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Ошибка Error codes: 7; Loading samples failed означает, что во время загрузки сэмплов (звуковых файлов) плагина Ample Metal Eclipse произошла ошибка. В результате этой ошибки плагин не будет проигрывать звук.
Для исправления этой проблемы в первую очередь необходимо проверить, что файлы семплов плагина находятся на правильном месте. Для этого можно зайти в папку, где установлена FL Studio (обычно это путь С:/Program Files (x86)/Image-Line/FL Studio), далее зайти в папку с плагинами (Plugins), найти там папку Ample Sound и сравнить названия файлов с теми, что указаны в интерфейсе плагина.
Если файлы семплов находятся на месте и всё с ними в порядке, то можно попробовать удалить плагин из Fl Studio и переустановить его заново. Но перед этим желательно сделать бэкапы проектов, в которых используется этот плагин.
Также можно проверить, что используется последняя версия плагина. Если нет, то нужно обновить его до последней версии.
Если же вышеописанные методы не помогли, то можно связаться с технической поддержкой разработчика плагина и описать свою проблему в подробностях. Они смогут помочь с более сложными причинами ошибки и её исправлением.
Также стоит учитывать, что возможно компьютер не справляется с загрузкой звуковых файлов с плагина. В этом случае рекомендуется увеличить объём оперативной памяти компьютера или использовать плагин на более мощном компьютере.
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- Ample guitar error codes 7 14 loading samples failed
- Go to search results >>>
- Ample Sound AGM 3 VST Free Download
- Speech Service release notes
- Fix: Error Codes -7 and -130 in the Steam Client
- What causes error code -7 and error code -130 in the Steam client?
- 1. Restart the Steam client
- 2. Disable any and all antivirus software
- 3. Reinstall Steam
- 4. Flush your computer’s local DNS cache
- 5. Wait out the storm (or contact your ISP!)
Ample guitar error codes 7 14 loading samples failed
The Library has 4. Features include the built-in tab player, which can load all popular tabular formats, as well as the «riffer» adjusting your basslines to the desired genre through a large selection of presets. String Roll Editor: can clearly show fingering, articulation, expression, and even playing noise. Every note has 8 attributes — pitch, velocity, length, off velocity, articulation, legato, vibrato and bend, with which you can make a delicate lick.
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Upon completion, a link will appear to access the found materials.
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WATCH RELATED VIDEO: How to Get the Ample Bass P Lite II to Work with GarageBand
Ample Sound AGM 3 VST Free Download
Plug-ins and Sounds Logic Pro X gives you a massive collection of plug-ins and sounds to fuel your creativity. Create amazing sounds using authentic re-creations of vintage equipment, powerful modern synthesizers, and complex multisampled instruments. The new single-window design makes it easier to create and edit sampler instruments while remaining backward compatible with all EXS24 files.
An expanded synthesis section with sound-shaping controls brings more depth and dynamics to your instruments — it features twin filters with parallel and serial routings, and five filters modeled after both analog and modern synths. An extendable modulation section allows you to add more sources and destinations as needed. And the reimagined mapping editor adds powerful, time-saving features that speed the creation of complex instruments — including editing commands for automatic mapping, automatic loop finding, and analyzing and splitting samples into zones.
Quick Sampler is a fast and easy way to work with a single sample. In a few steps, you can transform an individual sample into a fully playable instrument. With Flex Time, you can keep your sample playing at the same speed no matter which notes you play. And with Slice Mode, you can split a single sample into multiple slices — perfect for chopping up vocals or breaking up and resequencing drum loops. Adjust loop start, end, and crossfade right on the waveform with easy-to-use markers.
Use the auto-loop command to quickly create seamlessly looped samples. Slice drum loops and vocal phrases into a bank of samples, then play them from any keyboard or drum pad. Auto Sampler lets you save hours by easily creating fully playable sampler instruments from hardware instruments, other software instruments, and effect plug-ins.
Save time and multiple steps by dragging and dropping samples directly into the track header. This powerful but easy-to-use plug-in creates synthesized drum sounds. Choose from a diverse collection of drum models and shape their sound with up to eight simple controls.
Open Drum Kit Designer and select a kit. You can swap pieces to build a custom kit, choosing from a diverse variety of snares, kicks, toms, hi-hats, and cymbals.
Finesse the sound of each drum by adjusting the tuning, dampening, and gain. And enable stereo or mono room and overhead mics. Each kit comes with its own unique mix designed by an industry hitmaker. Choose a more elaborate Producer Kit and it loads with a Patch that gives you access to the full multichannel mix, along with all the processing and routing the producer used. Apply individual effects and plug-ins on each discrete drum pad to experiment with sound design and beat-making in new ways.
Each pad normally plays a single note, but if you open the track stack and select any subtrack, you can play all of the pitches of a single sound to create bass lines or melodic parts. You can also create a unique layered sound by assigning the same trigger note to two different pads. Powerful Performance Controls invite you to explore and play with the sounds you choose. Alchemy is a monster of a synth with multiple sound-generating engines, including additive, spectral, formant, granular, and virtual analog.
Groundbreaking morphing and resynthesis features let you manipulate and combine samples in extraordinary ways. And the vast number of filters, modulation routes, arpeggiation options, and effects makes for limitless possibilities.
Luscious Arp Layers uses multiple arpeggiators on different virtual analog sources within a single instrument to produce complex musical patterns. These two realistic plug-in instruments feature sophisticated articulation controls.
A versatile synthesizer that delivers sounds ranging from classic analog to modern digital. The synthesis engine features three analog-modeled and wavetable oscillators, as well as dual multimode analog resonant filters and extensive modulation options.
Go for analog tones like earthshaking bass, textures, screaming leads, sweeping pads, and sawtooth waves. The Arpeggiator transforms simple chords into elaborate performances. Join us now! Forgot Your Password? Forgot your Username?
Haven’t received registration validation E-mail? User Control Panel Log out. Forums Posts Latest Posts. View More. Recent Blog Posts. Recent Photos. View More Photo Galleries. Unread PMs. Forum Themes Mobile Progressive.
Essentials Only Full Version. It has full range notes now E1 — C5which was E1 — G 3 before. Improved voice management significantly enhances performance. Slash chord support is implemented for Detect Mode. Chord slots have been increased to 24 for Select Mode.
Arpeggio can now be played on all six strings for every chord now. Improved humanization options are present in 2. New strummed patterns. Completely new standalone app which can load all Ample Sound plugins with virtual keyboard support. Other updates : Added Mod Range to adjust vibrato intensity.
Added Poly Bender to enable multiple notes bend. Glyn Barnes. Max Output Level: Worth a look. The original free version was a bit too limited to be anything but a demo. I am waiting on the update to Orange Tree’s Steel Strings but having a different program with different chord detection and strumming algorithms is always useful.
Not to mention a different set of samples. Thanks for posting. Downloading now. Hope it is better than the original version of AGML; it was too limited to be useful. The old version was just taking up space. So thanks for positing. We will see if it holds its own, or will sink. Home Discussions Workshop Market Broadcasts. Change language. Install Steam. Jekyll View Profile View Posts.
I receive the «Error Code: -7 Failed to load web page unknown error » error on the «Steam — Update News» screen each time there are new news items when I restart steam. Online gameplay has not been affected, only the Update News screen.
Any ideas why this has been occuring or what it means? Showing 1 — 15 of 18 comments. It has been occuring for a few months now. It only happens when there are new news items. The Firebind steam test comes back successful.
I’ve refreshed my steam files, but of course there are no more news updates for me to see. I’ll try to chime back in later to update the thread. Some news updates just came through for me and the same error is still occuring.
It is fully patched with no other issues. I’ve run dxdiag. Actually, that Realtek NIC was disabled. The Boradcom NIC was the one being used. I’ve re-enabled the Realtek and installed a newer driver though. I just disconnected from an online game and some more news updates came through. The same problem still exists. I’m having the same problem, but only when I try to access the market or inventory. I’m also running into this problem with error code: -7 whenever I try to access any of the store or community pages in the Steam Client.
I have the same issue. I can access my library and communication within games are fine but accessing anything besides the library is moot. Per page: 15 30 Date Posted: 9 Jan, am. Posts: Start a New Discussion. Discussions Rules and Guidelines. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic harassment, fighting, or rude posts.
Speech Service release notes
Download the full report in English. Annex 3: Translations of Source Documents. Annex 5: Responses to Human Rights Watch. Response from the Lebanese Army in English and Arabic. The explosion resulted from the detonation of tonnes of ammonium nitrate, a combustible chemical compound commonly used in agriculture as a high nitrate fertilizer, but which can also be used to manufacture explosives. It wounded 7, people, of whom at least acquired a physical disability; caused untold psychological harm; and damaged 77, apartments, displacing over , people.
Fix: Error Codes -7 and -130 in the Steam Client
Error code -7 and error code -130 show up whenever the Steam client tries to load a web page for you, but for whatever reason, fails to retrieve it from Steam’s servers. The complete error message these error codes are accompanied by reads:
Error Code: -7 or Error Code: -130
Failed to load web page (unknown error)
Failed to load web page (unknown error)
Error codes -7 and -130 can rear their ugly heads on any pages within the Steam client from the utterly inconsequential Update News page to the all-important Inventory page and everything in between. It is when this issue makes its way to the more important Steam pages like Store, where it ends up preventing people from looking for games to buy, that it truly becomes a problem that needs to be dealt with. The most common culprit behind this error would be a lack of internet access, but if you have a working internet connection, there might be other causes at play.
What causes error code -7 and error code -130 in the Steam client?
- Some kind of a temporary issue with your Steam client inhibiting it from connecting to Steam’s servers.
- Third-party software such as antivirus programs, or firewalls (stock or otherwise) blocking your Steam client’s connection to Steam servers and preventing it from retrieving web pages from them.
- Corrupt or otherwise damaged files that are needed by the Steam client to effectively communicate with Steam servers.
- Your computer somehow associating the wrong IP address with the URL for a Steam web page within its DNS cache, resulting in the Steam client being unable to resolve that URL and retrieve the web page that exists on the URL.
- A temporary issue that most likely exists on your internet connection and is rendering the Steam client unable to communicate with and retrieve web pages from some or all Steam servers.
1. Restart the Steam client
If there exists some kind of an issue with the Steam client that has left the program temporarily unable to connect to Steam servers or retrieve web pages from certain URLs, restarting the Steam client might help resolve it. To restart the Steam client, you need to:
- In the top right corner of the Steam window, click on Steam.
- In the resulting context menu, click on Exit.
Click on Steam > Exit
- Wait for the Steam client to perform its closing rituals and close itself.
- When Steam has closed, press Ctrl + Shift + Esc to open the Task Manager, navigate to the Processes tab and check to make sure there are no Steam processes running. If there is even one Steam process running, Steam is still in the process of shutting down. If there are no Steam processes running, you may proceed.
- Launch Steam and check to see if the issue has been resolved.
2. Disable any and all antivirus software
Third-party software, especially antivirus programs, can often mess with the Steam client and its ability to effectively communicate with Steam servers. If you have any antivirus programs installed and enabled on your computer, you should disable them in order to see if they are what’s causing you to see error codes -7 and -130 in the Steam client. Or better yet, you could completely uninstall the antivirus programs you have on your computer for the time being and see if doing so alleviates this problem.
3. Reinstall Steam
Reinstalling the Steam client will make it so Steam starts afresh on your computer, with any damaged or corrupted files replaced by new, fully functional ones.
- In the top right corner of the Steam window, click on Steam.
- In the resulting context menu, click on Exit.
Click on Steam > Exit
- Wait for the Steam client to perform its closing rituals and close itself.
- Press the Windows Logo key + R to to open a Run dialog.
Press the Windows Logo key + R
- Type the following into the Run dialog, replacing X: with the full path for the directory the Steam folder is located in on your computer:
X:Steamuninstall.exe - Press Enter to launch the uninstaller for the Steam client.
- Follow the onscreen prompts and instructions to uninstall the Steam client from your computer.
- Once the Steam client has been successfully uninstalled from your computer, download the installer for the Steam client.
Download the installer for the Steam client
- When the installer has been downloaded, navigate to the directory it was saved to, launch it, and follow the onscreen instructions to install the Steam client.
- As soon as Steam has been reinstalled, launch it and check to see if error codes -7 and -130 still persist.
4. Flush your computer’s local DNS cache
When you flush your computer’s local DNS cache, you force it to request an IP address for every URL it tries to connect to instead of relying on its own library of URLs and associated IP addresses. So even if your computer somehow had the wrong IP addresses associated with some or all Steam URLs, when you try and visit them after you flush the DNS cache, your computer will be forced to request and then save the right IP addresses. This solution is especially effective in cases where the affected user only sees error code -7 and -130 on certain pages within the Steam client. To flush your computer’s local DNS cache, you need to:
- Press the Windows logo key + R to open a Run dialog.
Press the Windows Logo key + R
- Type cmd into the Run dialog and press Enter to launch a fresh instance of the Command Prompt.
Type “cmd” into the Run dialog
- Type the following into the Command Prompt and press Enter:
ipconfig /flushdns
Type “ipconfig /flushdns” into the Command Prompt
5. Wait out the storm (or contact your ISP!)
If all else fails, there’s s a good chance there is simply something wrong with your internet connection that’s preventing the Steam client from contacting and retrieving web pages from Steam servers. If this is indeed the case, you might just have no other option than to wait for this storm to pass and for the underlying issue to be resolved by your Internet Service Provider. You can and should, in the meantime, contact your ISP and register a complaint about the issue you are facing to make sure they are at least aware of and actively trying to resolve it. Be sure to inform your ISP of the specifics of this problem so as to help them better diagnose and deal with its cause.
11 hours ago, abacab said:
No. Just insert any FX, for example TH3, Amplitube, or Guitar Rig, etc., into the instrument track FX bin. The FX will be added to the audio output of the instrument.
IK Multimedia has a free version of Amplitube 5 CS, including a solid state bass pre-amp, and a 1 x 15 bass vintage cabinet.
It comes with 39 pieces of gear:
10 Stompbox Models – 7 Band Graphic, Chorus, Compressor, Delay, Diode Overdrive, Flanger, Noise Gate, Opto Tremolo, Volume, Wah
5 Amplifiers – Brit 8000, American Tube Clean, American Tube Clean 2, British Tube Lead 1, Solid State Bass Preamp
6 Cabinets – 1×12 Open Vintage, 1×15 Bass Vintage, 2×12 Closed Vintage, 4×10 Open Vintage, 4×12 Brit 8000, 4×12 Closed Vintage
3 Speakers – American 12K, Brit 80, Brit Green
3 Microphones – Dynamic 57, Condenser 414, Condenser 87
6 Rack Effects Units – Digital Chorus, Digital Delay, Digital Reverb, Graphic EQ, Parametric EQ, Tube Compressor
6 Rooms – Amp Closet, Garage, Hall, Large Studio, Mid Studio, Small Studio
Edited January 18, 2021 by abacab
The Library has 4. Features include the built-in tab player, which can load all popular tabular formats, as well as the «riffer» adjusting your basslines to the desired genre through a large selection of presets. String Roll Editor: can clearly show fingering, articulation, expression, and even playing noise. Every note has 8 attributes — pitch, velocity, length, off velocity, articulation, legato, vibrato and bend, with which you can make a delicate lick.
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Schemes, reference books, datasheets:
Discussions, articles, manuals:
Wait the end of the search in all databases.
Upon completion, a link will appear to access the found materials.
- Ample Sound AGM 3 VST Free Download
- Speech Service release notes
- Aragami oga 3d
- Kirby theme download
- Ample guitar loading samples failed
- Genre Party
- Category: Ample guitar loading samples failed
- Make Ample Bass P Lite (ABPL II) work with GarageBand
- This Video File Cannot Be Played? Fix Different Video Error Codes
WATCH RELATED VIDEO: How to Get the Ample Bass P Lite II to Work with GarageBand
Ample Sound AGM 3 VST Free Download
Plug-ins and Sounds Logic Pro X gives you a massive collection of plug-ins and sounds to fuel your creativity. Create amazing sounds using authentic re-creations of vintage equipment, powerful modern synthesizers, and complex multisampled instruments. The new single-window design makes it easier to create and edit sampler instruments while remaining backward compatible with all EXS24 files.
An expanded synthesis section with sound-shaping controls brings more depth and dynamics to your instruments — it features twin filters with parallel and serial routings, and five filters modeled after both analog and modern synths. An extendable modulation section allows you to add more sources and destinations as needed. And the reimagined mapping editor adds powerful, time-saving features that speed the creation of complex instruments — including editing commands for automatic mapping, automatic loop finding, and analyzing and splitting samples into zones.
Quick Sampler is a fast and easy way to work with a single sample. In a few steps, you can transform an individual sample into a fully playable instrument. With Flex Time, you can keep your sample playing at the same speed no matter which notes you play. And with Slice Mode, you can split a single sample into multiple slices — perfect for chopping up vocals or breaking up and resequencing drum loops. Adjust loop start, end, and crossfade right on the waveform with easy-to-use markers.
Use the auto-loop command to quickly create seamlessly looped samples. Slice drum loops and vocal phrases into a bank of samples, then play them from any keyboard or drum pad. Auto Sampler lets you save hours by easily creating fully playable sampler instruments from hardware instruments, other software instruments, and effect plug-ins.
Save time and multiple steps by dragging and dropping samples directly into the track header. This powerful but easy-to-use plug-in creates synthesized drum sounds. Choose from a diverse collection of drum models and shape their sound with up to eight simple controls.
Open Drum Kit Designer and select a kit. You can swap pieces to build a custom kit, choosing from a diverse variety of snares, kicks, toms, hi-hats, and cymbals.
Finesse the sound of each drum by adjusting the tuning, dampening, and gain. And enable stereo or mono room and overhead mics. Each kit comes with its own unique mix designed by an industry hitmaker. Choose a more elaborate Producer Kit and it loads with a Patch that gives you access to the full multichannel mix, along with all the processing and routing the producer used. Apply individual effects and plug-ins on each discrete drum pad to experiment with sound design and beat-making in new ways.
Each pad normally plays a single note, but if you open the track stack and select any subtrack, you can play all of the pitches of a single sound to create bass lines or melodic parts. You can also create a unique layered sound by assigning the same trigger note to two different pads. Powerful Performance Controls invite you to explore and play with the sounds you choose. Alchemy is a monster of a synth with multiple sound-generating engines, including additive, spectral, formant, granular, and virtual analog.
Groundbreaking morphing and resynthesis features let you manipulate and combine samples in extraordinary ways. And the vast number of filters, modulation routes, arpeggiation options, and effects makes for limitless possibilities.
Luscious Arp Layers uses multiple arpeggiators on different virtual analog sources within a single instrument to produce complex musical patterns. These two realistic plug-in instruments feature sophisticated articulation controls.
A versatile synthesizer that delivers sounds ranging from classic analog to modern digital. The synthesis engine features three analog-modeled and wavetable oscillators, as well as dual multimode analog resonant filters and extensive modulation options.
Go for analog tones like earthshaking bass, textures, screaming leads, sweeping pads, and sawtooth waves. The Arpeggiator transforms simple chords into elaborate performances. Join us now! Forgot Your Password? Forgot your Username?
Haven’t received registration validation E-mail? User Control Panel Log out. Forums Posts Latest Posts. View More. Recent Blog Posts. Recent Photos. View More Photo Galleries. Unread PMs. Forum Themes Mobile Progressive.
Essentials Only Full Version. It has full range notes now E1 — C5which was E1 — G 3 before. Improved voice management significantly enhances performance. Slash chord support is implemented for Detect Mode. Chord slots have been increased to 24 for Select Mode.
Arpeggio can now be played on all six strings for every chord now. Improved humanization options are present in 2. New strummed patterns. Completely new standalone app which can load all Ample Sound plugins with virtual keyboard support. Other updates : Added Mod Range to adjust vibrato intensity.
Added Poly Bender to enable multiple notes bend. Glyn Barnes. Max Output Level: Worth a look. The original free version was a bit too limited to be anything but a demo. I am waiting on the update to Orange Tree’s Steel Strings but having a different program with different chord detection and strumming algorithms is always useful.
Not to mention a different set of samples. Thanks for posting. Downloading now. Hope it is better than the original version of AGML; it was too limited to be useful. The old version was just taking up space. So thanks for positing. We will see if it holds its own, or will sink. Home Discussions Workshop Market Broadcasts. Change language. Install Steam. Jekyll View Profile View Posts.
I receive the «Error Code: -7 Failed to load web page unknown error » error on the «Steam — Update News» screen each time there are new news items when I restart steam. Online gameplay has not been affected, only the Update News screen.
Any ideas why this has been occuring or what it means? Showing 1 — 15 of 18 comments. It has been occuring for a few months now. It only happens when there are new news items. The Firebind steam test comes back successful.
I’ve refreshed my steam files, but of course there are no more news updates for me to see. I’ll try to chime back in later to update the thread. Some news updates just came through for me and the same error is still occuring.
It is fully patched with no other issues. I’ve run dxdiag. Actually, that Realtek NIC was disabled. The Boradcom NIC was the one being used. I’ve re-enabled the Realtek and installed a newer driver though. I just disconnected from an online game and some more news updates came through. The same problem still exists. I’m having the same problem, but only when I try to access the market or inventory. I’m also running into this problem with error code: -7 whenever I try to access any of the store or community pages in the Steam Client.
I have the same issue. I can access my library and communication within games are fine but accessing anything besides the library is moot. Per page: 15 30 Date Posted: 9 Jan, am. Posts: Start a New Discussion. Discussions Rules and Guidelines. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic harassment, fighting, or rude posts.
Speech Service release notes
Download the full report in English. Annex 3: Translations of Source Documents. Annex 5: Responses to Human Rights Watch. Response from the Lebanese Army in English and Arabic. The explosion resulted from the detonation of tonnes of ammonium nitrate, a combustible chemical compound commonly used in agriculture as a high nitrate fertilizer, but which can also be used to manufacture explosives. It wounded 7, people, of whom at least acquired a physical disability; caused untold psychological harm; and damaged 77, apartments, displacing over , people.
I keep getting the same error messages. One of them is: «Error coded: InstDir Read Error; 7; Loading samples failed. Plug-in will not make sound.
Aragami oga 3d
Other significant changes to this IRM are shown below. Error Resolution will ensure that the tax return posts accurately and correctly to the proper taxpayer’s account, providing quality customer service to taxpayers. Purpose: The Error Resolution System ERS is a means to resolve errors made by taxpayers and correct errors made during campus processing. Rejects inventory is divided into two types:. Non-workable — returns held in suspense waiting for an action to be complete, such as, waiting for a reply to correspondence, return has been routed to another area for action, etc. Audience: This IRM is used by the following employees:. General instructions are always overruled by the IRM for the specific form being worked, when there are differences.
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Sofer camion ilfov. U2 albums in order of release Kageyama Shien born: February 25, [age 23] is a Japanese VTuber who is associated with the company Hololive, as part of its group Holostars. Kageyama debuted on April 30, , and hosted two chatting Down the VTuber rabbit hole. Page Views 89 Deviations.
Compilations — Other albums which feature this performance of the song. Covers — Performances of a song with the same name by different artists.
Ample guitar loading samples failed
Anybody else have this problem or is it only me? I have this same issue. Did you find a way to fix it or are you just running Calkwalk as an admin? No but I notice that the Bass P Lite doesnt have a great note range and find that I have to transpose my bass line by an octave to get it to work. Which is very odd.
Genre Party
This document enumerates the requirements that must be met in order for devices to be compatible with Android To be considered compatible with Android 12, device implementations MUST meet the requirements presented in this Compatibility Definition, including any documents incorporated via reference. Where this definition or the software tests described in section 10 is silent, ambiguous, or incomplete, it is the responsibility of the device implementer to ensure compatibility with existing implementations. For this reason, the Android Open Source Project is both the reference and preferred implementation of Android. Finally, note that certain component substitutions and modifications are explicitly forbidden by this document. Any technical details provided in the linked resources throughout this document are considered by inclusion to be part of this Compatibility Definition. Section 2 contains all of the requirements that apply to a specific device type. Each subsection of Section 2 is dedicated to a specific device type.
sound.) A message is sent to the keypad and, if connected, to described in Section 7), the relay code is assigned to user number. Relay. Code.
Category: Ample guitar loading samples failed
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Make Ample Bass P Lite (ABPL II) work with GarageBand
An upgrade of the OS on a running system only takes a few minutes to complete. In v This was not the correct type, and we inadvertently broke this report. Customers who upgraded to v This will be used to help development of an upcoming redesign of the grouping database. Click the Entity-Group Statistics button and upload the result at akips.
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This Video File Cannot Be Played? Fix Different Video Error Codes
Show more Homepage. Win32 Win64 OSX. DFD Direct from disk. Controllable Resonance. Rich Fingering Noise — more vivid and realistic. Finger Instrument libraries to fit different needs. Capo Logic — Intelligent play according to guitar rules.
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Ample Guitar M Lite II is a sampled acoustic guitar.
- 866 Samples, 16bit 44.1khz.
- DFD(Direct from disk).
- Controllable Resonance.
- Rich Fingering Noise — more vivid and realistic.
- Finger Instrument libraries to fit different needs.
- Each Cycle & Rhombic Sampling structure — Separate sample cycle for each note and vel layer to improve sample utilization efficiency.
- Sustain, Hammer On & Pull Off, Palm Mute, Popping 5 articulations.
- Capo Logic — Intelligent play according to guitar rules.
- Doubling Guitars — different samples at L & R.
- CPC(Customized Parameters Control) — any button knob etc can be controlled by MIDI CC or Automation.
- Poly Legato.
- Slide Smoother.
- Combined Articulation — combine 2 articulations via pressing 2 keyswitches at the same time.
- Poly Repeater.
- Open String First for playing arpeggio.
- Alternate Tuner.
- Capo — Transpose without need to modify midi.
Win 32 VST
(270 Mb)
Win 64 VST
(270 Mb)
(423 Mb)
(423 Mb)
(423 Mb)
Error code -7 and error code -130 show up whenever the Steam client tries to load a web page for you, but for whatever reason, fails to retrieve it from Steam’s servers. The complete error message these error codes are accompanied by reads:
Error Code: -7 or Error Code: -130
Failed to load web page (unknown error)
Error codes -7 and -130 can rear their ugly heads on any pages within the Steam client from the utterly inconsequential Update News page to the all-important Inventory page and everything in between. It is when this issue makes its way to the more important Steam pages like Store, where it ends up preventing people from looking for games to buy, that it truly becomes a problem that needs to be dealt with. The most common culprit behind this error would be a lack of internet access, but if you have a working internet connection, there might be other causes at play.
What causes error code -7 and error code -130 in the Steam client?
- Some kind of a temporary issue with your Steam client inhibiting it from connecting to Steam’s servers.
- Third-party software such as antivirus programs, or firewalls (stock or otherwise) blocking your Steam client’s connection to Steam servers and preventing it from retrieving web pages from them.
- Corrupt or otherwise damaged files that are needed by the Steam client to effectively communicate with Steam servers.
- Your computer somehow associating the wrong IP address with the URL for a Steam web page within its DNS cache, resulting in the Steam client being unable to resolve that URL and retrieve the web page that exists on the URL.
- A temporary issue that most likely exists on your internet connection and is rendering the Steam client unable to communicate with and retrieve web pages from some or all Steam servers.
1. Restart the Steam client
If there exists some kind of an issue with the Steam client that has left the program temporarily unable to connect to Steam servers or retrieve web pages from certain URLs, restarting the Steam client might help resolve it. To restart the Steam client, you need to:
- In the top right corner of the Steam window, click on Steam.
- In the resulting context menu, click on Exit.
Click on Steam > Exit - Wait for the Steam client to perform its closing rituals and close itself.
- When Steam has closed, press Ctrl + Shift + Esc to open the Task Manager, navigate to the Processes tab and check to make sure there are no Steam processes running. If there is even one Steam process running, Steam is still in the process of shutting down. If there are no Steam processes running, you may proceed.
- Launch Steam and check to see if the issue has been resolved.
2. Disable any and all antivirus software
Third-party software, especially antivirus programs, can often mess with the Steam client and its ability to effectively communicate with Steam servers. If you have any antivirus programs installed and enabled on your computer, you should disable them in order to see if they are what’s causing you to see error codes -7 and -130 in the Steam client. Or better yet, you could completely uninstall the antivirus programs you have on your computer for the time being and see if doing so alleviates this problem.
3. Reinstall Steam
Reinstalling the Steam client will make it so Steam starts afresh on your computer, with any damaged or corrupted files replaced by new, fully functional ones.
- In the top right corner of the Steam window, click on Steam.
- In the resulting context menu, click on Exit.
Click on Steam > Exit - Wait for the Steam client to perform its closing rituals and close itself.
- Press the Windows Logo key + R to to open a Run dialog.
Press the Windows Logo key + R - Type the following into the Run dialog, replacing X: with the full path for the directory the Steam folder is located in on your computer:
X:Steamuninstall.exe - Press Enter to launch the uninstaller for the Steam client.
- Follow the onscreen prompts and instructions to uninstall the Steam client from your computer.
- Once the Steam client has been successfully uninstalled from your computer, download the installer for the Steam client.
Download the installer for the Steam client - When the installer has been downloaded, navigate to the directory it was saved to, launch it, and follow the onscreen instructions to install the Steam client.
- As soon as Steam has been reinstalled, launch it and check to see if error codes -7 and -130 still persist.
4. Flush your computer’s local DNS cache
When you flush your computer’s local DNS cache, you force it to request an IP address for every URL it tries to connect to instead of relying on its own library of URLs and associated IP addresses. So even if your computer somehow had the wrong IP addresses associated with some or all Steam URLs, when you try and visit them after you flush the DNS cache, your computer will be forced to request and then save the right IP addresses. This solution is especially effective in cases where the affected user only sees error code -7 and -130 on certain pages within the Steam client. To flush your computer’s local DNS cache, you need to:
- Press the Windows logo key + R to open a Run dialog.
Press the Windows Logo key + R - Type cmd into the Run dialog and press Enter to launch a fresh instance of the Command Prompt.
Type “cmd” into the Run dialog - Type the following into the Command Prompt and press Enter:
ipconfig /flushdnsType “ipconfig /flushdns” into the Command Prompt - Wait for the command to be fully executed.
- Launch the Steam client and check to make sure the problem has been resolved.
5. Wait out the storm (or contact your ISP!)
If all else fails, there’s s a good chance there is simply something wrong with your internet connection that’s preventing the Steam client from contacting and retrieving web pages from Steam servers. If this is indeed the case, you might just have no other option than to wait for this storm to pass and for the underlying issue to be resolved by your Internet Service Provider. You can and should, in the meantime, contact your ISP and register a complaint about the issue you are facing to make sure they are at least aware of and actively trying to resolve it. Be sure to inform your ISP of the specifics of this problem so as to help them better diagnose and deal with its cause.
Kevin Arrows
Kevin is a dynamic and self-motivated information technology professional, with a Thorough knowledge of all facets pertaining to network infrastructure design, implementation and administration. Superior record of delivering simultaneous large-scale mission critical projects on time and under budget.
В данной статье мы попробуем разобраться, по каким причинам может возникать ошибка 7 в рекавери TWRP для андроида.
Если Вы зашли на эту страницу, то Вам уже должны быть знакомы такие понятия как рекавери, twrp, прошивка смартфона и т.д. TWRP (Team Win Recovery Project) — это программное обеспечение для восстановления (и не только восстановления) системы для устройств на базе Android, которое в настоящее время доступно для огромного числа моделей смартфонов. Основными операциями TWRP являются создание резервных копий и восстановление из созданных бэкапов тех или иных разделов смартфона, но не менее важной является возможность прошивки различных архивов через эту утилиту.
Если Вы уже умеете пользоваться TWRP и в процессе прошивки какого-либо архива встретили злосчастную ошибку 7 (error 7), не сдавайтесь сразу, ведь ее можно исправить.
Ошибка 7 в TWRP может возникнуть в трех случаях (известных мне, возможны и другие):
- Если вы пробуете установить прошивку, предназначенную для другой модели телефона, а не вашего, поэтому убедитесь, что скачанная вами прошивка создана конкретно для вашего смартфона.
- В архиве прошивки, а точнее скрипте установке (файл, который есть в архиве прошивки) не определено название модели вашего Android смартфона или планшета.
- Неподходящая версия TWRP рекавери.
Как исправить Ошибку 7 при прошивке в TWRP?
Варианты исправления ошибки соответствуют причинам возникновения этой ошибки, указанным ранее.
Вариант 1
В первую очередь Вам нужно убедиться, что Вы действительно скачали прошивку для своего смартфона. Существует немало сайтов-форумов, где выкладываются различные версии прошивок на множество моделей андроидфонов. Лично я рекомендую 4pda.ru (не в качестве рекламы). Разобраться на этом сайте сразу не получиться, но там есть действительно множество полезных файлов и инструкций для восстановления и перепрошивки смартфона.
Если Вы ошиблись при выборе прошивки, скачайте подходящую, и попробуйте установить ее. Возможно это станет решением проблемы и прошивка пройдет, как полагается.
Вариант 2
Прошивка смартфона производится согласно инструкции, которую закладывает разработчик, в виде скрипта обновления, в свою прошивку. Бывают случаи, когда в таком скрипте прописывается проверка на соответствие прошивки модели вашего устройства, и если модель устройства не совпадает, или по каким-либо причинам не определяется, скрипт обновления вернет ошибку 7 и процесс остановиться. В таком случае есть вариант изменить сам скрипт восстановления. Что для этого нужно?
- Установите программу Notepad++ с официального сайта. Эта программа — расширенная версия стандартного блокнота в Windows. Функциональный, в нашем примере, он лучше всего поможет при редактировании скрипта.
- Открываем прошивку (любым возможным архиватором, например 7-Zip или WinRar) и переходим по пути META-INFcomgoogleandroid
- Находим и извлекаем (можно перетащить прямо из архива) файл updater-script, например, на рабочий стол. Открываем его с помощью программы Notepad++ (например, через правую кнопку мыши выбрать «Редактировать с Notepad++»)
- Открывается текстовый файл, в котором нам нужно удалить строки, начинающиеся на assert. Тем, кто разбирается в английском или программировании, можно изучить скрипт, где видно что строки, которые нам нужно удалить — не что иное, как условие проверки названия модели по типу «if…else».
- После удаления нужных строк сохраните документ и перенесите его обратно в прошивку, заменив при этом старый файл (также можно сделать перетаскиванием).
- Перекиньте отредактированный архив с прошивкой обратно на устройство и попробуйте прошить его снова. Если вы все сделали правильно, прошивка должна пойти, как и должна.
- В некоторых случаях вы можете также попробовать удалить в прошивке файлы по пути META-INF – CERT.RSA, CERT.SF, MANIFEST.MF. Не проверено лично. Обычно хватает редактирования скрипта обновления.
Вариант 3
Как следует из третьей причины, нередко ошибка 7 возникает на неправильной или неподходящей версии самого рекавери TWRP. В таком случае решение очевидно — вам нужно установить другую версию twrp. Как правило, просто нужно установить самую последнюю версию, которые чаще всего обновляются время от времени. В некоторых случаях под конкретную прошивку нужно устанавливать конкретную версию TWRP. Как установить TWRP, где его найти и какое именно устанавливать — все это можно узнать на форумах, например, на том же 4pda.ru
Надеюсь, вам помогут эти советы по исправлению ошибки 7 в рекавери. Если у вас возникнут вопросы, вы можете оставить их в комментариях. Благодарю за внимание!
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Hey guys. Quick question please. I installed a bunch of software from Ample Sound, and activated it. Guitar VSTs. However, when I open any it says «Loading samples failed. Plugin will not make sound». I’m on Mac, Mojave. Logic Pro X. I went to my User Folder>App support>Ample Sound and there seems to be many folders, with presets etc. I don’t think the software would have installed, some several GB large, without installing the samples. I think I need to point the software to the .plist files
This is a screenshot of the folder. https://ibb.co/j6rzVGN On the other hand, maybe I didn’t install the sample library? Do you have a link to guide me to that?
Thank you sincerely for any help.
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This, for example, says install the sample library, but I don’t see a link to that library! https://www.amplesound.net/en/download.asp
Audiosexual- Joined:
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Find the biggest folder. That’s the one with the samples. In options point that folder as the samples one. But point to the parent directory, ie:
not this:
ample_soundsamplessamples_eclipseIt’s how it works on PC, not sure with Mac but should be similar.
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Producer- Joined:
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Xupito i was thinking whenever he does find the samples folder he should put all of them in one folder on a external hard drive then keep it there so in the future when he update the the Ample software he can just redirect the location to the samples folders for each guitar update through the Ample software whenever it ask for the samples location
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Just in case, what I said is for when both the plugin and samples are already installed. That samples folder have .ascf files (or similar). For PC there’s an installer the plugin and another for the samples. In Mac should be similar.
There should no problem updating the plugin. You just install only the plugin over the previous version. Perhaps you need to reapply the patch.
The samples doesn’t need to be updated unless perhaps with a new major version (v2 -> v3).
Again, I’m on PC so can’t be sure.-
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Go to HPReverb
HP Reverb G2 Issue Error Code 7-14
Feeling lucky enough to have recieved my G2 this morning it has been to no enjoyment.
cannot even get past the setup process. always get the error code of 7-14.
ive already updated windows, mixed reality portal and Gpu drivers.
also tried every usb port and display port on my PC.
Took the headset to a mates place and works fine straight away.
Has anyone had an issue like this or any idea on a fix?
pc specs
mobo gigabyte x570 ud
cpu ryzen 5 3600x
gpu msi 5700 xt gaming
16gb 3200 ram
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We know it’s frustrating when things don’t work. However, please help us to help you by following these suggestions:
- Update — Before trying anything else. Download and install the latest version of FL Studio from here. Your bug may be fixed already!
- Update plugins — If you are using 3rd party plugins. Look at crash logs for their names. Install the latest version for any you spot. See also Plugins Behaving Badly
- Simple clear explanation — Explain what you are doing, or trying to do, and exactly what is happening.
- Specific information — a) FL Studio version & build number, b) what you are doing and what happens exactly, c) step-by-step instructions how reproduce the problem.
- Screenshots — Another great way to demonstrate issues. Get a free screenshot app here. Include images using the ‘Attachments’ tab, at the bottom of the post edit window.
- A video — The best way of demonstrating many issues. Windows 10 includes an integrated screen recorder, see here OR get a free free recorder here. Include mp4 videos to your post from the ‘Attachments’ tab, at the bottom of the post edit window.
- Use English — Google Translate your post. Short simple sentences in your original language translate best. We are happy to work this way, no need to worry.
NOTE: Technical Support is ONLY available Monday — Friday (9 am to 5 pm Central European Time), it can take a few days to get a response depending on the level of demand. Thank you for your patience.
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- Fri Mar 31, 2017 2:38 pm
Ample Guitar II VST3 not Load Correctly
I just updated FL Studio to the latest version. I tried to load an older project and I received the following error message: «There was an error setting the state of the VST3 plugin «Ample Guitar M II». «The component state wasn’t restored.»
The song will play, but the Ample Guitar is not playing correctly. I ran a plugin scan, and the plugin was verified.
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