Flight distance : 427815 ft + Add Friend Person Message Romania Offline |
Mavic Pro Battery Error after 25 charges, battery was discharged to 0% than charged to 100% and same error.
Latest Updates Battery was stored to 45% … but after 25 charges ? why DJI ? Favorite |
Flight distance : 427815 ft + Add Friend Person Message Romania Offline |
2# i dont have 100Euro every day to spend on new batterys, this is not ok DJI … |
DJI Thor
Flight distance : 13602 ft + Add Friend Person Message Offline |
3# The voltage difference is larger than 0.1 according to the video, if you had tried discharging and recharging the battery, and all the firmwares are all to date, I would recommend sending it back if it is under warranty and we will take care of it. Note that battery owns a warranty period of 6 months and within 200 circles, but warranty period may vary according to local laws and regulations. So you can contact support.nl@dji.com. |
Flight distance : 427815 ft + Add Friend Person Message Romania Offline |
battery came with the Mavic in march or april…but has only 25 circles… |
Flight distance : 2972497 ft
+ Add Friend Person Message United States Offline |
Thor is right . Good Luck. |
Flight distance : 427815 ft + Add Friend Person Message Romania Offline |
@Tmygun «the battery could shut down in mid flight and your Mavic would drop like a rock» The Mavic cannot start to fly with that battery, you should have known that |
Flight distance : 4465 ft
+ Add Friend Person Message Australia Offline |
How have you been storing this battery, they should be stored at 50% of full charge, not fully charged I hope ?
A cell voltage variation is just a faulty cell it can happen anytime, it is just bad luck, hopefully it can be covered by warranty |
Flight distance : 2972497 ft
+ Add Friend Person Message United States Offline |
Yes…..the Mavic could fly with that battery…..I did it with faulty Inspire battery that had very similar voltage readings. Good Luck |
Flight distance : 427815 ft + Add Friend Person Message Romania Offline |
yep…stored corectly ..min was at 45% Battery Storage |
DJI Thor
Flight distance : 13602 ft + Add Friend Person Message Offline |
Please contact our support for a further help. Thank you. |
Patrick Süß
+ Add Friend Person Message Germany Offline |
I have a similar problem with our company’s Mavic. After 25 cycles 1 cell went down. |
DJI Thor
Flight distance : 13602 ft + Add Friend Person Message Offline |
Hi Patrick, please refer to my answer on 3#. Please don’t continue using it when the battery status is not healthy enough. |
+ Add Friend Person Message United States Offline |
How can I learn more about this? And what precautions can I take for a healthy battery life? I have 3 batteries, I keep them all charged at the end of each flight even if I don’t fly it again for a week or 2 |
Flight distance : 18530 ft + Add Friend Person Message Argentina Offline |
15# ¿What could be the reason for that? Bad charging? Temperature? A hard hit? |
Flight distance : 427815 ft + Add Friend Person Message Romania Offline |
16# i think it`s problem with that battery because i have 3 batteryes and 2 of them are ok |
Flight distance : 1563980 ft + Add Friend Person Message United States Offline |
17# I would have never discharged to 0% i dont care what manual says….with lipos rule is always use 80% leaving 20 for headroom 80/20 |
DJI Thor
Flight distance : 13602 ft + Add Friend Person Message Offline |
Hi, we have a tutorial for the battery maintenance, you can refer to the video below. |
+ Add Friend Person Message United States Offline |
Battery Error — Issues with the Mavic Pro battery. What has been your customer service experience? and what was the final solution?
+ Add Friend Person Message Offline |
21# Have the same issue, bought 3 batteries and one is bad. Seems like quality control on the manufacture is not held accountable for this. Why so many batteries going bad with minimal use? I have a total of 35 flight of 5 minutes, just testing things out. |
+ Add Friend Person Message Offline |
Have the same issue, bought 3 batteries and one is bad. Seems like quality control on the manufacture is not held accountable for this. Why so many batteries going bad with minimal use? I have a total of 35 flight of 5 minutes, just testing things out. No crashes, no extreme flights (hot/cold weather, rain or such). |
Flight distance : 427815 ft + Add Friend Person Message Romania Offline |
23# bad products and DJI dont wanna change this batteries.. they dont wanna admit cose is not our problem … mine was 25 flights..i lost 100 Euro |
Flight distance : 8058 ft + Add Friend Person Message United States Offline |
24# I too just got this error today. I have 1 charge cycle on the battery. I have emailed support. Drone is less than 1 month old. I didn’t fly as my Crystalsky monitor was bad so I have been waiting. I got my replacement CS Tuesday and had a chance to fly yesterday and bam one of the three new batteries gave me this error. |
Darllan M
+ Add Friend Person Message Brazil Offline |
I have the same problem and with only 10 charge cycles.
Flight distance : 128898 ft + Add Friend Person Message United Kingdom Offline |
26# Same issue here, battery has been charged 6 times and now getting the same error as above. |
+ Add Friend Person Message Australia Offline |
27# I am having the same error, I have probably charge the battery more or less about 10-15 times. I have only done 10-20 flights, and each time I have only use 1-2 batteries and I have label it to ensure I use each of them. This is very disappointing. |
+ Add Friend Person Message Australia Offline |
28# IS DJI going to do anything about this problem ????? Seriously, I Have 3 batteries, and the other 2 are working fine. I havent flown enough to get such error ! DJI has all my flying record, this is not acceptable. I will contact ACCC to lodge a complain if they don’t fix this. |
Flight distance : 427815 ft + Add Friend Person Message Romania Offline |
29# there will be no fix …ive try one year ago and there was no fix…i am very disappointing… |
+ Add Friend Person Message Offline |
30# Same error after 12 cycles and of course it’s not under warranty. To me this is unacceptable. |
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- 3 сообщений
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- Город:Новосибирск
- Коптер:Мавик
Отправлено 21 июля 2017 — 08:36
Добрый день всем
4 дня назад батарея мавика ушла в режим: 2-й и 3-й диоды горят 15 секунд, потом обе гаснут на 2-3 секунды и цикл повторяется (уже 4-й день). В момент зарядки ничего не меняется — продолжает моргать. Стандартные нажатия — коротко/длинно батарею не выключают. Перепробовал уже разные варианты нажатий: вплоть до 5 коротких и 5 длинных в разных вариациях… В данный режим батарея ушла при включении, но возможно я лишний раз нажал коротко… Кто знает как лечить?
- Город:Москва
- Коптер:Mavic Pro
Отправлено 21 июля 2017 — 09:00
У меня так было когда пришла новая батарея. Вставил в Мавик включил пульт DJI go , батарея попросила обновиться я и обновил. И все заработало.
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- Город:Новосибирск
- Коптер:Мавик
Отправлено 21 июля 2017 — 09:34
Вставил батарею в коптер, он сразу включился. на коптере все индикаторы красные. Батарея продолжает мигать так же. На пульте (смартфоне) красным горит только «Cannot take off».
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- Город:Новосибирск
- Коптер:Мавик
Отправлено 21 июля 2017 — 10:29
Пытаюсь запустить пропеллеры, на смартфоне выдает ошибку — «Ошибка сигнала батареи, Проверьте соединение батареи». (на пульте «Ошибка батареи — Check app» Пропеллеры не запускаются. Видеосигнал идет, вентилятор охлаждения на мавике крутится, камера управляется, видео пишется,
Добавлено позже (22 Июль 2017 — 03:29)
Все, проблема решена!!! Действительно нужно было обновление, но только через компьютер.
Не могу вставить ссылку на страницу с этого же форума (не соображаю), но ключевые слова для поиска такие — «Эти горящие индикаторы по середине означают, что батарея зависла» — писал iGagarin. И дальше решение проблемы…
Я только боялся, как бы батарея не разрядилась совсем до окончания обновления — вряд ли она заряжалась бы от сети в зарядном устройстве. Но повезло — после перезагрузки, моргала последняя лампочка.
Так что если такое у кого случится — обновляйте сразу, не тяните как я 4 дня…
Еще раз — если моргают два средних индикатора (2-й и 3-й), то батарея зависла, требуется ее обновление (только через компьютер).
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- Город:г. Тольятти
Отправлено 11 сентября 2018 — 06:48
Кефир,а как обновить именно батарею или вместе с коптером ?
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- Город:г. Тольятти
Отправлено 28 сентября 2018 — 01:38
- Город:Санкт-Петербург
- Коптер:Mavic Pro / Spark / Diatone M530 / Walkera Runner
Отправлено 28 сентября 2018 — 04:38
Sjawa,Насколько понял — батарейка восстановилась?
Есть два вопроса:
1. Почему использована зарядка от телефона, а не штатная?
2. И почему после зарядки отдельно каждой банки, потом батарея не оказалась заряженная на 100%?
Отправлено 28 сентября 2018 — 05:06
1. Почему использована зарядка от телефона, а не штатная?
А как вы видите зарядку отдельных банок штатной зарядкой, если напряжение на одной банке — 4.35 Вольта, а штатная зарядка выдает 13.05 Вольт?
2. И почему после зарядки отдельно каждой банки, потом батарея не оказалась заряженная на 100%?
На видео же видно, что заряд банок доведен до 4.14 Вольт, а напряжение полностью заряженной банки — 4.35 Вольт (много раз уже говорилось про это). И во-вторых — если батарею заряжать мимо контроллера, напрямую, то % заряда в памяти контроллера батареи не будут изменяться. Таким образом батарею с нулем % заряда можно полностью зарядить напрямую и прекрасно летать, контролируя разряд по напряжению на банках.
И отдельно по видео — заряжать банки 5 Вольтовым адаптером конечно же некорректно — можно убить банки.
Сообщение отредактировал pento: 28 сентября 2018 — 05:08
- Город:Санкт-Петербург
- Коптер:Mavic Pro / Spark / Diatone M530 / Walkera Runner
Отправлено 28 сентября 2018 — 05:27
А как вы видите зарядку отдельных банок штатной зарядкой, если напряжение на одной банке — 4.35 Вольта, а штатная зарядка выдает 13.05 Вольт?
Так я про вывод USB у штатной зарядки вообще то говорил
По второму пункту все понятно
заряжать банки 5 Вольтовым адаптером конечно же некорректно — можно убить банки.
А какой лучше использовать?
- Город:Абакан
- Коптер:Были в хозяйстве Р3Р, Р3А, I1V2, M1P, Tello
Отправлено 28 сентября 2018 — 05:27
1. Думаю из-за того что штатная мощнее. Ровнять по логике лучше более слабой.
2. Он их просто ровнял. Степень заряда не определяется напряжением.
Тут по подробнее — https://www.compel.r…ritm-modelgauge
Отправлено 28 сентября 2018 — 05:30
А какой лучше использовать?
Что-нибудь из линейки iMAX, где можно руками установить требуемое напряжение и ток для заряда.
- Город:Санкт-Петербург
- Коптер:Mavic Pro / Spark / Diatone M530 / Walkera Runner
Отправлено 28 сентября 2018 — 05:46
Вот, кстати, у меня батарейка похоже помирает
- Пользователи
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- Город:г. Тольятти
Отправлено 28 сентября 2018 — 06:14
Насколько понял — батарейка восстановилась?
Насколько понял — батарейка восстановилась?
батарея восстановилась, заряжать штатной нет возможности, не 100 % потому что по 4.14. а не по 4.35. )))
Добавлено позже (28 Сентябрь 2018 — 19:14)
Так я про вывод USB у штатной зарядки вообще то говорил
а там разве не 5 вольт, она для пульта и телефон можно зарядить.
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- Город:Webster
- Коптер:Spark
Отправлено 15 мая 2019 — 12:03
Привет всем. Купил spark на ebay spark fly more combo, и проблема с одним акумулятором, он никак не заряжаєтса, вставляю в хаб и засвечуетса один индикатор потом второй как будто идет зарядка, и так 4 раза и такой цикл, на хабе зелений свет, через 10 мин хаб светитса красним, можна чтота сделать? Всем спс.
- Город:Россия
- Коптер:Mavic Air/Air 2S/Mini
Отправлено 15 мая 2019 — 01:26
Вот, кстати, у меня батарейка похоже помирает
У одной моей батареи в декабре появились три красненьких предупреждения внизу, у другой одно.
Потом пропали, но, у всех на третей банке занижение. Стараюсь до 10% не доводить, от греха.
- Город:Санкт-Петербург
- Коптер:Mavic Pro / Spark / Diatone M530 / Walkera Runner
Отправлено 15 мая 2019 — 02:12
Стараюсь до 10% не доводить, от греха.
Кстати, в платной версии Аирдата есть инструкция по батареям.
Так вот написано, что периодически (один раз на 20 зарядок) нужно разряжать до 8%. Затем охлаждать до комнатной температуры температуры и полностью заряжать.
Мол это тренирует аккум и сбрасывает контроллер
“Battery error” has been an issue on DJI mavic pro and it has been causing a lot of frustration, nonetheless, DJI doesn’t seem to come up with a solution.
And this error is not something you can ignore or say I will come back to it later because it can be very dangerous.
If the battery stops sending power to the aircraft while up in the sky the drone can fall down like a brick and can cause a lot of trouble! including property damage and/or cause harm to people.
And that is if the drone allows you to fly in the first place.
I had this problem with my Mavic pro, few minutes into flying the drone automatically landed and refused to liftoff.
After contacting DJI support, hours of frustration, and trying different things, I fixed it and saved myself hundreds of dollars, and so I thought I could do the same for others.
So what causes Battery Error Mavic pro and how do you fix it?
DJI Mavic pro’s battery error is caused by a power imbalance in the battery cells or a faulty power management board, to fix this problem drain the battery to zero and re-charge it, if the problem persists you might have to change the battery or the power management board completely.
1. Refresh the batteries firmware in DJI assistant 2
Before you do anything it is good if you try to refresh the batteries and see if that fixes the problem.
To refresh the battery’s firmware you basically refresh the drone’s firmware with each battery you own.
To do that-
- Power on the drone
- Connect it to your computer using the USB cable DJI provides
- Open the DJI Assistant 2 software on your laptop
- Log in to the DJI Assistant 2 app and select your drone
- Next, you will see the firmware version
- Tap update and choose the latest version
- If it is already the latest version click refresh
- Repeat process with other batteries(if you own one)
2. Factory reset your drone and controller
To make sure you are not having a software problem you can factory reset the drone and the controller.
It can take about half an hour but it is worth it.
To factory reset your drone-
- First, Install the DJI Assistant 2 Program on your device, make sure you download the proper one.
- Connect your drone to your laptop using the USB cable provided, and wait for the software till it detects your drone
- You’ll be able to see your drone on the Connected Devices screen. Select your drone and then click on confirm.
- Click on Firmware Update. After that, you’ll be able to see the “Restore factory defaults” button.
- Click on the factory reset button and then confirm when you are asked to confirm the reset. A progress bar will pop up showing the progress of the reset. You’ll be notified when the reset is complete.
Hard reset the controller
To reset the RC: Turn on the controller, the aircraft should be off. * Press C1, C2, and shutter (top right button nearest antenna) on the controller and hold for about 2 seconds or so until it beeps, then turn the controller off.”
3. Change the power managment board
Power management board is what controls the power that comes out of the battery and delivers it to each part.
When a certain part of this board is damaged it gives us this error.
This board is very cheap however you should keep in mind you can void your warranty by trying to fix it
So the best way to get this fixed is by sending it to DJI,
Anyways watch my video below where I show you how you can change this board
4. Change the battery
If none of the above methods doesn’t seem to do anything you might have to change the battery
DJI’s batteries have a 6-month warranty, if you are in a 6 month period of activation they will replace the battery for free.
If it has been longer than 6 months since you activated the battery they will not replace it to you whether you have used the battery or not.
I would like to see DJI chance the 6 months time to charge cycles because someone with a 30 charge and 3 charge cycle shouldn’t be treated the same.
Anyways, what I recommend is to buy it from 3rd party sellers because they have a longer warranty period.
3rd party sellers sell the battery for about $70.
DJI does not sell batteries alone, you might have to send it to them
Final choice
If none of the methods fix it, you need to send it to a professional.
DJI care does include battery problems, so If you have DJI care there is a good chance you can get it fixed without any cost.
DJI can ask you to send the drone even if it is a battery problem
If you don’t have DJI care you might have to pay from fifty dollars for a power management replacement up to hundreds of dollars if the battery needs a replacement
After you hand it to DJI it can take up to 15 days till they fix it and send it back to you, and it can take longer if you don’t live in the united states
If you are located in Armenia, you may contact the local dealer or DJI’s support via email to start a case and send the unit back.
DJI Battery error is a common issue in almost every DJI drone (Mavic, Phantom, Inspire). I have seen many people asking about this error in many DJI forums. The DJI Battery error usually makes the drone unable to take off. Therefore this error needs to be fixed.
Sometimes this error is fixable and sometimes it is not, depending on the fact that caused the error. So in this article, let’s look at section by section what causes DJI Battery Error and how to fix this error.
What Causes DJI Battery Error?
1. Firmware glitch or outdated firmware.
DJI firmware is the software that manages and controls the activities of the drone. Also, it is responsible for figuring out errors with the drone and informing the error to the user. Therefore once you have glitched or outdated firmware installed on your DJI drone, it could cause a faulty error indication. Especially if the drone’s firmware is glitched.
2. Faulty battery or damaged battery cells.
When talking about battery error, of course, there is a huge chance that’s caused by a damaged or faulty battery. DJI Batteries with damaged, leaky, and swollen battery cells usually cause faulty batteries. Also, battery firmware glitches could cause this error.
3. Faulty power management board.
As it sounds, the DJI drone’s power management board is responsible for managing and sharing the battery power with the different sections of the drone. Once the power management board is damaged or glitched, the firmware would figure out that and throws the battery error to the user. Because the firmware finds the lack of power management is caused by a battery error, but actually caused by the faulty power management board. There are many DJI drone power management board replacing tutorials on the internet as fixing tutorials for DJI battery errors.
4. DJI Aircraft faulty settings.
Stored faulty DJI aircraft settings also could cause this error. Sometimes this faulty stored data is temporary and it would be gone, once the aircraft is rebooted (restarted). Else you would have to factory reset the drone to clear the faulty settings.
5. DJI mobile application (DJI GO/ DJI Fly) glitch.
As you know, all the DJI drone errors (including the battery error) are informed to the user through the DJI mobile application (DJI GO/ DJI Fly). Therefore, it’s fair to suspect that a DJI GO/ DJI Fly app issue caused the error, while there is nothing wrong with the DJI drone.
Let’s look at how to fix the DJI battery error. Follow these steps one by one to fix the causes of the battery error step by step.
1. Try Restarting the DJI Aircraft.
Because this could cause by temporary glitched settings, Try clearing those temporary settings by restarting the aircraft.
2. Update the DJI GO/ DJI Fly app to the latest version.
As I said before, this error could be just an effect of a glitch DJI application and nothing wrong with the aircraft. So we need to update the DJI GO/ DJI Fly app in the latest version and check whether the error is gone.
Before updating the DJI GO/ DJI Fly app.
If you are android user, you need to uninstall the app before installing the new update because android users have to install the update manually. Most importantly, android users never should install DJI apps on the Playstore. Because DJI never publish their apps on Playstore and almost every DJI app on the Playstore. IOS users can install or update the application through Appstore.
How to Install/ Update the DJI GO/ DJI Fly app.
- First uninstall the currently installed DJI app on your mobile device.
- Visit DJI Downloads center and click on the DJI GO/ DJI Fly (according to your drone). Then you will be directed to the your DJI app download page.
If you are a IOS user,
- Click on IOS icon and you’ll be directed to the Appstore and you can install it there.
If you are a android user,
- Click on the android icon and the “.apk” file would be downloaded to the download directory.
- Onced the apk file is downloaded completely, go to the Downloads directory and click on the .apk file. Then you will be directed to the installing process. Keep through the OS installing process and install the DJI app.
3. Update/ Downgrade the DJI firmware.
If your DJI drone is not in the latest firmware, you need to update the firmware. If you are getting this error after updating the firmware, the current firmware might glitched, Therefore you need to downgrade the firmware to the recent firmware.
How to Update DJI drone firmware.
Even though, you can update the firmware using DJI GO/ DJI Fly app, it’s advisable to update the firmware using DJI Assistant 2 PC application. Because I have heard some situations that updating the firmware using DJI mobile app cause faulty,glitched firmware.
- Download and install DJI Assistant from the DJI Download center.
- Power off the aircraft and connect to the computer through the charging port using a micro USB cable.
- Power on the aircraft.
- Open DJI Assistant 2 application on the PC and log in to your DJI account.
- Then select your DJI Drone and click on the “Firmware Updates” on the left panel and click on the “Upgrade” option.
- Click on “Start Update”.
- Wait until the firmware is completely downloaded and the firmware update process would start automatically.
4. Factory reset the DJI aircraft.
As I mentioned before, faulty permanent stored settings also could cause this error. So you need to reset aircraft to the default settings for fixing the issue.
How to Factory Reset DJI aircraft.
- Download and install DJI Assistant 2 and connect the aircraft to the PC and turn it on. Open DJI Assistant 2 application and log in to your DJI account. Once you logged choose DJI drone and hit “Factory Restore Defaults”.
5. Replace the DJI battery.
If the DJI battery is swollen or cells are damaged, you need to replace the battery. Make sure to buy the DJI battery on DJI store.
6. Repair or replace the power management board.
As I said before, if the power management board is faulty or damaged, it need to be repaired or replaced. Usually, you can replace or repair the power management board with help of DJI Support. If you are comfortable with repairing, you can check out power management board replacement video on Youtube and replace the power management board. Check out the below video demonstrating DJI Mavic Pro power management board.
“Battery error” has been an issue on DJI mavic pro and it has been causing a lot of frustration, nonetheless, DJI doesn’t seem to come up with a solution.
And this error is not something you can ignore or say I will come back to it later because it can be very dangerous.
If the battery stops sending power to the aircraft while up in the sky the drone can fall down like a brick and can cause a lot of trouble! including property damage and/or cause harm to people.
And that is if the drone allows you to fly in the first place.
I had this problem with my Mavic pro, few minutes into flying the drone automatically landed and refused to liftoff.
After contacting DJI support, hours of frustration, and trying different things, I fixed it and saved myself hundreds of dollars, and so I thought I could do the same for others.
So what causes Battery Error Mavic pro and how do you fix it?
DJI Mavic pro’s battery error is caused by a power imbalance in the battery cells or a faulty power management board, to fix this problem drain the battery to zero and re-charge it, if the problem persists you might have to change the battery or the power management board completely.
1. Refresh the batteries firmware in DJI assistant 2
Before you do anything it is good if you try to refresh the batteries and see if that fixes the problem.
To refresh the battery’s firmware you basically refresh the drone’s firmware with each battery you own.
To do that-
- Power on the drone
- Connect it to your computer using the USB cable DJI provides
- Open the DJI Assistant 2 software on your laptop
- Log in to the DJI Assistant 2 app and select your drone
- Next, you will see the firmware version
- Tap update and choose the latest version
- If it is already the latest version click refresh
- Repeat process with other batteries(if you own one)
2. Factory reset your drone and controller
To make sure you are not having a software problem you can factory reset the drone and the controller.
It can take about half an hour but it is worth it.
To factory reset your drone-
- First, Install the DJI Assistant 2 Program on your device, make sure you download the proper one.
- Connect your drone to your laptop using the USB cable provided, and wait for the software till it detects your drone
- You’ll be able to see your drone on the Connected Devices screen. Select your drone and then click on confirm.
- Click on Firmware Update. After that, you’ll be able to see the “Restore factory defaults” button.
- Click on the factory reset button and then confirm when you are asked to confirm the reset. A progress bar will pop up showing the progress of the reset. You’ll be notified when the reset is complete.
Hard reset the controller
To reset the RC: Turn on the controller, the aircraft should be off. * Press C1, C2, and shutter (top right button nearest antenna) on the controller and hold for about 2 seconds or so until it beeps, then turn the controller off.”
3. Change the power managment board
Power management board is what controls the power that comes out of the battery and delivers it to each part.
When a certain part of this board is damaged it gives us this error.
This board is very cheap however you should keep in mind you can void your warranty by trying to fix it
So the best way to get this fixed is by sending it to DJI,
Anyways watch my video below where I show you how you can change this board
4. Change the battery
If none of the above methods doesn’t seem to do anything you might have to change the battery
DJI’s batteries have a 6-month warranty, if you are in a 6 month period of activation they will replace the battery for free.
If it has been longer than 6 months since you activated the battery they will not replace it to you whether you have used the battery or not.
I would like to see DJI chance the 6 months time to charge cycles because someone with a 30 charge and 3 charge cycle shouldn’t be treated the same.
Anyways, what I recommend is to buy it from 3rd party sellers because they have a longer warranty period.
3rd party sellers sell the battery for about $70.
DJI does not sell batteries alone, you might have to send it to them
Final choice
If none of the methods fix it, you need to send it to a professional.
DJI care does include battery problems, so If you have DJI care there is a good chance you can get it fixed without any cost.
DJI can ask you to send the drone even if it is a battery problem
If you don’t have DJI care you might have to pay from fifty dollars for a power management replacement up to hundreds of dollars if the battery needs a replacement
After you hand it to DJI it can take up to 15 days till they fix it and send it back to you, and it can take longer if you don’t live in the united states
If you are located in Armenia, you may contact the local dealer or DJI’s support via email to start a case and send the unit back.
DJI’s Mavic Pro is one of the most popular drones in the entire world and is arguably at the top in terms of the best commercial drones available in the market. However, if you own a Mavic Pro, there might be a few problems encountered along the way. One of them might be when your Mavic Pro’s battery won’t charge. So, why isn’t it charging and how do you fix it?
The reason why your DJI Mavic Pro’s battery isn’t charging is that it may have gone into hibernation mode. This is quite common for Mavic Pro drones when they are new or when they haven’t been used for a while. The most common fix for this problem is to leave it on the charger for several hours.
One of the safety features that DJI has built into the batteries of its drones is the hibernation mode, which kicks in when certain conditions are met. As such, don’t be too worried if your Mavic Pro battery won’t charge. Just make sure to follow the tips we have laid out in this article, and you will be able to fix this problem in no time.
DJI has become one of the leaders in the world when it comes to consumer drones, which are rapidly becoming some of the best tools that hobbyists and RC enthusiasts love to toy around with. And when it comes to DJI’s different drones, the Mavic Pro is one of the best and most popular among them all.
As good as the Mavic Pro is, some people tend to forget the importance of reading the safety guidelines that come with the drone when you buy it. In that regard, they often do not know the reason why the Mavic Pro’s batteries just suddenly stopped charging as they must have skipped reading the safety guidelines that are actually quite important when it comes to owning a Mavic Pro, or a DJI drone in general.
So, for those who skipped past reading the safety guidelines, you may be wondering why the Mavic Pro’s battery is failing to charge, either when you first open it, or seemingly out of the blue. To help with this scenario, we are here to discuss all about the Mavic Pro’s battery safety guidelines in relation to why the battery just suddenly won’t charge anymore.
Intelligent Flight Battery
Before you check into any other causes, DJI’s Mavic Pro actually comes with a battery that you probably have not encountered in any other electronics in the past. DJI calls this battery the Intelligent Flight Battery, which is designed by DJI and is regarded as the only battery you should be using when you are flying a Mavic Pro.
One of the features that comes with DJI’s Mavic Pro Intelligent Flight Battery is what they call the hibernation mode. Before we discuss what the hibernation mode is, you have to understand that batteries are not going to hold a charge indefinitely and will actually drain or lose power even if you don’t use them. And when rechargeable batteries end up losing all of their power such as when the charge level is completely empty, this can lead to problems and may even damage the batteries themselves if they have not been charged for a very long time.
Hibernation Mode
So, to make sure that your Mavic Pro’s Intelligent Flight Battery lasts for a long time, the hibernation mode feature was introduced. What happens in a hibernation mode is that, when the battery charge level gets too low because it keeps draining after a very long time of not being used, the battery will go into hibernation mode. This basically puts the different components in the battery to “sleep” to protect the battery from getting damaged.
As such, when the battery is in hibernation mode, it will not charge initially when you try to charge it. That is basically one of the many features that help protect the battery. Moreover, you will know that the battery is in hibernation mode not only when it isn’t charging but also when the battery power LED stays on. You cannot turn the battery power LED off while the battery is in this mode.
In most cases, Mavic Pro batteries are actually in hibernation mode when they are still new and haven’t been charged up yet by the consumer. This is a scenario that is quite common as many people tend to wonder why their batteries don’t charge even though their drones are still fresh out of the box.
A Different Problem?
However, if the power LED on the battery isn’t on and the battery won’t charge, then there is probably good reason to believe that it isn’t in hibernation mode and that the battery may have been damaged as a result of poor handling or improper storage. Any kind of battery, when stored in the wrong conditions, can easily get damaged even when left unused for a long time. As such, it might be time for you to have a qualified DJI representative check your battery or, as a last resort, replace the batteries with new ones.
How to Fix Your Mavic Pro Battery if it is Not Charging
If your Mavic Pro battery is not charging, the most likely reason is because it is in hibernation mode. Here is a quick solution that may be able to help you:
According to the Mavic Pro Intelligent Flight Battery safety guidelines, the only way for you to kick the battery out of hibernation mode is to:
- Leave it alone for at least five minutes after turning it on.
- After that, recharge the battery using the DJI charger.
However, there are some people who actually haven’t seen any luck with leaving the batteries charging for an hour. That’s why we recommend that you leave your battery charging for maybe a couple of hours at the very least to try to kick it out of hibernation mode. There are even some people who have actually had to leave their batteries charging for at least 24 hours.
From there, just leave the battery alone after you have switched on the power button and do not touch it while you are charging it to try to get it out of its hibernation mode. Do not, at any point in time before it gets out of hibernation, touch the power button. It is also important that you only use an approved DJI charger for this because there is no guarantee that any third-party charger can kick the battery out of hibernation.
After the battery has been left charging for as long as you can possibly give it (maybe 24 hours at a maximum), try turning it on to see if it has actually been kicked out of hibernation or if it has been fully charged. If the fix did not work, repeat it all over again.
There are also some different scenarios that can possibly happen regarding your Mavic Pro battery. Here are two of them:
First scenario:
The battery does not wake up from hibernation status even though you are using the charging hub to try to wake it up. Also, the indicator on the battery is solid red.
Solution: Simply continue to charge the battery with the battery charger to try to wake it up from its hibernation.
Second scenario:
The battery wakes up from hibernation when you use the battery charging hub. It can be turned on but, for some reason, it won’t charge. Meanwhile, the indicator light is also solid red. Finally, when the battery is inserted into the Mavic Pro and then powered on, there will be a battery communication error that will be shown on the app.
- Place the battery on the Mavic Pro and turn it on. Wait for at least three minutes from the time the battery was turned on after it was mounted.
- Turn the battery off and then remove it from the Mavic Pro. Leave the battery untouched for about three minutes.
- Try inserting the battery into the battery charger. You should be able to see that it is now charging normally.
- If the battery had enough power when you inserted it into the Mavic Pro but there was still a communication error, you may want to update the battery firmware.
If any of these solutions above fail, then there must be another underlying reason why your battery isn’t charging. It could be because it was damaged as a result of poor storage conditions as batteries can actually get damaged from dampness, too low of a charge, etc. If that is the case, the best way for you to resolve the issue is to bring your Mavic Pro battery to a nearby service center or store to have it checked. Or, as a last resort, you could buy new batteries if your old ones are damaged beyond repair.