Ошибка компиляции microsoft vbscript 800a0409

I’m getting Error code 800A0409, Unterminated string constant, on line 1, 54 with the code below.

Option Explicit

Dim ObjProgressMsg
Dim fso,objText,strVstup,strVystup,f,dtmVyt,dtmF,dDiff,fName,fExt,fShort,dtmAkt,tx,msgText
Dim strMessage,strWindowTitle,strTemp,wshShell,objTempMessage,strTempVBS

Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") 
Set objText = fso.GetFile("l:batposledni.den")
strVstup = "l:filefolder"
strVystup = "l:backup"

dtmVyt = objText.DateLastModified

msgText = "Some text about copying and renaming" & VbCrLf & "files, please wait..."

ProgressMsg msgText

For Each f In fso.GetFolder(strVstup).Files

    dtmF = f.DateLastModified

    dDiff = DateDiff("s", dtmF, dtmVyt)

    If dDiff < 0 Then
          ProgressMsg ""
          WScript.Echo f
    End If


WScript.Echo "Some text about the task being finished."

Function ProgressMsg( strMessage )
' Written by Denis St-Pierre
' Displays a progress message box that the originating script can kill in both 2k and XP
' If StrMessage is blank, take down previous progress message box
' Using 4096 in Msgbox below makes the progress message float on top of things
' CAVEAT: You must have   Dim ObjProgressMsg   at the top of your script for this to work as described
    Set wshShell = WScript.CreateObject( "WScript.Shell" )
    strTEMP = wshShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings( "%TEMP%" )
    If strMessage = "" Then
        ' Disable Error Checking in case objProgressMsg doesn't exists yet
        On Error Resume Next
        ' Kill ProgressMsg
        objProgressMsg.Terminate( )
        ' Re-enable Error Checking
        On Error Goto 0
        Exit Function
    End If
        strTempVBS = strTEMP + "" & "Message.vbs"     'Control File for reboot

    ' Create Message.vbs, True=overwrite
    Set objTempMessage = fso.CreateTextFile( strTempVBS, True )
    objTempMessage.WriteLine( "MsgBox""" & strMessage & """, 4096, """ & "a_sp_rano" & """" )

    ' Disable Error Checking in case objProgressMsg doesn't exists yet
    On Error Resume Next
    ' Kills the Previous ProgressMsg
    objProgressMsg.Terminate( )
    ' Re-enable Error Checking
    On Error Goto 0

    ' Trigger objProgressMsg and keep an object on it
    Set objProgressMsg = WshShell.Exec( "%windir%system32wscript.exe " & strTempVBS )

End Function

The script should show a msgbox while searching for files newer than last modified date of posledni.den file. Then once it finds a file it should close msgbox and echo the file it found.
It works just fine if I change this:

msgText = "Some text about copying and renaming" & VbCrLf & "files, please wait..."

to this:

msgText = "Some text about copying and renaming" & "files, please wait..."

Removal of VbCrLf seems to fix that error, just no line break is obviously happening. I can’t figure out why it’s behaving like that, what am I doing wrong. Every kind of insight on the problem would be much appreciated.

Thank you in advance. :)

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  • Question

  • Hi,

    Ths VBS is for a generating html file.

    But ending with Code 800A0409 — Unterminated string constant line ending at the TSQL («drop table #cpu_usage

    This TSQL is executing fine in sql server, but calling from vbs getting error

    Could some one help me here

    Set objConnection = CreateObject(«ADODB.Connection»)
    objConnection.Open _
        «Provider=SQLOLEDB;Data Source=» & strComputer & «;» & _
            «Trusted_Connection=Yes;Initial Catalog=Master»
    Set objRecordset = objConnection.Execute(«drop table #cpu_usage
    declare @ts_now bigint
    select @ts_now = ms_ticks from sys.dm_os_sys_info
    select top 10 dateadd (ms, (y.[timestamp] -@ts_now), GETDATE()) as EventTime,SQLProcessUtilization,SystemIdle, 100 — SystemIdle — SQLProcessUtilization as OtherProcessUtilization

    into #cpu_usage
     from ( select @@servername as Instancename, record.value(‘(./Record/@id)[1]’, ‘int’) as record_id,  
    record.value(‘(./Record/SchedulerMonitorEvent/SystemHealth/SystemIdle)[1]’, ‘int’)

     as SystemIdle, record.value(‘(./Record/SchedulerMonitorEvent/SystemHealth/ProcessUtilization)[1]’,

     ‘int’) as SQLProcessUtilization,
    timestamp from ( select timestamp, convert(xml, record) as record from sys.dm_os_ring_buffers

    where ring_buffer_type = N’RING_BUFFER_SCHEDULER_MONITOR’
    and record like ‘%<SystemHealth>%’) as x
    ) as y
    order by record_id desc
    select * from #cpu_usage»)


  • Does VB (VBS) have ability to create a long text variable? I think the problem is that you can not put that whole string with carriage returns exactly in one line in VBs. You need to somehow create a string variable that will hold your script and use that
    variable in the Execute command. Also, remove GO from your script, GO is not a T-SQL command.

    • Edited by

      Wednesday, May 4, 2016 7:02 PM

    • Proposed as answer by
      Sam ZhaMicrosoft contingent staff
      Thursday, May 5, 2016 3:21 AM
    • Marked as answer by
      Sam ZhaMicrosoft contingent staff
      Thursday, May 12, 2016 1:49 PM

  • Hi Shivanq,

    Based on my test, you could use the following script.

    objConnection.Execute ("   If object_ID(N'tempdb.dbo.#cpu_usage') is not NULL  " & Chr(13) & Chr(10) & _
                            "   drop table #cpu_usage   " & Chr(13) & Chr(10) & _
                            "   declare @ts_now bigint  " & Chr(13) & Chr(10) & _
                            "   select @ts_now = ms_ticks from sys.dm_os_sys_info   " & Chr(13) & Chr(10) & _
                            "   select top 10 dateadd (ms, (y.[timestamp] -@ts_now), GETDATE()) as EventTime,SQLProcessUtilization,SystemIdle, 100 - SystemIdle - SQLProcessUtilization as OtherProcessUtilization  " & Chr(13) & Chr(10) & _
                            "   into #cpu_usage " & Chr(13) & Chr(10) & _
                            "   from ( select @@servername as Instancename, record.value('(./Record/@id)[1]', 'int') as record_id,  " & Chr(13) & Chr(10) & _
                            "           record.value('(./Record/SchedulerMonitorEvent/SystemHealth/SystemIdle)[1]', 'int') as SystemIdle,   " & Chr(13) & Chr(10) & _
                            "           record.value('(./Record/SchedulerMonitorEvent/SystemHealth/ProcessUtilization)[1]', 'int') as SQLProcessUtilization,    " & Chr(13) & Chr(10) & _
                            "           timestamp   " & Chr(13) & Chr(10) & _
                            "           from ( select timestamp, convert(xml, record) as record from sys.dm_os_ring_buffers " & Chr(13) & Chr(10) & _
                            "                   where ring_buffer_type = N'RING_BUFFER_SCHEDULER_MONITOR'   " & Chr(13) & Chr(10) & _
                            "                   and record like '%<SystemHealth>%'  " & Chr(13) & Chr(10) & _
                            "               ) as x  " & Chr(13) & Chr(10) & _
                            "       ) as y  " & Chr(13) & Chr(10) & _
                            "   order by record_id desc ")
    Set objRecordset = objConnection.Execute("select * from #cpu_usage")

    Sam Zha
    TechNet Community Support

    • Proposed as answer by
      Naomi N
      Thursday, May 5, 2016 3:58 AM
    • Marked as answer by
      Sam ZhaMicrosoft contingent staff
      Thursday, May 12, 2016 1:49 PM

What am I missing in the .asp code?   I keep getting this error:

Microsoft VBScript compilation error ‘800a0409’

Unterminated string constant

/indigo_privatedining.asp, line 31

Mailer.AddRecipient «TEST»,»rickardp@guestservices.com,

 but cannot see what I am missing

Response.Buffer = true
Dim body 
body = "" 
body = body & "Today's Date:   " & Request.Form("Date") &vbcrlf &vbcrlf 
body = body & "First Name:     " & Request.Form("FirstName") &vbcrlf &vbcrlf 
body = body & "Last Name:      " & Request.Form("LastName") &vbcrlf &vbcrlf
body = body & "Callback No:    " & Request.Form("Phone") &vbcrlf &vbcrlf
body = body & "Email:          " & Request.Form("EmailFrom") &vbcrlf &vbcrlf 
body = body & "Fax No.:        " & Request.Form("Fax") &vbcrlf &vbcrlf 
body = body & "Date of Event:  " & Request.Form("EventDate") &vbcrlf &vbcrlf
body = body & "Time of Event:  " & Request.Form("EventTime") &vbcrlf &vbcrlf
body = body & "Estimated No. People: " & Request.Form("EstimatedNumberPeople") &vbcrlf &vbcrlf
body = body & "Type of Event:  " & Request.Form("EventType") &vbcrlf &vbcrlf
body = body & "Yes, Send me Info:  " & Request.Form("Yes_I_want_info") &vbcrlf &vbcrlf 
body = body & "Visited Indigo Before?:   " & Request.Form("VisitIndigoBefore") &vbcrlf &vbcrlf 
body = body & "How Learned about Indigo: " & Request.Form("How_Did_You_Learn_About_Indigo") &vbcrlf &vbcrlf 
body = body & "Other:          " & Request.Form("Other") &vbcrlf &vbcrlf 
body = body & "Comments:       " & Request.Form("Comments") &vbcrlf &vbcrlf
'Response.write body
Set Mailer = Server.CreateObject("SMTPsvg.Mailer")
Mailer.FromName= Request("rickardp@guestservices.com")
Mailer.ReplyTo= Request("EmailFrom") 
Mailer.FromAddress= Request("EmailFrom")
Mailer.CC= Request("EmailFrom")
Mailer.RemoteHost = "mail-fwd"
'mailer.qmessage = true
Mailer.AddRecipient "TEST","rickardp@guestservices.com,
Mailer.AddBCC "Web Marketing Analyst","floreroc@guestservices.com"
Mailer.Subject    = "Indigo Landing Private Dining Inquiry"
Mailer.BodyText   = body
if Mailer.SendMail then
  Response.Write "Mail send failure. Error was " & Mailer.Response
end if

Open in new window

I took this script from a website. I am trying to add shortcuts to taskbar and start menu on windows 8. My VBScript knowledge is quite weak. I’m pretty sure I am just missing a » somewhere but I’m not exactly sure where. The first ‘String’ after the Else WScript.Echo is not showing up in blue in my text editor as it should be so there may be something there as well. Any help would be much appreciated. (The error is claiming to be on 5, 60)

'Pin an application to a start menu or task bar
If WScript.Arguments.Count = 3 then
Call PinApplicationToTaskBar(WScript.Arguments(0), WScript.Arguments(1), WScript.Arguments(2))
WScript.Echo "Missing parameters. String AppPathAndName  _
String ShortcutName Boolean OnStartMenu." & vbCr & vbCr & "  _
Example cmd.exe CMD  false" & vbCr & vbCr & _
"  Example %windir%system32SnippingTool.exe SnipIt false" 
End If

Public Sub PinApplicationToTaskBar(AppPathAndName, ShortcutName, OnStartMenu)
'This is on for a soft failure. 
'Uncomment this if error checking for a hard failure is needed for debugging.
On Error Resume Next

Dim FileSystemObj, ObjShell, ObjShellApp
Set ObjShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set FileSystemObj = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

'Create a temp location for the short-cut to exist
TempShortcutLocation = FileSystemObj.GetFolder_
'Where is it being pinned too?  Determine the location where the pinned item will reside.
If(trim(lcase(OnStartMenu)) = "true") then ' pinned to start menu
    HasItAlreadyBeenPinnedShortCut = ObjShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings_
    ("%APPDATA%") & _
    "MicrosoftInternet ExplorerQuick LaunchUser PinnedStartMenu"
    HasItAlreadyBeenPinnedShortCut = ObjShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings_
    ("%APPDATA%") & _
    "MicrosoftInternet ExplorerQuick LaunchUser PinnedTaskBar"
End If
'Temporary location for the application short-cut
TempShortcut = TempShortcutLocation & "" & ShortcutName & ".lnk"
'Possible location of a pinned item
HasItAlreadyBeenPinnedShortCut =  HasItAlreadyBeenPinnedShortCut & "" & ShortcutName & ".lnk"
'If this already exists, than exit this procedure. The application has already been pinned.
If(FileSystemObj.FileExists(HasItAlreadyBeenPinnedShortCut)) Then
    'MsgBox(HasItAlreadyBeenPinnedShortCut & " Already Pinned")
    Set ObjShell = Nothing
    Set FileSystemObj = Nothing
    Exit Sub
End If
'Create a short-cut using the shell
Set lnk = ObjShell.CreateShortcut(TempShortcut)
lnk.TargetPath = AppPathAndName ' Full application path and name
lnk.Arguments = ""
lnk.Description = ShortcutName 'The name that appears on the start menu.

Set ObjShellApp = CreateObject("Shell.Application")

'Get the newly created short-cut full path
Set ShortCutToPin =  ObjShellApp.NameSpace(TempShortcutLocation) 

If(FileSystemObj.FileExists(TempShortcut)) Then 
    Dim ShortCutToPinItem, verb
    'Set the location to pin the item to do based on the passed OnStartMenu argument
    If(trim(lcase(OnStartMenu)) = "true") then
        verbToDo = "Pin to Start Men&u"
        verbToDo = "Pin to Tas&kbar"
    End If
    For Each ShortCutToPinItem in ShortCutToPin.Items()
        'Look for the pinning verb when the temporary short-cut name matches the passed ShortcutName argument
        If (ShortCutToPinItem.Name = ShortcutName) Then
            'Loop through the shell object's (the short-cut) commands looking for the pinning method.
            For Each verb in ShortCutToPinItem.Verbs 
                'The verb matches the verbToDo so pin it to verb's defined location
                If (verb.Name = verbToDo) Then verb.DoIt
        End If
    'Delete the temporary short-cut used to pin the application
End If
'clean up
Set ObjShell =  Nothing
Set FileSystemObj = Nothing
Set ObjShellApp = Nothing
End Sub

For reference and credit, the code came from here. http://www.codeproject.com/Tips/713824/Pin-a-shortcut-onto-the-Taskbar-or-Start-Menu

asked Apr 8, 2014 at 1:38

user2581841's user avatar

This string concatenation is messed up. It should look like this:

WScript.Echo "Missing parameters. String AppPathAndName " & _
             "String ShortcutName Boolean OnStartMenu." & vbCr & vbCr & _
             "Example cmd.exe CMD false" & vbCr & vbCr & _
             "Example %windir%system32SnippingTool.exe SnipIt false" 

You must use both the line continuation (_) and the string concatenation (&) operators to concat strings across multiple lines in VBScript. Make sure all string literals are closed (every quote has a matching closing quote on the same line).

answered Apr 8, 2014 at 1:54

Bond's user avatar


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Hi everyone!

I finally joined up after quite some time peeking in at all of your helpfull information!

I’ve got a question for you all, i get the following error on a page for a site that i inherited here at work, and i’m going nuts, and am finally able to admit defeat!! Help!!

Microsoft VBScript compilation error ‘800a0409’

Unterminated string constant

/globallearn/traincalendar/intl/search.asp, line 86
Execute(arrayColNames(x) & «NameArray(» & counter & «) = «»» &rs.Fields(dbColumns(x)).Value& «»»»)

here’s the code:

dbName = «Dates»
dbPath = «externalcourses.mdb»
dbTable = «tblDates»
dbColumnMain = «dateStart»
dbTables = Array(«»,»»,»»,»»,»tblCourses»,»tblFacilitators»,»tblLocs»,»tblCountries»,»tblRegions»,»tblLangs»,»tblModes»,»»,»»)
dbColumns = Array(«»,»»,»»,»»,»title»,»name»,»address»,»name»,»name»,»name»,»name»,»»,»»)
pageName = «search.asp»

arrayColNames = Array(«ID»,»dateStart»,»dateEnd»,»regDead»,»name»,»facilitator»,»loc»,»country»,»region»,»lang»,»mode»,»datePost»,»dateMod»)
arrayColNamesLong = Array(«ID»,»Start Date»,»End Date»,»Registration Deadline»,»Name»,»Facilitator»,»Venue»,»Country»,»Region»,»Language»,»Mode»,»Post Date»,»Modified Date»)
arrayColTypes = Array(«int»,»date»,»date»,»date»,»int»,»int»,»int»,»int»,»int»,»int»,»int»,»datePost»,»dateMod»)
arrayColWidths = Array(«25″,»100″,»100″,»75″,»425″,»425″,»425″,»150″,»150″,»150″,»150″,»75″,»75»)
arrayColFormObjects = Array(«none»,»textField»,»textField»,»textField»,»dropDownLink»,»dropDownLink»,»dropDownLink»,»dropDownLink»,»dropDownLink»,»dropDownLink»,»dropDownLink»,»none»,»none»)
arrayColDisplay = Array(0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0)
arrayColRequired = Array(0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1)

colDisplayCount = 1
for x = 0 to UBound(arrayColDisplay)
    if arrayColDisplay(x) = 1 then colDisplayCount = colDisplayCount + 1

set conn= Server.CreateObject(«ADODB.Connection»)
conn.open  «provider=microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0; data source=» & Server.MapPath(dbPath)

‘ Load Current Selections
‘ Verify Data
if curCourse = «» then curCourse=»ALL»
if curFacilitator = «» then curFacilitator=»ALL»
if curLoc = «» then curLoc=»ALL»
if curCountry = «» then curCountry=»ALL»
if curRegion = «» then curRegion=»ALL»
if curMode = «» then curMode=»ALL»
if curLang = «» then curLang=»ALL»
if curDate = «» then curDate=»ALL»

for x = 0 to UBound(arrayColFormObjects)
    if arrayColFormObjects(x) = «dropDown» then
        set rs=Server.CreateObject(«ADODB.recordset»)
        sql = «SELECT DISTINCT » & arrayColNames(x) & » FROM «&dbTable&» ORDER BY » & arrayColNames(x) & » ASC»
        rs.Open sql,conn
        counter = 0
        Execute(«Dim » & arrayColNames(x) & «Array()»)
        Do While Not rs.EOF
            Execute(«Redim PRESERVE » & arrayColNames(x) & «Array(» & counter & «)»)
            Execute(arrayColNames(x) & «Array(» & counter & «) = «»» & rs.Fields(arrayColNames(x)).Value & «»»»)
            counter = counter + 1
          Set rs = Nothing
    elseif arrayColFormObjects(x) = «dropDownLink» then
        set rs=Server.CreateObject(«ADODB.recordset»)
        sql = «SELECT DISTINCT «&dbTables(x)&».ID,»&dbTables(x)&».»&dbColumns(x)&» FROM «&dbTable&»,»&dbTables(x)&» ORDER BY «&dbTables(x)&».»&dbColumns(x)&» ASC»    
        rs.Open sql,conn
        counter = 0
        Execute(«Dim » & arrayColNames(x) & «Array()»)
        Execute(«Dim » & arrayColNames(x) & «NameArray()»)
        Do While Not rs.EOF
            Execute(«Redim PRESERVE » & arrayColNames(x) & «Array(» & counter & «)»)
            Execute(«Redim PRESERVE » & arrayColNames(x) & «NameArray(» & counter & «)»)
            Execute(arrayColNames(x) & «Array(» & counter & «) = «»» & rs.Fields(«ID»).Value & «»»»)
                    Execute(arrayColNames(x) & «NameArray(» & counter & «) = «»» &rs.Fields(dbColumns(x)).Value& «»»»)
            counter = counter + 1
          Set rs = Nothing
    end if

curColumn = Request.Form(«curCol»)
prevColumn = Request.Form(«prevCol»)
curSort = Request.Form(«curSort»)
if curColumn = «» then curColumn = dbColumnMain
if Request.Form(«submit») <> «Edit» and Request.Form(«submit») <> «Delete» and Request.Form(«submit») <> «Cancel» then
    if curSort = » DESC» or curSort = «» or prevColumn <> curColumn then
        curSort = » ASC»
        curSort = » DESC»
    end if
end if

curCourseSel = «»
curFacilitatorSel = «»
curLocSel = «»
curCountrySel = «»
curRegionSel = «»
curLangSel = «»
curModeSel = «»
curDateSel = «»
if curCourse <> «ALL» then curCourseSel = » AND «&dbTable&».name = «&curCourse
if curFacilitator <> «ALL» then curFacilitatorSel = » AND «&dbTable&».facilitator = «&curFacilitator
if curLoc <> «ALL» then curLocSel = » AND «&dbTable&».loc = «&curLoc
if curCountry <> «ALL» then curCountrySel = » AND «&dbTable&».country = «&curCountry
if curRegion <> «ALL» then curRegionSel = » AND «&dbTable&».region = «&curRegion
if curLang <> «ALL» then curLangSel = » AND «&dbTable&».lang = «&curLang
if curMode <> «ALL» then curModeSel = » AND «&dbTable&».mode = «&curMode
if curDate <> «ALL» then curDateSel = » AND «&dbTable&».dateStart = #»&curDate&»#»

if curCourseSel <> «» or curFacilitatorSel <> «» or curLocSel <> «» or curCountrySel <> «» or curRegionSel <> «» or curLangSel <> «» or curModeSel <> «» or curDateSel <> «» then
    sql = «SELECT * FROM «&dbTable&» WHERE «&dbTable&».name = «&dbTable&».name»&curCourseSel&curFacilitatorSel&curRegionSel&curCountrySel&curLangSel&curLocSel&curModeSel&curDateSel&» ORDER BY » & curColumn & curSort
    sql = «SELECT * FROM «&dbTable&» ORDER BY » & curColumn & curSort
end if

sqlCourses = «SELECT DISTINCT «&dbTables(4)&».ID, «&dbTables(4)&».»&dbColumns(4)&» FROM «&dbTables(4)&», «&dbTable&» WHERE «&dbTable&».name = «&dbTables(4)&».ID»&curCourseSel&curFacilitatorSel&curRegionSel&curCountrySel&curLangSel&curLocSel&curModeSel&curDateSel&» ORDER BY «&dbTables(4)&».»&dbColumns(4)
sqlFacilitators = «SELECT DISTINCT «&dbTables(5)&».ID, «&dbTables(5)&».»&dbColumns(5)&» FROM «&dbTables(5)&», «&dbTable&» WHERE «&dbTable&».facilitator = «&dbTables(5)&».ID»&curCourseSel&curFacilitatorSel&curRegionSel&curCountrySel&curLangSel&curLocSel&curModeSel&curDateSel&» ORDER BY «&dbTables(5)&».»&dbColumns(5)
sqlLocs = «SELECT DISTINCT «&dbTables(6)&».ID, «&dbTables(6)&».»&dbColumns(6)&» FROM «&dbTables(6)&», «&dbTable&» WHERE «&dbTable&».loc = «&dbTables(6)&».ID»&curCourseSel&curFacilitatorSel&curRegionSel&curCountrySel&curLangSel&curLocSel&curModeSel&curDateSel&» ORDER BY «&dbTables(6)&».»&dbColumns(6)
sqlCountries = «SELECT DISTINCT «&dbTables(7)&».ID, «&dbTables(7)&».»&dbColumns(7)&» FROM «&dbTables(7)&», «&dbTable&» WHERE «&dbTable&».country = «&dbTables(7)&».ID»&curCourseSel&curFacilitatorSel&curRegionSel&curCountrySel&curLangSel&curLocSel&curModeSel&curDateSel&» ORDER BY «&dbTables(7)&».»&dbColumns(7)
sqlRegions = «SELECT DISTINCT «&dbTables(8)&».ID, «&dbTables(8)&».»&dbColumns(8)&» FROM «&dbTables(8)&», «&dbTable&» WHERE «&dbTable&».region = «&dbTables(8)&».ID»&curCourseSel&curFacilitatorSel&curRegionSel&curCountrySel&curLangSel&curLocSel&curModeSel&curDateSel&» ORDER BY «&dbTables(8)&».»&dbColumns(8)
sqlLangs = «SELECT DISTINCT «&dbTables(9)&».ID, «&dbTables(9)&».»&dbColumns(9)&» FROM «&dbTables(9)&», «&dbTable&» WHERE «&dbTable&».lang = «&dbTables(9)&».ID»&curCourseSel&curFacilitatorSel&curRegionSel&curCountrySel&curLangSel&curLocSel&curModeSel&curDateSel&» ORDER BY «&dbTables(9)&».»&dbColumns(9)
sqlModes = «SELECT DISTINCT «&dbTables(10)&».ID, «&dbTables(10)&».»&dbColumns(10)&» FROM «&dbTables(10)&», «&dbTable&» WHERE «&dbTable&».mode = «&dbTables(10)&».ID»&curCourseSel&curFacilitatorSel&curRegionSel&curCountrySel&curLangSel&curLocSel&curModeSel&curDateSel&» ORDER BY «&dbTables(10)&».»&dbColumns(10)
sqlDates = «SELECT DISTINCT «&dbTable&».dateStart FROM «&dbTable&» WHERE «&dbTable&».dateStart = «&dbTable&».dateStart»&curCourseSel&curFacilitatorSel&curRegionSel&curCountrySel&curLangSel&curLocSel&curModeSel&curDateSel&» ORDER BY «&dbTable&».dateStart»

set rs=Server.CreateObject(«ADODB.recordset»)
set rsCourses=Server.CreateObject(«ADODB.recordset»)
set rsFacilitators=Server.CreateObject(«ADODB.recordset»)
set rsLocs=Server.CreateObject(«ADODB.recordset»)
set rsCountries=Server.CreateObject(«ADODB.recordset»)
set rsRegions=Server.CreateObject(«ADODB.recordset»)
set rsLangs=Server.CreateObject(«ADODB.recordset»)
set rsModes=Server.CreateObject(«ADODB.recordset»)
set rsDates=Server.CreateObject(«ADODB.recordset»)
rs.Open sql,conn
rsCourses.Open sqlCourses, conn
rsFacilitators.Open sqlFacilitators, conn
rsLocs.Open sqlLocs, conn
rsCountries.Open sqlCountries, conn
rsRegions.Open sqlRegions, conn
rsLangs.Open sqlLangs, conn
rsModes.Open sqlModes, conn
rsDates.Open sqlDates, conn
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC «-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN»>
<title>Wyndham Global Learning | Training Calendar</title>
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.footer {
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.contentEdit {
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.contentDelete {
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/*— TABLE SELECTED ————————————————*/
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.content .sel {
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.contentEdit .sel {
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a:hover {
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a:hover.sel {
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.button {
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    width: 50;
/*— NOTES —————————————————————-*/
.note {
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    font-size: 12px;
    font-weight: bold;
    color: #FFFFFF;
    background-color: #C8D30C;
.warn {
    color: #FFFFFF;
    background-color: #990000;
.success {
    color: #FFFFFF;
    background-color: #006600;
response.write(«<style>» & vbcrlf)
response.write(«<!—» & vbcrlf)
for x = 0 to UBound(arrayColWidths)
    response.write(«.form»&arrayColWidths(x)&» {width: «&arrayColWidths(x)&»;}» & vbcrlf)
response.write(«—>» & vbcrlf)
response.write(«</style>» & vbcrlf)

<body leftmargin=»0″ topmargin=»0″ marginwidth=»0″ marginheight=»0″>
<!—#include file=»navMain.asp»—>
<table width=»100%» border=»0″ cellspacing=»20″ cellpadding=»0″>
    <table border=»1″ cellspacing=»3″ cellpadding=»5″ bordercolor=»#CCCCCC»>
          <td colspan=»4″ class=»title»>Search</td>
        <form name=»search» method=»post» action=»<%= pageName %>»>
            <td align=»right» valign=»top» class=»headerSide»>Course:</td>
            <td colspan=»3″ align=»left» valign=»top» class=»content»><select name=»curCourse» class=»form<%= arrayColWidths(4) %>» onChange=»document.search.submit()»>
            response.write(«<option value=ALL>ALL</option>»)
            do until rsCourses.EOF
                response.write(«<option value=» & rsCourses.fields(«ID»))
                if CStr(rsCourses.fields(«ID»)) = curCourse then
                    response.write(» selected»)
                end if                        
            set rsCourses = Nothing
            <td align=»right» valign=»top» class=»headerSide»>Facilitator:</td>
            <td colspan=»3″ align=»left» valign=»top» class=»content»><select name=»curFacilitator» class=»form<%= arrayColWidths(5) %>» onChange=»document.search.submit()»>
            response.write(«<option value=ALL>ALL</option>»)
            do until rsFacilitators.EOF
                response.write(«<option value=» & rsFacilitators.fields(«ID»))
                if CStr(rsFacilitators.fields(«ID»)) = curFacilitator then
                    response.write(» selected»)
                end if                        
            set rsFacilitators = Nothing
            <td align=»right» valign=»top» class=»headerSide»>Venue: </td>
            <td colspan=»3″ align=»left» valign=»top» class=»content»><select name=»curLoc» class=»form<%= arrayColWidths(6) %>» onChange=»document.search.submit()»>
            response.write(«<option value=’ALL’>ALL</option>»)
            do until rsLocs.EOF
                response.write(«<option value=» & rsLocs.fields(«ID»))
                if CStr(rsLocs.fields(«ID»)) = curLoc then
                    response.write(» selected»)
                end if                        
            set rsLocs = Nothing
            <td align=»right» valign=»top» class=»headerSide»>Country:</td>
            <td align=»left» valign=»top» class=»content»><select name=»curCountry» class=»form<%= arrayColWidths(7) %>» onChange=»document.search.submit()»>
            response.write(«<option value=’ALL’>ALL</option>»)
            do until rsCountries.EOF
                response.write(«<option value=» & rsCountries.fields(«ID»))
                if CStr(rsCountries.fields(«ID»)) = curCountry then
                    response.write(» selected»)
                end if                        
            set rsCountries = Nothing
            <td align=»right» valign=»top» class=»headerSide»>Language:</td>
            <td align=»left» valign=»top» class=»content»><select name=»curLang» class=»form<%= arrayColWidths(9) %>» onChange=»document.search.submit()»>
            response.write(«<option value=’ALL’>ALL</option>»)
            do until rsLangs.EOF
                response.write(«<option value=» & rsLangs.fields(«ID»))
                if CStr(rsLangs.fields(«ID»)) = curLang then
                    response.write(» selected»)
                end if                        
            set rsLangs = Nothing
            <td align=»right» valign=»top» class=»headerSide»>Region:</td>
            <td align=»left» valign=»top» class=»content»><select name=»curRegion» class=»form<%= arrayColWidths(8) %>» onChange=»document.search.submit()»>
            response.write(«<option value=’ALL’>ALL</option>»)
            do until rsRegions.EOF
                response.write(«<option value=» & rsRegions.fields(«ID»))
                if CStr(rsRegions.fields(«ID»)) = curRegion then
                    response.write(» selected»)
                end if                        
            set rsRegions = Nothing
            <td align=»right» valign=»top» class=»headerSide»>Delivery Mode:</td>
            <td align=»left» valign=»top» class=»content»><select name=»curMode» class=»form<%= arrayColWidths(10) %>» onChange=»document.search.submit()»>
            response.write(«<option value=’ALL’>ALL</option>»)
            do until rsModes.EOF
                response.write(«<option value=» & rsModes.fields(«ID»))
                if CStr(rsModes.fields(«ID»)) = curMode then
                    response.write(» selected»)
                end if                        
            set rsModes = Nothing
            <td align=»right» valign=»top» class=»headerSide»>Start Dates: </td>
            <td colspan=»3″ align=»left» valign=»top» class=»content»><select name=»curDate» class=»form<%= arrayColWidths(1) %>» id=»curDate» onChange=»document.search.submit()»>
            response.write(«<option value=’ALL’>ALL</option>»)
            do until rsDates.EOF
                response.write(«<option value=» & rsDates.fields(«dateStart»))
                if CStr(rsDates.fields(«dateStart»)) = curDate then
                    response.write(» selected»)
                end if                        
            set rsDates = Nothing
            <td colspan=»4″ align=»right» valign=»top» class=»footer»>&nbsp;</td>
      <table border=»1″ cellpadding=»5″ cellspacing=»3″ bordercolor=»#CCCCCC»>
          <td colspan=»<%= colDisplayCount+1 %>» class=»title»>Search Results</td>
        <tr class=»header»>
            <form name=»sortForm» method=»post» action=»<%= pageName %>»>
            <td align=»left»>&nbsp;</td>
      for x = 0 to UBound(arrayColNames)
          if arrayColDisplay(x) = 1 then
            curBullet = «&nbsp;&nbsp;/»
            if curSort = » ASC» then curBullet = «&nbsp;&nbsp;/»
             <td align=»left»<% if curColumn = arrayColNames(x) then response.write(» class=’sel'») %>>
              <% if Request.Form(«submit») <> «Edit» and Request.Form(«submit») <> «Delete» then %>
              <a <% if curColumn = arrayColNames(x) then response.write(» class=’sel’ «) %> href=»javascript: submitform(‘<%= arrayColNames(x) %>’)»><%= arrayColNamesLong(x) %>
              <%  if curColumn = arrayColNames(x) then response.write(» «&curBullet) %>
              <% else %>
              <%= arrayColNamesLong(x) %>
              <% end if %>
          end if
            <input name=»curSort» type=»hidden» value=»<%= curSort %>»>
            <input name=»curCol» type=»hidden» value=»<%= curColumn %>»>
            <input name=»prevCol» type=»hidden» value=»<%= curColumn %>»>
  Do While Not rs.EOF
        <tr valign=»top» class=»content»>
            <form method=»get» action=»course.asp»>
              <td align=»left»><input class=»button» type=»submit» value=»View»><input name=»curID» type=»hidden» value=»<%= rs.Fields(arrayColNames(0)).Value %>»>
      for x = 0 to UBound(arrayColNames)
          if arrayColDisplay(x) = 1 then
            if arrayColFormObjects(x) = «checkBox» then
                curCheck = «»
                  if rs.Fields(arrayColNames(x)).Value = 1 then curCheck = » checked»
            <td width=»<%= arrayColWidths(x) %>» align=»left» valign=»top»<% if curColumn = arrayColNames(x) then response.write(» class=’sel'») %>><input class=»form<%= arrayColWidths(x) %>» name=»<%= arrayColNames(x) %>» type=»checkbox» value=»1″<%= curCheck %> DISABLED></td>
            <td width=»<%= arrayColWidths(x) %>» align=»left» valign=»top»<% if curColumn = arrayColNames(x) then response.write(» class=’sel'») %>>
                if rs.Fields(arrayColNames(x)).Value <> «» then
                    if arrayColFormObjects(x) = «dropDownLink» then
                        for y = 0 to UBound(Eval(arrayColNames(x)&»Array»))
                            if Eval(arrayColNames(x)&»Array(«&y&»)») = CStr(rs.Fields(arrayColNames(x)).Value) then
                            end if
                    end if
                end if %>
               end if
          end if
  Set rs = Nothing
  Set conn = Nothing
      </table>    </td>

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