Ошибка item not found

How to Fix the "Item Not Found" Windows Error When Deleting a File or Folder

If you use a Windows operating system, then you might have gotten this error before when trying to delete a file or folder.

It happens when, even though the file or folder is there, Windows says that it is failing to delete it because it can’t find that file/folder in that directory.

This has also happened to me. In fact, I have faced this issue quite often. And tonight was no different.

I was trying to delete a folder, but couldn’t do it. Each time I was trying to delete the folder, Windows was giving me a prompt saying «This is no longer located in [location]. Verify the item’s location and try again.»

I tried all of the methods I could find to solve the issue, but nothing worked.

At last, I was successful and solved the issue. So, I thought why not share the trick I discovered with others? So, here you go!


Image source: D Studios Media

If you have read my other articles on freeCodeCamp, then you should know that I always use images from my own computer. So, if you are wondering why I am sharing an image from another source, don’t worry – you will get the answer right now!

As I was trying to solve the issue so that I can safely delete the folder I wanted to delete, I was trying various methods out. At last, I solved the issue, and I think you might guess what I mean here: the folder got deleted successfully!

As the folder had been deleted, I could not take any screenshots of it. So I failed to collect the screenshot before deleting the folder.

That’s why I used an image from another source above. 😅

Now, let me show you how can you also solve this issue on your Windows operating system. Don’t worry as I am going to show you every step from my own computer.

Suppose, I have a folder like the below which is not getting deleted however I try to delete it.


So, I will use a special trick where I will use the terminal to delete this folder safely.

Open the CMD as Administrator. For that, simply click the Windows button, and search for CMD.


Now right click on the Command Prompt, and click Run as administrator.


The CMD will open with the privileges of an administrator.


Now, we need to use the command, rd /s "\?path. In the path, you need to enter the folder address.

You can get the folder address or directory in various ways. I am going to show you two ways below.

First way: Right click on the folder/file, and click properties.


Here, you will get the directory address.


You have to add the folder name after that. For example, here my directory is: C:UsersFBADesktop and the name of the folder I want to delete is This Folder Is Not Getting Deleted. So, the full directory address I need to use in the terminal will be: C:UsersFBADesktopThis Folder Is Not Getting Deleted.

Second way: Go into the folder where you want to delete the folder/file, and you will get the directory address there.


Simply click on the address, and copy the whole address. You can also use Ctrl + C as the shortcut.


Anyway, after this, I have the directory address. Now I need to use the full command, rd /s "?C:UsersFBADesktopThis Folder Is Not Getting Deleted on the terminal and I need to press the Enter key after that.


Now I need to type Y and hit the Enter key.


Voilà! The folder is now gone. 😎

You can learn more about this rd command from the official Microsoft Docs.

In that way, you can safely delete any folder/file that won’t get deleted using the regular method.


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Ошибка Item not found при запуске Delphi XE

Ошибка возникает когда изменены переменные среды в windows и при этом у пользователя нет прав на запись в нее.

Можно полностью отключить отображение раздела библиотек из навигационной панели проводника Windows. Для того чтобы это сделать, выполните следующие действия:
Откройте редактор реестра;
Перейдите в раздел HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTCLSID{031E4825-7B94-4dc3-B131-E946B44C8DD5}ShellFolder;
Нажмите правой кнопкой мыши на названии раздела ShellFolder и в контекстном меню выберите команду «Разрешения»;
В диалоговом окне «Разрешения для группы «ShellFolder»» перейдите на группу Администраторы и дайте ей полный доступ;
Щелкните два раза левой кнопкой мыши на параметре Attributes для изменения значения и измените значение с b080010d на b090010d.
Закройте редактор реестра и перезапустите процесс explorer.exe.

Переустанавливал W и при установке среды Delphi XE возникла ошибка, эта же причиной была не стандартная папка Temp в переменных среды. Необходимо просто открыть доступ пользователя к ней и все нормально работает)))
При изменении значений  с b080010d на b090010d начинает тормозить отладчик!

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06.09.2014, 11:39. Показов 2933. Ответов 11

Студворк — интернет-сервис помощи студентам

Я установил Delphi XE, но при загрузке он выдает ошибку Item Not Found. Что не так?


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06.09.2014, 17:24


Сообщение от aleksskay3
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при загрузке он выдает ошибку Item Not Found

при загрузке среды? Выложите скриншот.


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06.09.2014, 17:28


Где-то тут недавно похожее обсуждалось


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06.09.2014, 17:32



Да после загрузки среды. Скрин, наверно, не нужен там в заголовке Error надпись Item not Found и все.


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07.09.2014, 02:32


Сообщение от droider
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Почему именно XE? Есть более стабильные версии.

а если я к примеру купил лицензию именно на эту версию, то что делать? Имея оплаченную лицензию, качать крякнутый софт и пользоваться им, типа он стабильный, а лицензию.. а фиг с ней, деньги на ветер ? У меня к примеру купленная дельфи и тоже ХЕ

Для тс, посмотри на офф сайте, они там выкладывали исправление, может поможет тебе


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07.09.2014, 02:52


Сообщение от aleksskay3
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Я установил Delphi XE

Где надыбал дистрибутив? И как он там назывался?


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07.09.2014, 12:57



Оттуда откуда все берут ,Embarcadero RAD Studio


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07.09.2014, 15:04


Сообщение от Arcor
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если я к примеру купил лицензию именно на эту версию, то что делать?

В этом нет моей вины. Вы поспешили ее купить. Тогда уж лучше брать XE2 c лицензией. А так речь шла о ТС.


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07.09.2014, 16:05


Сообщение от droider
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Если Вы об этом Delphi 2010: «Процесс не может получить доступ к файлу, так как этот файл занят другим процессом», тут немного иная ситуация.

Да, я про это говорил

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Ссылки в постах стали нечитабельны, толком не видно. Снова изменения.

Однажды утром проснешся, а ту белый, чистый лист



07.09.2014, 16:18

Не по теме:

Сообщение от droider
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В этом нет моей вины. Вы поспешили ее купить. Тогда уж лучше брать XE2 c лицензией

а возможен такой случай, что тогда еще не было хе2 :), я просто клоню к тому, что не все может быть так, как хотелось бы..



07.09.2014, 16:29

    Delphi XE: ошибка «Item Not Found» при загрузке

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Сообщение от Arcor
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не все может быть так, как хотелось бы

это естественно. Иначе…




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I have published my app for alpha testing, but not able to download it from play store.

I have opened the url «https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.*» and accepted to be a tester and now it shows me «you are a tester». But when I click on the link «download it from the Play Store», it shows me «Item not found» in my test device play store and «requested URL was not found» in desktop browser.

  1. App is in published state for more than 48 hours.
  2. App is published in all countries.
  3. google groups for testers are added, I can see the group in manage testers tab. Tester account is added to the group ( triple checked it)
  4. test device has only one tester account.
  5. I can access the in-app purchases, which means the app is published properly. Google doesn’t support draft mode anymore.

I went through some similar posts in stackoverflow, but there is no definite answer. Looks like for some people it resolved automatically and some people are not lucky enough.

asked Sep 8, 2014 at 6:30

Arunita's user avatar


If the app is «Published», but when you click in «View in play store» the site (example: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.companyname.appname) show the error:

«We’re sorry, the requested URL was not found on this server«,

try this:

  • In «Google Play Console» (https://play.google.com/apps/publish), select your app
  • goto menu: Release management / App releases
  • In Aplha, click in the button «Manage Alpha»
  • Click in «Manage testers» and copy the link «Opt-in URL» (example: https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.companyname.appname)
  • Send this link to your alpha users, you and the users need to click in «Became a tester» before access the app in PlayStore.

After this, open the link of app in play store again (View in play store) logged with a user from the testers list.

If the url still don’t open, try close your browser, or clear the browser cache and try again. The browser store a cache of redirects.

answered Oct 11, 2017 at 22:22

educoutinho's user avatar


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If you are using Chrome, then it caches redirects. To fix it, clear browsing data. More details on this

Community's user avatar

answered Mar 22, 2016 at 10:23

Vladimir Makhaev's user avatar

Vladimir MakhaevVladimir Makhaev

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In my case, the issue was that I wasn’t logged to Google with the proper account in Chrome.

I cleared all browsing data, but un-logging from Gmail/Google and re-logging with the proper @gmail.com account would probably have done the trick.

answered Jun 10, 2016 at 20:50

Arnaud's user avatar


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Another thing to check is whether or not Pricing & Distribution -> Only make this application available to my organization is checked. It seems that this doesn’t interact well with Alpha- or Beta-only tests, even if your test account is in the given domain. Once I turned this flag off, my beta-only app became visible via the Play Store link from the testing signup page.

answered Dec 15, 2016 at 20:21

BobV's user avatar


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In addition to all the great answers here, I just found out that if you did an internal test before the closed (alpha) test, the Play Store may want you to use the internal test URL instead.

So say you have your great app and you released it to the internal test track. You created a list called «Internal Testers» for that track and it all went swimmingly. When you did this, Google Play gives you a URL for those testers of the form https://play.google.com/apps/internaltest/{id}. Your internal testers joined the program using that URL, downloaded the app no problem and the test went through.

You now upgrade to the closed track (alpha testing). You create a new list called «Alpha Testers» with new people in it and you enable your release both for «Internal Testers» and «Alpha Testers» thinking that you should carry over your internal testers to alpha. When you do this, Google Play gives you a URL of the form https://play.google.com/apps/testing/{package}. Your alpha testers can now join the program using that URL and download the app. But your internal testers have to keep using the internal test URL to join the program.

From testing a variety of scenarios, it looks like moving a tester from on list to another doesn’t fix the problem.

As far as I can tell the Google Play documentation doesn’t mention any of this.

answered Jul 24, 2019 at 16:15

Bruno Girin's user avatar

Bruno GirinBruno Girin

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Where you add groups for test — there have a link for tester (something like terms) you need to click this link on each testing device and say «Yes»

After that link apear in market. I wait 3 days before found it : )

answered Mar 16, 2015 at 5:32

Alexey Kurilov's user avatar


For my part it was due to the fact that I sent the link through SMS. It worked when I sent it by email. This link has the form https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.*. This is this link that you have to share by email.

answered Nov 19, 2016 at 13:42

unludo's user avatar


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This can be due to a silly mistake where you aren’t signed in with the appropriate Google Play account in your device’s Google Play Store.

Sign in with the testing gmail account into Google Play and then click on the test-link

For more detail check Item not found

answered Jul 8, 2017 at 3:47

AndroidLearner's user avatar


allow access to
Settings -> internal access -> Manage users with download rights later
Settings -> Internal Access -> Testers
and the app link will work

answered Feb 26, 2021 at 13:57

Умидбек Усмонов's user avatar

I had this similar issue.In my case, I had multiple testers as CSV and there was an space between multiple users tester.Space was the issue in email address.Bad email address may cause this problem.

answered Feb 4, 2016 at 13:23

Abdul Waheed's user avatar

Abdul WaheedAbdul Waheed

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Also, make sure the device you are using is among the supported devices for your app. For this, check Release management -> Device catalog on play console.

If this is the problem, expect to see a warning similar to the app is not compatible with your device when you visit play store page via a web browser and Item not found error via play store app.

In my case, I had to make some changes in the Manifest to correct the list of supported devices. So, I replaced below line causing the number of supported devices to be 0:

    <uses-feature android:name="android.hardware.camera2.full" />


    <uses-feature android:name="android.hardware.camera2.full" android:required="false" />

In your case, Manifest may need a different change of course.

answered Aug 1, 2019 at 6:55

mrerdem's user avatar

In case someone has tried the several suggestions and has not worked, I want to share another situation I haven’t seen listed anywhere else.

Make sure the latest build uploaded is not deactivated. The Play Store console doesn’t warn you if, for any reason, the release is made unavailable to your testers. It’ll show with a greyed out row, like this:

Google Play console screenshot of a Deactivated APK in a test track

Check on App releases > Manage, in you track dashboard, that the latest build is Added, not Deactivated.

Markus Zeller's user avatar

answered Jun 9, 2020 at 9:30

MalenaLBC's user avatar


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In my case is Android Studio emulator, I relaunch play store after few minutes googling, then no more such error «Item not found».

answered Mar 5, 2019 at 6:53

林果皞's user avatar


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In my case the emulator had been started a couple of months ago and perhaps cached something wrong.
I kept receiving BillingClient.BillingResponse.ERROR resulting in this message.

After restarting the emulator it started working again.

answered Mar 13, 2019 at 16:57

LachoTomov's user avatar


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Simple way is to use incognito mode. Thats it.

answered Jul 29, 2020 at 9:02

Ramandeep Singh's user avatar


When I try to delete file in my PC it gives the error

Could not find this item
This is no longer located in C:Users1600Downloads. Verify the item’s located and try again

File shows 0KB size.

djsmiley2kStaysInside's user avatar

asked Aug 20, 2010 at 17:59

Azhar's user avatar


Try to delete it in Safe Mode. To get there, press F8 after the BIOS screen has passed.

Try KillBox.

answered Aug 20, 2010 at 18:06

ctzdev's user avatar


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This is not answered. Ironically, it is answered in the following thread which is marked as a duplicate of this question:

Cannot delete a file: System cannot find the file specified

I had this problem because I had generated folder names with a trailing space character, which Windows 7 does not handle gracefully. After trying all sorts of command line wizardry and obscure workarounds the thing that allowed me to delete the folder with trailing space was 7-zip, of all things. I clicked «Delete files after compression» and 7-zip was able to delete a folder that neither explorer.exe nor cmd.exe could.

answered Jun 16, 2017 at 17:48

HackSlash's user avatar


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Perhaps it has a control char or other invisible character embedded in the name. Try going to a command prompt and do a dir of the filename. If it says it could not find it, use wildcards e.g. foo around part of the filename until it shows a directory listing for the one file. Then use the same wildcards in the del command.

answered Aug 27, 2010 at 17:42

tcrosley's user avatar


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If you cannot delete a folder in Windows with error: «Item Not Found. Could not find this item. This item is no longer located in…», continue reading below to fix the problem. The error «Item not found because it is no longer located in its location», commonly appears when the folder or the file, is damaged.

FIX: Cannot Delete Folder - Item Not Found. Could not find this item. This item is no longer located in

This tutorial contains instructions to resolve the deletion error «Item Not Found. Could not find this item. This item is no longer located in location. Verify the item’s location and try again», when trying to delete a file or a folder in Windows OS.

How to FIX: Cannot Delete Folder or File with error «Item Not Found. Could not find this item».

Method 1. Copy a File on the Empty folder and then Delete the folder.

The first method to delete a folder (or a file), that cannot be deleted via Windows Explorer, is to move it to a new empty folder and then to delete the new folder. *

* Note: I know, this method is crazy, but it is easy to try it.

Method 2. Delete the File with Unlocker.

1. Download and Install the latest Unlocker version from here. *

Note: At the installation options choose Advanced and unselect  the Install Delta toolbar checkboxes.

FIX: Cannot delete file or folder

2. When the installation is completed, right-click on the file that you cannot delete and choose Unlocker.

Delete file with Unlocker

3. At Unlocker window, select Delete and click OK.

Delete Folder with Unlocker

Method 3. Delete Item with Command Prompt.

The first method of deleting a folder or file that cannot be deleted due to the error «Item not found. This item could not be found», is to delete the file via command command. To do that:

1. Find the path of the item (folder or file), that you cannot delete using the File Explorer. To do that, navigate to the item’s location on the disk.

a. Highlight and select the folder path in the address bar.
b. Right click at the folder path and select Copy.


2. Open Command Prompt as Administrator.

3a. In command prompt type the following command and press Enter:

  • rd /s «\?X:bad-folder-path«

3b. Press the Y key to confirm your decision.

Notes for the above command:
1. After typing rd /s \? press the CTRL + V keys to paste the copied path and then type the quotation marks («).
2. Note the space after typing (pasting) the folder path before the quotation marks («) at the end. *

e.g. For this example the command will be:

  • rd /s «\?C:UsersJohnDesktopExpense Reports»

* Note: If you receive the error «file not found» after executing the above command and you’re sure that the command is correct, type the command again but this time add a space after the folder name and before the quotation marks. e.g.

  • rd /s «\?C:UsersJohnDesktopExpense Reports «

Fix Item Not Deleted - Item not found

Method 4. Delete folder or file with 7-Zip.

1. Download and install the 7-Zip archiver program.
2. Right click on the folder (or file) that you want to delete and choose: 7-Zip > Add to archive.

7zip Add to archive

3. At «Add to Archive» options, select to Delete files after compression and click OK.

Delete files with 7-zip

4. When the compression is complete, delete the created archive (e.g. the «Expense Reports.7z» in this example), and you ‘ll be OK.

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