Ошибка common code

  • #1

Ребята привет. Помогите пожалуйста разобраться что за лаг!

У меня проблема на s19! Настроил пулы и теперь они не отображаются в меню асика. Но на бинанспуле все отображается. В чем может быть проблема?

И ещё выскакивает в меню асика ошибка (common code с красным крестиком)

  • #3

если «не видит» пул но работает, значит он видит чей то чужой пул:)

а что касперский уже есть под битмайн? не знал)

  • #4

Ребята привет. Помогите пожалуйста разобраться что за лаг!

У меня проблема на s19! Настроил пулы и теперь они не отображаются в меню асика. Но на бинанспуле все отображается. В чем может быть проблема?

И ещё выскакивает в меню асика ошибка (common code с красным крестиком)

Бывает такое с отображением в меню. Прослеживается это после прописывания нового пула. Помогает перезагрузка и после снова ввод пула.

  • #5

Большое прибольшое спасибо. Отключил касперски и все отобразилось!!! Ппця уже рестарт делал,прошивку обновил…ахах а тут антивирус

  • #6

У меня подобная беда, купил 2 асика бу с19, один без проблем настроил, второй включил, были прописаны китайские пулы, стер, ввел пулы бинанс, и все, все стерлось ничего не прописывается, выдает ошибку common code, вводишь по новой , нажимаешь сохранить, все стирается. Прошивку обновил, перезагрузил, сбрасывал до заводских бесполезно. Посоветуйте что еще можно сделать

  • #7

У меня подобная беда, купил 2 асика бу с19, один без проблем настроил, второй включил, были прописаны китайские пулы, стер, ввел пулы бинанс, и все, все стерлось ничего не прописывается, выдает ошибку common code, вводишь по новой , нажимаешь сохранить, все стирается. Прошивку обновил, перезагрузил, сбрасывал до заводских бесполезно. Посоветуйте что еще можно сделать

Та же самая проблема, подскажите, не разобрались как устранить?

  • #8

Та же самая проблема, подскажите, не разобрались как устранить?

получилось победить?

  • #9

Всем привет, у меня подобная проблема подключения асика, вводишь ему пулы, а он в дашборде пишет что TEXT, и не подключается к тем пулам которые я ему задаю. И на пуле не отображается информация.

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If you have a website, you’re going to encounter HTTP error codes at least once in your life.

There could be more than one reason for an HTTP error response code. It might occur because a web page is no longer available (404 not found) or because of a problem with the server (500 internal error).

In this post, I’m going to tell you what HTTP error codes are. This will help you better understand the HTTP responses.

After that, I will discuss the most common HTTP error codes along with some tips to fix each code.

HTTP status codes are responses issued for a client’s request made to a server. For example, when your client (your web browser) tries to connect to your WordPress site (the server).

Based on how the request is handled, the server shows different responses. These responses include redirects, server errors, client errors, and others as such. HTTP error codes are not part of web pages; instead, they are responses from servers about how the request is handled.

Not all HTTP status codes indicate errors. For example, some just communicate that a page has been moved, either permanently or temporarily. But if you are experiencing errors, the HTTP error codes that you see will help you figure out what the problem is.

Now that you know what it is, let’s dig into some of the most common HTTP error codes and status codes and how to fix them.

Seven most common HTTP error codes and status codes

“401 Unauthorized”

First on our list of HTTP error codes is 401. A 401 message means the server received an unauthenticated request.

In this error, a message announces that the page couldn’t load because of invalid credentials for whatever reason.

How to fix it?

It could be possible the login URL has changed, or the URL you entered is incorrect. However, if that’s not the case, try clearing the browser cache and cookies.

Full guide to fix 401 error code 👈

“404 Not Found”

A 404 status code is a common HTTP error code on the internet. This HTTP response is generated when a page the user is looking for cannot be found on the server. There could be multiple reasons behind 404 occurrences. Perhaps because the webmaster has deleted the page or the URL you have entered is incorrect (since it’s a client-side error).

How to fix it?

Fixing a broken link (or, more specifically, a 404) is still an essential maintenance task. If you are glutton for work and won’t mind taking the longer route, use the .htaccess method. But a more natural way to do this is by installing the Redirection plugin from the WordPress directory. You can then redirect it to any webpage on the site.

Full guide to fix 404 error code 👈

“500 Internal Server Error”

A 500 Internal Server Error is a generic error that displays when something is wrong with your server. Because it’s a generic error message, there are a number of different causes including issues with WordPress plugins, PHP issues, database problems, and more.

How to fix it?

Fixing the 500 Internal Server Error is a bit onerous as more than one reason is to blame for its occurrence. You’ll probably want to read the full guide for this one.

Full guide to fix 500 Internal Server Error 👈

“502 Bad Gateway”

Unlike other HTTP error codes, 502 is different. A bad gateway occurs when one server on the internet receives an invalid response from another server. A 502 HTTP status code will be tacked on a screen when the server takes longer than expected to complete a request.

How to fix it?

Most of the time this can be fixed by simply refreshing the browser, or clearing the browser cache. If you have just migrated to the site, try waiting for 24 to 48 hours. You can even reach out to the hosting provider to check with them. Sometimes, a third-party CDN service or WordPress plugin could be the reason behind your 502 response. Try switching the WordPress theme to another if the fixes mentioned above don’t work.

“301 Moved Permanently”

An HTTP 301 is when a specific webpage is permanently moved to a different URL. It’s not an error per se, but it does communicate important information.

It can be on a page-level where you get pointed on another similar post (or even homepage for that matter) or a domain level.

How to fix it?

To make sure the redirection is flawless, check the redirect setup. If you have used a WordPress plugin, try switching it with Redirection. If you used the .htaccess file to perform the redirection, verify that you did it correctly. Here’s how to do that. Keep the domain level redirection for a few months, so Google knows the resource is moved permanently.

“302 Found”

This HTTP status code is similar to the 301, but it is used for a temporary redirect. This response tells Google that the page is moved temporarily and will be back to the original URL at some point. If done correctly, it will redirect the user to another URL in a couple of seconds.

How to fix it?

The easiest way to set up a 302 redirect is by using a WordPress plugin. You can install and use Rank Math from the WordPress directory.

“410 Gone”

This 410 Gone error is similar to the 404 response. Think of this as a permanent 404. When a webmaster decides to remove a post or page forever or republish it on another site, they can use this code.

A 410 response tells Google the requested resource is permanently removed from the internet and will not reappear. This makes it easier to get the page de-crawled or de-indexed from Google.

How to fix it?

There are multiple reasons behind a 410 gone error. First, check the input URL and make sure it’s correct. Next, try debugging the update on the WordPress website. Uninstall the WordPress plugins or other third-party extensions. If none of this works, then it’s a problem from the server end. Find the .htaccess file. Next, locate the word “RewriteXXX” in the .htaccess text editor and enter the following code:

RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://yourwebsitename.con/expired_page $1 [R=410,L] 

When entering the code, replace [http://yourwebsitename.con/expired_page] with the URL that is expired, or where you’d like to add 410 responses.


Now that you learned about the most common HTTP error codes and status codes, it’s time to fix them on your site and improve your site’s user experience and SEO.

There are also some other ways to improve how your site works with HTTP error codes. For example, you could create a custom 404 page that visitors will see when they try to visit a page that doesn’t exist.

Do you have any questions about HTTP status codes? Are you seeing an error and confused about what it means? Let us know in the comments!

Any web server receiving an HTTP request is responded to with an HTTP status code. These codes are short notes from the server describing the situation. It doesn’t contain any actual site content. Instead, it’s a report of how things went after receiving the HTTP request. In many situations, these codes are important to diagnose various server/client issues.

These codes are three-digit long integers, each signifying various statuses. Based on the first digit, HTTP codes are divided into five categories:

  • Information responses: Value ranges from 100 to 199. It describes that the request was received and being processed.

  • Successful responses: Value ranges from 200 to 299. It says that the action was received, understood, and accepted successfully.

  • Redirection messages: Value ranges from 300 to 399. It means that further actions are necessary to complete the request.

  • Client error responses: Value ranges from 400 to 499. Either the request contains incorrect syntaxes or it can’t be fulfilled.

  • Server error responses: Value ranges from 500 to 599. It means that the server failed to process a valid request.

In this guide, we will discuss some of the most common HTTP error codes that everyone encounters (4xx and 5xx), from the perspective of a system admin. Numerous situations can lead the webserver to respond with a particular code. In addition, this tutorial will discuss potential causes and solutions.

Client vs Server Errors

Error codes 400 to 499 result from the user client (a web browser or any HTTP client). Although the errors are mostly client-related, it’s useful to know which code a user is experiencing. It can help determine if a potential issue can be deployed on the server-side.

Server errors (HTTP status code 500 to 599), on the other hand, result when the server is aware that an error has occurred or is not able to process the request.

General Troubleshooting

Irrespective of the error, here are some general troubleshooting tips that you should test out first whenever facing any HTTP error code:

  • When using a web browser to test the server, it’s a good practice to refresh the browser after making any change to the server.

  • The server log holds detailed info about how the server is handling the requests. For example, popular web servers like Apache and Nginx produce files
    access.log and
    error.log. Checking these logs can reveal useful info.

  • HTTP error codes are part of a standard. The programs are implementing this standard based on how they handle the requests. It means that a particular status code is returned on how the server software is handling the particular error.

This guide should serve as a useful guideline in figuring out the source of the issue.

Common HTTP Errors

  1. Common Client Errors

error 400

The error code 400 indicates a Bad Request. It describes that the HTTP request sent to the server contains invalid syntax. Let’s have a look at potential sources of the bad syntaxes:

  • The site-related cookies may be corrupted. Cleaning the browser cookies and cache may solve the issue.

  • The web browser sending the request may be faulty/buggy.

  • It could be a bad request due to an error when manually forming HTTP requests, for example, incorrect usage of

error code 401

The error code 401 (Unauthorized) occurs when the request is trying to access the resources that were not authenticated or authenticated correctly. To solve the issue, the user must provide the necessary credentials to access the protected resource.

An example situation would be when the user is trying to access a resource protected by HTTP authentication. In such a situation, the user will receive an error 401 code unless a valid username and password are provided.

error 403

The error code 403 (Forbidden) refers to a situation when the user request is valid but the server refuses to serve the request. It can be because of a lack of permission to access the requested resource. There are a few scenarios that can lead to this issue:

  • File permissions: If the server doesn’t have sufficient permission to access the requested file, it can result in a 403 error. Possible fixes include verifying that the server is trying to access the webserver’s index file, the worker process owned by
    wwwdata user, and the index file is located at the right location (in the case of Nginx, it’s

  • .htaccess: Web servers use the
    .htaccess file to implement various security features, for example, filtering specific IP addresses or ranges. A possible fix involves verifying that the IP address the HTTP request is coming from isn’t blocked.

  • File does not exist: If the request is trying to access a location that has no default index file and the directory listings aren’t enabled, the server will return the 403 error. In such a situation a possible fix involves tweaking the server configuration to allow directory listings.

error 404

The error code 404 (Not Found) means that the user was able to connect to the webserver successfully but was not able to locate the requested resource. This error may appear in a number of situations. Here are some possible troubleshooting actions:

  • Check for any potential typographical error in the link that directed the user to the server resource.

  • The user could have typed the URL wrong. Check if this is the case, and correct it if necessary.

  • Verify the existence of the file on the server. Was it moved or deleted from the server?

  • The server may be configured with the wrong document root location. Check for that, and fix if appropriate.

  • Does the user-owned web server worker process have permission to traverse the file requested? Note that it requires having both read and execute permissions to access a directory.

  • Is the resource a symbolic link? In that case, the server must be configured to follow symbolic links.

  1. Common Server Errors

error code 500

The error code 500 (Internal Server Error) occurs when the server is unable to process the request for unknown reasons. In some situations, the server will report error 500 when a more specific 5xx error code would be appropriate.

One of the most common sources of error 500 is a misconfigured server, for example, a malformed
.htaccess file. It can also rise if there are missing packages, for example, trying to run PHP codes without having PHP installed on the system.

error code 502

The error code 502 (Bad Gateway) says that the server is a proxy or a gateway and it can’t reach a valid response from the backend server (responsible for actually fulfilling the request). If the server is a reverse proxy, for example, a load balancer, there are a couple of different things to check for:

  • The backend servers are healthy.

  • The reverse proxy is properly configured (with proper backend specifications).

  • The connection between the reverse proxy and the backend server is healthy. If the servers can communicate using different ports, then the firewall must allow the connection to those ports.

  • If the web app is configured to use a socket, ensure that the socket exists in the right location with proper permissions.

error code 503

The error code 503 (Service Unavailable) describes that the server is experiencing overload or is currently under maintenance. It implies that the server should become available at some point.

If the server isn’t under maintenance, then it indicates that the server doesn’t have the necessary hardware resources (processing power, memory, etc.) to handle the incoming requests. In such a case, the server should be configured to allow more users or allocate more resources.

The error code 504 (Gateway Timeout) tells that the server is a proxy or a gateway server and it didn’t receive a response from the backend within the allowed time window. There are several situations that can lead to this issue:

  • A bad network connection between the servers.

  • The backend server is performing too slowly (because of performance issues).

  • The gateway/proxy server timeout limit is too tight.

Final Thoughts

This guide discusses HTTP error codes, especially some of the most common ones. It describes what the codes mean and gives suggestions for potential troubleshooting actions. With this knowledge, you now have a solid basis for troubleshooting issues with your web servers or applications.

This is just a shortlist of the most popular HTTP status codes. For a comprehensive list of all the HTTP status codes, check out HTTP status codes on Wikipedia. You can also check out our tutorial on Nginx HTTP Proxying, Load Balancing, Buffering, and Caching: an Overview.

Happy Computing!

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ERROR: syntax error at or near » «

Cause: Syntax is incorrect. You may be missing commas, bracket or semi-colon

Fix: Please check your code. Generally, error will show you line number where the issue is which can be easily resolved.

ERROR: syntax error at or near «grant»

Cause: “Grant” is a reserved keyword in PostgreSQL

Fix: Since “grant” is a reserved word in PostgreSQL, it should be written in quotes like “grant”. Reserved key words, such as “grant”, are never allowed as identifiers. Most reserved tokens are not allowed as column or table names, but may be allowed as an “AS” column label name.

ERROR: cannot drop table table_name because other objects depend on it

Cause: table_name has dependent child tables

Fix: First drop the dependent tables in order to drop the parent table

“Role does not exist”

Cause: It occurs when connecting to PostgreSQL using a user name that does not exist. The full error message usually states something similar to “FATAL: role “username” does not exist”.

Fix : Please make sure you have logged in to the correct user. If the user does not exist yet, create the user account on the PostgreSQL database. You should now be able to connect to PostgreSQL.

ERROR: invalid input syntax for type numeric: «b» at character 26

Cause: The error occurs when the user attempts to insert a value that does not match the column type.

Fix: Please check the datatype of column you are entering value into. If the problem is not caused by an attempt to enter a faulty, it may be an application side error that needs to be solved by the developer.




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