Ошибка файл pkgbuild не существует

How I solved it

The problem is that when downloading PKGBUILD, the browser added an unwanted extension to the file which turned out to be PKGBUILD becoming PKGBUILD.asc, the solution is to simply remove the file extension i.e. rename PKGBUILD.asc as PKGBUILD, you may have another extension that does not matter, the important thing is to remove it.

For More Information

makepkg is a script that automates the building of packages Arch. When you use it without telling it which file to build, you are essentially telling it do nothing, which leaves you with the error you see here.

This error explains it is trying to call PKGBUILD which is a package build description file that needs to be made before the package is built by makepkg. When you used the -p flag you are telling makepkg to instead build the package using buildscript in place of PKGBUILD

I highly suggest reading the man page for makepkg by running man makepkg so that you can learn more about this tool for future use. I will link it here for you as well https://www.archlinux.org/pacman/makepkg.8.html

Affected Version

idk, but it’s the latest version as of 5/2/2020 at 15:12 PM


The repository apparently doesn’t contain the PKGBUILD file, so I can’t build it. Do I have to download PKGBUILD manually or something?

Steps to reproduce

  1. git clone https://github.com/Jguer/yay.git
  2. cd yay
  3. makepkg -si


  1. Cloning into 'yay'...'
    remote: Enumerating objects: 47, done.
    remote: Counting objects: 100% (47/47), done.
    remote: Compressing objects: 100% (36/36), done.
    remote: Total 5765 (delta 23), reused 23 (delta 10), pack-reused 5718
    Receiving objects: 100% (5765/5765), 4.96 MiB | 4.05 MiB/s, done.
    Resolving deltas: 100% (3403/3403), done.

  2. no output

  3. ==> ERROR: PKGBUILD does not exist.

у меня йогурт иногда некорректно работает. как правило,в следующей ситуации:

ставлю что-нибудь из аура (например, yaourt -S foo), у выбранного пакета существуют зависимости,которые находятся в том же ауре. эти зависимости скачиваются, компилируются, разбрасываются по папкам. а когда дело доходит до установки самого пакета foo, то появляется малоинформативная ошибка:

makepkg: failed to compile package foo

ну или что-то похожее — точно не помню. при этом если запустить команду yaourt -S foo ещё раз, то заново скачаются исходники пакета foo, все зависимости к этому времени уже установлены,посему он компилируется и ставится без проблем.

если пакет foo большой, то приятного в этом мало.

йогурт, конечно, очень удобная штука, но из-за этого бага последнее время опять пользуюсь связкой pacman+abs+pkgbuild из aur. если не это не баг, то подскажите, что я делаю не так — может,йогурт надо запускать с какими-то особыми параметрами?

морнинг круассан..

Manjaro Linux Forum


How I solved it

The problem is that when downloading PKGBUILD, the browser added an unwanted extension to the file which turned out to be PKGBUILD becoming PKGBUILD.asc, the solution is to simply remove the file extension i.e. rename PKGBUILD.asc as PKGBUILD, you may have another extension that does not matter, the important thing is to remove it.

For More Information

makepkg is a script that automates the building of packages Arch. When you use it without telling it which file to build, you are essentially telling it do nothing, which leaves you with the error you see here.

This error explains it is trying to call PKGBUILD which is a package build description file that needs to be made before the package is built by makepkg. When you used the -p flag you are telling makepkg to instead build the package using buildscript in place of PKGBUILD

I highly suggest reading the man page for makepkg by running man makepkg so that you can learn more about this tool for future use. I will link it here for you as well https://www.archlinux.org/pacman/makepkg.8.html

How I solved it

The problem is that when downloading PKGBUILD, the browser added an unwanted extension to the file which turned out to be PKGBUILD becoming PKGBUILD.asc, the solution is to simply remove the file extension i.e. rename PKGBUILD.asc as PKGBUILD, you may have another extension that does not matter, the important thing is to remove it.

For More Information

makepkg is a script that automates the building of packages Arch. When you use it without telling it which file to build, you are essentially telling it do nothing, which leaves you with the error you see here.

This error explains it is trying to call PKGBUILD which is a package build description file that needs to be made before the package is built by makepkg. When you used the -p flag you are telling makepkg to instead build the package using buildscript in place of PKGBUILD

I highly suggest reading the man page for makepkg by running man makepkg so that you can learn more about this tool for future use. I will link it here for you as well https://www.archlinux.org/pacman/makepkg.8.html

So I recently installed Arch Linux on new(er) hardware (Intel Pentium E5300, Gateway BIOS Motherboard, GPT harddrive, 64-bit, 8GB RAM/4GB swap), and previously, using the same (now wiped) HDD on a Pentium 4 64-bit Architecture with an HP BIOS motherboard with a meager 512MB RAM, I had no problem installing packer (in turn used to install yaourt) via the aur.sh bash script. I’ve set up the BIOS to load a new installation of GRUB/Arch Linux on a separate (non-RAID) HDD (/dev/sdb) from my Windows drive (/dev/sda). This is my second install attempt on this machine, and it simply doesn’t want to create packages from AUR for me.

This is the specific error it’s spitting at me after running the command bash <(curl aur.sh) -si packer as a regular user :

gzip: stdin: not in gzip format
tar: Child Returned Status 1
tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now
/proc/self/fd/11: line 7: cd: packer: No such file or directory
==> ERROR: PKGBUILD does not exist.

It might be worth noting that I changed my shell to zsh w/grml, but it should still run that command through bash. I’ve screwed around with makepkg.conf after the fact, and it’s still spitting this hair-pulling error at me — not just with the deprecated packer, but with any AUR package. Can somebody please tell me what’s going on, and how I can get packages to compile on my system?

Last edited by RJ_The_Edgelord (2015-08-19 13:02:39)

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