After I parent my model with the bone, it shows loop in parents.
Does anyone know of a solution?
The .blend file
48.6k38 gold badges153 silver badges315 bronze badges
asked Dec 24, 2014 at 17:02
I did not look at .blend file, but I will explain Loop in parents. It means, so you are trying to make infinite loop of parents(which would cause .blend to crash immediately, so Blender has blocked it). So, if you have set your character as Parent of your Bones, you can’t set bones as parent to your character, otherwise, the parentation principal will be infinite loop. You can try selecting Bones and doing ALT + P and then Click with LMB on Clear Parent. Then do the same with char(optional). After that parent char to Bones. Hope this helps.
49.4k5 gold badges27 silver badges72 bronze badges
answered Dec 30, 2014 at 12:55
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After I parent my model with the bone, it shows loop in parents.
Does anyone know of a solution?
The .blend file
48.4k38 gold badges152 silver badges314 bronze badges
asked Dec 24, 2014 at 17:02
I did not look at .blend file, but I will explain Loop in parents. It means, so you are trying to make infinite loop of parents(which would cause .blend to crash immediately, so Blender has blocked it). So, if you have set your character as Parent of your Bones, you can’t set bones as parent to your character, otherwise, the parentation principal will be infinite loop. You can try selecting Bones and doing ALT + P and then Click with LMB on Clear Parent. Then do the same with char(optional). After that parent char to Bones. Hope this helps.
46.1k4 gold badges24 silver badges64 bronze badges
answered Dec 30, 2014 at 12:55
After I parent my model with the bone, it shows loop in parents.
Does anyone know of a solution?
The .blend file
48.4k38 gold badges152 silver badges314 bronze badges
asked Dec 24, 2014 at 17:02
I did not look at .blend file, but I will explain Loop in parents. It means, so you are trying to make infinite loop of parents(which would cause .blend to crash immediately, so Blender has blocked it). So, if you have set your character as Parent of your Bones, you can’t set bones as parent to your character, otherwise, the parentation principal will be infinite loop. You can try selecting Bones and doing ALT + P and then Click with LMB on Clear Parent. Then do the same with char(optional). After that parent char to Bones. Hope this helps.
46.1k4 gold badges24 silver badges64 bronze badges
answered Dec 30, 2014 at 12:55
This is from wiki:
At the very moment of establishing a hierarchical relationship between
objects (parenting), the transformation coordinates of the child
object remain unchanged, and yet this object doesn’t change its global
transforms visually (location, orientation or scale), though its
reference «world» has changed from global origin (zero transforms) to
the global transforms of the parent.Origin of unparented objects is the global origin: global (0,0,0)
location, zero rotation, and unity scale. After being parented, the
new origin should be that of the parent. And it is. But a correction
matrix is applied to the child, so that the new reference point is not
the global transforms of the parent, but the global origin. This
correction matrix is applied to the global transforms of the parent
before applying them to the child.
This correction matrix called Parent Inverse
You can do this operations with Parent Inverse:
Alt + O (clear origin) — this operation clears Parent Inverse and makes object go to the parent location.
Ctrl + Shift + P (Make parent without Inverse) — it’s like what you do in properties -> object -> Relations: Parent. Or like Ctrl + P and Alt + O and Alt + P Clear Parent Inverse in one comand
Alt + P Clear Parent Inverse — Like Alt + O but for rotation and Scale.
Why Blender using Parent Inverse?
Let’s try 2 objects with Parent Inverse:
and without:
As you see, transform matrix, applied on parent object without inverse, makes child object distorted. If you want this effect — you are welcome, but mostly, we don’t want it
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loop in parents?
whenever I try to parent my armature to my mesh, it says ‘loop in parents’. I keep on clearing the parent, and doing it again, but it still doesn’t work.
how do i fix this?
Vasilek, благодарю, огромное спасибо)))))))))) дело действительно оказалось в меше. Он состоял из нескольких частей. Тело без головы зашло на <ура !>, по отдельности все привызяывается, тогда вопрос сразу же :»ТО есть тема с объединением через ctrl +j и последующей привязкой скелета уже как целому одному объекту не прокатывает? Почему? прошу объясниить )))) и как связать потом скелет головы и скелета тела , ну чтобы были одним целым , а не так что тело нагнулось , а голова осталась( «
Добавлено спустя 19 минут 43 секунды:
tokito432, сам разобрался)) дело в моей криворукости :DD , blender требует один полный объект , ctrl+j работает , просто изза того что голова уже совсем не варила вчера, забывал про объединение мелких деталей , сегодня после того как объединил абсолютно все, и привязал скелет , blender сжалился надо мной и нарастил массу)