Ошибка 52030 wii

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Я пытался подключить мой Wii к маршрутизатору, но при каждом тесте подключения он показывает мне:

«Код ошибки 52030: невозможно подключиться к Интернету. Подробную информацию см. В руководстве по Wii. Для получения помощи посетите веб-сайт support.nintendo.com»

Тем не менее, он обнаруживает мою сеть, я без проблем ввожу ключ WEP, активирую Wi-Fi на моем livebox, чтобы разрешить доступ, но это невозможно. Мой Wi-Fi работает, так как мой ноутбук Wi-Fi, а мой настольный компьютер подключен к Ethernet. Спасибо за ваши ответы, потому что там, признаюсь, я не знаю, что делать (хотя я ковыряюсь в сети, но без убедительных результатов.


У меня была такая же проблема, и я решил ее.

Вот так я и сделал (нашел решение на другом форуме:

  • 1) Когда вы получите этот код ошибки 52030, войдите в меню и выберите «Изменить».
  • 2) Вы находитесь на правой странице в разделе «Получить IP-адрес автоматически» и выберите «Нет»
  • 3) Ниже нажмите «Дополнительно» и заполните:
    • IP-адрес:
    • маска подсетей:
    • -Gateway:
  • 4) Подтвердите и перейдите направо: «Нет», «Расширенные настройки» и вы заполните:
    • Основной DNS:
    • DNS Secondary: 0.0 .0.0 (Внимание отличается
  • 5) Подтвердите, что вы на правильной странице и заполните:


  • 6) Подтвердите, сохраните, нажмите кнопку сопряжения маршрутизатора (если есть) и запустите проверку соединения.


Спасибо Адр за этот совет.

Nintendo Wii shows the following 50299, 51030, 51331, 51332, 52030, 52130 network-related error codes that users of the Nintendo Wii see when their gaming console is unable to connect to the internet. These error codes are accompanied by an error message such as: “Unable to connect to the internet

Error Code: 51330 ‘Unable to connect to the Internet. Confirm the Internet settings of the Wii Console’

Error code 51330 for instance is specific network-related error code on the Nintendo Wii indicates that the authentication process between the console and the wireless router or internet access point it is connected to failed, which is why the console is unable to connect to the internet. In most cases, the root cause of this problem is the router or access point refusing internet access to the console because an incorrect security key or security type for the access point has been configured into the console’s Internet settings. In a few cases, this problem can also be caused by some other issue on the access point’s end or wireless interference, of all things.

In addition to error code 51330, however, there are a ton of other network-related errors on the Nintendo Wii that have pretty much the same causes as error code 51330 and the following solutions can be used to fix these error codes:

  • Error code 50299 – Rears its ugly head when your console is unable to connect to an online service or feature because the settings for the access point the console is trying to use have been configured incorrectly or haven’t been configured at all.
  • Error code 51030 – Can be seen when no wireless network that is within range of the console is configured into it or compatible with it and the console tries to do anything that requires an internet connection.
  • Error codes 51331 and 51332 – Have basically the same triggers as error code 51330.
  • Error code 52030 – Indicates that the password for the wireless network the console is currently connected to is incorrect. This means that the password may have been changed or was configured incorrectly on the console.
  • Error code 52130 – Is seen when a Wii console fails an internet connection test.

Fortunately for anyone affected by error code 51330, a rough idea as to the cause of the problem exists, and as do possible solutions to the issue. In addition, since other Wii network-errors such as those listed and described above have a lot of the same possible causes as error code 51330, they also share common solutions. Any solution you can use to try and get rid of error code 51330 can, therefore, also be used to try and get rid of any one of a host of other network-related error codes on the Nintendo Wii. The following are the absolute most effective solutions anyone affected by error code 51330 can use to try and get rid of this problem (as well as many other network-related issues on the Wii) and restore internet access on their Wii console:

Solution 1: Power cycle your router

One of the most common causes of internet connectivity issues when trying to access the internet through a wireless access point is some sort of a problem with the wireless router. In such cases, the router can be reset by power cycling it, and whatever’s causing the issue usually gets resolved on its own. Here’s how you can power cycle your wireless router:

  1. Turn the router off.
  2. Unplug the router from its power outlet.
  3. Wait for 90-120 seconds for the router to be successfully power cycled.
  4. Plug the router back into its power outlet.
  5. Turn the router on.
  6. Connect to the access point from your Wii and check to see whether or not the problem has been resolved.

Solution 2: Change the connection security type on the console

If your Wii console has the incorrect internet connection security type configured into it, you might see error code 51330 every time you try to connect to the internet via the console. If that is the case, simply changing the connection security type back to WPA2-PSK (AES) should resolve the problem. In order to do so, you need to:

  1. While you’re in the Wii Menu, press the Wii button on the console’s remote.
  2. Select Wii Settings.
  3. In the Wii System Settings menu, use the little arrow on the right side of the screen to move over to the second page, and select Internet once you’re there.
  4. Select Connection Settings.
  5. Select the connection profile you are currently using and then select Change Settings.
  6. Use the little arrow on the right side of the screen to move over to the second page, and select Type of Security once there.
  7. Select WPA2-PSK (AES).
    Note: If the access point you are trying to connect to the internet through has a different security configuration, select that instead of WPA2-PSK (AES), which is the most common security configuration out there.
  8. Enter the access point’s password into the field that appears and select OK.
  9. Select Save, and then select OK. Your console will begin testing the connection using the newly configured security parameters.

Solution 3: Ensure that you are using the right password for the wireless network

One of the most common causes of error code 51330 is the wrong password for the wireless network you are trying to access the internet through being configured on your Wii console. If that is the case, simply making sure that the console is using the right password to connect to the access point should get rid of the problem. To apply this solution, you are going to have to access your Wii console’s wireless network settings, select your access point and, when asked to type in the password for the network, make sure that you enter the right password for the network into the provided field. Be sure to check the connection to see if you now have internet access once you are done configuring the right password for your network into your Wii console.

Solution 4: Make sure your wireless router is using a wireless mode compatible with your Wii console

Nintendo’s Wii console only supports the 802.11g and 802.11b wireless formats, so if your wireless router is using a different wireless mode (802.11n only, for example), you might run into error code 51330 when you try to access the internet through the access point. If it turns out that the culprit behind error code 51330 in your case is indeed an incompatible wireless mode, you are going to have to go into your wireless router’s settings (exact instructions for which vary from manufacturer to manufacturer but can be easily found online or in the user’s manual that came with the router) and change the wireless mode to one that is compatible with your Wii console. Once done, simply connect to the access point from your Wii console and check to see if you can now successfully connect to the internet.

Photo of Kevin Arrows

Kevin Arrows

Kevin Arrows is a highly experienced and knowledgeable technology specialist with over a decade of industry experience. He holds a Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist (MCTS) certification and has a deep passion for staying up-to-date on the latest tech developments. Kevin has written extensively on a wide range of tech-related topics, showcasing his expertise and knowledge in areas such as software development, cybersecurity, and cloud computing. His contributions to the tech field have been widely recognized and respected by his peers, and he is highly regarded for his ability to explain complex technical concepts in a clear and concise manner.

Nintendo Wii показывает следующие коды сетевых ошибок 50299, 51030, 51331, 51332, 52030, 52130, которые пользователи Nintendo Wii видят, когда их игровая консоль не может подключиться к Интернету. Эти коды ошибок сопровождаются сообщением об ошибке, например: « Не удается подключиться к Интернету ».

Например, код ошибки 51330 представляет собой конкретный код ошибки, связанной с сетью на Nintendo Wii, указывает на то, что процесс аутентификации между консолью и беспроводным маршрутизатором или точкой доступа в Интернет, к которой она подключена, завершился неудачно, поэтому консоль не может подключиться к Интернету. . В большинстве случаев основной причиной этой проблемы является то, что маршрутизатор или точка доступа отказывают консоли в доступе к Интернету из-за неправильного ключа безопасности или типа безопасности для точки доступа, заданных в настройках Интернета консоли . В некоторых случаях эта проблема также может быть вызвана какой-либо другой проблемой на стороне точки доступа или помехами беспроводной сети.

Однако, помимо кода ошибки 51330, на Nintendo Wii существует множество других сетевых ошибок, которые имеют примерно те же причины, что и код ошибки 51330, и для исправления этих кодов ошибок можно использовать следующие решения:

  • Код ошибки 50299 — поднимает уродливую голову, когда ваша консоль не может подключиться к онлайн-сервису или функции, потому что настройки точки доступа, которую пытается использовать консоль, были настроены неправильно или не были настроены вообще.
  • Код ошибки 51030 — можно увидеть, когда беспроводная сеть, которая находится в пределах досягаемости консоли, не настроена или совместима с ней, и консоль пытается сделать что-либо, для чего требуется подключение к Интернету.
  • Коды ошибок 51331 и 51332 — имеют в основном те же триггеры, что и код ошибки 51330.
  • Код ошибки 52030 — указывает, что пароль для беспроводной сети, к которой в настоящее время подключена консоль, неверен. Это означает, что пароль мог быть изменен или неправильно настроен на консоли.
  • Код ошибки 52130 — отображается, когда консоль Wii не проходит проверку подключения к Интернету.

К счастью для всех, кто пострадал от кода ошибки 51330, существует приблизительное представление о причине проблемы, а также о возможных решениях проблемы. Кроме того, поскольку другие сетевые ошибки Wii, такие как перечисленные и описанные выше, имеют множество тех же возможных причин, что и код ошибки 51330, они также имеют общие решения. Таким образом, любое решение, которое вы можете использовать, чтобы попытаться избавиться от кода ошибки 51330, также можно использовать, чтобы попытаться избавиться от любого из множества других кодов ошибок, связанных с сетью, на Nintendo Wii. Ниже приведены наиболее эффективные решения, которые каждый, кто столкнулся с кодом ошибки 51330, может использовать, чтобы попытаться избавиться от этой проблемы (а также от многих других проблем, связанных с сетью на Wii) и восстановить доступ в Интернет на своей консоли Wii:

Решение 1. Выключите и снова включите маршрутизатор

Одна из наиболее частых причин проблем с подключением к Интернету при попытке доступа в Интернет через точку беспроводного доступа — это своего рода проблема с беспроводным маршрутизатором. В таких случаях маршрутизатор можно перезагрузить, выключив и снова выключив его, и все, что вызывает проблему, обычно решается само. Вот как можно выключить и снова включить беспроводной маршрутизатор:

  1. Выключите роутер.
  2. Отключите роутер от розетки.
  3. Подождите 90–120 секунд, чтобы маршрутизатор успешно выключил и снова включил питание.
  4. Снова подключите маршрутизатор к розетке.
  5. Включите роутер.
  6. Подключитесь к точке доступа со своего Wii и проверьте, решена ли проблема.

Решение 2. Измените тип безопасности подключения на консоли

Если на вашей консоли Wii настроен неправильный тип безопасности подключения к Интернету, вы можете видеть код ошибки 51330 каждый раз, когда пытаетесь подключиться к Интернету через консоль. В этом случае простое изменение типа безопасности подключения обратно на WPA2-PSK (AES) должно решить проблему. Для этого вам необходимо:

  1. Находясь в меню Wii , нажмите кнопку Wii на пульте дистанционного управления консоли.
  2. Выберите Настройки Wii .
  3. В меню системных настроек Wii используйте маленькую стрелку в правой части экрана, чтобы перейти на вторую страницу, и выберите « Интернет», когда окажетесь там.
  4. Выберите Параметры подключения .
  5. Выберите профиль подключения, который вы используете в настоящее время, а затем выберите « Изменить настройки» .
  6. Используйте маленькую стрелку в правой части экрана, чтобы перейти на вторую страницу, и выберите « Тип безопасности» там.
  7. Выберите WPA2-PSK (AES) .

    Примечание. Если точка доступа, через которую вы пытаетесь подключиться к Интернету, имеет другую конфигурацию безопасности, выберите ее вместо WPA2-PSK (AES) , которая является наиболее распространенной конфигурацией безопасности.

  8. Введите пароль точки доступа в появившееся поле и выберите ОК .
  9. Выберите Сохранить , а затем нажмите ОК . Ваша консоль начнет тестирование соединения с использованием вновь настроенных параметров безопасности.

Решение 3. Убедитесь, что вы используете правильный пароль для беспроводной сети.

Одна из наиболее частых причин появления кода ошибки 51330 — неправильный пароль для беспроводной сети, которую вы пытаетесь получить в Интернет, настроив ее на консоли Wii. Если это так, просто убедитесь, что консоль использует правильный пароль для подключения к точке доступа, чтобы избавиться от проблемы. Чтобы применить это решение, вам нужно будет получить доступ к настройкам беспроводной сети консоли Wii, выбрать точку доступа и, когда вас попросят ввести пароль для сети, убедитесь, что вы ввели правильный пароль для сети в предоставленном поле. Обязательно проверьте соединение, чтобы узнать, есть ли у вас доступ в Интернет после того, как вы закончите настройку правильного пароля для своей сети в консоли Wii.

Решение 4. Убедитесь, что ваш беспроводной маршрутизатор использует беспроводной режим, совместимый с вашей консолью Wii

Консоль Nintendo Wii поддерживает только беспроводные форматы 802.11g и 802.11b, поэтому, если ваш беспроводной маршрутизатор использует другой режим беспроводной связи (например, только 802.11n), вы можете столкнуться с кодом ошибки 51330 при попытке доступа в Интернет через точка доступа. Если окажется, что виновником кода ошибки 51330 в вашем случае действительно является несовместимый беспроводной режим, вам придется зайти в настройки вашего беспроводного маршрутизатора (точные инструкции для разных производителей различаются, но их легко найти в Интернете или в руководстве пользователя, прилагаемом к маршрутизатору) и измените беспроводной режим на тот, который совместим с вашей консолью Wii. После этого просто подключитесь к точке доступа с консоли Wii и проверьте, можете ли вы теперь успешно подключиться к Интернету.

A great many people encounter various Nintendo Wii error codes when the console is unable to connect to the internet. How to fix the Wii error 50299, 51030, 51330, and 52030? This post of MiniTool will provide you with corresponding solutions.

Possible Reasons for Wii Error 50299, 51030, 51330, 52030

According to user reports, the Wii error code 51030, 51330, 52030, 50299 often occurs when their Nintendo console fails to connect to the internet. All these error codes are accompanied by an error message “Unable to connect to the Internet.”

What causes these network-related errors on Nintendo Wii? Here we summarize some possible reasons:

  • Wii error code 50299: If the access point settings for the console are configured improperly or not configured at all, your console won’t connect to an online service and will throw the error.
  • Wii error code 51030: When there is no wireless network that is configured within range of the console or compatible with the console, then your Nintendo console requires an internet connection and throws the Wii error code 51030.
  • Wii error code 51330: The error often indicates that the authentication process between the wireless internet and the console is failed. The error can be caused by an incorrect security key or some issues on the access point’s end and wireless interference.
  • Wii error code 52030: The error code 52030 can occur when the password for the wireless network has been changed or configured incorrectly on the console.

Now, let’s see how to fix Nintendo Wii error code 50299, 51030, 51330, 52030.

How to Fix Wii Error 50299, 51030, 51330, 52030

Fix 1. Power Cycle Your Router

When you encounter some network-related issues like Nintendo Wii error code 50299 and Wii error code 51330, the first and simplest solution is to power cycle your router. Here’s how to do that:

Step 1. Unplug the internet router from the wall socket.

Step 2. Hold the Power button on the back of your router for about 15 seconds until the router is turned off completely.

Step 3. Then wait for about 5 minutes, and plug the router into the socket again and press the Power button to turn it on.

After that, you can connect to the access point from your Wii and see if the error code 5133o is solved.

Fix 2. Change the Security Type in the Wii Settings

If the connection security type for your Wii console has been configured incorrectly, you may encounter the Wii error code 51330 each time you connect to the internet via the console. To fix it, you can try changing the security type in Wii Settings.

Step 1. Navigate to the Wii Menu and press the Wii button on the console remote.

Step 2. Select Wii Settings to open the Wii System Settings.

select Wii Setting on Console

Step 3. Select the Internet option by using the little arrow key at the right side of the screen to move on to the second page.

Step 4. Select Connection Settings, and then select the connection profile that you are using and select Change Setting.

Step 5. Move on to the second page by using the little arrow key and select Type of Security from here.

Step 6. Select WAP2-PSK (AES), and then enter the access point’s password into the field and click on OK.

Step 7. Select Save and OK. After that, your Wii console will test the connecting via the newly configured security type.

select the AES security type on the Wii console

Now, you can connect your console to the internet again and check if the error codes persist.

Fix 3. Use the Correct Wireless Password

As mentioned above, the main reason for the Wii error code 52030 is the incorrect password of the wireless network you are trying to access. In this case, you need to ensure that you are using the right password by checking your network settings.

Step 1. Open the wireless network settings of your Wii console and select the Access point.

Step 2. Make sure you enter the right password for the wireless network into the provided field.

Once done, you can access the network again and see if the Wii error code 52030 is fixed.

Fix 4. Check If Your Router’s Settings Is Compatible with the Wii Console

The Wii console only supports the 802.11g and 802.11b wireless formats. If you are using a different wireless format like 802.11n, you may experience the Wii error code 51330 when trying to access the internet via the access pint. In this case, you need to log in to your router’s settings and change the wireless mode to one that is compatible with your Wii console.

Fix 5. Change Your Router’s Channel Settings to 1 or 11

Some users reported that the Wii error code 52030 can be fixed by changing the router’s settings to 1 or 11. The 2 channels usually have the least amount of wireless traffic/interference.

Step 1. Access your router’s settings and navigate to the Wireless Channel Settings under the Wireless Settings tab.

Step 2. Select channels 1 or 11 from the drop-down menu.

Step 3. Click on OK and Apply to save the change.

The Nintendo Wii was a smash hit when it was released back in late 2006. Its revolutionary idea of an active video game console changed the way people thought about gaming. Eventually, competitor Microsoft caught up and released the Kinect, and the gimmick lost its flare. Now the Wii is not nearly as popular as it once was. It may have been a fad, but many people still have these consoles, as they allow you to access the internet and play Gamecube and Wii games alike.

Unlike some articles on here like the Ultimate HTTP Error Code List, this article is not an exhaustive list that covers all error codes you may encounter on a Wii. It has several common error codes and the ones on this list all are related to internet connection. Getting these errors can be extremely frustrating for users, as many people use it for streaming services or playing online.

These codes are similar and may seem the exact same at first glance, but there are some subtle differences. Understanding these differences is crucial in understanding how to correct them.

Nintendo has a good support system on their website where you can look up error codes and it gives you a very detailed description of the problems and how to fix them. However, it may take some time scrolling through different pages, opening up multiple tabs, and some of the wording is a little bit confusing. That’s why my goal for this article is to simplify the process and make the language a little bit more understandable. This article is a one stop for everything you need to know about these error codes.

“I got to play with Nintendo’s Wii, yes it’s a funny name and not very revolutionary but it was fun whipping your arms around”. – Olivia Munn

If the solutions fail for these error codes, make sure you visit Nintendo Support for further assistance and details on other error codes.

51330 and 51331: Unable to Connect to the Internet

Starting off this list are the two most common codes. I combined these two because they are virtually the same. On Nintendo’s website, the causes and solutions are word-for-word exactly the same.

The issue is between the console and the router. It is most commonly caused by an incorrect security key being entered into the Wii.


Here’s a list, in chronological order, of what you should perform. Make sure after each step to test the internet connection with the Wii.

1. Power Cycle Your Router

  • Start off with doing the simplest thing possible: power cycling your router. If you are unfamiliar with that term, it is simply turning off your router, unplugging it, waiting for at least 30 seconds, and then turning it back on.
  • After that, verify that it is connected to the internet and this simple trick may fix this issue. Yes, it is the stereotypical customer service response we have all heard, “turn it off and back on again”, but it is easy and may work.

2. Change the Security Type

If the power cycling doesn’t work, the next thing you should try is to change the security type. You want to change the type to WPA2 – PSK (AES), which is what you always want to be on. This solves the issue because sometimes the console automatically selects the wrong security type when initially setting it up, so giving it the correct security type may fix the problem.

This can be done by selecting the ‘Wii’ button from the Wii menu and from there going to: Wii System Settings->Wii Settings->Wii System Settings->Internet->Connection Settings->Change Settings->Type of Security->WPA2 -PSK (AES).

3. Check the Password

If the console already had WPA2 – PSK (AES) selected as its security type, check your router’s password, and then confirm that the correct one is entered into the Wii. Double check that the password and security type are both correct, and then test the connection.

4. Confirm your Router’s Wireless Mode is Either 802.11g or 802.11b

The wireless mode of a router is basically the speed at which the routers can operate at. The Wii supports the 802.11g and 802.11b wireless formats (labeled as “Up to 54Mbps” by some routers).

If the router you are using is set to something other than the modes listed above, change this setting, as this may be what is preventing it from connecting.

Changing the setting is a little bit different for every router, so here is a good list Nintendo provides on how to change it based on the brand.

5. Change your router’s channel

This is something you should do even if you don’t have a problem, as it speeds up your network just in general. If you have a 2.4 GHz router (the most common) it naturally broadcasts on channel 6, which overlaps with other channels and may be weaker. The more routers around you, the weaker your signal on channel 6 may be, so you should avoid this channel at all costs.

Changing your router’s channel to 1 or 11, as they are the furthermost from 6, will most likely increase your router’s range and strength.

For a great article on how to change your router’s channel, read this article from howtogeek.com.

51030: Unable to connect to your wireless network

This is the easiest error to fix, as this problem lies with your router. Usually what happens is the connection settings on the router have changed, which means the Wii has incorrect settings for the router.


Your first step should be to power cycle your router, as I discussed in the previous section. It’s such an easy step, and for this error code, it will usually work.

However, if power cycling doesn’t work, there is one more thing you can try. Delete your router from your Wii, and set it up again. Just by entering the password again and starting over usually will fix this error.

52030: Unable to connect to your wireless network

This error is much more complicated than 51030, as there are a couple things that could be causing it.

One cause could be that the security settings entered into the console aren’t the same as what your router is set for. It may also be that your router is unable to give the Wii and IP address automatically.

Do these solutions in order, and make sure to test the connection after each step.


1. Confirm Security Key

The first and easiest thing you can do is to make sure the security key and security type are entered into the Wii exactly as they appear in your router’s settings. Keep in mind that these keys are case sensitive, contain numbers 0 through 9, and only letters A through F.

You should be able to find your security key on your computer where the router is saved as a device, or sometimes it is even listed on the router.

2. Manually assign the Wii an IP address

If the security key and type are correct for both the router and console, your problem is that the Wii isn’t receiving an IP address from the router. Therefore, you must manually give the Wii one. It is a relatively simple but lengthy process.

Similar to how you change the security type, select the ‘Wii’ button from the Wii menu and from there going to Wii System Settings->Internet->Connection Settings and then choose the file with a red border around it.

From there, select Change Settings-> Auto-Obtain IP Address->No->Advanced Settings

From there, click in the “IP Address” and enter the IP address that corresponds to your router’s brand. Since each brand is different, I included the four most popular. If you have another brand, you should be able to find the IP address through Google or on your router.

  • Linksys –
  • Netgear –
  • Belkin –
  • D-Link –

After entering your IP address, click on the Subnet Mask box and enter The cool thing about this common subnet mask is that it can be used no matter what brand of router you are using.

After entering the subnet mask, select the Default Router box. Here you enter a default gateway address, which again is different for each brand of router. Here are the same brands, and you can find the others in the same way to find your IP address.

  • Linksys –
  • Netgear –
  • Belkin –
  • D-Link –

After inputting your default gateway, click on”Auto Obtain DNS.” From there No->Advanced Settings->Primary DNS.The number you can input for the Primary DNS is For the Secondary DNS, enter 

Note: These numbers I am giving you are not the only you can use, just the most common.


Yes, I know the pain of hopping on your console and the network isn’t working. It can make you want to throw your remote at your TV. But, take a deep breath and look at what error is coming up. The best part about this list is that each solution anyone can complete within 5-10 minutes max. Besides just the Nintento Wii, gaming consoles are notorious for error codes; odds are you’ll have to deal with them some day. If you also use a PS4, check out our Ultimate PS4 Error Code List.

I hope you found this article easy to read and helpful for fixing these common errors. If you have any questions or other good pieces of information, make sure to leave a comment below.

For another article on how to fix internet connectivity issues, make sure you read Netflix Error 1012.

Ryan is a computer enthusiast who has a knack for fixing difficult and technical software problems. Whether you’re having issues with Windows, Safari, Chrome or even an HP printer, Ryan helps out by figuring out easy solutions to common error codes.

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