Ошибка компилятора c2398

I have found many posts about this error but I could find how to overcome it.
This is the code where the error is triggered:

void main(){
    float f{1.3};

Why in the initialize-list no casting happened like any other variable? For example, this works smoothly:

float f = 1.3;

asked Nov 9, 2015 at 9:05

Humam Helfawi's user avatar

Humam HelfawiHumam Helfawi

19.4k14 gold badges80 silver badges159 bronze badges


You’ve commented that the use of 1.3 gives an error with your compiler. That means you’ve found a compiler bug. The standard is quite clear that this is not a narrowing conversion, so it should be allowed.

Quoting N4140 (roughly C++14):

8.5.4 List-initialization [dcl.init.list]

7 A narrowing conversion is an implicit conversion


— (7.2) from long double to double or float, or from double to float, except where the source is a constant expression and the actual value after conversion is within the range of values that can be represented
(even if it cannot be represented exactly), or


Your 1.3 is a constant expression well within the range of float.

I recommend reporting this to Microsoft, assuming it isn’t a known issue already. Unfortunately, simply upgrading your Visual Studio won’t fix this. I can reproduce the problem in VS2015.

answered Nov 9, 2015 at 9:50


Forcing it to be float using the ‘f’ suffix avoids the narrowing conversion. the below works ..

float f{1.3f}

But i agree that the compiler should have taken care of it .. (as per the standard quoted by @hvd)

answered Dec 20, 2017 at 19:43

Jiju Cyriac Manjooran's user avatar

Since it is C++, don’t use c-style casts, try:


answered Nov 9, 2015 at 9:08

CJCombrink's user avatar


3,6861 gold badge22 silver badges38 bronze badges


This is maybe a bug or something. Use this instead:

float f;

Donald Duck's user avatar

Donald Duck

8,25922 gold badges74 silver badges97 bronze badges

answered Mar 11, 2017 at 15:13

user7695214's user avatar


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Learn more about: Compiler errors C2300 Through C2399

Compiler errors C2300 Through C2399























































Compiler errors C2300 Through C2399

The articles in this section of the documentation explain a subset of the error messages that are generated by the compiler.


Error messages

Error Message
Compiler error C2300 class‘: class does not have a destructor called ‘~class
Compiler error C2301 left of ‘->~identifier‘ must point to class/struct/union
Compiler error C2302 left of ‘.~identifier‘ must have class/struct/union type
Compiler error C2303 Structured exception handling cannot be used in a coroutine
Compiler error C2304 keyword‘ cannot be used inside of a catch block
Compiler error C2305 file‘ does not contain debugging information for this module
Compiler error C2306 file‘ does not contain the most recent debugging information for this module
Compiler error C2307 pragma directive must be moved outside of the function if incremental compilation is enabled
Compiler error C2308 concatenating mismatched strings
Compiler error C2309 catch handler expected a parenthesized exception declaration
Compiler error C2310 catch handlers must specify one type
Compiler error C2311 type‘: is caught by ‘…’ on line number
Compiler error C2312 type1‘: is caught by ‘type2‘ on line number
Compiler error C2313 type1‘: is caught by reference (‘type2‘) on line number
Compiler error C2314 keyword ‘keyword1‘ is deprecated: use ‘keyword2‘ instead
Compiler error C2315 type1‘: reference is caught by ‘type2‘ on line number
Compiler error C2316 type‘: cannot be caught as the destructor and/or copy constructor are inaccessible or deleted
Compiler error C2317 ‘try’ block starting on line ‘number‘ has no catch handlers
Compiler error C2318 no try block associated with this catch handler
Compiler error C2319 ‘try/catch’ must be followed by a compound statement. Missing ‘{‘
Compiler error C2320 expected ‘:’ to follow access specifier ‘specifier
Compiler error C2321 identifier‘ is a keyword, and cannot be used in this context
Compiler error C2322 identifier‘: address of dllimport ‘identifier‘ is not static
Compiler error C2323 identifier‘: non-member operator new or delete functions may not be declared static or in a namespace other than the global namespace
Compiler error C2324 identifier‘: unexpected to the right of ‘::~’
Compiler error C2325 type1‘: unexpected type to the right of ‘->~’: expected ‘type2
Compiler error C2326 declarator‘: function cannot access ‘identifier
Compiler error C2327 identifier‘: is not a type name, static, or enumerator
Compiler error C2328 keyword‘: keyword is not yet supported
Compiler error C2329 identifier‘: __ptr64 not available for pointers to functions
Compiler error C2330 ‘implementation_key( )’ is only valid in a region bounded by #pragma start_map_region/stop_map_region
Compiler error C2331 access to ‘identifier‘ now defined to be ‘accessibility1‘, previously it was defined to be ‘accessibility2
Compiler error C2332 typedef‘: missing tag name
Compiler error C2333 function‘: error in function declaration; skipping function body
Compiler error C2334 unexpected token(s) preceding ‘token‘; skipping apparent function body
Compiler error C2335 identifier‘: a type cannot be introduced in a function parameter list
Compiler error C2336 type‘: illegal type
Compiler error C2337 attribute‘: attribute not found
Compiler error C2338 (error message from external provider)
Compiler error C2339 identifier‘: illegal type in embedded-IDL
Compiler error C2340 identifier‘: ‘static’ can only be used within a class definition
Compiler error C2341 section‘: segment must be defined using #pragma data_seg, code_seg or section prior to use
Compiler error C2342 syntax error: conflicting type qualifiers
Compiler error C2343 section‘: conflicting section attributes
Compiler error C2344 align(number): alignment must be power of two
Compiler error C2345 align(number): illegal alignment value
Compiler error C2346 function‘ cannot be compiled as native: ‘explanation
Compiler error C2347 Obsolete.
Compiler error C2348 type‘: is not a C-style aggregate, cannot be exported in embedded-IDL
Compiler error C2349 function‘ cannot be compiled as managed: ‘explanation‘; use #pragma unmanaged
Compiler error C2350 identifier‘ is not a static member
Compiler error C2351 obsolete C++ constructor initialization syntax
Compiler error C2352 identifier‘: illegal call of non-static member function
Compiler error C2353 exception specification is not allowed
Compiler error C2354 Obsolete.
Compiler error C2355 ‘this’: can only be referenced inside non-static member functions or non-static data member initializers
Compiler error C2356 initialization segment must not change during translation unit
Compiler error C2357 identifier‘: must be a function of type ‘type
Compiler error C2358 identifier‘: a static property cannot be defined outside of a class definition
Compiler error C2359 Obsolete.
Compiler error C2360 initialization of ‘identifier‘ is skipped by ‘case’ label
Compiler error C2361 initialization of ‘identifier‘ is skipped by ‘default’ label
Compiler error C2362 initialization of ‘identifier‘ is skipped by ‘goto label
Compiler error C2363 compiler intrinsic numeric limit function requires a string literal argument
Compiler error C2364 type‘: illegal type for custom attribute
Compiler error C2365 member1‘: redefinition; previous definition was ‘member2
Compiler error C2366 identifier‘: redefinition; different implementation_key specifiers
Compiler error C2367 Obsolete.
Compiler error C2368 identifier‘: redefinition; different allocation specifiers
Compiler error C2369 identifier‘: redefinition; different subscripts
Compiler error C2370 identifier‘: redefinition; different storage class
Compiler error C2371 identifier‘: redefinition; different basic types
Compiler error C2372 identifier‘: redefinition; different types of indirection
Compiler error C2373 identifier‘: redefinition; different type modifiers
Compiler error C2374 identifier‘: redefinition; multiple initialization
Compiler error C2375 identifier‘: redefinition; different linkage
Compiler error C2376 identifier‘: redefinition; different based allocation
Compiler error C2377 identifier‘: redefinition; typedef cannot be overloaded with any other symbol
Compiler error C2378 identifier‘: redefinition; symbol cannot be overloaded with a typedef
Compiler error C2379 formal parameter number has different type when promoted
Compiler error C2380 type(s) preceding ‘identifier‘ (constructor with return type, or illegal redefinition of current class-name?)
Compiler error C2381 identifier‘: redefinition; ‘__declspec(noreturn)’ or ‘[[noreturn]]’ differs
Compiler error C2382 identifier‘: redefinition; different exception specifications
Compiler error C2383 identifier‘: default-arguments are not allowed on this symbol
Compiler error C2384 member‘: cannot apply thread_local or __declspec(thread) to a member of a managed/WinRT class
Compiler error C2385 ambiguous access of ‘member
Compiler error C2386 identifier‘: a symbol with this name already exists in the current scope
Compiler error C2387 identifier‘: ambiguous base class
Compiler error C2388 identifier‘: a symbol cannot be declared with both __declspec(appdomain) and __declspec(process)
Compiler error C2389 operator‘: illegal operand ‘nullptr’
Compiler error C2390 identifier‘: incorrect storage class ‘specifier
Compiler error C2391 identifier‘: ‘friend’ cannot be used during type definition
Compiler error C2392 member1‘: covariant returns types are not supported in managed/WinRT types, otherwise ‘member2‘ would be overridden
Compiler error C2393 symbol‘: per-appdomain symbol cannot be allocated in segment ‘segment
Compiler error C2394 type::operator operator‘: CLR/WinRT operator not valid. At least one parameter must be of the following types: ‘T^’, ‘T^%’, ‘T^&’, where T = ‘type
Compiler error C2395 type::operator operator‘: CLR/WinRT operator not valid. At least one parameter must be of the following types: ‘T’, ‘T%’, ‘T&’, ‘T^’, ‘T^%’, ‘T^&’, where T = ‘type
Compiler error C2396 type1::operator type2‘: CLR/WinRT user-defined conversion function not valid. Must either convert from or convert to: ‘T^’, ‘T^%’, ‘T^&’, where T = ‘type1
Compiler error C2397 conversion from ‘type1‘ to ‘type2‘ requires a narrowing conversion
Compiler error C2398 Element ‘number‘: conversion from ‘type1‘ to ‘type2‘ requires a narrowing conversion
Compiler error C2399 Obsolete.

See also

C/C++ Compiler and build tools errors and warnings
Compiler errors C2000 — C3999, C7000 — C7999


hello!Thanks for the great project!
I’m having a problem configuring the project environment.
C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft Visual Studio2019CommunityVCToolsMSVC14.29.30133includestdint.h(21): note:See declaration of «int64_t»
wisp/csrcopshashgrid_interpolate.cpp(49): error C2398: element ‘2’: conversion from ‘unsigned __int64’ to ‘_Ty’ requires a narrowing conversion
error: command ‘C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft Visual Studio2019CommunityVCToolsMSVC14.29.30133binHostX86x64cl .exe’ failed with exit status 2
my environment is:
gpu=NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650
I followed the README.md instructions exactly and installed steps 1-6 successfully. Error in step 7.
can you tell me what to do?



I still get errors using https://github.com/3a1b2c3/kaolin-wisp-Windows. What I’m trying to say is that once I run ‘python setup.py develop’ I get the same error, either https://github.com/NVIDIAGameWorks/kaolin or https://github.com/3a1b2c3/kaolin-wisp -Windows.
Is there any workaround?
Here is what went wrong:
D:downloadsanacondaenvswisplibsite-packagestorchincludec10/util/Optional.h(540): note: see instantiation of the alias template being compiled «c10::OptionalBase» reference
D:downloadsanacondaenvswisplibsite-packagestorchincludec10/core/impl/InlineStreamGuard.h(232): note: see instantiation of the class template being compiled «c10::optional» » reference
D:downloadsanacondaenvswisplibsite-packagestorchincludec10/core/StreamGuard.h(162): note: see instantiation of the class template being compiled «c10::impl:: Reference to InlineMultiStreamGuardc10::impl::VirtualGuardImpl»
D:downloadsanacondaenvswisplibsite-packagestorchincludec10/util/Optional.h(432): warning C4624: «c10::trivially_copyable_optimization_optional_base»: destructor already Implicitly defined as «deleted»
D:downloadsanacondaenvswisplibsite-packagestorchincludec10/util/Optional.h(198): warning C4624: «c10::constexpr_storage_t»: destructor already Implicitly defined as «deleted»
D:downloadsanacondaenvswisplibsite-packagestorchincludec10/util/Optional.h(397): note: see instantiation of the class template being compiled «c10::constexpr_storage_t» reference
D:downloadsanacondaenvswisplibsite-packagestorchincludec10/util/Optional.h(540): note: see instantiation of the class template being compiled «c10::trivially_copyable_optimization_optional_base» reference
D:downloadsanacondaenvswisplibsite-packagestorchincludec10/util/Optional.h(540): note: see instantiation of the alias template being compiled «c10::OptionalBase<std ::vector<c10::ivalue::Future::WeakStorage, std::allocatorc10::ivalue::Future::WeakStorage>>»
D:downloadsanacondaenvswisplibsite-packagestorchincludeATen/core/ivalue_inl.h(834): note: see instantiation of the class template being compiled «c10::optional<std ::vector<c10::ivalue::Future::WeakStorage, std::allocatorc10::ivalue::Future::WeakStorage>>»
D:downloadsanacondaenvswisplibsite-packagestorchincludec10/util/Optional.h(432): warning C4624: «c10::trivially_copyable_optimization_optional_base»: destructor already Implicitly defined as «deleted»


Continuing the question above:
C:Program FilesNVIDIA GPU Computing ToolkitCUDAv11.3binnvcc.exe -c wisp/csrcexternalmesh2sdf_kernel.cu -o buildtemp.win-amd64-3.8Releasewisp/csrc externalmesh2sdf_kernel.obj -ID:downloadsanacondaenvswisplibsite-packagestorchinclude -ID:downloadsanacondaenvswisplibsite-packagestorchincludetorch csrcapiinclude -ID:downloadsanacondaenvswisplibsite-packagestorchincludeTH -ID:downloadsanacondaenvswisplibsite-packagestorchinclude THC «-IC:Program FilesNVIDIA GPU Computing ToolkitCUDAv11.3include» -ID:downloadsanacondaenvswispinclude -ID:downloadsanacondaenvswispinclude » -IC:Program Files (x86)Microsoft Visual Studio2019CommunityVCToolsMSVC14.29.30133ATLMFCinclude» «-IC:Program Files (x86)Microsoft Visual Studio2019Community VCToolsMSVC14.29.30133include» «-IC:Program Files (x86)Windows Kits10include10.0.19041.0ucrt» «-IC:Program Files (x86)Windows Kits 10include10.0.19041.0shared» «-IC:Program Files (x86)Windows Kits10include10.0.19041.0um» «-IC:Program Files (x86)Windows Kits10include10.0.19041.0winrt» «-IC:Program Files (x86 )Windows Kits10include10.0.19041.0cppwinrt» -Xcudafe —diag_suppress=dll_interface_conflict_dllexport_assumed -Xcudafe —diag_suppress=dll_interface_conflict_none_assumed -Xcudafe —diag_suppress=field_without_dll_interface -Xcudafe —diag_dll_suppress=base_interface_compiler /compiler wd4190 -Xcompiler /wd4018 -Xcompiler /wd4275 -Xcompiler /wd4267 -Xcompiler /wd4244 -Xcompiler /wd4251 -Xcompiler /wd4819 -Xcompiler /MD -D__CUDA_NO_HALF_OPERATORS__ -D__CUDA_NO_HALF_CONVERSIONS__ -D__CUDA_NO_BFLOAT16_CONVERSIONS__ -D__CUDA_NO_HALF2_OPERATORS__ —expt-relaxed-constexpr -O3 -DTORCH_API_INCLUDE_EXTENSION_H -DTORCH_EXTENSION_NAME =_C -D_GLIBCXX_USE_CXX11_ABI=0 -gencode=arch=compute_75,code=compute_75 -gencode=arch=compute_75,code=sm_75 —use-local-env
error: command ‘C:Program FilesNVIDIA GPU Computing ToolkitCUDAv11.3binnvcc.exe’ failed with exit status 1


When I «pip install ninja», the above error is no longer reported, and everything is back on track. The problem encountered after that is very similar to the one described in this link. I can’t compile all the .obj’s. I believe if I’m on ubuntu maybe I can configure it successfully, but I only want to use it on windows. Is there any solution?


Hi @zh-en520 , can you post the full logs? I can’t see the FAIL from what you provided. Have you been able to build Kaolin on your system?


@Caenorst thank you for reading.
No, I can`t build Kaolin and build Kaolin-wisp.
Build Kaolin error::———————->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
(wisp) D:nvkaolin-wisp-Windows-main1kaolin>python setup.py develop
Warning: passing language=’c++’ to cythonize() is deprecated. Instead, put «# distutils: language=c++» in your .pyx or .pxd file(s)
running develop
D:downloadsanacondaenvswisplibsite-packagessetuptoolscommandeasy_install.py:156: EasyInstallDeprecationWarning: easy_install command is deprecated. Use build and pip and other standards-based tools.
D:downloadsanacondaenvswisplibsite-packagessetuptoolscommandinstall.py:34: SetuptoolsDeprecationWarning: setup.py install is deprecated. Use build and pip and other standards-based tools.
running egg_info
writing kaolin.egg-infoPKG-INFO
writing dependency_links to kaolin.egg-infodependency_links.txt
writing requirements to kaolin.egg-inforequires.txt
writing top-level names to kaolin.egg-infotop_level.txt
reading manifest file ‘kaolin.egg-infoSOURCES.txt’
reading manifest template ‘MANIFEST.in’
adding license file ‘LICENSE’
writing manifest file ‘kaolin.egg-infoSOURCES.txt’
running build_ext
minimum_required_version= (19, 0, 24215)
compiler_info= b’xd3xc3xd3xda x64 xb5xc4 Microsoft (R) C/C++ xd3xc5xbbxafxb1xe0xd2xebxc6xf7 19.29.30146 xb0xe6rnxb0xe6xc8xa8xcbxf9xd3xd0(C) Microsoft Corporationxa1xa3xb1xa3xc1xf4xcbxf9xd3xd0xc8xa8xc0xfbxa1xa3rnrnxd3xc3xb7xa8: cl [ xd1xa1xcfxee… ] xcexc4xbcxfexc3xfb… [ /link xc1xb4xbdxd3xd1xa1xcfxee… ]rn’
version= [’19’, ’29’, ‘30146’]
building ‘kaolin._C’ extension
minimum_required_version= (19, 0, 24215)
compiler_info= b’xd3xc3xd3xda x64 xb5xc4 Microsoft (R) C/C++ xd3xc5xbbxafxb1xe0xd2xebxc6xf7 19.29.30146 xb0xe6rnxb0xe6xc8xa8xcbxf9xd3xd0(C) Microsoft Corporationxa1xa3xb1xa3xc1xf4xcbxf9xd3xd0xc8xa8xc0xfbxa1xa3rnrnxd3xc3xb7xa8: cl [ xd1xa1xcfxee… ] xcexc4xbcxfexc3xfb… [ /link xc1xb4xbdxd3xd1xa1xcfxee… ]rn’
version= [’19’, ’29’, ‘30146’]
Emitting ninja build file D:nvkaolin-wisp-Windows-main1kaolinbuildtemp.win-amd64-3.8Releasebuild.ninja…
Compiling objects…
Allowing ninja to set a default number of workers… (overridable by setting the environment variable MAX_JOBS=N)
C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft Visual Studio2019CommunityVCToolsMSVC14.29.30133binHostX86x64link.exe /nologo /INCREMENTAL:NO /LTCG /DLL /MANIFEST:EMBED,ID=2 /MANIFESTUAC:NO /LIBPATH:D:downloadsanacondaenvswisplibsite-packagestorchlib «/LIBPATH:C:Program FilesNVIDIA GPU Computing ToolkitCUDAv11.3lib/x64» /LIBPATH:D:downloadsanacondaenvswisplibs /LIBPATH:D:downloadsanacondaenvswispPCbuildamd64 «/LIBPATH:C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft Visual Studio2019CommunityVCToolsMSVC14.29.30133ATLMFClibx64» «/LIBPATH:C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft Visual Studio2019CommunityVCToolsMSVC14.29.30133libx64» «/LIBPATH:C:Program Files (x86)Windows Kits10lib10.0.19041.0ucrtx64» «/LIBPATH:C:Program Files (x86)Windows Kits10lib10.0.19041.0umx64» c10.lib torch.lib torch_cpu.lib torch_python.lib cudart_static.lib c10_cuda.lib torch_cuda_cu.lib torch_cuda_cpp.lib /EXPORT:PyInit__C D:nvkaolin-wisp-Windows-main1kaolinbuildtemp.win-amd64-3.8Releasekaolin/csrcbindings.obj D:nvkaolin-wisp-Windows-main1kaolinbuildtemp.win-amd64-3.8Releasekaolin/csrcmetricssided_distance.obj D:nvkaolin-wisp-Windows-main1kaolinbuildtemp.win-amd64-3.8Releasekaolin/csrcmetricsunbatched_triangle_distance.obj D:nvkaolin-wisp-Windows-main1kaolinbuildtemp.win-amd64-3.8Releasekaolin/csrcopspacked_simple_sum.obj D:nvkaolin-wisp-Windows-main1kaolinbuildtemp.win-amd64-3.8Releasekaolin/csrcopstile_to_packed.obj D:nvkaolin-wisp-Windows-main1kaolinbuildtemp.win-amd64-3.8Releasekaolin/csrcopsconversionsmesh_to_spcmesh_to_spc.obj D:nvkaolin-wisp-Windows-main1kaolinbuildtemp.win-amd64-3.8Releasekaolin/csrcopsconversionsunbatched_mcubeunbatched_mcube.obj D:nvkaolin-wisp-Windows-main1kaolinbuildtemp.win-amd64-3.8Releasekaolin/csrcopsmeshmesh_intersection.obj D:nvkaolin-wisp-Windows-main1kaolinbuildtemp.win-amd64-3.8Releasekaolin/csrcopsspcconvolution.obj D:nvkaolin-wisp-Windows-main1kaolinbuildtemp.win-amd64-3.8Releasekaolin/csrcopsspcfeature_grids.obj D:nvkaolin-wisp-Windows-main1kaolinbuildtemp.win-amd64-3.8Releasekaolin/csrcopsspcpoint_utils.obj D:nvkaolin-wisp-Windows-main1kaolinbuildtemp.win-amd64-3.8Releasekaolin/csrcopsspcquery.obj D:nvkaolin-wisp-Windows-main1kaolinbuildtemp.win-amd64-3.8Releasekaolin/csrcopsspcspc.obj D:nvkaolin-wisp-Windows-main1kaolinbuildtemp.win-amd64-3.8Releasekaolin/csrcrendermeshdeftet.obj D:nvkaolin-wisp-Windows-main1kaolinbuildtemp.win-amd64-3.8Releasekaolin/csrcrendermeshdibr_soft_mask.obj D:nvkaolin-wisp-Windows-main1kaolinbuildtemp.win-amd64-3.8Releasekaolin/csrcrendermeshrasterization.obj D:nvkaolin-wisp-Windows-main1kaolinbuildtemp.win-amd64-3.8Releasekaolin/csrcrenderspcraytrace.obj D:nvkaolin-wisp-Windows-main1kaolinbuildtemp.win-amd64-3.8Releasekaolin/csrcmetricssided_distance_cuda.obj D:nvkaolin-wisp-Windows-main1kaolinbuildtemp.win-amd64-3.8Releasekaolin/csrcmetricsunbatched_triangle_distance_cuda.obj D:nvkaolin-wisp-Windows-main1kaolinbuildtemp.win-amd64-3.8Releasekaolin/csrcopspacked_simple_sum_cuda.obj D:nvkaolin-wisp-Windows-main1kaolinbuildtemp.win-amd64-3.8Releasekaolin/csrcopstile_to_packed_cuda.obj D:nvkaolin-wisp-Windows-main1kaolinbuildtemp.win-amd64-3.8Releasekaolin/csrcopsconversionsmesh_to_spcmesh_to_spc_cuda.obj D:nvkaolin-wisp-Windows-main1kaolinbuildtemp.win-amd64-3.8Releasekaolin/csrcopsconversionsunbatched_mcubeunbatched_mcube_cuda.obj D:nvkaolin-wisp-Windows-main1kaolinbuildtemp.win-amd64-3.8Releasekaolin/csrcopsmeshmesh_intersection_cuda.obj D:nvkaolin-wisp-Windows-main1kaolinbuildtemp.win-amd64-3.8Releasekaolin/csrcopsspcconvolution_cuda.obj D:nvkaolin-wisp-Windows-main1kaolinbuildtemp.win-amd64-3.8Releasekaolin/csrcopsspcfeature_grids_cuda.obj D:nvkaolin-wisp-Windows-main1kaolinbuildtemp.win-amd64-3.8Releasekaolin/csrcopsspcgenerate_points.obj D:nvkaolin-wisp-Windows-main1kaolinbuildtemp.win-amd64-3.8Releasekaolin/csrcopsspcminkowski_conv.obj D:nvkaolin-wisp-Windows-main1kaolinbuildtemp.win-amd64-3.8Releasekaolin/csrcopsspcpoint_utils_cuda.obj D:nvkaolin-wisp-Windows-main1kaolinbuildtemp.win-amd64-3.8Releasekaolin/csrcopsspcquery_cuda.obj D:nvkaolin-wisp-Windows-main1kaolinbuildtemp.win-amd64-3.8Releasekaolin/csrcopsspcscan_octrees.obj D:nvkaolin-wisp-Windows-main1kaolinbuildtemp.win-amd64-3.8Releasekaolin/csrcrendermeshdeftet_cuda.obj D:nvkaolin-wisp-Windows-main1kaolinbuildtemp.win-amd64-3.8Releasekaolin/csrcrendermeshdibr_soft_mask_cuda.obj D:nvkaolin-wisp-Windows-main1kaolinbuildtemp.win-amd64-3.8Releasekaolin/csrcrendermeshrasterization_cuda.obj D:nvkaolin-wisp-Windows-main1kaolinbuildtemp.win-amd64-3.8Releasekaolin/csrcrenderspcraytrace_cuda.obj /OUT:buildlib.win-amd64-3.8kaolin_C.pyd /IMPLIB:D:nvkaolin-wisp-Windows-main1kaolinbuildtemp.win-amd64-3.8Releasekaolin/csrc_C.lib
LINK : fatal error LNK1181: cannot open input file:“D:nvkaolin-wisp-Windows-main1kaolinbuildtemp.win-amd64-3.8Releasekaolincsrcbindings.obj”
error: command ‘C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft Visual Studio2019CommunityVCToolsMSVC14.29.30133binHostX86x64link.exe’ failed with exit status 1181

(wisp) D:nvkaolin-wisp-Windows-main1kaolin>


I installed Kaolin by accident before, and now I can use Kaolin. But it fails to install again
(wisp) D:nvkaolin-wisp-Windows-main1>python -c «import kaolin; print(kaolin.version

(wisp) D:nvkaolin-wisp-Windows-main1>


The following is the result of running Kaolin-wisp:
(wisp) D:nvkaolin-wisp-Windows-main1>python setup.py develop
running develop
D:downloadsanacondaenvswisplibsite-packagessetuptoolscommandeasy_install.py:156: EasyInstallDeprecationWarning: easy_install command is deprecated. Use build and pip and other standards-based tools.
D:downloadsanacondaenvswisplibsite-packagessetuptoolscommandinstall.py:34: SetuptoolsDeprecationWarning: setup.py install is deprecated. Use build and pip and other standards-based tools.
running egg_info
writing wisp.egg-infoPKG-INFO
writing dependency_links to wisp.egg-infodependency_links.txt
writing top-level names to wisp.egg-infotop_level.txt
reading manifest file ‘wisp.egg-infoSOURCES.txt’
adding license file ‘LICENSE’
writing manifest file ‘wisp.egg-infoSOURCES.txt’
running build_ext
minimum_required_version= (19, 0, 24215)
compiler_info= b’xd3xc3xd3xda x64 xb5xc4 Microsoft (R) C/C++ xd3xc5xbbxafxb1xe0xd2xebxc6xf7 19.29.30146 xb0xe6rnxb0xe6xc8xa8xcbxf9xd3xd0(C) Microsoft Corporationxa1xa3xb1xa3xc1xf4xcbxf9xd3xd0xc8xa8xc0xfbxa1xa3rnrnxd3xc3xb7xa8: cl [ xd1xa1xcfxee… ] xcexc4xbcxfexc3xfb… [ /link xc1xb4xbdxd3xd1xa1xcfxee… ]rn’
version= [’19’, ’29’, ‘30146’]
building ‘wisp._C’ extension
minimum_required_version= (19, 0, 24215)
compiler_info= b’xd3xc3xd3xda x64 xb5xc4 Microsoft (R) C/C++ xd3xc5xbbxafxb1xe0xd2xebxc6xf7 19.29.30146 xb0xe6rnxb0xe6xc8xa8xcbxf9xd3xd0(C) Microsoft Corporationxa1xa3xb1xa3xc1xf4xcbxf9xd3xd0xc8xa8xc0xfbxa1xa3rnrnxd3xc3xb7xa8: cl [ xd1xa1xcfxee… ] xcexc4xbcxfexc3xfb… [ /link xc1xb4xbdxd3xd1xa1xcfxee… ]rn’
version= [’19’, ’29’, ‘30146’]
Emitting ninja build file D:nvkaolin-wisp-Windows-main1buildtemp.win-amd64-3.8Releasebuild.ninja…
Compiling objects…
Allowing ninja to set a default number of workers… (overridable by setting the environment variable MAX_JOBS=N)
C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft Visual Studio2019CommunityVCToolsMSVC14.29.30133binHostX86x64link.exe /nologo /INCREMENTAL:NO /LTCG /DLL /MANIFEST:EMBED,ID=2 /MANIFESTUAC:NO /LIBPATH:D:downloadsanacondaenvswisplibsite-packagestorchlib «/LIBPATH:C:Program FilesNVIDIA GPU Computing ToolkitCUDAv11.3lib/x64» /LIBPATH:D:downloadsanacondaenvswisplibs /LIBPATH:D:downloadsanacondaenvswispPCbuildamd64 «/LIBPATH:C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft Visual Studio2019CommunityVCToolsMSVC14.29.30133ATLMFClibx64» «/LIBPATH:C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft Visual Studio2019CommunityVCToolsMSVC14.29.30133libx64» «/LIBPATH:C:Program Files (x86)Windows Kits10lib10.0.19041.0ucrtx64» «/LIBPATH:C:Program Files (x86)Windows Kits10lib10.0.19041.0umx64» c10.lib torch.lib torch_cpu.lib torch_python.lib cudart_static.lib c10_cuda.lib torch_cuda_cu.lib torch_cuda_cpp.lib /EXPORT:PyInit__C D:nvkaolin-wisp-Windows-main1buildtemp.win-amd64-3.8Releasewisp/csrcbindings.obj D:nvkaolin-wisp-Windows-main1buildtemp.win-amd64-3.8Releasewisp/csrcexternalmesh_to_sdf.obj D:nvkaolin-wisp-Windows-main1buildtemp.win-amd64-3.8Releasewisp/csrcopshashgrid_interpolate.obj D:nvkaolin-wisp-Windows-main1buildtemp.win-amd64-3.8Releasewisp/csrcrenderfind_depth_bound.obj D:nvkaolin-wisp-Windows-main1buildtemp.win-amd64-3.8Releasewisp/csrcexternalmesh2sdf_kernel.obj D:nvkaolin-wisp-Windows-main1buildtemp.win-amd64-3.8Releasewisp/csrcopshashgrid_interpolate_cuda.obj D:nvkaolin-wisp-Windows-main1buildtemp.win-amd64-3.8Releasewisp/csrcrenderfind_depth_bound_cuda.obj /OUT:buildlib.win-amd64-3.8wisp_C.pyd /IMPLIB:D:nvkaolin-wisp-Windows-main1buildtemp.win-amd64-3.8Releasewisp/csrc_C.lib
LINK : fatal error LNK1181: 无法打开输入文件“D:nvkaolin-wisp-Windows-main1buildtemp.win-amd64-3.8Releasewispcsrcexternalmesh2sdf_kernel.obj”
error: command ‘C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft Visual Studio2019CommunityVCToolsMSVC14.29.30133binHostX86x64link.exe’ failed with exit status 1181

(wisp) D:nvkaolin-wisp-Windows-main1>python -c «import kaolin; print(kaolin.version

(wisp) D:nvkaolin-wisp-Windows-main1>


Ok let’s start with Kaolin first, do you mind opening a new issue on Kaolin repo for reference for other users? :)



Does this still fail with the new merged PR (#28)?



Closing this issue, feel free to reopen if needed

Вы отметили, что использование 1.3 приводит к ошибке с вашим компилятором. Это означает, что вы обнаружили ошибку компилятора. Стандарт совершенно ясен, что это не сужение конверсии, поэтому оно должно быть разрешено.

Цитата N4140 (примерно С++ 14):

8.5.4 List-initialization [dcl.init.list]

7 Сужение преобразования является неявным преобразованием


— (7.2) от long double до double или float, или от double до float, , за исключением случаев, когда источником является постоянное выражение, а фактическое значение после преобразования находится внутри диапазон значений, которые могут быть представлены(даже если он не может быть представлен точно), или


Ваш 1.3 является постоянным выражением в пределах диапазона float.

Я рекомендую сообщить об этом Microsoft, предположив, что это уже не известная проблема. К сожалению, просто обновление вашей Visual Studio не устранит этого. Я могу воспроизвести проблему в VS2015.

I’m seeing a MIDL2398 error every time I try to compile a Visual C++ (Visual Studio 2010) project which uses COM. This project builds perfectly fine on my Windows 7 developer machine and on a Windows Server 2008 build machine, but not on a Windows Server 2012
build machine.

I found this web site about the various MIDL compiler errors:http://blog.yezhucn.com/midl/compiler_errors.htm (also
referenced yours: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa367085%28VS.85%29.aspx)

But, I tried it’s suggestion for MIDL2398, I verified that «midlc.exe» was in the same directory as «midl.exe» and that both were the same version (both are file version: 7.0.555.1 product version: 6.1.7600.16385, from the Windows SDK v7.1).

I’m guessing it has something to do with Windows Server 2012, but I don’t know.

I’ve tried installing the Win8 SDK on the Win2012 server and VS2010 won’t even recognize its there.  Attempted to get VS2010 to recognize Win8 SDK by following these instructions to no avail: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/vcblog/archive/2012/03/25/10287354.aspx 

Has anyone been able to get the Windows SDK v7.1 (or SDK8) MIDL compiler to work on Windows Server 2012? Or, does anyone know of what else might be causing MIDL2398?

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