Ошибка insufficient balance

If you have the error stating that your balance is insufficient, it means that the amount you are entering with is less than the minimum trading amount.

Please make sure that:

1) Your balance in the trade is more than 10$. This is the minimum trading amount allowed on WunderTrading.

2) Your FREE balance is greater than 10$. The free balance is the amount of funds not used in any other position on your exchange.

3) You have the asset in the base currency that you are trading. For example: if you are trading ETH/BTC and going Long you will need to have BTC in your exchange account and not USD.

If none of the above helps, feel free to contact our support by clicking the Support button located in the navigation panel on the left side of your cabinet.

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In using any trading platform, including Binance, users may encounter unexpected errors but do not know why. When performing cryptocurrency transactions on Binance, users may receive a Binance insufficient balance error message. The following article learns about the cause and how to fix this error.

What does insufficient Binance balance mean?

When trading crypto on Binance Spot, some people encounter the message of insufficient balance. This error means that the Binance balance is insufficient to execute the transaction. Insufficient Binance balance error can sometimes occur even though their account balance is sufficient.

What does insufficient balance Binance error mean? Causes and how to fix the mistake of the insufficient balance.

The cause of the error of insufficient balance of the Binance account

There are many different reasons why an account receives an insufficient balance message. Maybe, because the user account balance is too small, not enough to open a transaction. In addition, there are several other reasons as follows:

After a user transfers money to a Binance account and a server error occurs, the connection timeout is too long, indicating an error of insufficient account balance. With server failure, users need to wait a few minutes for the system to return to normal.

Each Binance account has different types of wallets to make other transactions. For example, Spot wallet for Spot trading, Funding wallet for P2P trading… If the balance is in Spot wallet, the user cannot do a P2P transaction and will get the error of insufficient balance of Binance account. Users should check if the balance is in the correct wallet making the corresponding transaction.

When trading on Binance, users usually pay a small fee. Suppose the user opens a trade with the exact amount of the balance in the account without considering the transaction fees. Then the transaction may not be possible, and there is not enough balance error. When trading, users should open a trade with a volume smaller than the available balance in the account. The trade volume should be about 1% less than the balance, and check the Binance trading fee on the homepage.

How to fix not enough balance error

When encountering the error “Not enough balance”, the Binance system has found that the user’s account does not have enough money to pay for the transaction. Users should try some of the following fixes:

  1. Double-check the deposits made to the Binance account in the last three days.

It is possible that there was an error in the process of sending money to your Binance account, and the transaction was not confirmed successfully. You cannot make further transactions because the balance is locked at that time. Therefore, double-check any previous deposit before you want to buy or sell on Binance.

  1. Ensure the checking account balance is more than 130% of the trading volume.

Before making a deposit to a Binance account or making a transaction on Binance, users need to ensure that the balance in the payment account is sufficient to pay for the transaction. If an error occurs, the user tries to trade with a smaller volume.

  1. Delete old payment method and reconnect

In some cases, it is possible that the system fails and cannot connect or pay with a previously connected payment method. When an error occurs, users can try to remove and reconnect the payment method to fix the problem.

See more: What is Trade Coin on Binance? Learn about trading orders on Binance


Binance users do not often experience insufficient balance errors caused by the system. Usually, users get this error because the balance is not in the correct wallet to make the transaction, or the user opens a transaction with a large volume without considering the costs incurred. Therefore, users can perform some of the above checks before submitting a support request to fix it. If not, you can send support by following these instructions:

What does insufficient balance Binance error mean? Causes and how to fix the mistake of the insufficient balance.
  • Log in to your Binance account, and click the Support window in the lower right corner of the screen. Or visit the Binance customer support link.
  • Select the problem you need support with and include a photo or video evidence of the problem you encountered.

Read more: Binance

Imagine that you are trying to swap your coins on PacakeSwap but the Exchange says that you have an Insufficient balance. This is despite the fact that you are absolutely sure you have enough BNB in your wallet.   

PancakeSwap Insufficient Balance

PancakeSwap won’t tell you much apart from that you can’t complete your swap.   And you are nervously waiting for a miracle to happen.  

But luckily, resolving the “Insufficient BNB Balance” error takes just a few minutes. 

In this article, you will learn what causes “Insufficient Balance” and how to fix this error. And soon you will be able to complete your transactions again. 

What does “Insufficient Balance” mean on PancakeSwap

This error is very straightforward. You do get an Insufficient Balance error because you don’t have enough balance in your wallet. Let me explain. 

There are two possible scenarios of why this is happening to you. 

  • You have a low slippage tolerance, or
  • You have the wrong version of your token – most commonly a wrong version of BNB 

The cryptocurrency market is highly volatile. Thus, even the time from when you press the button to execute the trade until the trade is actually executed, the price can change quite a lot. 

And this is when the slippage tolerance comes in. Slippage tolerance ensures that you don’t get a lot fewer crypto tokens from your trade than you expect. 

For example, you have set your slippage tolerance to 2%. That means that your trade won’t execute if the price from the time you have pressed the button to the actual execution of the trade move by more than 2%. 

Solution 1: Check you’re holding the right token

The majority of crypto tokens can be held and traded on different chains. It is still the same token, but certain exchanges can manipulate only with a limited amount of chains. For instance, PancakeSwap is BEP-20 Decentralized Exchange. 

Different BNB Chains

So your BNB or any other token must also be on BEP-20.  Certain wallets can send your tokens over another chain leading to the Insufficient BNB Balance error.

To solve that you will need to bridge your tokens to the right, BEP-20, chain. 

To do this, you will need to work with your particular wallet. If it’s a multichain wallet you’ll probably be able to bridge them directly in it. If not send it to a multichain wallet or Cryptocurrency Exchange and then send it back to a wallet that supports BEP-20 and can be connected to PancakeSwap.    

Solution 2: Increase your slippage tolerance

As stated above the slippage tolerance highly limit your transactions, as by default it is set to only 0.5%. But you can easily set the slippage tolerance according to your preferences. 

Head to PancakeSwap and fill in your transaction details as usual. 

Swap Thetan arena coin to BUSD

As you can see in my trading pair THC/BUSD the default slippage tolerance is 0.5%. That’s not enough. If you take a moment, you will probably see that the price has moved by more than that amount.

To increase the slippage tolerance head to the settings – the small gear icon.

Click on the gear icoin in packakeswap

A window with various settings will pop up. Here you can also change, for example, the gas fees – if you want the transaction to be executed faster, set higher gas fees. You can set a transaction deadline that causes the PancakeRouter: EXPIRED error.  And also the slippage tolerance we are looking for. 

Set higher slippage tolerance in Pencakeswap

Now increase the slippage tolerance. The perfect solution is 12%. However, if you want to save money, you can gradually increase the value. I would recommend starting with at least 6% and increasing until the trade is made.

Slippage tolerance is set to 12


The “Insufficient Balance” error is caused either by low slippage tolerance or by holding the wrong version of your token. 

To solve this you can easily increase your slippage tolerance in the PancakeSwap settings. 

On the other hand, if you are holding the wrong version of your token you will need to bridge it to the BEP-20 chain.

However, we can give no direct guidance on this as you will need to work with your specific cryptocurrency wallet. 

Unfortunately, this type of error message is not the only one you can be experiencing. That’s why we’ve created an entire series focused on troubleshooting PancakeSwap errors. Click on the name of the error and it will take you to an article dedicated to it:

  • Insufficient Output amount error
  • Cannot Estimate Gas error
  • Unsupported Chain ID
  • Insufficient Balance
  • Pancake K error
  • PancakeRouter: Expired
  • Price Impact too High error

Or all the articles can be found in one place, here.

Error: Insufficient Balance


Modified on: Mon, 1 May, 2023 at 1:04 PM

If you encounter the error ‘balances.InsufficientBalance’, it means you are trying to send all of your transferrable funds out without leaving a small transferable balance for the transaction fees. This is what the «insufficient balance» refers to: there’s not enough balance left to pay the transaction costs.

The fee is shown on the transfer screen before you confirm the transfer. Deduct this amount from the total amount you’re sending out, and your transfer will go through.

You can see an example here:

However, if you want to send all your funds out, you can indicate it from the Polkadot-JS UI and leave the system to deal with the transaction. Follow the steps described in the article «Polkadot-JS UI: How to Send All of Your Funds Out of Your Account.»

If you are more of a visual learner, check the video about how to transfer funds out of your account at the mark 3:01:

Please let us know below if you found this article helpful or click on the «Contact Us» button if you need further assistance. 

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Sorry we couldn’t be helpful. Help us improve this article with your feedback.

Disclaimer: We always strive to provide you with the best support we can and we take all care to ensure that our instructions are accurate and concise. However, following these instructions properly, as well as the general management of your accounts and funds, is ultimately your responsibility. Web3 Foundation cannot be held liable for any accidental loss of funds or any other damage you might incur.

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    @askmike Sorry to be such a pain, but it happened with the XLM/ETH Pair. I noticed that the amount in the this.oldOrder debugging seems to be correct at 178. I am not sure what’s going on in the Binance Order History, it looks like it subtracted the 178 from the initial amount, it it could be something that Binance did after the bot tried to sell the previous amount. (https://imgur.com/tIL8Rkj)

    Processing 4 new trades. From 2018-08-15 17:59:10 UTC to 2018-08-15 17:59:10 UTC. (a few seconds)
    2018-08-15 19:59:13 (DEBUG):
         Current market: bear
         Percent change predicted: -0.8272697509990573
         Current price: 0.00076694
         Last buy price: 0.00075843
         Current position: long
    2018-08-15 19:59:13 (INFO):     Trader Received advice to go short. Selling  XLM
    isValidLot 0.01 true
    2018-08-15 19:59:13 (DEBUG):    Creating order to sell 6945.885 XLM
    2018-08-15 19:59:19 (DEBUG):    [ORDER] statusChange: SUBMITTED
    isValidLot 0.01 true
    2018-08-15 19:59:19 (DEBUG):    [ORDER] statusChange: OPEN
    2018-08-15 19:59:22 (DEBUG):    Requested XLM/ETH trade data from Binance ...
    2018-08-15 19:59:22 (DEBUG):    [ORDER] statusChange: MOVING
    2018-08-15 19:59:23 (DEBUG):    No new trades.
    isValidLot 0.01 true
    2018-08-15 19:59:23 (DEBUG):    [ORDER] statusChange: OPEN
    2018-08-15 19:59:26 (DEBUG):    [ORDER] statusChange: MOVING
    isValidLot 0.01 true
    2018-08-15 19:59:27 (DEBUG):    [ORDER] statusChange: OPEN
    2018-08-15 19:59:32 (DEBUG):    Requested XLM/ETH trade data from Binance ...
    2018-08-15 19:59:33 (DEBUG):    Processing 3 new trades. From 2018-08-15 17:59:23 UTC to 2018-08-15 17:59:27 UTC. (a few seconds)
    2018-08-15 19:59:33 (DEBUG):    [ORDER] statusChange: MOVING
    isValidLot 0.01 true
    2018-08-15 19:59:34 (DEBUG):    [ORDER] statusChange: OPEN
    2018-08-15 19:59:37 (DEBUG):    [ORDER] statusChange: MOVING
    isValidLot 0.01 true
    Binance said: "Account has insufficient balance", retrying once..
    partial fill on old order? { err: undefined,
      { price: 0.0007633399999999999,
        amount: 178,
        date: moment("2018-08-15T19:59:37.403"),
        fees: { ETH: 0.00013587 },
        feePercent: 0.1 } }
    Binance said: "Account has insufficient balance", retrying once..
    2018-08-15T17:59:40.142Z '[sticky order] FATAL ERROR' 'Error -2010: Account has insufficient balance for requested action.'
    2018-08-15T17:59:40.142Z { Error: Error -2010: Account has insufficient balance for requested action.
       at /home/chris/gekko-neural-ETHpair/exchange/wrappers/binance.js:96:15
       at Request.request [as _callback] (/home/chris/gekko-neural-ETHpair/exchange/node_modules/binance/lib/rest.js:90:25)
       at Request.self.callback (/home/chris/gekko-neural-ETHpair/exchange/node_modules/request/request.js:185:22)
       at emitTwo (events.js:126:13)
       at Request.emit (events.js:214:7)
       at Request.<anonymous> (/home/chris/gekko-neural-ETHpair/exchange/node_modules/request/request.js:1157:10)
       at emitOne (events.js:116:13)
       at Request.emit (events.js:211:7)
       at IncomingMessage.<anonymous> (/home/chris/gekko-neural-ETHpair/exchange/node_modules/request/request.js:1079:12)
       at Object.onceWrapper (events.js:313:30)
       at emitNone (events.js:111:20)
       at IncomingMessage.emit (events.js:208:7)
       at endReadableNT (_stream_readable.js:1064:12)
       at args.(anonymous function) (/usr/lib/node_modules/pm2/node_modules/event-loop-inspector/index.js:133:29)
       at _combinedTickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:138:11)
       at process._tickDomainCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:218:9) retry: 1 }
    2018-08-15 19:59:40 (DEBUG):    [ORDER] statusChange: ERROR
    2018-08-15 19:59:40 (DEBUG):    { Error: Error -2010: Account has insufficient balance for requested action.
        at /home/chris/gekko-neural-ETHpair/exchange/wrappers/binance.js:96:15
        at Request.request [as _callback] (/home/chris/gekko-neural-ETHpair/exchange/node_modules/binance/lib/rest.js:90:25)
        at Request.self.callback (/home/chris/gekko-neural-ETHpair/exchange/node_modules/request/request.js:185:22)
        at emitTwo (events.js:126:13)
        at Request.emit (events.js:214:7)
        at Request.<anonymous> (/home/chris/gekko-neural-ETHpair/exchange/node_modules/request/request.js:1157:10)
        at emitOne (events.js:116:13)
        at Request.emit (events.js:211:7)
        at IncomingMessage.<anonymous> (/home/chris/gekko-neural-ETHpair/exchange/node_modules/request/request.js:1079:12)
        at Object.onceWrapper (events.js:313:30)
        at emitNone (events.js:111:20)
        at IncomingMessage.emit (events.js:208:7)
        at endReadableNT (_stream_readable.js:1064:12)
        at args.(anonymous function) (/usr/lib/node_modules/pm2/node_modules/event-loop-inspector/index.js:133:29)
        at _combinedTickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:138:11)
        at process._tickDomainCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:218:9) retry: 1 }
    partial fill on old order? { err: undefined,
       { price: 0.0007633399999999999,
         amount: 178,
         date: moment("2018-08-15T19:59:37.403"),
         fees: { ETH: 0.00013587 },
         feePercent: 0.1 } }
    2018-08-15 19:59:42 (DEBUG):    Requested XLM/ETH trade data from Binance ...

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