrect file permissions. The meaning of permission numbers like 755 is explained in more detail in the official WordPress documentation.

There are free FTP clients like FileZilla or WinSCP that you can use to set these permissions for different files and directories recursively.

You can check the current permissions of a file or directory by right-clicking on its name and then selecting File Permissions from the context menu.

FTP Client File PremissionsFTP Client File PremissionsFTP Client File Premissions

This should open up a dialog box, which will show you the currently applied permissions and ask if you want to apply them recursively to different files and sub-directories.

File Permissions Dialog BoxFile Permissions Dialog BoxFile Permissions Dialog Box

Disable All Plugins

Creating a new .htaccess file or properly setting up file permissions fixes the 403 forbidden error issue for the majority of users. One more thing that you can try in the unlikely scenario that you are still getting the error is to disable all plugins. A poorly coded plugin or incompatibility between different plugins, among other things, can also result in 403 errors.

WordPress Deactivated PluginsWordPress Deactivated PluginsWordPress Deactivated Plugins

Once all the plugins have been disabled, check if the website still returns a 403 error. If the website is loading now, this means that one of the plugins is causing the 403 forbidden error. Now start activating the plugins one by one to see when the error happens again. This will tell you which plugin is causing problems, and you can contact its developers to fix the issue or install an alternative plugin in its place.

Final Thoughts

In this post, we have covered the three most common issues that can result in a 403 forbidden error in WordPress. Hopefully, one of these will fix the issue for you. You should consider contacting your web host if you are still getting the error. They might suggest some other things that you could do. Just make sure that you make backups of anything that you change in case you want to revert to a previous version.

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Monty Shokeen

Freelancer, Instructor

I am a full-stack developer who also loves to write tutorials. After trying out a bunch of things till my second year of college, I decided to work on my web development skills. Starting with just HTML and CSS, I kept moving forward and gained experience in PHP, JavaScript, and Python.

I usually spend my free time either working on some side projects or traveling around.

Ошибка 403 Forbidden, это код состояния HTTP, который появляется, когда у нас нет разрешения на доступ к конкретной странице или ресурса на нашем сайте, скорее всего, из-за какой-то неправильной конфигурации сервера. В большинстве случаев, это может занять больше времени, чтобы на самом деле, чтобы определить и найти то, что именно вызывает эту ошибку в WordPress, чем само исправление ошибки.

В этой статье мы рассмотрим, что означает, что именно ошибка 403 Forbidden, когда он появляется на ваших WordPress сайтах, и как легко исправить ошибку 403 Forbidden, доступ запрещен в WordPress.

Что вызывает ошибку 403 Forbidden в WordPress?

Когда ваши права сервера не разрешают доступ к конкретной странице, будет показан код ошибки 403 Forbidden. Когда дело доходит до нашего сайта на WordPress, мы можем сузить появление ошибки 403 Forbidden в нескольких случаях:

  • Ошибка 403 Forbidden при попытке получить доступ к вашей странице входа WordPress (wp-admin)
  • Ошибка 403 Forbidden во время установки WordPress
  • Ошибка 403 Forbidden при попытке получить доступ к странице на вашем сайте.
  • Ошибка 403 Forbidden после перехода на ваш сайт с другого сервера.

1. Полное резервное копирование WordPress

Резервное копирование!!

Перед тем, как начать делать что-либо, настоятельно рекомендуется сделать полную резервную копию вашего WordPress сайта.

Чтобы сделать это, сначала нужно войти на свой сервер через SSH.

Затем перейдите к корневой директории WordPress. Например, она может быть расположена по адресу: /var/www/html/wordpress/.

Для того, чтобы сделать полную резервную копию архивированного сайта на WordPress, вы можете выполнить следующую команду:

tar -cpzf wp-backup.tar.gz /var/www/html/wordpress/

Кроме того, вы также должны сделать резервную копию базы данных. В базе данных хранятся вся информация о вашем сайте, как посты, страницы, комментарии, учетные записи пользователей, конфигурации плагинов и т.д.

Для того, чтобы сделать полную резервную копию базы данных, вы можете использовать следующую команду, а затем указать свой пароль базы данных:

mysqldump -u db_user -p db_name > wp_db_backup.sql

Убедитесь в том, чтобы изменить wp-user и wp-database в соответствии с фактическим пользователем базы данных и имя базы данных.

Если вы не уверены в информации  в вашей базе данных, которая в данный момент подключена к вашему WordPress сайту, вы можете проверить файл wp-config.php внутри WordPress корневого каталога и найти там следующие строки:

define('DB_NAME', 'db_name');
define('DB_USER', 'db_user'); 
define('DB_PASSWORD', 'db_password')

Теперь у нас есть полная резервная копия нашего WordPress сайта, и мы можем двигаться дальше, чтобы исправить ошибку 403 Forbidden в WordPress.

2. Ошибка 403 Forbidden в WordPress вызвана плагинами

Ошибка 403 Forbidden в WordPress вызвана плагинами

Одна из причин этой ошибки может быть неисправен модуль. Самый простой способ определить, вызвана ошибка 403 Запретный плагином, чтобы временно отключить все плагины, которые Вы имеете на вашем WordPress сайте.

Если ошибка исчезнет после того, как мы отключим все плагины, то мы можем подтвердить, что это действительно плагин вызывает эту ошибку. Затем мы можем начать обратный запуск плагинов поочередно, по одному за раз, и продолжайте проверять при повторном появлении ошибки, там мы можем определить точный плагин, который вызывает ошибку 403 Forbidden.

3. Ошибка 403 Forbidden, связана с правами доступа к файлам в WordPress

Ошибка 403 Forbidden, связана с правами доступа к файлам в WordPress

Ошибка 403 Forbidden может также возникать из-за неправильных прав доступа к файлам или неправильному владению вашими файлами и каталогами. Для того, чтобы изменить владельца к данному пользователю/группе каталога WordPress, используйте следующую команду:

chown www-data:www-data -R /var/www/html/wordpress/

Заменить «www-data» на фактического пользователя веб-сервера, а «/var/www/html/wordpress» на фактический путь установки WordPress.

Вы должны также проверить разрешающие правила для всех файлов и каталогов.

Все каталоги должны иметь свои права установлены на 744 или 755.

И все файлы должны иметь разрешения установленные на 640 или 644.

Если какой-либо файл или каталог имеет неправильные разрешения, вы можете вручную изменить их. Например, если мы хотим изменить права доступа к директории wp-content на 755, можно использовать следующую команду:

chmod 755 wp-content

Будьте очень осторожны при работе с правами доступа к файлам на сервере, потому что вы можете легко сломать что-то, если вы не достаточно внимательны. Если вы не уверены в том, что вы делаете, то лучше всего обратиться к хостинг-провайдеру, чтобы помочь вам в этом вопросе.

4. Исправление ошибки 403 Forbidden, вызванное неисправным файлом .htaccess

Что такое: синтаксис .htaccess

Другой возможной причиной того, что может привести к этой ошибке является поврежденный файл .htaccess.

Файл .htaccess находится в вашем корневом каталоге. Перейдите в этот каталог с помощью следующей команды (в качестве альтернативы, вы можете использовать некоторые FTP-клиенты, такие как FileZilla):

cd /var/www/html/wordpress/

После того, как мы разместили файл .htaccess, можно временно сохранить его под другим именем, так что мы можем проверить, действительно этот файл вызывает проблему или нет. Чтобы переименовать файл, используйте следующую команду:

mv .htaccess .htaccess.backup

Теперь мы должны попытаться загрузить наш веб-сайт и проверьте, исчезла ошибка. Если ошибка все еще существует, то проблема не с файлом .htaccess, и мы можем спокойно изменить его обратно на исходное имя:

mv .htaccess.backup .htaccess

Если при удалении файла .htaccess исчезает ошибка 403 Forbidden, это означает, что файл .htaccess поврежден. Тогда мы можем создать новый базовый файл .htaccess, содержащий следующую информацию:

# BEGIN WordPress
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
RewriteRule ^index.php$ – [L]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule . /index.php [L]
# END WordPress

Если вы нашли ошибку, пожалуйста, выделите фрагмент текста и нажмите Ctrl+Enter.

403 forbidden error

Was your online experience interrupted by an annoying 403 error? Don’t worry! You’ve landed on the right page, as this blog unravels everything about the 403 errors on WordPress sites.

A 403 forbidden error looks critical enough to cause panic. However, WordPress errors aren’t as scary as they might appear.

But, before I move ahead with the fixes, let’s learn a bit about this error and its causes, so you can understand the underlying causes and fix those ahead of time. Short on time? Jump right ahead to the fixes.

  • What is 403 Forbidden Error?
  • What Causes the 403 Forbidden Error?
  • What Are the Different Versions of 403 Forbidden Errors?
  • How to Fix the 403 Forbidden WordPress Error (Easy Fixes)
    • Clear Your Browsing Cache
    • Rollback to a Running Version From Your Hosting Backup
    • Check .htaccess File
    • Check File Permissions
    • Deactivate All Plugins
    • HotLink Protection
    • Contact Your Hosting Support
  • Summary

What is 403 Forbidden Error?

This HTTP status code appears when you try to access a forbidden resource. This error code indicates a permission error and is commonly caused due to indexing issues, badly coded plugins, an empty site directory, or ownership issues.

What Causes the 403 Forbidden Error?

A major reason why the 403 error appears on WordPress sites is the improper configuration that denies access to the requested resource.

Other reasons include:

  • A corrupt .htaccess file.
  • A poorly coded plugin.
  • Incorrect file permissions.

What Are the Different Versions of 403 Forbidden Errors?

You may encounter 403 forbidden errors in different versions; some of these are:

  • 403 Forbidden
  • HTTP Error 403 – Forbidden
  • Forbidden: You don’t have permission to access [directory] on this server
  • 403 forbidden error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.
  • Forbidden
  • Error 403

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How to Fix the 403 Forbidden WordPress Error (Easy Fixes)

The 403 error can be a bit tricky to resolve because the server doesn’t allow your browser to load the scripts. That said, there are several ways to resolve the 403 forbidden error on WordPress sites.

The below section shares the easy fixes, and I recommend following the fixes chronologically to detect and fix the error sooner.

Note: Before trying any troubleshooting method, it is highly recommended to back up your entire website. Because if something goes wrong while troubleshooting, it will help you recover your website without any hassle.

1. Clear Your Browsing Cache

Clearing your browser’s cache is the simplest solution to the 403 error, and a hard refresh is always recommended whenever you encounter a WordPress error.

The 403 error might simply be down to the browser cache. So, clearing your browser cache and cookies or visiting your website in incognito mode might fix your issue.

2.  Rollback to a Running Version From Your Hosting Backup

If your hosting provider offers an application or server-level backup, you can revert the changes and roll back to the previous running version. Reverting to the last working version can help you bypass the 403 error.

For example, your website worked fine on  August 31 but stopped on September 1. In that case, you can go back to the previous working version with a few clicks.

If you are a Cloudways user, rolling back to a previous version is incredibly simple. Follow the steps below:

  • Log in to the Cloudways platform
  • Select your application
  • Go to Application Management > Backup and Restore

backup and restore

  • Roll back to the previous version by selecting the date from the drop-down menu

select the date

  • And that’s it. Following the steps above will help you roll back to previous versions on the Cloudways platforms in minutes.

3. Check .htaccess File

Another reason why a 403 forbidden WordPress error may occur is a corrupted .htaccess file. You can fix a bad .htaccess file in a few seconds with any FTP manager.

  • First, log in to your server using an FTP client.
  • Go to the .htaccess file located in the public_html

go to .htaccess file

  • Right-click on the .htaccess file and download the file to remain safe.


  • Once you’ve downloaded the file, delete the .htaccess file.


  • Now go to your browser and refresh your website to check if the 403 error has been resolved.

Note: Don’t forget to upload the .htaccess file you previously downloaded to your server.

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If the issue is resolved by deleting the .htaccess file, it confirms that the error was due to a corrupted .htaccess file.

To generate a clean .htaccess file, follow these steps:

  • Log in to your WordPress dashboard
  • Go to Settings > Permalinks


  • You’ll be redirected to the permalink settings page

permalink settings

  • Click the Save Changes button at the bottom of the page to generate a new .htaccess file.

save changes

  • Open your FTP client to verify if the .htaccess file has been regenerated.

verify .htaccess file

If the error still persists, move to the next troubleshooting method outlined below:

4. Check File Permissions

Many files in WordPress require access permissions. And if those permissions are incorrect, the server will give a 403 permission denied error, indicating you don’t have the requested file.

  • Connect to your WordPress website using an FTP client.
  • Navigate to the root
  • Right-click public_html and click the file permissions

file permissions

  • Ensure that the numeric value in the Permission box is set to 744 or 775
  • Check the box next to ‘Recurse into subdirectories
  • Check the option that says ‘Apply to directories only
  • Click OK


  • Repeat the same process for all the files
  • Set the file permission to 644 or 640
  • Don’t forget to select Recurse into subdirectories > Apply to files only
  • Click OK


  • Check again to see if the 403 forbidden WordPress error is resolved. If it still appears, then perform the next step, i.e., deactivating the plugins.

5. Deactivate All Plugins

Sometimes poorly coded plugins can cause a 403 forbidden error on WordPress sites. Therefore, we can deactivate all our plugins and check whether the issue is resolved or not.

To deactivate your plugins:

  • You must again access your WordPress files using an FTP client like FileZilla.
  • Go to public_html > wp-content
  • Change the plugins folder name (I’ve changed it to plugins-old)


  • Go back to your browser and refresh.
  • If the website starts working fine, then the plugins were causing the error.
  • Change your plugins-old folder name to plugins.


  • Once you’ve changed the folder name, go to the WordPress Dashboard > Plugins > Installed Plugins.

Installed Plugins

  • You will see that all plugins are deactivated by default.
  • Activate each plugin and check if your website works after activation, and you’ll find the problematic plugin.

6. HotLink Protection

Hotlink protection prevents other websites from using your site images. You can use hotlink protection if you don’t want to allow Google Images, Pinterest, or any other site to display your images. Also, it helps you with site bandwidth and server resource consumption.

Sometimes, enabling hotlink protection on your CDN/hosting can trigger a 403 error if it is not set up properly. Therefore, it’s highly recommended to carefully configure it and then check the site’s status.

7. Contact Your Hosting Support

If you have performed all the above steps and are still seeing the 403 error, the last resort is to contact your hosting provider. Many managed hosting providers offer prompt help with these issues.

Cloudways has 24/7 live chat & ticket support assistance and offers cloud-based WordPress hosting starting from $10/month. So, with a host like Cloudways, you’re in good hands, even in the world of scary errors like 403.

Note: you can also check our guides to fix other errors such as the 404 error, 500 internal server error, and the white screen of death.


I hope you found this guide helpful and were able to solve the “WordPress 403 error” via the shared fixes.

Have you figured out any other ways to get rid of this problem? Please share your solutions with us in the comments below for people facing similar issues.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Why am I getting 403 Forbidden on a website?

You may get a 403 forbidden error when you try to access a website or a resource that has been marked forbidden.

Q. Is the 403 error the same as the access denied error in WordPress?

Yes, the access denied error is another name for the 403 error.

Q. What is the main difference between 401 and 403 errors?

A 401 error occurs when someone provides no credentials or invalid credentials. In contrast, a WordPress 403 permission denied error appears when the client has correct credentials but is denied permission to perform a particular action on a resource.

Q. How can I prevent the 403 error from occurring?

You can prevent the 403 error by following the steps below:

    1. Cross-checking the .htaccess file
    2. Evaluating the plugin before installing it because a poorly coded plugin can also cause this error
    3. Checking the file permissions

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Farhan is a community manager at Cloudways. He loves to work with WordPress and has a passion for web development. Mostly, he spends his time interacting with the people in the WordPress community. Apart from his work life, Farhan spends his time gaming and playing sports. Feel free to contact him at [email protected]


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When you encounter an error on your WordPress website it looks like that your system is screaming at you for no reason. An error put a pause on your website and to remove that you need to analyze the reason behind that error, and ways to fix it. There are 5 common errors that WP users face.

  1. Error 401-Unauthorized error
  2. Error 400-Bad Request error
  3. Error 403-Forbidden Error
  4. Error 404-Page Not Found
  5. Error  500-Internal Server Error

Often, whenever peoples detect 403 forbidden error in their WordPress websites, they are generally anxious. In this case, when they are trying to open a webpage they get error displaying – “you don’t have permission to access / on this server”.

If you are in similar situation don’t panic & keep reading this guide, we will describe few methods which you can use to fix 403 forbidden error in WordPress.

What is a 403 Forbidden – Access Denied Error in WordPress?

403 Forbidden Error - 403 Forbidden Error

It is also known as Access Denied error. WordPress always shows many codes and messages while occurring an error on your sites. Whenever your server permission doesn’t allow access to a particular page, then, you should understand the 403 forbidden occurs.

In addition, the 403 forbidden error is an HTTP status code. When you see this message, you are trying to reach or access to a forbidden website or an address.

This is why the error is usually accompanied by the text:

403 Forbidden – You don’t have permission to access ‘/’ on this server.

Additionally, while trying to use an ErrorDocument to hold the request, the 403 Forbidden error was encountered.

Various cases when you can see this error, For example:

  • 403 Forbidden – When we install WordPress.
  • 403 Forbidden – During Access denied on WordPress login page or wp-admin.
  • Access denied or 403 Forbidden error – During visiting any page on your WordPress site.
  • Rather than the entire 403 Forbidden status, it is possible that you only see ‘Access Denied’.
  • Also, you can see that ‘Access to yourdomain.com was denied. You don’t have permission for viewing this page’.

The main reason behind 403 Forbidden Error in WordPress

The configured security plugins are the most common reason for the 403 forbidden error in WordPress.

Further, a lot of WordPress security plugins can block an IP address (or the entire range of IP addresses) if they consider them to be malicious. Because of this, we use Sucuri to boost the security of our WordPress site.

However, there could be the other possible reasons such as corrupt .htaccess file, incorrect file permission on your server, website firewall, window server, etc. which we are going to explain:

Continuously, sometimes your WordPress hosting can create informal changes suddenly in its server settings. It may also be a 403 Forbidden error on your site.

Now let’s take a look at:

How to fix 403 forbidden error in WordPress

The very first thing before doing anything, we suggest you create a complete WordPress backup of your website. It helps you to save your data for further use.

How To Create a Backup

At every phase, you are not accountable of the errors that perhaps occurs over your hosting server. As off, you can stop making mistakes, the same way the server can wind up making mistakes because they are managed by humans only.

Continuously, there are some of these errors are dreadful. And can compromise to your entire website.

Hence, backing up your entire site data over your server is utmost important.

In case, your hosting provider is unable to provide you the best option, then, you can try to WordPress backup plugins or you can take our WordPress backup restore service.

Now, come to the point! Here we will display the several ways for the same:

1. Check the .htaccess file

Very often, you don’t know what .htaccess file is? – the .htaccess file is the file that remains hidden in the project directory.

The very first thing, you need to connect with your site through a file manager or an FTP client in cPanel.

Thereafter, find the .htaccess file in the WordPress site’s root folder.

Now, download the .htaccess file to your PC. So that you can take a fresh backup of it. All this done – delete the file from your server.


Try reaching out to your site. If 403 forbidden error is solved – you should understood that your .htaccess file was corrupted.

However, by login into your WordPress admin area and navigate to Settings>>Permalinks page, you can create a fresh .htaccess file.


Just click the Save Changes at the bottom of the screen. And WordPress will create a fresh .htacces file.

2. Fixing 403 error caused by a plugin

First, you need to deactivate all WordPress plugins from your site. To do this –

You have to login into your WordPress area dashboard and visit Plugins>>Installed plugins. And deactivate your all plugin one-by-one.

Deactivate your all plugin one-by-one and check after each deactivation that error is still appearing or not. Because if the error is caused by plugin then it will definitely resolved on deactivation of plugin.

After doing all this! your problem will be resolved, then, the error is in the plugin.

Now, activate your all plugins at a time and uninstall the plugin that causing this error.

3. Fixing 403 Forbidden Error Caused by File Permissions

There are many files in WordPress websites that granting permissions regarding access.

But, if there are any incorrect permission, then the server will show the 403 forbidden error to you saying that you don’t have the permission to access this.

Continuously, you have to make a request for the hosting provider to check the file permissions, in order to solve this error. For this, anyone asks you to get the help of costly hosting providers.

However, in case you want to do it yourself, here’s how you will check your file permissions.

By using an FTP client, connect to your to WordPress site and go to WordPress root folder which including your all WordPress files.

check file permission

Further, click to choose a folder, press right click and pick file permission from the menu.

Now, your FTP client will display you a file permission dialog box as shown below:

fix 403 forbidden error

However, all folders over your WordPress website should have file permissions either of the 744/755 and 644/640. Further, you can set up the file permissions in the root folder to 744 or 755.

Check the box that is next to ‘Recurse into subdirectories’ and check the option that says ‘apply to directories only’.

Click the OK button. Now, your FTP client will start setting permissions to all sub-directories in that folder.

When all this done! repeat the same process for all the files. Here, you will use 644 or 640 file permission. And remember to select ‘Recurse in subdirectory’ and ‘Apply to files only’. the options.

Press the OK button and your FTP client will start setting file permissions for all selected files.

Now try to access your website, and the 403 forbidden error should now go away.

4. Fixing 403 Forbidden Error Caused by Window server

If your blog is hosted on a Windows server, then there may be issues with the directory index. To help resolve this issue, please contact to your web hosting company, you will need help in adding index.php to your web.config file.

5. Fixing 403 Forbidden Error Caused by FireWalls

Bending towards to this solution –

The website firewalls can also be the cause of this – Access denied error or HTTP 403 error. In case, the 403 error persists even if the URL is correct, then you have to check, if the firewall is preventing access to any web page.

Further, you have to check that your IP is being blacklisted or not by your firewall or security plugin. Thereafter, turn off your firewall and clear the browser cache.

Now you need to notice that you are able to access your site or not. To prevent from the blocking visitors, you have to reconfigure them.

Additional information to fix the 403 Forbidden Error in WordPress

1. Check for URL Error

Here, you need to check for URL error. Make sure that you’re not specifying a directory. Instead of this – you are specifying a real web page filename and extension.

However, a lot of site are configured to deny directory browsing. Therefore, the 403 forbidden message are normal and expected when trying to show a folder instead of a specific page.

To resolved the 403 forbidden error, this is the most common reason for a site so far.

Tip: You have to enable the directory browsing in your web server software, if you operate the site in question and you wish to prevent 403 error in these cases.

2. Clear your browser’s cache

You can see that, the issues with a cached version of the page can be causing of 403 forbidden error.

3. Clear your browser’s cookies

Basically, if you especially login to any site and after few minutes you logging again, then, (the last step) did not work.

Note: When we are talking about cookies! if you actually log in to access this page, make sure that you have enabled them in your browser or at least for this site.

However the 403 Forbidden error, individually indicates that cookies may be include in getting proper access.

4. Contact the website directly

It happens that the 403 forbidden error is a misunderstanding and everyone is seeing it. And the site is not aware of this problem yet.

Visit our WordPress Errors Services for more information about your website.

5. Contact your Internet Service Provider

May be – your complete ISP or your public IP address has been blacklisted. This is the condition that generate 403 forbidden error, basically on all pages in one or more sites.

That’s All!

If you have followed all of the ways we have discussed above and still you are getting 403 forbidden error while accessing a site or webpages. Contact our WordPress Support Services for more information. Our WordPress team of experts is there for you like 24*7.

Hope this beginner guide for fixing 403 forbidden error is helpful for you. In case of any related problem, Dial +1-855-945-3219 (Toll-Free).

Ошибка 403 в WordPress выглядит по разному. Чаще она появляется со словом «Forbidden». Иногда ошибка сопровождается сообщением «Access Denied» и самого кода не видно. Также иногда бывает сообщение «Access to example.com was denied. You don’t have authorization to view this page». Но всё это одна и та же ошибка с кодом ответа 403.

В этой статье рассмотрим, почему появилась в WordPress ошибка 403 и как её можно оперативно исправить.


  • 1 Что значит ошибка 403
  • 2 Ошибка 403 из-за плагина WordPress
  • 3 Ошибка 403 из-за файла .htaccess
  • 4 Ошибка 403 из-за прав доступа к папкам и файлам
  • 5 Восстановление сайта из резервной копии

Что значит ошибка 403

Ошибка с кодом 403 означает, что вы пытаетесь войти на страницу, доступ к которой вам запрещён. То есть права доступа установлены таким образом, что вам недоступен просмотр данной страницы.

Некоторые невнимательные вебмастера путают ошибку 403 и 404. Ошибка 404 означает, что вы пытаетесь посетить не существующую страницу. И это разные ошибки и у них разные причины. В этой статье рассматриваем причины только ошибки 403.

Ошибка 403 из-за плагина WordPress

Причиной появления ошибки 403 иногда бывает неправильно настроенный плагин безопасности, установленный на сайт. Некоторые такие плагины блокируют доступ по IP для того, чтобы недоброжелатели не попали в панель управления сайтом. И вебмастер может случайно заблокировать сам себя. Для того чтобы это исправить, есть несколько рекомендаций:

  • Если удаётся посетить консоль WordPress, то в разделе «Плагины» деактивируйте все плагины. Если ошибка 403 после этого исчезает, то начинайте активировать все плагины по одному, проверяя после каждой активации наличие проблемы. Ошибка появится снова после активации одного из плагинов — значит он и есть причина проблемы. Замените его на другой или поменяйте его настройки.
  • Если доступа в консоль нет, то воспользуйтесь файловым менеджером на хостинге. В каталоге сайта найдите папку wp-content/plugins. Для начала деактивируйте все плагины, чтобы убедиться в том, что причина в одном из них. Для этого переименуйте папку plugins, например, добавив к её имени лишний символ. Если после этого проблема исчезнет, значит дело в одном из плагинов. Тогда верните папке plugins прежнее имя и откройте её. В папке находится множество других папок — для каждого плагина своя папка. Переименовывайте каждую из папок, добавляя его имени лишний символ. Переименовывая папки плагина, деактивируйте его. Если после переименовывания ошибка 403 сохраняется, то верните плагину прежнее имя. Если ошибка пропадает, то вы нашли виновный плагин. Удалите его папку.

Ошибка 403 из-за файла .htaccess

.htaccess — это файл конфигурации сервера. Он управляет настройками сервера и соответственно, влияет на работу сайта. В файле .htaccess можно запрещать доступ пользователям, и они будут видеть ошибку 403. Если проблема возникает по этой причине, то исправить её достаточно легко: замените файл .htaccess на тот, что есть в WordPress по умолчанию. Получить .htaccess для WordPress можно на официальном сайте. На своём сайте .htaccess вы найдёте в корневой папке. Откройте его через файловый менеджер и замените всё его содержимое на то, что даётся на официальной странице. После этого проверьте работу сайта, ошибка 403 в WordPress должна пропасть.

После восстановления файла .htaccess, проверьте настройку в разделе «Настройки», подразделе «Постоянные ссылки». Убедитесь в том, что настройки не изменились, потому что этот файл влияет на работу постоянных ссылок. При необходимости настройте постоянные ссылки заново.

Файл .htaccess может изменить своё содержимое из-за какого-либо плагина безопасности. А также он может случайно повредиться из-за сбоя на хостинге.

Ошибка 403 из-за прав доступа к папкам и файлам

У каждой папки и файла на хостинге имеются права доступа. Они запрещают или разрешают чтение, удаление и запись в файл или папку той или иной категории пользователей. Некоторые файлы и папки имеют полностью открытый доступ, другие частично или полностью закрытый. Это нужно для безопасности и нормальной работы сайта. Если те папки и файлы, к которым вы собираетесь получить доступ через WordPress имеют закрытые права, то появится ошибка 403 при доступе к ним.

Самый быстрый и оптимальный способ восстановить права доступа всех папок и файлов — это обратиться в поддержку хостинга. Они проверят файловую систему и при необходимости восстановят всё по умолчанию. После этого проверьте, пропала ли ошибка 403 в WordPress.

Восстановление сайта из резервной копии

Быстрый способ устранить ошибку 403 в WordPress — это восстановить сайт из резервной копии на ту дату, когда проблемы ещё не было. Это можно сделать за пару минут через панель управления хостингом. Этот способ особенно хорош, если проблема появилась недавно и установить её причины не удаётся.

Однако у способа есть и недостаток: при восстановлении сайта на определённую дату, вместе с причиной, вызвавшей проблему, устранится и что-то полезное. Например, если между настоящим временем и тем, на которое вы восстанавливаете, вы делали на сайте что-то полезное (настраивали, публиковали контент), то это придётся потом сделать заново.

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