Facebook API Error Codes for Developers
This list is heavily based on
- http://www.fb-developers.info/tech/fb_dev/faq/general/gen_10.html) and
- http://wiki.developers.facebook.com/index.php/Error_codes
Should this stay in table format? Seems quite unbearable to keep it handled in tables. Also I didn’t take into account «Generated by methods»
General Errors
- 0 — API_EC_SUCCESS: Success
- 1 — API_EC_UNKNOWN: An unknown error occurred
- 2 — API_EC_SERVICE: Service temporarily unavailable
- 3 — API_EC_METHOD: Unknown method
- 4 — API_EC_TOO_MANY_CALLS: Application request limit reached
- 5 — API_EC_BAD_IP: Unauthorized source IP address
- 6 — API_EC_HOST_API: This method must run on api.facebook.com
- 7 — API_EC_HOST_UP: This method must run on api-video.facebook.com
- 8 — API_EC_SECURE: This method requires an HTTPS connection
- 9 — API_EC_RATE: User is performing too many actions
- 10 — API_EC_PERMISSION_DENIED: Application does not have permission for this action
- 10 — User cannot edit action
- 10 — User cannot delete action
- 10 — Not a Messenger client
- 10 — The app updating this status card must be the same one that created the corresponding page’s CTA.
- 11 — API_EC_DEPRECATED: This method is deprecated
- 12 — API_EC_VERSION: This API version is deprecated
- 13 — API_EC_INTERNAL_FQL_ERROR: The underlying FQL query made by this API call has encountered an error. Please check that your parameters are correct.
- 14 — API_EC_HOST_PUP: This method must run on api-photo.facebook.com
- 15 — API_EC_SESSION_SECRET_NOT_ALLOWED: This method call must be signed with the application secret (You are probably calling a secure method using a session secret)
- 16 — API_EC_HOST_READONLY: This method cannot be run on this host, which only supports read-only calls
- 17 — API_EC_USER_TOO_MANY_CALLS: User request limit reached
- 18 — API_EC_REQUEST_RESOURCES_EXCEEDED: This API call could not be completed due to resource limits
- 27 — This app does not have permission to manage this Facebook at Work account.
Parameter Errors
- 100 — API_EC_PARAM: Invalid parameter
- 100 — No permission to publish the video
- 100 — Cannot post to User Likes with Page Access Token
- 100 — Parameters do not match any fields that can be updated
- 100 — Object does not support message editing
- 100 — Please enter a valid email address
- 100 — Comment not found
- 100 — inst_type must be one of the following values: CreditCard, ApplePayCard
- 100 — Unsupported post request. Object with ID ‘me’ does not exist, cannot be loaded due to missing permissions, or does not support this operation. Please read the Graph API documentation at https://developers.facebook.com/docs/graph-api
- 100 — Must be a valid ISO 4217 currency code
- 101 — API_EC_PARAM_API_KEY: Invalid API key
- 102 — API_EC_PARAM_SESSION_KEY: Session key invalid or no longer valid
- 103 — API_EC_PARAM_CALL_ID: Call_id must be greater than previous
- 104 — API_EC_PARAM_SIGNATURE: Incorrect signature
- 105 — API_EC_PARAM_TOO_MANY: The number of parameters exceeded the maximum for this operation
- 110 — API_EC_PARAM_USER_ID: Invalid user id
- 111 — API_EC_PARAM_USER_FIELD: Invalid user info field
- 112 — API_EC_PARAM_SOCIAL_FIELD: Invalid user field
- 113 — API_EC_PARAM_EMAIL: Invalid email
- 114 — API_EC_PARAM_USER_ID_LIST: Invalid user ID list
- 114 — An id must be a valid ID string (e.g., «123»)
- 115 — API_EC_PARAM_FIELD_LIST: Invalid field list
- 120 — API_EC_PARAM_ALBUM_ID: Invalid album id
- 121 — API_EC_PARAM_PHOTO_ID: Invalid photo id
- 130 — API_EC_PARAM_FEED_PRIORITY: Invalid feed publication priority
- 140 — API_EC_PARAM_CATEGORY: Invalid category
- 141 — API_EC_PARAM_SUBCATEGORY: Invalid subcategory
- 142 — API_EC_PARAM_TITLE: Invalid title
- 143 — API_EC_PARAM_DESCRIPTION: Invalid description
- 145 — API calls from the server require an appsecret_proof argument
- 144 — API_EC_PARAM_BAD_JSON: Malformed JSON string
- 150 — API_EC_PARAM_BAD_EID: Invalid eid
- 151 — API_EC_PARAM_UNKNOWN_CITY: Unknown city
- 152 — API_EC_PARAM_BAD_PAGE_TYPE: Invalid page type
- 170 — API_EC_PARAM_BAD_LOCALE: Invalid locale
- 180 — API_EC_PARAM_BLOCKED_NOTIFICATION: This notification was not delieved
- 190 — API_EC_PARAM_ACCESS_TOKEN: Invalid OAuth 2.0 Access Token
- 190 — The access token does not match the user claiming the offer
- 190 — The access token does not match the user resending the offer
- 193 — The time specified is too far back in the past. Please do a full refresh of the friends using the friend FQL table
User Permission Errors
- 200 — API_EC_PERMISSION: Permissions error
- 200 — User does not have permission to post to target
- 200 — Video is either deleted or you do not have permission to view it
- 200 — This post wasn’t created by the application
- 200 — Posts where the actor is a page cannot also include a target_id other than EVENT or GROUP»
- 200 — Subject does not have permission to create live video on this page
- 200 — Subject does not have permission to create live video on this user
- 210 — API_EC_PERMISSION_USER: User not visible
- 211 — API_EC_PERMISSION_NO_DEVELOPERS: Application has no developers.
- 212 — API_EC_PERMISSION_OFFLINE_ACCESS: Renewing a session offline requires the extended permission offline_access
- 220 — API_EC_PERMISSION_ALBUM: Album or albums not visible
- 220 — User cannot delete this album.
- 221 — API_EC_PERMISSION_PHOTO: Photo not visible
- 230 — API_EC_PERMISSION_MESSAGE: Permissions disallow message to user
- 240 — API_EC_PERMISSION_MARKUP_OTHER_USER: Desktop applications cannot set FBML for other users
- 240 — This user isn’t allowed to upload photos to this object’s wall
- 250 — API_EC_PERMISSION_STATUS_UPDATE: Updating status requires the extended permission status_update.
- 260 — API_EC_PERMISSION_PHOTO_UPLOAD: Modifying existing photos requires the extended permission photo_upload
- 261 — API_EC_PERMISSION_VIDEO_UPLOAD: Modifying existing photos requires the extended permission photo_upload
- 270 — API_EC_PERMISSION_SMS: Permissions disallow sms to user.
- 270 — Development access is not allowed to access business API post:Business/adaccount.
- 273 — This Ads API call requires the user to be admin of the ad account. User <MY_USER_ID> not admin on ad account <ACT_ID>
- 275 — Reading advertisements requires an access token with the extended permission ads_read
- 280 — API_EC_PERMISSION_CREATE_LISTING: Creating and modifying listings requires the extended permission create_listing
- 281 — API_EC_PERMISSION_CREATE_NOTE: Managing notes requires the extended permission create_note.
- 282 — API_EC_PERMISSION_SHARE_ITEM: Managing shared items requires the extended permission share_item.
- 290 — API_EC_PERMISSION_EVENT: Creating and modifying events requires the extended permission create_event
- 291 — API_EC_PERMISSION_LARGE_FBML_TEMPLATE: FBML Template isn’t owned by your application.
- 292 — API_EC_PERMISSION_LIVEMESSAGE: An application is only allowed to send LiveMessages to users who have accepted the TOS for that application.
- 293 — API_EC_PERMISSION_XMPP_LOGIN: Logging in to chat requires the extended permission xmpp_login
- 294 — API_EC_PERMISSION_ADS_MANAGEMENT: Managing advertisements requires the extended permission ads_management, and a participating API key
- 296 — API_EC_PERMISSION_CREATE_EVENT: Managing events requires the extended permission create_event
- 298 — API_EC_PERMISSION_READ_MAILBOX: Reading mailbox messages requires the extended permission read_mailbox
- 299 — API_EC_PERMISSION_RSVP_EVENT: RSVPing to events requires the extended permission create_rsvp
Data Editing Errors
- 300 — API_EC_EDIT: Edit failure
- 310 — API_EC_EDIT_USER_DATA: User data edit failure
- 320 — API_EC_EDIT_PHOTO: Photo edit failure
- 320 — This photo is not wide enough to use as a Timeline Cover, the minimum width is 399 pixels
- 321 — API_EC_EDIT_ALBUM_SIZE: Album is full
- 322 — API_EC_EDIT_PHOTO_TAG_SUBJECT: Invalid photo tag subject
- 323 — API_EC_EDIT_PHOTO_TAG_PHOTO: Cannot tag photo already visible on Facebook
- 324 — API_EC_EDIT_PHOTO_FILE: Missing or invalid image file
- 325 — API_EC_EDIT_PHOTO_PENDING_LIMIT: Too many unapproved photos pending
- 326 — API_EC_EDIT_PHOTO_TAG_LIMIT: Too many photo tags pending
- 327 — API_EC_EDIT_ALBUM_REORDER_PHOTO_NOT_IN_ALBUM: Input array contains a photo not in the album
- 328 — API_EC_EDIT_ALBUM_REORDER_TOO_FEW_PHOTOS: Input array has too few photos
- 329 — API_EC_MALFORMED_MARKUP: Template data must be a JSON-encoded dictionary, of the form {‘key-1’: ‘value-1’, ‘key-2’: ‘value-2’, …}
- 330 — API_EC_EDIT_MARKUP: Failed to set markup
- 340 — API_EC_EDIT_FEED_TOO_MANY_USER_CALLS: Feed publication request limit reached
- 341 — API_EC_EDIT_FEED_TOO_MANY_USER_ACTION_CALLS: Feed action request limit reached
- 342 — API_EC_EDIT_FEED_TITLE_LINK: Feed story title can have at most one href anchor
- 343 — API_EC_EDIT_FEED_TITLE_LENGTH: Feed story title is too long
- 344 — API_EC_EDIT_FEED_TITLE_NAME: Feed story title can have at most one fb:userlink and must be of the user whose action is being reported
- 345 — API_EC_EDIT_FEED_TITLE_BLANK: Feed story title rendered as blank
- 346 — API_EC_EDIT_FEED_BODY_LENGTH: Feed story body is too long
- 347 — API_EC_EDIT_FEED_PHOTO_SRC: Feed story photo could not be accessed or proxied
- 348 — API_EC_EDIT_FEED_PHOTO_LINK: Feed story photo link invalid
- 350 — API_EC_EDIT_VIDEO_SIZE: Video file is too large
- 351 — API_EC_EDIT_VIDEO_INVALID_FILE: Video file was corrupt or invalid
- 352 — API_EC_EDIT_VIDEO_INVALID_TYPE: Video file format is not supported
- 353 — API_EC_EDIT_VIDEO_FILE: Missing video file
- 354 — API_EC_EDIT_VIDEO_NOT_TAGGED: User is not tagged in this video
- 355 — API_EC_EDIT_VIDEO_ALREADY_TAGGED: User is already tagged in this video
- 360 — API_EC_EDIT_FEED_TITLE_ARRAY: Feed story title_data argument was not a valid JSON-encoded array
- 361 — API_EC_EDIT_FEED_TITLE_PARAMS: Feed story title template either missing required parameters, or did not have all parameters defined in title_data array
- 362 — API_EC_EDIT_FEED_BODY_ARRAY: Feed story body_data argument was not a valid JSON-encoded array
- 363 — API_EC_EDIT_FEED_BODY_PARAMS: Feed story body template either missing required parameters, or did not have all parameters defined in body_data array
- 364 — API_EC_EDIT_FEED_PHOTO: Feed story photos could not be retrieved, or bad image links were provided
- 365 — API_EC_EDIT_FEED_TEMPLATE: The template for this story does not match any templates registered for this application
- 366 — API_EC_EDIT_FEED_TARGET: One or more of the target ids for this story are invalid. They must all be ids of friends of the acting user
- 367 — API_EC_EDIT_FEED_MARKUP: The template data provided doesn’t cover the entire token set needed to publish the story
- 368 — The action attempted has been deemed abusive or is otherwise disallowed
- 370 — API_EC_USERS_CREATE_INVALID_EMAIL: The email address you provided is not a valid email address
- 371 — API_EC_USERS_CREATE_EXISTING_EMAIL: The email address you provided belongs to an existing account
- 372 — API_EC_USERS_CREATE_BIRTHDAY: The birthday provided is not valid
- 373 — API_EC_USERS_CREATE_PASSWORD: The password provided is too short or weak
- 374 — API_EC_USERS_REGISTER_INVALID_CREDENTIAL: The login credential you provided is invalid.
- 375 — API_EC_USERS_REGISTER_CONF_FAILURE: Failed to send confirmation message to the specified login credential.
- 376 — API_EC_USERS_REGISTER_EXISTING: The login credential you provided belongs to an existing account
- 377 — API_EC_USERS_REGISTER_DEFAULT_ERROR: Sorry, we were unable to process your registration.
- 378 — API_EC_USERS_REGISTER_PASSWORD_BLANK: Your password cannot be blank. Please try another.
- 379 — API_EC_USERS_REGISTER_PASSWORD_INVALID_CHARS: Your password contains invalid characters. Please try another.
- 380 — API_EC_USERS_REGISTER_PASSWORD_SHORT: Your password must be at least 6 characters long. Please try another.
- 381 — API_EC_USERS_REGISTER_PASSWORD_WEAK: Your password should be more secure. Please try another.
- 382 — API_EC_USERS_REGISTER_USERNAME_ERROR: Our automated system will not approve this name.
- 383 — API_EC_USERS_REGISTER_MISSING_INPUT: You must fill in all of the fields.
- 384 — API_EC_USERS_REGISTER_INCOMPLETE_BDAY: You must indicate your full birthday to register.
- 385 — API_EC_USERS_REGISTER_INVALID_EMAIL: Please enter a valid email address.
- 386 — API_EC_USERS_REGISTER_EMAIL_DISABLED: The email address you entered has been disabled. Please contact disabled@facebook.com with any questions.
- 387 — API_EC_USERS_REGISTER_ADD_USER_FAILED: There was an error with your registration. Please try registering again.
- 388 — API_EC_USERS_REGISTER_NO_GENDER: Please select either Male or Female.
Authentication Errors
400 — API_EC_AUTH_EMAIL: Invalid email address
401 — API_EC_AUTH_LOGIN: Invalid username or password
402 — API_EC_AUTH_SIG: Invalid application auth sig
403 — API_EC_AUTH_TIME: Invalid timestamp for authentication
412 — User has not installed the application
Session Errors
- 450 — API_EC_SESSION_TIMED_OUT: Session key specified has passed its expiration time
- 451 — API_EC_SESSION_METHOD: Session key specified cannot be used to call this method
- 452 — API_EC_SESSION_INVALID: Session key invalid. This could be because the session key has an incorrect format, or because the user has revoked this session
- 453 — API_EC_SESSION_REQUIRED: A session key is required for calling this method
- 454 — API_EC_SESSION_REQUIRED_FOR_SECRET: A session key must be specified when request is signed with a session secret
- 455 — API_EC_SESSION_CANNOT_USE_SESSION_SECRET: A session secret is not permitted to be used with this type of session key
- 456 — The session is malformed
- 457 — The session has an invalid origin
- 458 — User USER_ID has not authorized application APP_ID
- 459 — The user has been checkpointed. The error_data will contain the URL the user needs to go to to clear the checkpoint
- 460 — Session does not match current stored session. This may be because the user changed the password since the time the session was created or Facebook has changed the session for security reasons
- 461 — Session is invalid. This could be because the application was uninstalled after the session was created
- 462 — The session has a stale version
- 464 — The session user is not confirmed
- 463 — Session has expired at unix time SOME_TIME. The current unix time is SOME_TIME
- 465 — The session user is invalid
- 466 — The session was invalidated explicitly using an API call
- 467 — The session is invalid because the user logged out
- 468 — The session is invalid, because the user has not used the app for a long time
- 478 — The images you tried to upload are too many
Application Messaging Errors
500 — API_EC_MESG_BANNED: Message contains banned content
501 — API_EC_MESG_NO_BODY: Missing message body
502 — API_EC_MESG_TOO_LONG: Message is too long
503 — API_EC_MESG_RATE: User has sent too many messages
504 — API_EC_MESG_INVALID_THREAD: Invalid reply thread id
505 — API_EC_MESG_INVALID_RECIP: Invalid message recipient
506 — Duplicate status message
509 — Invalid attachment extension
510 — API_EC_POKE_INVALID_RECIP: Invalid poke recipient
511 — API_EC_POKE_OUTSTANDING: There is a poke already outstanding
512 — API_EC_POKE_RATE: User is poking too fast
513 — API_EC_POKE_USER_BLOCKED: User cannot poke via API
521 — You can’t add yourself as a friend
522 — You are already friends with this user
528 — This user already has too many friend requests
546 — The type of file you’re trying to attach isn’t allowed. Please try again with a different format.
FQL Errors
- 600 — FQL_EC_UNKNOWN_ERROR: An unknown error occurred in FQL
- 601 — FQL_EC_PARSER_ERROR: Error while parsing FQL statement
- 602 — FQL_EC_UNKNOWN_FIELD: The field you requested does not exist
- 603 — FQL_EC_UNKNOWN_TABLE: The table you requested does not exist
- 604 — FQL_EC_NO_INDEX: Your statement is not indexable
- 605 — FQL_EC_UNKNOWN_FUNCTION: The function you called does not exist
- 606 — FQL_EC_INVALID_PARAM: Wrong number of arguments passed into the function
- 606 — You do not have permission to fetch notifications for this user
- 606 — You can only fetch messages for one user
- 606 — Queries for these filter_keys: «nf» require a non-zero viewer that has granted read_stream permission
- 606 — uid in the where clause must be the session user
- 607 — FQL_EC_INVALID_FIELD: FQL field specified is invalid in this context.
- 608 — FQL_EC_INVALID_SESSION: An invalid session was specified
- 609 — FQL_EC_UNSUPPORTED_APP_TYPE: FQL field specified is invalid in this context.
- 610 — FQL_EC_SESSION_SECRET_NOT_ALLOWED: FQL field specified is invalid in this context.
- 611 — FQL_EC_DEPRECATED_TABLE: FQL field specified is invalid in this context.
- 612 — FQL_EC_EXTENDED_PERMISSION: The stream requires an extended permission
- 613 — FQL_EC_RATE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED: Calls to stream have exceeded the rate of 100 calls per 600 seconds.
- 614 — FQL_EC_UNRESOLVED_DEPENDENCY: Unresolved dependency in multiquery fql.multiquery
- 615 — FQL_EC_INVALID_SEARCH: This search is invalid
- 617 — FQL_EC_TOO_MANY_FRIENDS_FOR_PRELOAD: The user you queried against has too many friends to be used with Preload FQL, in order to avoid out of memory errors
Ref Errors
- 700 — API_EC_REF_SET_FAILED: Unknown failure in storing ref data. Please try again.
Application Integration Errors
- 750 — API_EC_FB_APP_UNKNOWN_ERROR: Unknown Facebook application integration failure.
- 751 — API_EC_FB_APP_FETCH_FAILED: Fetch from remote site failed.
- 752 — API_EC_FB_APP_NO_DATA: Application returned no data. This may be expected or represent a connectivity error.
- 753 — API_EC_FB_APP_NO_PERMISSIONS: Application returned user had invalid permissions to complete the operation.
- 754 — API_EC_FB_APP_TAG_MISSING: Application returned data, but no matching tag found. This may be expected.
- 755 — API_EC_FB_APP_DB_FAILURE: The database for this object failed.
Data Store API Errors
- 800 — API_EC_DATA_UNKNOWN_ERROR: Unknown data store API error
- 801 — API_EC_DATA_INVALID_OPERATION: Invalid operation
- 802 — API_EC_DATA_QUOTA_EXCEEDED: Data store allowable quota was exceeded
- 803 — API_EC_DATA_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND: Specified object cannot be found
- 804 — API_EC_DATA_OBJECT_ALREADY_EXISTS: Specified object already exists
- 805 — API_EC_DATA_DATABASE_ERROR: A database error occurred. Please try again
- 806 — API_EC_DATA_CREATE_TEMPLATE_ERROR: Unable to add FBML template to template database. Please try again.
- 807 — API_EC_DATA_TEMPLATE_EXISTS_ERROR: No active template bundle with that ID or handle exists.
- 808 — API_EC_DATA_TEMPLATE_HANDLE_TOO_LONG: Template bundle handles must contain less than or equal to 32 characters.
- 809 — API_EC_DATA_TEMPLATE_HANDLE_ALREADY_IN_USE: Template bundle handle already identifies a previously registered template bundle, and handles can not be reused.
- 810 — API_EC_DATA_TOO_MANY_TEMPLATE_BUNDLES: Application has too many active template bundles, and some must be deactivated before new ones can be registered.
- 811 — API_EC_DATA_MALFORMED_ACTION_LINK: One of more of the supplied action links was improperly formatted.
- 812 — API_EC_DATA_TEMPLATE_USES_RESERVED_TOKEN: One …or more of your templates is using a token reserved by Facebook, such as {mp3} or {video}.
Mobile/SMS Errors
- 850 — API_EC_SMS_INVALID_SESSION: Invalid sms session.
- 851 — API_EC_SMS_MSG_LEN: Invalid sms message length.
- 852 — API_EC_SMS_USER_QUOTA: Over user daily sms quota.
- 853 — API_EC_SMS_USER_ASLEEP: Unable to send sms to user at this time.
- 854 — API_EC_SMS_APP_QUOTA: Over application daily sms quota/rate limit.
- 855 — API_EC_SMS_NOT_REGISTERED: User is not registered for Facebook Mobile Texts
- 856 — API_EC_SMS_NOTIFICATIONS_OFF: User has SMS notifications turned off
- 857 — API_EC_SMS_CARRIER_DISABLE: SMS application disallowed by mobile operator
Application Information Errors
- 900 — API_EC_NO_SUCH_APP: No such application exists.
Batch API Errors
- 950 — API_BATCH_TOO_MANY_ITEMS: Each batch API can not contain more than 20 items
- 951 — API_EC_BATCH_ALREADY_STARTED: begin_batch already called, please make sure to call end_batch first.
- 952 — API_EC_BATCH_NOT_STARTED: end_batch called before begin_batch.
- 953 — API_EC_BATCH_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED_IN_BATCH_MODE: This method is not allowed in batch mode.
Events API Errors
- 1000 — API_EC_EVENT_INVALID_TIME: Invalid time for an event.
- 1001 — API_EC_EVENT_NAME_LOCKED: You are no longer able to change the name of this event.
Info Section Errors
- 1050 — API_EC_INFO_NO_INFORMATION: No information has been set for this user
- 1051 — API_EC_INFO_SET_FAILED: Setting info failed. Check the formatting of your info fields.
LiveMessage Errors
- 1100 — API_EC_LIVEMESSAGE_SEND_FAILED: An error occurred while sending the LiveMessage.
- 1101 — API_EC_LIVEMESSAGE_EVENT_NAME_TOO_LONG: The event_name parameter must be no longer than 128 bytes.
- 1102 — API_EC_LIVEMESSAGE_MESSAGE_TOO_LONG: The message parameter must be no longer than 1024 bytes.
Credits Errors
- 1150 — API_EC_PAYMENTS_UNKNOWN: Unknown error
- 1151 — API_EC_PAYMENTS_APP_INVALID: Application is not enabled for using Facebook Credits.
- 1152 — API_EC_PAYMENTS_DATABASE: A database error occurred.
- 1153 — API_EC_PAYMENTS_PERMISSION_DENIED: Permission denied to check order details.
- 1154 — API_EC_PAYMENTS_APP_NO_RESPONSE: Payments callback to the application failed.
- 1155 — API_EC_PAYMENTS_APP_ERROR_RESPONSE: Payments callback to the application received error response.
- 1156 — API_EC_PAYMENTS_INVALID_ORDER: The supplied order ID is invalid.
- 1157 — API_EC_PAYMENTS_INVALID_PARAM: One of the Payments parameters is invalid.
- 1158 — API_EC_PAYMENTS_INVALID_OPERATION: The operation is invalid.
- 1159 — API_EC_PAYMENTS_PAYMENT_FAILED: Failed in processing the payment.
- 1160 — API_EC_PAYMENTS_DISABLED: Facebook Credits system is disabled.
- 1161 — API_EC_PAYMENTS_INSUFFICIENT_BALANCE: Insufficient balance.
- 1162 — API_EC_PAYMENTS_EXCEED_CREDIT_BALANCE_LIMIT: Exceed credit balance limit.
- 1163 — API_EC_PAYMENTS_EXCEED_CREDIT_DAILY_PURCHASE_LIMIT: Exceed daily credit purchase limit.
- 1164 — API_EC_PAYMENTS_EXCEED_CREDIT_DAILY_SPEND_LIMIT: Exceed daily credit spend limit.
- 1166 — API_EC_PAYMENTS_INVALID_FUNDING_AMOUNT: Credits purchased from funding source do not match the spend order amount.
- 1167 — API_EC_PAYMENTS_NON_REFUNDABLE_PAYMENT_METHOD: The funding source is a non-refundable payment method.
- 1168 — API_EC_PAYMENTS_USER_THROTTLED: Application is configured to throttle some users.
- 1169 — API_EC_PAYMENTS_LOGIN_REQUIRED: User is not logged in.
- 1170 — API_EC_APP_INFO_FETCH_FAILURE: Error retrieving application information.
- 1171 — API_EC_INVALID_APP_INFO: Invalid application information returned.
- 1172 — API_EC_PAYMENTS_APP_INSUFFICIENT_BALANCE: Application has insufficient balance (app2user).
Chat Errors
- 1200 — API_EC_CHAT_SEND_FAILED: An error occurred while sending the message.
Facebook Page Errors
- 1201 — API_EC_PAGES_CREATE: You have created too many pages
Facebook Links Errors
- 1500 — API_EC_SHARE_BAD_URL: The url you supplied is invalid
Facebook Notes Errors
- 1600 — API_EC_NOTE_CANNOT_MODIFY: The user does not have permission to modify this note.
Comment Errors
1700 — API_EC_COMMENTS_UNKNOWN: An unknown error has occurred.
1701 — API_EC_COMMENTS_POST_TOO_LONG: The specified post was too long.
1702 — API_EC_COMMENTS_DB_DOWN: The comments database is down.
1703 — API_EC_COMMENTS_INVALID_XID: The specified xid is not valid. xids can only contain letters, numbers, and underscores
1704 — API_EC_COMMENTS_INVALID_UID: The specified user is not a user of this application
1705 — API_EC_COMMENTS_INVALID_POST: There was an error during posting.
1706 — API_EC_COMMENTS_INVALID_REMOVE: While attempting to remove the post
2500 — Syntax error «Field id specified more than once. This is only possible before version 2.1» at character 5: id,id
Test Users
2901 — API_EC_TEST_ACCOUNTS_INVALID_ID: Test user is not associated with this app.
2902 — API_EC_TEST_ACCOUNTS_CANT_REMOVE_APP: Test user must be associated with at least one app
2903 — API_EC_TEST_ACCOUNTS_CANT_DELETE: Test user is associated with multiple apps
3000 — Reading Insights of a Page/App/Domain not owned by the querying user or application
3115 — Captcha verification failed
3301 — That code isn’t working. Please check the code and try again.
3303 — Sorry, you have made too many incorrect guesses. Please request another code.
3802 — User cannot reblock target so soon after unblocking target
3403 — Achievement hasn’t been registered for this application. See https://developers.facebook.com/docs/howtos/achievements/
3910 — You need permission to edit the details of your Business Manager. Please talk to one of your Business Manager admins about changing your role or editing the Business Manager details.
4004 — User cannot be added as an admin of this group
4006 — User cannot be removed as admin of this group»
4202 — This dialog cannot be displayed on this device
- 1363041 — Invalid upload session given.
- 1487168 — The account is invalid: The account is invalid
- 1504021 — The sharding key must be a page_id
- -3 — Please reduce the amount of data you’re asking for, then retry your request [Encountered eg when setting high limit on query to huge page feed]
If you receive an error message when trying to display your Facebook posts then you can use the table below to diagnose the issue and find the relevant solution.
For older versions of the plugin before v4.0, please see legacy documentation here.
PPCA Error: Due to Facebook API changes it is no longer possible to display a feed from a Facebook Page you are not an admin of. The Facebook feed below is not using a valid Access Token for this Facebook page and so has stopped updating.
The Access Token you are using is not from an admin of the Facebook page. See here for directions.
Your Access Token is not approved to access the AP
You’re unable to use this Access Token in the plugin. To fix this issue, first, update the plugin to Pro v4.0+ or Free v4.0+ and then either set up a new feed or edit an existing feed’s sources under Facebook Feed > All Feeds > click Edit for the relevant feed > Settings > Sources > Change and follow the connection process. This will then provide you with your own Access Token. If you’re having an issue updating the plugin then please see this FAQ.
(#10) To use ‘Page Public Content Access’, your use of this endpoint must be reviewed and approved by Facebook.
The Access Token you are using is not from an admin of the Facebook page. See here for directions.
Your Access Token is not approved to access the API
You’re unable to use this Access Token in the plugin. To fix this issue, first, update the plugin to Pro v4.0+ or Free v4.0+ and then either set up a new feed or edit an existing feed’s sources under Facebook Feed > All Feeds > click Edit for the relevant feed > Settings > Sources > Change and follow the connection process. This will then provide you with your own Access Token. If you’re having an issue updating the plugin then please see this FAQ.
(#10) This endpoint requires the ‘manage_pages’ or ‘pages_read_engagement’ permission or the ‘Page Public Content Access’ feature.
The Access Token you are using is not from an admin of the Facebook page. See here for directions.
Your Access Token is not approved to access the API
You’re unable to use this Access Token in the plugin. To fix this issue, first, update the plugin to Pro v4.0+ or Free v4.0+ and then either set up a new feed or edit an existing feed’s sources under Facebook Feed > All Feeds > click Edit for the relevant feed > Settings > Sources > Change and follow the connection process. This will then provide you with your own Access Token. If you’re having an issue updating the plugin then please see this FAQ.
(#100) Pages Public Content Access requires either app secret proof or an app token
The Access Token you are using is not from an admin of the Facebook page. See here for directions.
Your Access Token is not approved to access the API
You’re unable to use this Access Token in the plugin. To fix this issue, first, update the plugin to Pro v4.0+ or Free v4.0+ and then either set up a new feed or edit an existing feed’s sources under Facebook Feed > All Feeds > click Edit for the relevant feed > Settings > Sources > Change and follow the connection process. This will then provide you with your own Access Token. If you’re having an issue updating the plugin then please see this FAQ.
Error: An unknown error occurred. Or, Error: An unexpected error has occurred.
You may be requesting too many posts
If you request too much data from Facebook’s API then it will occasionally send back an ‘unknown error’ message. Facebook has certain limitations on its API and doesn’t allow you to retrieve too much data in one request and put too much load on their servers.
If you’re requesting a high number of posts or have the post limit set very high then try reducing the post limit. You can do this via the setting located under Facebook Feed > All Feeds > select Edit for the relevant feed > Settings > Advanced > API Post Limit
Facebook’s API may have a temporary issue
Facebook’s API may be unreachable temporarily. Try waiting a few minutes and then trying again. You can clear the plugin cache and force the plugin to check the Facebook API again by going to Facebook Feed > Settings > Feeds > click Clear All Caches. You can also do this for an individual feed by going to Facebook Feed > All Feeds > click Edit for the feed > Settings > click Clear Feed Cache.
Error: Error validating application. Application has been deleted. Type: OAuthException. Code: 190
You need to obtain an Access Token
Facebook may have made a platform change that caused an issue with our plugin connecting to their API. To fix this issue, first, update the plugin to Pro v4.0+ or Free v4.0+ and then either set up a new feed or edit an existing feed’s sources under Facebook Feed > All Feeds > click Edit for the relevant feed > Settings > Sources > Change and follow the connection process. This will then provide you with your own Access Token. If you’re having an issue updating the plugin then please see this FAQ.
Error: (#4) Application request limit reached
You need to obtain an Access Token
Facebook may have made a platform change that caused an issue with our plugin connecting to their API. To fix this issue, first, update the plugin to Pro v4.0+ or Free v4.0+ and then either set up a new feed or edit an existing feed’s sources under Facebook Feed > All Feeds > click Edit for the relevant feed > Settings > Sources > Change and follow the connection process. This will then provide you with your own Access Token. If you’re having an issue updating the plugin then please see this FAQ.
Error: Error validating access token: Session has expired on ____
Your Access Token has expired or wasn’t extended correctly
The Access Token you are using has expired. To fix this issue, first ensure you have the latest version of the plugin. If not, update the plugin to the latest version (you can find the latest version numbers in the change logs here: Pro, Free). Then, update your Page Source in the Settings tab for the specific feed. If you’re having an issue updating the plugin then please see this FAQ.
If you are using a token from your own Facebook app, then make sure you extended the token by following the directions in steps 13 and 23 of the Page Access Token directions. It’s important to copy the token from step 16 into the field in step 23 and click the “Extend my token” button.
Error: (#32) Page request limit reached. Type: OAuthException. Code: 32
Your Access Token is making too many requests
This error occurs when the Access Token you’re using is making too many requests to Facebook in a short period of time. If you are using the same Access Token (which is the case if you connect everything to your personal Facebook account) to display a lot of different Facebook feeds – either on your own website or across multiple sites – then you may exceed the API request limit that Facebook has set for your Access Token. This is usually simple to fix by just changing the caching settings in the plugin under Facebook Feed > Settings > Feeds. For example, if you have the Caching setting set to be a short period of time (less than 15 minutes) then the plugin will be making more requests per hour than if it is set to be 1 hour, especially if you’re using this same setting for multiple feeds.
How many requests can I make with the same token?
This varies based on the Facebook page that the Access Token is from. Facebook grants an API request limit to an Access Token based on how many engaged users the Facebook page that the Access Token is from has. An “engaged user” is any user who has clicked on your Facebook Page or its content within a 24 hour period. For every engaged user your Access Token is granted a request limit of 4,800 per rolling 24 hour period. For more information on Facebook API Request Rate Limits please see here.
How can I resolve this error?
The best thing to do initially is to drastically increase the plugin caching time so that it makes requests to Facebook less often. You can do this by increasing the time in the Caching setting to be 1 hour or greater. Once the Access Token is working successfully again (usually within a few hours) then you can set this to be lower, but there are a few factors to consider:
1) How active your Facebook page is. If it isn’t very active then it’s likely you haven’t had many engaged users in the past 24 hours and so your Rate Limit will be low. In order to increase your API Rate Limit, if only temporarily, you could post on your Facebook to encourage engagement from your users in the form of clicks, likes, shares, or comments.
2) How many feeds are using this Access Token. If you have 5 feeds using it then it will make a lot fewer requests than 20 feeds.
Error: No posts available for this Facebook ID
Your Facebook page may have restrictions on it
The feed you’re trying to display has to be a publicly accessible page. If your page has any restrictions on it (age or location) then it means that users are forced to sign into Facebook in order to view your page. This isn’t desirable for most pages as it means that it isn’t accessible by people who don’t have a Facebook account and that your page can’t be crawled and indexed by search engines.
An easy way to determine whether your page is set to public is to make sure you’re signed out of your Facebook account and then try to visit your page. If Facebook forces you to sign in to view your page then it has a restriction on it.
You can remove any restrictions by logging into your Facebook account and going to the Settings for your page. You can then remove any Country Restrictions and Age restrictions (see screenshot). Once removed this will allow the Custom Facebook Feed plugin to access and display your posts.
Your Facebook page may not have any posts in it
If your page is fairly new then it may not actually have an eligible posts that the plugin can display. Notifications such as ‘__ changed the cover photo’ or ‘__ created a page’ are filtered out and aren’t displayed.
Try creating a new post on your page and then viewing the plugin’s feed again.
Your Facebook page might not be published
When creating a new Facebook page it isn’t actually published publicly until you click ‘Publish’ at the top of your page. If it isn’t published then the plugin isn’t able to retrieve your posts.
Check the top of your page to see whether there is a ‘Publish my page’ or similar button.
(#190) Permissions error. Error: Unsupported get request. Object with ID ‘____’ does not exist, cannot be loaded due to missing permissions, or does not support this operation.
You do not have permission to access this data
The Access Token you are using doesn’t have permission to access this data. This may be because you’re using an incorrect Page ID. Please see this page for directions on how to obtain your Facebook Page ID.
Error: (#190) Access to this data is temporarily disabled for non-active apps or apps that have not recently accessed this data due to changes we are making to the Facebook Platform. https://developers.facebook.com/status/issues/205942813488872/ Type: OAuthException. Code: 200
You’re using a new or inactive Facebook developer app to generate an Access Token
Due to some sudden Facebook changes “App” Access Tokens from new Facebook apps are temporarily unable to access the Facebook API. To fix this issue, simply update the plugin to the latest version (you can find the latest version numbers in the change logs here: Pro, Free) and click the blue Facebook button labeled “Connect a Facebook Account” on the plugin’s settings page. This will then provide you with your own Access Token. If you’re having an issue updating the plugin then please see this FAQ.
No error, just blank space
You may be using a Facebook ID from a personal profile
Due to Facebook’s privacy policy you’re not able to use the plugin to display all of your posts from a personal profile, only from a public page, as posts from a personal profile are protected for privacy reasons. You may have limited success in displaying certain posts from a personal profile but most posts are not able to be displayed.
The easiest way to check whether you’re trying to display posts from a personal profile instead of a page is to view your page on Facebook and see whether you have ‘Friends’, ‘Likes’ or ‘Members’. Profiles have ‘Friends’, pages have ‘Likes’ and groups have ‘Members’. If you have ‘Friends’ then it’s not a page, it’s a personal profile.
If you’re using the profile to represent a business, organization, product, public figure or something else other than yourself, then we’d advise converting your profile to a page per Facebook’s recommendation: http://www.facebook.com/help/175644189234902/, as there are many advantages to using pages over profiles. It is in fact against Facebook policies to use a profile to represent something other than yourself (see ‘Why should I convert my profile to a page’ in the link above).
Once you’ve converted to a page then the plugin will be able to retrieve and display all of your posts.
Your post limit might be set too low
Some posts are filtered out by the plugin as they aren’t useful, such as ‘__ commented on their own status’, or if you are choosing to only show certain post types. If the post limit isn’t high enough then there may not be any relevant posts to display.
Try increasing the post limit for the feed to be 10-15 higher than the number of posts you are trying to display. This setting is located under Facebook Feed > All Feeds > select Edit for the relevant feed > Settings > Advanced > API Post Limit. The maximum post limit is 100.
You may be hiding all elements in the feed.
Check in the following location that all checkboxes aren’t unchecked: All Feeds > Select a feed > Posts > Edit Individual Elements.
Error: Unsupported get request. Code 100. Type: GraphMethodException
You may be using a Facebook ID from a personal profile
The easiest way to check whether you’re trying to display posts from a personal profile instead of a page is to view your page on Facebook and see whether you have ‘Friends’, ‘Likes’ or ‘Members’. Profiles have ‘Friends’, pages have ‘Likes’ and groups have ‘Members’. If you have ‘Friends’ then it’s not a page, it’s a personal profile.
Due to Facebook’s privacy policy you’re not able to use the plugin to display all of your posts from a personal profile, only from a public page, as posts from a personal profile are protected for privacy reasons. You may have limited success in displaying certain posts from a personal profile but most posts are not able to be displayed.
If you’re using the profile to represent a business, organization, product, public figure or something else other than yourself, then we’d advise converting your profile to a page per Facebook’s recommendation: http://www.facebook.com/help/175644189234902/, as there are many advantages to using pages over profiles. It is in fact against Facebook policies to use a profile to represent something other than yourself (see ‘Why should I convert my profile to a page’ in the link above).
Once you’ve converted to a page then the plugin will be able to retrieve and display all of your posts.
Your Facebook page may have restrictions on it
The feed you’re trying to display has to be a publicly accessible page. If your page has any restrictions on it (age or location) then it means that users are forced to sign into Facebook in order to view your page. This isn’t desirable for most pages as it means that it isn’t accessible by people who don’t have a Facebook account and that your page can’t be crawled and indexed by search engines.
An easy way to determine whether your page is set to public is to make sure you’re signed out of your Facebook account and then try to visit your page. If Facebook forces you to sign in to view your page then it has a restriction on it.
You can remove any restrictions by logging into your Facebook account and going to the Settings for your page. You can then remove any Country Restrictions and Age restrictions (see screenshot). Once removed this will allow the Custom Facebook Feed plugin to access and display your posts.
Your Facebook page might not be published
When creating a new Facebook page it isn’t actually published publicly until you click ‘Publish’ at the top of your page. If it isn’t published then the plugin isn’t able to retrieve your posts.
Check the top of your page to see whether there is a ‘Publish my page’ or similar button.
Your Facebook Group may contain Buy or Sell type posts
The Facebook API does not provide any information for Buy & Sell post types, and as such, it will cause an API Error 100 – Unsupported Get request error. For further information on how to fix this, please see here.
If you’re still having trouble displaying your posts after trying the common issues above then please contact support for assistance.
Error: (#2) Service temporarily unavailable
Facebook’s API may be temporarily down
Facebook’s API may be unreachable temporarily. Try waiting a few minutes and then trying again. You can clear the plugin cache and force the plugin to check the Facebook API again by going to Facebook Feed > Settings > Feeds > click Clear All Caches. You can also do this for an individual feed by going to Facebook Feed > All Feeds > click Edit for the feed > Settings > click Clear Feed Cache.
Error: (#803) Some of the aliases you requested do not exist
The Facebook page ID you’re using is not correct or invalid
Follow the directions on this page carefully to ensure that you’re using the correct Facebook ID. If unsure, try removing your current page source and redo the connection process.
Error: (#803) Cannot query users by their username
You may be using a Facebook ID from a personal profile
The easiest way to check whether you’re trying to display posts from a personal profile instead of a page is to view your page on Facebook and see whether you have ‘Friends’, ‘Likes’ or ‘Members’. Profiles have ‘Friends’, pages have ‘Likes’ and groups have ‘Members’. If you have ‘Friends’ then it’s not a page, it’s a personal profile.
Due to Facebook’s privacy policy you’re not able to use the plugin to display all of your posts from a personal profile, only from a public page, as posts from a personal profile are protected for privacy reasons. You may have limited success in displaying certain posts from a personal profile but most posts are not able to be displayed.
If you’re using the profile to represent a business, organization, product, public figure or something else other than yourself, then we’d advise converting your profile to a page per Facebook’s recommendation: http://www.facebook.com/help/175644189234902/, as there are many advantages to using pages over profiles. It is in fact against Facebook policies to use a profile to represent something other than yourself (see ‘Why should I convert my profile to a page’ in the link above).
Once you’ve converted to a page then the plugin will be able to retrieve and display all of your posts.
Error: Invalid OAuth access token
Your Access Token is either incorrect, invalid, or expired
If you’re using your own Access Token then the easiest way to check whether it works is to test it in the Facebook Access Token Debugger. Paste the Access Token in the field and click Debug to see whether or not it’s valid, and for which page IDs the Access Token is valid. If you get an error message, the page ID is missing or is missing the pages_read_engagement ‘scope‘, your token is invalid.
To fix this issue, first ensure you have the latest version of the plugin. If not, update the plugin to the latest version (you can find the latest version numbers in the change logs here: Pro, Free). Then, update your Page Source in the Settings tab for the specific feed. If you’re having an issue updating the plugin then please see this FAQ.
Error: Server configuration issue
A PHP setting needs to be enabled on your server
In order to retrieve your posts from Facebook, the plugin requires a few basic PHP modules which are enabled on the majority of web servers by default. If these are disabled on your web server then it may be the cause of the problem. You can check this by going to WordPress Dashboard > Facebook Feed and clicking on the Help button in the upper right corner of the page. Then scroll down to your System Info section and click Expand. In the section labeled ## SITE/SERVER INFO: ## you should see the three items and whether they are active:
- PHP allow_url_fopen
If JSON is marked as No, then this means that JSON isn’t running on your website server. You should contact your web host to request that they turn this on as it is required in order to use this plugin and many others.
If both PHP allow_url_fopen and PHP cURL are marked as No then it means that both of these PHP extensions are disabled in your server’s php.ini file. If you are familiar with editing this file then you can enable one or both of them yourself, otherwise, it’s recommended that you contact your web host and request that they enable one or both of these extensions on your server.
If only one of either PHP allow_url_fopen or PHP cURL is marked as No then the plugin should still function as expected, but if PHP cURL is marked as No the image resizing and GDPR functionality will not work.
A server security setting may be blocking your site from connecting to Facebook’s API
If you’ve gone through the troubleshooting steps above and your Facebook Page works in the demo then there may be an issue with your site connecting to the Facebook API. This is usually caused by a security setting on your website’s server and can be remedied by your hosting support team. Please see this FAQ for more information and steps on how to solve this.
Post limit set too high
The Facebook API doesn’t like it when too much data is requested in one go. If you have the number of posts or post limit setting set too high then it may be causing a Facebook API error and returning no posts. If the number of posts or your post limit is 100 (maximum) or more, try reducing it to see whether posts then appear. The setting is located under Facebook Feed > All Feeds > select Edit for the relevant feed > Settings > Advanced > API Post Limit.
Request method issue
Due to server configuration or security settings, it’s possible that the request method that the plugin uses to retrieve your posts is failing either permanently or sporadically. If this is the case then usually the plugin will fall back to using an alternative method, but on some rare occasions, this isn’t the case. Ensure your host is not blocking access to api.facebook.com or graph.facebook.com.
Error validating application. Cannot get application info due to a system error.
Your Access Token is either incorrect, invalid, or expired
If you’re using your own Access Token then the easiest way to check whether it works is to test it in the Facebook Access Token Debugger. Paste the Access Token in the field and click Debug to see whether or not it’s valid, and for which page IDs the Access Token is valid. If you get an error message, the page ID is missing or is missing the pages_read_engagement ‘scope‘, your token is invalid.
To fix this issue, first ensure you have the latest version of the plugin. If not, update the plugin to the latest version (you can find the latest version numbers in the change logs here: Pro, Free). Then, update your Page Source in the Settings tab for the specific feed. If you’re having an issue updating the plugin then please see this FAQ.
Error: Unauthorized source IP address
Unauthorized source IP address
This error message means that your web server’s IP address has been blacklisted by Facebook, most likely because someone else using the same IP address has violated the Facebook Terms of Service. If you’re on a budget web hosting plan then you most likely share your web server with hundreds, if not thousands, of other websites. As you all share the same IP address then if one of those website’s has the IP address blacklisted/blocked by Facebook then all of the websites on the server are also blocked. The only way around this is to contact your web hosting company and ask them to either change your IP address or move you to a different web server.
Error: Please reduce the amount of data you’re asking for, then retry your request
Post limit set too high
The Facebook API doesn’t like it when too much data is requested in one go. If you have the number of posts or post limit setting set too high then it may be causing a Facebook API error and returning no posts. If the number of posts or your post limit is 100 (maximum) or more, try reducing it to see whether posts then appear. The setting is located under Facebook Feed > All Feeds > select Edit for the relevant feed > Settings > Advanced > API Post Limit.
Error: (#200) This call requires a Page access token
You need to obtain a “Page” Access Token by following these directions
Error: Error validating Access Token. The session has been invalidated because the user changed their password of Facebook has changed the session for security reasons. Type: OAuthException. Code: 190
Your Access Token has become invalid due to changing the password on your account.
To solve this you’d need to reconnect your account to refresh the source. Edit an existing feed’s sources under Facebook Feed > All Feeds > click Edit for the relevant feed > Settings > Sources > Change and follow the connection process. This will then provide you with your own Access Token.
(#100) Tried accessing nonexisting field (fan_count) on node type (Group). Type: OAuthException. Code: API Error 100
Incorrect feed type selected
If you are trying to display a feed from a Facebook group then ensure that you select the correct feed source, Group when creating your feed. If you want to change the source for a specific feed do this under Facebook Feed > All Feeds > click Edit on the relevant feed > Settings > Sources and ensure you have the correct Group source.
Error: Error validating access token: The user is enrolled in a blocking, logged-in checkpoint. Type: OAuthException. Code: 190
Issue with user account
This error means that there’s an issue with the Facebook account you’re using to try to log in via our plugin. This typically happens due to Facebook flagging your account for suspicious behaving or violations of their terms. This error isn’t related in any way to our products, but is an issue with your Facebook account itself and so needs to be resolved with Facebook before you can use your account to log in via our plugin. Often, this issue occurs when your Facebook user account has failed a security checkpoint and you will need to log in at https://www.facebook.com or https://m.facebook.com to correct the issue.
Some common reasons which might trigger this issue:
1) Your username does not appear to be your real name. See this link for more information.
2) Suspicious account activity or your account was hacked
3) You violated Facebook’s platform policies
4) Running inappropriate/flagged images or videos on a page
5) Running inappropriate/copyrighted content in ads
There are other reasons your Facebook account might have this issue, but these are the most common ones.
Some suggested steps to help resolve this:
1) Delete the browser history and cookies for your browser.
2) Log in to https://www.facebook.com or https://m.facebook.com from that browser (if the issue is related to pages or ads, you may need to log into the Business Manager instead).
3) This should load a new page with a security checkpoint that lists the actions you need to take to address the root cause that blocked the account in the first place (verifying your ID, removing inappropriate content, etc..).
4) If the checkpoint does not appear, or renders it as blank (a common problem reported), see this guide on the Facebook forums for a possible workaround.
5) Once you have completed the necessary steps given by the checkpoint (or followed any steps provided by Facebook support) then your account will then be unblocked and you should be able to use your account as normal to authorize our plugin.
If the above steps don’t work, then you would need to contact Facebook support as we are unable to assist with issues with Facebook accounts themselves.
If you’re still having trouble displaying your posts after trying the common issues above then please contact support for assistance.
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Facebook API Error Codes for Developers
This list is heavily based on
- http://www.fb-developers.info/tech/fb_dev/faq/general/gen_10.html) and
- http://wiki.developers.facebook.com/index.php/Error_codes
Should this stay in table format? Seems quite unbearable to keep it handled in tables. Also I didn’t take into account «Generated by methods»
General Errors
- 0 — API_EC_SUCCESS: Success
- 1 — API_EC_UNKNOWN: An unknown error occurred
- 2 — API_EC_SERVICE: Service temporarily unavailable
- 3 — API_EC_METHOD: Unknown method
- 4 — API_EC_TOO_MANY_CALLS: Application request limit reached
- 5 — API_EC_BAD_IP: Unauthorized source IP address
- 6 — API_EC_HOST_API: This method must run on api.facebook.com
- 7 — API_EC_HOST_UP: This method must run on api-video.facebook.com
- 8 — API_EC_SECURE: This method requires an HTTPS connection
- 9 — API_EC_RATE: User is performing too many actions
- 10 — API_EC_PERMISSION_DENIED: Application does not have permission for this action
- 10 — User cannot edit action
- 10 — User cannot delete action
- 10 — Not a Messenger client
- 10 — Error creating monetization property
- 10 — The app updating this status card must be the same one that created the corresponding page’s CTA.
- 10 — This setting was in an unexpected state, and could not be enabled.
- 10 — Request is not from facebook IOS app
- 10 — User is not mentioned in the caption
- 11 — API_EC_DEPRECATED: This method is deprecated
- 12 — API_EC_VERSION: This API version is deprecated
- 13 — API_EC_INTERNAL_FQL_ERROR: The underlying FQL query made by this API call has encountered an error. Please check that your parameters are correct.
- 14 — API_EC_HOST_PUP: This method must run on api-photo.facebook.com
- 15 — API_EC_SESSION_SECRET_NOT_ALLOWED: This method call must be signed with the application secret (You are probably calling a secure method using a session secret)
- 16 — API_EC_HOST_READONLY: This method cannot be run on this host, which only supports read-only calls
- 17 — API_EC_USER_TOO_MANY_CALLS: User request limit reached
- 18 — API_EC_REQUEST_RESOURCES_EXCEEDED: This API call could not be completed due to resource limits
- 20 — This API call does not support the requested response format
- 27 — This app does not have permission to manage this Facebook at Work account.
- 30 — Duplicate Fundraiser
— sub-code — 1965015 — This fundraiser is identical to the last one you created. Try visiting your timeline to see your fundraiser, or delete your previous fundraiser.
Parameter Errors
- 100 — Something is wrong
- 100 — API_EC_PARAM: Invalid parameter
- 100 — No permission to publish the video
- 100 — Cannot post to User Likes with Page Access Token
- 100 — Parameters do not match any fields that can be updated
- 100 — Object does not support message editing
- 100 — Please enter a valid email address
- 100 — Comment not found
- 100 — url should represent a valid URL
- 100 — inst_type must be one of the following values: CreditCard, ApplePayCard
- 100 — Unsupported post request. Object with ID ‘me’ does not exist, cannot be loaded due to missing permissions, or does not support this operation. Please read the Graph API documentation at https://developers.facebook.com/docs/graph-api
- 100 — Must be a valid ISO 4217 currency code
- 100 — Param preferred_thumbnail_id must be a thumbnail of this video.
- 100 — Param tid must be a thread id, thread fbid, or canonical id
- 100 — The page is not qualified to use Video Copyright API. Please verify that the page has completed Video Copyright API onboarding process.
- 100 — Employee Account or Specific App Conditions
- 101 — API_EC_PARAM_API_KEY: Invalid API key
- 102 — API_EC_PARAM_SESSION_KEY: Session key invalid or no longer valid
- 103 — API_EC_PARAM_CALL_ID: Call_id must be greater than previous
- 104 — API_EC_PARAM_SIGNATURE: Incorrect signature
- 105 — API_EC_PARAM_TOO_MANY: The number of parameters exceeded the maximum for this operation
- 110 — API_EC_PARAM_USER_ID: Invalid user id
- 111 — API_EC_PARAM_USER_FIELD: Invalid user info field
- 112 — API_EC_PARAM_SOCIAL_FIELD: Invalid user field
- 113 — API_EC_PARAM_EMAIL: Invalid email
- 114 — API_EC_PARAM_USER_ID_LIST: Invalid user ID list
- 114 — An id must be a valid ID string (e.g., «123»)
- 115 — API_EC_PARAM_FIELD_LIST: Invalid field list
- 120 — API_EC_PARAM_ALBUM_ID: Invalid album id
- 121 — API_EC_PARAM_PHOTO_ID: Invalid photo id
- 130 — API_EC_PARAM_FEED_PRIORITY: Invalid feed publication priority
- 140 — API_EC_PARAM_CATEGORY: Invalid category
- 141 — API_EC_PARAM_SUBCATEGORY: Invalid subcategory
- 142 — API_EC_PARAM_TITLE: Invalid title
- 143 — API_EC_PARAM_DESCRIPTION: Invalid description
- 145 — API calls from the server require an appsecret_proof argument
- 144 — API_EC_PARAM_BAD_JSON: Malformed JSON string
- 150 — API_EC_PARAM_BAD_EID: Invalid eid
- 151 — API_EC_PARAM_UNKNOWN_CITY: Unknown city
- 152 — API_EC_PARAM_BAD_PAGE_TYPE: Invalid page type
- 170 — API_EC_PARAM_BAD_LOCALE: Invalid locale
- 180 — API_EC_PARAM_BLOCKED_NOTIFICATION: This notification was not delieved
- 190 — API_EC_PARAM_ACCESS_TOKEN: Invalid OAuth 2.0 Access Token
- 190 — The access token does not match the user claiming the offer
- 190 — The access token does not match the user resending the offer
- 193 — The time specified is too far back in the past. Please do a full refresh of the friends using the friend FQL table
User Permission Errors
- 200 — API_EC_PERMISSION: Permissions error
- 200 — User does not have permission to post to target
- 200 — Video is either deleted or you do not have permission to view it
- 200 — This post wasn’t created by the application
- 200 — Posts where the actor is a page cannot also include a target_id other than EVENT or GROUP»
- 200 — Subject does not have permission to create live video on this page
- 200 — Subject does not have permission to create live video on this user
- 210 — API_EC_PERMISSION_USER: User not visible
- 211 — API_EC_PERMISSION_NO_DEVELOPERS: Application has no developers.
- 212 — API_EC_PERMISSION_OFFLINE_ACCESS: Renewing a session offline requires the extended permission offline_access
- 220 — API_EC_PERMISSION_ALBUM: Album or albums not visible
- 220 — User cannot delete this album.
- 221 — API_EC_PERMISSION_PHOTO: Photo not visible
- 230 — API_EC_PERMISSION_MESSAGE: Permissions disallow message to user
- 240 — API_EC_PERMISSION_MARKUP_OTHER_USER: Desktop applications cannot set FBML for other users
- 240 — This user isn’t allowed to upload photos to this object’s wall
- 250 — API_EC_PERMISSION_STATUS_UPDATE: Updating status requires the extended permission status_update.
- 260 — API_EC_PERMISSION_PHOTO_UPLOAD: Modifying existing photos requires the extended permission photo_upload
- 261 — API_EC_PERMISSION_VIDEO_UPLOAD: Modifying existing photos requires the extended permission photo_upload
- 270 — API_EC_PERMISSION_SMS: Permissions disallow sms to user.
- 270 — Development access is not allowed to access business API post:Business/adaccount.
- 273 — This Ads API call requires the user to be admin of the ad account. User <MY_USER_ID> not admin on ad account <ACT_ID>
- 275 — Reading advertisements requires an access token with the extended permission ads_read
- 280 — API_EC_PERMISSION_CREATE_LISTING: Creating and modifying listings requires the extended permission create_listing
- 281 — API_EC_PERMISSION_CREATE_NOTE: Managing notes requires the extended permission create_note.
- 282 — API_EC_PERMISSION_SHARE_ITEM: Managing shared items requires the extended permission share_item.
- 290 — API_EC_PERMISSION_EVENT: Creating and modifying events requires the extended permission create_event
- 291 — API_EC_PERMISSION_LARGE_FBML_TEMPLATE: FBML Template isn’t owned by your application.
- 292 — API_EC_PERMISSION_LIVEMESSAGE: An application is only allowed to send LiveMessages to users who have accepted the TOS for that application.
- 293 — API_EC_PERMISSION_XMPP_LOGIN: Logging in to chat requires the extended permission xmpp_login
- 294 — API_EC_PERMISSION_ADS_MANAGEMENT: Managing advertisements requires the extended permission ads_management, and a participating API key
- 296 — API_EC_PERMISSION_CREATE_EVENT: Managing events requires the extended permission create_event
- 298 — API_EC_PERMISSION_READ_MAILBOX: Reading mailbox messages requires the extended permission read_mailbox
- 299 — API_EC_PERMISSION_RSVP_EVENT: RSVPing to events requires the extended permission create_rsvp
Data Editing Errors
- 300 — API_EC_EDIT: Edit failure
- 310 — API_EC_EDIT_USER_DATA: User data edit failure
- 320 — API_EC_EDIT_PHOTO: Photo edit failure
- 320 — This photo is not wide enough to use as a Timeline Cover, the minimum width is 399 pixels
- 321 — API_EC_EDIT_ALBUM_SIZE: Album is full
- 322 — API_EC_EDIT_PHOTO_TAG_SUBJECT: Invalid photo tag subject
- 323 — API_EC_EDIT_PHOTO_TAG_PHOTO: Cannot tag photo already visible on Facebook
- 324 — API_EC_EDIT_PHOTO_FILE: Missing or invalid image file
- 325 — API_EC_EDIT_PHOTO_PENDING_LIMIT: Too many unapproved photos pending
- 326 — API_EC_EDIT_PHOTO_TAG_LIMIT: Too many photo tags pending
- 327 — API_EC_EDIT_ALBUM_REORDER_PHOTO_NOT_IN_ALBUM: Input array contains a photo not in the album
- 328 — API_EC_EDIT_ALBUM_REORDER_TOO_FEW_PHOTOS: Input array has too few photos
- 329 — API_EC_MALFORMED_MARKUP: Template data must be a JSON-encoded dictionary, of the form {‘key-1’: ‘value-1’, ‘key-2’: ‘value-2’, …}
- 330 — API_EC_EDIT_MARKUP: Failed to set markup
- 340 — API_EC_EDIT_FEED_TOO_MANY_USER_CALLS: Feed publication request limit reached
- 341 — API_EC_EDIT_FEED_TOO_MANY_USER_ACTION_CALLS: Feed action request limit reached
- 342 — API_EC_EDIT_FEED_TITLE_LINK: Feed story title can have at most one href anchor
- 343 — API_EC_EDIT_FEED_TITLE_LENGTH: Feed story title is too long
- 344 — API_EC_EDIT_FEED_TITLE_NAME: Feed story title can have at most one fb:userlink and must be of the user whose action is being reported
- 345 — API_EC_EDIT_FEED_TITLE_BLANK: Feed story title rendered as blank
- 346 — API_EC_EDIT_FEED_BODY_LENGTH: Feed story body is too long
- 347 — API_EC_EDIT_FEED_PHOTO_SRC: Feed story photo could not be accessed or proxied
- 348 — API_EC_EDIT_FEED_PHOTO_LINK: Feed story photo link invalid
- 350 — API_EC_EDIT_VIDEO_SIZE: Video file is too large
- 351 — API_EC_EDIT_VIDEO_INVALID_FILE: Video file was corrupt or invalid
- 352 — API_EC_EDIT_VIDEO_INVALID_TYPE: Video file format is not supported
- 353 — API_EC_EDIT_VIDEO_FILE: Missing video file
- 354 — API_EC_EDIT_VIDEO_NOT_TAGGED: User is not tagged in this video
- 355 — API_EC_EDIT_VIDEO_ALREADY_TAGGED: User is already tagged in this video
- 360 — API_EC_EDIT_FEED_TITLE_ARRAY: Feed story title_data argument was not a valid JSON-encoded array
- 361 — API_EC_EDIT_FEED_TITLE_PARAMS: Feed story title template either missing required parameters, or did not have all parameters defined in title_data array
- 362 — API_EC_EDIT_FEED_BODY_ARRAY: Feed story body_data argument was not a valid JSON-encoded array
- 363 — API_EC_EDIT_FEED_BODY_PARAMS: Feed story body template either missing required parameters, or did not have all parameters defined in body_data array
- 364 — API_EC_EDIT_FEED_PHOTO: Feed story photos could not be retrieved, or bad image links were provided
- 365 — API_EC_EDIT_FEED_TEMPLATE: The template for this story does not match any templates registered for this application
- 366 — API_EC_EDIT_FEED_TARGET: One or more of the target ids for this story are invalid. They must all be ids of friends of the acting user
- 367 — API_EC_EDIT_FEED_MARKUP: The template data provided doesn’t cover the entire token set needed to publish the story
- 368 — The action attempted has been deemed abusive or is otherwise disallowed
- 370 — API_EC_USERS_CREATE_INVALID_EMAIL: The email address you provided is not a valid email address
- 371 — API_EC_USERS_CREATE_EXISTING_EMAIL: The email address you provided belongs to an existing account
- 372 — API_EC_USERS_CREATE_BIRTHDAY: The birthday provided is not valid
- 373 — API_EC_USERS_CREATE_PASSWORD: The password provided is too short or weak
- 374 — API_EC_USERS_REGISTER_INVALID_CREDENTIAL: The login credential you provided is invalid.
- 375 — API_EC_USERS_REGISTER_CONF_FAILURE: Failed to send confirmation message to the specified login credential.
- 376 — API_EC_USERS_REGISTER_EXISTING: The login credential you provided belongs to an existing account
- 377 — API_EC_USERS_REGISTER_DEFAULT_ERROR: Sorry, we were unable to process your registration.
- 378 — API_EC_USERS_REGISTER_PASSWORD_BLANK: Your password cannot be blank. Please try another.
- 379 — API_EC_USERS_REGISTER_PASSWORD_INVALID_CHARS: Your password contains invalid characters. Please try another.
- 380 — API_EC_USERS_REGISTER_PASSWORD_SHORT: Your password must be at least 6 characters long. Please try another.
- 381 — API_EC_USERS_REGISTER_PASSWORD_WEAK: Your password should be more secure. Please try another.
- 382 — API_EC_USERS_REGISTER_USERNAME_ERROR: Our automated system will not approve this name.
- 383 — API_EC_USERS_REGISTER_MISSING_INPUT: You must fill in all of the fields.
- 384 — API_EC_USERS_REGISTER_INCOMPLETE_BDAY: You must indicate your full birthday to register.
- 385 — API_EC_USERS_REGISTER_INVALID_EMAIL: Please enter a valid email address.
- 386 — API_EC_USERS_REGISTER_EMAIL_DISABLED: The email address you entered has been disabled. Please contact disabled@facebook.com with any questions.
- 387 — API_EC_USERS_REGISTER_ADD_USER_FAILED: There was an error with your registration. Please try registering again.
- 388 — API_EC_USERS_REGISTER_NO_GENDER: Please select either Male or Female.
Authentication Errors
- 400 — API_EC_AUTH_EMAIL: Invalid email address
- 401 — API_EC_AUTH_LOGIN: Invalid username or password
- 402 — API_EC_AUTH_SIG: Invalid application auth sig
- 403 — API_EC_AUTH_TIME: Invalid timestamp for authentication
- 411 — The user is not allowed to log into this app
- 412 — User has not installed the application
Session Errors
- 450 — API_EC_SESSION_TIMED_OUT: Session key specified has passed its expiration time
- 451 — API_EC_SESSION_METHOD: Session key specified cannot be used to call this method
- 452 — API_EC_SESSION_INVALID: Session key invalid. This could be because the session key has an incorrect format, or because the user has revoked this session
- 453 — API_EC_SESSION_REQUIRED: A session key is required for calling this method
- 454 — API_EC_SESSION_REQUIRED_FOR_SECRET: A session key must be specified when request is signed with a session secret
- 455 — API_EC_SESSION_CANNOT_USE_SESSION_SECRET: A session secret is not permitted to be used with this type of session key
- 456 — The session is malformed
- 457 — The session has an invalid origin
- 458 — User USER_ID has not authorized application APP_ID
- 459 — The user has been checkpointed. The error_data will contain the URL the user needs to go to to clear the checkpoint
- 460 — Session does not match current stored session. This may be because the user changed the password since the time the session was created or Facebook has changed the session for security reasons
- 461 — Session is invalid. This could be because the application was uninstalled after the session was created
- 462 — The session has a stale version
- 464 — The session user is not confirmed
- 463 — Session has expired at unix time SOME_TIME. The current unix time is SOME_TIME
- 465 — The session user is invalid
- 466 — The session was invalidated explicitly using an API call
- 467 — The session is invalid because the user logged out
- 468 — The session is invalid, because the user has not used the app for a long time
- 478 — The images you tried to upload are too many
Application Messaging Errors
500 — API_EC_MESG_BANNED: Message contains banned content
501 — API_EC_MESG_NO_BODY: Missing message body
502 — API_EC_MESG_TOO_LONG: Message is too long
503 — API_EC_MESG_RATE: User has sent too many messages
504 — API_EC_MESG_INVALID_THREAD: Invalid reply thread id
505 — API_EC_MESG_INVALID_RECIP: Invalid message recipient
506 — Duplicate status message
509 — Invalid attachment extension
510 — API_EC_POKE_INVALID_RECIP: Invalid poke recipient
511 — API_EC_POKE_OUTSTANDING: There is a poke already outstanding
512 — API_EC_POKE_RATE: User is poking too fast
513 — API_EC_POKE_USER_BLOCKED: User cannot poke via API
521 — You can’t add yourself as a friend
522 — You are already friends with this user
528 — This user already has too many friend requests
529 — This user is not valid
546 — The type of file you’re trying to attach isn’t allowed. Please try again with a different format.
FQL Errors
- 600 — FQL_EC_UNKNOWN_ERROR: An unknown error occurred in FQL
- 601 — FQL_EC_PARSER_ERROR: Error while parsing FQL statement
- 602 — FQL_EC_UNKNOWN_FIELD: The field you requested does not exist
- 603 — FQL_EC_UNKNOWN_TABLE: The table you requested does not exist
- 604 — FQL_EC_NO_INDEX: Your statement is not indexable
- 605 — FQL_EC_UNKNOWN_FUNCTION: The function you called does not exist
- 606 — FQL_EC_INVALID_PARAM: Wrong number of arguments passed into the function
- 606 — You do not have permission to fetch notifications for this user
- 606 — You can only fetch messages for one user
- 606 — Queries for these filter_keys: «nf» require a non-zero viewer that has granted read_stream permission
- 606 — uid in the where clause must be the session user
- 607 — FQL_EC_INVALID_FIELD: FQL field specified is invalid in this context.
- 608 — FQL_EC_INVALID_SESSION: An invalid session was specified
- 609 — FQL_EC_UNSUPPORTED_APP_TYPE: FQL field specified is invalid in this context.
- 610 — FQL_EC_SESSION_SECRET_NOT_ALLOWED: FQL field specified is invalid in this context.
- 611 — FQL_EC_DEPRECATED_TABLE: FQL field specified is invalid in this context.
- 612 — FQL_EC_EXTENDED_PERMISSION: The stream requires an extended permission
- 613 — FQL_EC_RATE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED: Calls to stream have exceeded the rate of 100 calls per 600 seconds.
- 614 — FQL_EC_UNRESOLVED_DEPENDENCY: Unresolved dependency in multiquery fql.multiquery
- 615 — FQL_EC_INVALID_SEARCH: This search is invalid
- 617 — FQL_EC_TOO_MANY_FRIENDS_FOR_PRELOAD: The user you queried against has too many friends to be used with Preload FQL, in order to avoid out of memory errors
Ref Errors
- 700 — API_EC_REF_SET_FAILED: Unknown failure in storing ref data. Please try again.
Application Integration Errors
- 750 — API_EC_FB_APP_UNKNOWN_ERROR: Unknown Facebook application integration failure.
- 751 — API_EC_FB_APP_FETCH_FAILED: Fetch from remote site failed.
- 752 — API_EC_FB_APP_NO_DATA: Application returned no data. This may be expected or represent a connectivity error.
- 753 — API_EC_FB_APP_NO_PERMISSIONS: Application returned user had invalid permissions to complete the operation.
- 754 — API_EC_FB_APP_TAG_MISSING: Application returned data, but no matching tag found. This may be expected.
- 755 — API_EC_FB_APP_DB_FAILURE: The database for this object failed.
Data Store API Errors
- 800 — API_EC_DATA_UNKNOWN_ERROR: Unknown data store API error
- 801 — API_EC_DATA_INVALID_OPERATION: Invalid operation
- 802 — API_EC_DATA_QUOTA_EXCEEDED: Data store allowable quota was exceeded
- 803 — API_EC_DATA_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND: Specified object cannot be found
- 804 — API_EC_DATA_OBJECT_ALREADY_EXISTS: Specified object already exists
- 805 — API_EC_DATA_DATABASE_ERROR: A database error occurred. Please try again
- 806 — API_EC_DATA_CREATE_TEMPLATE_ERROR: Unable to add FBML template to template database. Please try again.
- 807 — API_EC_DATA_TEMPLATE_EXISTS_ERROR: No active template bundle with that ID or handle exists.
- 808 — API_EC_DATA_TEMPLATE_HANDLE_TOO_LONG: Template bundle handles must contain less than or equal to 32 characters.
- 809 — API_EC_DATA_TEMPLATE_HANDLE_ALREADY_IN_USE: Template bundle handle already identifies a previously registered template bundle, and handles can not be reused.
- 810 — API_EC_DATA_TOO_MANY_TEMPLATE_BUNDLES: Application has too many active template bundles, and some must be deactivated before new ones can be registered.
- 811 — API_EC_DATA_MALFORMED_ACTION_LINK: One of more of the supplied action links was improperly formatted.
- 812 — API_EC_DATA_TEMPLATE_USES_RESERVED_TOKEN: One …or more of your templates is using a token reserved by Facebook, such as {mp3} or {video}.
Mobile/SMS Errors
- 850 — API_EC_SMS_INVALID_SESSION: Invalid sms session.
- 851 — API_EC_SMS_MSG_LEN: Invalid sms message length.
- 852 — API_EC_SMS_USER_QUOTA: Over user daily sms quota.
- 853 — API_EC_SMS_USER_ASLEEP: Unable to send sms to user at this time.
- 854 — API_EC_SMS_APP_QUOTA: Over application daily sms quota/rate limit.
- 855 — API_EC_SMS_NOT_REGISTERED: User is not registered for Facebook Mobile Texts
- 856 — API_EC_SMS_NOTIFICATIONS_OFF: User has SMS notifications turned off
- 857 — API_EC_SMS_CARRIER_DISABLE: SMS application disallowed by mobile operator
Application Information Errors
- 900 — API_EC_NO_SUCH_APP: No such application exists.
Batch API Errors
- 950 — API_BATCH_TOO_MANY_ITEMS: Each batch API can not contain more than 20 items
- 951 — API_EC_BATCH_ALREADY_STARTED: begin_batch already called, please make sure to call end_batch first.
- 952 — API_EC_BATCH_NOT_STARTED: end_batch called before begin_batch.
- 953 — API_EC_BATCH_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED_IN_BATCH_MODE: This method is not allowed in batch mode.
Events API Errors
- 1000 — API_EC_EVENT_INVALID_TIME: Invalid time for an event.
- 1001 — API_EC_EVENT_NAME_LOCKED: You are no longer able to change the name of this event.
Info Section Errors
- 1050 — API_EC_INFO_NO_INFORMATION: No information has been set for this user
- 1051 — API_EC_INFO_SET_FAILED: Setting info failed. Check the formatting of your info fields.
LiveMessage Errors
- 1100 — API_EC_LIVEMESSAGE_SEND_FAILED: An error occurred while sending the LiveMessage.
- 1101 — API_EC_LIVEMESSAGE_EVENT_NAME_TOO_LONG: The event_name parameter must be no longer than 128 bytes.
- 1102 — API_EC_LIVEMESSAGE_MESSAGE_TOO_LONG: The message parameter must be no longer than 1024 bytes.
Credits Errors
- 1150 — API_EC_PAYMENTS_UNKNOWN: Unknown error
- 1151 — API_EC_PAYMENTS_APP_INVALID: Application is not enabled for using Facebook Credits.
- 1152 — API_EC_PAYMENTS_DATABASE: A database error occurred.
- 1153 — API_EC_PAYMENTS_PERMISSION_DENIED: Permission denied to check order details.
- 1154 — API_EC_PAYMENTS_APP_NO_RESPONSE: Payments callback to the application failed.
- 1155 — API_EC_PAYMENTS_APP_ERROR_RESPONSE: Payments callback to the application received error response.
- 1156 — API_EC_PAYMENTS_INVALID_ORDER: The supplied order ID is invalid.
- 1157 — API_EC_PAYMENTS_INVALID_PARAM: One of the Payments parameters is invalid.
- 1158 — API_EC_PAYMENTS_INVALID_OPERATION: The operation is invalid.
- 1159 — API_EC_PAYMENTS_PAYMENT_FAILED: Failed in processing the payment.
- 1160 — API_EC_PAYMENTS_DISABLED: Facebook Credits system is disabled.
- 1161 — API_EC_PAYMENTS_INSUFFICIENT_BALANCE: Insufficient balance.
- 1162 — API_EC_PAYMENTS_EXCEED_CREDIT_BALANCE_LIMIT: Exceed credit balance limit.
- 1163 — API_EC_PAYMENTS_EXCEED_CREDIT_DAILY_PURCHASE_LIMIT: Exceed daily credit purchase limit.
- 1164 — API_EC_PAYMENTS_EXCEED_CREDIT_DAILY_SPEND_LIMIT: Exceed daily credit spend limit.
- 1166 — API_EC_PAYMENTS_INVALID_FUNDING_AMOUNT: Credits purchased from funding source do not match the spend order amount.
- 1167 — API_EC_PAYMENTS_NON_REFUNDABLE_PAYMENT_METHOD: The funding source is a non-refundable payment method.
- 1168 — API_EC_PAYMENTS_USER_THROTTLED: Application is configured to throttle some users.
- 1169 — API_EC_PAYMENTS_LOGIN_REQUIRED: User is not logged in.
- 1170 — API_EC_APP_INFO_FETCH_FAILURE: Error retrieving application information.
- 1171 — API_EC_INVALID_APP_INFO: Invalid application information returned.
- 1172 — API_EC_PAYMENTS_APP_INSUFFICIENT_BALANCE: Application has insufficient balance (app2user).
Chat Errors
- 1200 — API_EC_CHAT_SEND_FAILED: An error occurred while sending the message.
Facebook Page Errors
- 1201 — API_EC_PAGES_CREATE: You have created too many pages
Facebook Links Errors
- 1500 — API_EC_SHARE_BAD_URL: The url you supplied is invalid
Facebook Notes Errors
- 1600 — API_EC_NOTE_CANNOT_MODIFY: The user does not have permission to modify this note.
Comment Errors
1700 — API_EC_COMMENTS_UNKNOWN: An unknown error has occurred.
1701 — API_EC_COMMENTS_POST_TOO_LONG: The specified post was too long.
1702 — API_EC_COMMENTS_DB_DOWN: The comments database is down.
1703 — API_EC_COMMENTS_INVALID_XID: The specified xid is not valid. xids can only contain letters, numbers, and underscores
1704 — API_EC_COMMENTS_INVALID_UID: The specified user is not a user of this application
1705 — API_EC_COMMENTS_INVALID_POST: There was an error during posting.
1706 — API_EC_COMMENTS_INVALID_REMOVE: While attempting to remove the post
2500 — Syntax error «Field id specified more than once. This is only possible before version 2.1» at character 5: id,id
Test Users
2901 — API_EC_TEST_ACCOUNTS_INVALID_ID: Test user is not associated with this app.
2902 — API_EC_TEST_ACCOUNTS_CANT_REMOVE_APP: Test user must be associated with at least one app
2903 — API_EC_TEST_ACCOUNTS_CANT_DELETE: Test user is associated with multiple apps
3000 — Reading Insights of a Page/App/Domain not owned by the querying user or application
3115 — Captcha verification failed
3301 — That code isn’t working. Please check the code and try again.
3303 — Sorry, you have made too many incorrect guesses. Please request another code.
3403 — Achievement hasn’t been registered for this application. See https://developers.facebook.com/docs/howtos/achievements/
3802 — User cannot reblock target so soon after unblocking target
3953 — Provided application does not belong to the business
3910 — You need permission to edit the details of your Business Manager. Please talk to one of your Business Manager admins about changing your role or editing the Business Manager details.
3962 — Provided permission is not valid. Check you spelling and syntax.
4004 — User cannot be added as an admin of this group
4006 — User cannot be removed as admin of this group»
4202 — This dialog cannot be displayed on this device
10000 — Sorry, something went wrong. Please try again later.
10010 — Sorry, something went wrong. Please wait a little while, then try sending your payment again.
23005 — Failed to accept the request
25303 — Your request cannot be completed because of permission or validation denied
1363041 — Invalid upload session given.
1487168 — The account is invalid: The account is invalid
1504021 — The sharding key must be a page_id
-3 — Please reduce the amount of data you’re asking for, then retry your request [Encountered eg when setting high limit on query to huge page feed]
~ 48 min read. Published 05 May 2013
General Errors
Errornumber | PHP Constant name | Error description | Generated by methods |
API_EC_SUCCESS | Success | (all) | |
1 | API_EC_UNKNOWN | An unknown error occurred | (all) |
2 | API_EC_SERVICE | Service temporarily unavailable | (all) |
3 | API_EC_METHOD | Unknown method | |
4 | API_EC_TOO_MANY_CALLS | Application request limit reached | (all) |
5 | API_EC_BAD_IP | Unauthorized source IP address | (all) |
6 | API_EC_HOST_API | This method must run on api.facebook.com | (all) |
7 | API_EC_HOST_UP | This method must run on api-video.facebook.com | |
8 | API_EC_SECURE | This method requires an HTTPS connection | |
9 | API_EC_RATE | User is performing too many actions | |
10 | API_EC_PERMISSION_DENIED | Application does not have permission for this action | |
11 | API_EC_DEPRECATED | This method is deprecated | |
12 | API_EC_VERSION | This API version is deprecated | |
13 | API_EC_INTERNAL_FQL_ERROR | The underlying FQL query made by this API call has encountered an error. Please check that your parameters are correct. | |
14 | API_EC_HOST_PUP | This method must run on api-photo.facebook.com | |
15 | API_EC_SESSION_SECRET_NOT_ALLOWED | This method call must be signed with the application secret (You are probably calling a secure method using a session secret) | |
16 | API_EC_HOST_READONLY | This method cannot be run on this host, which only supports read-only calls | |
17 | API_EC_USER_TOO_MANY_CALLS | User request limit reached | |
18 | API_EC_REQUEST_RESOURCES_EXCEEDED | This API call could not be completed due to resource limits |
Parameter Errors
Errornumber | PHP Constant name | Error description | Generated by methods |
100 | API_EC_PARAM | Invalid parameter | (all) |
101 | API_EC_PARAM_API_KEY | Invalid API key | (all) |
102 | API_EC_PARAM_SESSION_KEY | Session key invalid or no longer valid | (all) |
103 | API_EC_PARAM_CALL_ID | Call_id must be greater than previous | |
104 | API_EC_PARAM_SIGNATURE | Incorrect signature | (all) |
105 | API_EC_PARAM_TOO_MANY | The number of parameters exceeded the maximum for this operation | |
110 | API_EC_PARAM_USER_ID | Invalid user id | photos.addTag |
111 | API_EC_PARAM_USER_FIELD | Invalid user info field | |
112 | API_EC_PARAM_SOCIAL_FIELD | Invalid user field | |
113 | API_EC_PARAM_EMAIL | Invalid email | |
114 | API_EC_PARAM_USER_ID_LIST | Invalid user ID list | |
115 | API_EC_PARAM_FIELD_LIST | Invalid field list | |
120 | API_EC_PARAM_ALBUM_ID | Invalid album id | |
121 | API_EC_PARAM_PHOTO_ID | Invalid photo id | |
130 | API_EC_PARAM_FEED_PRIORITY | Invalid feed publication priority | |
140 | API_EC_PARAM_CATEGORY | Invalid category | |
141 | API_EC_PARAM_SUBCATEGORY | Invalid subcategory | |
142 | API_EC_PARAM_TITLE | Invalid title | |
143 | API_EC_PARAM_DESCRIPTION | Invalid description | |
144 | API_EC_PARAM_BAD_JSON | Malformed JSON string | |
150 | API_EC_PARAM_BAD_EID | Invalid eid | |
151 | API_EC_PARAM_UNKNOWN_CITY | Unknown city | |
152 | API_EC_PARAM_BAD_PAGE_TYPE | Invalid page type | |
170 | API_EC_PARAM_BAD_LOCALE | Invalid locale | |
180 | API_EC_PARAM_BLOCKED_NOTIFICATION | This notification was not delieved | |
190 | API_EC_PARAM_ACCESS_TOKEN | Invalid OAuth 2.0 Access Token |
User Permission Errors
Errornumber | PHP Constant name | Error description | Generated by methods |
200 | API_EC_PERMISSION | Permissions error | |
210 | API_EC_PERMISSION_USER | User not visible | |
211 | API_EC_PERMISSION_NO_DEVELOPERS | Application has no developers. | admin.setAppProperties |
212 | API_EC_PERMISSION_OFFLINE_ACCESS | Renewing a session offline requires the extended permission offline_access | |
220 | API_EC_PERMISSION_ALBUM | Album or albums not visible | |
221 | API_EC_PERMISSION_PHOTO | Photo not visible | |
230 | API_EC_PERMISSION_MESSAGE | Permissions disallow message to user | |
240 | API_EC_PERMISSION_MARKUP_OTHER_USER | Desktop applications cannot set FBML for other users | |
250 | API_EC_PERMISSION_STATUS_UPDATE | Updating status requires the extended permission status_update. | users.setStatus |
260 | API_EC_PERMISSION_PHOTO_UPLOAD | Modifying existing photos requires the extended permission photo_upload | photos.upload,photos.addTag |
261 | API_EC_PERMISSION_VIDEO_UPLOAD | Modifying existing photos requires the extended permission photo_upload | photos.upload,photos.addTag |
270 | API_EC_PERMISSION_SMS | Permissions disallow sms to user. | |
280 | API_EC_PERMISSION_CREATE_LISTING | Creating and modifying listings requires the extended permission create_listing | |
281 | API_EC_PERMISSION_CREATE_NOTE | Managing notes requires the extended permission create_note. | |
282 | API_EC_PERMISSION_SHARE_ITEM | Managing shared items requires the extended permission share_item. | |
290 | API_EC_PERMISSION_EVENT | Creating and modifying events requires the extended permission create_event | events.create, events.edit |
291 | API_EC_PERMISSION_LARGE_FBML_TEMPLATE | FBML Template isn’t owned by your application. | |
292 | API_EC_PERMISSION_LIVEMESSAGE | An application is only allowed to send LiveMessages to users who have accepted the TOS for that application. | liveMessage.send |
293 | API_EC_PERMISSION_XMPP_LOGIN | Logging in to chat requires the extended permission xmpp_login | Integrating with FacebookChat |
294 | API_EC_PERMISSION_ADS_MANAGEMENT | Managing advertisements requires the extended permission ads_management, and a participating API key | Ads API |
296 | API_EC_PERMISSION_CREATE_EVENT | Managing events requires the extended permission create_event | API#Events_API_Methods |
298 | API_EC_PERMISSION_READ_MAILBOX | Reading mailbox messages requires the extended permission read_mailbox | message.getThreadsInFolder |
299 | API_EC_PERMISSION_RSVP_EVENT | RSVPing to events requires the extended permission create_rsvp | events.rsvp |
Data Editing Errors
Errornumber | PHP Constant name | Error description | Generated by methods |
300 | API_EC_EDIT | Edit failure | |
310 | API_EC_EDIT_USER_DATA | User data edit failure | |
320 | API_EC_EDIT_PHOTO | Photo edit failure | |
321 | API_EC_EDIT_ALBUM_SIZE | Album is full | |
322 | API_EC_EDIT_PHOTO_TAG_SUBJECT | Invalid photo tag subject | |
323 | API_EC_EDIT_PHOTO_TAG_PHOTO | Cannot tag photo already visible on Facebook | |
324 | API_EC_EDIT_PHOTO_FILE | Missing or invalid image file | |
325 | API_EC_EDIT_PHOTO_PENDING_LIMIT | Too many unapproved photos pending | |
326 | API_EC_EDIT_PHOTO_TAG_LIMIT | Too many photo tags pending | |
327 | API_EC_EDIT_ALBUM_REORDER_PHOTO_NOT_IN_ALBUM | Input array contains a photo not in the album | |
328 | API_EC_EDIT_ALBUM_REORDER_TOO_FEW_PHOTOS | Input array has too few photos | |
329 | API_EC_MALFORMED_MARKUP | Template data must be a JSON-encoded dictionary, of the form </p>
{‘key-1’: ‘value-1’, ‘key-2’: ‘value-2’, …} |
330 | API_EC_EDIT_MARKUP | Failed to set markup | |
340 | API_EC_EDIT_FEED_TOO_MANY_USER_CALLS | Feed publication request limit reached | |
341 | API_EC_EDIT_FEED_TOO_MANY_USER_ACTION_CALLS | Feed action request limit reached | |
342 | API_EC_EDIT_FEED_TITLE_LINK | Feed story title can have at most one href anchor | |
343 | API_EC_EDIT_FEED_TITLE_LENGTH | Feed story title is too long | |
344 | API_EC_EDIT_FEED_TITLE_NAME | Feed story title can have at most one fb:userlink and must be of the user whose action is being reported | |
345 | API_EC_EDIT_FEED_TITLE_BLANK | Feed story title rendered as blank | |
346 | API_EC_EDIT_FEED_BODY_LENGTH | Feed story body is too long | |
347 | API_EC_EDIT_FEED_PHOTO_SRC | Feed story photo could not be accessed or proxied | |
348 | API_EC_EDIT_FEED_PHOTO_LINK | Feed story photo link invalid | |
350 | API_EC_EDIT_VIDEO_SIZE | Video file is too large | video.upload |
351 | API_EC_EDIT_VIDEO_INVALID_FILE | Video file was corrupt or invalid | video.upload |
352 | API_EC_EDIT_VIDEO_INVALID_TYPE | Video file format is not supported | video.upload |
353 | API_EC_EDIT_VIDEO_FILE | Missing video file | video.upload |
354 | API_EC_EDIT_VIDEO_NOT_TAGGED | User is not tagged in this video | |
355 | API_EC_EDIT_VIDEO_ALREADY_TAGGED | User is already tagged in this video | |
360 | API_EC_EDIT_FEED_TITLE_ARRAY | Feed story title_data argument was not a valid JSON-encoded array | |
361 | API_EC_EDIT_FEED_TITLE_PARAMS | Feed story title template either missing required parameters, or did not have all parameters defined in title_data array | |
362 | API_EC_EDIT_FEED_BODY_ARRAY | Feed story body_data argument was not a valid JSON-encoded array | |
363 | API_EC_EDIT_FEED_BODY_PARAMS | Feed story body template either missing required parameters, or did not have all parameters defined in body_data array | |
364 | API_EC_EDIT_FEED_PHOTO | Feed story photos could not be retrieved, or bad image links were provided | |
365 | API_EC_EDIT_FEED_TEMPLATE | The template for this story does not match any templates registered for this application | |
366 | API_EC_EDIT_FEED_TARGET | One or more of the target ids for this story are invalid. They must all be ids of friends of the acting user | |
367 | API_EC_EDIT_FEED_MARKUP | The template data provided doesn’t cover the entire token set needed to publish the story | |
370 | API_EC_USERS_CREATE_INVALID_EMAIL | The email address you provided is not a valid email address | |
371 | API_EC_USERS_CREATE_EXISTING_EMAIL | The email address you provided belongs to an existing account | |
372 | API_EC_USERS_CREATE_BIRTHDAY | The birthday provided is not valid | |
373 | API_EC_USERS_CREATE_PASSWORD | The password provided is too short or weak | |
374 | API_EC_USERS_REGISTER_INVALID_CREDENTIAL | The login credential you provided is invalid. | |
375 | API_EC_USERS_REGISTER_CONF_FAILURE | Failed to send confirmation message to the specified login credential. | |
376 | API_EC_USERS_REGISTER_EXISTING | The login credential you provided belongs to an existing account | |
377 | API_EC_USERS_REGISTER_DEFAULT_ERROR | Sorry, we were unable to process your registration. | |
378 | API_EC_USERS_REGISTER_PASSWORD_BLANK | Your password cannot be blank. Please try another. | |
379 | API_EC_USERS_REGISTER_PASSWORD_INVALID_CHARS | Your password contains invalid characters. Please try another. | |
380 | API_EC_USERS_REGISTER_PASSWORD_SHORT | Your password must be at least 6 characters long. Please try another. | |
381 | API_EC_USERS_REGISTER_PASSWORD_WEAK | Your password should be more secure. Please try another. | |
382 | API_EC_USERS_REGISTER_USERNAME_ERROR | Our automated system will not approve this name. | |
383 | API_EC_USERS_REGISTER_MISSING_INPUT | You must fill in all of the fields. | |
384 | API_EC_USERS_REGISTER_INCOMPLETE_BDAY | You must indicate your full birthday to register. | |
385 | API_EC_USERS_REGISTER_INVALID_EMAIL | Please enter a valid email address. | |
386 | API_EC_USERS_REGISTER_EMAIL_DISABLED | The email address you entered has been disabled. Please contact disabled@facebook.com with any questions. | |
387 | API_EC_USERS_REGISTER_ADD_USER_FAILED | There was an error with your registration. Please try registering again. | |
388 | API_EC_USERS_REGISTER_NO_GENDER | Please select either Male or Female. |
Authentication Errors
Error number | PHP Constant name | Error description | Generated by methods |
400 | API_EC_AUTH_EMAIL | Invalid email address | |
401 | API_EC_AUTH_LOGIN | Invalid username or password | |
402 | API_EC_AUTH_SIG | Invalid application auth sig | |
403 | API_EC_AUTH_TIME | Invalid timestamp for authentication |
Session Errors
Errornumber | PHP Constant name | Error description | Generated by methods |
450 | API_EC_SESSION_TIMED_OUT | Session key specified has passed its expiration time | |
451 | API_EC_SESSION_METHOD | Session key specified cannot be used to call this method | |
452 | API_EC_SESSION_INVALID | Session key invalid. This could be because the session key has an incorrect format, or because the user has revoked this session | |
453 | API_EC_SESSION_REQUIRED | A session key is required for calling this method | |
454 | API_EC_SESSION_REQUIRED_FOR_SECRET | A session key must be specified when request is signed with a session secret | |
455 | API_EC_SESSION_CANNOT_USE_SESSION_SECRET | A session secret is not permitted to be used with this type of session key |
Application Messaging Errors
Error number | PHP Constant name | Error description | Generated by methods |
500 | API_EC_MESG_BANNED | Message contains banned content | |
501 | API_EC_MESG_NO_BODY | Missing message body | |
502 | API_EC_MESG_TOO_LONG | Message is too long | |
503 | API_EC_MESG_RATE | User has sent too many messages | |
504 | API_EC_MESG_INVALID_THREAD | Invalid reply thread id | |
505 | API_EC_MESG_INVALID_RECIP | Invalid message recipient | |
510 | API_EC_POKE_INVALID_RECIP | Invalid poke recipient | |
511 | API_EC_POKE_OUTSTANDING | There is a poke already outstanding | |
512 | API_EC_POKE_RATE | User is poking too fast | |
513 | API_EC_POKE_USER_BLOCKED | User cannot poke via API |
FQL Errors
Errornumber | PHP Constant name | Error description | Generated by methods |
600 | FQL_EC_UNKNOWN_ERROR | An unknown error occurred in FQL | fql.query,fql.multiquery |
601 | FQL_EC_PARSER_ERROR | Error while parsing FQL statement | fql.query,fql.multiquery |
602 | FQL_EC_UNKNOWN_FIELD | The field you requested does not exist | fql.query,fql.multiquery |
603 | FQL_EC_UNKNOWN_TABLE | The table you requested does not exist | fql.query,fql.multiquery |
604 | FQL_EC_NO_INDEX | Your statement is not indexable | fql.query,fql.multiquery |
605 | FQL_EC_UNKNOWN_FUNCTION | The function you called does not exist | fql.query,fql.multiquery |
606 | FQL_EC_INVALID_PARAM | Wrong number of arguments passed into the function | fql.query,fql.multiquery |
607 | FQL_EC_INVALID_FIELD | FQL field specified is invalid in this context. | fql.query*,fql.multiquery |
608 | FQL_EC_INVALID_SESSION | An invalid session was specified | fql.query,fql.multiquery |
609 | FQL_EC_UNSUPPORTED_APP_TYPE | FQL field specified is invalid in this context. | fql.query*,fql.multiquery |
610 | FQL_EC_SESSION_SECRET_NOT_ALLOWED | FQL field specified is invalid in this context. | fql.query*,fql.multiquery |
611 | FQL_EC_DEPRECATED_TABLE | FQL field specified is invalid in this context. | fql.query*,fql.multiquery |
612 | FQL_EC_EXTENDED_PERMISSION | The stream requires an extended permission | fql.query,fql.multiquery |
613 | FQL_EC_RATE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED | Calls to stream have exceeded the rate of 100 calls per 600 seconds. | fql.query,fql.multiquery |
614 | FQL_EC_UNRESOLVED_DEPENDENCY | Unresolved dependency in multiquery | fql.multiquery |
615 | FQL_EC_INVALID_SEARCH | This search is invalid | fql.query,fql.multiquery |
617 | FQL_EC_TOO_MANY_FRIENDS_FOR_PRELOAD | The user you queried against has too many friends to be used with Preload FQL, in order to avoid out of memory errors | fql.query,fql.multiquery |
- This error is returned when the field name is sometimes valid, but not all the time. For example, if you run fql.query on the Metrics FQL table, you can get this error because some metrics are queryable only over the daily period, as opposed to the weekly or monthly periods.
Ref Errors
Error number | PHP Constant name | Error description | Generated by methods |
700 | API_EC_REF_SET_FAILED | Unknown failure in storing ref data. Please try again. |
Application Integration Errors
Errornumber | PHP Constant name | Error description | Generated by methods |
750 | API_EC_FB_APP_UNKNOWN_ERROR | Unknown Facebook application integration failure. | |
751 | API_EC_FB_APP_FETCH_FAILED | Fetch from remote site failed. | |
752 | API_EC_FB_APP_NO_DATA | Application returned no data. This may be expected or represent a connectivity error. | |
753 | API_EC_FB_APP_NO_PERMISSIONS | Application returned user had invalid permissions to complete the operation. | |
754 | API_EC_FB_APP_TAG_MISSING | Application returned data, but no matching tag found. This may be expected. | |
755 | API_EC_FB_APP_DB_FAILURE | The database for this object failed. |
Application Information Errors
Error number | PHP Constant name | Error description | Generated by methods |
900 | API_EC_NO_SUCH_APP | No such application exists. | application.getPublicInfo |
Batch API Errors
Errornumber | PHP Constant name | Error description | Generated by methods |
950 | API_BATCH_TOO_MANY_ITEMS | Each batch API can not contain more than 20 items | |
951 | API_EC_BATCH_ALREADY_STARTED | begin_batch already called, please make sure to call end_batch first. | |
952 | API_EC_BATCH_NOT_STARTED | end_batch called before begin_batch. | |
953 | API_EC_BATCH_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED_IN_BATCH_MODE | This method is not allowed in batch mode. |
Events API Errors
Error number | PHP Constant name | Error description | Generated by methods |
1000 | API_EC_EVENT_INVALID_TIME | Invalid time for an event. | events.edit |
1001 | API_EC_EVENT_NAME_LOCKED | You are no longer able to change the name of this event. | events.edit |
LiveMessage Errors
Errornumber | PHP Constant name | Error description | Generated by methods |
1100 | API_EC_LIVEMESSAGE_SEND_FAILED | An error occurred while sending the LiveMessage. | liveMessage.send |
1101 | API_EC_LIVEMESSAGE_EVENT_NAME_TOO_LONG | The event_name parameter must be no longer than 128 bytes. | liveMessage.send |
1102 | API_EC_LIVEMESSAGE_MESSAGE_TOO_LONG | The message parameter must be no longer than 1024 bytes. | liveMessage.send |
Chat Errors
Error number | PHP Constant name | Error description | Generated by methods |
1200 | API_EC_CHAT_SEND_FAILED | An error occurred while sending the message. |
Facebook Page Errors
Error number | PHP Constant name | Error description | Generated by methods |
1201 | API_EC_PAGES_CREATE | You have created too many pages |
Facebook Links Errors
Error number | PHP Constant name | Error description | Generated by methods |
1500 | API_EC_SHARE_BAD_URL | The url you supplied is invalid |
Facebook Notes Errors
Error number | PHP Constant name | Error description | Generated by methods |
1600 | API_EC_NOTE_CANNOT_MODIFY | The user does not have permission to modify this note. |
Errornumber | PHP Constant name | Error description | Generated by methods |
1700 | API_EC_COMMENTS_UNKNOWN | An unknown error has occurred. | |
1701 | API_EC_COMMENTS_POST_TOO_LONG | The specified post was too long. | |
1702 | API_EC_COMMENTS_DB_DOWN | The comments database is down. | |
1703 | API_EC_COMMENTS_INVALID_XID | The specified xid is not valid. xids can only contain letters, numbers, and underscores | |
1704 | API_EC_COMMENTS_INVALID_UID | The specified user is not a user of this application | |
1705 | API_EC_COMMENTS_INVALID_POST | There was an error during posting. | |
1706 | API_EC_COMMENTS_INVALID_REMOVE | While attempting to remove the post. |
Facebook Credits Errors
(Facebook’s original docs)
Front End Error Codes
Error code | Error message | Note | Generated by methods |
1383001 | Unknown | Facebook system issue. | |
1383002 | InvalidParameters | Developer called with the incorrect parameters. | |
1383003 | PaymentFailure | Processor decline. | |
1383004 | InvalidOperation | Developer attempted an operation Facebook does not allow. | |
1383005 | PermissionDenied | Facebook system issue. | |
1383006 | DatabaseError | Facebook system issue. | |
1383007 | InvalidApp | App is not whitelisted. Or while in test mode, Developer attempted to debit a user that was not whitelisted. | |
1383008 | AppNoResponse | App is not responding; perhaps a server timeout issue. | |
1383009 | AppErrorResponse | App responded to Facebook with an error code. | |
1383010 | UserCanceled | User explicitly cancelled out of flow. | |
1383011 | Disabled | Facebook system issue. | |
1383013 | OrderFailureAfterPurchaseCredit | Facebook system issue. | |
1383014 | DisputeFlow | Facebook system issue. | |
1383015 | AccountNotCharged | Your application cancelled the order. | |
1383017 | ExceedCreditBalanceLimit | Reached maximum number of credits the user is allowed to keep as a stored balance. This is a Facebook controlled limit and can vary from user to user. | |
1383018 | ExceedCreditDailyPurchaseLimit | Occurs when a user has reached a predefined daily maximum | |
1383019 | ExceedCreditDailySpendLimit | Occurs when the credit amount user spends in a single day exceeds a pre-defined threshold. | |
1383040 | UserThrottled | Application Temporarily Unavailable | |
1383041 | BuyerPaymentFailure | User’s financial instrument could not be charged. | |
1383042 | LoggedOutUser | Login Required | |
1383043 | AppInfoFetchFailure | Facebook system error. | |
1383044 | InvalidAppInfo | Application needs to have a valid callback url. | |
1383045 | AppInvalidEncodedResponse | The application didn’t return a valid json encoded response.. | |
1383046 | AppInvalidDecodedResponse | The application return value was invalid after json_decoding the return value. | |
1383047 | AppInvalidMethodResponse | The application response contains a ‘method’ parameter that didn’t match the request. | |
1383048 | AppMissingContentResponse | The application response didn’t contain the ‘content’ field. | |
1383049 | AppUnknownResponseError | The application returned an unknown response. | |
1383050 | AppUserValidationFailedResponse | Failure to verify the user when sending application callback. | |
1383051 | AppInvalidItemParam | The application is sending invalid item parameters (For example, price or quantity of the items is invalid). | |
1383052 | EmptyAppId | Empty App ID. |
Back End Error Codes
Error code | Error message | Note | Generated by methods |
1150 | API_EC_PAYMENTS_UNKNOWN | Unknown error | |
1151 | API_EC_PAYMENTS_APP_INVALID | Application is not enabled for using Facebook Credits. | |
1152 | API_EC_PAYMENTS_DATABASE | A database error occurred. | |
1153 | API_EC_PAYMENTS_PERMISSION_DENIED | Permission denied to check order details. | |
1154 | API_EC_PAYMENTS_APP_NO_RESPONSE | Payments callback to the application failed. | |
1155 | API_EC_PAYMENTS_APP_ERROR_RESPONSE | Payments callback to the application received error response. | |
1156 | API_EC_PAYMENTS_INVALID_ORDER | The supplied order ID is invalid. | |
1157 | API_EC_PAYMENTS_INVALID_PARAM | One of the Payments parameters is invalid. | |
1158 | API_EC_PAYMENTS_INVALID_OPERATION | The operation is invalid. | |
1159 | API_EC_PAYMENTS_PAYMENT_FAILED | Failed in processing the payment. | |
1160 | API_EC_PAYMENTS_DISABLED | Facebook Credits system is disabled. | |
1161 | API_EC_PAYMENTS_INSUFFICIENT_BALANCE | Insufficient balance. | |
1162 | API_EC_PAYMENTS_EXCEED_CREDIT_BALANCE_LIMIT | Exceed credit balance limit. | |
1163 | API_EC_PAYMENTS_EXCEED_CREDIT_DAILY_PURCHASE_LIMIT | Exceed daily credit purchase limit. | |
1164 | API_EC_PAYMENTS_EXCEED_CREDIT_DAILY_SPEND_LIMIT | Exceed daily credit spend limit. | |
1166 | API_EC_PAYMENTS_INVALID_FUNDING_AMOUNT | Credits purchased from funding source do not match the spend order amount. | |
1167 | API_EC_PAYMENTS_NON_REFUNDABLE_PAYMENT_METHOD | The funding source is a non-refundable payment method. | |
1168 | API_EC_PAYMENTS_USER_THROTTLED | Application is configured to throttle some users. | |
1169 | API_EC_PAYMENTS_LOGIN_REQUIRED | User is not logged in. | |
1170 | API_EC_APP_INFO_FETCH_FAILURE | Error retrieving application information. | |
1171 | API_EC_INVALID_APP_INFO | Invalid application information returned. | |
1172 | API_EC_PAYMENTS_APP_INSUFFICIENT_BALANCE | Application has insufficient balance (app2user). |
Deprecated Error Codes
Data Store API Errors
Errornumber | PHP Constant name | Error description | Generated by methods |
800 | API_EC_DATA_UNKNOWN_ERROR | Unknown data store API error | |
801 | API_EC_DATA_INVALID_OPERATION | Invalid operation | |
802 | API_EC_DATA_QUOTA_EXCEEDED | Data store allowable quota was exceeded | |
803 | API_EC_DATA_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND | Specified object cannot be found | |
804 | API_EC_DATA_OBJECT_ALREADY_EXISTS | Specified object already exists | |
805 | API_EC_DATA_DATABASE_ERROR | A database error occurred. Please try again | |
806 | API_EC_DATA_CREATE_TEMPLATE_ERROR | Unable to add FBML template to template database. Please try again. | |
807 | API_EC_DATA_TEMPLATE_EXISTS_ERROR | No active template bundle with that ID or handle exists. | |
808 | API_EC_DATA_TEMPLATE_HANDLE_TOO_LONG | Template bundle handles must contain less than or equal to 32 characters. | |
809 | API_EC_DATA_TEMPLATE_HANDLE_ALREADY_IN_USE | Template bundle handle already identifies a previously registered template bundle, and handles can not be reused. | |
810 | API_EC_DATA_TOO_MANY_TEMPLATE_BUNDLES | Application has too many active template bundles, and some must be deactivated before new ones can be registered. | |
811 | API_EC_DATA_MALFORMED_ACTION_LINK | One of more of the supplied action links was improperly formatted. | |
812 | API_EC_DATA_TEMPLATE_USES_RESERVED_TOKEN | One …or more of your templates is using a token reserved by Facebook, such as {*mp3*} or {*video*}. |
Mobile/SMS Errors
Error number | PHP Constant name | Error description | Generated by methods |
850 | API_EC_SMS_INVALID_SESSION | Invalid sms session. | |
851 | API_EC_SMS_MSG_LEN | Invalid sms message length. | |
852 | API_EC_SMS_USER_QUOTA | Over user daily sms quota. | |
853 | API_EC_SMS_USER_ASLEEP | Unable to send sms to user at this time. | |
854 | API_EC_SMS_APP_QUOTA | Over application daily sms quota/rate limit. | |
855 | API_EC_SMS_NOT_REGISTERED | User is not registered for Facebook Mobile Texts | |
856 | API_EC_SMS_NOTIFICATIONS_OFF | User has SMS notifications turned off | |
857 | API_EC_SMS_CARRIER_DISABLE | SMS application disallowed by mobile operator |
Info Section Errors
Error number | PHP Constant name | Error description | Generated by methods |
1050 | API_EC_INFO_NO_INFORMATION | No information has been set for this user | profile.setInfo |
1051 | API_EC_INFO_SET_FAILED | Setting info failed. Check the formatting of your info fields. | profile.setInfo |
source: http://fbdevwiki.com/wiki/Error_codes#FQL_Errors
Where can I find the official Graph API Error Code list?
I have been using the Graph API for half a year, and in the past 6 months, the error code’s format has changed twice!
The first time I saw the error code, it looks like:
"error": {
"message": "Error invalidating access token: The session has been invalidated because the user has changed the password.",
"type": "OAuthException",
It’s really stranger, the error message didn’t provide any error code!
And then several months later, the «expected» error code was introduced.
"error": {
"message": "Error invalidating access token: The session has been invalidated because the user has changed the password.",
"type": "OAuthException",
"code": 190,
But sadly, you still cannot distinguish what the error exactly is by checking the «code», since many errors with the same «type» have the same «code».
Just now, I found the error message contains new field:
"error": {
"message": "Error invalidating access token: The session has been invalidated because the user has changed the password.",
"type": "OAuthException",
"code": 190,
"error_subcode": 460
OK, it’s just what I need.
But where can I find the error code list?
I knew there is FQL error code list, http://fbdevwiki.com/wiki/Error_codes#FQL_Errors, but it seems out of date and does not provide any message about the «error_subcode».