I’m getting the following error:
frameworks/base/core/java/android/os/mypackage/MyServiceListenerClass.java:283: error 110: Parameter of unavailable type android.os.storage.VolumeInfo in android.os.mypackage.MyServiceListenerClass.myMethod()
I have created a new package with some classes and those classes use VolumeInfo
from the storage
I couldn’t find any documentation on this error. What have I done wrong?
Found out that
. -
Found this section in doclava/Stubs.java:
for (ParameterInfo p : m.parameters()) { TypeInfo t = p.type(); if (!t.isPrimitive()) { hiddenClass = findHiddenClasses(t); if (null != hiddenClass) { if (hiddenClass.qualifiedName() == t.asClassInfo().qualifiedName()) { // Parameter type is hidden Errors.error(Errors.UNAVAILABLE_SYMBOL, m.position(), "Parameter of unavailable type " + t.fullName() + " in " + cl.qualifiedName() + "." + m.name() + "()"); } else { // Parameter type contains a generic parameter Errors.error(Errors.HIDDEN_TYPE_PARAMETER, m.position(), "Parameter uses type parameter of unavailable type " + t.fullName() + " in " + cl.qualifiedName() + "." + m.name() + "()"); } } } }
asked Sep 20, 2016 at 13:44
1,6121 gold badge17 silver badges40 bronze badges
So the reason for this error was the @hide
attribute at the bottom of VolumInfo
‘s documentation part:
* Information about a storage volume that may be mounted. A volume may be a
* partition on a physical {@link DiskInfo}, an emulated volume above some other
* storage medium, or a standalone container like an ASEC or OBB.
* <p>
* Volumes may be mounted with various flags:
* <ul>
* <li>{@link #MOUNT_FLAG_PRIMARY} means the volume provides primary external
* storage, historically found at {@code /sdcard}.
* <li>{@link #MOUNT_FLAG_VISIBLE} means the volume is visible to third-party
* apps for direct filesystem access. The system should send out relevant
* storage broadcasts and index any media on visible volumes. Visible volumes
* are considered a more stable part of the device, which is why we take the
* time to index them. In particular, transient volumes like USB OTG devices
* <em>should not</em> be marked as visible; their contents should be surfaced
* to apps through the Storage Access Framework.
* </ul>
* @hide
Removing it solves the issue.
answered Sep 20, 2016 at 14:44
1,6121 gold badge17 silver badges40 bronze badges
I’m trying to connect client server, where I’m facing below mentioned error while opening connection:
java.net.ConnectException: errno: 110 (Connection timed out), error:
Connection timed out (local port XXXXX to address 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0, remote
port XXXX to address XXX.XXX.XXX.XX)
Code Snippet:
URL url = new URL("http://XXX.XXX.XXX.XX:XXXX/services/ServiceEngine");
HttpURLConnection connection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
connection.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/json");
OutputStreamWriter writer = new OutputStreamWriter(connection.getOutputStream());
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(connection.getInputStream()));
String line;
while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) {
asked Aug 21, 2018 at 6:55
Connection timeouts happen when the server fails to respond in a pre-determined time period and shouldn’t have much to do with the logic in your code.
You can change this time period with the HttpURLConnection.setConnectTimeout() like this:
connection.setConnectTimeout(10000); //Time is set in milliseconds, so 1000 is 1 second.
Also as another user pointed out it could be that your server isn’t actually up and ready to host connections.
answered Aug 21, 2018 at 7:02
3841 silver badge11 bronze badges
Over the past few days, some of our users have reported that they encountered an Error 110 parameter of type hidden.
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frameworks / base / core / java / android / os / mypackage / MyServiceListenerClass.java: 283: error 110: settings making it difficult to get type Android.os.storage.VolumeInfo in android.os.mypackage.MyServiceListenerClass.myMethod ()
I discovered a new package with several tutorials and these classes use VolumeInfo
in addition to the Storage
package. Impossible
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I can’t find any documentation for this error, what did I do wrong?
I found that
. -
Found this section which is in doclava / Stubs.java:
for (ParameterInfo p m.parameters ()) TypeInfo big t = p.type (); if for the case (! t.isPrimitive ()) hiddenclass = findhiddenClasses (t); if (null! matches hiddenClass) if (hiddenClass.qualifiedName () == t.asClassInfo (). QualifiedName ()) // Parameter type is hidden Errors.error (Errors.UNAVAILABLE_SYMBOL, m.position (), "Parameter of unavailable type" + t.fullName () + In "" + cl.qualifiedName () + "." + m.name () + "()"); another // The parameter type contains the corresponding generic parameter Errors.error (Errors.HIDDEN_TYPE_PARAMETER, m.position (), "Parameter uses assortment parameters of type not available" + t.fullName () + "in" + cl.qualified name () + "." + m.name () + "()");
requested Sep 26 ’16 @ 1:44 pm
Not The Answer You Are Looking For? Check Out Other Questions Posted In Java Android-source Or Ask Your Main Question.
The reason for this error was the @hide
attribute, which is at the bottom of the VolumInfo
part of the form:
/ ** * Information about the amount of memory that can be mounted. Ideal jar volume. to be * Partition on physical @link DiskInfo, volume copied over several others * Space for storage medium or self-contained container, take advantage of ASEC or OBB. 3.
* Volumes can be mounted with different flags: *
- @link #MOUNT_FLAG_PRIMARY means the volume has external exchange. * Memory, historically accessnaya on @ code / sdcard. *
- @link #MOUNT_FLAG_VISIBLE means that the volume is visible to third parties regarding * applications for direct use of the file system. A separate mailing system must be up to date. * Storing translations and indexing almost all media on visible volumes. Visible volumes * devices are considered more stable, so we take * a little time to index them. Especially short-term volumes such as USB OTG devices 5. not must be explicitly marked; Content that is supposed to be disclosed 3. to applications through the Storage Access Framework. *
* (empty) @hide * /
answered Sep 20 at 14:44
Download this software and fix your PC in minutes.
숨겨진 유형의 오류 110 매개변수
Fehler 110 Parameter Des Versteckten Typs
Blad 110 Parametr Typu Ukrytego
Fout 110 Parameter Van Verborgen Type
Parametro De Erro 110 Do Tipo Oculto
Fel 110 Parameter Av Dold Typ
Oshibka 110 Parametr Skrytogo Tipa
Error 110 Parametro De Tipo Oculto
Errore 110 Parametro Di Tipo Nascosto
Erreur 110 Parametre De Type Cache
String who; boolean isInvalidWord; do{ who = console.readLine("who's there? "); if(isInvalidWord);{ console.print("%s who?") }while(isInvalidWord)
2 Answers
Welcome to Treehouse!
It appears you are working on the Looping until value passes challenge in the Java Basics course, correct?
If so, and going strictly based on the code you posted, you are missing some line ending semi-colons and other important facets of the challenge.. Additionally, I think you are over-complicating what the task is asking. You can complete the challenge without an if
statement, as well as without the creation of a separate Boolean variable.
Something along the lines of:
String who; do { console.printf("Knock Knock.n"); who = console.readLine("Who's there? "); console.printf("%s who?n", who); } while(who.equalsIgnoreCase("banana"));
should suffice.
Do you follow along with what the above code is doing?
Happy coding,
haunguyen December 17, 2014 3:54am
You also missed the «who» variable as your second param in the printf
console.print(«%s who?», who);
Так что причиной этой ошибки была @hide
атрибут в нижней части VolumInfo
Документация часть:
* Information about a storage volume that may be mounted. A volume may be a
* partition on a physical {@link DiskInfo}, an emulated volume above some other
* storage medium, or a standalone container like an ASEC or OBB.
* <p>
* Volumes may be mounted with various flags:
* <ul>
* <li>{@link #MOUNT_FLAG_PRIMARY} means the volume provides primary external
* storage, historically found at {@code /sdcard}.
* <li>{@link #MOUNT_FLAG_VISIBLE} means the volume is visible to third-party
* apps for direct filesystem access. The system should send out relevant
* storage broadcasts and index any media on visible volumes. Visible volumes
* are considered a more stable part of the device, which is why we take the
* time to index them. In particular, transient volumes like USB OTG devices
* <em>should not</em> be marked as visible; their contents should be surfaced
* to apps through the Storage Access Framework.
* </ul>
* @hide
Удаление этого решает проблему.