Ошибка err никон д750

Few things are as frustrating as seeing an error message appear on your DSLR digital camera’s LCD or electronic viewfinder. However, before you get too frustrated, take a deep breath. The nice thing about error messages is that they give you clues to the problems your camera might be experiencing, which is better than no error message at all.

The eight common errors listed here include tips for diagnosing and fixing problems with your Nikon DSLR camera.

anilbolukbas / Getty Images

ERR Error Message

If you see «ERR» on your LCD or electronic viewfinder, you likely have experienced one of three problems.

  • The shutter button may not have depressed properly. Make sure the button is seated properly and pressed fully.
  • The camera could not capture the image using your manual exposure settings. Change the settings or using automatic settings.
  • The Nikon camera may have experienced a start-up error. Remove the battery and memory card for at least 15 minutes and turn on the camera again.

F— Error Message

Most of the time, this error message is limited to Nikon DSLR cameras because it’s related to a lens error. Specifically, the F— error message indicates that the lens and camera are not communicating. Check the lens to ensure it’s locked into place.

If you cannot make this particular lens work, try a different lens to see whether the F— error message continues. You’ll then know whether the problem is with the original lens or the camera.

FEE Error Message

The FEE error message on a Nikon DSLR camera indicates that the camera cannot shoot the photo at the aperture you selected. Turn the manual aperture ring to the highest number, which should fix the error message. You may need to allow the camera to automatically choose the aperture to shoot the photo at the proper exposure.

‘Information’ Icon Error Message

If you see an «i» in a circle, it indicates one of three likely errors.

  • The battery may be exhausted. Charge it.
  • The memory card may be full or locked. Look for a small toggle switch on the side of the card and flip it to the unlocked position to fix the problem.
  • The camera may have detected that one of the subjects of the photo blinked as the photo was shot, allowing you to shoot the photo again.

No Memory Card Error Message

If you have a memory card installed in the camera, the No Memory Card Error message can have a few different causes.

  • Make sure the type of memory card is compatible with your Nikon camera.
  • The card may be full, meaning you’ll need to download the photos on it to your computer.
  • The memory card could be malfunctioning or may have been formatted with a different camera. If this is the case, you may need to reformat the memory card with this camera. Keep in mind that formatting a memory card erases all data stored on it.

Record Movie Error Message

The Cannot Record Movie error message usually means that your Nikon DSLR cannot pass the data to the memory card fast enough to record it. This is almost always a problem with the memory card; you’ll need a memory card with a faster write speed. This error message also could refer to a problem with the camera, but try a different memory card first.

Shutter Release Error Message

A Shutter Release Error message with your Nikon DSLR camera indicates a jammed shutter release. Check the shutter button for any foreign objects or any sticky grime that could be jamming the shutter button. Clean the button and try again.

This Image Cannot Be Deleted Error Message

The image you are trying to delete has been protected by the software in the camera. You’ll need to remove the protection label from the image before you can delete it.

Further Troubleshooting

Different models of Nikon cameras may provide a different set of error messages than shown here. If you see Nikon camera error messages that aren’t listed here, check with your Nikon camera user guide for a list of other error messages specific to your camera model.

After reading through these tips, if you still cannot solve the problem indicated by the Nikon camera error message, you may need to take the camera to a repair center. Look for a trustworthy camera repair center when trying to decide where to take your camera.

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Few things are as frustrating as seeing an error message appear on your DSLR digital camera’s LCD or electronic viewfinder. However, before you get too frustrated, take a deep breath. The nice thing about error messages is that they give you clues to the problems your camera might be experiencing, which is better than no error message at all.

The eight common errors listed here include tips for diagnosing and fixing problems with your Nikon DSLR camera.

anilbolukbas / Getty Images

ERR Error Message

If you see «ERR» on your LCD or electronic viewfinder, you likely have experienced one of three problems.

  • The shutter button may not have depressed properly. Make sure the button is seated properly and pressed fully.
  • The camera could not capture the image using your manual exposure settings. Change the settings or using automatic settings.
  • The Nikon camera may have experienced a start-up error. Remove the battery and memory card for at least 15 minutes and turn on the camera again.

F— Error Message

Most of the time, this error message is limited to Nikon DSLR cameras because it’s related to a lens error. Specifically, the F— error message indicates that the lens and camera are not communicating. Check the lens to ensure it’s locked into place.

If you cannot make this particular lens work, try a different lens to see whether the F— error message continues. You’ll then know whether the problem is with the original lens or the camera.

FEE Error Message

The FEE error message on a Nikon DSLR camera indicates that the camera cannot shoot the photo at the aperture you selected. Turn the manual aperture ring to the highest number, which should fix the error message. You may need to allow the camera to automatically choose the aperture to shoot the photo at the proper exposure.

‘Information’ Icon Error Message

If you see an «i» in a circle, it indicates one of three likely errors.

  • The battery may be exhausted. Charge it.
  • The memory card may be full or locked. Look for a small toggle switch on the side of the card and flip it to the unlocked position to fix the problem.
  • The camera may have detected that one of the subjects of the photo blinked as the photo was shot, allowing you to shoot the photo again.

No Memory Card Error Message

If you have a memory card installed in the camera, the No Memory Card Error message can have a few different causes.

  • Make sure the type of memory card is compatible with your Nikon camera.
  • The card may be full, meaning you’ll need to download the photos on it to your computer.
  • The memory card could be malfunctioning or may have been formatted with a different camera. If this is the case, you may need to reformat the memory card with this camera. Keep in mind that formatting a memory card erases all data stored on it.

Record Movie Error Message

The Cannot Record Movie error message usually means that your Nikon DSLR cannot pass the data to the memory card fast enough to record it. This is almost always a problem with the memory card; you’ll need a memory card with a faster write speed. This error message also could refer to a problem with the camera, but try a different memory card first.

Shutter Release Error Message

A Shutter Release Error message with your Nikon DSLR camera indicates a jammed shutter release. Check the shutter button for any foreign objects or any sticky grime that could be jamming the shutter button. Clean the button and try again.

This Image Cannot Be Deleted Error Message

The image you are trying to delete has been protected by the software in the camera. You’ll need to remove the protection label from the image before you can delete it.

Further Troubleshooting

Different models of Nikon cameras may provide a different set of error messages than shown here. If you see Nikon camera error messages that aren’t listed here, check with your Nikon camera user guide for a list of other error messages specific to your camera model.

After reading through these tips, if you still cannot solve the problem indicated by the Nikon camera error message, you may need to take the camera to a repair center. Look for a trustworthy camera repair center when trying to decide where to take your camera.

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Не ошибается лишь тот, кто ничего не делает. Это
выражение справедливо и для техники. Чем больше и чаще используют камеру, тем
быстрее она выдаст ошибку. Одни ошибки не требуют большого внимания, другие же
сообщают о неисправности. И, конечно, очень здорово, когда производитель создал
классификацию таких сообщений. Так поступили в Canon. А вот с фотоаппаратами бренда Nikonвсе
не так просто.

Наши инженеры собрали 8 самых распространенных ошибок
и дали несколько советов о том, что же с ними делать.

ошибка спуска затвора Nikon D60

Ошибка ERR

У этой надписи на дисплее вашей камеры Никон может
быть три причины.

Во-первых, стоит проверить кнопку спуска затвора.
Возможно, она неправильно установлена или неверно сработала. Также есть
вероятность, что пользователь не зажал ее до конца.

Во-вторых, камере не удалось зафиксировать кадр в
мануальном режиме. В таком случае, можно поменять настройки экспозиции или
перейти на автоматический режим.

В-третьих, ошибка могла случиться при запуске. Для
того чтобы исправить положение, достаньте аккумулятор и карту памяти, подождите
15 минут и включите устройство.

Ошибка -E-

Если вы увидели такой
символ, значит нужно проверить положение карты памяти. Возможно, она
неправильно установлена.

Ошибка F—

С таким сообщением чаще всего сталкиваются владельцы
зеркалок Nikon. Дело в том, что ошибка указывает на проблемы с объективом. А
именно на отсутствие связи между оптикой и тушкой.

Если вы видите эту надпись на экране камеры, первым
делом нужно проверить, насколько хорошо зафиксирован объектив. Лучше отключить
и подключить его заново. Если это не помогло, попробуйте подключить другую
линзу. Так вы поймете, где же кроется проблема (в самой камере или в объективе).

Каким бы ни был ответ, скорее всего вам придется
обратиться в сервисный центр по ремонту Никон.

Кроме того, эта ошибка может означать, что объектив
попросту не совместим с камерой.

Ошибка FEE

Эта аббревиатура означает, что настройки диафрагмы,
выбранные вами, не позволяют фотоаппарату сделать снимок. В таком случае нужно
повернуть кольцо диафрагмы до максимального значения, это поможет решить проблему.
Если же не выйдет, воспользуйтесь автоматическими настройками диафрагмы.

Ошибка «i» в круге

У этой ошибки также несколько причин:

  • Аккумулятор разряжен. Необходима
  • Заблокирована или заполнена карта памяти.
    В таком случае нужно проверить положение рычажка на карте.
  • Фотоаппарат сообщает вам, что объект
    съемки моргнул в процессе.

Сообщение «Нет карты памяти»

Казалось бы, все просто, нужно вставить карту. Однако
такое сообщение может появиться, даже если накопитель на месте. Это случается,

  • Карта не совместима с камерой.
  • Накопитель заполнен.
  • Карта памяти неисправна или
    отформатирована на другом фотоаппарате.

В последнем случае устранить проблему можно с помощью
форматирования карты на вашей камере. Если же не сработало, покупайте новую.

Сообщение «Невозможна запись видео»

Эта надпись говорит о том, что у камеры не получается
быстро отправлять информацию на накопитель. Зачастую дело в самой карте, это
значит вам нужен более скоростной вид. Кроме того, проблема может быть и в
самой камере. Но для начала стоит испытать другую карту.

Ошибка спуска затвора

Вероятно, заклинила кнопка спуска затвора. Проверьте,
может быть в нее попала грязь или посторонний предмет.

Сообщение «Это изображение не может быть удалено»

Фотографию, которую вы хотите удалить, защищает
программное обеспечение камеры. Поэтому перед тем, как удалить файл, снимите с
него защитную метку.

Конечно, это не все ошибки, которые могут случиться с
камерами Никон. Некоторые зависят от модели, поэтому их значение можно найти в
инструкции. Если же наши советы и рекомендации из мануала не сработали,
обращайтесь в сервисный центр Фотоблик. Мы поможем.

Поделиться с друзьями

Summary: Are you unable to use your Nikon camera due to errors like ERR, FEE, F, F0, For, E, etc.? Learn how to fix 12 most common Nikon errors and how to recover photos and videos from camera lost due to these errors.

Table of Content:

  •   12 Nikon camera error codes & their solutions
  •   How to format Nikon camera SD card?
  •   How to recover photos and videos lost or deleted due to error?
  •   How to repair photos & videos corrupted due to Nikon error?
  •   Tips to avoid errors on Nikon camera

Nikon users often face various kinds of errors that pop up on their camera display panel. The common ERR, FEE, For, E, etc. freeze camera to the extent that even turning it off and on doesn’t help. The situation is annoying as these errors don’t let you use your camera further and may lead to loss of photos and videos from the camera SD card.

Whether it is Nikon D70, D80, D90, D750, D3500, D7200 or any other model, the error could be due to multiple reasons such as non-CPU lens, improper SD card, dust, etc.

Read on to know how to fix 12 such common Nikon errors, and how to recover deleted or corrupt Nikon photos & videos from Nikon cameras.

12 Most Common Nikon Camera Error Codes & Solutions

  1. ERR error message
  2.  FEE error message
  3. ‘F’ error message
  4. Triangle with ‘F0’ error
  5. ‘For’ error code
  6. ‘Cd/Err’ error code
  7. Information icon error in Nikon
  8. Nikon Error (-E-)
  9.  Nikon ‘This card cannot be used/read’ error
  10.  Nikon error ‘Recording interrupted. Please wait.’
  11. Error Press shutter release button
  12.  Nikon error code r18, r19, r02, etc.

1. ‘Err’ error message

Nikon'Err' message in D750

    Figure 1: Nikon ‘Err’ message in D750

‘Err’ message on Nikon D750, D80, D810, D90, etc., points toward internal camera issues. The error could be because of faulty lens, dirt, incompatible SD card, inappropriate camera exposure settings. It may also occur when you turn-on the camera and immediately start recording at high shutter speed, which more often than not, disables or crashes your Nikon DSLR.

Solution: You can do the following to fix Nikon ‘Err’ camera error:

  • Remove and reattach the lens.
  • Clean the connection points on the lens and the camera using a microfiber cloth.
  • Remove the camera battery and SD card for 10-15 min and then re-insert.
  • Check if the lens connection pins or Aperture control lever are broken.
  • Replace the lens with a new one.
  • If the problem persists, contact an Authorised Nikon Service Centre for service or for damaged Aperture lever.

2. ‘FEE’ error message


     Figure 2: FEE error message on Nikon DSLR

The ‘FEE’ error on Nikon DSLR appears when the camera lens is not attached properly; has incorrect aperture setting; or you’re using non-CPU lens such as the NIKKOR AF or NIKKOR P lenses.

Solution: To fix ‘FEE’ error in Nikon, you may try the following:

  • Set the aperture to F22, or the highest aperture number normally marked in orange on the lens. Lock it using the aperture locking switch.
  •     Figure 3: Highest aperture marked in orange in camera

  • Check that the EE servo coupling on the lens and F-min switch highlighted on the camera body are not broken.
  • Figure 4: EE servo coupling on Nikon lens      Figure 5: F-min switch on Nikon camera

If either of the two is broken, the lens issue could be due to this. Contact the authorized service centre for return or service.

3. ‘F’ error message

F error on Nikon camera screen

  Figure 6: F error on Nikon camera screen

If you see ‘F’ error message on your Nikon D7000, D7100, D850 or other camera, this can indicate a lens issue. Either the camera lens is not connected properly or the non-CPU lens is attached.

Solution: Remove and reattach the camera lens ensuring that it fixes properly. It’s recommended to use a CPU lens, such as NIKKOR lenses type D, E and G. However, if you have old non-CPU lens, select the exposure mode A (aperture-priority auto) or M (manual) on the camera.

If the problem continues, try a different lens.

4. Triangle with F0 error

Nikon error triangle with F0

Figure 7: Nikon error triangle with F0

A triangle with ‘f0’ is typically reported in Nikon D700, D300, and D200 using G-series lenses. It is also one of the case where the lens is not attached to the camera properly because of dirt or alignment issue.

Solution: Turn-off the camera. Remove and reattach the lens so that it attaches properly to the camera. Also, clean the connection points between the lens and camera using a microfiber cloth.

5. ‘For’ error code

Nikon D7200, D500, D80, D90, D70 and others often show ‘For’ error code in the camera’s control panel. It is a format card error, which means your DSLR is unable to read the first sector of the SD Card.

Solution: To fix the ‘For’ error in Nikon devices, you may do the following:

  • Turn-off the camera.
  •  Format your camera SD card.
  • Insert a new memory card in the camera.

6. ‘Cd/Err’/’Cha’ error code

  Figure 8: Nikon D80 Cha error

‘Cd/Err’ or ‘Cha’ is old Nikon D40, D70, D80 error issue. When you see ‘Cd’ or ‘Cha’ error in the control panel of the camera, it indicates memory card problem. Either your camera doesn’t recognize the SD card or it has detected an invalid partition. ‘Cha’ error is commonly reported after users copy or delete photos from the Nikon SD card and reuse it without formatting.

Solution: You can do the following to fix ‘Cd or ‘Cha’ error:

  • Try once by removing and then reinserting the SD card properly.
  • Format SD card within the camera.
  • Ensure you are using a memory card compatible with Nikon model.
  • If the problem remains, contact the Nikon service centre.

7. Information icon error in Nikon

If you see an ‘i’ in a circle on your camera display, it is the information error icon. The error appears because of camera battery or SD card issue. Nikon battery may be drained out or your camera SD card is unable to store photos and videos.


  • Remove and charge the camera battery, if it is drained out.
  • Unlock your camera SD card, if it’s write-protected. Slide upward the lock switch.
  • Check if the SD card is full. Transfer its photos and video files to another device.

8. Nikon Error (-E-)

The (-E-) message on Nikon display screen is a memory card error. Either SD card is not inserted in camera or the camera is unable to read the card.

Solution: Do the following to fix the Nikon error:

  • Turn-off the camera. Remove its SD card. Clean and insert it again.
  • Use a Nikon approved SD camera.
  •  If the SD card is full, it will not record any more videos or photos and may show error. Move the files from camera card to your PC or other media.
  • If still the same error message appears, then format your SD card either within the camera or on the computer.

9. Nikon ‘This card cannot be used/read’ error

‘This card cannot be used’ or ‘this card cannot be read’ error message on Nikon camera means your SD card is either incompatible with the camera, damaged, corrupt or not inserted properly.

Solution: Do the following to fix Nikon memory card error:

  • Use Nikon approved memory card.
  • Remove and reinsert the SD card properly.
  • Check the camera card, it is not damaged.
  • Gently clean the SD card and contact points with camera with soft dry cloth. Next re-insert the card.
  • Reformat the SD card.
  • If none of the methods are helpful, change SD card, and make sure you use the Nikon approved camera card.

You can also apply the same troubleshooting methods in case of ‘No memory card error’ message on Nikon screen.

10. Nikon error ‘Recording interrupted. Please wait.’

Nikon Recording interrupted error

Figure 9: Nikon Recording interrupted error

You turn on the camera and start recording. But after few seconds receive the message, ‘Recording interrupted please wait’. This may be followed by camera freeze or ERR card error, after you turn-off and turn-on your Nikon DSLR.

The record movie error, ‘Recording interrupted. Please wait’ is commonly reported in Nikon D750, D3100, D3300 and other D-series models. It occurs when the camera can’t save the recording data to the SD card. This usually happens when the memory card is of lower Class, which has slow read/ write speed. Most of the other video recording error messages in Nikon camera are due to slow SD card.

Solution: Get a memory card that has faster write speed. It is recommended to use Class 10 SD cards such as Extreme SanDisk SDXC UHS-I Card or Lexar Professional 633X UHS-I etc.

11. Press shutter release button

Nikon Shutter Release error

Figure 10: Nikon Shutter Release error

Nikon ‘Press Shutter Release button’ error appears when your camera’s shutter is jammed due to dust particles.

Solution: Turn off the camera and clean the Shutter button.

12. Nikon error code r18, r19, r02 etc.

Nikon r12 error

Figure 11: Nikon r12 error

Nikon camera display stuck with letter ‘r’ and a number like r13, r12, r04, etc., when you half press the shutter button is often mistaken as an error. However, it’s simply a notification from your camera about the number of more shots your buffer memory can hold under the current camera settings. When the buffer shots are full, you won’t be able to shoot temporarily till the images are processed. Post processing, buffer space is again available and recording automatically continues. So no need to worry if you receive r12, r02, r20 and so on message on Nikon camera.

How to format Nikon camera SD card ?

Before formatting camera card, backup your photos and videos. If the SD card is not accessible due to any error or other logical issue, use a Nikon SD card recovery software that retrieves lost photos and videos.

Also read:

How to fix corrupt SD card on Windows PC

How to fix corrupt SD card on Mac

Steps to format the Nikon SD card in camera :

  1. Go to Menu > Setup Menu > Format memory card
  2.  Choose your card slot in case there are more than one slot
  3. Select OK. Wait till the process completion message appears.

If you are trying to fix any Nikon DSLR error using formatting, but the problem doesn’t resolve, it means the SD card is damaged. Get the new SDXC or SDHC camera card.

How to recover photos & video lost after fixing Nikon error?

Get the Nikon file recovery software — Stellar Photo Recovery . It is compatible with all models of Nikon cameras and their memory cards. The software can help you restore files deleted or lost while fixing Nikon camera error. Stellar Photo Recovery is an advanced tool that recovers photos and videos from corrupt and formatted camera SD cards as well. It is available for both Windows and Mac system.

Step-by-step: How to recover from Nikon photos and videos

  1. Install and launch Stellar Photo Recovery on your computer.
  2. Connect the Nikon SD card to the system.
  3. Next, select the SD card in software interface and click Scan.
  4. Click Recover
  5. Preview and Save the recovered photos and videos.

Note: Don’t use the camera SD card, until the lost files are recovered to avoid overwriting of data.

How to Repair Photos & Videos Corrupted due to errors in Nikon DSLR?

There are instances reported that after fixing an error code in Nikon DSLR, the saved videos and photos are corrupted.

You can use Nikon photo repair software – Stellar Repair for Photo to fix corrupt JPEG, and RAW (NEF and NRW) image files.

While the best tool to repair corrupt video is Stellar Repair for Video that supports Nikon H.264/ H.265 MP4, MOV, and AVI files.

These software are compatible with Nikon memory cards including Class 10 UHS-I SanDisk, Transcend, Lexar Professional and others.

Recommended: You may be interested in Stellar Photo Recovery Premium — a unique software that not only recovers Nikon’s deleted photos and videos but also repairs those (photos +videos) that get corrupt.

You can avoid the above errors on Nikon Camera! Here are the tips.

  •  Use Nikon CPU lens instead of old non-CPU lens.
  • Use only Nikon approved SD cards of Class 10 speed.
  • After copying, format the Nikon SD card instead of deletingthefiles.
  • Always format card inside the camera.
  • Carefully insert/ remove SD Card from camera.
  • Don’t wait for Nikon battery to fully discharge. Recharge it before.
  • Don’t continue recording when the card storage is nearly full

Wrapping Up

Nikon camera error troubleshooting is helpful. However, if you are not able to fix the error, contact the authorized Nikon Service Centre near you.

In order to recover photos & videos lost due to camera error, use Nikon Recovery software – Stellar Photo Recovery. It’s best to try the free demo version to preview the recoverable Nikon camera files.

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Пользователь не на сайте

Отправлено 29 Апрель 2017 — 13:36

Поймал на камере Nikon D750 ошибку — ERR, с блокировкой затвора.
Практически как описана здесь:

«ПО фотоаппарата выдает ошибку, когда первый снимок сделан на высокой скорости срабатывания затвора.
При этом верхнем ЖК-экране отображается сообщение «ERR» и затвор блокируется. Как это происходит — показано на видео.
Пока по данному поводу нет никаких официальных комментариев компании.»

Размещенное изображение

Может кто что знает об этой проблеме?

Сообщение изменено: -=Алекс=- (29 Апрель 2017 — 13:38)


  • Наверх of the page up there ^
  • Ответить на значок Ответить


Пользователь не на сайте
MihailDem Значок

Отправлено 29 Апрель 2017 — 14:09

Проверил. Все работает как надо.


  • Наверх of the page up there ^
  • Ответить на значок Ответить


Пользователь не на сайте
Vladimir_P Значок

Отправлено 29 Апрель 2017 — 14:40

Просмотреть сообщение-=Алекс=- (29 Апрель 2017 — 13:36):

Поймал на камере Nikon D750 ошибку — ERR, с блокировкой затвора.
Практически как описана здесь:

«ПО фотоаппарата выдает ошибку, когда первый снимок сделан на высокой скорости срабатывания затвора.
При этом верхнем ЖК-экране отображается сообщение «ERR» и затвор блокируется. Как это происходит — показано на видео.
Пока по данному поводу нет никаких официальных комментариев компании.»

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Может кто что знает об этой проблеме?

У меня такая же «ЛОБУДА» на 7100. Если выдержка короче 1600 то затвор срабатывает и заклинивает и пишет «ERR» пока не нажму следующий раз на СПУСК, тогда затвор срабатывает и пропадает «ERR».


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Отправлено 29 Апрель 2017 — 14:42

Просмотреть сообщение-=Алекс=- (29 Апрель 2017 — 13:36):

Поймал на камере Nikon D750 ошибку — ERR, с блокировкой затвора.
Практически как описана здесь:

«ПО фотоаппарата выдает ошибку, когда первый снимок сделан на высокой скорости срабатывания затвора.
При этом верхнем ЖК-экране отображается сообщение «ERR» и затвор блокируется. Как это происходит — показано на видео.
Пока по данному поводу нет никаких официальных комментариев компании.»

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Может кто что знает об этой проблеме?


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olb_65 Значок

Отправлено 29 Апрель 2017 — 14:45

а на обьективе не сдвинулся флажок диафрагмы случайно, она должна быть на минимальном значении и фиксироваться?

Сообщение изменено: olb_65 (29 Апрель 2017 — 14:45)


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Мира Значок

Отправлено 29 Апрель 2017 — 14:52

Просмотреть сообщениеolb_65 (29 Апрель 2017 — 14:45):

а на обьективе не сдвинулся флажок диафрагмы случайно, она должна быть на минимальном значении и фиксироваться?

у меня с Сигмой 105/2,8 такое бывает, если нечаянно на объективе кольцо диафрагмы сдвину, должно на мин.22. Объектив какой у вас?

Сообщение изменено: Мира (29 Апрель 2017 — 14:52)


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Отправлено 29 Апрель 2017 — 14:55

Кстати самое печальное — я не заметил, в результате чего возникла эта ошибка.
Но точно не в результате того, когда первый снимок сделан на высокой скорости срабатывания затвора.
Я даже не успел еще сделать снимок — уже была блокировка, не работал автофокус.

При этом еще и другая проблема(перед блокировкой) дело было так:
Достал с сумки камеру, до этого проблем не было, снял один объектив,
вставил другой (сигму 50мм), и карту памяти(какуюто из старых своих трансдентов) — включаю — и тютю..
Ошибка — на месте, где показывает количество кадров — выдает ошибку(точно не помню какая)
Пробовал еще раз — выключить, переставить карту — такая же ошибка.
От карты избавился — вставил заведомо рабочую.
Опять включаю — и вылазит эта Err(с блокировкой затвора).

Ну я с горя опять давай включать-выключать камеру, вынимал батарейку, снял-поставил объектив — и проблема как бы ушла.
Проблема то ушла — а осадочек остался))


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Отправлено 29 Апрель 2017 — 15:00

Просмотреть сообщение-=Алекс=- (29 Апрель 2017 — 14:55):

снял-поставил объектив — и проблема как бы ушла.

Вы не ответили, какой объектив? D ?


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Barns Значок

Отправлено 29 Апрель 2017 — 15:01

Это проблемы в кодируюшей шестерне привода диафрагмы.
Либо разваливается, либо контакта нет со сщёткой считывания положения


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Отправлено 29 Апрель 2017 — 15:08

Просмотреть сообщениеМира (29 Апрель 2017 — 15:00):

Вы не ответили, какой объектив? D ?

Ошибка возникла при установленном Sigma 50mm 2.8 macro


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olb_65 Значок

Отправлено 29 Апрель 2017 — 15:15

а не пробовали- режим М, а обьектив снятый


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Отправлено 29 Апрель 2017 — 15:21

Просмотреть сообщениеolb_65 (29 Апрель 2017 — 14:45):

а на обьективе не сдвинулся флажок диафрагмы случайно, она должна быть на минимальном значении и фиксироваться?

Как оно было — теперь уже гарантированно сказать не могу, поскольку переставлял его несколько раз.

Но сейчас попробовал искусственно создать ситуацию, с тем же сигмовским объективом — переведя кольцо диафрагмы в любое промежуточное положение,
тоже выдает ошибку с блокировкой затвора, но уже другую — Fee , и в другом месте окошка — на месте показаний диафрагмы.


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Отправлено 29 Апрель 2017 — 15:25

Просмотреть сообщениеolb_65 (29 Апрель 2017 — 15:15):

а не пробовали- режим М, а обьектив снятый

Попробовал — все работает, кроме регулировки диафрагмы, не выдает никаких ошибок.


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Отправлено 29 Апрель 2017 — 15:30

Просмотреть сообщениеBarns (29 Апрель 2017 — 15:01):

Это проблемы в кодируюшей шестерне привода диафрагмы.
Либо разваливается, либо контакта нет со сщёткой считывания положения

Это в смысле в объективе?


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olb_65 Значок

Отправлено 29 Апрель 2017 — 15:30

Просмотреть сообщение-=Алекс=- (29 Апрель 2017 — 15:25):

Попробовал — все работает, кроме регулировки диафрагмы, не выдает никаких ошибок.

попробовал на своей камере только что, так же диафрагма не регулируется, это тоже самое если поставить мануальный обьектив

Сообщение изменено: olb_65 (29 Апрель 2017 — 15:32)


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Отправлено 29 Апрель 2017 — 15:35

Просмотреть сообщение-=Алекс=- (29 Апрель 2017 — 15:30):

Это в смысле в объективе?

в камере


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Отправлено 29 Апрель 2017 — 15:37

Вот тут вот тоже люди обсуждаю эту проблему — D750 ошибка затвора — эх рассказал бы кто, о чем они там))


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Отправлено 29 Апрель 2017 — 15:39

Просмотреть сообщениеBarns (29 Апрель 2017 — 15:35):

Ого, что они так быстро выходят со строя?
Эта проблема уже где то обсуждалась?


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Barns Значок

Отправлено 29 Апрель 2017 — 15:41

Просмотреть сообщение-=Алекс=- (29 Апрель 2017 — 15:39):

Ого, что они так быстро выходят со строя?
Эта проблема уже где то обсуждалась?

ломается банально от износа, а учитывая что никон камеры делает последнее время из опилок и кео-чего ещё, то не удивлен что так скоро

так ведут себя все камеры никон при поломке затвора-диафрагмы


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Отправлено 29 Апрель 2017 — 15:58

Просмотреть сообщение-=Алекс=- (29 Апрель 2017 — 15:37):

Вот тут вот тоже люди обсуждаю эту проблему — D750 ошибка затвора — эх рассказал бы кто, о чем они там))

Начал переводить эту темку через переводчик…
Короче я шоке..
оказывается — это глобальная проблема затвора! (а не какой то там износ шестерен)
Случаи не единичны — а массовые(странно, почему офсервис молчит об этом)люди шлют камеры в сервис, на замену затворов — и сервис признает это проблемой, и меняет затворы.


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  • 30 Июн 2022

Принесли D750 с жалобой на периодическое появление ошибки на дисплее. Пощелкав увидел-
1) ошибка выскакивает раз в несколько десятков срабатываний или реже. Может иногда не проявляться до сотни кадров.
2) иногда(редко) зеркало подвисает в промежуточном положении, и происходит это только с объективом.
3) если зеркало дошло до конца (подъем) и выскочила ошибка, то не происходит фиксация последнего в верхнем положении, то есть оно не пружинит и можно его сдвинуть в промежуточное положение где оно и остается.
4) изредка при активации liveView так же происходит ошибка
5) если чуть-чуть снизу придержать рычаг привода диафрагмы ошибка выскакивает практически гарантировано.
Разбор тушки пока не начал, собираю инфу куда в первую очередь смотреть :) Интересует сталкивался ли кто с таким поведением.
по словам владельца 2 года назад у официалов меняли затвор по гарантии.

  • 30 Июн 2022

Вскрыл тушку, пока ничего криминального в плане механики не обнаружил, все пружины целые, шестерни без выработки. эл магнит фиксируется нормально. Единственное подозрение на люфт шторок оптодатчика. Люфт около 5-6 градусов. Этот оптодатчик вращается шаговым движком который задает значение диафрагмы. Это нормально или стоит задуматься?


  • 4 Июл 2022

Falkon73 сказал(а):

если чуть-чуть снизу придержать рычаг привода диафрагмы ошибка выскакивает практически гарантировано

По мне это ничего не значит, либо значит очень много :) У никона придерживание зеркала и рычага запросто может привести к ошибке. Но прям сейчас есть тушка, которая глючит вроде как из-за диафрагмы. При ошибке рычаг не зафиксирован и кажется даже не дошёл до конца. В затворе обнаружил что рычаг первой шторки доходит не до конца и электромагнит плохо сцепляется. Ошибка через раз. Но при замене затвора глюк постоянный, а не периодический. Меня эта тушка задолбала, лень разбираться, пробег за 700 тысяч. Клиент тоже думает что чинить смысла нет. Фот так и валяется на случай долгих зимних вечеров, когда будет время повозиться.

  • 7 Июл 2022

Но прям сейчас есть тушка, которая глючит вроде как из-за диафрагмы.

тоже 750?

  • 17 Дек 2022


Ну так и чё, чем решилось то всё?


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D750 shutter got stuck with —Err— error

Aug 3, 2015


A couple of days ago my shutter got stuck when I was taking a picture with camera in portrait orientation. I tried removing lens/cards/battery but nothing worked. I then changed the shooting mode to mirror lock-up (M-Up) and the shutter started working again. Pressing the shutter release button did not work. The camera has been working find since then. I don’t know if it matters I always use Sigma 50 1.4 ART lens. That’s the only lens I have.

I was wondering if I should send the camera to Nikon for repair as it is still under warranty?

Also here in Sweden they charge an investigation fee if there is no fault. I am afraid they will charge me the investigation fee as no fault will be detected since camera has been working fine ever since.

Has anyone had a similar problem and did the camera kept on working after that without any issue?

P.S. My D750 is not affected by the shutter issue as some other D750s

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Re: D750 shutter got stuck with —Err— error

In reply to mohxinn

Aug 3, 2015

I have had a similar problem twice over the span of 8 months. Both times it was with my 70-200 f2.8 Nikon lens. I did not try switching to mirror up mode, but will try that if it happens again. In my case it resolved itself after an hour or two. I tried all of these things without success: remove/reinstall lens, battery, and SD cards.

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Re: D750 shutter got stuck with —Err— error

In reply to mohxinn

Aug 4, 2015


There is an active recall program by Nikon for the D750. I sent mine in a few weeks ago and they replaced the shutter mechanism.


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Re: D750 shutter got stuck with —Err— error

In reply to calson

Aug 5, 2015

calson wrote:

There is an active recall program by Nikon for the D750. I sent mine in a few weeks ago and they replaced the shutter mechanism.

Read the OP’s post, his unit does not qualify for the recall.

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Re: D750 shutter got stuck with —Err— error

In reply to mohxinn

Aug 13, 2015

I decided to send the camera to Nikon anyway. As per the status, it says «Repair in progress» so this means they have found something (thank God!). Hope I don’t get the issue again.

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Re: D750 shutter got stuck with —Err— error

In reply to mohxinn

Oct 26, 2015


and did nikon resolve the issues?

I have the same since yesterday. It occured twice during the day. The D750 is four month old now. Both sd cards works fine in a D610 for one and a half year without any issues.


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Re: D750 shutter got stuck with —Err— error

In reply to LepuZz

Oct 27, 2015

LepuZz wrote:


and did nikon resolve the issues?

I have the same since yesterday. It occured twice during the day. The D750 is four month old now. Both sd cards works fine in a D610 for one and a half year without any issues.



Yes Nikon fixed it under warranty repair. While they were at it, they also fixed the AF sensor flare issue.

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Re: D750 shutter got stuck with —Err— error

In reply to LepuZz

Oct 27, 2015

LepuZz wrote:


and did nikon resolve the issues?

I have the same since yesterday. It occured twice during the day. The D750 is four month old now. Both sd cards works fine in a D610 for one and a half year without any issues.


My 750 locked with mirror up upon first powering it on and taking the first picture of the day approximately a half dozen times.  I suspected that maybe it had to do with lens changes.  I’d have to power the camera off, the mirror would slap down, and then it’d be fine.  Fine until I started to get a bright (from light entering) line onto all my images in the shape of an arc.  Turns out it was the shutter arm that either broke or a rivet popped out…

Went into Nikon for repair and a shutter assy replacement.

Did the broken shutter arm happen because of the lock-ups?  Don’t think so, but it hasn’t happened again since the Shutter replacment.

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Re: D750 shutter got stuck with —Err— error — ME TOO

stevef1961 wrote:

LepuZz wrote:


and did nikon resolve the issues?

I have the same since yesterday. It occured twice during the day. The D750 is four month old now. Both sd cards works fine in a D610 for one and a half year without any issues.


My 750 locked with mirror up upon first powering it on and taking the first picture of the day approximately a half dozen times. I suspected that maybe it had to do with lens changes. I’d have to power the camera off, the mirror would slap down, and then it’d be fine. Fine until I started to get a bright (from light entering) line onto all my images in the shape of an arc. Turns out it was the shutter arm that either broke or a rivet popped out…

Went into Nikon for repair and a shutter assy replacement.

Did the broken shutter arm happen because of the lock-ups? Don’t think so, but it hasn’t happened again since the Shutter replacment.

I had the same problem 10 days ago: at first a series of blocks with «ERR», then the shutter finally crashed.

The local repairer doesn’t believe me, he said that i «must» have touched the shutter blades. But I never did, I didn’t even clean the sensor (the 750 is only 5 months old)… So I must pay € 400 for shutter replacement.

Is this the beginning of a new problem for the D750?

BTW — here on DPR there is another thread for the same problem here:


I’m getting a bit angry with Nikon



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Re: D750 shutter got stuck with —Err— error — ME TOO

In reply to eridano

Oct 27, 2015

eridano wrote:

stevef1961 wrote:

LepuZz wrote:


and did nikon resolve the issues?

I have the same since yesterday. It occured twice during the day. The D750 is four month old now. Both sd cards works fine in a D610 for one and a half year without any issues.


My 750 locked with mirror up upon first powering it on and taking the first picture of the day approximately a half dozen times. I suspected that maybe it had to do with lens changes. I’d have to power the camera off, the mirror would slap down, and then it’d be fine. Fine until I started to get a bright (from light entering) line onto all my images in the shape of an arc. Turns out it was the shutter arm that either broke or a rivet popped out…

Went into Nikon for repair and a shutter assy replacement.

Did the broken shutter arm happen because of the lock-ups? Don’t think so, but it hasn’t happened again since the Shutter replacment.

I had the same problem 10 days ago: at first a series of blocks with «ERR», then the shutter finally crashed.

The local repairer doesn’t believe me, he said that i «must» have touched the shutter blades. But I never did, I didn’t even clean the sensor (the 750 is only 5 months old)… So I must pay € 400 for shutter replacement.

Is this the beginning of a new problem for the D750?

BTW — here on DPR there is another thread for the same problem here:


I’m getting a bit angry with Nikon

You got the streak of light!?

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Re: D750 shutter got stuck with —Err— error — ME TOO

stevef1961 wrote: You got the streak of light!?

No. Shutter broken, D750 going to Japan for repair. 


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Re: D750 shutter got stuck with —Err— error

In reply to mohxinn

Nov 4, 2015

mohxinn wrote:

LepuZz wrote:


and did nikon resolve the issues?

I have the same since yesterday. It occured twice during the day. The D750 is four month old now. Both sd cards works fine in a D610 for one and a half year without any issues.



Yes Nikon fixed it under warranty repair. While they were at it, they also fixed the AF sensor flare issue.

Ah okay, that’s fine.

I took my D750 to my local store of thrust last week and they shipped it to Nikon… May be next week I’ll know a bit more. I had never ever a problem with my D610 for 1.5 years. I’ve sold it for the D750… so I’m a bit grumpy.

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Re: D750 shutter got stuck with —Err— error

stevef1961 wrote:

LepuZz wrote:


and did nikon resolve the issues?

I have the same since yesterday. It occured twice during the day. The D750 is four month old now. Both sd cards works fine in a D610 for one and a half year without any issues.


My 750 locked with mirror up upon first powering it on and taking the first picture of the day approximately a half dozen times. I suspected that maybe it had to do with lens changes. I’d have to power the camera off, the mirror would slap down, and then it’d be fine. Fine until I started to get a bright (from light entering) line onto all my images in the shape of an arc. Turns out it was the shutter arm that either broke or a rivet popped out…

Went into Nikon for repair and a shutter assy replacement.

Did the broken shutter arm happen because of the lock-ups? Don’t think so, but it hasn’t happened again since the Shutter replacment.

No, after locked up and repeat the release again the camera works fine for some pics and locked up for a second time. Then after pushing release again no more errors for the day. So I don’t think of broken arm. I’d never change lenses during turned on. But is the camera really off?

Nikon D7000

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Re: D750 shutter got stuck with —Err— error

In reply to LepuZz

Nov 6, 2015

LepuZz wrote:

mohxinn wrote:

LepuZz wrote:


and did nikon resolve the issues?

I have the same since yesterday. It occured twice during the day. The D750 is four month old now. Both sd cards works fine in a D610 for one and a half year without any issues.



Yes Nikon fixed it under warranty repair. While they were at it, they also fixed the AF sensor flare issue.

Ah okay, that’s fine.

I took my D750 to my local store of thrust last week and they shipped it to Nikon… May be next week I’ll know a bit more. I had never ever a problem with my D610 for 1.5 years. I’ve sold it for the D750… so I’m a bit grumpy.

My D750 is back, nikon service replaced the shutter…

Nikon D7000

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Posts: 2,608

Re: D750 shutter got stuck with —Err— error

In reply to LepuZz

Nov 6, 2015

LepuZz wrote:

LepuZz wrote:

mohxinn wrote:

LepuZz wrote:


and did nikon resolve the issues?

I have the same since yesterday. It occured twice during the day. The D750 is four month old now. Both sd cards works fine in a D610 for one and a half year without any issues.



Yes Nikon fixed it under warranty repair. While they were at it, they also fixed the AF sensor flare issue.

Ah okay, that’s fine.

I took my D750 to my local store of thrust last week and they shipped it to Nikon… May be next week I’ll know a bit more. I had never ever a problem with my D610 for 1.5 years. I’ve sold it for the D750… so I’m a bit grumpy.

My D750 is back, nikon service replaced the shutter…

bet it’s as good as new!

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Re: D750 shutter got stuck with —Err— error

Not much of a poster, more of a lurker. Just want to pass on my story. After a great deal of pondering bought a new D750 from Adorama, sold our fantastic D700  a few weeks ago. Wellll shot the heck out of the 750 transitioning and such and experience the same mirror lock err message. This too occurred only on the first shot of the session then worked fine, happened 5 or 6 times always with the same lens AF 85mm 1.8. So I started blaming the lens and bought a 1.8G. During my wait for the new lens to arrive found another thread about this issue and one poster talked about setting the shutter speed to 1/4000 for testing. Welll, doing that on a cool start up I can make the mirror stick up a get the err message every single first shot and with any lens. So this test may help others or not but it does seem to make it rear its ugly head. Nikon service had me do all the usual reset stuff and in the end said to send it in for free service. We were within the Adorama’s 30 so got another new one on the way. Just got this thing about having a brand new camera tore into… And Thanks to all you folks who keep chiming in on these forums, has helped me in a lot of different ways.

Nikon D750

Nikon D500

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Posts: 2,608

Re: D750 shutter got stuck with —Err— error

Skeeter21 wrote:

Not much of a poster, more of a lurker. Just want to pass on my story. After a great deal of pondering bought a new D750 from Adorama, sold our fantastic D700 a few weeks ago. Wellll shot the heck out of the 750 transitioning and such and experience the same mirror lock err message. This too occurred only on the first shot of the session then worked fine, happened 5 or 6 times always with the same lens AF 85mm 1.8. So I started blaming the lens and bought a 1.8G. During my wait for the new lens to arrive found another thread about this issue and one poster talked about setting the shutter speed to 1/4000 for testing. Welll, doing that on a cool start up I can make the mirror stick up a get the err message every single first shot and with any lens. So this test may help others or not but it does seem to make it rear its ugly head. Nikon service had me do all the usual reset stuff and in the end said to send it in for free service. We were within the Adorama’s 30 so got another new one on the way. Just got this thing about having a brand new camera tore into… And Thanks to all you folks who keep chiming in on these forums, has helped me in a lot of different ways.

Thanks for the tip and good luck with the new 750.  Since my shutter replacement the lockup hasn’t happened once.

Nikon D500

Nikon Z6

Nikon AF-S DX Nikkor 16-85mm f/3.5-5.6G ED VR

Nikon AF-S Micro-Nikkor 105mm F2.8G IF-ED VR

Nikon AF-S Nikkor 50mm F1.8G

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Re: D750 shutter got stuck with —Err— error

stevef1961 wrote:

Skeeter21 wrote:

Not much of a poster, more of a lurker. Just want to pass on my story. After a great deal of pondering bought a new D750 from Adorama, sold our fantastic D700 a few weeks ago. Wellll shot the heck out of the 750 transitioning and such and experience the same mirror lock err message. This too occurred only on the first shot of the session then worked fine, happened 5 or 6 times always with the same lens AF 85mm 1.8. So I started blaming the lens and bought a 1.8G. During my wait for the new lens to arrive found another thread about this issue and one poster talked about setting the shutter speed to 1/4000 for testing. Welll, doing that on a cool start up I can make the mirror stick up a get the err message every single first shot and with any lens. So this test may help others or not but it does seem to make it rear its ugly head. Nikon service had me do all the usual reset stuff and in the end said to send it in for free service. We were within the Adorama’s 30 so got another new one on the way. Just got this thing about having a brand new camera tore into… And Thanks to all you folks who keep chiming in on these forums, has helped me in a lot of different ways.

Thanks for the tip and good luck with the new 750. Since my shutter replacement the lockup hasn’t happened once.

Good, I sure hope Nikon has identified this issue and my new replacement is corrected, you can bet it’s gonna see a bunch of 1/4000s pics/clicks as soon as I get it.

Nikon D750

Nikon D500

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New Member

Posts: 8

Re: D750 shutter got stuck with —Err— error

Skeeter21 wrote:

Not much of a poster, more of a lurker. Just want to pass on my story. After a great deal of pondering bought a new D750 from Adorama, sold our fantastic D700 a few weeks ago. Wellll shot the heck out of the 750 transitioning and such and experience the same mirror lock err message. This too occurred only on the first shot of the session then worked fine, happened 5 or 6 times always with the same lens AF 85mm 1.8. So I started blaming the lens and bought a 1.8G. During my wait for the new lens to arrive found another thread about this issue and one poster talked about setting the shutter speed to 1/4000 for testing. Welll, doing that on a cool start up I can make the mirror stick up a get the err message every single first shot and with any lens. So this test may help others or not but it does seem to make it rear its ugly head. Nikon service had me do all the usual reset stuff and in the end said to send it in for free service. We were within the Adorama’s 30 so got another new one on the way. Just got this thing about having a brand new camera tore into… And Thanks to all you folks who keep chiming in on these forums, has helped me in a lot of different ways.

Good tip. Will try new shutter with your parameters. My new one sounds total different to the old one. At the end of action there was allways a motor/gear sound. Now it’s more like my good old D610. Hope it’s done…

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Re: D750 shutter got stuck with —Err— error

I got mine back from Nikon service center. It still freezes on shutter speeds above 1/4000s with comments: functions according to Nikon specs. Tomorrow is a bank holiday over here so I’ll have to wait till Thursday to call them.

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Summary: Are you unable to use your Nikon camera due to errors like ERR, FEE, F, F0, For, E, etc.? Learn how to fix 12 most common Nikon errors and how to recover photos and videos from camera lost due to these errors.

Table of Content:

  •   12 Nikon camera error codes & their solutions
  •   How to format Nikon camera SD card?
  •   How to recover photos and videos lost or deleted due to error?
  •   How to repair photos & videos corrupted due to Nikon error?
  •   Tips to avoid errors on Nikon camera

Nikon users often face various kinds of errors that pop up on their camera display panel. The common ERR, FEE, For, E, etc. freeze camera to the extent that even turning it off and on doesn’t help. The situation is annoying as these errors don’t let you use your camera further and may lead to loss of photos and videos from the camera SD card.

Whether it is Nikon D70, D80, D90, D750, D3500, D7200 or any other model, the error could be due to multiple reasons such as non-CPU lens, improper SD card, dust, etc.

Read on to know how to fix 12 such common Nikon errors, and how to recover deleted or corrupt Nikon photos & videos from Nikon cameras.

12 Most Common Nikon Camera Error Codes & Solutions

  1. ERR error message
  2.  FEE error message
  3. ‘F’ error message
  4. Triangle with ‘F0’ error
  5. ‘For’ error code
  6. ‘Cd/Err’ error code
  7. Information icon error in Nikon
  8. Nikon Error (-E-)
  9.  Nikon ‘This card cannot be used/read’ error
  10.  Nikon error ‘Recording interrupted. Please wait.’
  11. Error Press shutter release button
  12.  Nikon error code r18, r19, r02, etc.

1. ‘Err’ error message

Nikon 'Err' message in D750

    Figure 1: Nikon ‘Err’ message in D750

‘Err’ message on Nikon D750, D80, D810, D90, etc., points toward internal camera issues. The error could be because of faulty lens, dirt, incompatible SD card, inappropriate camera exposure settings. It may also occur when you turn-on the camera and immediately start recording at high shutter speed, which more often than not, disables or crashes your Nikon DSLR.

Solution: You can do the following to fix Nikon ‘Err’ camera error:

  • Remove and reattach the lens.
  • Clean the connection points on the lens and the camera using a microfiber cloth.
  • Remove the camera battery and SD card for 10-15 min and then re-insert.
  • Check if the lens connection pins or Aperture control lever are broken.
  • Replace the lens with a new one.
  • If the problem persists, contact an Authorised Nikon Service Centre for service or for damaged Aperture lever.

2. ‘FEE’ error message


     Figure 2: FEE error message on Nikon DSLR

The ‘FEE’ error on Nikon DSLR appears when the camera lens is not attached properly; has incorrect aperture setting; or you’re using non-CPU lens such as the NIKKOR AF or NIKKOR P lenses.

Solution: To fix ‘FEE’ error in Nikon, you may try the following:

  • Set the aperture to F22, or the highest aperture number normally marked in orange on the lens. Lock it using the aperture locking switch.
  • Highest-Aperture-in-Nikono-range

        Figure 3: Highest aperture marked in orange in camera

  • Check that the EE servo coupling on the lens and F-min switch highlighted on the camera body are not broken.
  • EE servo coupling on Nikon lens F-min switch on Nikon camera

    Figure 4: EE servo coupling on Nikon lens      Figure 5: F-min switch on Nikon camera

If either of the two is broken, the lens issue could be due to this. Contact the authorized service centre for return or service.

3. ‘F’ error message

F error on Nikon camera screen

  Figure 6: F error on Nikon camera screen

If you see ‘F’ error message on your Nikon D7000, D7100, D850 or other camera, this can indicate a lens issue. Either the camera lens is not connected properly or the non-CPU lens is attached.

Solution: Remove and reattach the camera lens ensuring that it fixes properly. It’s recommended to use a CPU lens, such as NIKKOR lenses type D, E and G. However, if you have old non-CPU lens, select the exposure mode A (aperture-priority auto) or M (manual) on the camera.

If the problem continues, try a different lens.

4. Triangle with F0 error

Nikon error triangle with F0

Figure 7: Nikon error triangle with F0

A triangle with ‘f0’ is typically reported in Nikon D700, D300, and D200 using G-series lenses. It is also one of the case where the lens is not attached to the camera properly because of dirt or alignment issue.

Solution: Turn-off the camera. Remove and reattach the lens so that it attaches properly to the camera. Also, clean the connection points between the lens and camera using a microfiber cloth.

5. ‘For’ error code

Nikon D7200, D500, D80, D90, D70 and others often show ‘For’ error code in the camera’s control panel. It is a format card error, which means your DSLR is unable to read the first sector of the SD Card.

Solution: To fix the ‘For’ error in Nikon devices, you may do the following:

  • Turn-off the camera.
  •  Format your camera SD card.
  • Insert a new memory card in the camera.

6. ‘Cd/Err’/’Cha’ error code

Nikon D80 Cha error

  Figure 8: Nikon D80 Cha error

‘Cd/Err’ or ‘Cha’ is old Nikon D40, D70, D80 error issue. When you see ‘Cd’ or ‘Cha’ error in the control panel of the camera, it indicates memory card problem. Either your camera doesn’t recognize the SD card or it has detected an invalid partition. ‘Cha’ error is commonly reported after users copy or delete photos from the Nikon SD card and reuse it without formatting.

Solution: You can do the following to fix ‘Cd or ‘Cha’ error:

  • Try once by removing and then reinserting the SD card properly.
  • Format SD card within the camera.
  • Ensure you are using a memory card compatible with Nikon model.
  • If the problem remains, contact the Nikon service centre.

7. Information icon error in Nikon

If you see an ‘i’ in a circle on your camera display, it is the information error icon. The error appears because of camera battery or SD card issue. Nikon battery may be drained out or your camera SD card is unable to store photos and videos.


  • Remove and charge the camera battery, if it is drained out.
  • Unlock your camera SD card, if it’s write-protected. Slide upward the lock switch.
  • Check if the SD card is full. Transfer its photos and video files to another device.

8. Nikon Error (-E-)

The (-E-) message on Nikon display screen is a memory card error. Either SD card is not inserted in camera or the camera is unable to read the card.

Solution: Do the following to fix the Nikon error:

  • Turn-off the camera. Remove its SD card. Clean and insert it again.
  • Use a Nikon approved SD camera.
  •  If the SD card is full, it will not record any more videos or photos and may show error. Move the files from camera card to your PC or other media.
  • If still the same error message appears, then format your SD card either within the camera or on the computer.

9. Nikon ‘This card cannot be used/read’ error

‘This card cannot be used’ or ‘this card cannot be read’ error message on Nikon camera means your SD card is either incompatible with the camera, damaged, corrupt or not inserted properly.

Solution: Do the following to fix Nikon memory card error:

  • Use Nikon approved memory card.
  • Remove and reinsert the SD card properly.
  • Check the camera card, it is not damaged.
  • Gently clean the SD card and contact points with camera with soft dry cloth. Next re-insert the card.
  • Reformat the SD card.
  • If none of the methods are helpful, change SD card, and make sure you use the Nikon approved camera card.

You can also apply the same troubleshooting methods in case of ‘No memory card error’ message on Nikon screen.

10. Nikon error ‘Recording interrupted. Please wait.’

Nikon Recording interrupted error

Figure 9: Nikon Recording interrupted error

You turn on the camera and start recording. But after few seconds receive the message, ‘Recording interrupted please wait’. This may be followed by camera freeze or ERR card error, after you turn-off and turn-on your Nikon DSLR.

The record movie error, ‘Recording interrupted. Please wait’ is commonly reported in Nikon D750, D3100, D3300 and other D-series models. It occurs when the camera can’t save the recording data to the SD card. This usually happens when the memory card is of lower Class, which has slow read/ write speed. Most of the other video recording error messages in Nikon camera are due to slow SD card.

Solution: Get a memory card that has faster write speed. It is recommended to use Class 10 SD cards such as Extreme SanDisk SDXC UHS-I Card or Lexar Professional 633X UHS-I etc.

11. Press shutter release button

Nikon Shutter Release error

Figure 10: Nikon Shutter Release error

Nikon ‘Press Shutter Release button’ error appears when your camera’s shutter is jammed due to dust particles.

Solution: Turn off the camera and clean the Shutter button.

12. Nikon error code r18, r19, r02 etc.

Nikon r12 error

Figure 11: Nikon r12 error

Nikon camera display stuck with letter ‘r’ and a number like r13, r12, r04, etc., when you half press the shutter button is often mistaken as an error. However, it’s simply a notification from your camera about the number of more shots your buffer memory can hold under the current camera settings. When the buffer shots are full, you won’t be able to shoot temporarily till the images are processed. Post processing, buffer space is again available and recording automatically continues. So no need to worry if you receive r12, r02, r20 and so on message on Nikon camera.

How to format Nikon camera SD card ?

Before formatting camera card, backup your photos and videos. If the SD card is not accessible due to any error or other logical issue, use a Nikon SD card recovery software that retrieves lost photos and videos.

Also read:

How to fix corrupt SD card on Windows PC

How to fix corrupt SD card on Mac

Steps to format the Nikon SD card in camera :

  1. Go to Menu > Setup Menu > Format memory card
  2.  Choose your card slot in case there are more than one slot
  3. Select OK. Wait till the process completion message appears.

If you are trying to fix any Nikon DSLR error using formatting, but the problem doesn’t resolve, it means the SD card is damaged. Get the new SDXC or SDHC camera card.

How to recover photos & video lost after fixing Nikon error?

Get the Nikon file recovery software — Stellar Photo Recovery . It is compatible with all models of Nikon cameras and their memory cards. The software can help you restore files deleted or lost while fixing Nikon camera error. Stellar Photo Recovery is an advanced tool that recovers photos and videos from corrupt and formatted camera SD cards as well. It is available for both Windows and Mac system.

Step-by-step: How to recover from Nikon photos and videos

  1. Install and launch Stellar Photo Recovery on your computer.
  2. Connect the Nikon SD card to the system.
  3. Next, select the SD card in software interface and click Scan.
  4. Click Recover
  5. Preview and Save the recovered photos and videos.

Note: Don’t use the camera SD card, until the lost files are recovered to avoid overwriting of data.

How to Repair Photos & Videos Corrupted due to errors in Nikon DSLR?

There are instances reported that after fixing an error code in Nikon DSLR, the saved videos and photos are corrupted.

You can use Nikon photo repair software – Stellar Repair for Photo to fix corrupt JPEG, and RAW (NEF and NRW) image files.

While the best tool to repair corrupt video is Stellar Repair for Video that supports Nikon H.264/ H.265 MP4, MOV, and AVI files.

These software are compatible with Nikon memory cards including Class 10 UHS-I SanDisk, Transcend, Lexar Professional and others.

Recommended: You may be interested in Stellar Photo Recovery Premium — a unique software that not only recovers Nikon’s deleted photos and videos but also repairs those (photos +videos) that get corrupt.

You can avoid the above errors on Nikon Camera! Here are the tips.

  •  Use Nikon CPU lens instead of old non-CPU lens.
  • Use only Nikon approved SD cards of Class 10 speed.
  • After copying, format the Nikon SD card instead of deletingthefiles.
  • Always format card inside the camera.
  • Carefully insert/ remove SD Card from camera.
  • Don’t wait for Nikon battery to fully discharge. Recharge it before.
  • Don’t continue recording when the card storage is nearly full

Wrapping Up

Nikon camera error troubleshooting is helpful. However, if you are not able to fix the error, contact the authorized Nikon Service Centre near you.

In order to recover photos & videos lost due to camera error, use Nikon Recovery software – Stellar Photo Recovery. It’s best to try the free demo version to preview the recoverable Nikon camera files.

So you got yourself a brand new DSLR and after using it for a little while got the dreaded “Err” error on your camera LCD? Fear not, your camera might not damaged and there might be no need to return it back to Nikon, as they suggest in most camera manuals.

The reason why this error comes up, is because your camera is not properly communicating with your lens due to some dirt and grease both on camera and lens contacts. The solution is pretty simple – all you have to do is dismount your lens and clean the lens contacts, then clean camera contacts and mount the lens back on the camera and see what happens. Sounds too complicated? Are you afraid to damage your camera and/or lens? Then keep reading, because I will show you exactly what needs to be done.

So here is the step-by-step process:

  1. Dismount camera lens – before you remove the lens, make sure that you are doing this in a clean environment indoors. I prefer to do it at night (when kids are sleeping) in the bathroom :) If you have not dismounted a lens from your camera yet, now is the time to learn. Turn off your camera. Press the lens release button located to the left of the lens when the camera is viewed from the top, then rotate the lens clock-wise to dismount the lens as shown here. Right after the lens is dismounted, put the black plastic camera cap back on the camera lens mount to prevent dust from getting into the camera.
  2. Clean lens contacts – there are many different cleaning solutions out there, but I would recommend the following approach: first, wash your hands with soap and dry them out. Next, put some denatured alcohol (ethanol) on dry, light-colored microfiber cloth, wrap it around your index finger and gently wipe each lens contact in circular motion without touching the glass on the back of the lens. Here is how the contacts look like on the Nikon 50mm f/1.4G lens:

    Nikon 50mm f/1.4G contacts

    If you can see dirt or grease on the microfiber cloth, repeat the above process again using the cleaner part of the cloth. Once you are done cleaning the contacts, use the Giottos Rocket Blower to blow away any particles your microfiber cloth could have left on the lens.

  3. Clean camera contacts – remove the black cap from the camera lens mount, then use the clean portion of the same microfiber cloth and gently wipe the camera contacts, just like you did with the lens contacts. Here is how the contacts on the camera look like:

    Nikon D700 Front Contacts

    Hold your index finger with your nails facing down and while holding the microfiber cloth, move from left to right and vice-versa several times. Repeat the process one more time with the cleaner part of the cloth to make sure that there is no dirt/grease left on the camera contacts. Make sure to do this rather quickly to prevent dust from entering the camera chamber.

  4. Mount lens back on the camera – once all contacts are clean, align the dot on the camera with the dot on the lens and fully mount the lens in counter-clockwise direction.
  5. Test and make sure that the “Err” message is gone – now turn the camera on and take a few pictures. The “Err” message on the camera should be gone!

What if you are still getting the “Err” message? Try another lens and see what happens. If nothing changes, your camera could be damaged, so call Nikon for support.

Nasim Mansurov is the author and founder of Photography Life, based out of Denver, Colorado. He is recognized as one of the leading educators in the photography industry, conducting workshops, producing educational videos and frequently writing content for Photography Life. You can follow him on Instagram and Facebook. Read more about Nasim here.

Nikon показывает на дисплее «Err»

Тема в разделе «Фото», создана пользователем Golos, 13.08.10.

  1. В общем Nikon D80 на дисплее показывает ошибку «Err». Затвор срабатывает, но фотографии не делает, мигает «Err». Все стандартные манипуляции , такие как смена флешки, общий сброс настроек, смена объектива ни к чему не привели. аппарат уже не гарантийный, есть ли у нас спецы, кто может помочь? Или однозначно в Москву везти?

  2. Nikkor 18-55 VR (кит от D3000), до этого стоял китовый 18-135

  3. С другим объективом проверял?

  4. У нас тока в приемку которая в москву отправит, и за ремонт загнуть полстоимости камеры…
    з.ы. у девочки которая у меня 80ку купила нечто такоеже.. но ее аппарат стукнули перед поломкой с ее слов. ) мож это одна и та же камера? )

  5. Не, аппарат другой, вот по поводу ударили, так никто ж не признается, так как он в доступе у у нескольких человек и служит для различных фото отчетов на работе. С другим объективом проверяли, без объектива при включении тоже ошибка….

  6. Ну что тут скажешь… Без объектива D80 должен показывать F—, что в переводе на русский означает «Объектив не установлен». Err — неисправность фотокамеры. Что, в общем-то, равносильно обращению в сервис.

  7. IvUs

    Активный участник

    А сбрасывали как? Кнопочкой между USB-разъемом и видеовыходом?

  8. Затвор точно исправен? При спуске большую часть шума создает зеркало, попробуй через меню, без стекла поднять зеркало(там есть для очистки пунктик) и посмотри сложен ли затвор, видна ли матрица. Ежели нет присмотрись нет ли перехлеста между шторками затвора, хотя таким страдала в основном F серия но все же

  9. Так и запишем… Затворы в пленочных никонах — фуфло)))

  10. а кроме обьектива ниче не меняли? например флешку , ее можно тупа вынуть и посмотреть. еще можно все колесики покрутить взад вперед, бывают окисляются контакты. я так понимаю ошибка на экранчике в правом нижнем углу?

  11. Ну не надо утрировать, хоть у Них и бывали казусы, но они работали, и работаЮт, я до сих пор пользую F65 Но раз пришлось менять затвор, пару раз шторки размыкать.

  12. Если проблема с флешками, то код ошибки — CHA. Лично я думаю, что проблема с затвором. У никона меньше кодов с ошибками, и Err может означать что угодно.Ну так и говори — F65. А не про всю серию F в которой несколько десятков камер с разными затворами. И F65 чуть ли самый низший представитель серии.

  13. про F65 говорю как владелец камеры, а как сервисный инженер — доводилось с затворами работать и на F75, F100 было дело даже с F90…
    Против Nikon ничего не имею, сам ярый поклонник-пользователь и пленки и цифры. Но вижу еще технику и изнутри.

  14. А я че против версии про проблем с затвором или например залипающим зеркалом или глюкнувшей мат платой? :) я всего лишь предлагаю постучать по колесам и похлопать капотом, как и многие тут :) а вдруг?

    А если вынуть флешку тоже напишет СНА? ИМХО топикстартер должен чуть побольше инфы предоставить исходя из того, что ему тут уже посоветовали в том числе и насчет затвора.

  15. Всем спасибо за отклик, еще раз напишу:
    флешку меняли, не помогло, затвор работает, пробовали устанавливать ручной режим на объективе, не помогло. Постоянно мигает «Err», завтра на работе попробую без флешки посмотреть, что будет на экране, но что-то мне подсказывает, что тоже самое.

  16. err мигает еще кст когда дифрагма не выкручена в крайнее положение и не зафиксирована стопом в объективе
    может сломалась прыгалка в камере? или залипла просто

  17. повнимательнее и поподробнее и по шагам :) в каком месте экрана показывает ошибку? точно err а не rEE и т п :-) в какой момент появляется ошибка ? попробуйте репитер понажимать . если плата проще новый фотик купить будет.

    ———- Сообщение добавлено 15.08.2010 10:54 ———-

    если залипает то это же должно в процессе проявиться?

  18. Отуда в Nikkor 18-55 VR кольцо диафрагм?))

    ———- Сообщение добавлено 15.08.2010 18:00 ———-

    Кстати, с чего такой вывод? Типа просто щелкает? Шторки осмотрели?

  19. даже если там и есть кольцо диафрагм ошибка будет другая.

    хлопает зеркало насколько я догоняю? шторки практически не слышно … да?

  20. Да. Самый большой шум в камере именно от зеркала. От него же и самые большие вибрации. Настолько сильные, что иногда даже на штативе надо использовать предподьем зеркала. Затвор, конечно, слышен, но не так как зеркало. Владельцы камер, в которых есть функция Mirror Lock (предподьем зеркала) могут это подтвердить.

  21. я насчет диафрагмы снимаю вопрос не err а fee пишет ))

  22. Ну, да. F— — объектив не установлен, Fee — диафрагма не установлена на минимальное значение.

  23. Всем утра доброго! Добрался до работы, пишу более детально:
    1. Затвор все же отрабатывает, шторки работают.
    2. Err мигает при включении несколько раз потом пропадает, при попытке нажать кнопку «спуск», начинает мигать.
    3. Err мигает в верхнем левом углу, рядом с «зарядом батареи»
    4. Флешку читает, т.е. все работает, просмотр фото, редактирование.
    5. Без флешки тоже «Err»
    Ну вроде все…
    В общем сервис по нему плачет, кстати кто подскажет, где у нас Никоны принимают для отправки в Москву?

  24. На Рионской, недалеко от Технологического Техникума, где сервис Самсунга.

  25. )) При грязных контактах, и соответсвенно, «потери» объектива камера показывает F—. Имхо, протирка контактов — это из разряда постучать по колесам, но некоторым помагает))

    versus_j, это опять же про F—, про Err там другая темка есть, совершенно свежая — Ошибка ERR на D80, но такая же бестолковая, как и эта))

  26. ну для самоуспокоения можно и протереть, ничего страшного не произойдет :)

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By [NR] admin


Published: April 26, 2016

In the past few months there has been multiple reports online for a new Nikon D750 ERR shutter issue  – the error occurs when the first picture is taken at high shutter speed – the top LCD screen displays “ERR” and the shutter is locked as seen on those YouTube videos:

Via Quesabesde

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