Ошибка getvolumenameforvolumemountpoint 0x80071126

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  • Hi All,

    Apologies if I am posting on the wrong forum.

    I am getting the above error occasionally on my server running Win Server 2012 R2 and it only seems to happen most frequently between 3am to 7am. There are times the error does appear in the afternoon but maybe once or twice in a week.

    What is this error ? Does it affect anything and how do i resolve it ?


  • placing this on hold as it seems to be an OEM error.

    • Помечено в качестве ответа

      28 сентября 2018 г. 3:46

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  • Hi All,

    Apologies if I am posting on the wrong forum.

    I am getting the above error occasionally on my server running Win Server 2012 R2 and it only seems to happen most frequently between 3am to 7am. There are times the error does appear in the afternoon but maybe once or twice in a week.

    What is this error ? Does it affect anything and how do i resolve it ?


  • placing this on hold as it seems to be an OEM error.

    • Marked as answer by

      Friday, September 28, 2018 3:46 AM

I have recently started getting this error and not sure why as not have made any amendments to the server or installed any new applications. This is 2012 R2 Server with SQL Server 2012. 

Unable to find out which volume it is referring here to and I have also tried giving access rights to the Systme Volume Information based on few Microsoft tech article I found i.e using Pstools.

File Server Resource Manager Service error: Unexpected error.

Error-specific details:
  Error: GetVolumeNameForVolumeMountPoint, 0x80071126, The file or directory is not a reparse point.

Windows SBS 2011 Standard

Quotas are turned off (have never been used).  I verified System account access to the SRM directory in  System Volumn Information.

Log Name:      Application
Source:        SRMSVC
Date:          12/19/2012 8:06:52 AM
Event ID:      8197
Task Category: None
Level:         Error
Keywords:      Classic
User:          N/A
Computer:      SERVER1.domain.local
File Server Resource Manager Service error: Unexpected error.

Error-specific details:
   Error: GetVolumeNameForVolumeMountPoint, 0x80071126, The file or directory is not a reparse point.

Event Xml:
<Event xmlns=»http://schemas.microsoft.com/win/2004/08/events/event»>
    <Provider Name=»SRMSVC» />
    <EventID Qualifiers=»32772″>8197</EventID>
    <TimeCreated SystemTime=»2012-12-19T16:06:52.000000000Z» />
    <Security />

Error-specific details:
   Error: GetVolumeNameForVolumeMountPoint, 0x80071126, The file or directory is not a reparse point.

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  • На сервере Windows Server 2012 в журнале событий встречаю периодически ошибку:

    Источник: SRMSVC

    ID: 8197

    Ошибка службы диспетчера ресурсов файлового сервера: непредвиденная ошибка.

    Подробные сведения об ошибке:
       Ошибка: GetNodeClusterState(NULL, &dwClusterState), 0x80070002, Не удается найти указанный файл.

    Что это за ошибка?

Все ответы

  • Привет,

    Проделайте cluster validation report, все проходит на ура?

    Мнения, высказанные здесь, являются отражением моих личных взглядов, а не позиции корпорации Microsoft. Вся информация предоставляется «как есть» без каких-либо гарантий. Не забывайте помечать сообщения как ответы и полезные,
    если они Вам помогли.

  • С учетом того, что это — одноузловой кластер (мы собирается в ближайшее время сделать его двухузловым), тест прошел успешно. Тесты, требующие наличия нескольких узлов естественно не выполнялись.

    Единственное, что меня озадачило. По разделяемым файловым ресурсам выдано предупреждение:

    Этот ресурс настроен на использование нестандартного для данного типа ресурса
    интервала значения параметра «Время ожидания». В параметре «Время ожидания»
    указывается время, в течение которого ресурс должен переключиться между режимом
    работы вне сети и интерактивным режимом, прежде чем служба кластера переведет
    ресурс в состояние «Сбой». Обычно рекомендуется использовать значения по
    умолчанию, однако в некоторых случаях лучше выбрать другие значения. Эти
    параметры настраиваются в диспетчере отказоустойчивости кластеров на вкладке
    «Политики» окна «Свойства».

    В свойствах файлового разделения я не нашел вкладки Политика. Поэтому не знаю, что можно сделать. Может быть эта ошибка — тоже результат одноузлового кластера?

  • Еще одна ошибка подобного типа.

    Источник: SRMSVC

    ID: 8197

    Ошибка службы диспетчера ресурсов файлового сервера: непредвиденная ошибка.

       Идет запуск службы диспетчера ресурсов файлового сервера.

    Подробные сведения об ошибке:
       Ошибка: ClusterRegCreateKey(), 0x80070046, Сервер сети был остановлен или находится в процессе запуска.

  • читали статью для ошибки
    ClusterRegCreateKey(), 0x80070046


    C уважением к Вам, Я

  • Данная ошибка возникает при включении сервера? 

    Попробуйте сервис «службы диспетчера ресурсов файлового сервера» поставить как отложенный

    C уважением к Вам, Я

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  • My client’s file server is logging this error message every 20 minutes and I am baffled at what it could be.  I’ve ran CHKDSK successfully, but this error keeps coming up.  Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. The Event is posted below:

    Log Name:      Application
    Source:        SRMSVC
    Date:          9/3/2018 4:51:05 PM
    Event ID:      8197
    Task Category: None
    Level:         Error
    Keywords:      Classic
    User:          N/A
    Computer:      FileServer1.ClientDomain.local
    File Server Resource Manager Service error: Unexpected error.

    Error-specific details:
       Error: GetVolumeNameForVolumeMountPoint, 0x80071126, The file or directory is not a reparse point.

    Event Xml:
    <Event xmlns=»http://schemas.microsoft.com/win/2004/08/events/event»>
        <Provider Name=»SRMSVC» />
        <EventID Qualifiers=»32772″>8197</EventID>
        <TimeCreated SystemTime=»2018-09-03T23:51:05.000000000Z» />
        <Security />

    Error-specific details:
       Error: GetVolumeNameForVolumeMountPoint, 0x80071126, The file or directory is not a reparse point.

  • Remove From My Forums
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  • My client’s file server is logging this error message every 20 minutes and I am baffled at what it could be.  I’ve ran CHKDSK successfully, but this error keeps coming up.  Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. The Event is posted below:

    Log Name:      Application
    Source:        SRMSVC
    Date:          9/3/2018 4:51:05 PM
    Event ID:      8197
    Task Category: None
    Level:         Error
    Keywords:      Classic
    User:          N/A
    Computer:      FileServer1.ClientDomain.local
    File Server Resource Manager Service error: Unexpected error.

    Error-specific details:
       Error: GetVolumeNameForVolumeMountPoint, 0x80071126, The file or directory is not a reparse point.

    Event Xml:
    <Event xmlns=»http://schemas.microsoft.com/win/2004/08/events/event»>
        <Provider Name=»SRMSVC» />
        <EventID Qualifiers=»32772″>8197</EventID>
        <TimeCreated SystemTime=»2018-09-03T23:51:05.000000000Z» />
        <Security />

    Error-specific details:
       Error: GetVolumeNameForVolumeMountPoint, 0x80071126, The file or directory is not a reparse point.

I found next to no information about this error with respect to Server 2012. There is a good deal of information out about this error with Server 2003 with a update package fix from Microsoft as well as notes about how the error has been resolved for Server 2008 and 2008 R2 but nothing for 2012.

On both Server 2012 and Server 2012 R2 (edition doesn’t matter) after installing the File System Resource Manager (FSRM) role an error occurs:

Event ID 8197
Source: SRMSVC
File Server Resource Manger Service error: Unexpected error. 
Error-specific details:
Error: GetVolumeNameForVolumeMountPoint, 0x800700001, incorrect function

This error also occurs on every restart as well as after the service has been restarted (specifically 30 seconds after it has been started). This error was happening on two Dell servers: PowerEdge R720 and PowerEdge R620.

The first thing I discovered was that this only occurs while using UEFI. There is no error when the server is using standard BIOS. I could have stopped there and just stuck with BIOS but I didn’t want to lose out on any of the new features of UEFI and server 2012.

Initially, I assumed this was an issue with Dell’s UEFI implementation since it occurred on both of my new servers as well as in a VM running on a DELL PowerEdge ESX host. However, I was able to reproduce this error with another VM running on non-Dell hardware. This means the problem is with Microsoft. Installing FSRM on Server 2008 R2 on UEFI does not produce the error, only 2012 & 2012 R2 do, narrowing this down to a Server 2012 problem with UEFI.

I have not seen anything negative come of this error aside from the glaring red x in event viewer. I fully tested FSRM functionality and found everything seemed to work without a hitch. Unfortunately, I’m not the type to just ignore an unknown persistent error so I spent a whooole lot of time trying to get to the bottom of this. I was highly motivated to get this figured out because the one hit I had on google with this error and Server 2012 mentioned vanishing volumes on restarts (something I didn’t want popping up on me down the road).

FAQ: File Server Resource Manager(FSRM) server does not – Microsoft Partners Forum:


FSRM cannot start with the event id: 8197.


This issue not only occurs when the system account does not have permission to the quota.xml file, but also related with the srmglobalsettings.xml which is the settings file of File Server Resource Manager global configuration store.


Step1. Download Psexec tool from the link below and extract  to the C: drive

PsExec v1.98


Step2. Start  a CMD with using System account by running the psexec command


a. Open Command Prompt and navigate to the folder or the psexec tool

b. Run the command: psexec -i -d -s cmd.exe to start a new Command Prompt which is running under the System Account

c. In the new opened Command Prompt, run the commands below one by one to take ownership of the took the ownership of hidden folder SRM, quota.xml, reportsettings.xml and srmglobalsettings.xml and give the full rights to system account on the files and folders.

detailed commands:



cd “System Volume Information”

takeown /r /F srm

# Do you want to replace the directory permissions with permissions granting you full control (“Y” for YES, “N” for NO or “C” to CANCEL)? Y

icacls srm /grant system:(F)

cd srm

takeown /f quota.xml

icacls quota.xml /grant System:(F)

takeown /f settings

icacls settings /grant system:(F)

cd settings

takeown /f reportsettings.xml

takeown /f srmglobalsettings.xml

icacls reportsettings.xml /grant System:(F)

icacls srmglobalsettings.xml /grant System:(F)

Best regards,

April Zhao

Microsoft Partner Support Community


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