0 / 0 / 1 Регистрация: 12.02.2014 Сообщений: 7 |
1 |
25.12.2014, 15:53. Показов 29045. Ответов 8
Создал две формы и пару кнопок, первый раз запустило нормально, а теперь выдает ошибку
0 |
fatal error 136 / 128 / 29 Регистрация: 10.04.2012 Сообщений: 357 |
25.12.2014, 15:58 |
2 |
LastChance, не может создать файл, закройте скомпилированное приложение и как варик поищите в диспетчере и закройте.
1 |
4891 / 2761 / 851 Регистрация: 04.10.2012 Сообщений: 10,062 |
25.12.2014, 16:08 |
3 |
LastChance, вероятно висит процесс.
1 |
0 / 0 / 1 Регистрация: 12.02.2014 Сообщений: 7 |
25.12.2014, 16:18 [ТС] |
4 |
да, в диспетчере висит процесс, а из-за чего так получилось?
0 |
fatal error 136 / 128 / 29 Регистрация: 10.04.2012 Сообщений: 357 |
25.12.2014, 16:21 |
5 |
LastChance, у меня тоже ошибки в программе, скажи почему ? Ты серьезно, как можно что то объяснить не видя что-то ?
0 |
0 / 0 / 1 Регистрация: 12.02.2014 Сообщений: 7 |
25.12.2014, 16:23 [ТС] |
6 |
а что тебе надо видеть?
0 |
fatal error 136 / 128 / 29 Регистрация: 10.04.2012 Сообщений: 357 |
25.12.2014, 16:26 |
7 |
Проект выложи, свои действия раскажи
0 |
0 / 0 / 0 Регистрация: 16.11.2014 Сообщений: 5 |
01.09.2015, 23:12 |
8 |
У меня такое было, когда антивирус программу удалял сразу после запуска
0 |
northener |
02.09.2015, 00:35
Не по теме:
У меня такое было, когда антивирус программу удалял сразу после запуска Поздравляю юного кулхацкера!
0 |
With XE8 update 1, Win 7 64 bit and a single component added to an otherwise empty folder I get:
error: [dcc32 Fatal Error] F2039 could not create output file .Win32DebugMountTest.
The test will compile and run fine the first time but XE8 has to be shut down and restarted to compile again. The component is a gauge from Mitov Software.
The component vendor say’s that this is a known bug with no fix. If so its a showstopper and project end’r for me. Is it really the end of the line for Delphi?
I hope some one can pull this rabbit out of a hat somehow.
This is what I have done to isolate the problem.
- Started with a failing application (will not compile a 2ed time)
- Remove all external units used
- Remove al references to those units
- Remove all references in the ‘Uses’ clause
- Comment code until it compiles
It should compile every time you hit run (no problem).Now add a blank form to the project. Don’t do anything to the form just add it. Add it to your uses clause.
Its should compile every time you hit Run.
Now open the blank form and simply touch it so that it needs to be recompiled.
When you run the application its back to failing when you run it a second time.
Notice that happens when you simply add a form and ‘touch’ it. No code needed.
This problem is not something wrong with my code — it can’t be. Its a bug in the UI — must be.
asked Jul 29, 2015 at 19:09
Seti NetSeti Net
6691 gold badge7 silver badges24 bronze badges
Coincidentally, I just fought with this issue yesterday testing some components I ported to XE8. The output file in my case is the project executable.
After spending several hours trying to figure out what was going on (including efforts to reconfigure my AV software, disabling it entirely, moving the project to a different location, etc.), I was able to solve the problem by disabling Castalia. If I run the IDE without Castalia, the problem does not occur. If I enable Castalia again, it starts happening again.
You can find instructions for disabling/enabling Castalia in How can I disable Castalia in XE8?
I’m removing the above content because the issue has reappeared (with Castalia disabled). Further investigation shows a couple of things:
The problem seems to be related to any sort of exception being raised in the debugger (even those that are handled in the code). Clicking either Break or Continue in the debugger exception dialog works as always. However, the next attempt to compile or build the application fails with the F2039 error. Deleting the executable in Windows Explorer allows compilation and running once, and then the error recurs.
Restarting the IDE fixes the issue, until the next debugger exception occurs.
Neither taskkill or a batch file with del worked in either a pre- or post-build event.
There is an open QC entry for it at Embarcadero which indicates that it was reported in XE7, XE7.1, and XE8, and is currently an open internal ticket. I can’t find a way to add the information in the two points above to that open ticket in the new JIRA-based Quality Portal. Perhaps someone who has access and can do so will on my behalf (or at least add a link to this post).
It’s not linked to a specific project. The original answer (as mentioned above) was related to a test app while porting some components to XE8 from an earlier version. When the problem reappeared for me, it was in a brand new project, totally unrelated, that does not use any non-standard components.
(I previously had access to EMBT QC, and had a few open tickets. The accounts appear to have not migrated to the new QP, and I can’t locate any tickets there under my account.)
answered Jul 30, 2015 at 12:41
Ken WhiteKen White
123k14 gold badges224 silver badges441 bronze badges
Found It.
I decided to start from scratch on my development system and uncovered the problem.
I installed Windows 10 on a virgin disk
Installed XE8 update 1
Installed MITIOV Instruments for XE 8 and tested them. All working find
Installed AsyncPro — Still working
Installed the JEDI Jcl — Fails
Remove JEDI Jcl — now works
Trash JEDI completly — Everything works fine
Something in the JEDI Jcl version 3.48 is causing the problem. I can code around the JEDI components I was using without to much trouble but its a shame.
answered Aug 14, 2015 at 5:53
Seti NetSeti Net
6691 gold badge7 silver badges24 bronze badges
How about automatically kill your «hang-up» application before build?
answered Aug 6, 2015 at 12:47
2,8721 gold badge18 silver badges33 bronze badges
I also had this problem on Win 7 Pro 64 bit with XE8.
Removing JCL fixed the problem. If I was a betting man, I would look closer at the JCL Debug IDE extension.
answered Aug 21, 2015 at 1:44
There is no reason to upgrade to Delphi 10.1, because all previous versions are equipped with an older version of the Android SDK.
Now, how to solve this annoying issue:
Just find the map where the Android SDK is located.
See: Tools/Options/Delphi Options/SDK Manager/Android Location
Now run the ..sdktoolsandroid.bat as Admin
This will show the Andoid SDK Manager.
Next is to update to the newest Android SDK and SDK Tools.
If all completed, you don’t have to upgrade to Delphi 10.1 or whatever «advised».
Restart Delphi and problem:= solved!
It took some effort to find out what’s happening here, because the Eclipse compiler suffered the same issue as Delphi. Finally all was related to bugs in earlier versions of the Android SDK causing adb.exe to keep a filehandle held hostage.
answered Mar 11, 2018 at 1:34
I’m having problems on Delphi 2010. When I try to compile I get the output below:
Checking project dependencies...
Compiling prjAlarmBlock.dproj (Debug configuration)
[DCC Fatal Error] F2039 Could not create output file 'MyProjectName.exe'
Elapsed time: 00:00:00.4
I need to delete «MyProjectName.exe» almost every time I try to compile.
Is there a way to solve it?
- delphi
- compiler-errors
- exe
- delphi-2010
135k20 gold badges356 silver badges483 bronze badges
asked Nov 11, 2016 at 10:04
111 silver badge6 bronze badges
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С неделю назад написал программку по БД, сегодня решил проверить и докрутить и тут опа ошибка
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Возможно, файл Project1.exe уже запущен или проверяется анти-вирусом. Попробуйте его удалить. ——————— Опытный программист на C++ легко решает любые не существующие в Паскале проблемы. |
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Теперь это же самое, только по-русски. ——————— Опытный программист на C++ легко решает любые не существующие в Паскале проблемы. |
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Delphi Compiler Error
F2039 Could not create output file ‘%s’
Reason for the Error & Solution
The compiler could not create an output file. This can be a compiled unit file (.dcu ), an executable file, a map file or an object file.
Most likely causes are a nonexistent directory or a write protected file or disk.
Reasons why an output file could not be produced:
- You don’t have the required write permission for the directory.
- Check the access privileges of your application.
- Make sure your source is not on a read-only drive.
- The linker (RLink) has generated an error, possibly due to finding unexpected versions of the .dcu, .bpl, and .dcp files
- The process (.exe) is locked by another process. For example, in debug mode, the debugger typically locks the executable.