Ошибка dell uefi0116

I have a newer Dell R330 server that came with three 128GB SSD’s as well as a software raid S130. After setting up a Raid 1 with single hot spare, I realized that ESXI is not fully compatible with software raids. I pulled an PERC H200 from an extra R710 and installed on the R330, trying to setup a raid and utilize ESXI.

After installing the H200 Raid Controller into the R330, the controller was found during boot and configured the Raid with the wanted configuration with no issues. All drives were found, and configuration was flawless. That is to say that until after a restart, an error was thrown.

iDrac Settings:

CBL0009: Backplane 1 connector A0 is not connected.

UEFI0116: One or more boot drivers have reported issues.

Check the Driver Health Menu in Boot Manager for details.

Press F1 to continue, F2 for system setup, F10 fro lifecycle controller, F11 for boot manager.

After pressing F1, ESXI loads with no issues and all is well. The only problem is, after every single restart, I must press F1 in order for the sytem to boot up properly. Not good…

What I tried to remedy the issue is to disable Software Raid in BIOS settings as well as try to disable iDRAC (which is not possible).

There are four SAS connectors.
1. Connector A on motherboard
2. Connector A on H200 RAID Controller
3. Connector B on H200 Raid Controller
4. Connector on Frontplane where the SSD’s are seated into

First setup was Frontplane SAS connector to Conector A on H200 RAID Controller. System operates but iDRAC error still shows up.

Second setup was Frontplane SAS connector to Connector A on H200 RAID controller and Connector A on motherboard to Connector B on H200 RAID controller (read this may fix issue in dell support post). Sysem operated but iDRAC error still shows up.

How can I get rid of this error? Is there a setting option that I am missing that would allow me to disable the Connector A on motherboard?

R330 Server Hardware View RAID Controller setup image

22 Декабря 2021 13:30
22 Дек 2021 13:30


Владельцы ряда ноутбуков и настольных компьютеров Dell, поспешившие перейти на свежую версию прошивки BIOS, не могут включить свои машины. Устройства либо расручивают кулеры, при этом не подавая иных «признаков жизни», либо «выпадают» в BSoD. Dell молчаливо убрала ссылки на микропрограммы со своего официального сайта, но тем, кто уже обновился, проблему приходится решать своими силами.

Прошивка подкинула проблем

Свежее обновление BIOS доставило владельцам персональных компьютеров Dell серьезные неприятности, пишет Bleeping Computer.

По информации издания, сразу несколько моделей настольных и портативных компьютеров американского бренда работает некорректно после установки недавнего обновления прошивки микросхемы базовой системы ввода-вывода (Basic Input-Output System, BIOS). Среди них ноутбуки Latitude (5320 и 5520), а также десктопы Inspiron 5680 и Alienware Aurora R8.

Пользователи, столкнувшиеся с проблемой, отмечают сложности с загрузкой устройства. В ряде случаев девайсы «заводятся» (слышен звук работы охлаждающей системы), однако различные световые индикаторы, подсветка клавиатуры, если таковая предусмотрена, и дисплей компьютера не включаются. В ситуации же когда машина все же начинает загружаться и выводит сопутствующую информацию на экран, процедура не доходит до логического завершения из-за неожиданного появления «синего экрана смерти» (Blue Screen of Death, BSoD) Windows. Затем происходит аварийное завершение работы компьютера.

Владельцы компьютеров Dell, поспешившие установить свежую прошивку BIOS, поплатились работоспособностью девайсов

Владельцы техники Dell массово жалуются на последствия обновления BIOS в социальных сетях, на портале сообщества пользователей устройств Dell, а также на популярном форуме Reddit, отмечает Bleeping Computer. Проблемными, судя по отзывам пользователей, являются версии BIOS 1.14.3 для лаптопов Latitude, а также 1.0.18 и 2.8.0 для десктопов Aurora и Inspiron соответственно.

«После обновления BIOS моего [Dell Latitude] 5320 до новой версии 1.13.4 ноутбук отказывается загружаться. Кнопка включения светится около 10 секунд после нажатия на нее, а затем перестает», – отмечает один из посетителей форума Dell.

Что такое BIOS

Микросхема BIOS располагается на материнской плате IBM-совместимого компьютера и содержит набор системных программ, которые служат для инициализации и тестирования оборудования с дальнейшей передачей управления операционной системе. В последние годы BIOS вытесняется UEFI (Unified Extensible Firmware Interface, унифицированный интерфейс расширяемой прошивки), однако многие производители и пользователи продолжают по старинке называть UEFI BIOS.

Перепрошивка или замена ПО BIOS выполняется при помощи специализированных инструментов, например, утилиты, поставляющейся производителем материнской платы.

Обновление прошивки может потребоваться, в частности, для расширения спектра поддерживаемых материнской платой процессоров, которые механически и электрически с ней совместимы.

Как банкам всего за год перейти на импортонезависимую СУБД

ИТ в банках

Обновление микропрограммы материнской платы – рискованная процедура, особенно при выполнении новичком. В некоторых случаях она может привести устройство в нерабочее состояние. Для устранения последствий неправильно проведенной перепрошивки BIOS пользователю может понадобиться обратиться в сервисный центр.

Масштаб проблемы неизвестен

Оценить масштаб проблемы на момент публикации данного материала представляется затруднительным. Dell ситуацию не прокомментировала, однако ссылки на загрузку некоторых из проблемных прошивок с официального сайта убрала.

Обнаруженные Bleeping Computer темы на вышеупомянутых интернет-ресурсах собрали около сотни комментариев.

«Коллективный разум» нашел решение

Пока официальное решение проблемы не представлено, но хозяева машин Dell коллективными усилиями нашли способ вернуть свои компьютеры в работоспособное состояние. Он предполагает даунгрейд BIOS, то есть установку предыдущей стабильной версии прошивки. Однако для этого нужно, как минимум, попасть в меню настройки BIOS (Setup), которое, как правило, вызывается нажатием клавиш Delete или F2 до начала загрузки операционной системы.

Отечественная платформа уменьшает сроки разработки программных документов


Некоторые из пользователей утверждают, что им удалось «откатить» обновление микропрограммы при помощи фирменного инструмента SupportAssist OS Recovery, который доступен владельцам некоторых компьютеров компании Dell с предустановленной операционной системой Microsoft Windows.

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  • Question

  • Problem Description

    Initial values and settings of my Dell laptop

    My Dell Vostro 3559 laptop was purchased one year and a half ago coming with its service tag FHY0GC2. Under the Firmware Settings, the boot mode was set to UEFI with all Legacy Option ROMs disabled, and the secure boot was set to Disabled. However, there
    was no change made to any information stored inside the PTT (Platform Trust Technology, i.e. a Trusted Platform Module implemented by Intel): the PTT was turned on and visible to Operating Systems, whose owner information had never been cleared.

    I have made the following changes to my Dell laptop

    Did a clean install of Windows 10 Team build 15063 on an empty GPT disk, which is the firmware provisioned for Surface Hub only but was used for my laptop for testing purposes.

    UEFI boot issues with Windows 10 firmware bootloaders that these changes resulted in

    After install, the UEFI firmware bootloader of Windows 10 Team was able to boot normally. However, it was found that whatever bootable Windows 10 or Windows 10 PE media (usually within a USB stick or a portable disk) unable to boot from the UEFI on my laptop.
    Fortunatelly, I have been still able to get Windows 8.1, Linux or Hackintosh (Clover) media booting from the UEFI on my laptop since the last change was made. I tried the following 3 scenarios but none of them helped. Please help me to get any Windows 10 or
    Windows 10 PE media booting from the UEFI on my laptop, thanks.

    Scenarios that I tried

    1. Using the BIOS flash update feature that comes with my laptop:
      1. Turn on my laptop and press F12 at the startup screen.
      2. Select BIOS Flash Update and make sure a valid BIOS ROM file with the extension «.exe» is selected, which is downloaded from the Dell Support official server downloads.dell.com.
      3. Select Confirm and wait until the update process completes and the device reboots.
    2. Using the BIOS recovery feature that comes with my laptop:
      1. Insert a USB stick with an MBR Partition Table, a volume formatted as the FAT32 file system, whose root directory contains a valid BIOS ROM file renamed to BIOS_IMG.rcv downloaded from the Dell Support official server downloads.dell.com.
      2. Verify that my laptop is powered OFF and disconnect the AC adapter.
      3. Press and hold the CTRL key + ESC key on the keyboard.
      4. Plug in the AC adapter to the laptop.
      5. Release the CTRL key + ESC key on the keyboard once the BIOS recovery screen appears.
      6. Select Recover BIOS and press the Enter key to start the recovery process.

      I have tried each version (in 1.2.1 — 1.2.8) of valid BIOS ROM files from the Dell Support official server downloads.dell.com to process the BIOS recovery but every time it didn’t help.

    3. Clear the PTT owner information while the PTT was turned on under the Firmware Settings.
    4. I also tried clearing all credentials inside the TPM by selecting Clear TPM in tpm.msc, restarting my latop and pressing a key when prompted. However, it was impossible clearing the TPM by doing a factory reset, cleaning the drive, pressing a key to process
      the clear when prompted, since Windows 10 was unable to boot from the UEFI.

    Bootability Test that I did

    Dell Vostro 3559 Laptop, Windows Setup Media Bootability Test Result

    ⅰ) Windows 10 Team Build 15063.97 Setup (MBR Partition Scheme for BIOS Target System Type) MEMORY MANAGEMENT ERROR N/A Successful N/A
    ⅱ) Windows 10 Enterprise Build 16299.15 Setup MEMORY MANAGEMENT ERROR Dell SupportAssist Successful Dell SupportAssist
    ⅲ) Windows 8.1 Enterprise Build 9600.17031 Setup A spinning circle in death loop Successful Successful Successful
    ⅳ) Windows 10 Team Build 15063.97 Setup (GPT Partition Scheme for UEFI Target System Type) Selected boot device failed [FAIL] Start failure: [17] No Mapping; Dell SupportAssist Selected boot device failed [FAIL] Start failure: [17] No Mapping; Dell SupportAssist
  • Remove From My Forums
  • Question

  • Problem Description

    Initial values and settings of my Dell laptop

    My Dell Vostro 3559 laptop was purchased one year and a half ago coming with its service tag FHY0GC2. Under the Firmware Settings, the boot mode was set to UEFI with all Legacy Option ROMs disabled, and the secure boot was set to Disabled. However, there
    was no change made to any information stored inside the PTT (Platform Trust Technology, i.e. a Trusted Platform Module implemented by Intel): the PTT was turned on and visible to Operating Systems, whose owner information had never been cleared.

    I have made the following changes to my Dell laptop

    Did a clean install of Windows 10 Team build 15063 on an empty GPT disk, which is the firmware provisioned for Surface Hub only but was used for my laptop for testing purposes.

    UEFI boot issues with Windows 10 firmware bootloaders that these changes resulted in

    After install, the UEFI firmware bootloader of Windows 10 Team was able to boot normally. However, it was found that whatever bootable Windows 10 or Windows 10 PE media (usually within a USB stick or a portable disk) unable to boot from the UEFI on my laptop.
    Fortunatelly, I have been still able to get Windows 8.1, Linux or Hackintosh (Clover) media booting from the UEFI on my laptop since the last change was made. I tried the following 3 scenarios but none of them helped. Please help me to get any Windows 10 or
    Windows 10 PE media booting from the UEFI on my laptop, thanks.

    Scenarios that I tried

    1. Using the BIOS flash update feature that comes with my laptop:
      1. Turn on my laptop and press F12 at the startup screen.
      2. Select BIOS Flash Update and make sure a valid BIOS ROM file with the extension «.exe» is selected, which is downloaded from the Dell Support official server downloads.dell.com.
      3. Select Confirm and wait until the update process completes and the device reboots.
    2. Using the BIOS recovery feature that comes with my laptop:
      1. Insert a USB stick with an MBR Partition Table, a volume formatted as the FAT32 file system, whose root directory contains a valid BIOS ROM file renamed to BIOS_IMG.rcv downloaded from the Dell Support official server downloads.dell.com.
      2. Verify that my laptop is powered OFF and disconnect the AC adapter.
      3. Press and hold the CTRL key + ESC key on the keyboard.
      4. Plug in the AC adapter to the laptop.
      5. Release the CTRL key + ESC key on the keyboard once the BIOS recovery screen appears.
      6. Select Recover BIOS and press the Enter key to start the recovery process.

      I have tried each version (in 1.2.1 — 1.2.8) of valid BIOS ROM files from the Dell Support official server downloads.dell.com to process the BIOS recovery but every time it didn’t help.

    3. Clear the PTT owner information while the PTT was turned on under the Firmware Settings.
    4. I also tried clearing all credentials inside the TPM by selecting Clear TPM in tpm.msc, restarting my latop and pressing a key when prompted. However, it was impossible clearing the TPM by doing a factory reset, cleaning the drive, pressing a key to process
      the clear when prompted, since Windows 10 was unable to boot from the UEFI.

    Bootability Test that I did

    Dell Vostro 3559 Laptop, Windows Setup Media Bootability Test Result

    ⅰ) Windows 10 Team Build 15063.97 Setup (MBR Partition Scheme for BIOS Target System Type) MEMORY MANAGEMENT ERROR N/A Successful N/A
    ⅱ) Windows 10 Enterprise Build 16299.15 Setup MEMORY MANAGEMENT ERROR Dell SupportAssist Successful Dell SupportAssist
    ⅲ) Windows 8.1 Enterprise Build 9600.17031 Setup A spinning circle in death loop Successful Successful Successful
    ⅳ) Windows 10 Team Build 15063.97 Setup (GPT Partition Scheme for UEFI Target System Type) Selected boot device failed [FAIL] Start failure: [17] No Mapping; Dell SupportAssist Selected boot device failed [FAIL] Start failure: [17] No Mapping; Dell SupportAssist

I have a newer Dell R330 server that came with three 128GB SSD’s as well as a software raid S130. After setting up a Raid 1 with single hot spare, I realized that ESXI is not fully compatible with software raids. I pulled an PERC H200 from an extra R710 and installed on the R330, trying to setup a raid and utilize ESXI.

After installing the H200 Raid Controller into the R330, the controller was found during boot and configured the Raid with the wanted configuration with no issues. All drives were found, and configuration was flawless. That is to say that until after a restart, an error was thrown.

iDrac Settings:

CBL0009: Backplane 1 connector A0 is not connected.

UEFI0116: One or more boot drivers have reported issues.

Check the Driver Health Menu in Boot Manager for details.

Press F1 to continue, F2 for system setup, F10 fro lifecycle controller, F11 for boot manager.

After pressing F1, ESXI loads with no issues and all is well. The only problem is, after every single restart, I must press F1 in order for the sytem to boot up properly. Not good…

What I tried to remedy the issue is to disable Software Raid in BIOS settings as well as try to disable iDRAC (which is not possible).

There are four SAS connectors.
1. Connector A on motherboard
2. Connector A on H200 RAID Controller
3. Connector B on H200 Raid Controller
4. Connector on Frontplane where the SSD’s are seated into

First setup was Frontplane SAS connector to Conector A on H200 RAID Controller. System operates but iDRAC error still shows up.

Second setup was Frontplane SAS connector to Connector A on H200 RAID controller and Connector A on motherboard to Connector B on H200 RAID controller (read this may fix issue in dell support post). Sysem operated but iDRAC error still shows up.

How can I get rid of this error? Is there a setting option that I am missing that would allow me to disable the Connector A on motherboard?

R330 Server Hardware View RAID Controller setup image

Posted by BeepBoop010101 2023-04-03T21:17:07Z

I’m on a Dell PowerEdge R740xd and after a power outage. I cannot get into the server.  I get a UEFI0116 error and then when I go into driver health manager it shows

AVAGO EFI SAS Driver and PERC H740P Adapter

Critical message says there are offline or missing virtual drives with preserved cache.  Please check cables and ensure that all drives are present.  Press any key to enter the configuration utility.

There is a box that says enter your input here.

2 Replies

  • Author Muhammad Farhan

    The UEFI0116 error typically indicates that there is a problem with the storage devices connected to your Dell PowerEdge R740xd server.

    Check physical connections: Ensure that all the hard drives and storage devices connected to the server are properly seated and connected to the motherboard. Check for any loose or disconnected cables.

    Check RAID configuration: Verify the RAID configuration in the PERC H740P Adapter Configuration Utility. Make sure that all the configured virtual drives are present and properly configured.

    Check for failed drives: Check the health status of each drive in the server. If any drive has failed, replace it and rebuild the RAID array.

    Clear preserved cache: Clear the preserved cache for any missing virtual drives in the PERC H740P Adapter Configuration Utility. This can be done by going to the virtual disk management section of the utility and selecting «Clear Preserved Cache».

    Perform a system diagnostic test: Run a system diagnostic test to check for any hardware issues. This can be done from the Dell Lifecycle Controller by selecting «System Diagnostics».

    Was this post helpful?

  • We ended up working with a Dell technician.  Unfortunately, two disks were not recognized.  They were flashing orange.  I had reseated them and they went green but were still not recognized.  We had to re-image the server.

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We have a super weird thing happening.  We have two Dell R730 servers, both with Perc H810 controllers in them.  The two servers are connected to an IBM V3700 and a Dell MD1220.

Last week, we rebooted the first host and at the boot, we got this error:

«LSI-EFI SAS Driver:
Unhealthy status reported by this UEFI driver without specific error

UEFI0116: One or more boot drivers have reported issues
Check the Driver Health Menu in the Boot Manager for details.

One or more boot drivers require configuration changes.  Press any key to load the driver health manager for configurations.»

So, we got that after the reboot and after some googling, we decided to move the Perc H810 out of the second server into the first and it booted right up, no issues.  So, we chalked it up to a bad card, ordered a replacement, put it into the first server and it booted just fine as well.  There you have it, we had a bad Perc card.

Now, fast forward a week.  Server 1 has it’s new Perc and it’s running great, seeing all of the storage and we are happy.

Server 2 is running great with it’s Perc card that we stole from server 1 last week and life is good.

Now, tonight, I need to reboot server 2 and boom, it hangs and is now reporting the exact same error as noted above.

Pressing any key does nothing.  The machine will not boot into anything…iDraq doesn’t even kick work when it’s in this state.  All we can do is remove the Perc card and it boots normally.

It «could be» that we lost two Perc H810 cards, but it’s too coincidental to me.  It seems something else is amiss and I can’t put my finger on it.

Anyone else know what’s going on here?



By the way, we migrated all of the active VMs to the first server with it’s new Perc H810 and we plan on replacing the H810 in server 2 that has now seemed to gone kaput!

Hi Expert,

i powered down a vm trying to move to another datastore. but all the sudden after shutting down the vm, the datastore is just disappeared right in front of me & the vm showed inaccessible.

this datastore is a dell MD1200 storage connected to PERC 800.

i rebooted the host & looked like the controller card is bad. & got stuck in rebooting until i removed the PERC 800 card

i connected the cable to another host which has the same PERC 800 card but it showed the size of the storage 20TB and available size is also 20TB. it means every is gone inside. 

is there any way to recover the lost vm inside?

is diskinternal going to help?



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