Среда разработки Delphi 7. ОС Windows 7 x64.
Система проверена антивирусом KIS8 с актуальными БД — вирусов нет. Антивирус не отключаю вообще.
Обновления системы отключены. Ничего нового не устанавливал. К компьютеру доступ только у меня.
Такой ошибки раньше не было. Эта ошибка появилась сегодня, во всех проектах, при запуске любых exe написанных на Delphi ( где используется DateTimePicker, при шелчке по стрелкам).
Запуск exe без компиляции.
Ошибка появилась в программах, которые создал вчера и месяц назад и сегодня. Везде, где используется DateTimePicker — где изменяем его значение.
Создаю новый проект, помещаю на форму компонент DateTimePicker.
Изменяю его свойства:
Format MM.yyyy
DateMode dmUpDown.
Далее, если нажать стрелку вниз 2 раза — появится эта ошибка ( окно дебагера или окно сообщения, при запуске exe — invalid argument to date encode).
Первый раз дата изменится, второй — окно с ошибкой. После нажатия ok — дата в поле сотрется ( . )
Заметил, что если изменить свойства DateMode с выставленного мною dmUpDown на дефолтное dmUpDown — ошибка исчезнет.
Ошибка не появляется, если изменять с помощью стрелок год. А если месяц (как выделено на картинке 08) — то появляется.
Что это такое и почему появилась ошибка?
I am using TIdHTTP from Indy. I am issuing 2 different requests, one header contains the ‘Last-Modified’ tag, the other one does not. The header with the tag, throws an exception:
'Invalid Argument to date encode'
I already came across this question where Remy Lebeau said, that TIdHttp is now able to parse ISO8601 dates, but it doesnt seem to work for me. As you can see below, i am not doing anything with the component other than changing the UserAgent. Am I missing something?
url := 'https://api.priceapi.com/v2/jobs/' + JobID+ '?token=' + Token;
http := TIdHTTP.Create(nil);
http.Request.UserAgent := 'XXXXX'; //Some UserAgent
ssl := TIdSSLIOHandlerSocketOpenSSL.Create(nil);
http.IOHandler := ssl;
jo := TJsonObject.ParseJSONValue(http.get(url)) as TJSONObject;
result := jo.GetValue('status').Value;
Header with Last-Modified:
Cache-Control: no-cache
Content-Disposition: attachment;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary
Content-Type: application/json
Last-Modified: 2018-10-25 14:51:23 +0000
Vary: Origin
X-Accel-Buffering: no
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN
X-Request-Id: b05aa8fe-7ea9-4152-8470-a75f9816549f
X-Runtime: 0.099212
X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block
transfer-encoding: chunked
Connection: keep-alive
Header without Last-Modified:
Cache-Control: max-age=0, private, must-revalidate', nil
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8', nil
ETag: W/"43c4a8865a5ebe565f3920779a962e93"', nil
Vary: Origin', nil
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff', nil
X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN', nil
X-Request-Id: 344ac82e-0d14-4838-ae7e-627c79b78edc', nil
X-Runtime: 0.062357', nil
X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block', nil
Content-Length: 157', nil
Connection: Close', nil
:744717d2 KERNELBASE.RaiseException + 0x62
HIWBase.IdGlobalProtocols.RawStrInternetToDateTime('07:53:37 +0000',0)
HIWBase.IdGlobalProtocols.GMTToLocalDateTime('07:53:37 +0000')
HIWBase.IdHTTP.TIdCustomHTTP.DoRequest('GET','My URL',nil,$ADF09E0,(...))
HIWBase.IdHTTP.TIdCustomHTTP.Get('My URL',$ADF09E0,(...))
HIWBase.IdHTTP.TIdCustomHTTP.Get('My URL',(...))
HIWBase.IdHTTP.TIdCustomHTTP.Get('My URL')
I am on Indy version
I am using the Pro trial version available from the website: Backup4all Professional Edition 4.4.195
The date on the DVD folder is 3/2/2010.
Here is the backup log and then the restore log.
[3/16/2010 10:52:59 PM] Backup4all Professional Edition 4.4.195
[3/16/2010 10:52:59 PM] Starting backup for «Famvidyrs 1-5» at 3/16/2010 10:52:59 PM
[3/16/2010 10:52:59 PM] Operating system: Windows 7 Professional (build 7600)
[3/16/2010 10:52:59 PM] Backup Summary:
Name: Famvidyrs 1-5
Group: My Backup Jobs
Ini file: C:ProgramDataSoftlandBackup4all Professional 4IniFilesFamvidyrs 1-5.ini
Destination type: CD, DVD or Blu-ray
Drive: E:
Folder: E:
Catalog: E:
Erase before writing: No
Write method: built-in driver
CD, DVD or Blu-ray burning speed: Maximum speed
CD, DVD or Blu-ray device name: E: TSSTcorp CDDVDW SH-S203B SB03
CD, DVD or Blu-ray burning engine: SPTD
Volume label prefix:
F:AVI FilesVHSYear 6
Include filter:
Include all files.
Exclude filter:
Hiberfil on System Drive — use as exclude
( File name = ‘hiberfil.sys’
AND Folder name = ‘%SystemDrive%’)
Pagefile on System Drive — use as exclude
( File name = ‘pagefile.sys’
AND Folder name = ‘%SystemDrive%’)
Temporary Files — use as exclude
( File name = ‘*.tmp|*.temp|*.bak|*.chk|*.bkc-journal’)
Temporary Folders — use as exclude
( Folder name = ‘%temp%|%USERPROFILE%Local SettingsTemporary Internet Files|?:System Volume
Backup type:
Type: Incremental
Save storage space: No
Clear archive bit: No
Zip name prefix: none
Make full backup if all increments exceeds (%): none
Make full backup if all increments exceeds (size): none
Compression level: medium
Do not compress files of type: *.zip|*.rar|*.mp3|*.avi|*.7z|*.gif|*.png|*.jpeg|*.jpg|*.mpg|*.gz|*.gzip|
Always use temporary folder to create zip files: No
Use alternate zipping mode: No
Password: no password
Zip split size: Automatic
Create independent splits: No
Advanced settings:
Use local catalog: Yes
Test after backup: Yes
Delete sources after successful backup: No
Ask for backup label before execution: No
Backup open files: Yes
Store temporary catalog data in memory Yes
Backup execution priority: Normal priority
Action before backup: not enabled
Action after backup: not enabled
Comparison criteria: [Size, Date modified, Date created, Read-Only, Archived, Hidden, System]
Sounds: not enabled
Emails: not enabled
Show warning and error messages when scheduled: No
Abort backup when source drives are not available: No
Ask for user input when backup cannot continue: No
[3/16/2010 10:53:01 PM] Checking if the drives of the sources exist
[3/16/2010 10:53:01 PM] Checking backup destination (CD, DVD or Blu-ray)
[3/16/2010 10:53:01 PM] Creating the list of files to backup
[3/16/2010 10:53:02 PM] Preparing shadow copy
[3/16/2010 10:53:43 PM] Folders found to backup: 6
[3/16/2010 10:53:43 PM] Files found to backup: 100 (34.48 GB)
[3/16/2010 10:53:45 PM] Initializing the writer device «TSSTcorp CDDVDW SH-S203B SB03» using SPTD
[3/16/2010 10:53:45 PM] Archiving files to 1_F.zip
[3/16/2010 10:58:49 PM] Creating image to burn
[3/16/2010 10:58:49 PM] Burning disk, span 1 on DVD+R
[3/16/2010 11:06:41 PM] Burn done
[3/16/2010 11:06:43 PM] Ejecting CD, DVD or Blu-ray disk
[3/16/2010 11:06:49 PM] Waiting for user input
Please take a marker and label the disk from drive «E:» with «Famvidyrs 1-51_1» label.
The disk from drive «E:» was
To continue insert another disk into the CD, DVD or Blu-ray drive E: and press OK or Cancel backup.
[3/16/2010 11:07:09 PM] Continuing
[3/16/2010 11:12:17 PM] Creating image to burn
[3/16/2010 11:12:17 PM] Burning disk, span 2 on DVD+R
[3/16/2010 11:20:00 PM] Burn done
[3/16/2010 11:20:02 PM] Ejecting CD, DVD or Blu-ray disk
[3/16/2010 11:20:08 PM] Waiting for user input
Please take a marker and label the disk from drive «E:» with «Famvidyrs 1-51_2» label.
The disk from drive «E:» was
To continue insert another disk into the CD, DVD or Blu-ray drive E: and press OK or Cancel backup.
[3/16/2010 11:20:23 PM] Continuing
[3/16/2010 11:25:08 PM] Creating image to burn
[3/16/2010 11:25:08 PM] Burning disk, span 3 on DVD+R
[3/16/2010 11:31:54 PM] Burn done
[3/16/2010 11:31:56 PM] Ejecting CD, DVD or Blu-ray disk
[3/16/2010 11:32:02 PM] Waiting for user input
Please take a marker and label the disk from drive «E:» with «Famvidyrs 1-51_3» label.
The disk from drive «E:» was
To continue insert another disk into the CD, DVD or Blu-ray drive E: and press OK or Cancel backup.
[3/16/2010 11:32:26 PM] Continuing
[3/16/2010 11:37:38 PM] Creating image to burn
[3/16/2010 11:37:38 PM] Burning disk, span 4 on DVD+R
[3/16/2010 11:43:38 PM] Burn done
[3/16/2010 11:43:39 PM] Ejecting CD, DVD or Blu-ray disk
[3/16/2010 11:43:45 PM] Waiting for user input
Please take a marker and label the disk from drive «E:» with «Famvidyrs 1-51_4» label.
The disk from drive «E:» was
To continue insert another disk into the CD, DVD or Blu-ray drive E: and press OK or Cancel backup.
[3/16/2010 11:44:14 PM] Continuing
[3/16/2010 11:48:56 PM] Creating image to burn
[3/16/2010 11:48:56 PM] Burning disk, span 5 on DVD+R
[3/16/2010 11:56:26 PM] Burn done
[3/16/2010 11:56:28 PM] Ejecting CD, DVD or Blu-ray disk
[3/16/2010 11:56:34 PM] Waiting for user input
Please take a marker and label the disk from drive «E:» with «Famvidyrs 1-51_5» label.
The disk from drive «E:» was
To continue insert another disk into the CD, DVD or Blu-ray drive E: and press OK or Cancel backup.
[3/16/2010 11:57:01 PM] Continuing
[12:01:49 AM] Creating image to burn
[3/17/2010 12:01:49 AM] Burning disk, span 6 on DVD+R
[3/17/2010 12:09:51 AM] Burn done
[3/17/2010 12:09:53 AM] Ejecting CD, DVD or Blu-ray disk
[3/17/2010 12:09:59 AM] Waiting for user input
Please take a marker and label the disk from drive «E:» with «Famvidyrs 1-51_6» label.
The disk from drive «E:» was
To continue insert another disk into the CD, DVD or Blu-ray drive E: and press OK or Cancel backup.
[3/17/2010 12:10:30 AM] Continuing
[3/17/2010 12:15:12 AM] Creating image to burn
[3/17/2010 12:15:12 AM] Burning disk, span 7 on DVD+R
[3/17/2010 12:22:28 AM] Burn done
[3/17/2010 12:22:30 AM] Ejecting CD, DVD or Blu-ray disk
[3/17/2010 12:22:36 AM] Waiting for user input
Please take a marker and label the disk from drive «E:» with «Famvidyrs 1-51_7» label.
The disk from drive «E:» was
To continue insert another disk into the CD, DVD or Blu-ray drive E: and press OK or Cancel backup.
[3/17/2010 12:23:06 AM] Continuing
[3/17/2010 12:27:58 AM] Creating image to burn
[3/17/2010 12:27:58 AM] Burning disk, span 8 on DVD+R
[3/17/2010 12:34:25 AM] Burn done
[3/17/2010 12:34:27 AM] Ejecting CD, DVD or Blu-ray disk
[3/17/2010 12:34:33 AM] Waiting for user input
Please take a marker and label the disk from drive «E:» with «Famvidyrs 1-51_8» label.
The disk from drive «E:» was
To continue insert another disk into the CD, DVD or Blu-ray drive E: and press OK or Cancel backup.
[3/17/2010 12:35:16 AM] Continuing
[3/17/2010 12:35:19 AM] Saving backup catalog «C:ProgramDataSoftlandBackup4all Professional 4bkcFilesFamvidyrs
[3/17/2010 12:35:27 AM] Creating image to burn
[3/17/2010 12:35:27 AM] Burning disk, span 9 on DVD+R
[3/17/2010 12:36:45 AM] Burn done
[3/17/2010 12:36:46 AM] Ejecting CD, DVD or Blu-ray disk
[3/17/2010 12:36:52 AM] Waiting for user input
Burning on CD, DVD or Blu-ray has finished.
Please take a marker and label the disk from drive «E:» with «Famvidyrs
1-51_9″ label.
After labeling put the disk back and press OK.
[3/17/2010 12:37:31 AM] Continuing
[3/17/2010 12:37:42 AM] Loading CD, DVD or Blu-ray disk
[3/17/2010 12:37:44 AM] Starting test on «Famvidyrs 1-5» for all backup numbers at 3/17/2010 12:37:44 AM
[3/17/2010 12:37:44 AM] Waiting for user input
Performing backup test.
File «E:Famvidyrs 1-51_F.z01» not found.
Please insert the disk labeled «Famvidyrs 1-51_1» and Retry.
[3/17/2010 12:38:24 AM] Continuing
[3/17/2010 12:38:24 AM] Warning: Invalid argument to date encode
Test aborted at 3/17/2010 12:38:24 AM, 1 file(s) and 2 folder(s) tested, 0 error(s) and 1 warning(s) found
Total number of files added to backup: 100
Total number of folders added to backup: 6
Total size of files added to backup: 34.48 GB (uncompressed), 34.48 GB (compressed)
Number of files excluded: 0
Number of folders excluded: 0
Next scheduled backup:
Backup completed at 3/17/2010 12:38:24 AM with 0 error(s), 1 warning(s)
[3/18/2010 8:01:15 PM] Backup4all Professional Edition 4.4.195
[3/18/2010 8:01:15 PM] Restoring files from backup «Famvidyrs 1-5», start time 3/18/2010 8:01:15 PM
[3/18/2010 8:01:15 PM] Operating system: Windows 7 Professional (build 7600)
[3/18/2010 8:01:15 PM] Processing zip file E:Famvidyrs 1-51_F.zip
Waiting for user input
Cannot find «E:Famvidyrs 1-51_F.zip».
Please insert the disk labeled «Famvidyrs 1-51_9» and Retry.
Waiting for user input
Cannot find «E:Famvidyrs 1-51_F.z02».
Please insert the disk labeled «Famvidyrs 1-51_2» and Retry.
[3/18/2010 8:02:48 PM] Error: Invalid argument to date encode
Restored 0 file(s) and 6 folder(s)
Restore operation finished at 3/18/2010 8:02:48 PM with 0 errors
Invalid argument to date encode
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- robw
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- 2007-08-08
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2007-08-08 14:52
We get a error dialog with «Invalid argument to date encode»
We have been moving files between Windows (present system date 8 Aug 2007) and an AIX 5.3 test system (present system date 29 Feb 2008).
Up to date there has been no problem even with these date differences but today when the date clocked over to 29 Feb 2008 we had this problem.
WinSCP 4.0.3 (Build 345)
Norton commander
Log file snippet
* 2007-08-08 14:46:20.481 Unexpected directory listing line ‘-rw——- 1 root system 10004 Feb 29 14:40 .sh_history’.
* 2007-08-08 14:46:20.481 Invalid argument to date encode
WinSCP then doesn’t list all files
From UNIX terminal all files visible
I can provide log — how do I attach?
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Site Admin -
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Problem is that there is no year in the listing, hence WinSCP expects it to be a 2007, making the date invalid (2007 is not a leap year). Switching to SFTP protocol should fix the problem.
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2007-09-04 15:02
We are using the WINSCP 3.7.6. It is published in citix. When we work from GMT +5:00 time zone, we are able to tranfer the files from local desktop to solaris system. Some of our colleagues work from GMT -5:00 time zone. The reeives the error ‘ Invalid argument to date encode.
Please help to find the solution[/b]
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Site Admin -
First, please try to upgrade.
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Site Admin -
For list of reasons WinSCP cannot parse directory listing and possible resolutions, see documentation.
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2009-11-11 04:13
Hi have this bug, and I have the latest version, do you fix the bug?
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Site Admin -
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Make sure you have the latest version. If you do and you still experience the problem, please post a full log file showing it.
To generate log file, enable logging, log in to your server and do the operation and only the operation that causes the error. For posting extensive logs you may use pastebin or similar application. Note that passwords and passphrases not stored in the log. You may want to remove other data you consider sensitive though, such as host names, IP addresses, account names or file names (unless they are relevant to the problem). If you do not want to post the log publicly, you may email it to me. You will find my address (if you log in) in my forum profile. Please include link back to this topic in your email. Also note in this topic that you have emailed the log.
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- pizzaman383
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- 2009-11-16
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2009-11-16 16:05
Make sure you have the latest version. If you do and you still experience the problem, please post a full log file showing it.
To generate log file, enable logging, log in to your server and do the operation and only the operation that causes the error. For posting extensive logs you may use pastebin or similar application.
The problem started happening on connections that used to work fine.
Here is the contents of the debug log:
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Site Admin -
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pizzaman383 wrote:
The problem started happening on connections that used to work fine.
Here is the contents of the debug log:
I have sent you an email with debug version.
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2009-11-18 17:30
pizzaman383 wrote:
martin wrote:
Make sure you have the latest version. If you do and you still experience the problem, please post a full log file showing it.
To generate log file, enable logging, log in to your server and do the operation and only the operation that causes the error. For posting extensive logs you may use pastebin or similar application.
The problem started happening on connections that used to work fine.
Here is the contents of the debug log:
Excat the same problem here. All went well. Just a few days ago the problem accurs.
Thannks for the help!
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2009-11-19 17:14
I had a similar issue, and it appeared to resolve itself after I specified a timezone in Windows. The installation of Windows 7 didnt’ have a timezone set and this appeared to be causing an issue with reteiving remote directory listings.
robw wrote:
We get a error dialog with «Invalid argument to date encode»
We have been moving files between Windows (present system date 8 Aug 2007) and an AIX 5.3 test system (present system date 29 Feb 2008).
Up to date there has been no problem even with these date differences but today when the date clocked over to 29 Feb 2008 we had this problem.WinSCP 4.0.3 (Build 345)
Norton commander
Log file snippet
* 2007-08-08 14:46:20.481 Unexpected directory listing line ‘-rw——- 1 root system 10004 Feb 29 14:40 .sh_history’.
* 2007-08-08 14:46:20.481 Invalid argument to date encodeWinSCP then doesn’t list all files
From UNIX terminal all files visible
I can provide log — how do I attach?
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2009-11-19 21:32
lanemark wrote:
I had a similar issue, and it appeared to resolve itself after I specified a timezone in Windows. The installation of Windows 7 didnt’ have a timezone set and this appeared to be causing an issue with reteiving remote directory listings.
Hi lanemark, you made my day!!! This is it. It works now after resetting the time zone.
Thanks so much!
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Site Admin -
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Still, can anyone of you two send me an email, so I can send you back a debug version of WinSCP to track the problem? Please include link back to this topic in your email. Also note in this topic that you have sent the email. Thanks.
You will find my address (if you log in) in my forum profile.
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- KenInNH
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2009-11-24 17:48
martin wrote:
Still, can anyone of you two send me an email, so I can send you back a debug version of WinSCP to track the problem? Please include link back to this topic in your email. Also note in this topic that you have sent the email. Thanks.
You will find my address (if you log in) in my forum profile.
I’ve run into this problem also, and would be glad to help out.
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2009-11-25 20:23
This may help somebody…
This error was driving me crazy. I updated to 4.1.9 with no luck. Then I updated to the latest beta 4.2.4 with, still, no luck. I saw the timezone post and was hoping that would fix it. It didn’t as my XP had the timezone already set. So I tried something new…
I switched the timezone on my machine and then switched it back to the original version and now all is good.
Hopefully this will help someone.
Happy Holidays!
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2009-11-27 17:28
Great suggestion!
I followed this path and it fixed my problem as well.
Thank you so much!!!!
Gyan wrote:
This may help somebody…
This error was driving me crazy. I updated to 4.1.9 with no luck. Then I updated to the latest beta 4.2.4 with, still, no luck. I saw the timezone post and was hoping that would fix it. It didn’t as my XP had the timezone already set. So I tried something new…
I switched the timezone on my machine and then switched it back to the original version and now all is good.
Hopefully this will help someone.
Happy Holidays!
Reply with quote
2009-11-27 21:02
The same «Invalid argument to date encode» happened to me and was fixed by changing the timezone.
In my case, I had upgraded to Parallels v5 on my Macbook Pro when the problem started. I guess the upgrade changed something in the virtual machine.
Anyway, changing the Windows timezone has resolved the issue for me.
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Site Admin -
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Once again, along with reporting that you also face the issue, can anyone of you send me an email, so I can send you back a debug version of WinSCP to track the problem? Please include link back to this topic in your email. Also note in this topic that you have sent the email. Thanks.
You will find my address (if you log in) in my forum profile.
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- skaestle
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- 2009-12-10
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2009-12-10 10:32
martin wrote:
Once again, along with reporting that you also face the issue, can anyone of you send me an email, so I can send you back a debug version of WinSCP to track the problem? Please include link back to this topic in your email. Also note in this topic that you have sent the email. Thanks.
You will find my address (if you log in) in my forum profile.
I have the same issue on Windows 7 with the latest WinSCP Version. The fix mentioned above (Setting the Regional Settings in Windows 7) cleared the issue for me too.
I’ve sent you an E-Mail with my details
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2009-12-15 20:07
Also for me, this problem appeared on a Macbook Pro with WinXP running in a Parallels Desktop 5 virtual machine. I installed WinSCP 4.1.9 from sourceforge.net, got the Date Encode error, quit, changed the timezone to something else and changed it back to EST, then ran WinSCP again and got through.
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Site Admin -
This issue has been added to tracker.
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- mydish11
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2009-12-23 12:09
skaestle wrote:
I have the same issue on Windows 7 with the latest WinSCP Version. The fix mentioned above (Setting the Regional Settings in Windows 7) cleared the issue for me too.
I’ve sent you an E-Mail with my details
The same issue here. Have Windows 7 and the latest WinSCP.
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Site Admin -
mydish11 wrote:
The same issue here. Have Windows 7 and the latest WinSCP.
Are you sure you have WinSCP 4.2.5?
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- Guest
2010-08-30 02:03
4.2.7 / Windows 7 here and the same problem.
Changing the timezone settings did not help in my case.
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Site Admin -
Can you send me an email so I can send you a debug version?
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2016-06-03 08:35
Just want to say to those who have this problem, and it doesn’t help to change the timezone, this could be the solution:
Rightclik on one of your pictures, and see what date it had last been modified. My camera made it look like they where last modified 1970, and if I loaded the pictures into registax, I got the same error; «Invalid argument to date encode» .
I just opened the pictures in MSPAINT and saved them, without making any changes, and them I could load them into Registax without trouble.
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- saharhostnile
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- 2016-06-04
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2016-06-04 19:41
Hi have this bug, and I have the latest version, do you fix the bug?
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Site Admin -
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- 2002-12-10
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saharhostnile wrote:
Hi have this bug, and I have the latest version, do you fix the bug?
Please attach a full log file showing the problem (using the latest version of WinSCP).
To generate log file, enable logging, log in to your server and do the operation and only the operation that causes the error. Submit the log with your post as an attachment. Note that passwords and passphrases not stored in the log. You may want to remove other data you consider sensitive though, such as host names, IP addresses, account names or file names (unless they are relevant to the problem). If you do not want to post the log publicly, you can mark the attachment as private.
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2017-03-17 11:19
I got same error. I have 2 almost identical Linux systems. One works, but another not. Here is log from the working one:
2017-03-17 12:00:55.344 Cached directory change via «..» to «/».
. 2017-03-17 12:00:55.344 Getting current directory name.
. 2017-03-17 12:00:55.344 Listing current directory.
. 2017-03-17 12:00:55.344 Locating to cached directory «/».
> 2017-03-17 12:00:55.344 cd «/» ; echo «WinSCP: this is end-of-file:$?»
. 2017-03-17 12:00:55.344 Sent 47 bytes
. 2017-03-17 12:00:55.344 There are 0 bytes remaining in the send buffer
. 2017-03-17 12:00:55.346 Waiting for another 1 bytes
. 2017-03-17 12:00:55.349 Detected network event
. 2017-03-17 12:00:55.349 Received 30 bytes (0)
. 2017-03-17 12:00:55.349 Read 1 bytes (29 pending)
. 2017-03-17 12:00:55.349 Read 29 bytes (0 pending)
< 2017-03-17 12:00:55.349 WinSCP: this is end-of-file:0
> 2017-03-17 12:00:55.349 ls -la ; echo «WinSCP: this is end-of-file:$?»
. 2017-03-17 12:00:55.349 Sent 48 bytes
. 2017-03-17 12:00:55.349 There are 0 bytes remaining in the send buffer
. 2017-03-17 12:00:55.349 Waiting for another 1 bytes
. 2017-03-17 12:00:55.379 Detected network event
. 2017-03-17 12:00:55.380 Received 1197 bytes (0)
. 2017-03-17 12:00:55.380 Read 1 bytes (1196 pending)
. 2017-03-17 12:00:55.380 Read 7 bytes (1189 pending)
< 2017-03-17 12:00:55.380 total 1
. 2017-03-17 12:00:55.380 Read 59 bytes (1130 pending)
< 2017-03-17 12:00:55.380 drwxr-xr-x 18 root root 0 Jan 1 1970 .
. 2017-03-17 12:00:55.380 Read 60 bytes (1070 pending)
< 2017-03-17 12:00:55.380 drwxr-xr-x 18 root root 0 Jan 1 1970 ..
. 2017-03-17 12:00:55.380 Read 61 bytes (1009 pending)
< 2017-03-17 12:00:55.380 drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 0 May 3 2016 bin
. 2017-03-17 12:00:55.380 Read 61 bytes (948 pending)
< 2017-03-17 12:00:55.380 drwxr-xr-x 7 root root 0 Feb 26 23:32 dev
. 2017-03-17 12:00:55.380 Read 61 bytes (887 pending)
< 2017-03-17 12:00:55.380 drwxr-xr-x 15 root root 0 Jan 1 1970 etc
. 2017-03-17 12:00:55.380 Read 61 bytes (826 pending)
< 2017-03-17 12:00:55.380 drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 0 Sep 7 2016 lib
. 2017-03-17 12:00:55.380 Read 70 bytes (756 pending)
< 2017-03-17 12:00:55.380 lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 3 May 3 2016 lib32 -> lib
. 2017-03-17 12:00:55.380 Read 80 bytes (676 pending)
< 2017-03-17 12:00:55.380 lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 11 May 3 2016 linuxrc -> bin/busybox
. 2017-03-17 12:00:55.380 Read 63 bytes (613 pending)
< 2017-03-17 12:00:55.380 drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 0 Mar 1 2016 media
. 2017-03-17 12:00:55.380 Read 61 bytes (552 pending)
< 2017-03-17 12:00:55.380 drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 0 Mar 1 2016 mnt
. 2017-03-17 12:00:55.380 Read 61 bytes (491 pending)
< 2017-03-17 12:00:55.380 drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 0 Mar 1 2016 opt
. 2017-03-17 12:00:55.380 Read 62 bytes (429 pending)
< 2017-03-17 12:00:55.380 dr-xr-xr-x 63 root root 0 Jan 1 1970 proc
. 2017-03-17 12:00:55.380 Read 62 bytes (367 pending)
< 2017-03-17 12:00:55.380 drwx—— 7 root root 0 Feb 26 23:32 root
. 2017-03-17 12:00:55.380 Read 61 bytes (306 pending)
< 2017-03-17 12:00:55.380 drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 160 Feb 26 23:32 run
. 2017-03-17 12:00:55.380 Read 62 bytes (244 pending)
< 2017-03-17 12:00:55.380 drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 0 May 3 2016 sbin
. 2017-03-17 12:00:55.380 Read 61 bytes (183 pending)
< 2017-03-17 12:00:55.380 dr-xr-xr-x 12 root root 0 Jan 1 1970 sys
. 2017-03-17 12:00:55.380 Read 61 bytes (122 pending)
< 2017-03-17 12:00:55.380 drwxrwxrwt 5 root root 340 Mar 1 01:23 tmp
. 2017-03-17 12:00:55.380 Read 61 bytes (61 pending)
< 2017-03-17 12:00:55.380 drwxr-xr-x 9 root root 0 Aug 8 2016 usr
. 2017-03-17 12:00:55.380 Read 61 bytes (0 pending)
< 2017-03-17 12:00:55.380 drwxr-xr-x 4 root root 0 May 3 2016 var
. 2017-03-17 12:00:55.380 Waiting for another 1 bytes
. 2017-03-17 12:00:55.575 Detected network event
. 2017-03-17 12:00:55.575 Received 30 bytes (0)
. 2017-03-17 12:00:55.575 Read 1 bytes (29 pending)
. 2017-03-17 12:00:55.575 Read 29 bytes (0 pending)
< 2017-03-17 12:00:55.575 WinSCP: this is end-of-file:0
. 2017-03-17 12:00:55.575 Reading symlink «lib32».
> 2017-03-17 12:00:55.575 ls -la -d «lib» ; echo «WinSCP: this is end-of-file:$?»
. 2017-03-17 12:00:55.575 Sent 57 bytes
. 2017-03-17 12:00:55.575 There are 0 bytes remaining in the send buffer
. 2017-03-17 12:00:55.575 Waiting for another 1 bytes
. 2017-03-17 12:00:55.593 Detected network event
. 2017-03-17 12:00:55.593 Received 61 bytes (0)
. 2017-03-17 12:00:55.593 Read 1 bytes (60 pending)
. 2017-03-17 12:00:55.593 Read 60 bytes (0 pending)
< 2017-03-17 12:00:55.593 drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 0 Sep 7 2016 lib
. 2017-03-17 12:00:55.593 Waiting for another 1 bytes
And here is log from the non-working one:
2017-03-17 11:46:53.503 Cached directory change via «..» to «/».
. 2017-03-17 11:46:53.503 Getting current directory name.
. 2017-03-17 11:46:53.503 Listing current directory.
. 2017-03-17 11:46:53.503 Locating to cached directory «/».
> 2017-03-17 11:46:53.503 cd «/» ; echo «WinSCP: this is end-of-file:$?»
. 2017-03-17 11:46:53.503 Sent 47 bytes
. 2017-03-17 11:46:53.503 There are 0 bytes remaining in the send buffer
. 2017-03-17 11:46:53.509 Waiting for another 1 bytes
. 2017-03-17 11:46:53.509 Detected network event
. 2017-03-17 11:46:53.509 Received 30 bytes (0)
. 2017-03-17 11:46:53.509 Read 1 bytes (29 pending)
. 2017-03-17 11:46:53.509 Read 29 bytes (0 pending)
< 2017-03-17 11:46:53.509 WinSCP: this is end-of-file:0
> 2017-03-17 11:46:53.509 ls -la ; echo «WinSCP: this is end-of-file:$?»
. 2017-03-17 11:46:53.509 Sent 48 bytes
. 2017-03-17 11:46:53.509 There are 0 bytes remaining in the send buffer
. 2017-03-17 11:46:53.509 Waiting for another 1 bytes
. 2017-03-17 11:46:53.538 Detected network event
. 2017-03-17 11:46:53.538 Received 1197 bytes (0)
. 2017-03-17 11:46:53.538 Read 1 bytes (1196 pending)
. 2017-03-17 11:46:53.538 Read 7 bytes (1189 pending)
< 2017-03-17 11:46:53.538 total 1
. 2017-03-17 11:46:53.538 Read 59 bytes (1130 pending)
< 2017-03-17 11:46:53.538 drwxr-xr-x 18 root root 0 Jan 1 1970 .
. 2017-03-17 11:46:53.538 Read 60 bytes (1070 pending)
< 2017-03-17 11:46:53.538 drwxr-xr-x 18 root root 0 Jan 1 1970 ..
. 2017-03-17 11:46:53.538 Read 61 bytes (1009 pending)
< 2017-03-17 11:46:53.538 drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 0 May 3 2016 bin
. 2017-03-17 11:46:53.538 Read 61 bytes (948 pending)
< 2017-03-17 11:46:53.538 drwxr-xr-x 7 root root 0 Feb 29 22:58 dev
. 2017-03-17 11:46:53.538 Read 61 bytes (887 pending)
< 2017-03-17 11:46:53.538 drwxr-xr-x 15 root root 0 Jan 1 1970 etc
. 2017-03-17 11:46:53.538 Read 61 bytes (826 pending)
< 2017-03-17 11:46:53.538 drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 0 Sep 7 2016 lib
. 2017-03-17 11:46:53.538 Read 70 bytes (756 pending)
< 2017-03-17 11:46:53.538 lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 3 May 3 2016 lib32 -> lib
. 2017-03-17 11:46:53.538 Read 80 bytes (676 pending)
< 2017-03-17 11:46:53.538 lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 11 May 3 2016 linuxrc -> bin/busybox
. 2017-03-17 11:46:53.538 Read 63 bytes (613 pending)
< 2017-03-17 11:46:53.538 drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 0 Mar 1 2016 media
. 2017-03-17 11:46:53.538 Read 61 bytes (552 pending)
< 2017-03-17 11:46:53.538 drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 0 Mar 1 2016 mnt
. 2017-03-17 11:46:53.538 Read 61 bytes (491 pending)
< 2017-03-17 11:46:53.538 drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 0 Mar 1 2016 opt
. 2017-03-17 11:46:53.538 Read 62 bytes (429 pending)
< 2017-03-17 11:46:53.538 dr-xr-xr-x 66 root root 0 Jan 1 1970 proc
. 2017-03-17 11:46:53.538 Read 62 bytes (367 pending)
< 2017-03-17 11:46:53.538 drwx—— 7 root root 0 Feb 29 22:54 root
. 2017-03-17 11:46:53.538 Read 61 bytes (306 pending)
< 2017-03-17 11:46:53.538 drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 160 Jan 1 1970 run
. 2017-03-17 11:46:53.538 Read 62 bytes (244 pending)
< 2017-03-17 11:46:53.538 drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 0 May 3 2016 sbin
. 2017-03-17 11:46:53.538 Read 61 bytes (183 pending)
< 2017-03-17 11:46:53.538 dr-xr-xr-x 12 root root 0 Jan 1 1970 sys
. 2017-03-17 11:46:53.538 Read 61 bytes (122 pending)
< 2017-03-17 11:46:53.538 drwxrwxrwt 4 root root 300 Mar 1 01:05 tmp
. 2017-03-17 11:46:53.538 Read 61 bytes (61 pending)
< 2017-03-17 11:46:53.538 drwxr-xr-x 9 root root 0 Aug 8 2016 usr
. 2017-03-17 11:46:53.538 Read 61 bytes (0 pending)
< 2017-03-17 11:46:53.538 drwxr-xr-x 4 root root 0 May 3 2016 var
. 2017-03-17 11:46:53.538 Waiting for another 1 bytes
. 2017-03-17 11:46:53.538 Detected network event
. 2017-03-17 11:46:53.538 Received 30 bytes (0)
. 2017-03-17 11:46:53.538 Read 1 bytes (29 pending)
. 2017-03-17 11:46:53.539 Read 29 bytes (0 pending)
< 2017-03-17 11:46:53.539 WinSCP: this is end-of-file:0
* 2017-03-17 11:46:53.555 (ECommand) Error listing directory ‘/’.
* 2017-03-17 11:46:53.555 Unexpected directory listing line ‘drwxr-xr-x 7 root root 0 Feb 29 22:58 dev’.
* 2017-03-17 11:46:53.555 Invalid argument to date encode [2017-2-29]
. 2017-03-17 11:46:53.750 Session upkeep
. 2017-03-17 1
So difference starts from the line: . 2017-03-17 12:00:55.575 Reading symlink «lib32».
What is that? What is symlink lib32. Can this give some new hint?
For me that seems that error is caused by the Linux not the Windows.
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Mikko wrote:
I got same error. I have 2 almost identical Linux systems. One works, but another not. Here is log from the working one:
* 2017-03-17 11:46:53.555 Unexpected directory listing line ‘drwxr-xr-x 7 root root 0 Feb 29 22:58 dev’.
* 2017-03-17 11:46:53.555 Invalid argument to date encode [2017-2-29]
. 2017-03-17 11:46:53.750 Session upkeep
. 2017-03-17 1So difference starts from the line: . 2017-03-17 12:00:55.575 Reading symlink «lib32».
What is that? What is symlink lib32. Can this give some new hint?For me that seems that error is caused by the Linux not the Windows.
The problem is, what the error message says:
The February didn’t have 29 days this year.
Don’t you have a wrong date set on the machine?
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Форум программистов Vingrad
Модераторы: Snowy, MetalFan, bems, Poseidon |
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Janger |
Новичок Профиль Репутация: 1
Такая проблема….
================================ |
kakawkin |
Новичок Профиль Репутация: нет
Janger |
Новичок Профиль Репутация: 1
Жаль, что никто не помог….
Добавлено через 9 минут и 45 секунд |
bems |
Эксперт Профиль Репутация: 18
тут есть что-то лишнее ——————— Обижено школьников: 8 |
northener |
Эксперт Профиль Репутация: 12
Это слишком мягко сказано. ——————— Но только лошади летают вдохновенно. |
Sharhan |
Новичок Профиль Репутация: нет
У меня тоже проблемы с датами.
В Edit6.Text вводим год. В ComboBox16.Items.Strings[ComboBox16.ItemIndex] находится номер месяца, список там от 01 до 12. В ComboBox15.Items.Strings[ComboBox15.ItemIndex] выбираем из списка число дня, список там от 1 до 31.
Только программа опять расчитала все правильно и выдала тоже дополнительное окно с надписью: «Invalid argument to date encode». Это сообщение отредактировал(а) Sharhan — 20.9.2013, 12:19 |
Poseidon |
Delphi developer Профиль
Репутация: 9
Вот жаль нет возможности проверить на D7, но что-то мне подсказывает, что Dateutils тут лишний, т.к. и EncodeDate, и LongDayNames, и DayOfWeek объявлены в SysUtils. Наверно все-таки в Dateutils есть своя EncodeDate, которая работает «не так». Хотя вот в XE3 нету, но может в семерке еще была. PS. Конструкции вида ComboBox16.Items.Strings[ComboBox16.ItemIndex] безусловно красивы, но у ComboBox, так же как и у Edit, есть свойство Text. ——————— Если хочешь, что бы что-то работало — используй написанное, |
Sharhan |
Новичок Профиль Репутация: нет
Вы правы. Dateutils я добавил в качестве эксперимента, но и до добавления всплывало это сообщение. Так что проблема осталась. |
Poseidon |
Delphi developer Профиль
Репутация: 9
Локализуй и скинь сюда pas в таком случае, будем смотреть. Я вот пробую на D5 твой код, все работает без сообщений. ——————— Если хочешь, что бы что-то работало — используй написанное, |
Akella |
Творец Профиль
Репутация: 8
Вы пишите в высшей мере несознательно. Вы пишите просто так, совсем не думая, какой тип имеет date, что такое StrToDateTime и DateToStr И совет. Это связано с тем, что date содержит текущую дату. Например, как показать текущую дату:
А у Вас получается, что Вы перегоняете дату сначала в строку, потом из строки опять в дату. Добавлено через 1 минуту и 25 секунд
Вместо того, чтобы дать ему рыбу, ты лучше научи её ловить. Добавлено через 3 минуты и 30 секунд
Да, и не читайте за обедом советских газет. |
Poseidon |
Delphi developer Профиль
Репутация: 9
Я не вижу в коде
«рыбы». Вполне возможно что это его «Invalid argument to date encode» вываливается совершенно в другом месте. ——————— Если хочешь, что бы что-то работало — используй написанное, |
Sharhan |
Новичок Профиль Репутация: нет
Благодарю за подсказку. Был уверен, что ошибка кралась именно в этих строчках. Конечно можно было бы вложить исходник целиком, но кому надо разбираться в полуторатысячах строчек чужого кода… |
kami |
Эксперт Профиль
Репутация: 22
Ага. Зачем разбираться, что именно было написано не так — проще удалить и в следующих проектах опять натыкаться на эти же грабли.
F7, F8, брейкпоинты и callstack придумали трусы… |
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