Ошибка ккм 142 нулевой итог чека


Сообщения: 36
Зарегистрирован: 30 дек 2016, 01:03
Контактная информация:

Не удалось закрыть чек ( 142-ККТ: Нулевой итог чека )

Добрый день!

Подскажите пожалуйста.
Хотели сделать возврат (корректировку) продажи.

Получили следующую ошибку:

{ «CheckNumber»: 55, «SessionNumber»: 10, «URL»: «», «Command»: «RegisterCheck», «Error»: «Не удалось закрыть чек ( 142-ККТ: Нулевой итог чека )», «Status»: 2, «IdCommand»: «bdb8ea16-3de9-9ec7-7c6e-bfbd948e0434», «NumDevice»: 1 }

Данные из логов:

Код: Выделить всё

Ошибки выполнения команд:

№	Дата	Тип	Модель	Заводской №	ИНН	Команда
22	3/1/2017 1:47:00 PM	KkmStrihM	ШТРИХ-МИНИ-01Ф	0287480001004239	5752203694	RegisterCheck
Текст команды:
IdType: KkmStrihM, IdModel: 7 
{"Command":"RegisterCheck","NumDevice":0,"InnKkm":"","Timeout":30,"IdCommand":"bdb8ea16-3de9-9ec7-7c6e-bfbd948e0434","IsFiscalCheck":true,"TypeCheck":1,"CancelOpenedCheck":true,"NotPrint":false,"CashierName":"Марина Викторовна Ноздрина","TaxVariant":"2","CheckStrings":[{"PrintText":{"Text":"Сторно по заказу #68264"}}],"Cash":0,"CashLessType1":390,"CashLessType2":0,"CashLessType3":0}
Текст ошибки:
Не удалось закрыть чек ( 142-ККТ: Нулевой итог чека )
Низкоуровневые команды:

COM порт открыт.
< 05
> 15
< 02-05-10-1E-00-00-00-0B
> 06-02-10-10-00-1E-B2-02-02-00-00-9F-F8-00-00-00-75-08-00-B6
< 06-05
> 15
< 02-05-11-1E-00-00-00-0A
> 06-02-30-11-00-1E-43-31-4A-86-0D-01-11-01-37-00-B2-02-02-00-00-4E-41-00-00-01-01-10-01-03-11-0D-2F-15-00-8F-10-00-00-09-00-00-00-00-00-AE-A9-DB-56-01-00-3E
< 06-05
> 15
< 02-06-1B-1E-00-00-00-98-9B
> 06-02-05-1B-00-1E-37-00-37
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> 15
< 02-06-FF-40-1E-00-00-00-A7
> 06-02-08-FF-40-00-01-0A-00-0E-00-B2
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> 15
< 02-06-1B-1E-00-00-00-98-9B
> 06-02-05-1B-00-1E-37-00-37
< 06-05
> 15
< 02-07-2E-1E-00-00-00-02-02-37
> 06-02-2E-2E-00-D0-C5-CA-C2-C8-C7-C8-D2-DB-20-CA-C0-D1-D1-C8-D0-CE-C2-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-01-40-00-00-AC
< 06-05
> 15
< 02-49-1E-1E-00-00-00-02-1E-00-02-CC-E0-F0-E8-ED-E0-20-C2-E8-EA-F2-EE-F0-EE-E2-ED-E0-20-CD-EE-E7-E4-F0-E8-ED-E0-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-76
> 06-02-02-1E-00-1C
< 06-05
> 15
< 02-07-2E-1E-00-00-00-12-05-20
> 06-02-2E-2E-00-54-41-58-20-53-59-53-54-45-4D-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-01-00-FF-96
< 06-05
> 15
< 02-0A-1E-1E-00-00-00-12-01-00-05-04-18
> 06-02-02-1E-00-1C
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> 15
< 02-06-8D-1E-00-00-00-02-97
> 06-02-03-8D-00-1E-90
< 06-05
> 15
< 02-39-2F-1E-00-00-00-02-01-D1-F2-EE-F0-ED-EE-20-EF-EE-20-E7-E0-EA-E0-E7-F3-20-23-36-38-32-36-34-20-20-20-20-20-20-20-20-20-20-20-20-20-20-20-20-20-20-20-20-20-20-20-20-20-20-20-30
> 06-02-03-2F-00-1E-32
< 06-05
> 15
< 02-47-85-1E-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-58-98-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-20-20-20-20-20-20-20-20-20-20-20-20-20-20-20-20-20-20-20-20-20-20-20-20-20-20-20-20-20-20-20-20-20-20-20-20-20-20-20-20-1C
> 06-02-02-85-8E-09
< 06-05
> 15
< 02-05-88-1E-00-00-00-93
> 06-02-03-88-00-1E-95
< 06
COM порт закрыт.

В чем может быть причина?

Заранее благодарю!


Сообщения: 36
Зарегистрирован: 30 дек 2016, 01:03
Контактная информация:

Re: Не удалось закрыть чек ( 142-ККТ: Нулевой итог чека )


t800 » 02 мар 2017, 22:32

Извините за беспокойство, но проблема все еще актуальная :?


Сообщения: 2275
Зарегистрирован: 17 мар 2015, 18:36

Re: Не удалось закрыть чек ( 142-ККТ: Нулевой итог чека )


Audim » 03 мар 2017, 20:12

У вас нет ни одной фискальной строки с товаром!!
Такой чек ни пройдет ни когда.

А какую задачу Вы пытались решить такими данными?


Сообщения: 36
Зарегистрирован: 30 дек 2016, 01:03
Контактная информация:

Re: Не удалось закрыть чек ( 142-ККТ: Нулевой итог чека )


t800 » 03 мар 2017, 21:06

А какую задачу Вы пытались решить такими данными?

Пытались сделать отмену продажи.

Вообще конкретно в этом случае, мы пробили чек как «безнал», но по факту, расплатились с нами наличными и поэтому хотели вернуть то, что пробили ранее по «безналу» и пробить как «наличными».

Но вообще вопрос связан даже с тем, что как осуществлять отмену продажи. Бывает возврат.

К сожалению, http://kkmserver.ru/ сейчас не отвечает (не работает), хотел посмотреть там пример из документации, по которой и делал операцию.

Как заработает, я дополню сообщение.


Сообщения: 2275
Зарегистрирован: 17 мар 2015, 18:36

Re: Не удалось закрыть чек ( 142-ККТ: Нулевой итог чека )


Audim » 03 мар 2017, 22:04

Для регистрации чека возврата нужно сделать все тоже самое что и при продаже, только тип чека другой, и оплата(выплата денег) только налом.
И обязательно надо указать какой товар, сколько и по какой цене возвращаете. Т.е все как при продаже, только тип чека другой!

Да, мой сайт лежит, провайдер гаденыш не отзывается.


Сообщения: 36
Зарегистрирован: 30 дек 2016, 01:03
Контактная информация:

Re: Не удалось закрыть чек ( 142-ККТ: Нулевой итог чека )


t800 » 04 мар 2017, 21:34

Хотел тогда, если можно, задать вопрос по терминологии:
Что такое чек-коррекции?
У вас там написано, что:

// В сторно только не фискальные строки и ШК!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Я подумал, что просто сумму в итого передаем без указания позиций и все.

Второй вопрос:
А можно ли сделать «возврат» но по безнальной операции?
Т.е. кассир ошибся и пробил чек как «оплата по карте», но нужен был другой способ оплаты.
Или как следует поступить в таком случае?



Сообщения: 2275
Зарегистрирован: 17 мар 2015, 18:36

Re: Не удалось закрыть чек ( 142-ККТ: Нулевой итог чека )


Audim » 04 мар 2017, 21:41

Чек коррекции это типы:
2 – корректировка продажи
12 — корректировка покупки
Чек корректировки делается на основании предписания налоговой или по спец. указанию бухгалтера при выявлении ошибок учета.
В чеках коррекции не надо указывать фискальные строки.

Но у Вас в чеке тип 1 — это банальный возврат.
В таком чеке должны быть фискальные строки.
Кстати сейчас чек возврата можно делать в любой момент а не как раньше только в ту-же смену.


Сообщения: 36
Зарегистрирован: 30 дек 2016, 01:03
Контактная информация:

Re: Не удалось закрыть чек ( 142-ККТ: Нулевой итог чека )


t800 » 04 мар 2017, 21:55

Но, должен заметить, я при тестировании ставил unit сервер, который разрешал такую операцию проводить.

Понял, тогда при возврате все деалю тоже самое, но с другим типом.
Но можно ли сделать возврат по безналу?

Еще раз спасибо!


Сообщения: 2275
Зарегистрирован: 17 мар 2015, 18:36

Re: Не удалось закрыть чек ( 142-ККТ: Нулевой итог чека )


Audim » 04 мар 2017, 22:17

Но можно ли сделать возврат по безналу?
Зависит от ККТ. На новых проходит.

На Штрих-М оплата проходит нормально.
На Штрих-НАНО не проходит.
Пишет ошибку «142, Нулевой итог чека»
Хотя оплату наличными и стоимость услуги указали одинаково равными (1111)
В чем может быть проблема?

r.c.a.p.m.i.r.PrinterManager - start checkBeforePrinting d0bdad07-ce4b-46c5-8389-a44ef04d66ab c.s.j.f.FiscalPrinterService - directIO(49, null, [Ljava.lang.Object;@bc80e73) c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - readLongStatus c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - 11h, Get status c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - -> 8F 07 00 76 00 11 01 00 00 00 22 54 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 32 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 76 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 11 00 01 43 31 7D 00 1A 06 13 01 0C 00 92 0A 02 00 01 4E 41 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 00 00 01 01 10 08 02 14 0C 24 22 00 59 68 00 00 03 00 00 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 00 00 B7 D9 31 CC 01 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 28 21 c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - 11h, Get status = 0, 49 ms c.s.j.f.FiscalPrinterService - directIO: OK r.c.a.p.m.i.r.PrinterManager - printerMode2, Day is opened, 24 hours are not over r.c.a.p.m.i.r.PrinterManager - finish checkBeforePrinting d0bdad07-ce4b-46c5-8389-a44ef04d66ab c.s.j.f.FiscalPrinterService - directIO(49, null, [Ljava.lang.Object;@8876130) c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - readLongStatus c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - 11h, Get status c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - -> 8F 07 00 77 00 11 01 00 00 00 43 EC c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 32 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 77 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 11 00 01 43 31 7D 00 1A 06 13 01 0C 00 92 0A 02 00 01 4E 41 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 00 00 01 01 10 08 02 14 0C 24 22 00 59 68 00 00 03 00 00 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 00 00 B7 D9 31 CC 01 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 5E 33 c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - 11h, Get status = 0, 14 ms c.s.j.f.FiscalPrinterService - directIO: OK c.s.j.f.FiscalPrinterService - directIO(17, [I@c6131a9, [Ljava.lang.String;@439d32e) c.s.j.f.FiscalPrinterService - directIO: OK c.s.j.f.FiscalPrinterService - directIO(29, [I@e8b1ecf, com.shtrih.fiscalprinter.command.FSReadSerial@7b9605c) c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - FF02h, Fiscal storage: read serial c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - -> 8F 08 00 78 00 FF 02 1E 00 00 00 65 AC c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 15 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 78 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- FF 02 00 39 39 39 39 30 37 38 39 30 32 30 30 34 39 39 30 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 81 17 c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - FF02h, Fiscal storage: read serial = 0, 127 ms c.s.j.f.FiscalPrinterService - directIO: OK r.c.a.p.m.i.r.PrinterManager - The receipt (GUID = d0bdad07-ce4b-46c5-8389-a44ef04d66ab) is suspended c.s.j.f.FiscalPrinterService - directIO(78, [I@8723f65, [Ljava.lang.Object;@513f43a) c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - FF3Ah, Fiscal storage: read document c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - -> 8F 0C 00 79 00 FF 3A 1E 00 00 00 0C 00 00 00 C0 B9 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 05 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 79 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- FF 3A 08 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- A6 99 c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - 8, ФН: Нет запрошенных данных, FF3A1E0000000C000000 c.s.j.f.FiscalPrinterImpl - ErrorEvent(JPOS_E_EXTENDED, 308) c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - FF3Ah, Fiscal storage: read document = 8, 26 ms c.s.j.f.JposExceptionHandler - JposException. ErrorCode: 114, ErrorCodeExtended: 308, '8, ФН: Нет запрошенных данных' c.s.j.f.FiscalPrinterService - directIO(17, [I@cc4d8eb, [Ljava.lang.String;@aaa2648) c.s.j.f.FiscalPrinterService - directIO: OK c.s.j.f.FiscalPrinterService - directIO(17, [I@5cc6ce1, [Ljava.lang.String;@83d1a06) c.s.j.f.FiscalPrinterService - directIO: OK c.s.j.f.FiscalPrinterService - directIO(29, [I@69618c7, com.shtrih.fiscalprinter.command.ReadFontMetrics@a5f5ef4) c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - 26h, Get font info c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - -> 8F 08 00 7A 00 26 1E 00 00 00 01 38 E9 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 09 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 7A 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 26 00 80 01 0C 10 08 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 26 86 c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - 26h, Get font info = 0, 49 ms c.s.j.f.FiscalPrinterService - directIO: OK r.c.a.p.m.i.r.PrinterManager - paper width:384 r.c.a.p.m.i.r.PrinterManager - char width:12 r.c.a.p.m.i.r.PrinterManager - lineLengthSymbols32 r.c.a.p.m.i.r.PrinterManager - Profile:Profile{courierID='d6c05743-528c-4440-8947-1cc029d5b17f', courierName='Курьер 1', courierBarcode='6951926216126', courierNode='node1', courierINN='098227043272', mobileId=-2147483647, deviceId='24', licenseId='644001', courierAgent=false} r.c.a.p.m.i.r.PrinterManager - writeCashierName:Курьер 1 c.s.j.f.FiscalPrinterService - directIO(44, null, [Ljava.lang.String;@e41f61d) c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - 10h, Read short status c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - -> 8F 07 00 7B 00 10 1E 00 00 00 30 DB c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 12 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 7B 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 10 00 1E 92 0A 02 00 00 DA 26 31 01 00 00 02 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- A8 A4 c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - 10h, Read short status = 0, 15 ms c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - writeTable(2, 30, 2, 'Курьер 1') c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - 2Eh, Read field structure c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - -> 8F 09 00 7C 00 2E 1E 00 00 00 02 02 7A 30 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 30 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 7C 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 2E 00 C4 CE CB C6 CD CE D1 D2 C8 20 C8 20 D4 C0 CC C8 CB C8 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- C8 20 CA C0 D1 D1 C8 D0 CE C2 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 00 00 01 40 00 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- CE BE c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - 2Eh, Read field structure = 0, 40 ms c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - 1Eh, Write table c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - -> 8F 4B 00 7D 00 1E 1E 00 00 00 02 1E 00 02 CA F3 F0 FC E5 F0 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - -> 20 31 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - -> 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - -> 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA 68 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 04 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 7D 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 1E 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 3E 53 c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - 1Eh, Write table = 0, 18 ms c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - readLongStatus c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - 11h, Get status c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - -> 8F 07 00 7E 00 11 01 00 00 00 9F 81 C7 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 32 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 7E 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 11 00 01 43 31 7D 00 1A 06 13 01 0C 00 92 0A 02 00 01 4E 41 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 00 00 01 01 10 08 02 14 0C 24 22 00 59 68 00 00 03 00 00 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 00 00 B7 D9 31 CC 01 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 98 B2 c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - 11h, Get status = 0, 21 ms c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - writeTable(2, 1, 2, 'Курьер 1') c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - 2Eh, Read field structure c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - -> 8F 09 00 7F 00 2E 1E 00 00 00 02 02 3E 1D c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 30 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 7F 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 2E 00 C4 CE CB C6 CD CE D1 D2 C8 20 C8 20 D4 C0 CC C8 CB C8 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- C8 20 CA C0 D1 D1 C8 D0 CE C2 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 00 00 01 40 00 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- CC 91 c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - 2Eh, Read field structure = 0, 35 ms c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - 1Eh, Write table c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - -> 8F 4B 00 80 00 1E 1E 00 00 00 02 01 00 02 CA F3 F0 FC E5 F0 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - -> 20 31 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - -> 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - -> 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 D0 35 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 04 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 80 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 1E 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- F5 F5 c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - 1Eh, Write table = 0, 22 ms c.s.j.f.FiscalPrinterService - directIO: OK c.s.j.f.FiscalPrinterService - getState() c.s.j.f.FiscalPrinterService - getState = 2 r.c.a.p.m.i.r.PrinterManager - state = FPTR_PS_FISCAL_RECEIPT c.s.j.f.FiscalPrinterService - setFiscalReceiptType(100) c.s.j.f.FiscalPrinterService - setFiscalReceiptType: OK r.c.a.p.m.i.r.PrinterManager - print tags c.s.j.f.FiscalPrinterService - beginFiscalReceipt(false) c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - waitForPrinting c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - readLongStatus c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - 11h, Get status c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - -> 8F 07 00 81 00 11 01 00 00 00 FE 62 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 32 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 81 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 11 00 01 43 31 7D 00 1A 06 13 01 0C 00 92 0A 02 00 01 4E 41 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 00 00 01 01 10 08 02 14 0C 24 23 00 59 68 00 00 03 00 00 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 00 00 B7 D9 31 CC 01 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- B5 80 c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - 11h, Get status = 0, 44 ms c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - checkEcrMode c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - startSaveCommands c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - waitForPrinting c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - readLongStatus c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - 11h, Get status c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - -> 8F 07 00 82 00 11 01 00 00 00 7C BA c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 32 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 82 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 11 00 01 43 31 7D 00 1A 06 13 01 0C 00 92 0A 02 00 01 4E 41 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 00 00 01 01 10 08 02 14 0C 24 23 00 59 68 00 00 03 00 00 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 00 00 B7 D9 31 CC 01 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 2F B6 c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - 11h, Get status = 0, 18 ms c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - checkEcrMode c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - 26h, Get font info c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - -> 8F 08 00 83 00 26 1E 00 00 00 01 BC FD c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 09 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 83 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 26 00 80 01 0C 10 08 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 93 50 c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - 26h, Get font info = 0, 42 ms c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - readTable(10, 1, 1) c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - 2Eh, Read field structure c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - -> 8F 09 00 84 00 2E 1E 00 00 00 0A 01 26 B4 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 30 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 84 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 2E 00 D0 C0 D1 D1 D2 CE DF CD C8 C5 20 CE D2 20 C3 CE CB CE c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- C2 CA C8 20 C4 CE 20 CD CE C6 C0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 00 00 00 01 00 FF c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 8D 3C c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - 2Eh, Read field structure = 0, 11 ms c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - 1Fh, Get table field value c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - -> 8F 0B 00 85 00 1F 1E 00 00 00 0A 01 00 01 E2 CB c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 05 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 85 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 1F 00 46 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- BE CE c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - 1Fh, Get table field value = 0, 11 ms c.s.j.fiscalprinter.ReceiptImages - Image not found, position 4, size: 0 c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - printStringFont(3, 1, ' ') c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - 2Fh, Print string with specific font c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - -> 8F 31 00 86 00 2F 01 00 00 00 03 01 20 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - -> 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - -> 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 8E F0 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 05 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 86 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 2F 00 01 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- EA DD c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - 2Fh, Print string with specific font = 0, 47 ms c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - printStringFont(3, 1, ' ') c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - 2Fh, Print string with specific font c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - -> 8F 31 00 87 00 2F 01 00 00 00 03 01 20 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - -> 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - -> 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 EA 4D c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 05 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 87 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 2F 00 01 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- BB 77 c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - 2Fh, Print string with specific font = 0, 17 ms c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - waitForPrinting c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - readLongStatus c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - 11h, Get status c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - -> 8F 07 00 88 00 11 01 00 00 00 32 49 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 32 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 88 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 11 00 01 43 31 7D 00 1A 06 13 01 0C 00 92 0A 02 00 01 4E 41 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 00 00 01 01 10 08 02 14 0C 24 23 00 59 68 00 00 03 00 00 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 00 00 B7 D9 31 CC 01 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 73 01 c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - 11h, Get status = 0, 17 ms c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - checkEcrMode c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - waitForPrinting c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - readLongStatus c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - 11h, Get status c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - -> 8F 07 00 89 00 11 01 00 00 00 53 F1 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 32 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 89 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 11 00 01 43 31 7D 00 1A 06 13 01 0C 00 92 0A 02 00 01 4E 41 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 00 00 01 01 10 08 02 14 0C 24 23 00 59 68 00 00 03 00 00 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 00 00 B7 D9 31 CC 01 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 05 13 c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - 11h, Get status = 0, 55 ms c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - checkEcrMode c.s.j.fiscalprinter.ReceiptImages - Image not found, position 4, size: 0 c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - waitForPrinting c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - readLongStatus c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - 11h, Get status c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - -> 8F 07 00 8A 00 11 01 00 00 00 D1 29 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 32 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 8A 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 11 00 01 43 31 7D 00 1A 06 13 01 0C 00 92 0A 02 00 01 4E 41 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 00 00 01 01 10 08 02 14 0C 24 23 00 59 68 00 00 03 00 00 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 00 00 B7 D9 31 CC 01 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 9F 25 c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - 11h, Get status = 0, 51 ms c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - checkEcrMode c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - openReceipt c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - 8Dh, Open receipt c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - -> 8F 08 00 8B 00 8D 01 00 00 00 00 6E B0 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 05 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 8B 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 8D 00 01 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 6C 2F c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - readLongStatus c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - 11h, Get status c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - -> 8F 07 00 8C 00 11 01 00 00 00 F4 88 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 32 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 8C 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 11 00 01 43 31 7D 00 1A 06 13 01 0C 00 92 0A 08 00 01 4E 41 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 00 00 01 01 10 08 02 14 0C 24 23 00 59 68 00 00 03 00 00 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 00 00 B7 D9 31 CC 01 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 56 6D c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - 11h, Get status = 0, 15 ms c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - readTable(2, 1, 2) c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - 2Eh, Read field structure c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - -> 8F 09 00 8D 00 2E 1E 00 00 00 02 02 30 CF c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 30 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 8D 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 2E 00 C4 CE CB C6 CD CE D1 D2 C8 20 C8 20 D4 C0 CC C8 CB C8 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- C8 20 CA C0 D1 D1 C8 D0 CE C2 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 00 00 01 40 00 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- A6 F5 c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - 2Eh, Read field structure = 0, 17 ms c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - 1Fh, Get table field value c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - -> 8F 0B 00 8E 00 1F 1E 00 00 00 02 01 00 02 36 A4 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 44 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 8E 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 1F 00 CA F3 F0 FC E5 F0 20 31 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 00 00 00 00 00 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 6D 16 c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - 1Fh, Get table field value = 0, 45 ms c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - readOperationRegister c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - 1Bh, Get operation totalizer value c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - -> 8F 08 00 9F 81 00 1B 01 00 00 00 94 7B 3F c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 07 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 8F 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 1B 00 01 03 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 0F 02 c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - 1Bh, Get operation totalizer value = 0, 13 ms c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - 8Dh, Open receipt = 0, 172 ms c.s.j.f.FiscalPrinterService - beginFiscalReceipt: OK c.s.j.f.FiscalPrinterService - getPhysicalDeviceName() c.s.j.f.FiscalPrinterService - getPhysicalDeviceName = ШТРИХ-НАНО-Ф, № 26713 c.s.j.f.FiscalPrinterService - directIO(52, [I@280d092, 11-1111-1111) c.s.j.f.FiscalPrinterService - directIO: OK c.s.j.f.FiscalPrinterService - directIO(52, [I@3517a63, 098227043272) c.s.j.f.FiscalPrinterService - directIO: OK c.s.j.f.FiscalPrinterService - getState() c.s.j.f.FiscalPrinterService - getState = 2 r.c.a.p.m.i.r.PrinterManager - state = FPTR_PS_FISCAL_RECEIPT r.c.a.p.m.i.r.PrinterManager - print products c.s.j.f.FiscalPrinterService - directIO(2, [I@88d7660, [I@c8cd719) c.s.j.f.FiscalPrinterService - directIO: OK c.s.j.f.FiscalPrinterService - directIO(18, [I@7d763de, [Ljava.lang.String;@2d759bf) c.s.j.f.FiscalPrinterService - directIO: OK c.s.j.f.FiscalPrinterService - directIO(18, [I@bc3988c, [Ljava.lang.String;@30acbd5) c.s.j.f.FiscalPrinterService - directIO: OK c.s.j.f.FiscalPrinterService - printRecItem(Почтово-курьерские услуги, 0, 1000, 1, 111100, ) c.s.j.f.receipt.FSSalesReceipt - price: 0, quantity: 1000, unitPrice: 111100 c.s.j.f.FiscalPrinterService - printRecItem: OK c.s.j.f.FiscalPrinterService - getState() c.s.j.f.FiscalPrinterService - getState = 2 r.c.a.p.m.i.r.PrinterManager - state = FPTR_PS_FISCAL_RECEIPT c.s.j.f.FiscalPrinterService - printRecMessage(********************************) c.s.j.f.FiscalPrinterService - printRecMessage: OK c.s.j.f.FiscalPrinterService - directIO(2, [I@171dfea, [I@8b1d2db) c.s.j.f.FiscalPrinterService - directIO: OK c.s.j.f.FiscalPrinterService - printRecTotal(0, 0, 13) c.s.j.f.FiscalPrinterImpl - printRecTotal c.s.j.f.FiscalPrinterService - printRecTotal: OK c.s.j.f.FiscalPrinterService - directIO(2, [I@257b178, [I@2395051) c.s.j.f.FiscalPrinterService - directIO: OK r.c.a.p.m.i.r.PrinterManager - print recTotal cash = 111100 c.s.j.f.FiscalPrinterService - printRecTotal(0, 111100, 0) c.s.j.f.FiscalPrinterImpl - printRecTotal c.s.j.f.FiscalPrinterService - printRecTotal: OK r.c.a.p.m.i.r.PrinterManager - setSuspended r.c.a.p.m.i.r.PrinterManager - endFiscalReceipt c.s.j.f.FiscalPrinterService - getState() c.s.j.f.FiscalPrinterService - getState = 2 r.c.a.p.m.i.r.PrinterManager - state = FPTR_PS_FISCAL_RECEIPT c.s.j.f.FiscalPrinterService - directIO(62, null, []) c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - FF02h, Fiscal storage: read serial c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - -> 8F 08 00 90 00 FF 02 1E 00 00 00 86 C2 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 15 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 90 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- FF 02 00 39 39 39 39 30 37 38 39 30 32 30 30 34 39 39 30 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- D6 F8 c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - FF02h, Fiscal storage: read serial = 0, 148 ms c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - readTable(18, 1, 3) c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - 2Eh, Read field structure c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - -> 8F 09 00 91 00 2E 1E 00 00 00 12 03 8C 3A c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 30 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 91 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 2E 00 52 4E 4D 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 00 00 01 15 00 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 81 D8 c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - 2Eh, Read field structure = 0, 34 ms c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - 1Fh, Get table field value c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - -> 8F 0B 00 92 00 1F 1E 00 00 00 12 01 00 03 44 09 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 19 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 92 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 1F 00 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 31 32 39 37 32 00 20 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 20 20 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 04 4A c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - 1Fh, Get table field value = 0, 13 ms c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - FF01h, Fiscal storage: read status c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - -> 8F 08 00 93 00 FF 01 1E 00 00 00 21 E4 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 23 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 93 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- FF 01 00 03 04 00 01 00 14 02 07 10 34 39 39 39 39 30 37 38 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 39 30 32 30 30 34 39 39 30 0B 00 00 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 4C 3C c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - FF01h, Fiscal storage: read status = 0, 130 ms c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - FF03h, Fiscal storage: read expiration date c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - -> 8F 08 00 94 00 FF 03 1E 00 00 00 BA 67 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 0A 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 94 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- FF 03 00 15 05 16 1D 01 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 64 07 c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - FF03h, Fiscal storage: read expiration date = 0, 23 ms c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - FF39h, Fiscal storage: read communication status c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - -> 8F 08 00 95 00 FF 39 1E 00 00 00 29 6A c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 12 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 95 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- FF 39 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 81 21 c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - FF39h, Fiscal storage: read communication status = 0, 44 ms c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - FF09h, Fiscal storage: read fiscalization c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - -> 8F 08 00 96 00 FF 09 1E 00 00 00 B2 AE c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 35 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 96 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- FF 09 00 14 02 07 10 13 37 37 32 30 37 38 36 33 35 39 20 20 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 31 32 39 37 32 20 20 20 20 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 01 00 00 01 00 00 00 1F 71 9A E3 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- BE 34 c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - FF09h, Fiscal storage: read fiscalization = 0, 63 ms c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - FF40h, Fiscal storage: read day parameters c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - -> 8F 08 00 97 00 FF 40 1E 00 00 00 75 50 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 0A 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 97 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- FF 40 00 01 04 00 00 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- E0 DC c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - FF40h, Fiscal storage: read day parameters = 0, 70 ms c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - readTable(19, 1, 1) c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - 2Eh, Read field structure c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - -> 8F 09 00 98 00 2E 1E 00 00 00 13 01 23 EB c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 30 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 98 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 2E 00 D1 C5 D0 C2 C5 D0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 00 00 01 40 00 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- B6 37 c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - 2Eh, Read field structure = 0, 16 ms c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - 1Fh, Get table field value c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - -> 8F 0B 00 99 00 1F 1E 00 00 00 13 01 00 01 C6 85 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 44 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 99 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 1F 00 6B 6B 6D 2D 73 65 72 76 65 72 2D 74 65 73 74 2E 31 2D c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 6F 66 64 2E 72 75 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 00 00 00 00 00 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 0C 4B c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - 1Fh, Get table field value = 0, 17 ms c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - readTable(19, 1, 2) c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - 2Eh, Read field structure c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - -> 8F 09 00 9A 00 2E 1E 00 00 00 13 02 27 1D c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 32 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 9A 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 2E 00 CF CE D0 D2 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 00 00 00 02 00 00 FF FF c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- BC 79 c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - 2Eh, Read field structure = 0, 40 ms c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - 1Fh, Get table field value c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - -> 8F 0B 00 9B 00 1F 1E 00 00 00 13 01 00 02 16 15 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 06 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 9B 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 1F 00 61 1E c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 5E B8 c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - 1Fh, Get table field value = 0, 13 ms c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - 2Eh, Read field structure c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - -> 8F 09 00 9C 00 2E 1E 00 00 00 13 02 AF 47 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 32 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 9C 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 2E 00 CF CE D0 D2 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 00 00 00 02 00 00 FF FF c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 88 14 c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - 2Eh, Read field structure = 0, 13 ms c.s.j.f.FiscalPrinterService - directIO: OK c.s.j.f.FiscalPrinterService - getTLV(3, null, [Ljava.lang.String;@88610b6) c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - readLongStatus c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - 11h, Get status c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - -> 8F 07 00 9D 00 11 01 00 00 00 EE 07 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 32 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 9D 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 11 00 01 43 31 7D 00 1A 06 13 01 0C 00 92 0A 08 00 01 4E 41 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 00 00 01 01 10 08 02 14 0C 24 24 00 59 68 00 00 03 00 00 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 00 00 B7 D9 31 CC 01 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- B4 B8 c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - 11h, Get status = 0, 50 ms c.s.j.f.FiscalPrinterImpl - getTLV(FPTR_GD_RECEIPT_NUMBER)=12 c.s.j.f.FiscalPrinterService - getTLV: OK c.s.j.f.FiscalPrinterService - directIO(17, [I@cf0c1b7, [Ljava.lang.String;@8126d24) c.s.j.f.FiscalPrinterService - directIO: OK c.s.j.f.FiscalPrinterService - directIO(29, [I@af1a08d, com.shtrih.fiscalprinter.command.FSReadSerial@1da8242) c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - FF02h, Fiscal storage: read serial c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - -> 8F 08 00 9E 00 FF 02 1E 00 00 00 97 5C c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 15 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 9E 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- FF 02 00 39 39 39 39 30 37 38 39 30 32 30 30 34 39 39 30 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- D6 EB c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - FF02h, Fiscal storage: read serial = 0, 139 ms c.s.j.f.FiscalPrinterService - directIO: OK c.s.j.f.FiscalPrinterService - directIO(17, [I@ec5c253, [Ljava.lang.String;@a9b3790) c.s.j.f.FiscalPrinterService - directIO: OK c.s.j.f.FiscalPrinterService - directIO(29, [I@864b889, com.shtrih.fiscalprinter.command.FSReadStatus@612808e) c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - FF01h, Fiscal storage: read status c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - -> 8F 08 00 9F 83 00 FF 01 1E 00 00 00 96 F5 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 23 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 9F 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- FF 01 00 03 04 00 01 00 14 02 07 10 34 39 39 39 39 30 37 38 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 39 30 32 30 30 34 39 39 30 0B 00 00 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 72 B9 c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - FF01h, Fiscal storage: read status = 0, 145 ms c.s.j.f.FiscalPrinterService - directIO: OK c.s.j.f.FiscalPrinterService - getState() c.s.j.f.FiscalPrinterService - getState = 2 r.c.a.p.m.i.r.PrinterManager - state = FPTR_PS_FISCAL_RECEIPT c.s.j.f.FiscalPrinterService - endFiscalReceipt(false) c.s.j.f.FiscalPrinterImpl - endFiscalReceipt c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - readTable(17, 1, 3) c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - 2Eh, Read field structure c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - -> 8F 09 00 A0 00 2E 1E 00 00 00 11 03 FE 70 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 30 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- A0 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 2E 00 52 55 53 20 D0 C5 C6 C8 CC 20 C8 D1 D7 C8 D1 CB C5 CD c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- C8 DF 20 D1 CA C8 C4 CE CA 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 00 00 00 01 00 02 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- AE 82 c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - 2Eh, Read field structure = 0, 60 ms c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - 1Fh, Get table field value c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - -> 8F 0B 00 A1 00 1F 1E 00 00 00 11 01 00 03 25 15 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 05 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- A1 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 1F 00 02 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 4C 47 c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - 1Fh, Get table field value = 0, 17 ms c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - FF01h, Fiscal storage: read status c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - -> 8F 08 00 A2 00 FF 01 1E 00 00 00 2E E5 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 23 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- A2 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- FF 01 00 03 04 00 01 00 14 02 07 10 34 39 39 39 39 30 37 38 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 39 30 32 30 30 34 39 39 30 0B 00 00 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- C3 6F c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - FF01h, Fiscal storage: read status = 0, 187 ms c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - FF0Ch, Fiscal storage: write TLV data c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - -> 8F 18 00 A3 00 FF 0C 1E 00 00 00 A8 04 0C 00 31 31 2D 31 31 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - -> 31 31 2D 31 31 31 31 FC B1 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 05 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- A3 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- FF 0C 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- D1 C6 c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - FF0Ch, Fiscal storage: write TLV data = 0, 24 ms c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - FF01h, Fiscal storage: read status c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - -> 8F 08 00 A4 00 FF 01 1E 00 00 00 E5 65 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 23 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- A4 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- FF 01 00 03 04 01 01 00 14 02 07 10 34 39 39 39 39 30 37 38 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 39 30 32 30 30 34 39 39 30 0B 00 00 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- C8 09 c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - FF01h, Fiscal storage: read status = 0, 138 ms c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - FF0Ch, Fiscal storage: write TLV data c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - -> 8F 18 00 A5 00 FF 0C 1E 00 00 00 B3 04 0C 00 30 39 38 32 32 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - -> 37 30 34 33 32 37 32 46 AD c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 05 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- A5 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- FF 0C 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 54 0B c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - FF0Ch, Fiscal storage: write TLV data = 0, 54 ms c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - printSale c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - FF46h, FS: Print receipt item c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - -> 8F 4A 00 A6 00 FF 46 01 00 00 00 01 40 42 0F 00 00 00 FC B1 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - -> 01 00 00 FC B1 01 00 00 FF FF FF FF FF 01 01 04 04 CF EE F7 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - -> F2 EE E2 EE 2D EA F3 F0 FC E5 F0 F1 EA E8 E5 20 F3 F1 EB F3 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - -> E3 E8 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 E6 C5 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 05 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- A6 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- FF 46 91 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 19 94 c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - 145, Выход за границу поля печати при данных настройках шрифта, FF46010000000140420F000000FCB1010000FCB1010000FFFFFFFFFF01010404CFEEF7F2EEE2EE2DEAF3F0FCE5F0F1EAE8E520F3F1EBF3E3E8000000000000000000000000000000 c.s.j.f.FiscalPrinterImpl - ErrorEvent(JPOS_E_EXTENDED, 445) c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - FF46h, FS: Print receipt item = 145, 63 ms c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - printStringFont(2, 1, '********************************') c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - 2Fh, Print string with specific font c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - -> 8F 31 00 A7 00 2F 01 00 00 00 02 01 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - -> 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - -> 2A 2A 2A 2A 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 84 71 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 05 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- A7 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 2F 00 01 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 0F 7F c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - 2Fh, Print string with specific font = 0, 13 ms c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - waitForPrinting c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - readLongStatus c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - 11h, Get status c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - -> 8F 07 00 A8 00 11 01 00 00 00 C4 27 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 32 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- A8 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 11 00 01 43 31 7D 00 1A 06 13 01 0C 00 92 0A 08 00 01 4E 41 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 00 00 01 01 10 08 02 14 0C 24 25 00 59 68 00 00 03 00 00 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 00 00 B7 D9 31 CC 01 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- E8 4A c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - 11h, Get status = 0, 16 ms c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - checkEcrMode c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - FF45h, Fiscal storage: close receipt c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - getSubtotal c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - 89h, Get receipt subtotal c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - -> 8F 07 00 A9 00 89 01 00 00 00 02 BB c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 0A 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- A9 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 89 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- A4 80 c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - 89h, Get receipt subtotal = 0, 41 ms c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - -> 8F 78 00 AA 00 FF 45 01 00 00 00 FC B1 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - -> 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - -> 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - -> 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - -> 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - -> 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - -> 00 00 00 2B 0E c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 05 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- AA 00 c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- FF 45 8E c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- BF A9 c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - 142, Нулевой итог чека, FF4501000000FCB10100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 c.s.j.f.FiscalPrinterImpl - ErrorEvent(JPOS_E_EXTENDED, 442) c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - FF45h, Fiscal storage: close receipt = 142, 183 ms c.s.j.f.JposExceptionHandler - JposException. ErrorCode: 114, ErrorCodeExtended: 442, '142, Нулевой итог чека' r.c.a.p.m.i.r.PrinterManager - finish printReceipt with error:d0bdad07-ce4b-46c5-8389-a44ef04d66ab jpos.JposException: 142, Нулевой итог чека at com.shtrih.jpos.fiscalprinter.JposExceptionHandler.getJposExceptionWithoutDetails(JposExceptionHandler.java:83) at com.shtrih.jpos.fiscalprinter.JposExceptionHandler.getJposException(JposExceptionHandler.java:52) at com.shtrih.jpos.fiscalprinter.JposExceptionHandler.handleException(JposExceptionHandler.java:41) at com.shtrih.jpos.fiscalprinter.FiscalPrinterImpl.handleException(FiscalPrinterImpl.java:456) at com.shtrih.jpos.fiscalprinter.FiscalPrinterService.handleException(FiscalPrinterService.java:39) at com.shtrih.jpos.fiscalprinter.FiscalPrinterService.endFiscalReceipt(FiscalPrinterService.java:1533) at jpos.FiscalPrinter.endFiscalReceipt(FiscalPrinter.java:3817) at com.shtrih.fiscalprinter.ShtrihFiscalPrinter113.endFiscalReceipt(ShtrihFiscalPrinter113.java:707) at 

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Штрих Фр-к «Ошибка кассы: нулевой итог чека» 

Автор Сообщение


Зарегистрирован: Вт апр 05, 2005 9:23 am
Сообщения: 17

Сообщение Штрих Фр-к «Ошибка кассы: нулевой итог чека»

Добрый день.
У нас есть необходимость пробивать чек с 100 процентной скидкой суммой. Т.е. например чек на 10 рублей, скидка на чек тоже 10 рублей. При пробитии такого чека ПО Штрих-М Кассир 1.9 пишет:
«Ошибка кассы: нулевой итог чека»
Я так понимаю пробитие нулевого чека как-то запрещено именно в самой кассе, т.к. в настройках «Кассира» нигде ничего такого нет, все вроде разрещено…
Подскажите, можно-ли как-то разрешить пробитие такого чека на ККМ ?

Вт июл 26, 2011 6:34 am




Зарегистрирован: Вт апр 05, 2005 9:23 am
Сообщения: 17

Сообщение Re: Штрих Фр-к «Ошибка кассы: нулевой итог чека»

Павел писал(а):

Добрый день.
У нас есть необходимость пробивать чек с 100 процентной скидкой суммой. Т.е. например чек на 10 рублей, скидка на чек тоже 10 рублей. При пробитии такого чека ПО Штрих-М Кассир 1.9 пишет:
«Ошибка кассы: нулевой итог чека»
Я так понимаю пробитие нулевого чека как-то запрещено именно в самой кассе, т.к. в настройках «Кассира» нигде ничего такого нет, все вроде разрещено…
Подскажите, можно-ли как-то разрешить пробитие такого чека на ККМ ?

Вроде нашли где лечится… параметр в таблицах ККМ такой есть…

Вт июл 26, 2011 7:59 am


Mokrov Alexey


Зарегистрирован: Ср июн 14, 2006 4:19 pm
Сообщения: 74

Сообщение Re: Штрих Фр-к «Ошибка кассы: нулевой итог чека»

Верно. В поле 27 Таблицы 1 («Запрет нулевого чека») необходимо установить значение «0».

С уважением, Мокров Алексей Александрович

Инженер технической поддержки ЗАО «Штрих-М»

mailto: support@shtrih-m.ru

тел. (495) 787-60-96

Вт июл 26, 2011 8:04 am


Показать сообщения за:  Поле сортировки  

На Штрих-М оплата проходит нормально.
На Штрих-НАНО не проходит.
Пишет ошибку «142, Нулевой итог чека»
Хотя оплату наличными и стоимость услуги указали одинаково равными (1111)
В чем может быть проблема?


Long printer status
Operator number                : 1
Printer firmware version       : C1, 125, 26.06.2019
Printer store number           : 1
Document number                : 12
Printer mode                   : 2, 2, Day is opened, 24 hours are not over
Printer submode                : 0, 0, Paper is present
Printer internal port number   : 1
FM firmware                    : N.A.0, 01.01.2016
Printer date and time          : 08.02.2020, 12:36:31
Serial number                  : 26713
Day number                     : 3
FM free records                : 0
Registration number            : 0
Fiscalizations left            : 0
Fiscal ID                      : 7720786359
Printer flags                  : 0x00000A92
Journal paper near end         : [ ]
Receipt paper near end         : [ ]
Slip upper sensor              : [X]
Slip low sensor                : [ ]
Amount decimal point position  : [2 digits]
Electronic journal present     : [ ]
Journal paper                  : [X]
Receipt paper                  : [ ]
Journal lever                  : [up]
Receipt lever                  : [down]
Cover status                   : [closed]
Cash drawer                    : [opened]
EJ is near end                 : [ ]
FM flags                       : 0x00000000
FM memory bank1                : [ ]
FM memory bank2                : [ ]
License present                : [ ]
FM overflow                    : [ ]
FM battery state               : [ > 80% ]
Last FM record                 : [ correct ]
FM day                         : [ closed ]
Day end required               : [ < 24 hours ]
Printer parameters
Device type                    : 0.0
Protocol version               : 1.14
Model ID                       : 152
Device language                : 0
Device name                    : ШТРИХ-НАНО-Ф
PhysicalDeviceName: ШТРИХ-НАНО-Ф, № 26713
PhysicalDeviceDescription: ШТРИХ-НАНО-Ф, 26713, ПО ФР: C1.125, 26.06.2019, ПО ФП: N.A.0, 01.01.2016

Лог печати

r.c.a.p.m.i.r.PrinterManager - start checkBeforePrinting d0bdad07-ce4b-46c5-8389-a44ef04d66ab
c.s.j.f.FiscalPrinterService - directIO(49, null, [Ljava.lang.Object;@bc80e73)
c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - readLongStatus
c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - 11h, Get status
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - -> 8F 07 00 76 00 11 01 00 00 00 22 54
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 32 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 76 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 11 00 01 43 31 7D 00 1A 06 13 01 0C 00 92 0A 02 00 01 4E 41
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 00 00 01 01 10 08 02 14 0C 24 22 00 59 68 00 00 03 00 00 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 00 00 B7 D9 31 CC 01 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 28 21
c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - 11h, Get status = 0, 49 ms
c.s.j.f.FiscalPrinterService - directIO: OK
r.c.a.p.m.i.r.PrinterManager - printerMode2, Day is opened, 24 hours are not over
r.c.a.p.m.i.r.PrinterManager - finish checkBeforePrinting d0bdad07-ce4b-46c5-8389-a44ef04d66ab
c.s.j.f.FiscalPrinterService - directIO(49, null, [Ljava.lang.Object;@8876130)
c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - readLongStatus
c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - 11h, Get status
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - -> 8F 07 00 77 00 11 01 00 00 00 43 EC
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 32 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 77 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 11 00 01 43 31 7D 00 1A 06 13 01 0C 00 92 0A 02 00 01 4E 41
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 00 00 01 01 10 08 02 14 0C 24 22 00 59 68 00 00 03 00 00 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 00 00 B7 D9 31 CC 01 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 5E 33
c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - 11h, Get status = 0, 14 ms
c.s.j.f.FiscalPrinterService - directIO: OK
c.s.j.f.FiscalPrinterService - directIO(17, [I@c6131a9, [Ljava.lang.String;@439d32e)
c.s.j.f.FiscalPrinterService - directIO: OK
c.s.j.f.FiscalPrinterService - directIO(29, [I@e8b1ecf, com.shtrih.fiscalprinter.command.FSReadSerial@7b9605c)
c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - FF02h, Fiscal storage: read serial
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - -> 8F 08 00 78 00 FF 02 1E 00 00 00 65 AC
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 15 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 78 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- FF 02 00 39 39 39 39 30 37 38 39 30 32 30 30 34 39 39 30
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 81 17
c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - FF02h, Fiscal storage: read serial = 0, 127 ms
c.s.j.f.FiscalPrinterService - directIO: OK
r.c.a.p.m.i.r.PrinterManager - The receipt (GUID = d0bdad07-ce4b-46c5-8389-a44ef04d66ab) is suspended
c.s.j.f.FiscalPrinterService - directIO(78, [I@8723f65, [Ljava.lang.Object;@513f43a)
c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - FF3Ah, Fiscal storage: read document
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - -> 8F 0C 00 79 00 FF 3A 1E 00 00 00 0C 00 00 00 C0 B9
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 05 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 79 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- FF 3A 08
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- A6 99
c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - 8, ФН: Нет запрошенных данных, FF3A1E0000000C000000
c.s.j.f.FiscalPrinterImpl - ErrorEvent(JPOS_E_EXTENDED, 308)
c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - FF3Ah, Fiscal storage: read document = 8, 26 ms
c.s.j.f.JposExceptionHandler - JposException. ErrorCode: 114, ErrorCodeExtended: 308, '8, ФН: Нет запрошенных данных'
c.s.j.f.FiscalPrinterService - directIO(17, [I@cc4d8eb, [Ljava.lang.String;@aaa2648)
c.s.j.f.FiscalPrinterService - directIO: OK
c.s.j.f.FiscalPrinterService - directIO(17, [I@5cc6ce1, [Ljava.lang.String;@83d1a06)
c.s.j.f.FiscalPrinterService - directIO: OK
c.s.j.f.FiscalPrinterService - directIO(29, [I@69618c7, com.shtrih.fiscalprinter.command.ReadFontMetrics@a5f5ef4)
c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - 26h, Get font info
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - -> 8F 08 00 7A 00 26 1E 00 00 00 01 38 E9
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 09 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 7A 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 26 00 80 01 0C 10 08
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 26 86
c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - 26h, Get font info = 0, 49 ms
c.s.j.f.FiscalPrinterService - directIO: OK
r.c.a.p.m.i.r.PrinterManager - paper width:384
r.c.a.p.m.i.r.PrinterManager - char width:12
r.c.a.p.m.i.r.PrinterManager - lineLengthSymbols32
r.c.a.p.m.i.r.PrinterManager - Profile:Profile{courierID='d6c05743-528c-4440-8947-1cc029d5b17f', courierName='Курьер 1', courierBarcode='6951926216126', courierNode='node1', courierINN='098227043272', mobileId=-2147483647, deviceId='24', licenseId='644001', courierAgent=false}
r.c.a.p.m.i.r.PrinterManager - writeCashierName:Курьер 1
c.s.j.f.FiscalPrinterService - directIO(44, null, [Ljava.lang.String;@e41f61d)
c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - 10h, Read short status
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - -> 8F 07 00 7B 00 10 1E 00 00 00 30 DB
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 12 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 7B 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 10 00 1E 92 0A 02 00 00 DA 26 31 01 00 00 02 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- A8 A4
c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - 10h, Read short status = 0, 15 ms
c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - writeTable(2, 30, 2, 'Курьер 1')
c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - 2Eh, Read field structure
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - -> 8F 09 00 7C 00 2E 1E 00 00 00 02 02 7A 30
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 30 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 7C 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 2E 00 C4 CE CB C6 CD CE D1 D2 C8 20 C8 20 D4 C0 CC C8 CB C8
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- C8 20 CA C0 D1 D1 C8 D0 CE C2 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 00 00 01 40 00 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- CE BE
c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - 2Eh, Read field structure = 0, 40 ms
c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - 1Eh, Write table
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - -> 8F 4B 00 7D 00 1E 1E 00 00 00 02 1E 00 02 CA F3 F0 FC E5 F0
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - -> 20 31 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - -> 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - -> 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA 68
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 04 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 7D 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 1E 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 3E 53
c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - 1Eh, Write table = 0, 18 ms
c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - readLongStatus
c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - 11h, Get status
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - -> 8F 07 00 7E 00 11 01 00 00 00 9F 81 C7
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 32 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 7E 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 11 00 01 43 31 7D 00 1A 06 13 01 0C 00 92 0A 02 00 01 4E 41
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 00 00 01 01 10 08 02 14 0C 24 22 00 59 68 00 00 03 00 00 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 00 00 B7 D9 31 CC 01 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 98 B2
c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - 11h, Get status = 0, 21 ms
c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - writeTable(2, 1, 2, 'Курьер 1')
c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - 2Eh, Read field structure
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - -> 8F 09 00 7F 00 2E 1E 00 00 00 02 02 3E 1D
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 30 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 7F 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 2E 00 C4 CE CB C6 CD CE D1 D2 C8 20 C8 20 D4 C0 CC C8 CB C8
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- C8 20 CA C0 D1 D1 C8 D0 CE C2 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 00 00 01 40 00 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- CC 91
c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - 2Eh, Read field structure = 0, 35 ms
c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - 1Eh, Write table
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - -> 8F 4B 00 80 00 1E 1E 00 00 00 02 01 00 02 CA F3 F0 FC E5 F0
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - -> 20 31 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - -> 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - -> 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 D0 35
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 04 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 80 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 1E 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- F5 F5
c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - 1Eh, Write table = 0, 22 ms
c.s.j.f.FiscalPrinterService - directIO: OK
c.s.j.f.FiscalPrinterService - getState()
c.s.j.f.FiscalPrinterService - getState = 2
r.c.a.p.m.i.r.PrinterManager - state = FPTR_PS_FISCAL_RECEIPT
c.s.j.f.FiscalPrinterService - setFiscalReceiptType(100)
c.s.j.f.FiscalPrinterService - setFiscalReceiptType: OK
r.c.a.p.m.i.r.PrinterManager - print tags
c.s.j.f.FiscalPrinterService - beginFiscalReceipt(false)
c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - waitForPrinting
c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - readLongStatus
c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - 11h, Get status
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - -> 8F 07 00 81 00 11 01 00 00 00 FE 62
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 32 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 81 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 11 00 01 43 31 7D 00 1A 06 13 01 0C 00 92 0A 02 00 01 4E 41
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 00 00 01 01 10 08 02 14 0C 24 23 00 59 68 00 00 03 00 00 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 00 00 B7 D9 31 CC 01 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- B5 80
c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - 11h, Get status = 0, 44 ms
c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - checkEcrMode
c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - startSaveCommands
c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - waitForPrinting
c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - readLongStatus
c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - 11h, Get status
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - -> 8F 07 00 82 00 11 01 00 00 00 7C BA
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 32 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 82 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 11 00 01 43 31 7D 00 1A 06 13 01 0C 00 92 0A 02 00 01 4E 41
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 00 00 01 01 10 08 02 14 0C 24 23 00 59 68 00 00 03 00 00 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 00 00 B7 D9 31 CC 01 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 2F B6
c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - 11h, Get status = 0, 18 ms
c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - checkEcrMode
c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - 26h, Get font info
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - -> 8F 08 00 83 00 26 1E 00 00 00 01 BC FD
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 09 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 83 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 26 00 80 01 0C 10 08
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 93 50
c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - 26h, Get font info = 0, 42 ms
c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - readTable(10, 1, 1)
c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - 2Eh, Read field structure
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - -> 8F 09 00 84 00 2E 1E 00 00 00 0A 01 26 B4
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 30 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 84 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 2E 00 D0 C0 D1 D1 D2 CE DF CD C8 C5 20 CE D2 20 C3 CE CB CE
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- C2 CA C8 20 C4 CE 20 CD CE C6 C0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 00 00 00 01 00 FF
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 8D 3C
c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - 2Eh, Read field structure = 0, 11 ms
c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - 1Fh, Get table field value
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - -> 8F 0B 00 85 00 1F 1E 00 00 00 0A 01 00 01 E2 CB
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 05 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 85 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 1F 00 46
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- BE CE
c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - 1Fh, Get table field value = 0, 11 ms
c.s.j.fiscalprinter.ReceiptImages - Image not found, position 4, size: 0
c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - printStringFont(3, 1, ' ')
c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - 2Fh, Print string with specific font
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - -> 8F 31 00 86 00 2F 01 00 00 00 03 01 20 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - -> 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - -> 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 8E F0
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 05 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 86 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 2F 00 01
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- EA DD
c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - 2Fh, Print string with specific font = 0, 47 ms
c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - printStringFont(3, 1, ' ')
c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - 2Fh, Print string with specific font
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - -> 8F 31 00 87 00 2F 01 00 00 00 03 01 20 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - -> 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - -> 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 EA 4D
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 05 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 87 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 2F 00 01
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- BB 77
c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - 2Fh, Print string with specific font = 0, 17 ms
c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - waitForPrinting
c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - readLongStatus
c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - 11h, Get status
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - -> 8F 07 00 88 00 11 01 00 00 00 32 49
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 32 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 88 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 11 00 01 43 31 7D 00 1A 06 13 01 0C 00 92 0A 02 00 01 4E 41
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 00 00 01 01 10 08 02 14 0C 24 23 00 59 68 00 00 03 00 00 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 00 00 B7 D9 31 CC 01 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 73 01
c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - 11h, Get status = 0, 17 ms
c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - checkEcrMode
c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - waitForPrinting
c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - readLongStatus
c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - 11h, Get status
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - -> 8F 07 00 89 00 11 01 00 00 00 53 F1
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 32 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 89 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 11 00 01 43 31 7D 00 1A 06 13 01 0C 00 92 0A 02 00 01 4E 41
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 00 00 01 01 10 08 02 14 0C 24 23 00 59 68 00 00 03 00 00 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 00 00 B7 D9 31 CC 01 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 05 13
c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - 11h, Get status = 0, 55 ms
c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - checkEcrMode
c.s.j.fiscalprinter.ReceiptImages - Image not found, position 4, size: 0
c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - waitForPrinting
c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - readLongStatus
c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - 11h, Get status
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - -> 8F 07 00 8A 00 11 01 00 00 00 D1 29
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 32 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 8A 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 11 00 01 43 31 7D 00 1A 06 13 01 0C 00 92 0A 02 00 01 4E 41
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 00 00 01 01 10 08 02 14 0C 24 23 00 59 68 00 00 03 00 00 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 00 00 B7 D9 31 CC 01 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 9F 25
c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - 11h, Get status = 0, 51 ms
c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - checkEcrMode
c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - openReceipt
c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - 8Dh, Open receipt
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - -> 8F 08 00 8B 00 8D 01 00 00 00 00 6E B0
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 05 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 8B 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 8D 00 01
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 6C 2F
c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - readLongStatus
c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - 11h, Get status
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - -> 8F 07 00 8C 00 11 01 00 00 00 F4 88
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 32 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 8C 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 11 00 01 43 31 7D 00 1A 06 13 01 0C 00 92 0A 08 00 01 4E 41
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 00 00 01 01 10 08 02 14 0C 24 23 00 59 68 00 00 03 00 00 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 00 00 B7 D9 31 CC 01 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 56 6D
c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - 11h, Get status = 0, 15 ms
c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - readTable(2, 1, 2)
c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - 2Eh, Read field structure
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - -> 8F 09 00 8D 00 2E 1E 00 00 00 02 02 30 CF
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 30 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 8D 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 2E 00 C4 CE CB C6 CD CE D1 D2 C8 20 C8 20 D4 C0 CC C8 CB C8
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- C8 20 CA C0 D1 D1 C8 D0 CE C2 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 00 00 01 40 00 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- A6 F5
c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - 2Eh, Read field structure = 0, 17 ms
c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - 1Fh, Get table field value
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - -> 8F 0B 00 8E 00 1F 1E 00 00 00 02 01 00 02 36 A4
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 44 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 8E 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 1F 00 CA F3 F0 FC E5 F0 20 31 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 00 00 00 00 00 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 6D 16
c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - 1Fh, Get table field value = 0, 45 ms
c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - readOperationRegister
c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - 1Bh, Get operation totalizer value
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - -> 8F 08 00 9F 81 00 1B 01 00 00 00 94 7B 3F
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 07 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 8F 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 1B 00 01 03 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 0F 02
c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - 1Bh, Get operation totalizer value = 0, 13 ms
c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - 8Dh, Open receipt = 0, 172 ms
c.s.j.f.FiscalPrinterService - beginFiscalReceipt: OK
c.s.j.f.FiscalPrinterService - getPhysicalDeviceName()
c.s.j.f.FiscalPrinterService - getPhysicalDeviceName = ШТРИХ-НАНО-Ф, № 26713
c.s.j.f.FiscalPrinterService - directIO(52, [I@280d092, 11-1111-1111)
c.s.j.f.FiscalPrinterService - directIO: OK
c.s.j.f.FiscalPrinterService - directIO(52, [I@3517a63, 098227043272)
c.s.j.f.FiscalPrinterService - directIO: OK
c.s.j.f.FiscalPrinterService - getState()
c.s.j.f.FiscalPrinterService - getState = 2
r.c.a.p.m.i.r.PrinterManager - state = FPTR_PS_FISCAL_RECEIPT
r.c.a.p.m.i.r.PrinterManager - print products
c.s.j.f.FiscalPrinterService - directIO(2, [I@88d7660, [I@c8cd719)
c.s.j.f.FiscalPrinterService - directIO: OK
c.s.j.f.FiscalPrinterService - directIO(18, [I@7d763de, [Ljava.lang.String;@2d759bf)
c.s.j.f.FiscalPrinterService - directIO: OK
c.s.j.f.FiscalPrinterService - directIO(18, [I@bc3988c, [Ljava.lang.String;@30acbd5)
c.s.j.f.FiscalPrinterService - directIO: OK
c.s.j.f.FiscalPrinterService - printRecItem(Почтово-курьерские услуги, 0, 1000, 1, 111100, )
c.s.j.f.receipt.FSSalesReceipt - price: 0, quantity: 1000, unitPrice: 111100
c.s.j.f.FiscalPrinterService - printRecItem: OK
c.s.j.f.FiscalPrinterService - getState()
c.s.j.f.FiscalPrinterService - getState = 2
r.c.a.p.m.i.r.PrinterManager - state = FPTR_PS_FISCAL_RECEIPT
c.s.j.f.FiscalPrinterService - printRecMessage(********************************)
c.s.j.f.FiscalPrinterService - printRecMessage: OK
c.s.j.f.FiscalPrinterService - directIO(2, [I@171dfea, [I@8b1d2db)
c.s.j.f.FiscalPrinterService - directIO: OK
c.s.j.f.FiscalPrinterService - printRecTotal(0, 0, 13)
c.s.j.f.FiscalPrinterImpl - printRecTotal
c.s.j.f.FiscalPrinterService - printRecTotal: OK
c.s.j.f.FiscalPrinterService - directIO(2, [I@257b178, [I@2395051)
c.s.j.f.FiscalPrinterService - directIO: OK
r.c.a.p.m.i.r.PrinterManager - print recTotal cash = 111100
c.s.j.f.FiscalPrinterService - printRecTotal(0, 111100, 0)
c.s.j.f.FiscalPrinterImpl - printRecTotal
c.s.j.f.FiscalPrinterService - printRecTotal: OK
r.c.a.p.m.i.r.PrinterManager - setSuspended
r.c.a.p.m.i.r.PrinterManager - endFiscalReceipt
c.s.j.f.FiscalPrinterService - getState()
c.s.j.f.FiscalPrinterService - getState = 2
r.c.a.p.m.i.r.PrinterManager - state = FPTR_PS_FISCAL_RECEIPT
c.s.j.f.FiscalPrinterService - directIO(62, null, [])
c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - FF02h, Fiscal storage: read serial
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - -> 8F 08 00 90 00 FF 02 1E 00 00 00 86 C2
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 15 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 90 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- FF 02 00 39 39 39 39 30 37 38 39 30 32 30 30 34 39 39 30
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- D6 F8
c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - FF02h, Fiscal storage: read serial = 0, 148 ms
c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - readTable(18, 1, 3)
c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - 2Eh, Read field structure
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - -> 8F 09 00 91 00 2E 1E 00 00 00 12 03 8C 3A
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 30 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 91 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 2E 00 52 4E 4D 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 00 00 01 15 00 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 81 D8
c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - 2Eh, Read field structure = 0, 34 ms
c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - 1Fh, Get table field value
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - -> 8F 0B 00 92 00 1F 1E 00 00 00 12 01 00 03 44 09
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 19 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 92 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 1F 00 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 31 32 39 37 32 00 20
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 20 20 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 04 4A
c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - 1Fh, Get table field value = 0, 13 ms
c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - FF01h, Fiscal storage: read status
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - -> 8F 08 00 93 00 FF 01 1E 00 00 00 21 E4
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 23 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 93 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- FF 01 00 03 04 00 01 00 14 02 07 10 34 39 39 39 39 30 37 38
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 39 30 32 30 30 34 39 39 30 0B 00 00 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 4C 3C
c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - FF01h, Fiscal storage: read status = 0, 130 ms
c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - FF03h, Fiscal storage: read expiration date
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - -> 8F 08 00 94 00 FF 03 1E 00 00 00 BA 67
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 0A 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 94 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- FF 03 00 15 05 16 1D 01
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 64 07
c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - FF03h, Fiscal storage: read expiration date = 0, 23 ms
c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - FF39h, Fiscal storage: read communication status
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - -> 8F 08 00 95 00 FF 39 1E 00 00 00 29 6A
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 12 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 95 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- FF 39 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 81 21
c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - FF39h, Fiscal storage: read communication status = 0, 44 ms
c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - FF09h, Fiscal storage: read fiscalization
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - -> 8F 08 00 96 00 FF 09 1E 00 00 00 B2 AE
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 35 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 96 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- FF 09 00 14 02 07 10 13 37 37 32 30 37 38 36 33 35 39 20 20
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 31 32 39 37 32 20 20 20 20
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 01 00 00 01 00 00 00 1F 71 9A E3
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- BE 34
c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - FF09h, Fiscal storage: read fiscalization = 0, 63 ms
c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - FF40h, Fiscal storage: read day parameters
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - -> 8F 08 00 97 00 FF 40 1E 00 00 00 75 50
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 0A 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 97 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- FF 40 00 01 04 00 00 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- E0 DC
c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - FF40h, Fiscal storage: read day parameters = 0, 70 ms
c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - readTable(19, 1, 1)
c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - 2Eh, Read field structure
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - -> 8F 09 00 98 00 2E 1E 00 00 00 13 01 23 EB
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 30 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 98 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 2E 00 D1 C5 D0 C2 C5 D0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 00 00 01 40 00 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- B6 37
c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - 2Eh, Read field structure = 0, 16 ms
c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - 1Fh, Get table field value
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - -> 8F 0B 00 99 00 1F 1E 00 00 00 13 01 00 01 C6 85
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 44 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 99 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 1F 00 6B 6B 6D 2D 73 65 72 76 65 72 2D 74 65 73 74 2E 31 2D
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 6F 66 64 2E 72 75 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 00 00 00 00 00 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 0C 4B
c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - 1Fh, Get table field value = 0, 17 ms
c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - readTable(19, 1, 2)
c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - 2Eh, Read field structure
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - -> 8F 09 00 9A 00 2E 1E 00 00 00 13 02 27 1D
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 32 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 9A 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 2E 00 CF CE D0 D2 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 00 00 00 02 00 00 FF FF
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- BC 79
c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - 2Eh, Read field structure = 0, 40 ms
c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - 1Fh, Get table field value
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - -> 8F 0B 00 9B 00 1F 1E 00 00 00 13 01 00 02 16 15
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 06 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 9B 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 1F 00 61 1E
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 5E B8
c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - 1Fh, Get table field value = 0, 13 ms
c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - 2Eh, Read field structure
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - -> 8F 09 00 9C 00 2E 1E 00 00 00 13 02 AF 47
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 32 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 9C 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 2E 00 CF CE D0 D2 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 00 00 00 02 00 00 FF FF
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 88 14
c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - 2Eh, Read field structure = 0, 13 ms
c.s.j.f.FiscalPrinterService - directIO: OK
c.s.j.f.FiscalPrinterService - getTLV(3, null, [Ljava.lang.String;@88610b6)
c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - readLongStatus
c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - 11h, Get status
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - -> 8F 07 00 9D 00 11 01 00 00 00 EE 07
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 32 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 9D 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 11 00 01 43 31 7D 00 1A 06 13 01 0C 00 92 0A 08 00 01 4E 41
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 00 00 01 01 10 08 02 14 0C 24 24 00 59 68 00 00 03 00 00 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 00 00 B7 D9 31 CC 01 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- B4 B8
c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - 11h, Get status = 0, 50 ms
c.s.j.f.FiscalPrinterImpl - getTLV(FPTR_GD_RECEIPT_NUMBER)=12
c.s.j.f.FiscalPrinterService - getTLV: OK
c.s.j.f.FiscalPrinterService - directIO(17, [I@cf0c1b7, [Ljava.lang.String;@8126d24)
c.s.j.f.FiscalPrinterService - directIO: OK
c.s.j.f.FiscalPrinterService - directIO(29, [I@af1a08d, com.shtrih.fiscalprinter.command.FSReadSerial@1da8242)
c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - FF02h, Fiscal storage: read serial
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - -> 8F 08 00 9E 00 FF 02 1E 00 00 00 97 5C
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 15 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 9E 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- FF 02 00 39 39 39 39 30 37 38 39 30 32 30 30 34 39 39 30
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- D6 EB
c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - FF02h, Fiscal storage: read serial = 0, 139 ms
c.s.j.f.FiscalPrinterService - directIO: OK
c.s.j.f.FiscalPrinterService - directIO(17, [I@ec5c253, [Ljava.lang.String;@a9b3790)
c.s.j.f.FiscalPrinterService - directIO: OK
c.s.j.f.FiscalPrinterService - directIO(29, [I@864b889, com.shtrih.fiscalprinter.command.FSReadStatus@612808e)
c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - FF01h, Fiscal storage: read status
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - -> 8F 08 00 9F 83 00 FF 01 1E 00 00 00 96 F5
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 23 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 9F 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- FF 01 00 03 04 00 01 00 14 02 07 10 34 39 39 39 39 30 37 38
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 39 30 32 30 30 34 39 39 30 0B 00 00 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 72 B9
c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - FF01h, Fiscal storage: read status = 0, 145 ms
c.s.j.f.FiscalPrinterService - directIO: OK
c.s.j.f.FiscalPrinterService - getState()
c.s.j.f.FiscalPrinterService - getState = 2
r.c.a.p.m.i.r.PrinterManager - state = FPTR_PS_FISCAL_RECEIPT
c.s.j.f.FiscalPrinterService - endFiscalReceipt(false)
c.s.j.f.FiscalPrinterImpl - endFiscalReceipt
c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - readTable(17, 1, 3)
c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - 2Eh, Read field structure
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - -> 8F 09 00 A0 00 2E 1E 00 00 00 11 03 FE 70
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 30 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- A0 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 2E 00 52 55 53 20 D0 C5 C6 C8 CC 20 C8 D1 D7 C8 D1 CB C5 CD
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- C8 DF 20 D1 CA C8 C4 CE CA 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 00 00 00 01 00 02
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- AE 82
c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - 2Eh, Read field structure = 0, 60 ms
c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - 1Fh, Get table field value
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - -> 8F 0B 00 A1 00 1F 1E 00 00 00 11 01 00 03 25 15
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 05 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- A1 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 1F 00 02
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 4C 47
c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - 1Fh, Get table field value = 0, 17 ms
c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - FF01h, Fiscal storage: read status
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - -> 8F 08 00 A2 00 FF 01 1E 00 00 00 2E E5
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 23 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- A2 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- FF 01 00 03 04 00 01 00 14 02 07 10 34 39 39 39 39 30 37 38
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 39 30 32 30 30 34 39 39 30 0B 00 00 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- C3 6F
c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - FF01h, Fiscal storage: read status = 0, 187 ms
c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - FF0Ch, Fiscal storage: write TLV data
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - -> 8F 18 00 A3 00 FF 0C 1E 00 00 00 A8 04 0C 00 31 31 2D 31 31
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - -> 31 31 2D 31 31 31 31 FC B1
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 05 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- A3 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- FF 0C 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- D1 C6
c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - FF0Ch, Fiscal storage: write TLV data = 0, 24 ms
c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - FF01h, Fiscal storage: read status
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - -> 8F 08 00 A4 00 FF 01 1E 00 00 00 E5 65
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 23 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- A4 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- FF 01 00 03 04 01 01 00 14 02 07 10 34 39 39 39 39 30 37 38
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 39 30 32 30 30 34 39 39 30 0B 00 00 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- C8 09
c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - FF01h, Fiscal storage: read status = 0, 138 ms
c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - FF0Ch, Fiscal storage: write TLV data
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - -> 8F 18 00 A5 00 FF 0C 1E 00 00 00 B3 04 0C 00 30 39 38 32 32
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - -> 37 30 34 33 32 37 32 46 AD
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 05 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- A5 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- FF 0C 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 54 0B
c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - FF0Ch, Fiscal storage: write TLV data = 0, 54 ms
c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - printSale
c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - FF46h, FS: Print receipt item
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - -> 8F 4A 00 A6 00 FF 46 01 00 00 00 01 40 42 0F 00 00 00 FC B1
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - -> 01 00 00 FC B1 01 00 00 FF FF FF FF FF 01 01 04 04 CF EE F7
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - -> F2 EE E2 EE 2D EA F3 F0 FC E5 F0 F1 EA E8 E5 20 F3 F1 EB F3
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - -> E3 E8 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 E6 C5
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 05 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- A6 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- FF 46 91
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 19 94
c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - 145, Выход за границу поля печати при данных настройках шрифта, FF46010000000140420F000000FCB1010000FCB1010000FFFFFFFFFF01010404CFEEF7F2EEE2EE2DEAF3F0FCE5F0F1EAE8E520F3F1EBF3E3E8000000000000000000000000000000
c.s.j.f.FiscalPrinterImpl - ErrorEvent(JPOS_E_EXTENDED, 445)
c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - FF46h, FS: Print receipt item = 145, 63 ms
c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - printStringFont(2, 1, '********************************')
c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - 2Fh, Print string with specific font
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - -> 8F 31 00 A7 00 2F 01 00 00 00 02 01 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - -> 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - -> 2A 2A 2A 2A 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 84 71
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 05 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- A7 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 2F 00 01
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 0F 7F
c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - 2Fh, Print string with specific font = 0, 13 ms
c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - waitForPrinting
c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - readLongStatus
c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - 11h, Get status
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - -> 8F 07 00 A8 00 11 01 00 00 00 C4 27
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 32 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- A8 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 11 00 01 43 31 7D 00 1A 06 13 01 0C 00 92 0A 08 00 01 4E 41
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 00 00 01 01 10 08 02 14 0C 24 25 00 59 68 00 00 03 00 00 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 00 00 B7 D9 31 CC 01 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- E8 4A
c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - 11h, Get status = 0, 16 ms
c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - checkEcrMode
c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - FF45h, Fiscal storage: close receipt
c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - getSubtotal
c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - 89h, Get receipt subtotal
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - -> 8F 07 00 A9 00 89 01 00 00 00 02 BB
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 0A 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- A9 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 89 00 01 00 00 00 00 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- A4 80
c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - 89h, Get receipt subtotal = 0, 41 ms
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - -> 8F 78 00 AA 00 FF 45 01 00 00 00 FC B1 01 00 00 00 00 00 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - -> 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - -> 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - -> 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - -> 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - -> 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - -> 00 00 00 2B 0E
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- 05 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- AA 00
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- FF 45 8E
c.s.fiscalprinter.PrinterProtocol_2 - <- BF A9
c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - 142, Нулевой итог чека, FF4501000000FCB10100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
c.s.j.f.FiscalPrinterImpl - ErrorEvent(JPOS_E_EXTENDED, 442)
c.s.f.SMFiscalPrinterImpl - FF45h, Fiscal storage: close receipt = 142, 183 ms
c.s.j.f.JposExceptionHandler - JposException. ErrorCode: 114, ErrorCodeExtended: 442, '142, Нулевой итог чека'
r.c.a.p.m.i.r.PrinterManager - finish printReceipt with error:d0bdad07-ce4b-46c5-8389-a44ef04d66ab
jpos.JposException: 142, Нулевой итог чека
	at com.shtrih.jpos.fiscalprinter.JposExceptionHandler.getJposExceptionWithoutDetails(JposExceptionHandler.java:83)
	at com.shtrih.jpos.fiscalprinter.JposExceptionHandler.getJposException(JposExceptionHandler.java:52)
	at com.shtrih.jpos.fiscalprinter.JposExceptionHandler.handleException(JposExceptionHandler.java:41)
	at com.shtrih.jpos.fiscalprinter.FiscalPrinterImpl.handleException(FiscalPrinterImpl.java:456)
	at com.shtrih.jpos.fiscalprinter.FiscalPrinterService.handleException(FiscalPrinterService.java:39)
	at com.shtrih.jpos.fiscalprinter.FiscalPrinterService.endFiscalReceipt(FiscalPrinterService.java:1533)
	at jpos.FiscalPrinter.endFiscalReceipt(FiscalPrinter.java:3817)
	at com.shtrih.fiscalprinter.ShtrihFiscalPrinter113.endFiscalReceipt(ShtrihFiscalPrinter113.java:707)

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