Ошибка bios 0x00050017 dayz

В этом руководстве мы покажем вам, как исправить «Ошибку BIOS» DayZ (0x00050017) на многих консолях Xbox. Эта многопользовательская игра на выживание в последние годы привлекла культ поклонников, и на данный момент она входит в число популярных имен в своей области. Благодаря впечатляющей графике, интригующему геймплею и сложным квестам, ее слава всегда была на кону. С другой стороны, он также не свободен от своей доли проблем.

Ошибка биоса DayZ (0x00050017)

В связи с этим многие пользователи выразили свою обеспокоенность что они получают «Ошибку BIOS» (0x00050017) на своих консолях Xbox при попытке запустить DayZ. Сопутствующее сообщение об ошибке гласит: Ошибка связи, ресурс недоступен или недоступен. [ExchangeXBOXAuthCode] :: 0x800C0008. Если вы тоже находитесь в одной лодке, то это руководство расскажет вам об отличном обходном пути для решения этой проблемы. Следуйте вместе.

Ошибка биоса DayZ (0x00050017)

Чтобы устранить эту ошибку, вам нужно будет войти на страницу своего маршрутизатора, перейти в раздел безопасности и разблокировать веб-сайт bitstudio.com. Кроме того, вы также можете добавить bitstudio.com в белый список. Поэтому выполните любую из этих двух настроек, и она должна исправить «Ошибку BIOS» DayZ (0x00050017) на вашей консоли Xbox.

Что касается официальной позиции по этому вопросу, разработчики знают об этой проблеме, но не сообщают о сроках выпуска исправления. Как и когда это произойдет, мы соответствующим образом обновим это руководство. Между тем, вышеупомянутые обходные пути — ваш лучший выбор. Оставайтесь с нами, чтобы узнать больше!

О главном редакторе

In this guide, we will show you the steps to fix the DayZ ‘Bios Error’ (0x00050017) on numerous Xbox consoles. This multiplayer-only survival game has attracted a cult following in recent years and as of now, it is among the trending names in its domain. Thanks to the impressive graphics, intriguing gameplay and challenging quests, its rise to fame was always on the cards. On the flip side though, it isn’t free from its fair share of issues either.

DayZ Bios Error (0x00050017)

In this regard, numerous users have voiced their concern that they are getting ‘Bios Error’ (0x00050017) on their Xbox consoles when trying to launch DayZ. The accompanying error message reads out: Communication error, resource unreachable or unavailable. [ExchangeXBOXAuthCode] :: 0x800C0008. If you are also in the same boat, then this guide will make you aware of a nifty workaround to rectify this issue. Follow along.

DayZ Bios Error (0x00050017)

To resolve this bug, you will have to log in to your router’s page, head over to the security section, and unblock the bitstudio.com website. Apart from that, you could also add bitstudio.com to the whitelist. So carry out any of these two tweaks and it should fix the DayZ ‘Bios Error’ (0x00050017) on your Xbox console.

As far as the official stance on this matter is concerned, the developers are aware of this issue, but they haven’t given out any ETA for the rollout of a fix. As and when that happens, we will update this guide accordingly. In the meantime, the aforementioned workarounds are your best bet. Stay tuned for more!

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About Chief Editor

Sadique Hassan


A technical geek by birth, he always has a keen interest in the Android platform right since the birth of the HTC Dream. The open-source environment always seems to intrigue him with the plethora of options available at his fingertips. “MBA by profession, blogger by choice!”

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/r/dayz — Discuss and share content for DayZ, the post-apocalyptic open world survival game.



I am quite new to the game only been playing for the past month but like a week before reset i got a error like this that didn’t let me play any server for a whole week then the update and i thought it had fixed itself but now i am getting BIOS Error (0x00050017) «Communication error, resources unreachable or unavailable. ([GetsServers] :: ) and i have tried restarting the xbox clearing the que ive tried restarting the internet and the whole sherbang and kitchen sink along with it and still no luck still getting this error and i can’t load into any server or anything i don’t know how to fix it or what to do so if you could please help me i would really appreciate it

Developed by Bohemia Interactive, DayZ is a popular multiplayer survival video game. One can enjoy playing it on a Windows PC, Xbox or PlayStation console.

Like any typical survival game, players must protect themselves from zombies and hunt for different kinds of resources such as food, water, and weapons.

The game had recently received a new update 1.46/1.19, which fixed some of the known issues.


The patch addressed server crashes caused by animations, several exploits caused by object and terrain glitches, the power of a melee stealth kill by a weapon’s regular hit, and much more.

However, like any other popular game, DayZ also suffers from occasional bugs and issues.

According to reports (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10), multiple players are experiencing a problem during startup and are thus unable to play the game. The bug seems to be affecting only Xbox consoles.

One of those affected even complained that the ‘Bios Error (0x00050017)’ pops up every time they tried to load the game.

Another claimed that the game was working fine until the past month and that the issue seems to have popped up recently.

Even though internet connectivity was normal at their end, Xbox owners still faced issues connecting to the server and playing it.



I’m been receiving this BIOS Error (0x00050018) on my DayZ account ever since yesterday. Does anyone know how to fix this issue? I play on a PS5. #DayZ

Bios error , me an my buddy had it for a solid 5 days now I deleted the game an re downloaded it and just got new Wi-Fi about a month ago an I was playin it perfectly fine until about 5 days ago

Xbox owners are irritated because of the delay made by the developers in resolving the issue. Some even tried resetting the console and updating or reinstalling the game but nothing seemed to work.

Official response

Fortunately, the developers have officially acknowledged the issue and are currently working on fixing it. Although, it must be noted that no official ETA has been shared for the same.



Potential workaround

We did come across a potential workaround that may help solve the problem for some. It is recommended that you unblock the website ‘bitstudio.com’ on your router or Wi-Fi app.



We are hopeful that the developers will fix the issue with some Dayz players getting ‘Bios Error’ (0x00050017) on Xbox so that players can enjoy playing the game soon.

We will keep tabs on the matter and update the article as soon as we come across any new information.

NOTE: You can also check our Gaming section for more such stories.

Featured image source: Dayz.

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Can you Fix DAYZ BIOS Error (0x00050017), (0x00050018), and (0x0050027) - Are the Servers Down

DayZ is a great game with a huge fan following even after so many years from launch. As I was playing the game last night, I suddenly got hit with the DayZ BIOS Error (0x00050017). There are other codes that you may get with the BIOS error such as (0x00050018) and (0x0050027). The last time I remember seeing the error was a month back when the servers were down. If like me, you have been unable to play the game due to the said error, here is all you need to know.

What’s causing the DayZ BIOS Error and Can you Fix It?

Unfortunately guys, there is no way to fix the DayZ BIOS Error (0x00050017), (0x00050018), and (0x0050027). The servers have been down for the past 7 hours. The last time we saw such an outage, it lasted for about 5-6 hours, but we are already past that point at the time of writing.

Most of the players getting the error are either on the PlayStation or Xbox. The devs have confirmed the issue and acknowledged that the issue may be with Xbox and PS having a small outage. Here is the official Tweet.

📢⚠️Hey Console Survivors,
We are aware of reports of an outage.
Thank you for reports 💙

We believe its in connection to both Xbox and PS having small outage.
Reports seem to be dropping and we will continue to monitor.
Game on ✊

— DayZ 🖥 🎮 ❤️ (@DayZ) August 16, 2022

The developers claim that the reports of the error have been dropping indicating that the issue is fixed and users are returning to the game, but Downdetector tells a different story. If you go to the Downdetector website, it becomes apparent that reports have only increased. In the past hour, there have been 123 reports and growing.

We think that there may be an issue with the game and not the console servers. At this time, this is all the info we have about the DayZ BIOS error. We will update this post when we hear more from the devs or if there is a workaround for the issue.

He is caught in a loop between writing about games and playing them. It’s a vicious cycle. Although he’s biased towards PC, you can occasionally find him on the PS5. He does not own an Xbox Consoles but plans on getting one soon.

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