Ошибка hresult 2147024770

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  • HI All,

    Iam trying to install an msi(windows setup using VS2010) with .ocx file in my windows 7 32-bit machine and iam getting the following error «Module .ocx failed to register HRESULT -2147024770.contact your support personnel»
    kindly help me on the same




  • That error is «The specified module could not be found. » which most likely means that the OCX has a dependency on some other Dll that is not available. Thr Dependency Walker prorgam may help.

    Phil Wilson

  • In the file properties in the setup project, File System view, there’s a Register property. Set that to the self register value, that registers at install time just like running regsvr32 would.

    Phil Wilson

    • Marked as answer by

      Thursday, January 10, 2013 5:33 AM

Hello everyone!

We’ve got a few machines in our environment that are getting this message when trying to reinstall the client.

MSI: Module C:WINDOWSCCMStatusAgentProxy.dll failed to register.  HRESULT -2147024770.  Contact your support personnel.

Of the machine’s I’ve seen this on so far, they had the 5.00.7958.1000 version of the client but would not update to 5.00.8239.1000 after upgrading SCCM to R2 SP1.  They would also not install software correctly and were reporting no client back to
the primary server.  I figured uninstalling the old version and manually installing the new one would get things back on track, but this is the error I get when attempting to reinstall the client.

Before attempting to reinstall, I followed this process to make sure the old client was completely removed.


I’ve also tried all suggestions mentioned in this post (https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/b8e1e7f7-922a-4ce4-8234-3abe11c9ddf6/system-center-2012-r2-client-deployment-fails-module-cwindowsccmstatusagentproxydll-failed-to?forum=configmanagerdeployment)
but have had no success.

Here is a portion of the ccmsetup.log right before the error.

MSI: Action 13:56:42: StopServices. Stopping services ccmsetup 11/10/2015 1:56:42 PM 5444 (0x1544)
MSI: Action 13:56:42: SmsUninstallPrepDrvr. Uninstalling Software Metering PREP Driver ccmsetup 11/10/2015 1:56:42 PM 5444 (0x1544)
MSI: Warning 25702. Failed to uninstall PrepDrvr.Sys for Software Metering Agent. ccmsetup 11/10/2015 1:56:42 PM 5444 (0x1544)
MSI: Action 13:56:42: CCMRemoveSoftwareCenterShortcuts. Remove Software Center shortcuts. ccmsetup 11/10/2015 1:56:42 PM 5444 (0x1544)
MSI: Action 13:56:42: SmsStopUIComponents. This custom action forces all open client UI components to stop and exit. ccmsetup 11/10/2015 1:56:42 PM 5444 (0x1544)
MSI: Action 13:56:42: SmsStopUserComponents. This custom action forces all open client UI and SCNotification components to stop and exit. ccmsetup 11/10/2015 1:56:42 PM 5444 (0x1544)
MSI: Action 13:56:42: DeleteServices. Deleting services ccmsetup 11/10/2015 1:56:42 PM 5444 (0x1544)
MSI: Action 13:56:42: CcmUnloadWmiProviders. Enumerates all providers and unloads them, verifies they are unloaded, and then reloads them. ccmsetup 11/10/2015 1:56:42 PM 5444 (0x1544)
MSI: Action 13:56:42: SmsRemoveUIEvents. This custom action is no longer used. The custom action used to remove the COM+ event subscriber and publisher used for UI notifications. We no longer use COM+ events for UI notifications. ccmsetup 11/10/2015
1:56:42 PM 5444 (0x1544)

MSI: Action 13:56:42: CcmUnregisterPerfCounters. Removes performance counters gathered in the CcmUnregisterPerfCountersInit action ccmsetup 11/10/2015 1:56:42 PM 5444 (0x1544)
MSI: Action 13:56:42: RemoveRegistryValues. Removing system registry values ccmsetup 11/10/2015 1:56:42 PM 5444 (0x1544)
MSI: Action 13:56:43: SmsDeinstallDesktopClient. This custom action uninstalls the desktop client with following steps-
1. Makes sure there are no desktop client installations in progress and prevents any new instance of intallation.
2. Checks the desktop client version and gets the installation direcotry.
3. Stops remote control and other desktop components.
4. Kills the following client processes — clisvc1.exe, pea32.exe, smsapm32.exe, smsmon32.exe and sms_reen.exe.
5. Saves information needed for migration and uninstalls the desktop components followed by clean up. ccmsetup 11/10/2015 1:56:43 PM 5444 (0x1544)
MSI: Action 13:56:43: CreateFolders. Creating folders ccmsetup 11/10/2015 1:56:43 PM 5444 (0x1544)
MSI: Action 13:56:43: CcmDetectFilesInUseRollback. Rolls back files moved by CcmDetectFilesInUse. ccmsetup 11/10/2015 1:56:43 PM 5444 (0x1544)
MSI: Action 13:56:43: CcmDetectFilesInUse. Moves files that are in use so that they will be deleted upon the next reboot. ccmsetup 11/10/2015 1:56:43 PM 5444 (0x1544)
MSI: Action 13:56:44: CcmDetectFilesInUseCommit. Commits action of CcmDetectFileInUse. After this we cannot rollback. ccmsetup 11/10/2015 1:56:44 PM 5444 (0x1544)
MSI: Action 13:56:44: InstallFiles. Copying new files ccmsetup 11/10/2015 1:56:44 PM 5444 (0x1544)
MSI: Action 13:56:56: CcmCreateEmbeddedClientState. Creates the client state file, which is needed for write filter handing. ccmsetup 11/10/2015 1:56:56 PM 5444 (0x1544)
MSI: Action 13:56:56: CcmCreateEmbeddedClientStateRollback. Rolls back the action of creating the client state file. ccmsetup 11/10/2015 1:56:56 PM 5444 (0x1544)
MSI: Action 13:56:56: RegisterExtensionInfo. Registering extension servers ccmsetup 11/10/2015 1:56:56 PM 5444 (0x1544)
MSI: Action 13:56:56: WriteRegistryValues. Writing system registry values ccmsetup 11/10/2015 1:56:56 PM 5444 (0x1544)
MSI: Action 13:56:59: WriteIniValues. Writing INI files values ccmsetup 11/10/2015 1:56:59 PM 5444 (0x1544)
MSI: Action 13:56:59: RegisterTypeLibraries. Registering type libraries ccmsetup 11/10/2015 1:56:59 PM 5444 (0x1544)
MSI: Action 13:56:59: SelfRegModules. Registering modules ccmsetup 11/10/2015 1:56:59 PM 5444 (0x1544)
MSI: Module C:WINDOWSCCMStatusAgentProxy.dll failed to register.  HRESULT -2147024770.  Contact your support personnel. ccmsetup 11/10/2015 1:57:00 PM 5444 (0x1544)
MSI: Action 13:57:00: Rollback. Rolling back action: ccmsetup 11/10/2015 1:57:00 PM 5444 (0x1544)
File C:WINDOWSccmsetup{72875A95-4007-4DAC-88D8-66366F9A5045}client.msi installation failed. Error text: ExitCode: 1603
Action: SelfRegModules.
Module C:WINDOWSCCMStatusAgentProxy.dll failed to register.  HRESULT -2147024770.  Contact your support personnel.
 ccmsetup 11/10/2015 1:57:07 PM 5444 (0x1544)
Next retry in 120 minute(s)… ccmsetup 11/10/2015 1:57:08 PM 5444 (0x1544)

I open to any suggestions at this point.

Thanks in advance!


Эта ошибка возникает при запуске отчетов или запустить FRx.


Рабочая станция или сервер, который вы начинаете FRx из не установлен клиент FRx или неправильно зарегистрированы требуемые файлы .dll.


  1. Установка клиента FRx на данной рабочей станции.

  2. Перерегистрируйте необходимые файлы на этом компьютере, перейдя в каталог, где находится FRx32.exe out. Найдите и запустите FRxReg.exe. Это зарегистрирует все необходимые файлы для FRx для успешного выполнения. Это необходимо делать с правами администратора.

Это сообщение об ошибке может быть вызвано несколькими причинами, поэтому это особое не может решить проблему.


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